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Comments (7)

NikolaRHristov avatar NikolaRHristov commented on June 18, 2024 1

No, it's just not picked up by the compression pipe. See Expect it in 1.1.35

from compress.

chatcody avatar chatcody commented on June 18, 2024

As an AI language model, I am not able to provide a code implementation for this issue. However, I can suggest a possible solution.

If the issue is about supporting map files for JavaScript, then the solution could be to use a tool like Source Maps, which allows developers to debug minified code by mapping it back to the original source code. To use Source Maps, developers need to generate a map file that maps the minified code to the original source code.

Here is an example of how to generate a Source Map for a JavaScript file using the UglifyJS tool:

uglifyjs input.js --source-map --output output.js --compress --mangle

This command will generate a map file named that maps the minified code in output.js to the original source code in input.js.

To use the Source Map in a browser, developers can add the following line to the HTML file:

<script src="output.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" data-sourcemap=""></script>

This will tell the browser to load the map file and use it to map the minified code to the original source code when debugging.

If the issue is about supporting other types of map files, such as for CSS or HTML, then more details are needed to provide a solution.

from compress.

NikolaRHristov avatar NikolaRHristov commented on June 18, 2024

No, not yet. astro-compress supports different output paths if that helps - or exclusion What is the implementation you had in mind? A file has a sourcemap and it's sources are also minified?

from compress.

NikolaRHristov avatar NikolaRHristov commented on June 18, 2024

Or to compress the map itself?

from compress.

voidmain avatar voidmain commented on June 18, 2024

I was thinking just sourcemaps. Usually those are compressed anyways and I could find a way to generate those. Maybe Iā€™m missing an option though.

from compress.

NikolaRHristov avatar NikolaRHristov commented on June 18, 2024

I found one!

{"version":3,"file":"page.756ffed2.js","sources":["../../../../../node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/throttles/dist/index.mjs","../../../../../node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@astrojs/prefetch/dist/requestIdleCallback.js","../../../../../node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@astrojs/prefetch/dist/client.js","../../astro:scripts/page.js"],"sourcesContent":["export default function (limit) {\n\tlimit = limit || 1;\n\tvar queue=[], wip=0;\n\n\tfunction toAdd(fn) {\n\t\tqueue.push(fn) > 1 || run(); // initializes if 1st\n\t}\n\n\tfunction isDone() {\n\t\twip--; // make room for next\n\t\trun();\n\t}\n\n\tfunction run() {\n\t\tif (wip < limit && queue.length > 0) {\n\t\t\tqueue.shift()(); wip++; // is now WIP\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\treturn [toAdd, isDone];\n}\n","function shim(callback, options) {\n  const timeout = (options == null ? void 0 : options.timeout) ?? 50;\n  const start =;\n  return setTimeout(function() {\n    callback({\n      didTimeout: false,\n      timeRemaining: function() {\n        return Math.max(0, timeout - ( - start));\n      }\n    });\n  }, 1);\n}\nconst requestIdleCallback = window.requestIdleCallback || shim;\nvar requestIdleCallback_default = requestIdleCallback;\nexport {\n  requestIdleCallback_default as default\n};\n","import throttles from \"throttles\";\nimport requestIdleCallback from \"./requestIdleCallback.js\";\nconst events = [\"mouseenter\", \"touchstart\", \"focus\"];\nconst preloaded = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();\nconst loadedStyles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();\nfunction shouldPreload({ href }) {\n  try {\n    const url = new URL(href);\n    return window.location.origin === url.origin && window.location.pathname !== url.pathname && !preloaded.has(href);\n  } catch {\n  }\n  return false;\n}\nlet parser;\nlet observer;\nfunction observe(link) {\n  preloaded.add(link.href);\n  observer.observe(link);\n => link.addEventListener(event, onLinkEvent, { passive: true, once: true }));\n}\nfunction unobserve(link) {\n  observer.unobserve(link);\n => link.removeEventListener(event, onLinkEvent));\n}\nfunction onLinkEvent({ target }) {\n  if (!(target instanceof HTMLAnchorElement)) {\n    return;\n  }\n  preloadHref(target);\n}\nasync function preloadHref(link) {\n  unobserve(link);\n  const { href } = link;\n  try {\n    const contents = await fetch(href).then((res) => res.text());\n    parser ||= new DOMParser();\n    const html = parser.parseFromString(contents, \"text/html\");\n    const styles = Array.from(html.querySelectorAll('link[rel=\"stylesheet\"]'));\n    await Promise.all(\n      styles.filter((el) => !loadedStyles.has(el.href)).map((el) => {\n        loadedStyles.add(el.href);\n        return fetch(el.href);\n      })\n    );\n  } catch {\n  }\n}\nfunction prefetch({\n  selector = 'a[href][rel~=\"prefetch\"]',\n  throttle = 1\n}) {\n  if (!navigator.onLine) {\n    return Promise.reject(new Error(\"Cannot prefetch, no network connection\"));\n  }\n  if (\"connection\" in navigator) {\n    const connection = navigator.connection;\n    if (connection.saveData) {\n      return Promise.reject(new Error(\"Cannot prefetch, Save-Data is enabled\"));\n    }\n    if (/(2|3)g/.test(connection.effectiveType)) {\n      return Promise.reject(new Error(\"Cannot prefetch, network conditions are poor\"));\n    }\n  }\n  const [toAdd, isDone] = throttles(throttle);\n  observer = observer || new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {\n    entries.forEach((entry) => {\n      if (entry.isIntersecting && instanceof HTMLAnchorElement) {\n        toAdd(() => preloadHref(;\n      }\n    });\n  });\n  requestIdleCallback(() => {\n    const links = [...document.querySelectorAll(selector)].filter(shouldPreload);\n    links.forEach(observe);\n  });\n}\nexport {\n  prefetch as default\n};\n","import prefetch from \"@astrojs/prefetch/client.js\"; prefetch({});"],"names":["throttles","limit","queue","wip","toAdd","fn","run","isDone","shim","callback","options","timeout","start","requestIdleCallback","requestIdleCallback_default","events","preloaded","loadedStyles","shouldPreload","href","url","parser","observer","observe","link","event","onLinkEvent","unobserve","target","preloadHref","contents","res","html","styles","el","prefetch","selector","throttle","connection","entries","entry"],"mappings":"AAAe,SAAQA,EAAEC,EAAO,CAC/BA,EAAQA,GAAS,EACjB,IAAIC,EAAM,CAAA,EAAIC,EAAI,EAElB,SAASC,EAAMC,EAAI,CAClBH,EAAM,KAAKG,CAAE,EAAI,GAAKC,EAAG,CACzB,CAED,SAASC,GAAS,CACjBJ,IACAG,GACA,CAED,SAASA,GAAM,CACVH,EAAMF,GAASC,EAAM,OAAS,IACjCA,EAAM,MAAK,IAAMC,IAElB,CAED,MAAO,CAACC,EAAOG,CAAM,CACtB,CCpBA,SAASC,EAAKC,EAAUC,EAAS,CAC/B,MAAMC,EAAsCD,GAAQ,SAAY,GAC1DE,EAAQ,KAAK,MACnB,OAAO,WAAW,UAAW,CAC3BH,EAAS,CACP,WAAY,GACZ,cAAe,UAAW,CACxB,OAAO,KAAK,IAAI,EAAGE,GAAW,KAAK,IAAG,EAAKC,EAAM,CAClD,CACP,CAAK,CACF,EAAE,CAAC,CACN,CACA,MAAMC,EAAsB,OAAO,qBAAuBL,EAC1D,IAAIM,EAA8BD,ECXlC,MAAME,EAAS,CAAC,aAAc,aAAc,OAAO,EAC7CC,EAA4B,IAAI,IAChCC,EAA+B,IAAI,IACzC,SAASC,EAAc,CAAE,KAAAC,GAAQ,CAC/B,GAAI,CACF,MAAMC,EAAM,IAAI,IAAID,CAAI,EACxB,OAAO,OAAO,SAAS,SAAWC,EAAI,QAAU,OAAO,SAAS,WAAaA,EAAI,UAAY,CAACJ,EAAU,IAAIG,CAAI,CACpH,MAAI,CACD,CACD,MAAO,EACT,CACA,IAAIE,EACAC,EACJ,SAASC,EAAQC,EAAM,CACrBR,EAAU,IAAIQ,EAAK,IAAI,EACvBF,EAAS,QAAQE,CAAI,EACrBT,EAAO,IAAKU,GAAUD,EAAK,iBAAiBC,EAAOC,EAAa,CAAE,QAAS,GAAM,KAAM,EAAI,CAAE,CAAC,CAChG,CACA,SAASC,EAAUH,EAAM,CACvBF,EAAS,UAAUE,CAAI,EACvBT,EAAO,IAAKU,GAAUD,EAAK,oBAAoBC,EAAOC,CAAW,CAAC,CACpE,CACA,SAASA,EAAY,CAAE,OAAAE,GAAU,CACzBA,aAAkB,mBAGxBC,EAAYD,CAAM,CACpB,CACA,eAAeC,EAAYL,EAAM,CAC/BG,EAAUH,CAAI,EACd,KAAM,CAAE,KAAAL,CAAM,EAAGK,EACjB,GAAI,CACF,MAAMM,EAAW,MAAM,MAAMX,CAAI,EAAE,KAAMY,GAAQA,EAAI,KAAI,CAAE,EAC3DV,IAAW,IAAI,UACf,MAAMW,EAAOX,EAAO,gBAAgBS,EAAU,WAAW,EACnDG,EAAS,MAAM,KAAKD,EAAK,iBAAiB,wBAAwB,CAAC,EACzE,MAAM,QAAQ,IACZC,EAAO,OAAQC,GAAO,CAACjB,EAAa,IAAIiB,EAAG,IAAI,CAAC,EAAE,IAAKA,IACrDjB,EAAa,IAAIiB,EAAG,IAAI,EACjB,MAAMA,EAAG,IAAI,EACrB,CACP,CACA,MAAI,CACD,CACH,CACA,SAASC,EAAS,CAChB,SAAAC,EAAW,2BACX,SAAAC,EAAW,CACb,EAAG,CACD,GAAI,CAAC,UAAU,OACb,OAAO,QAAQ,OAAO,IAAI,MAAM,wCAAwC,CAAC,EAE3E,GAAI,eAAgB,UAAW,CAC7B,MAAMC,EAAa,UAAU,WAC7B,GAAIA,EAAW,SACb,OAAO,QAAQ,OAAO,IAAI,MAAM,uCAAuC,CAAC,EAE1E,GAAI,SAAS,KAAKA,EAAW,aAAa,EACxC,OAAO,QAAQ,OAAO,IAAI,MAAM,8CAA8C,CAAC,EAGnF,KAAM,CAAClC,EAAOG,CAAM,EAAIP,EAAUqC,CAAQ,EAC1Cf,EAAWA,GAAY,IAAI,qBAAsBiB,GAAY,CAC3DA,EAAQ,QAASC,GAAU,CACrBA,EAAM,gBAAkBA,EAAM,kBAAkB,mBAClDpC,EAAM,IAAMyB,EAAYW,EAAM,MAAM,EAAE,QAAQjC,CAAM,CAAC,CAE7D,CAAK,CACL,CAAG,EACDM,EAAoB,IAAM,CACV,CAAC,GAAG,SAAS,iBAAiBuB,CAAQ,CAAC,EAAE,OAAOlB,CAAa,EACrE,QAAQK,CAAO,CACzB,CAAG,CACH,CC3EoDY,EAAS,EAAE","x_google_ignoreList":[0,1,2]}

The JSON that's exported from Astro is compressed by default but the content in sourcesContent is not, would you like to have that compressed?

This is using:

import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";

export default defineConfig({
	vite: {
		build: {
			sourcemap: true

from compress.

NikolaRHristov avatar NikolaRHristov commented on June 18, 2024

I'm closing this as stale.

from compress.

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