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php.js's Issues

Operator Overloading

There may be a problem with operator overloading behavior in the library.


Both $a + $b and $b + $a will cause a fatal error of unsupported operand types in PHP. However, in JS neither case is true. They yield unexpected results in JS, actually as {} + [] and [] + {} result in 0 (or NaN depending on the engine), and "[object Object]", respectively. Here the code above results in:


Which is what I expect the library VM is doing with the operator ADD here.

No support magic methods: __get and __set

The magic methods __get and __set do not work. These features are used frequently to implement things like ActiveRecord (if one of the other interfaces like ArrayIterator is not used).

Parse error: Object [object Object] has no method 'Node_Expr_Closure' in /console.htm on line undefined


// This class abuses php magic methods to create objects that feel like JS objects

class DynamicObject {

    private $properties = array();

    public function __construct($assoc = array()) {
        if ($assoc)

    public function __set($name, $value = null) {
        return !$value && is_array($name) ? $this->add($name) : $this->properties[$name] = $value;

    public function __get($prop) {
        return $this->properties[$prop] ? is_callable($this->properties[$prop]) ? 'function()' : $this->properties[$prop] : false;

    public function __call($name, $args) {
        return $this->properties[$name](implode(',', $args), $this);

    private function add($assoc) {
        foreach ($assoc as $k => $v)
            $this->properties[$k] = $v;


/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

$greeting = new DynamicObject();

$greeting->hello = function ($hello = 'world') {
        return 'Hello, ' . $hello . "!\n";

echo $greeting->hello('JavaScript');

 * should be
 *    Hello, JavaScript!
 * but gives a parse error instead

printf not working correctly

First of all let me say, this is cool! fiddling a little with your console running the following code:

for ( $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++ ) {
  printf("%02d\n", $i);


for( $("i")._($$(0)); ($("i").$Smaller($$(10))).$Bool.$; $("i").$PostInc().$ ) { ENV.$Timer();
(ENV.$F("printf", arguments, $$("%02d\n"), $("i")));

Object this.$ini.PHP

lvl = lvl.replace(err, PHP.Constants[ err ]); // ---> Error undefined lvl.replace()
XMLHttpRequest cannot load ./cfg/php.ini due to access control checks. - line 15372
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'lvl.replace') - 12108
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'variables_order.indexOf') - line 12143

The opts.ini contains PHP section.

  • var lvl = this.$ini.error_reporting; ---> var lvl = this.$ini.PHP.error_reporting;


This script no work. What Wrong?

It is code


        <script src="PHP.min.js"></script>
        <label id="x"></label>
        var engine = new PHP ('<?php echo "Hello world!"; ?>');
document.getElementById("x").innerHTML = console.log( engine.vm.OUTPUT_BUFFER);

Sorry I'm noob in javascript
Sorry for my bad english

undefined for Node_Expr_BitwiseAnd

Please, try to parse next code:

$test = true;
$test &= false;
echo 'result'. ($test ? 'true' : 'false');

I got an error on PHP.Parser.prototype.yyn188 for Node_Expr_AssignBitwiseAnd

Example from Readme Throws

This example from Readme throws. It is expecting a second parameter, opts.

var engine = new PHP ('<?php echo "Hello world!"; ?>');

Support for Closures

This valid code (from

function ($quantity, $product) use ($tax, &$total)
    $pricePerItem = constant(__CLASS__ . "::PRICE_" .
    $total += ($pricePerItem * $quantity) * ($tax + 1.0);

Gives this error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting identifier in /console.htm on line 2

Closures and Anonymous Functions

Closures and Anonymous Functions Affect a Syntax Error

Any attempt to create a callback function, anonymous function, or wrapper, generates a syntax error.

Anonymous Function Syntax Errors

// Case 1:
$fn = function($e) {    // Undefined is not a function on line NaN
    echo $e;

// Case 2:
function callme($str, $func) { 
callme( "maybe", function($e)  {   // Undefined is not a function on line NaN
    echo $e . "\n";
} );

// Case 3:
echo preg_replace_callback('~-([a-z])~', function ($match) {   // Undefined is not a function on line NaN
    return strtoupper($match[1]);
}, 'hello-world');



Multi-line Function declarations are not picked up

A common format I use is:

// generate a broadsoft document XML frame
protected function getXMLBroadsoftDocument(
$command, // the broadsoft command
$commandData = array() // the command contents to use
) {

This allows lots of space for documentation of arguments inline. Unfortunately though the function is the then not picked up. Not sure if you want to call it a bug or feature request, but since it's perfectly valid PHP syntax, I'm leaning towards bug.

Thanks for the great work guys!


For the following code:

$matches = array();
$ret     = preg_match("{^(\S+)\s+(\d+)}", "123 4", $matches);

if ($ret > 0)

Expected output:

array(3) {
  string(5) "123 4"
  string(3) "123"
  string(1) "4"


array(0) {

Doesn't support Goto

This code:

goto a;
echo 'Foo';

echo 'Bar';

Causes the error:

Parse error: Object [object Object] has no method 'Node_Stmt_Goto' in /console.htm on line undefined

bug in comparison

i created this code, first function implements the ord function and the second a uncamelize function:

function ord($j){
     $e = array(' ' => 32,  '!' => 33,  '"' => 34,  '#' => 35,  '$' => 36,  '%' => 37,  '&' => 38,  '\'' => 39,  '(' => 40,  ')' => 41,  '*' => 42,  '+' => 43,  ',' => 44,  '-' => 45,  '.' => 46,  '/' => 47,  0 => 48,  1 => 49,  2 => 50,  3 => 51,  4 => 52,  5 => 53,  6 => 54,  7 => 55,  8 => 56,  9 => 57,  ':' => 58,  ';' => 59,  '<' => 60,  '=' => 61,  '>' => 62,  '?' => 63,  '@' => 64,  'A' => 65,  'B' => 66,  'C' => 67,  'D' => 68,  'E' => 69,  'F' => 70,  'G' => 71,  'H' => 72,  'I' => 73,  'J' => 74,  'K' => 75,  'L' => 76,  'M' => 77,  'N' => 78,  'O' => 79,  'P' => 80,  'Q' => 81,  'R' => 82,  'S' => 83,  'T' => 84,  'U' => 85,  'V' => 86,  'W' => 87,  'X' => 88,  'Y' => 89,  'Z' => 90,  '[' => 91,  '\\' => 92,  ']' => 93,  '^' => 94,  '_' => 95,  '`' => 96,  'a' => 97,  'b' => 98,  'c' => 99,  'd' => 100,  'e' => 101,  'f' => 102,  'g' => 103,  'h' => 104,  'i' => 105,  'j' => 106,  'k' => 107,  'l' => 108,  'm' => 109,  'n' => 110,  'o' => 111,  'p' => 112,  'q' => 113,  'r' => 114,  's' => 115,  't' => 116,  'u' => 117,  'v' => 118,  'w' => 119,  'x' => 120,  'y' => 121,  'z' => 122,  '{' => 123,  '|' => 124,  '}' => 125,  '~' => 126,);
     if(isset($e[$j])) return $e[$j]; else return 0;

function uncamelize($str){
    $x = "";
    $n = 0;
    $l = strlen($str);
        $ch = $str[$i];
        $a = ord($ch);
        if($a < 91){
        } else {
    return $x;

When calling uncamelize with ZcBa in php it returns: zc_ba

echo uncamelize("ZcBa")

but in php.js it returns: _zcba

Dead code

In php.js/src/parser/yyn_scalar.js, the function:

PHP.Parser.prototype.Scalar_String_parseDocString = function() {

return '"' + arguments[ 1 ].replace(/([^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*)"/g, '$1\\"') + '"';
return, "");  


has two contiguous return statements. I assume the second one never gets called.

list() Unpacking in foreach Declaration

list() Unpacking in foreach Declaration Affects Syntax Error

PHP Feature added in 5.5, so likely simply hasn't been reviewed yet.

foreach unpacking with list()

$array = new array(
    "X" => ['one',2,3],
    "Y" => ['two',4,5]

// case 1:
foreach( $array as list($a, $b )) {  // Syntax error, unexpected T_LIST
    echo "\n$a $b";

// case 2:
foreach( $array as $key => list($a, $b, $c) ) {  // Syntax error, unexpected T_LIST
    echo "\n$key: $a $b - $c";


one 2
two 4
X: one 2 - 3
Y: two 4 - 5

Using php.js in node.js


I'm trying to use this in node.js. Here's a snippet of what I wrote (res being my Response object in an onRequest() binding :

res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type' : 'text/html' }); var p = new PHP(data); res.write(p.vm.OUTPUT_BUFFER); res.end();

I'me getting an error on the 2nd line ("Cannot read property 'filesystem' of undefined"). According to its prototype, the PHP constructor takes 2 parameters : code and opts. What am I supposed to feed it with as the 2nd, since it's supposed to be an object having filesystem as a property ?

Anyway, thanks for this, it's a pretty awesome PoC :-)


Parse error always listed as line 1

Parse error always listed as line 1 regardless of the line it actually occurs.


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting identifier in /console.htm on line 1

Add extra info into PHP.Parser

Now after var AST = new PHP.Parser(PHP.Lexer(code)); we can see array of objects with description of line it is:

attributes: {
  startLine: 4
  endLine: 4

But what if code is dirty and there are multiple things in one line (if (a > b) { return a; } else { return b; }, for example)? Where is information about position into line?

may be you can help me to add it by myself?

As I can see, I should start from PHP.Lexer

PHP_EOL constant missing

Notice: Use of undefined constant PHP_EOL - assumed 'PHP_EOL' in /console.htm on line 1

How to add extension functions

How can I use some functions in extension , such as "curl" and so on...
Is there any way to make it work?
Thanks a lot~

error for CJK variable name

When use CJK char as variable name in PHP, it would error. I found the reson is it use regular expression /^$[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*/ to match variable , but JS string is unicode so the match would fail.

I suggest to use /^$[a-zA-Z_\u4E00-\u9FA5][a-zA-Z0-9_\u4E00-\u9FA5]*/ .

sorting array is not working

The following sort() method not working please solve this

 $numbers = array(30, 71, 5, 29, 17); 
 $arrlength = count($numbers); 
 for($x = 0; $x < $arrlength; $x++) { 
  echo $numbers[$x]; 
  echo "<br>"; 

Code causing infinite loop

This code appears to cause an infinite loop when parsed:

$regex = "&$foo(?=[?.!,;:\"]?(\s|$))&";

casting arrays to objects unsupported

php > $b = (object)array('name' => 'Pooh', 'age' => 24);
php > echo $b->name . PHP_EOL;
php > print_r($b);
stdClass Object
    [name] => Pooh
    [age] => 24

In php.js, I get “Parse error: this.Node_Expr_Cast_Object is not a function in /console.htm on line undefined”.

Build Fails: node build/build.js

When running the command node build/build.js it seems to be expecting a non-extant file src/include.js. Full error is:

    throw err;
Error: Cannot find module '../src/include.js'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:338:15)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:280:25)
    at Module.require (module.js:364:17)
    at require (module.js:380:17)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/Me/projects/phpjs/build/build.js:10:13)
    at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)

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