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Comments (16)

ocafebabe avatar ocafebabe commented on September 6, 2024 4

MariaDB please!

from replicadb.

osalvador avatar osalvador commented on September 6, 2024

No, not yet.

I'll add more databases based on the GitHub votes.

from replicadb.

aaronps avatar aaronps commented on September 6, 2024

My vote: mysql+1

I actually went to read the code to find that mysql is not supported, the:

java.lang.NullPointerException: null
	at org.replicadb.ReplicaDB.main( [ReplicaDB-0.8.9.jar:0.8.9]

is not useful. Note that I did check in advance that the mysql connector was NOT on the lib directory within the docker image and mounted it myself.

At the end it is my own fault for not reading the introduction properly where it states clearly what is actually supported.

from replicadb.

KM8Oz avatar KM8Oz commented on September 6, 2024

mysql please .......

from replicadb.

KM8Oz avatar KM8Oz commented on September 6, 2024

java.lang.NullPointerException: null

from replicadb.

osalvador avatar osalvador commented on September 6, 2024

We will start working on MySQL support from next month

from replicadb.

Peter-YAN avatar Peter-YAN commented on September 6, 2024

Is mysql supported in v0.10?

Got error after run replicadb:

2021-06-23 18:31:16,301 DEBUG SqlManager:255 User specified connection params. Using properties specific API for making connection.
2021-06-23 18:31:17,154 ERROR ReplicaDB:128 Got exception running ReplicaDB:
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Access denied for user 'root'@'192.168.1.%' to database 'wind'
at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.SQLError.createSQLException( ~[mysql-connector-java-8.0.21.jar:8.0.21]
at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.SQLError.createSQLException( ~[mysql-connector-java-8.0.21.jar:8.0.21]
at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.SQLExceptionsMapping.translateException( ~[mysql-connector-java-8.0.21.jar:8.0.21]
at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.createNewIO( ~[mysql-connector-java-8.0.21.jar:8.0.21]
at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.( ~[mysql-connector-java-8.0.21.jar:8.0.21]
at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.getInstance( ~[mysql-connector-java-8.0.21.jar:8.0.21]
at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver.connect( ~[mysql-connector-java-8.0.21.jar:8.0.21]
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection( ~[?:1.8.0_242]
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection( ~[?:1.8.0_242]
at org.replicadb.manager.SqlManager.makeSinkConnection( ~[ReplicaDB-0.10.0.jar:0.10.0]
at org.replicadb.manager.SqlManager.getConnection( ~[ReplicaDB-0.10.0.jar:0.10.0]
at org.replicadb.manager.SqlManager.truncateTable( ~[ReplicaDB-0.10.0.jar:0.10.0]
at org.replicadb.manager.SqlManager.preSinkTasks( ~[ReplicaDB-0.10.0.jar:0.10.0]
at org.replicadb.ReplicaDB.processReplica( [ReplicaDB-0.10.0.jar:0.10.0]
at org.replicadb.ReplicaDB.main( [ReplicaDB-0.10.0.jar:0.10.0]
2021-06-23 18:31:17,172 INFO ReplicaDB:49 Total process time: 1135ms

from replicadb.

osalvador avatar osalvador commented on September 6, 2024

Hi, v0.10 is still in beta, but MySQL is supported as source.

I think your error is about permissions for the root user?

from replicadb.

Peter-YAN avatar Peter-YAN commented on September 6, 2024

Hi, v0.10 is still in beta, but MySQL is supported as source.

I think your error is about permissions for the root user?

^_^ yes, sloved it after update root permissions. Thanks.

from replicadb.

Peter-YAN avatar Peter-YAN commented on September 6, 2024

But i use incremental mode, i got the following error.

_2021-06-24 09:19:49,787 INFO  MySQLManager:174 Creating staging table with this command:  CREATE TABLE public.ASHAREAGENCYrepdb4310 AS (SELECT * FROM ASHAREAGENCY WHERE 1 = 0 )
2021-06-24 09:19:49,822 ERROR ReplicaDB:128 Got exception running ReplicaDB:
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: INSERT, CREATE command denied to user 'root'@'' for table 'ASHAREAGENCYrepdb4310'
        at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.SQLError.createSQLException( ~[mysql-connector-java-8.0.21.jar:8.0.21]
        at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.SQLError.createSQLException( ~[mysql-connector-java-8.0.21.jar:8.0.21]
        at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.SQLExceptionsMapping.translateException( ~[mysql-connector-java-8.0.21.jar:8.0.21]
        at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.StatementImpl.executeUpdateInternal( ~[mysql-connector-java-8.0.21.jar:8.0.21]
        at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.StatementImpl.executeLargeUpdate( ~[mysql-connector-java-8.0.21.jar:8.0.21]
        at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.StatementImpl.executeUpdate( ~[mysql-connector-java-8.0.21.jar:8.0.21]
        at org.replicadb.manager.MySQLManager.createStagingTable( ~[ReplicaDB-0.10.0.jar:0.10.0]
        at org.replicadb.manager.SqlManager.preSinkTasks( ~[ReplicaDB-0.10.0.jar:0.10.0]
        at org.replicadb.ReplicaDB.processReplica( [ReplicaDB-0.10.0.jar:0.10.0]
        at org.replicadb.ReplicaDB.main( [ReplicaDB-0.10.0.jar:0.10.0]
2021-06-24 09:19:49,831 INFO  SqlManager:475 Dropping staging table with this command: DROP TABLE public.ASHAREAGENCYrepdb4310
2021-06-24 09:19:49,833 ERROR ReplicaDB:146 java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: DROP command denied to user 'root'@'' for table 'ASHAREAGENCYrepdb4310'_

According to log, the reason the db permission, but all permission are grant to root.

mysql> show grants for 'root';
| Grants for root@%                              |
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%'      |
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `wind`.* TO 'root'@'%' |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

from replicadb.

Peter-YAN avatar Peter-YAN commented on September 6, 2024

after change conf, set sink.staging.schema=test.

2021-06-24 09:53:29,380 INFO  MySQLManager:174 Creating staging table with this command:  CREATE TABLE test.ASHAREAGENCYrepdb5210 AS (SELECT * FROM ASHAREAGENCY WHERE 1 = 0 )
2021-06-24 09:53:29,391 INFO  SqlManager:386 Truncating sink table with this command: TRUNCATE TABLE test.ASHAREAGENCYrepdb5210
2021-06-24 09:53:29,399 INFO  ReplicaTask:36 Starting TaskId-0
2021-06-24 09:53:29,399 DEBUG ManagerFactory:47 Trying with scheme: jdbc:mysql:
2021-06-24 09:53:29,400 DEBUG ManagerFactory:47 Trying with scheme: jdbc:mysql:
2021-06-24 09:53:29,400 DEBUG SqlManager:212 No connection parameters specified. Using regular API for making connection.
2021-06-24 09:53:29,418 DEBUG SqlManager:255 User specified connection params. Using properties specific API for making connection.
2021-06-24 09:53:29,523 DEBUG SqlManager:131 TaskId-0: Using fetchSize for next query: 5000
2021-06-24 09:53:29,523 INFO  SqlManager:141 TaskId-0: Executing SQL statement: SELECT * FROM ASHAREAGENCY
2021-06-24 09:53:29,523 INFO  SqlManager:148 TaskId-0: With args:
2021-06-24 09:53:29,888 WARN  ConnManager:188 Options source-columns and sink-columns are null, getting from Source ResultSetMetaData: OBJECT_ID,S_INFO_WINDCODE,S_AGENCY_NAME,S_RELATION_TYPCODE,S_BUSINESS_TYPCODE,S_AGENCY_NAMEID,BEGINDATE,ENDDATE,SEQUENCE,ANN_DATE,OPDATE,OPMODE
2021-06-24 09:55:00,048 ERROR ReplicaDB:128 Got exception running ReplicaDB:
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: MySQL does not yet support data insertion
        at org.replicadb.manager.MySQLManager.mergeStagingTable( ~[ReplicaDB-0.10.0.jar:0.10.0]
        at org.replicadb.manager.SqlManager.postSinkTasks( ~[ReplicaDB-0.10.0.jar:0.10.0]
        at org.replicadb.ReplicaDB.processReplica( [ReplicaDB-0.10.0.jar:0.10.0]
        at org.replicadb.ReplicaDB.main( [ReplicaDB-0.10.0.jar:0.10.0]
2021-06-24 09:55:00,058 INFO  SqlManager:475 Dropping staging table with this command: DROP TABLE test.ASHAREAGENCYrepdb5210
2021-06-24 09:55:00,080 INFO  ReplicaDB:49 Total process time: 91621ms

Is MySQL just support complete mode?
Could I sync multi tables once?

from replicadb.

osalvador avatar osalvador commented on September 6, 2024

Hi @Peter-YAN ,

The latest release now has the full support for MySQL and MariaDB, you can download and try it.

To replicate multiple tables at once, see this comment: #27 (comment)

from replicadb.

Peter-YAN avatar Peter-YAN commented on September 6, 2024

Hi @Peter-YAN ,

The latest release now has the full support for MySQL and MariaDB, you can download and try it.

To replicate multiple tables at once, see this comment: #27 (comment)

Hi @osalvador ,
I have tried version 0.10.2, the incremental mode is not supported. ReplicaDB configuration wizard is not updated yet.

the error:

2021-06-25 09:38:19,250 ERROR ReplicaTask:72 ERROR in TaskId-0 inserting data to sink table: (conn=63) The receiver is not a wrapper and does not implement the interface
2021-06-25 09:38:19,251 ERROR ReplicaDB:128 Got exception running ReplicaDB:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: (conn=63) The receiver is not a wrapper and does not implement the interface
        at ~[?:1.8.0_242]
        at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.get( ~[?:1.8.0_242]
        at org.replicadb.ReplicaDB.processReplica( [ReplicaDB-0.10.2.jar:0.10.2]
        at org.replicadb.ReplicaDB.main( [ReplicaDB-0.10.2.jar:0.10.2]
Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: (conn=63) The receiver is not a wrapper and does not implement the interface
        at org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.util.exceptions.ExceptionFactory.createException( ~[mariadb-java-client-2.7.3.jar:?]
        at org.mariadb.jdbc.internal.util.exceptions.ExceptionFactory.create( ~[mariadb-java-client-2.7.3.jar:?]
        at org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbStatement.unwrap( ~[mariadb-java-client-2.7.3.jar:?]
        at org.replicadb.manager.MySQLManager.insertDataToTable( ~[ReplicaDB-0.10.2.jar:0.10.2]
        at ~[ReplicaDB-0.10.2.jar:0.10.2]
        at ~[ReplicaDB-0.10.2.jar:0.10.2]
        at ~[?:1.8.0_242]
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( ~[?:1.8.0_242]
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ ~[?:1.8.0_242]
        at ~[?:1.8.0_242]
2021-06-25 09:38:19,261 INFO  SqlManager:475 Dropping staging table with this command: DROP TABLE test.ASHAREAGENCYrepdb4410


from replicadb.

osalvador avatar osalvador commented on September 6, 2024

Hi @Peter-YAN ,

There was a problem having the MySQL and MariaDB driver in the same classpath. Since MariaDB driver has better performance than MySQL driver, I'll use the first one for both databases.

The latest release (0.10.5) now has integration test for MySQL as source and sink and test have been passed, you can download and try it. Sorry for the inconvenience.


from replicadb.

Peter-YAN avatar Peter-YAN commented on September 6, 2024

Hi @Peter-YAN ,

There was a problem having the MySQL and MariaDB driver in the same classpath. Since MariaDB driver has better performance than MySQL driver, I'll use the first one for both databases.

The latest release (0.10.5) now has integration test for MySQL as source and sink and test have been passed, you can download and try it. Sorry for the inconvenience.



Hi @Peter-YAN ,

There was a problem having the MySQL and MariaDB driver in the same classpath. Since MariaDB driver has better performance than MySQL driver, I'll use the first one for both databases.

The latest release (0.10.5) now has integration test for MySQL as source and sink and test have been passed, you can download and try it. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Hi @osalvador Thanks. great, succeed to run replicadb in incremental mode.

But i don't kown the detail about mysql merge operation.
could you tell me the process steps?
Is it only use primary key to decide update or ignore??
Or all the feilds are compaired to decide ignoring or updating?


from replicadb.

osalvador avatar osalvador commented on September 6, 2024

Hi @Peter-YAN ,

Here is the documentation about incremental mode.

The merge statement (ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE in MySQL) only use the primary keys to decide if the row is updated because it has been modified in the source database, or inserted because it is a new row, but the row is never ignored.


from replicadb.

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