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Comments (7)

simatec avatar simatec commented on September 26, 2024 1

Poste mal bitte den Link zur Cloudabfrage und die json Ausgabe

from iobroker.solax.

fanatikz avatar fanatikz commented on September 26, 2024 1

Gerne, hier die Login Seite.

Hier das json vom WiFi-Dongle(ohne Login)
{"success":true,"exception":"Query success!","result":{"inverterSN":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXX","sn":"XXXXXXXXXX","acpower":955.0,"yieldtoday":38.2,"yieldtotal":441.2,"feedinpower":60.0,"feedinenergy":270.68,"consumeenergy":37.79,"feedinpowerM2":0.0,"soc":73.0,"peps1":0.0,"peps2":0.0,"peps3":0.0,"inverterType":"14","inverterStatus":"102","uploadTime":"2022-06-06 21:27:32","batPower":-929.0,"powerdc1":0.0,"powerdc2":0.0,"powerdc3":null,"powerdc4":null}}

Und hier die Rückgabe vom InverterState nach Login:
(Das ist der Teil, der mich persönlich interessiert, die einfache Abfrage hab ich schon in Node Red, und teils schieb ich das in eine InfluxDB, Login, token-Rückgabe etc. ist für mich aber dann doch zu heftig ins Node Red zu bekommen, hab n bissl mit Postman gespielt, da klappt das auch)


"inverterSn": "XXX",
"wsn": "XXX",
"moduleName": null,
"userId": "XXX",
"siteId": "XXX",
"firmId": "XXX",
"firmwareVer": null,
"ratedPower": 15.0,
"idc1": null,
"idc2": null,
"idc3": null,
"idc4": null,
"idc5": null,
"idc6": null,
"idc7": null,
"idc8": null,
"idc9": null,
"idc10": null,
"idc11": null,
"idc12": null,
"vdc1": null,
"vdc2": null,
"vdc3": null,
"vdc4": null,
"vdc5": null,
"vdc6": null,
"vdc7": null,
"vdc8": null,
"vdc9": null,
"vdc10": null,
"vdc11": null,
"vdc12": null,
"iac1": 1.0,
"vac1": 233.0,
"gridpower": 800.0,
"temperature": 30.0,
"todayyield": null,
"yieldtoday": 0.0,
"yieldtotal": 102.6,
"feedinpower": 12.0,
"powerdc1": 0.0,
"powerdc2": 0.0,
"powerdc3": null,
"powerdc4": null,
"powerdc5": null,
"powerdc6": null,
"powerdc7": null,
"powerdc8": null,
"powerdc9": null,
"powerdc10": null,
"powerdc11": null,
"powerdc12": null,
"pac1": 138.0,
"pac2": 321.0,
"pac3": 341.0,
"iac2": 1.6,
"iac3": 1.7,
"vac2": 232.1,
"vac3": 233.8,
"fac1": 49.97,
"fac2": 49.98,
"fac3": 49.97,
"feedinenergy": 122.77,
"consumeenergy": 35.11,
"uploadTime": 1653840089224,
"uploadTimeValue": "2022-05-30 00:01:29",
"type": null,
"status": null,
"version": "3.003.02",
"inverterNum": null,
"inverterTemperature": "42",
"batVoltage1": 417.3,
"batCurrent1": -1.7,
"batPower1": -751.0,
"temperBoard1": 27.0,
"surplusEnergy1": 4.1,
"inputEnergy1": 26.2,
"outputEnergy1": 24.0,
"batteryType": "1",
"batteryStatus": "1",
"batteryCapacity": 33.0,
"chargecutVoltage": 467.2,
"disChargecutVoltage": 320.0,
"epsYieldToday": 0.0,
"relay1Status": null,
"relay1Power": null,
"relay1Energy": null,
"relay1Signal": null,
"relay1answer": null,
"relay2Status": null,
"relay2Power": null,
"relay2Energy": null,
"relay2Signal": null,
"relay2answer": null,
"inverterStatus": 2.0,
"inverterStatusValue": null,
"systemSwitch": 1.0,
"safety": null,
"powerFactor": 1.0,
"exportControl": null,
"powerLimit": null,
"inverterType": "14",
"userName": "[email protected]",
"firmName": "浙江艾罗网络能源有限公司",
"currentYieldIncome": null,
"totalYieldIncome": null,
"faultType": null,
"wMachineStyle": null,
"epsVoltageA": 0.0,
"epsCurrentA": 0.0,
"epsApowerActive": 0.0,
"epsVoltageB": 0.0,
"epsCurrentB": 0.0,
"epsBpowerActive": 0.0,
"epsVoltageC": 0.0,
"epsCurrentC": 0.0,
"epsCpowerActive": 0.0,
"epsApowerS": 0.0,
"epsBpowerS": 0.0,
"epsCpowerS": 0.0,
"feedinPowerMeter2": 0.0,
"feedinEnergyMeter2": 0.0,
"consumeEnergyMeter2": 0.0,
"managerBootloaderVersion": "1.08",
"seller": "1369634507158192130",
"batteryBrand": "84",
"batteryMasterVer": "3.05",
"batterySlaveNum": "8",
"batterySlaveVer1": null,
"batterySlaveVer2": null,
"batterySlaveVer3": null,
"batterySlaveVer4": null,
"batterySlaveVer5": null,
"batterySlaveVer6": null,
"batterySlaveVer7": null,
"batterySlaveVer8": null,
"batterySlaveVer9": null,
"batterySlaveVer10": null,
"batterySlaveVer11": null,
"batterySlaveVer12": null,
"batterySlaveVer13": null,
"batterySlaveVer14": null,
"batterySlaveVer15": null,
"batterySlaveVer16": null,
"batterySlaveType1": null,
"batterySlaveType2": null,
"batterySlaveType3": null,
"batterySlaveType4": null,
"batterySlaveType5": null,
"batterySlaveType6": null,
"batterySlaveType7": null,
"batterySlaveType8": null,
"batterySlaveType9": null,
"batterySlaveType10": null,
"batterySlaveType11": null,
"batterySlaveType12": null,
"batterySlaveType13": null,
"batterySlaveType14": null,
"batterySlaveType15": null,
"batterySlaveType16": null,
"iacL1N": null,
"vacL1N": null,
"iacL2N": null,
"vacL2N": null,
"genFreq": null,
"genPower": null,
"genL1Vol": null,
"genL2Vol": null,
"loadCurrentL1N": null,
"loadCurrentL2N": null,
"loadVoltL1N": null,
"loadVoltL2N": null,
"outputEnergy": null,
"loadFlag": 0,
"gridInputYieldTotal": 0.0,
"batChargeYieldTotal": null,
"pvYieldTotal": 102.8,
"epsYieldTotal": 0.1,
"vbatteryType": null,
"dataReference": 0,
"bmsBatVoltage": 416.1,
"bmsBatCurrent": -1.7,
"bmsBatPower": -707.0,
"inverterMasterVer": "1.15",
"inverterSlaveVer": "0.00",
"managerVer": "1.14",
"chargeVer": "0.00",
"yieldIncr": 0.0,
"feedinEnergyIncr": 0.0,
"consumerEnergyIncr": 0.0,
"consumerEnergyTmp": null,
"feedinEnergyTmp": null,
"selfUseIncome": 0.0,
"feedIncome": 0.0,
"consumerIncome": 0.0,
"fiveMinuteVal": 0,
"stateMessage1": null,
"stateMessage2": null,
"energyThroughout": 73670,
"masterSN": "TP30AH717ID122",
"slave1_2SN": null,
"slave3_4SN": null,
"slave5_6SN": null,
"slave7_8SN": null,
"slave9_10SN": null,
"slave11_12SN": null,
"slave13_14SN": null,
"slave15_16SN": null,
"isBatteryAlarm": 0,
"isBatteryAlarmValue": null,
"feedinpower1": null,
"feedinpower2": null,
"chargingRequset": 0,
"voltageHighPackageNum": 2,
"voltageHighCellNum": 7,
"voltageLowPackageNum": 1,
"voltageLowCellNum": 16,
"tempHighPackageNum": 2,
"tempHighCellNum": 5,
"tempLowPackageNum": 4,
"tempLowCellNum": 3,
"dayTotalYield": null,
"monthTotalYield": null,
"yearTotalYield": null,
"generationStatus": null,
"batterySN": null,
"siteName": "home",
"leaseMode": 0,
"lockMode": 0,
"pvPower": 0.0,
"powerdc": [
"vdc": [
"idc": [
"batterySlaveVer": [
"batterySlaveType": [
"slaveSN": [
"deviceAddress": null,
"protocolTag": null,
"producer": null,
"model": null,
"softwareVersion": null,
"uploadSn": null,
"protocolNo": null,
"protocolVersion": null,
"uab": null,
"ubc": null,
"uca": null,
"reactivePower": null,
"apparentPower": null,
"reactiveYieldTotal": null,
"reactiveYieldToday": null,
"mpptNum": null,
"pvModel": null,
"busVoltage": 0.0,
"dcPhaseA": null,
"dcPhaseB": null,
"dcPhaseC": null,
"gfci": null,
"subInverterStatus": null,
"inverterTemperature2": null,
"inverterTemperature3": null,
"boostTemperature": null,
"inductorTmperature": null,
"insulationResistance": null,
"fanState": null,
"faultTime": null,
"lastFaultType": null,
"faultCode": null,
"warningCode": null,
"boostTemp1": null,
"boostTemp2": null,
"boostTemp3": null,
"boostTemp4": null,
"inverterTemp1": null,
"inverterTemp2": null,
"inverterTemp3": null,
"acTemp1": null,
"acTemp2": null,
"acTemp3": null,
"masterSlaveType": null,
"inverterAddress": null,
"runState": null,
"gridL1Vol": null,
"gridL1Cur": null,
"gridL2Vol": null,
"gridL2Cur": null,
"gridFreq": null,
"genL1Cur": null,
"genL2Cur": null,
"atsRunMode": null,
"atsRunState": null,
"atsErrorCode": null,
"versionSlave": null,
"versionMaster": null,
"gridpriority": null,
"manualpriority": null,
"dischargeThroughput": null,
"chargeThroughput": null,
"tzMsg": null,
"cbcMsg": null,
"relayMsg": null,
"pwrLimitMsg": null,
"mpptCommType": null,
"mpptMsg": null,
"logData1": null,
"logData2": null,
"logData3": null,
"logData4": null,
"batteryCellVoltageHigh2": 3.258,
"batteryCellVoltageLow2": 3.251,
"batteryCellVoltageDValue": null,
"bmslost": 0,
"inverterError": 0.0,
"epsvoltage": null,
"epscurrent": null,
"epsfrequency": 0.0,
"bmsdisChargemaxCurrent": null,
"batteryCellTemperatureHigh": 21.2,
"batteryCellTemperatureLow": 18.9,
"batteryCellVoltageHigh": 3.3,
"batteryCellVoltageLow": 3.3,
"batteryHealth": "2",
"bmscommunication": null,
"userChargemaxCurrent": 22.2,
"userDischargemaxCurrent": 30.0,
"workMode": null,
"bmserror": 0.0,
"managerRrror": 0.0,
"epspower": 0.0,
"minCapacity": null,
"bmschargemaxCurrent": null,
"meterFunction": null,
"meter1ComState": 1.0,
"meter2ComState": 0.0,
"managerError": 0.0,
"bmserror2": null

from iobroker.solax.

fuxx-consulting avatar fuxx-consulting commented on September 26, 2024

Hallo Simatec,

meine Qcells Anlage kommt im August. gibt es hierzu schon Infos die du uns geben kannst?


from iobroker.solax.

simatec avatar simatec commented on September 26, 2024

Denke bis dahin werde ich soweit sein

from iobroker.solax.

fuxx-consulting avatar fuxx-consulting commented on September 26, 2024

Hallo, Simatec,

meine Anlage steht und geht am Montag final an das Netz, falls du jemanden zum testen bzw. um zu schauen wo/wie die Daten herkommen brauchst, stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung

from iobroker.solax.

simatec avatar simatec commented on September 26, 2024

@fuxx-consulting Du kannst gerne die aktuelle Github Version testen.
Damit sollte es funktionieren

from iobroker.solax.

fuxx-consulting avatar fuxx-consulting commented on September 26, 2024

@simatec Super. Es funktioniert sehr gut. morgen teste ich mal die lokale Anbindung

from iobroker.solax.

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