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Comments (19)

lukewagner avatar lukewagner commented on June 2, 2024 3

I think ultimately JS will want to be able to do both:

  1. import a wasm module that gets instantiated by the ESM loader (as ESM-integration is written today) and
  2. import a wasm module as a WebAssembly.Module object.

Pre-interface-types, I expect toolchains would mostly emit (2) so that they could apply custom JS glue code via WebAssembly.instantiate(), however, once interface types are available, I think (1) will become more feasible and commonplace. As a general rule, I think import foo from './bar' should behave symmetrically regardless of whether bar is a JS or wasm file, which suggests that import foo from '.bar' should mean (1) for wasm and (2) should require some distinct import syntax. Given that import assertions are supposed to only be assertions that don't otherwise affect runtime behavior, I think this means using something other than assert, e.g.: import foo from "./bar.wasm" { as: "module" }. Initially the semantics of {as: "module"} would require the Content-Type to be application/wasm, but perhaps one day JS evolves a JS version of WebAssembly.Module (i.e., a validated, but not instantiated JS module), in which case JS and wasm could be symmetrically imported {as: "module"}.

from esm-integration.

devsnek avatar devsnek commented on June 2, 2024 2

Why does this use case need to remove all the functionality from this proposal? Why can someone not just use the wasm api directly?

from esm-integration.

littledan avatar littledan commented on June 2, 2024 2

I like the idea of keeping the "default" Wasm/ESM semantics as is in this proposal, and having some kind of additional syntax to opt-in to getting an uninstantiated module.

About when evaluator attributes will be available: this all depends on when people bring clear use cases to TC39 and champion the proposal. Import assertions took less than a year to get from nothing to Stage 3, so I don't think that evaluator attributes will necessarily take very long, if people put in the work.

I don't plan to champion the evaluator attributes proposal personally, but I am happy to mentor others to work on it. This proposal is really blocking on implementation work, whereas evaluator attributes need this design work, so they may take longer. Is there some reason that they should be released in a similar timeframe?

from esm-integration.

guybedford avatar guybedford commented on June 2, 2024

@devsnek thanks for taking a look. See the "How is this better than workflows today" section where I include a few points here. In particular it is about easy / statically analyzable universal workflows for web assembly integration, which is the primary goal of the ESM integration IMO.

from esm-integration.

devsnek avatar devsnek commented on June 2, 2024

I get how this is better than no esm proposal at all, I'm just not convinced of how this is better than the current esm proposal. It seems like the foundation of this issue is that some people not having to use fetch is more useful than most people being able to easily consume wasm as a first class module type in js.

from esm-integration.

guybedford avatar guybedford commented on June 2, 2024

I'm just not convinced of how this is better than the current esm proposal.

Good point, I should have highlighted this aspect more.

The argument here is being able to load all existing Wasm binaries / support all existing Wasm use cases in use with the instantiate APIs today.

Eg Wasm binaries with an env import aren't supported in Node.js npm publishing workflows with the ESM integration, as you cannot point and bind the env import.

from esm-integration.

devsnek avatar devsnek commented on June 2, 2024

I'd argue that this is more an issue of convention. You can write this JS code today: import { foo } from 'env', and it won't be useful in the npm ecosystem, in exactly the same way that a wasm module which imports from "env" is not useful in the npm ecosystem. There are two important points here. Firstly, my module may not be part of the npm ecosystem at all! ESM is much broader than that. Secondly, if my module is intended to be part of the npm ecosystem, I wouldn't randomly import stuff from "env" in the first place, just as I wouldn't import it from JS.

from esm-integration.

guybedford avatar guybedford commented on June 2, 2024

Yes it is important to decide if supporting existing Wasm in use in the wild is a goal or not. Further though, the ESM integration should be designed along with the convention that build tools should output for JS users to support it. Requiring JS users to run Wasm binaries through transformation steps is my concern in creating unnecessary burdens for developers who don't want to think about this stuff.

from esm-integration.

kripken avatar kripken commented on June 2, 2024

Would this allow bundlers and optimizers to remove dead wasm code?

What I mean is, imagine that app.wasm provides two exports, exportA and exportB, and there is just one place that uses app.wasm from JS, and it only uses one of the two exports::

import module from './app.wasm';

const funcs = await WebAssembly.instantiate(module, { env: wasmEnv ));

export { funcs.exportA }; // ignore exportB

Would bundlers be able to remove exportB from the wasm module? (what worries me is that arbitrary user JS code "in the middle" makes that harder.)

from esm-integration.

devsnek avatar devsnek commented on June 2, 2024

assuming well written js you could probably make something that works most of the time. I wouldn't use such a thing in my bundler though. dead code elimination tools for js tend to very quickly give up trying to prove lack of usage when member expressions are involved.

from esm-integration.

guybedford avatar guybedford commented on June 2, 2024

Yes, I personally recommend the Node.js "exports" field over exports tree-shaking these days You don't have to optimize out the code you never load.

from esm-integration.

xtuc avatar xtuc commented on June 2, 2024

In #14 we discussed about way to export "this module", I think that's a more elegant than using an evaluator attribute to get the module, like in import foo from "./bar.wasm" { as: "module" }. It's also consistent with tables, memory, etc and JS likely wouldn't need it.

Just thinking out loud; If Module becomes a first-class type that we can be exported and imported. Couldn't WASI reactors be implemented in an adaptor module that sits between the the ESM integration and the Wasi module. The adaptor module will passthrough the necessary JS values using interface types and exports a init/initialise function that, using the Bulk memory operations, clears Wasi's memory and reset the instance. Still not familiar enough with Wasi but wound that make sense?
It sounds quite elegant to me.

from esm-integration.

lukewagner avatar lukewagner commented on June 2, 2024

Revisiting #14, with Module Linking, there's no way for a module to export "itself", only other modules (that were locally-defined or imported), so if I wanted to export a module M, I'd have to wrap it with a module M' which simply nests and exports M. I guess that works, but it seems a little hacky/workaroundy. (I also have a feeling that adding the ability for a module to export "itself" to Module Linking will run into problems, though I can't say exactly what atm.)

from esm-integration.

 avatar commented on June 2, 2024

Checking out the module linking proposal, they gave this example:

  (import "a" (module $a ...))
  (module $b ...)
  (import "c" (instance $c ...))
  (instance $d ...)

  (export "e1" (module $a))
  (export "e2" (module $b))
  (export "e3" (instance $c))
  (export "e4" (instance $d))

so I see no reason why this isn't allowed:

(module $a
  (export "a" (module $a))

Therefore #14 has effectively been solved by another proposal entirely.

from esm-integration.

guybedford avatar guybedford commented on June 2, 2024

I think ultimately JS will want to be able to do both:

An { as: "module" } attribute sounds like a sensible way to handle this. I'm really glad you're supporting the concept of JS and Wasm having similar abilities in terms of dealing with these cases.

My original suggestion was just that by default it might make sense to treat module-linking modules / modules whose outer module is an adapter_module as always being instance imports, while modules that are the current types of Web Assembly modules (not sure what to call these?) would be returned as the WebAssembly.Module object instead.

A default import treatment like the above would then allow:

  • Importing an adapter module / module linking module would always wire up the module imports per the host resolver and perform top-level execution. Because these modules are desgined based on portable conventions for the ESM integration, they integrate into JS workflows easily this way.
  • Importing a current Wasm module (pre- interface types / module-linking) would not apply the host resolver to the imports, but instead return the compiled module only as the default. This is because these modules will typically have an "env" import right now in LLVM output conventions which won't be guaranteed to be able to resolve in the host environment.

Using evaluator attributes it would then still be possible to alter these behaviours to switch either of the above into the alternate mode, but the defaults of the ESM integration become defaults that work for the majority of use cases.

My primary concern here is that Wasm binaries output via the conventions of today cannot be executed under the ESM integration in Node.js or browsers without constructing some non-standard semi-private node_modules/env package that is scoped and memory bound to its parent in the Node.js case or relying on a specially scoped "env" import via import maps in the browser case.

The story I'd just like to see clarified for this ESM integration proposal is what the conventions of integration are for full end to end workflows when this lands without forcing these somewhat cumbersome conventions which users would naturally be incentivised to apply to their workflows otherwise. If environments like Node.js and Deno (or browsers) want to apply the ESM integration in the next couple of years, these types of workflow conventions start to become actual engrained patterns otherwise, unless we should be sure to change the recommended import conventions before then in order to ensure better alignment.

from esm-integration.

lukewagner avatar lukewagner commented on June 2, 2024

@00ff0000red Nice job digging in! That would almost work, but the validation rules only allow referring to preceding modules, with the specific intention of preventing cycles like that. (Particularly with type imports/exports, cycles introduce serious complications.)

@guybedford One side note is that "module linking modules" shouldn't be a distinct "kind" of module; module linking just gives you new ways of defining and instantiating (existing) core wasm modules. But I think your point stands w.r.t adapter modules, which are a different kind of module.

Having separate defaults (for core vs. adapter modules), with later evaluator attributes to flip the behavior, seems like a practical potential solution to the "env" problem you're talking about.

from esm-integration.

 avatar commented on June 2, 2024

The story I'd just like to see clarified for this ESM integration proposal is what the conventions of integration are for full end to end workflows when this lands without forcing these somewhat cumbersome conventions which users would naturally be incentivised to apply to their workflows otherwise. If environments like Node.js and Deno (or browsers) want to apply the ESM integration in the next couple of years, these types of workflow conventions start to become actual engrained patterns otherwise, unless we should be sure to change the recommended import conventions before then in order to ensure better alignment.

I feel like this is an irrelevant argument for adoption of Wasm into ESM.

Just like with the initial adaption of ESM into ES, people didn't just convert their code to a module, it usually had to be rewritten or more heavily changed to make use of ESM. Some workflows still haven't been adjusted to use ESM, some still preferring to downlevel their code to static linkage anyway.

Similiarly, when ES6 introduced "use strict," it wasn't just slapped on old code, it would simply break old code.

To assume that one could just import a non-ESM Wasm modules seems wrong.
Also, this creates a dependency on the host having adaptor modules and interface types implemented, which may not be the case.

If the core Wasm were exported as a WebAssembly.Module, wouldn't there also be a reduction in performance? If it were directly instantiated, implementations could use whatever streaming compilation techniques that they use right now, but in your case they would have to compile it and instantiate it separately at different points in time.

from esm-integration.

guybedford avatar guybedford commented on June 2, 2024

One side note is that "module linking modules" shouldn't be a distinct "kind" of module

When I first wrote this proposal I wasn't clear at the time that the distinction here would be based on the adapter module instead, thanks for explaining.

Having separate defaults (for core vs. adapter modules), with later evaluator attributes to flip the behavior, seems like a practical potential solution to the "env" problem you're talking about.

I guess the concern then is if having a semantic difference between core and adapter modules will introduce more complexity / cognitive overhead to these workflows or less.

Perhaps the deciding question here in terms of what the practical workflows will be is really how much we can lean on evaluator attributes as being an available solution within the next two years / similar timeframe as shipping of the ESM integration? @littledan wondering if you have any thoughts on that.

In terms of the natural conventions, I previously mentioned import maps and a nested private node_modules as mechanisms for supporting env mapping. Another mechanism would be to change the env convention in all tooling to either be ./env.js by default or even #env would support custom private import mapping in Node.js (

from esm-integration.

guybedford avatar guybedford commented on June 2, 2024

Thanks all for the engagement here, it's been very helpful. To summarize my opinions on this topic:

  • There are frictions to using the ESM integration in useful workflows. Most Wasm binaries in existence simply can't be loaded with it without a transformation. So there may be some initial confusion. I really hope private "env" scoping patterns like a node_modules or import map workflow are not pursued here. Because that will inhibit the standard assumptions of JS package management and create new package management frictions that should be avoided ("env" and "go" are already taken packages on npm!).
  • My hope would be that this drives new integration work between toolchains to use portable patterns such as "./env.js" or "#env" specifier names, both of which can support local instance scoping unlike the pure bare specifier form of "env" - basically a properly portable convention for the JS ecosystem just needs to be picked by Wasm compiler toolchains.
  • Interface types and module linking will enable even better patterns and conventions for this stuff with the ideal single-file component.
  • Evaluator attributes would provide an exit where the consumer of Wasm doesn't need to assume the creation toolchain was engaged in the JS ecosystem to use a private JS package specifier convention for "env".
  • I really hope we can put pressure on evaluator attributes to be able to pursue this path as a viable option in future as there are huge benefits to this integration over the JS APIs when creating cross-platform applications.

This does give me a new sense of the importance of evaluator attributes and I would be glad to get involved in assisting evaluator attributes however I can, although I likely don't have bandwidth for the next couple of months myself.

from esm-integration.

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