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Comments (10)

brzzdev avatar brzzdev commented on June 14, 2024 2

Can confirm generated Images and Sounds also have issues.

Static property 'exampleImage' is not concurrency-safe because it is not either conforming to 'Sendable' or isolated to a global actor; this is an error in Swift 6

from swiftgen.

uhooi avatar uhooi commented on June 14, 2024 2

The same is true for ColorAsset and ImageAsset within an Asset.

Static property 'exampleColor' is not concurrency-safe because it is not either conforming to 'Sendable' or isolated to a global actor; this is an error in Swift 6

from swiftgen.

Iron-Ham avatar Iron-Ham commented on June 14, 2024 2

One option is to create your own stencil template for generating assets, like this one:

Potential Swift-6 Stencil template

// swiftlint:disable all
// Generated using SwiftGen β€”

{% if catalogs %}
{% macro hasValuesBlock assets filter %}
  {%- for asset in assets -%}
    {%- if asset.type == filter -%}
    {%- elif asset.items -%}
      {% call hasValuesBlock asset.items filter %}
    {%- endif -%}
  {%- endfor -%}
{% endmacro %}
{% set enumName %}{{param.enumName|default:"Asset"}}{% endset %}
{% set arResourceGroupType %}{{param.arResourceGroupTypeName|default:"ARResourceGroupAsset"}}{% endset %}
{% set colorType %}{{param.colorTypeName|default:"ColorAsset"}}{% endset %}
{% set dataType %}{{param.dataTypeName|default:"DataAsset"}}{% endset %}
{% set imageType %}{{param.imageTypeName|default:"ImageAsset"}}{% endset %}
{% set symbolType %}{{param.symbolTypeName|default:"SymbolAsset"}}{% endset %}
{% set forceNamespaces %}{{param.forceProvidesNamespaces|default:"false"}}{% endset %}
{% set accessModifier %}{% if param.publicAccess %}public{% else %}internal{% endif %}{% endset %}
{% set hasARResourceGroup %}{% for catalog in catalogs %}{% call hasValuesBlock catalog.assets "arresourcegroup" %}{% endfor %}{% endset %}
{% set hasColor %}{% for catalog in catalogs %}{% call hasValuesBlock catalog.assets "color" %}{% endfor %}{% endset %}
{% set hasData %}{% for catalog in catalogs %}{% call hasValuesBlock catalog.assets "data" %}{% endfor %}{% endset %}
{% set hasImage %}{% for catalog in catalogs %}{% call hasValuesBlock catalog.assets "image" %}{% endfor %}{% endset %}
{% set hasSymbol %}{% for catalog in catalogs %}{% call hasValuesBlock catalog.assets "symbol" %}{% endfor %}{% endset %}
#if os(macOS)
  import AppKit
#elseif os(iOS)
{% if hasARResourceGroup %}
  import ARKit
{% endif %}
  import UIKit
#elseif os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)
  import UIKit
#if canImport(SwiftUI)
  import SwiftUI

// Deprecated typealiases
{% if hasColor %}
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "{{colorType}}.Color", message: "This typealias will be removed in SwiftGen 7.0")
{{accessModifier}} typealias {{param.colorAliasName|default:"AssetColorTypeAlias"}} = {{colorType}}.Color
{% endif %}
{% if hasImage %}
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "{{imageType}}.Image", message: "This typealias will be removed in SwiftGen 7.0")
{{accessModifier}} typealias {{param.imageAliasName|default:"AssetImageTypeAlias"}} = {{imageType}}.Image
{% endif %}

// swiftlint:disable superfluous_disable_command file_length implicit_return

// MARK: - Asset Catalogs

{% macro enumBlock assets %}
  {% call casesBlock assets %}
  {% if param.allValues %}

  // swiftlint:disable trailing_comma
  {% set hasItems %}{% call hasValuesBlock assets "arresourcegroup" %}{% endset %}
  {% if hasItems %}
  @available(*, deprecated, message: "All values properties are now deprecated")
  {{accessModifier}} static let allResourceGroups: [{{arResourceGroupType}}] = [
    {% filter indent:2," ",true %}{% call allValuesBlock assets "arresourcegroup" "" %}{% endfilter %}
  {% endif %}
  {% set hasItems %}{% call hasValuesBlock assets "color" %}{% endset %}
  {% if hasItems %}
  @available(*, deprecated, message: "All values properties are now deprecated")
  {{accessModifier}} static let allColors: [{{colorType}}] = [
    {% filter indent:2," ",true %}{% call allValuesBlock assets "color" "" %}{% endfilter %}
  {% endif %}
  {% set hasItems %}{% call hasValuesBlock assets "data" %}{% endset %}
  {% if hasItems %}
  @available(*, deprecated, message: "All values properties are now deprecated")
  {{accessModifier}} static let allDataAssets: [{{dataType}}] = [
    {% filter indent:2," ",true %}{% call allValuesBlock assets "data" "" %}{% endfilter %}
  {% endif %}
  {% set hasItems %}{% call hasValuesBlock assets "image" %}{% endset %}
  {% if hasItems %}
  @available(*, deprecated, message: "All values properties are now deprecated")
  {{accessModifier}} static let allImages: [{{imageType}}] = [
    {% filter indent:2," ",true %}{% call allValuesBlock assets "image" "" %}{% endfilter %}
  {% endif %}
  {% set hasItems %}{% call hasValuesBlock assets "symbol" %}{% endset %}
  {% if hasItems %}
  @available(*, deprecated, message: "All values properties are now deprecated")
  {{accessModifier}} static let allSymbols: [{{symbolType}}] = [
    {% filter indent:2," ",true %}{% call allValuesBlock assets "symbol" "" %}{% endfilter %}
  {% endif %}
  // swiftlint:enable trailing_comma
  {% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro casesBlock assets %}
  {% for asset in assets %}
  {% if asset.type == "arresourcegroup" %}
  {{accessModifier}} static let {{|swiftIdentifier:"pretty"|lowerFirstWord|escapeReservedKeywords}} = {{arResourceGroupType}}(name: "{{asset.value}}")
  {% elif asset.type == "color" %}
  {{accessModifier}} static let {{|swiftIdentifier:"pretty"|lowerFirstWord|escapeReservedKeywords}} = {{colorType}}(name: "{{asset.value}}")
  {% elif asset.type == "data" %}
  {{accessModifier}} static let {{|swiftIdentifier:"pretty"|lowerFirstWord|escapeReservedKeywords}} = {{dataType}}(name: "{{asset.value}}")
  {% elif asset.type == "image" %}
  {{accessModifier}} static let {{|swiftIdentifier:"pretty"|lowerFirstWord|escapeReservedKeywords}} = {{imageType}}(name: "{{asset.value}}")
  {% elif asset.type == "symbol" %}
  {{accessModifier}} static let {{|swiftIdentifier:"pretty"|lowerFirstWord|escapeReservedKeywords}} = {{symbolType}}(name: "{{asset.value}}")
  {% elif asset.items and ( forceNamespaces == "true" or asset.isNamespaced == "true" ) %}
  {{accessModifier}} enum {{|swiftIdentifier:"pretty"|escapeReservedKeywords}} {
    {% filter indent:2," ",true %}{% call casesBlock asset.items %}{% endfilter %}
  {% elif asset.items %}
  {% call casesBlock asset.items %}
  {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro allValuesBlock assets filter prefix %}
  {% for asset in assets %}
  {% if asset.type == filter %}
  {% elif asset.items and ( forceNamespaces == "true" or asset.isNamespaced == "true" ) %}
  {% set prefix2 %}{{prefix}}{{|swiftIdentifier:"pretty"|escapeReservedKeywords}}.{% endset %}
  {% call allValuesBlock asset.items filter prefix2 %}
  {% elif asset.items %}
  {% call allValuesBlock asset.items filter prefix %}
  {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
// swiftlint:disable identifier_name line_length nesting type_body_length type_name
{{accessModifier}} enum {{enumName}} {
  {% if catalogs.count > 1 or param.forceFileNameEnum %}
  {% for catalog in catalogs %}
  {{accessModifier}} enum {{|swiftIdentifier:"pretty"|escapeReservedKeywords}} {
    {% if catalog.assets %}
    {% filter indent:2," ",true %}{% call enumBlock catalog.assets %}{% endfilter %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
  {% else %}
  {% call enumBlock catalogs.first.assets %}
  {% endif %}
// swiftlint:enable identifier_name line_length nesting type_body_length type_name

// MARK: - Implementation Details
{% if hasARResourceGroup %}

{{accessModifier}} struct {{arResourceGroupType}}: Sendable {
  {{accessModifier}} let name: String

  #if os(iOS)
  @available(iOS 11.3, *)
  {{accessModifier}} var referenceImages: Set<ARReferenceImage> {
    return ARReferenceImage.referenceImages(in: self)

  @available(iOS 12.0, *)
  {{accessModifier}} var referenceObjects: Set<ARReferenceObject> {
    return ARReferenceObject.referenceObjects(in: self)

#if os(iOS)
@available(iOS 11.3, *)
{{accessModifier}} extension ARReferenceImage {
  static func referenceImages(in asset: {{arResourceGroupType}}) -> Set<ARReferenceImage> {
    let bundle = {{param.bundle|default:"BundleToken.bundle"}}
    return referenceImages(inGroupNamed:, bundle: bundle) ?? Set()

@available(iOS 12.0, *)
{{accessModifier}} extension ARReferenceObject {
  static func referenceObjects(in asset: {{arResourceGroupType}}) -> Set<ARReferenceObject> {
    let bundle = {{param.bundle|default:"BundleToken.bundle"}}
    return referenceObjects(inGroupNamed:, bundle: bundle) ?? Set()
{% endif %}
{% if hasColor %}

{{accessModifier}} final class {{colorType}}: Sendable {
  {{accessModifier}} let name: String

  #if os(macOS)
  {{accessModifier}} typealias Color = NSColor
  #elseif os(iOS) || os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)
  {{accessModifier}} typealias Color = UIColor

  @available(iOS 11.0, tvOS 11.0, watchOS 4.0, macOS 10.13, *)
  {{accessModifier}} let color: Color

  #if os(iOS) || os(tvOS)
  @available(iOS 11.0, tvOS 11.0, *)
  {{accessModifier}} func color(compatibleWith traitCollection: UITraitCollection) -> Color {
    let bundle = {{param.bundle|default:"BundleToken.bundle"}}
    guard let color = Color(named: name, in: bundle, compatibleWith: traitCollection) else {
      fatalError("Unable to load color asset named \(name).")
    return color

  #if canImport(SwiftUI)
  @available(iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, macOS 10.15, *)
  {{accessModifier}} var swiftUIColor: SwiftUI.Color {
    SwiftUI.Color(uiColor: color)

  fileprivate init(name: String) { = name
    guard let color = Color(assetName: name) else {
      fatalError("Unable to load color asset named \(name).")
    self.color = color

{{accessModifier}} extension {{colorType}}.Color {
  @available(iOS 11.0, tvOS 11.0, watchOS 4.0, macOS 10.13, *)
  convenience init?(assetName: String) {
    let bundle = {{param.bundle|default:"BundleToken.bundle"}}
    #if os(iOS) || os(tvOS)
    self.init(named: assetName, in: bundle, compatibleWith: nil)
    #elseif os(macOS)
    self.init(named: NSColor.Name(assetName), bundle: bundle)
    #elseif os(watchOS)
    self.init(named: assetName)

#if canImport(SwiftUI)
@available(iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, macOS 10.15, *)
{{accessModifier}} extension SwiftUI.Color {
  init(assetName: String) {
    let bundle = {{param.bundle|default:"BundleToken.bundle"}}
    self.init(assetName, bundle: bundle)
{% endif %}
{% if hasData %}

{{accessModifier}} struct {{dataType}}: Sendable {
  {{accessModifier}} let name: String

  @available(iOS 9.0, tvOS 9.0, watchOS 6.0, macOS 10.11, *)
  {{accessModifier}} var data: NSDataAsset {
    guard let data = NSDataAsset(asset: self) else {
      fatalError("Unable to load data asset named \(name).")
    return data

@available(iOS 9.0, tvOS 9.0, watchOS 6.0, macOS 10.11, *)
{{accessModifier}} extension NSDataAsset {
  convenience init?(asset: {{dataType}}) {
    let bundle = {{param.bundle|default:"BundleToken.bundle"}}
    #if os(iOS) || os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)
    self.init(name:, bundle: bundle)
    #elseif os(macOS)
    self.init(name: NSDataAsset.Name(, bundle: bundle)
{% endif %}
{% if hasImage %}

{{accessModifier}} struct {{imageType}}: Sendable {
  {{accessModifier}} let name: String

  #if os(macOS)
  {{accessModifier}} typealias Image = NSImage
  #elseif os(iOS) || os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)
  {{accessModifier}} typealias Image = UIImage

  @available(iOS 8.0, tvOS 9.0, watchOS 2.0, macOS 10.7, *)
  {{accessModifier}} var image: Image {
    let bundle = {{param.bundle|default:"BundleToken.bundle"}}
    #if os(iOS) || os(tvOS)
    let image = Image(named: name, in: bundle, compatibleWith: nil)
    #elseif os(macOS)
    let name = NSImage.Name(
    let image = (bundle == .main) ? NSImage(named: name) : bundle.image(forResource: name)
    #elseif os(watchOS)
    let image = Image(named: name)
    guard let result = image else {
      fatalError("Unable to load image asset named \(name).")
    return result

  #if os(iOS) || os(tvOS)
  @available(iOS 8.0, tvOS 9.0, *)
  {{accessModifier}} func image(compatibleWith traitCollection: UITraitCollection) -> Image {
    let bundle = {{param.bundle|default:"BundleToken.bundle"}}
    guard let result = Image(named: name, in: bundle, compatibleWith: traitCollection) else {
      fatalError("Unable to load image asset named \(name).")
    return result

  #if canImport(SwiftUI)
  @available(iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, macOS 10.15, *)
  {{accessModifier}} var swiftUIImage: SwiftUI.Image {
    SwiftUI.Image(asset: self)

{{accessModifier}} extension {{imageType}}.Image {
  @available(iOS 8.0, tvOS 9.0, watchOS 2.0, *)
  @available(macOS, deprecated,
    message: "This initializer is unsafe on macOS, please use the {{imageType}}.image property")
  convenience init?(asset: {{imageType}}) {
    #if os(iOS) || os(tvOS)
    let bundle = {{param.bundle|default:"BundleToken.bundle"}}
    self.init(named:, in: bundle, compatibleWith: nil)
    #elseif os(macOS)
    self.init(named: NSImage.Name(
    #elseif os(watchOS)

#if canImport(SwiftUI)
@available(iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, macOS 10.15, *)
{{accessModifier}} extension SwiftUI.Image {
  init(asset: {{imageType}}) {
    let bundle = {{param.bundle|default:"BundleToken.bundle"}}
    self.init(, bundle: bundle)

  init(asset: {{imageType}}, label: Text) {
    let bundle = {{param.bundle|default:"BundleToken.bundle"}}
    self.init(, bundle: bundle, label: label)

  init(decorative asset: {{imageType}}) {
    let bundle = {{param.bundle|default:"BundleToken.bundle"}}
    self.init(decorative:, bundle: bundle)
{% endif %}
{% if hasSymbol %}

{{accessModifier}} struct {{symbolType}}: Sendable {
  {{accessModifier}} let name: String

  #if os(iOS) || os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)
  @available(iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *)
  {{accessModifier}} typealias Configuration = UIImage.SymbolConfiguration
  {{accessModifier}} typealias Image = UIImage

  @available(iOS 12.0, tvOS 12.0, watchOS 5.0, *)
  {{accessModifier}} var image: Image {
    let bundle = {{param.bundle|default:"BundleToken.bundle"}}
    #if os(iOS) || os(tvOS)
    let image = Image(named: name, in: bundle, compatibleWith: nil)
    #elseif os(watchOS)
    let image = Image(named: name)
    guard let result = image else {
      fatalError("Unable to load symbol asset named \(name).")
    return result

  @available(iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, *)
  {{accessModifier}} func image(with configuration: Configuration) -> Image {
    let bundle = {{param.bundle|default:"BundleToken.bundle"}}
    guard let result = Image(named: name, in: bundle, with: configuration) else {
      fatalError("Unable to load symbol asset named \(name).")
    return result

  #if canImport(SwiftUI)
  @available(iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, macOS 10.15, *)
  {{accessModifier}} var swiftUIImage: SwiftUI.Image {
    SwiftUI.Image(asset: self)

#if canImport(SwiftUI)
@available(iOS 13.0, tvOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, macOS 10.15, *)
{{accessModifier}} extension SwiftUI.Image {
  init(asset: {{symbolType}}) {
    let bundle = {{param.bundle|default:"BundleToken.bundle"}}
    self.init(, bundle: bundle)

  init(asset: {{symbolType}}, label: Text) {
    let bundle = {{param.bundle|default:"BundleToken.bundle"}}
    self.init(, bundle: bundle, label: label)

  init(decorative asset: {{symbolType}}) {
    let bundle = {{param.bundle|default:"BundleToken.bundle"}}
    self.init(decorative:, bundle: bundle)
{% endif %}
{% if not param.bundle %}

// swiftlint:disable convenience_type
private final class BundleToken {
  static let bundle: Bundle = {
    return Bundle.module
    return Bundle(for: BundleToken.self)
// swiftlint:enable convenience_type
{% endif %}
{% else %}
// No assets found
{% endif %}

This will change the generated Assets to look something like this:


Since these will all be defined in an enum like so:

public enum Asset {
  static let myColor = ColorAsset(name: "...")
  static let myColor2 = ColorAsset(name: "...")
  // etc

the static lets are inherently lazy – and so using a let property should be the same as using a lazy var.

from swiftgen.

shagedorn avatar shagedorn commented on June 14, 2024 1

Oh, I may have missed that – happy to hear if anyone has a reference to that. Given it's a very minor change in the template, it probably doesn't hurt to add it, given it's valid from Swift 5.6?

from swiftgen.

emadhegab avatar emadhegab commented on June 14, 2024

any update or intension to fix this ?

from swiftgen.

SergeyPetrachkov avatar SergeyPetrachkov commented on June 14, 2024

Just opened this PR #1119 , should cover at least assets part

from swiftgen.

shagedorn avatar shagedorn commented on June 14, 2024

There is another issue in Swift 6. Instead of generating:

private static func tr(…_ args: CVarArg...…) -> String { …

…it needs to be:

private static func tr(…_ args: any CVarArg...…) -> String { …

(adding any)

This should be backwards-compatible to Swift 5 and can easily be previewed with the ExistentialAny Swift feature flag. I wouldn't mind opening a PR for the Swift 5 template, anything I should be aware of before doing that?

from swiftgen.

SergeyPetrachkov avatar SergeyPetrachkov commented on June 14, 2024

There is another issue in Swift 6. Instead of generating:

private static func tr(…_ args: CVarArg...…) -> String { …

…it needs to be:

private static func tr(…_ args: any CVarArg...…) -> String { …

(adding any)

This should be backwards-compatible to Swift 5 and can easily be previewed with the ExistentialAny Swift feature flag. I wouldn't mind opening a PR for the Swift 5 template, anything I should be aware of before doing that?

Didn't they decide to postpone the ExistentialAny rollout?

from swiftgen.

SergeyPetrachkov avatar SergeyPetrachkov commented on June 14, 2024

Yep, should be safe to do so

from swiftgen.

shagedorn avatar shagedorn commented on June 14, 2024

Now I'm actually unsure about this πŸ˜„

It seems the package requires Swift 5.6, but SwiftGen itself is still on Swift 5.2.

That said, Sendable which is being added here also requires Swift 5.7.

Should both of these maybe go into a Swift 6 template instead?

from swiftgen.

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