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Comments (8)

Mysterium-Mystery avatar Mysterium-Mystery commented on June 18, 2024

Ok, the download works now so my theory seems to be correct (YouTube reaaaally took it's time with this one). I'll still leave the issue open because the underlying problem still exists

from youtubeexplode.

Tyrrrz avatar Tyrrrz commented on June 18, 2024

You are likely correct. The challenge is that there's only a very small window where this issue is observed, so it's hard to test against it.

I think, when the video is being processed, it may be possible to fetch it via segmented streams available in DASH, but it's currently not supported. And I'm not sure if that's actually going to work at all.

from youtubeexplode.

caverna avatar caverna commented on June 18, 2024

You are likely correct. The challenge is that there's only a very small window where this issue is observed, so it's hard to test against it.

I think, when the video is being processed, it may be possible to fetch it via segmented streams available in DASH, but it's currently not supported. And I'm not sure if that's actually going to work at all.

You can test that using any live stream, it gives the same error as reported...

from youtubeexplode.

caverna avatar caverna commented on June 18, 2024

Here's the output from a live video at VideoController.cs, at line 93 (response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()):

  "responseContext": {
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      "Chevrolet Cruze",
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      "Stock Car ao vivo"
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from youtubeexplode.

caverna avatar caverna commented on June 18, 2024

Also if it helps, I noticed that PlayerResponse.cs, line 137, you search for "formats" value, which doesn't exists in a live stream.
StreamData.Value contains only that:

    "expiresInSeconds": "21540",
    "dashManifestUrl": "",
    "hlsManifestUrl": ""

from youtubeexplode.

Tyrrrz avatar Tyrrrz commented on June 18, 2024

Here's the output from a live video at VideoController.cs, at line 93 (response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()):

Was that for a finished livestream?

from youtubeexplode.

caverna avatar caverna commented on June 18, 2024

no, it was during the livestream...

from youtubeexplode.

Tyrrrz avatar Tyrrrz commented on June 18, 2024

Yeah, an ongoing livestream can only be fetched through the HLS manifest. You can use the GetHttpLiveStreamUrlAsync(...) method.

from youtubeexplode.

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