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Comments (35)

geekosaur avatar geekosaur commented on July 17, 2024 2

Pity we need to support 7.6.3, or we could use a pattern synonym to reduce the noise.

(snark re testing: do it and wait for a distro maintainer to make xmonad 0.13 build against it...)

from x11.

LadyBoonami avatar LadyBoonami commented on July 17, 2024 1

I'll look into this.

Grepping for foreign import ccall unsafe yields 303 results. Should I just slap something like

safely :: IO a -> IO (Maybe a)
safely a = either (const Nothing) Just <$> try a

safeGetWindowAttributes :: Display -> Window -> IO (Maybe WindowAttributes)
safeGetWindowAttributes d w = safely $ getWindowAttributes d w

around all of them or is there a way to narrow the results down by "notoriety"?

from x11.

LadyBoonami avatar LadyBoonami commented on July 17, 2024 1

Good call. Including definitions and imports, there are currently 36 occurences of throwIf*. Changing these is a good start, we can take a look at foreign exceptions after that.

One more thing: All of these throwIf* calls supply error strings (like "xGetCommand returned status " ++ show status). Replacing these with a simple return Nothing discards this potentially helpful debug information. Wouldn't Either String a be a better choice?

from x11.

LadyBoonami avatar LadyBoonami commented on July 17, 2024 1

Not a fan of unconditional stderr logging either, even when tied to a compilation flag. Wouldn't want to drown the user in a flood of exception messages if he's looking for a specific one. Also, some exceptions naturally occur during normal production use, logging everything would needlessly inflate log files like ~/.xsession-errors for xmonad with useless clutter. Using a monad allows for much better control over what exactly get printed out.

Also, what is this Except thing you mentioned? Hoogle doesn't show anything useful...

from x11.

pjones avatar pjones commented on July 17, 2024 1

Wow @SirBoonami, great work!

My first thought is how do we make this easy to compose? In xmonad there are several places where we call a handful of X11 functions in a row. With ExceptT I can chain them together in a do block and only have to pattern match on the final Either coming out of runExceptT. This would make it a lot easier to integrate these changes back into xmonad at least.

Perhaps it's overkill, but if it were me, I'd write a newtype called X11 that is just EitherT String IO and include a runX11 function that unwraps the EitherT and calls runExeptT. Again, just a thought.

For testing, I have no idea. The best I can come up with is refactor xmonad to use these new functions and then play around in xmonad-testing.

from x11.

LadyBoonami avatar LadyBoonami commented on July 17, 2024 1

Alright Gentlemen, I'd like to direct your attention towards this once more.

  • All "unsafe" calls have been rewritten once more, this time using ExceptT String IO, a few helpers were necessary as well.
  • I went for UnnamedMonad so I can easily sed it to MayFailX11, UnsafeX11, just X11 or whatever we decide to settle on.
  • Structuring (and maybe documentation) could be better, consider this a draft. The monad and its helpers should probably be declared in a more prominent position.
  • Once again: it compiles, but I don't know how to test if it still does what it's supposed to do.
  • Lots of lifting and hoisting going on, but composition of the two monads is actually pretty comfortable once you define the right helpers.
  • Graphics.X11.Xinerama contains some a -> IO (Maybe b) style functions, maybe it would be smart to use UnnamedMonad here as well?

from x11.

pjones avatar pjones commented on July 17, 2024

Awesome @SirBoonami, Thanks!

So, you have a good question. Can the calls into the C library produce exceptions? If so, then I like your approach. If not, it might be better to just get rid of the calls to throwIfZero.

We should also bring @geekosaur into this discussion. I wonder if we should even bother preserving the API. We could bump the version number to 2.0 and actually change the function signatures so we don't need unsafe/safe versions.


from x11.

geekosaur avatar geekosaur commented on July 17, 2024

A more useful check is to look for all occurrences of throwErrorIf and change them to produce Maybe instead.

from x11.

geekosaur avatar geekosaur commented on July 17, 2024

from x11.

geekosaur avatar geekosaur commented on July 17, 2024

from x11.

LadyBoonami avatar LadyBoonami commented on July 17, 2024

Ah, thank you. I was thinking about EitherT from either myself (which is virtually the same thing). But I don't know if refactoring large parts of the lib to use a different monad, sprinkling liftIOs and runExceptTs all over the place is really worth the effort...

from x11.

geekosaur avatar geekosaur commented on July 17, 2024

from x11.

LadyBoonami avatar LadyBoonami commented on July 17, 2024

So you mean our functions should look something like a -> IO (Except String b)? Because that's probably our best option imo...

from x11.

geekosaur avatar geekosaur commented on July 17, 2024

from x11.

LadyBoonami avatar LadyBoonami commented on July 17, 2024

Sounds good, I'll get to it then.

from x11.

LadyBoonami avatar LadyBoonami commented on July 17, 2024

All right, this is what I've got so far:

  • New return type for unsafe functions: IO (MayFail a). MayFail currently is Either String instead of Except String because Except needs to be unwrapped to Either anyway before it can be pattern-matched, but this can still be changed if you insist.
  • New functions to replace throwIf*:
    • guard' :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> String) -> IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO (MayFail b)
    • guard_ :: (a -> Bool) -> String -> IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO (MayFail b)
    • guardNotZero :: String -> IO Status -> IO a -> IO (MayFail a)
    • guardNotNull :: String -> IO (Ptr a) -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO (MayFail b)
    • safely :: IO a -> IO (MayFail a) (currently not in use but probably handy later on)
  • Replaced all calls to throwIf* with the new alternaltives, deprecated throwIfZero.
  • Splitted the outParameters* wrappers into two different sets:
    • outParameters2 :: (Ptr a -> Ptr b -> IO r) -> IO (a,b) for safe calls (previously realized with outParameters2 id)
    • outParametersF2 :: (r -> Maybe String) -> (Ptr a -> Ptr b -> IO r) -> IO (MayFail (a,b)) for unsafe calls (previously realized with outParameters2 (throwIf*))
  • Replaced all outParameters* calls with the new versions.

Result: There are no more exceptions thrown from Haskell code, the only occurences of throwIf* still left are from the definition of the now deprecated throwIfZero.

Still TODO:

  • Testing (how?)


from x11.

LadyBoonami avatar LadyBoonami commented on July 17, 2024

We'll have to decide on a trade-off here:

  • Keep the current style
    • Simple isolated calls: getWindowAttributes w >>= \case {...}
    • Verbose chaining: runExceptT (ExceptT getWindowAttributes w >>= ExceptT rmRfSlash) >>= \case {...}
  • Switch to ExceptT
    • Verbose isolated calls: runExceptT (getWindowAttributes w) >>= \case {...}
    • Simple chaining: runExceptT (getWindowAttributes w >>= rmRfSlash) >>= \case {...}
    • A lot of liftIOs in our code, but the guard* functions could be implemented a bit nicer.
    • What about "safe" functions? Would they also use the X11 monad?

It depends on the most common use case, but I am slightly in favour of option 2.

from x11.

pjones avatar pjones commented on July 17, 2024

Nice description of trade offs! I still like ExceptT since it's very rare to just call just one X11 function. I think the safe functions should also return the X11 monad so that everything composes nicely.

I think the liftIOs could be minimized with good helper functions, like you suggest.

Just my $0.02 though.

from x11.

pjones avatar pjones commented on July 17, 2024

@SirBoonami If you want help on this project I'd be happy to point other volunteers towards this issue. Just let me know.

from x11.

LadyBoonami avatar LadyBoonami commented on July 17, 2024

I think I'll be fine as far as the refactoring of X11 goes. Applying the changes to the xmonad core is where I'll probably need some help. (Not sure about xmonad-contrib.)

But I'll need somebody with a bit more experience and authority than me to make a call on the Except vs ExceptT decision before I can continue. Considering the impact of the proposed changes that's not something I feel entitled to decide on my own.

from x11.

pjones avatar pjones commented on July 17, 2024

@geekosaur What are your feelings on newtype X11 = X11 { unX11 :: ExceptT ...}?

from x11.

geekosaur avatar geekosaur commented on July 17, 2024

from x11.

LadyBoonami avatar LadyBoonami commented on July 17, 2024

So we agree that it's a good idea, but nobody is bold enough to say "let's do this"? Then I'll call it here:

type X11 = ExceptT String IO
runX11 :: X11 a -> IO (Either String a)

will be it. The exact representation could still be changed at a later date without the need to rewrite everything if we use the abstract runX11.

I'll start with all the unsafe functions again, in the meantime we can discuss whether using X11 for safe functions as well is a good idea because I'm not so sure about that.

Implementing them that way would force users to write lots of dead error handling code that is absolutely guaranteed to never run. We could document which functions are safe and provide a runSafeX11 :: X11 a -> IO a, but this would lead us down the same dark path we are trying to escape from right now.

On the other hand, the only real costs of leaving safe functions as IO are:

  • An aesthetically unpleasant interface, easily remedied by providing type SafeX11 = IO (and maybe calling the other one UnsafeX11),
  • Some liftIOs in our UnsafeX11 code.

Am I missing something?

from x11.

pjones avatar pjones commented on July 17, 2024

I'm going to be bold:

There should be no difference between "safe" and "unsafe" functions. Doing so breaks composability. If you look in the xmonad source you will see several X11 calls in a row inside a do block. This usage pattern should stay the same.

To make porting code easier we should have a couple helper functions:

unsafeX11 :: X11 a -> IO a 
maybeX11 :: X11 a -> IO (Maybe a)

from x11.

LadyBoonami avatar LadyBoonami commented on July 17, 2024

I don't see how that would break composability. All you'd have to do is lift the safe function(s):

eitherResult <- do
    liftIO $ safe1
    (x, y) <- liftIO $ do
        x <- safe2
        safe3 x
        y <- safe4
        return (x, y)
    unsafe3 x y

Maybe even with a custom lifting function (liftSafe :: SafeX11 a -> UnsafeX11 a) for future compatibility.

It's a bit more cumbersome, yes. But I don't see how taking out exceptions only to replace them with partial functions like unsafeX11 is an improvement in code quality. Haskell's amazing type system offers to help us here by telling us exactly what can fail and what can't, why shouldn't we make use of that?

from x11.

pjones avatar pjones commented on July 17, 2024

I think we should avoid using the terms safe and unsafe, I'm getting confused.

We all agree that functions that might throw exceptions should return a variant of Either. The question is what to do with functions that are IO values but should be okay to call without worrying about exceptions. In the libraries that I've reviewed and written it has seemed helpful to give both types of functions the same interface. For example, in xmonad there are functions that return X a even though they cannot fail. Should they just return IO a instead? I would say no.

IMO the whole point of this abstract type is to defer error handling until the end of a series of computations. If I'm already "in" the X11 monad I don't want to have to lift some other function that is doing X11 work.

I'll let @geekosaur weigh in, but I think any function calling into libx11 should be prepared to fail and should have the same interface.

from x11.

pjones avatar pjones commented on July 17, 2024

@SirBoonami Just a note that I haven't had a chance to review your recent changes but I still care and will do so as soon as I can. Thanks.

from x11.

LadyBoonami avatar LadyBoonami commented on July 17, 2024

No worries, take your time =)

from x11.

colonelpanic8 avatar colonelpanic8 commented on July 17, 2024

What's the status of this? taffybar/taffybar#105 Needs this to be fixed for rawGetWindowProperty and its various flavors.

from x11.

colonelpanic8 avatar colonelpanic8 commented on July 17, 2024

There is another sense in which all the X11 calls need to be safed (this has nothing to do with return types on in haskell exceptions):


To properly handle exceptions from X11, a proper error handler needs to be set as in:

but this will only work at all if calls like
XGetWindowProperty (for example) are marked interruptible in their FFI imports:

as in

@geekosaur @pjones I'm willing to do some of this work, but I think one thing we need to think about is whether or not we want X11 to be responsible for installing the error handler.

xmonad currently sets its own error handler, and things like this could interfere with this libraries handling of errors

My opinion is that the best thing to do would be to stop exposing any ability to set the error handler, and handle all error internally in X11 and then expose haskell values to indicate what went wrong in those cases. It might be difficult to do something like this without having some sort of signaling mechanism as in SafeX11, so this could be a quite significant change.

There also might be some performance implications to marking functions interruptible/safe over unsafe. I think it does need to be done though.

from x11.

geekosaur avatar geekosaur commented on July 17, 2024

The only calls that should be unsafe are the ones that are cpp macro lookups, and those are also irrelevant for interruptible. Anything else risks (for example) xmonad unexpectedly blocking, which you really don't want in a window manager.

The error handler is set in xmonad because the library has no business making that decision for applications given how things work now — and in particular outputting a message that mentions xmonad without getting that name from the application somehow. This does need to be thought about, and probably redesigning the API to do something more sane.

from x11.

colonelpanic8 avatar colonelpanic8 commented on July 17, 2024

The only calls that should be unsafe are the ones that are cpp macro lookups

Yes, but atm as far as I can tell, literally everything is marked unsafe, and as such, I actually don't think there is much point in setting a non C error handler.

The error handler is set in xmonad because the library has no business making that decision for applications given how things work now — and in particular outputting a message that mentions xmonad without getting that name from the application somehow.

Yes I agree, but the current reality, is that you can actually only set the C error handler which mentions xmonad, because this was not factored out properly, and this actually occurs in the X11 library:

fprintf(stderr, "xmonad: X11 error: %s, request code=%d, error code=%d\n",

We actually have this:

setErrorHandler :: XErrorHandler -> IO ()

But the comment explains that it is experimental, and in fact, it actually doesn't work, becase things really need to be marked interruptible if we are going to be calling back into the haskell runtime.

This does need to be thought about, and probably redesigning the API to do something more sane.

Again, my proposal is this:

  • Mark all X11 functions interruptible instead of unsafe
  • Stop exposing the ability to set an error handler
  • Set an internal to X11 (haskell based) error handler

from x11.

geekosaur avatar geekosaur commented on July 17, 2024

Yes, I was agreeing with you. But X11 isn't "mine" and in any case I am not in a position to do anything useful with xmonad or anything else, and won't be any time soon. :/

from x11.

colonelpanic8 avatar colonelpanic8 commented on July 17, 2024

@liskin Why was this removed from 2.0. IMO this is one of the most important things that could be done to the x11 lib.

from x11.

liskin avatar liskin commented on July 17, 2024

@IvanMalison I just removed the milestone itself because we don't really have any plan or hope to actually work towards a 2.0 X11 Haskell bindings. It's not the sort of thing that's got a high return on investment in 2021. An xcb binding would be more valuable, but even that might be seen by many as silly in a world that's increasingly moving towards Wayland.

That being said, if someone comes with a PR that implements all of this I'll be happy to help review it and guide the release process and make sure we don't break any dependencies. It's just not something I'd allocate any resources on, myself.

from x11.

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