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Comments (52)

elie222 avatar elie222 commented on September 2, 2024 24

I'm having this problem with Android. I have Google sign in working on iOS

from google-signin.

SantoshShabadi avatar SantoshShabadi commented on September 2, 2024 16

Hi Guys... I was having the same issue which just got resolved.
all you need to do is in the js files GoogleSignin.ios.js and (located in
node_modules/react-native-google-signin/src/) replace the below constants

GoogleSigninButton.Size = {
Icon: RNGoogleSignin.BUTTON_SIZE_ICON,
Standard: RNGoogleSignin.BUTTON_SIZE_STANDARD,
GoogleSigninButton.Color = {


GoogleSigninButton.Size = {
Icon: '48 x 48',
Standard: '230 x 48',
Wide: '312 x 48'

GoogleSigninButton.Color = {
Auto: 'white',
Light: 'blue',
Dark: 'grey'

from google-signin.

Ignacio01 avatar Ignacio01 commented on September 2, 2024 8

Hello guys! I had that problem and it was because I didn't initialise the project! Following the steps of this link I was able to solve the problem!

from google-signin.

TEJATJ avatar TEJATJ commented on September 2, 2024 2

Same issue in android...
Issue might arise when you are messing with or

Solution in the above case:
just unlink react-native-google-signin and link it again.

from google-signin.

elie222 avatar elie222 commented on September 2, 2024 1

Annoying this was working for me at one point for Android and I'm now back to this issue again. Not sure how I fixed it the first time.

from google-signin.

jackbackes avatar jackbackes commented on September 2, 2024 1

@andfs that's what I figured. haven't had a chance to update yet, but I'll post here as well if that resolved the issue.

from google-signin.

cmaring avatar cmaring commented on September 2, 2024 1

Facing the same issue for Android developing on Mac. Any update?

from google-signin.

uc-pya avatar uc-pya commented on September 2, 2024 1

undefined is not an object (evaluating 'RNGoogleSignin.BUTTON_SIZE_ICON') getting on android on updation of React native 0.39...
anyone can tell how to fix it

from google-signin.

victoryforphil avatar victoryforphil commented on September 2, 2024 1

Same Issue. Windows. Android

from google-signin.

Fantasim avatar Fantasim commented on September 2, 2024 1

Same issue on Android developing on mac and on react-native 0.39.

from google-signin.

WilliamAnputra avatar WilliamAnputra commented on September 2, 2024 1

@SantoshShabadi your solution works. Thanks

from google-signin.

Uzairrrr avatar Uzairrrr commented on September 2, 2024 1

@SantoshShabadi your solution move me to a new error, help if you see this too?
screen shot 2018-09-10 at 8 20 12 pm

from google-signin.

anotherstarburst avatar anotherstarburst commented on September 2, 2024

Didn't read the setup instructions properly :/

from google-signin.

andfs avatar andfs commented on September 2, 2024

@anotherstarburst I'm with the same problem. Please tell me the solution

from google-signin.

devfd avatar devfd commented on September 2, 2024

@anotherstarburst you need to import this plugin to xcode and also add the .a library to your build compilation

from google-signin.

andfs avatar andfs commented on September 2, 2024

Well, I think that I did it.
In my xcode project I have Under my project name: RNGoogleSignin.h RNGoogleSignin.m and RNGoogleSigninManager.m
In Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries exists GoogleSignIn.framework and my LibPods .a

I realy don't know what I'm missing. I've tried to follow these steps: Add RNGoogleSignin folder to your XCode project but I think that I added the RNGoogleSignin folder at the wrong place. Could you try to help me with these problem?

from google-signin.

devfd avatar devfd commented on September 2, 2024

Please have a look at the sample app to spot any differences with your xcode config

from google-signin.

Jorianiiita avatar Jorianiiita commented on September 2, 2024

@devfd i'm using sublime text and using this plugin for android apps...can u ..tell the solution to this problem

from google-signin.

nazywamsiepawel avatar nazywamsiepawel commented on September 2, 2024

+1, same issue here

from google-signin.

avishayhajbi avatar avishayhajbi commented on September 2, 2024


from google-signin.

amyb87 avatar amyb87 commented on September 2, 2024

I am also having the same issue as you @elie222.

from google-signin.

avishayhajbi avatar avishayhajbi commented on September 2, 2024

It happened to me too.
I'm just start a new project and it works.

On Thu, Sep 8, 2016, 19:40 Amy Bakameyer [email protected] wrote:

I am also having the same issue as you @elie222

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from google-signin.

jackbackes avatar jackbackes commented on September 2, 2024

if anyone has been able to fix this issue, please post the fix here. I have been struggling with this for a week. As far as I can tell, my xcode config is the same. @anotherstarburst I realize this is an old issue, but do you have any idea how you fixed this? I saw you said that you "read the setup incorrectly." Which part? What change did you make?

from google-signin.

jackbackes avatar jackbackes commented on September 2, 2024

@andfs did you ever fix this issue?

from google-signin.

andfs avatar andfs commented on September 2, 2024

@thejohnbackes no i didn't
I gave up google login until someone tell that it's working. I lost almost 3 weeks in this issue.

from google-signin.

andfs avatar andfs commented on September 2, 2024

@thejohnbackes no problem in rn 0.37

from google-signin.

stanleycyang avatar stanleycyang commented on September 2, 2024

Did anyone figure it out for Android yet?

from google-signin.

naveedmastan avatar naveedmastan commented on September 2, 2024

I ma also facing the same issue It works fine in IOS but not in android
Can anyone please figure this out fast!

from google-signin.

jetpack3331 avatar jetpack3331 commented on September 2, 2024

I gave up that login too, error is obvious, but where i can find that Native BUTTON_ICON i don't know.
Hopefully author will update documentation for what to do wit that and add it to FAQ or something.

from google-signin.

uc-pya avatar uc-pya commented on September 2, 2024

first initialise package by writing " new RNGoogleSigninPackage() ", in constructor and u can comment the BUTTTON_ICON codes in RNGoogleSingin.js because this code does't use in execution.

from google-signin.

radvc avatar radvc commented on September 2, 2024

Having same issue, anyone fixes this issue?

from google-signin.

danny-does-stuff avatar danny-does-stuff commented on September 2, 2024

Alright I had the same problem but it's now working! I went back through the iOS-guide ( and made sure I did EVERY step. It still wasn't working, but then I cleaned my Xcode project (CMD-SHIFT-K), built the project (CMD-B) (Even though Xcode was showing some errors). After all of this I restarted my app by stopping the packager, closing out of terminal, and running react-native run-ios.

I believe the step that actually made it start working was restarting the packager, but I'm not sure. Hopefully this will help someone else!

Xcode 8.3.2
RN 0.44.0

from google-signin.

BerndWessels avatar BerndWessels commented on September 2, 2024

@uc-pya Hi, I get this problem on Android too - can you be more specific how you fixed it please?

this is my

package com.mobileapp;


import com.facebook.react.ReactApplication;
import com.facebook.react.ReactNativeHost;
import com.facebook.react.ReactPackage;
import com.facebook.soloader.SoLoader;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import com.reactlibrary.googlesignin.RNGoogleSignInPackage;

public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {

  private final ReactNativeHost mReactNativeHost = new ReactNativeHost(this) {
    public boolean getUseDeveloperSupport() {
      return BuildConfig.DEBUG;

    protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
      return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
          new MainReactPackage(),
          new RNGoogleSignInPackage()

  public ReactNativeHost getReactNativeHost() {
    return mReactNativeHost;

  public void onCreate() {
    SoLoader.init(this, /* native exopackage */ false);

from google-signin.

uc-pya avatar uc-pya commented on September 2, 2024

hi, you have initialise constructor of RNGoogleSignInPackage in,
u can check path and make sure your packager is running proper so please restart your packager and check watchman to configure right path,
if still this is coming then u can comment comment the BUTTTON_ICON codes in RNGoogleSingin.js
which saved in node modules ,

import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';

import {
} from 'react-native';

const { RNGoogleSignin } = NativeModules;

const RNGoogleSigninButton = requireNativeComponent('RNGoogleSigninButton', {
name: 'RNGoogleSigninButton',
propTypes: {
size: PropTypes.number,
color: PropTypes.number

class GoogleSigninButton extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
this._clickListener = DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('RNGoogleSigninButtonClicked', () => {
this.props.onPress && this.props.onPress();

componentWillUnmount() {
this._clickListener && this._clickListener.remove();

render() {
return (
<RNGoogleSigninButton {...this.props}/>

GoogleSigninButton.Size = {
Icon: RNGoogleSignin.BUTTON_SIZE_ICON,
Standard: RNGoogleSignin.BUTTON_SIZE_STANDARD,

GoogleSigninButton.Color = {

class GoogleSigninError extends Error {
constructor(error, code) {
super(error); = 'GoogleSigninError';
this.code = code;

class GoogleSignin {

constructor() {
this._user = null;

hasPlayServices(params = {autoResolve: true}) {
return RNGoogleSignin.playServicesAvailable(params.autoResolve);

configure(params={}) {
params = [
params.scopes || [], params.webClientId || null, params.offlineAccess || false

return RNGoogleSignin.configure(...params);


currentUserAsync() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const sucessCb = DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('RNGoogleSignInSilentSuccess', (user) => {
this._user = user;

    RNGoogleSignin.getAccessToken(user).then((token) => {
      this._user.accessToken = token;
      this._removeListeners(sucessCb, errorCb);
    .catch(err => {
      this._removeListeners(sucessCb, errorCb);

  const errorCb = DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('RNGoogleSignInSilentError', (err) => {
    this._removeListeners(sucessCb, errorCb);



currentUser() {
return {...this._user};

signIn() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
console.log("Hi Jarvis function call");
const sucessCb = DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('RNGoogleSignInSuccess', (user) => {
this._user = user;
RNGoogleSignin.getAccessToken(user).then((token) => {
this._user.accessToken = token;
this._removeListeners(sucessCb, errorCb);
.catch(err => {
this._removeListeners(sucessCb, errorCb);

  const errorCb = DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('RNGoogleSignInError', (err) => {

console.log("Hi Ashu error");
this._removeListeners(sucessCb, errorCb);
reject(new GoogleSigninError(err.error, err.code));



signOut() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const sucessCb = DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('RNGoogleSignOutSuccess', () => {
this._removeListeners(sucessCb, errorCb);

  const errorCb = DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('RNGoogleSignOutError', (err) => {
    this._removeListeners(sucessCb, errorCb);
    reject(new GoogleSigninError(err.error, err.code));

  this._user = null;


revokeAccess() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const sucessCb = DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('RNGoogleRevokeSuccess', () => {
this._removeListeners(sucessCb, errorCb);

  const errorCb = DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('RNGoogleRevokeError', (err) => {
    this._removeListeners(sucessCb, errorCb);
    reject(new GoogleSigninError(err.error, err.code));



_removeListeners(...listeners) {
listeners.forEach(lt => lt.remove());

module.exports = {GoogleSignin: new GoogleSignin(), GoogleSigninButton};

from google-signin.

uc-pya avatar uc-pya commented on September 2, 2024

@BerndWessels and once read this instruction and configure according that,

from google-signin.

microhlab avatar microhlab commented on September 2, 2024

@uc-pya I've tried comment it out, then the error became BUTTON_SIZE_STANDARD, it's about RNGoogleSignin was not been loaded correctly, don't know why.
I've pasted google-services.json but not working.
It's 2017 now

from google-signin.

uc-pya avatar uc-pya commented on September 2, 2024

@marxsm yes right RNGoogleSignin is not proper loading native modules so check watcher config and packager that is proper loading or not and also check setings-gradle and xcode library serach path to load proper assets.

from google-signin.

theankurkedia avatar theankurkedia commented on September 2, 2024

For android, the problem is that the changes made as instructed in the docs are not being persisted. After making the changes in the said files, just sync project with gradle files and then run. Worked for me.

from google-signin.

fatinWasta avatar fatinWasta commented on September 2, 2024

still going through the same problem while integrating with iOS.
Anyone got solution?

from google-signin.

fatinWasta avatar fatinWasta commented on September 2, 2024

Finally, spending one week,
upgrading my react-native-google-signin from 0.8.1 to 0.11.0 resolved my problem.
hope this helps.

from google-signin.

vanhoutk avatar vanhoutk commented on September 2, 2024

@fatinWasta Is that the only thing you've changed? I've tried it with both 0.12.0 and 0.11.0 now and I'm still getting the same issue!

from google-signin.

fatinWasta avatar fatinWasta commented on September 2, 2024

Yes, that's what worked for me.
What is your XCode version?
Also if possible share your code .

from google-signin.

vanhoutk avatar vanhoutk commented on September 2, 2024

@fatinWasta I'm actually trying to get it working with Android, I didn't notice that you'd you were integrating with iOS. Thanks anyway!

from google-signin.

fatinWasta avatar fatinWasta commented on September 2, 2024

@vanhoutk Welcome. BDW, still try going to different versions, cause this same sort of problem happened with me while integrating facebook too. So there are high chances that it can be because of version only. Best Lucks. 😇

from google-signin.

 avatar commented on September 2, 2024

facing the same issue. v 0.12.0

from google-signin.

fatinWasta avatar fatinWasta commented on September 2, 2024

@kalevigit try downgrading to version 0.6 it's iOS. And try with demo project first.

from google-signin.

kohchihao avatar kohchihao commented on September 2, 2024

Just faced this problem. i closed all my bash terminals and the iOS simulator. Then run react-native run-ios again

Hope this helps.

from google-signin.

samernady avatar samernady commented on September 2, 2024

Any updates on this i am still facing the same problem

from google-signin.

Uzairrrr avatar Uzairrrr commented on September 2, 2024

Hi Everybody I was having the same issue which just got resolved.
My react-native version is 0.50.4
react-natve-google-sign-in version is 0.12.0
I followed this link only automatic linking not mannual
and one more change in
replace the below constants

GoogleSigninButton.Size = {
Icon: RNGoogleSignin.BUTTON_SIZE_ICON,
Standard: RNGoogleSignin.BUTTON_SIZE_STANDARD,
GoogleSigninButton.Color = {


GoogleSigninButton.Size = {
Icon: '48 x 48',
Standard: '230 x 48',
Wide: '312 x 48'

GoogleSigninButton.Color = {
Auto: 'white',
Light: 'blue',
Dark: 'grey'

from google-signin.

Nirodha261 avatar Nirodha261 commented on September 2, 2024

For anyone who's still getting this error, make sure all the installations steps are followed properly.

You can reference detailed guide from the library itself under following path.

from google-signin.

rajngarg avatar rajngarg commented on September 2, 2024

If anyone having problem with iOS check that you have successfully installed the pods.

from google-signin.

ombogdan avatar ombogdan commented on September 2, 2024


from google-signin.

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