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Comments (48)

aravi365 avatar aravi365 commented on June 12, 2024 104

@anivar Don't bring your agenda here.Watch the press conference was clearly mentioned that ios,kaios app source code will be released later.First time something new is happening in govt tech space our youngster have worked hard voluntarily without any PAY support them by contributing to the code and leave your stupid activism.Let us all just help in new features.My all thanks to you developers for working tirelessly & developing this in 3 weeks.❤️ You guys please continue working hard Indians will not allow any agenda to hijack your efforts.

Thats the perfect way to reply! 💯

from aarogyasetu_android.

jace avatar jace commented on June 12, 2024 101

@treyu1 dissing critics is a great way to create confidence in the project. You're off to a good start.

from aarogyasetu_android.

anivar avatar anivar commented on June 12, 2024 70
  1. GoI have a mandatory opensource policy. App is anyway bound to opensource as per that. So please avoid treating this as a charity.
  2. Freedom to run, modify, and redistribute needs interaction with server code and cloud functions. So releasing them together is essential for functionality and reusability of code.
  3. So please consider this issue as unresolved and open, until 1 &3 comes out

from aarogyasetu_android.

jace avatar jace commented on June 12, 2024 64

@treyu1 This issue ticket documents the items missing in this release, based on the promises made in the press conference. When the releases are made, the issue ticket can be considered resolved. This is normal use of issue tickets.

There is absolutely no need for name calling.

from aarogyasetu_android.

Animesh-Ghosh avatar Animesh-Ghosh commented on June 12, 2024 44

Also, @treyu1 did you literally just create a GitHub account to defend the app or GoI against criticism?

Hum yahaan jhak maarne aaye hain? We try to develop stuff and contribute to projects we like so that we can learn, and hopefully increase our probability of getting hired (employers see our projects).

Sure, yahaan par bhi issues main bakchodi hoti hai, lekin aap ka join karne ka reason mujhe achha nahi laga.

Do correct me if I am wrong.

from aarogyasetu_android.

Chinmay-KB avatar Chinmay-KB commented on June 12, 2024 41

Server code will be released subsequently, as mentioned in the press release
iOS app source code will be up in 2 weeks, I don;t think they've thought of KaiOS yet

from aarogyasetu_android.

0xSumitBanik avatar 0xSumitBanik commented on June 12, 2024 34

This release misses

  1. Server code
  2. Ios & Kaios apps
  3. Cloud & Deploy functions.

This release does not help in transparency without 1 & 3

It will take a few weeks, they have already mentioned that in their press-release.
I still couldn't believe they open-sourced it. So, please have some patience and wait for further releases.


from aarogyasetu_android.

tachyons avatar tachyons commented on June 12, 2024 30

"Government of India shall endeavour to adopt Open Source Software in all e-Governance systems implemented by various Government organizations, as a preferred option in comparison to Closed Source Software”, and that “The source code shall be available for the community/adopter/end-user to study and modify the software and to redistribute copies of either the original or modified software." It also says, "Source code shall be free from any royalty." Open source enthusiasts all over the world will be glad to know that the nature of compliance of the policy is mandatory. Open source as a preferred option is chosen on the basis of the merit of open source and its approach

Quoted from

Open source adoption is a part of Government policy and hence it is natural to expect rest of the source code. Since the tentative release date for rest of the code is mentioned in the press release, not anywhere in the code base, It is good to have an issue in public issue tracker till rest of the code is released

from aarogyasetu_android.

rishavs avatar rishavs commented on June 12, 2024 30

Can we please stop this pointless discussion? it doesnt helps the app and the community in anyway.
The issue for server code is relevant and should stay open till the code is released. Anything outside of this issue can be taken offline.

from aarogyasetu_android.

akhilpothana avatar akhilpothana commented on June 12, 2024 30

@delhiamitk as @FarmaanElahi said, you should close and lock this thread. @anivar this is a GitHub repo for AarogyaSetu_Android, not for Q&A and other concerns you have. You can email or tweet at the NIC if you want. Issues here are meant to address issues related to this codebase. @jace @ironjan you're so wrong. Every single release you will ever see here in this repo will be the android app. Not the server-code code and not the iOS app. This issue is pointless and a waste of time.

from aarogyasetu_android.

mukku105 avatar mukku105 commented on June 12, 2024 29

Just reported the User ( Handle : treyu1 ) , seems to a fake profile , trying to create confusion probably

@TitusRobyK I still would like to know why he was so quick to attack @anivar. He could have politely corrected him about the issue of code release.
Also @treyu1

Lol @animesh there are some mad geniuses who can work tirelessly for their country without any monetary benefit.Put aside your biased glasses you will see a whole new world son sunglasses

Such people in my books would only be called mad. Sorry if I cannot understand your feelings towards the country, but most people who get into development want to improve their quality of life first. I believe after you have stable finances, you can help others in better ways.

@animesh seems you want to a genuine reply then let me tell you if you will notice this anvar guy raised 3 issues within minutes of open sourcing the app.His desc on this issue if you will please analyze then notice was just pure commentary and sorry to be blunt but I believe in "give as good as one gets".

Also being older I can understand your apprehension of working for free but my personal feeling is the people who developed this must be highly paid.

Stop this nuisance buddy!
This is an Open Source Repository meant for the Development of the App.
Mind your business and let Developers do there Work in peace and Raise Issues.

This isnt your normal Discussion Forum for you to raise your Social Issues.

Talks only related to the Issues and developement of the Project.
Zip on. Drop the mic.

from aarogyasetu_android.

Thedijje avatar Thedijje commented on June 12, 2024 28

It clearly mentions Android code, Server code and other app code will be released one by one as per briefing.

from aarogyasetu_android.

TitusRobyK avatar TitusRobyK commented on June 12, 2024 28

Also, @treyu1 did you literally just create a GitHub account to defend the app or GoI against criticism?

Hum yahaan jhak maarne aaye hain? We try to develop stuff and contribute to projects we like so that we can learn, and hopefully increase our probability of getting hired (employers see our projects).

Sure, yahaan par bhi issues main bakchodi hoti hai, lekin aap ka join karne ka reason mujhe achha nahi laga.

Do correct me if I am wrong.

Just reported the User ( Handle : treyu1 ) , seems to a fake profile , trying to create confusion probably

from aarogyasetu_android.

tachyons avatar tachyons commented on June 12, 2024 25

COC is being made here, Please don't use this platform for name calling or personal attacks

from aarogyasetu_android.

FarmaanElahi avatar FarmaanElahi commented on June 12, 2024 17

First of all this is not the right forum topic discuss this. If you have any issue regarding some other project not being open sources till now , you can raise with the concerned authorities. Since this repo is for the Android project, this issue doesn't make sense also. It's better to close it.

from aarogyasetu_android.

preachme avatar preachme commented on June 12, 2024 16

@treyu1 you already created a lot of mess. Pls drop your mic and contribute to the repo if you can...:)

from aarogyasetu_android.

ironjan avatar ironjan commented on June 12, 2024 14

According to #16 it is impossible to build a useable app without having access to the server code. Consequently, this issue is not pointless and should stay open until the necessary code is available.

However, I would suggest @delhiamitk or some other member of the nic-delhi group to lock furthers comments as most existing comments are not related to the actual issue #1.

On a side note: the German open source corona tracing app repo has similar "problems". ~60% of all issues are answered with "will be added later, see (someplace else)". In the beginning, such issues were closed directly which lead to many duplicates. They now have adopted the "keep 1 issue open to track until it's actually done"-approach to prevent the duplicate issue.

from aarogyasetu_android.

Animesh-Ghosh avatar Animesh-Ghosh commented on June 12, 2024 13

Just reported the User ( Handle : treyu1 ) , seems to a fake profile , trying to create confusion probably

@TitusRobyK I still would like to know why he was so quick to attack @anivar. He could have politely corrected him about the issue of code release.

Also @treyu1

Lol @animesh there are some mad geniuses who can work tirelessly for their country without any monetary benefit.Put aside your biased glasses you will see a whole new world son 😎

Such people in my books would only be called mad. Sorry if I cannot understand your feelings towards the country, but most people who get into development want to improve their quality of life first. I believe after you have stable finances, you can help others in better ways.

from aarogyasetu_android.

rghv avatar rghv commented on June 12, 2024 10

Shivam seems like have deleted his comment after calling me code illiterate twitter guy.Sorry for being direct let me tell you buddy I guess you were not even born but I used to to code since the early days of open-source software when we used to discuss on Tanenbaum–Torvalds debate(I admit I was also all in for microkernels :)).Worked very hard during averting the Y2k bug which sadly the developer community does not give credit to those unsung heroes but I am proud of it.Talking of twitter I would request you to please visit this guy profile(not posting the link for respect of his privacy) but you would find the intention of him and his coterie who have commented in his support .This guys even wants to opensource Aadhar! which surely they have right to ask but is utterly foolish.I bet you they would try to derail the National Health Stack project.

@manishbansal8843 I also admit that I ranted but I am pretty sure this is not how open source community works by raising frivolous issues #8 raised by @anivar (another example see this guy here wants to include legal issues in readme: a joke right!) meant to derail the project rather than to genuinely enhance it for larger adoption.I would recommend you to read Open Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution.

@shivendrasoni this is not a open forum but an open source repo from the govt where you contribute for its development not try to slowdown it or inject aspersions over the project among the devs to halt it to serve your NGO to receive foreign money from vested interest.Of which clearly you are no way a part but some people surely are.I was in dev but now in management role but I surely get your point and thankful to you for pointing it out and think you are right in the garb of stopping them I became one.So I would try not to further comment on this issue.

To all the future commentators on me I am ready to take your suggestions or clear your misunderstandings on any discord server you create but lets not turn this into a Flame War of which I am sure partly to blame.Let all commentaries here from now on be regarding the issue.Thanks

@treyu1 - Your age/background/experience are immaterial here. Please stick to the topic.

If you feel #8 is frivolous, please use sane arguments on that ticket to debate it out, don't rant here - it is not productive.

Name-calling, references to derail foreign money vested interest etc are unwarranted, and hampers the whole spirit of active discussion and collaboartion. Please, stop!

from aarogyasetu_android.

delhiamitk avatar delhiamitk commented on June 12, 2024 9

The code is being released to address the concerns of security and privacy . As already mentioned in the press release , the iOS and backed code would be available very soon . Till then we would request for your collaboration and participation in checking the code and help us in making it even better.

from aarogyasetu_android.

Animesh-Ghosh avatar Animesh-Ghosh commented on June 12, 2024 8

@rishavs yes, I am sorry. I am not an Android dev, but I never saw any government app getting open sourced, so I scrolled through the Issues and PRs. I will try to be more civilised.

from aarogyasetu_android.

Chinmay-KB avatar Chinmay-KB commented on June 12, 2024 6

just wondering, why is it being rolled out in phases? i mean if you have the source code, committing it to a repo is just a click away so why are they releasing the ios and server code after a few weeks?

It isn't exactly just a week away. There are chances some hardcoded tokens, or some files like google-services.json etc may get pushed, anything sensitive that may be there in previous commits. Everything needs to be audited and then released for Open Source.

I've learnt it the hard way :/

from aarogyasetu_android.

manishbansal8843 avatar manishbansal8843 commented on June 12, 2024 6

@treyu1 This is not a times of india comment section buddy. Keep your rant to yourself. This is how open source community works. Lets keep the discussion sane.

from aarogyasetu_android.

jace avatar jace commented on June 12, 2024 5

This repo has been abandoned again. I doubt we'll see another code release without another round of making a public stink.

from aarogyasetu_android.

tachyons avatar tachyons commented on June 12, 2024 4

Server code will be released subsequently, as mentioned in the press release
iOS app source code will be up in 2 weeks, I don;t think they've thought of KaiOS yet

We are here after 20 days, no code releases for ios, web app and server code. And the already released repository is abandoned !!!

from aarogyasetu_android.

tachyons avatar tachyons commented on June 12, 2024 3

News coverage

from aarogyasetu_android.

anivar avatar anivar commented on June 12, 2024 2

@anivar Isn't this repository only meant for the Android app and not other components? I assume @delhiamitk and team would be making separate repositories for each component. I don't see a reason to keep this issue open. It's already been announced that they would be released soon.

#1 (comment) addresses this

from aarogyasetu_android.

aravindvnair99 avatar aravindvnair99 commented on June 12, 2024 1

This release misses

  1. Server code
  2. Ios & Kaios apps
  3. Cloud & Deploy functions.

This release does not help in transparency without 1 & 3

@anivar Isn't this repository only meant for the Android app and not other components? I assume @delhiamitk and team would be making separate repositories for each component. I don't see a reason to keep this issue open. It's already been announced that they would be released soon.

@delhiamitk will there be any bug bounty program for AarogyaSetu?

@payloadartist They did announce this on Twitter

from aarogyasetu_android.

jace avatar jace commented on June 12, 2024 1

Last commit on June 1, five months ago. Is there any doubt now that this "open source" release was only meant to keep all of us distracted? That they had no actual interest in open source?

What does @treyu1 have to say now?

from aarogyasetu_android.

ronalddas avatar ronalddas commented on June 12, 2024 link to tweet having the press release

from aarogyasetu_android.

garora avatar garora commented on June 12, 2024

It clearly mentions Android code, Server code and other app code will be released one by one as per briefing.

Can you tell the tech-stack of server code?

from aarogyasetu_android.

Thedijje avatar Thedijje commented on June 12, 2024

Hey, @garora app stack is yet not released or I haven't found in the press briefing I just herd half an hour before. Should be clear only after releasing of backend code.

from aarogyasetu_android.

Animesh-Ghosh avatar Animesh-Ghosh commented on June 12, 2024

First time something new is happening in govt tech space our youngster have worked hard voluntarily without any PAY support them by contributing to the code and leave your stupid activism.Let us all just help in new features.

@treyu1 if I was working as a government employee, I would expect to be paid atleast. Plus, as a developer, if you aren't getting paid for your work, which is being used by 10 crore people, there's something wrong with you. If you are not getting paid for your work, you should probably leave the company.

from aarogyasetu_android.

payloadartist avatar payloadartist commented on June 12, 2024

@delhiamitk will there be any bug bounty program for AarogyaSetu?

from aarogyasetu_android.

amanthegreatone avatar amanthegreatone commented on June 12, 2024

just wondering, why is it being rolled out in phases? i mean if you have the source code, committing it to a repo is just a click away so why are they releasing the ios and server code after a few weeks?

from aarogyasetu_android.

shivendrasoni avatar shivendrasoni commented on June 12, 2024

@treyu1 You are not a dev, and thats ok, but what you are doing here is exactly what you blamed the other guy for. What you are doing IS activism. And if you were really all that serious about learning, you wouldn't sitting here, replying in split second rather than learning to code (your words). And its an open forum, not yours not anyone's so unless you are a moderator (you're not) its not for you to decide who says what.

from aarogyasetu_android.

Lunarequest avatar Lunarequest commented on June 12, 2024

Where is the server code and the code for ios and kaios. its missing.

from aarogyasetu_android.

rnayabed avatar rnayabed commented on June 12, 2024


from aarogyasetu_android.

rnayabed avatar rnayabed commented on June 12, 2024

Last commit on June 1, five months ago. Is there any doubt now that this "open source" release was only meant to keep all of us distracted? That they had no actual interest in open source?

What does @treyu1 have to say now?

I think its more of like a management issue. @treyu1 clearly looks like a account controlled by multiple people. lets wait and see what happens.

from aarogyasetu_android.

tachyons avatar tachyons commented on June 12, 2024 this the code released by nic today (imported from open forge)

from aarogyasetu_android.

jace avatar jace commented on June 12, 2024

tachyons/aarogyasetubackend this the code released by nic today (imported from open forge)

This is not the server code. It appears to be for the embedded web view.

from aarogyasetu_android.

anivar avatar anivar commented on June 12, 2024

“What they’ve released right now is some non-functional code snippets. It is client-side code loaded onto the app from a web address and not the server functions or the data-handling part. The back-end code, which handles the data, including the data schemas, has still been kept secret,"

“It doesn’t allow you to glean any kind of useful information about the functioning of Aarogya Setu, apart from a few superficial snippets,"

In reports

from aarogyasetu_android.

iamvajid avatar iamvajid commented on June 12, 2024

Where is the server code ? The nation wants to know

from aarogyasetu_android.

gargVader avatar gargVader commented on June 12, 2024

Tweet by Aarogya Setu for Backend

from aarogyasetu_android.

rnayabed avatar rnayabed commented on June 12, 2024

@anivar @iamvajid they released the backend.

@anivar close the issue now. damn almost a year for making the backend opensource

from aarogyasetu_android.

tachyons avatar tachyons commented on June 12, 2024

It is was just source code for the web view when I checked last time. Is that changed? Have you guys were able to run the backend code on your local machine ?

@rnayabed @gargVader

from aarogyasetu_android.

gargVader avatar gargVader commented on June 12, 2024

@tachyons No. This is not the backend. They have just given some frontend views. Pathetic Check this tweet

from aarogyasetu_android.

rnayabed avatar rnayabed commented on June 12, 2024


from aarogyasetu_android.

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