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Comments (9)

su-chang avatar su-chang commented on September 24, 2024
10:52:43 VERB Bridge stop()
10:52:43 VERB CacheManager release()
10:52:43 VERB CacheManager releaseCache()

==== JS stack trace =========================================

    0: ExitFrame [pc: 1EF5209E]
Security context: 0x17692705 <JSObject>
    1: _close [19D2D195] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\rocksdb\leveldown.js:24] [bytecode=3F5359F9 offset=13](this=0x3f90b661 <LevelDOWN map = 1212BB39>,callback=0x336aae45 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F535819)>)
    2: close [055FE0CD] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\rocksdb\node_modules\abstract-leveldown\abstract-leveldown.js:61] [bytecode=3F5358B1 offset=61](this=0x3f90b661 <LevelDOWN map = 1212BB39>,callback=0x336aae01 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F535561)>)
    3: _close [271FF765] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\encoding-down\index.js:61] [bytecode=3F535741 offset=13](this=0x3f90b5f9 <DB map = 1212CE4D>,cb=0x336aae01 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F535561)>)
    4: close [3CF50221] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\abstract-leveldown\abstract-leveldown.js:58] [bytecode=3F5355F9 offset=61](this=0x3f90b5f9 <DB map = 1212CE4D>,callback=0x336aadbd <JSFunction (sfi = 3F53515D)>)
    5: close [1E5F7675] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\levelup\lib\levelup.js:140] [bytecode=3F535291 offset=69](this=0x3f911571 <LevelUP map = 1212CFAD>,callback=0x2870438d <undefined>)
    6: arguments adaptor frame: 0->1
    7: /* anonymous */ [336AA9F9] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\flash-store\bundles\flash-store.umd.js:636] [bytecode=3F534FAD offset=68](this=0x3f910e09 <FlashStore map = 1212C951>,_d=0x336aaa8d <Object map = 0455E781>)
    8: step [336AAA6D] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\flash-store\bundles\flash-store.umd.js:23] [bytecode=2AEC2751 offset=748](this=0x106844a1 <JSGlobal Object>,op=0x336aabf9 <JSArray[2]>)
    9: next [336AAB3D] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\flash-store\bundles\flash-store.umd.js:~4] [pc=3F7468B3](this=0x336aab01 <Object map = 08205E0D>,v=0x2870438d <undefined>)
   10: arguments adaptor frame: 0->1
   11: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) [3E4E7601] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\flash-store\bundles\flash-store.umd.js:~65] [pc=3F73D60E](this=0x2870438d <undefined>,thisArg=0x3f910e09 <FlashStore map = 1212C951>,_arguments=0x2870438d <undefined>,P=0x2870438d <undefined>,generator=0x336aa8a1 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F534CA9)>)
   12: close [1E5F9651] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\flash-store\bundles\flash-store.umd.js:631] [bytecode=3F534D19 offset=20](this=0x3f910e09 <FlashStore map = 1212C951>)
   13: /* anonymous */ [336AA011] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\donut\cache-manager.js:334] [bytecode=3F5347D1 offset=251](this=0x3f910765 <CacheManager map = 1212D215>)
   14: next [17690275](this=0x336aa245 <JSGenerator>)
   15: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) [052C89E1] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\donut\cache-manager.js:~2] [pc=05A9D8F7](this=0x2870438d <undefined>,thisArg=0x3f910765 <CacheManager map = 1212D215>,_arguments=0x2870438d <undefined>,P=0x2870438d <undefined>,generator=0x336aa011 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F53449D)>)
   16: releaseCache [2E8D5A25] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\donut\cache-manager.js:321] [bytecode=3F53450D offset=22](this=0x3f910765 <CacheManager map = 1212D215>)
   17: /* anonymous */ [336A9871] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\donut\cache-manager.js:53] [bytecode=3F534299 offset=155](this=0x052ceeb5 <JSFunction CacheManager (sfi = 22229DE1)>)
   18: next [17690275](this=0x336a9a81 <JSGenerator>)
   19: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) [052C89E1] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\donut\cache-manager.js:~2] [pc=05A9D8F7](this=0x2870438d <undefined>,thisArg=0x052ceeb5 <JSFunction CacheManager (sfi = 22229DE1)>,_arguments=0x2870438d <undefined>,P=0x2870438d <undefined>,generator=0x336a9871 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F534071)>)
   20: release [2E8D5A4D] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\donut\cache-manager.js:47] [bytecode=3F5340DD offset=22](this=0x052ceeb5 <JSFunction CacheManager (sfi = 22229DE1)>)
   21: /* anonymous */ [336A90E1] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\donut\bridge.js:113] [bytecode=3F533E9D offset=136](this=0x3f9102e1 <EventEmitter map = 1212D8F5>)
   22: next [17690275](this=0x336a92f1 <JSGenerator>)
   23: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) [3E4D5061] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\donut\bridge.js:~2] [pc=05AFE457](this=0x2870438d <undefined>,thisArg=0x3f9102e1 <EventEmitter map = 1212D8F5>,_arguments=0x2870438d <undefined>,P=0x2870438d <undefined>,generator=0x336a90e1 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F533CD9)>)
   24: stop [3F92E9A5] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\donut\bridge.js:107] [bytecode=3F533D45 offset=20](this=0x3f9102e1 <EventEmitter map = 1212D8F5>)
   25: /* anonymous */ [336A8781] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\puppet-donut.js:131] [bytecode=3F533965 offset=203](this=0x3f9436fd <EventEmitter map = 1212D9D1>)
   26: next [17690275](this=0x336a8a19 <JSGenerator>)
   27: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) [3E4D4FB1] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\puppet-donut.js:~2] [pc=3F7497D7](this=0x2870438d <undefined>,thisArg=0x3f9436fd <EventEmitter map = 1212D9D1>,_arguments=0x2870438d <undefined>,P=0x2870438d <undefined>,generator=0x336a8781 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F5335ED)>)
   28: stopBridge [3F93BAB5] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\puppet-donut.js:122] [bytecode=3F53365D offset=31](this=0x3f9436fd <EventEmitter map = 1212D9D1>,bridge=0x3f9102e1 <EventEmitter map = 1212D8F5>)
   29: /* anonymous */ [336A76ED] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\puppet-donut.js:71] [bytecode=3F5330F5 offset=288](this=0x3f9436fd <EventEmitter map = 1212D9D1>)
   30: next [17690275](this=0x336a7915 <JSGenerator>)
   31: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) [3E4D4FB1] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\puppet-donut.js:~2] [pc=3F7497D7](this=0x2870438d <undefined>,thisArg=0x3f9436fd <EventEmitter map = 1212D9D1>,_arguments=0x2870438d <undefined>,P=0x2870438d <undefined>,generator=0x336a76ed <JSFunction (sfi = 3F532DD9)>)
   32: stop [3F93BA99] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\puppet-donut.js:59] [bytecode=3F532E45 offset=20](this=0x3f9436fd <EventEmitter map = 1212D9D1>)
   33: /* anonymous */ [336A69E9] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\wechaty-puppet-hostie\dist\src\server\puppet-implementation.js:757] [bytecode=3F532501 offset=166](this=0x2590c08d <Object map = 0EC5E049>)
   34: next [17690275](this=0x336a6c0d <JSGenerator>)
   35: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) [336A6A55] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\wechaty-puppet-hostie\dist\src\server\puppet-implementation.js:8] [bytecode=22876CC1 offset=82](this=0x2870438d <undefined>,resolve=0x336a6ab1 <JSFunction (sfi = 0D98F5E5)>,reject=0x336a6acd <JSFunction (sfi = 0D98F629)>)
   36: new Promise(aka Promise) [1768BABD](this=0x28704421 <the_hole>,0x336a6a55 <JSFunction (sfi = 22876A11)>)
   37: ConstructFrame [pc: 1EF0D933]
   38: StubFrame [pc: 2494AE11]
   39: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) [2590C0FD] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\wechaty-puppet-hostie\dist\src\server\puppet-implementation.js:4] [bytecode=22876A8D offset=47](this=0x2870438d <undefined>,thisArg=0x2590c08d <Object map = 0EC5E049>,_arguments=0x2870438d <undefined>,P=0x2870438d <undefined>,generator=0x336a69e9 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F5322C9)>)
   40: stop [1E5C49BD] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\wechaty-puppet-hostie\dist\src\server\puppet-implementation.js:747] [bytecode=3F53233D offset=38](this=0x1e5c4459 <Object map = 1212AA35>,call=0x336a40fd <ServerUnaryCall map = 08206519>,callback=0x336a69a9 <JSFunction sendUnaryData (sfi = 2287461D)>)
   41: /* anonymous */ [336A43ED] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\grpc\src\server.js:~578] [pc=3F7465E6](this=0x106844a1 <JSGlobal Object>,err=0x28704159 <null>,result=0x336a6681 <Object map = 08206545>)
   42: InternalFrame [pc: 1EF0F204]
   43: EntryFrame [pc: 1EF0A491]

==== Details ================================================

[0]: ExitFrame [pc: 1EF5209E]
[1]: _close [19D2D195] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\rocksdb\leveldown.js:24] [bytecode=3F5359F9 offset=13](this=0x3f90b661 <LevelDOWN map = 1212BB39>,callback=0x336aae45 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F535819)>) {
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [07] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [06] : 0x04aad4ed <JSFunction close (sfi = 04AAD4A9)>
  [05] : 6
  [04] : 0x28704421 <the_hole>
  [03] : 0x336aae45 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F535819)>
  [02] : 0x3f90be91 <Database map = 1212BB0D>
  [01] : 0x3f90be91 <Database map = 1212BB0D>
  [00] : 0x04aad4ed <JSFunction close (sfi = 04AAD4A9)>
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (callback) {\x0a  this.binding.close(callback)\x0a}

[2]: close [055FE0CD] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\rocksdb\node_modules\abstract-leveldown\abstract-leveldown.js:61] [bytecode=3F5358B1 offset=61](this=0x3f90b661 <LevelDOWN map = 1212BB39>,callback=0x336aae01 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F535561)>) {
  // heap-allocated locals
  var callback = 0x336aae01 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F535561)>
  var self = 0x3f90b661 <LevelDOWN map = 1212BB39>
  var oldStatus = 0x176e39a9 <String[4]: open>
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [05] : 0x336aae45 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F535819)>
  [04] : 0x3f90b661 <LevelDOWN map = 1212BB39>
  [03] : 0x336aae45 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F535819)>
  [02] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [01] : 0x19d2d195 <JSFunction LevelDOWN._close (sfi = 0528D371)>
  [00] : 0x052ba071 <FunctionContext[13]>
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (callback) {\x0a  var self = this\x0a  var oldStatus = this.status\x0a\x0a  if (typeof callback !== 'function') {\x0a    throw new Error('close() requires a callback argument')\x0a  }\x0a\x0a  this.status = 'closing'\x0a  this._close(function (err) {\x0a    if (err) {\x0a      self.status = oldStatus\x0a      return callback(err)\x0a    ...


[3]: _close [271FF765] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\encoding-down\index.js:61] [bytecode=3F535741 offset=13](this=0x3f90b5f9 <DB map = 1212CE4D>,cb=0x336aae01 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F535561)>) {
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [03] : 0x336aae01 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F535561)>
  [02] : 0x3f90b661 <LevelDOWN map = 1212BB39>
  [01] : 0x3f90b661 <LevelDOWN map = 1212BB39>
  [00] : 0x055fe0cd <JSFunction AbstractLevelDOWN.close (sfi = 0528F221)>
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (cb) {\x0a  this.db.close(cb)\x0a}

[4]: close [3CF50221] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\abstract-leveldown\abstract-leveldown.js:58] [bytecode=3F5355F9 offset=61](this=0x3f90b5f9 <DB map = 1212CE4D>,callback=0x336aadbd <JSFunction (sfi = 3F53515D)>) {
  // heap-allocated locals
  var callback = 0x336aadbd <JSFunction (sfi = 3F53515D)>
  var self = 0x3f90b5f9 <DB map = 1212CE4D>
  var oldStatus = 0x176e39a9 <String[4]: open>
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [05] : 0x336aae01 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F535561)>
  [04] : 0x3f90b5f9 <DB map = 1212CE4D>
  [03] : 0x336aae01 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F535561)>
  [02] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [01] : 0x271ff765 <JSFunction DB._close (sfi = 052931ED)>
  [00] : 0x3e4e5b7d <FunctionContext[14]>
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (callback) {\x0a  var self = this\x0a  var oldStatus = this.status\x0a\x0a  if (typeof callback !== 'function') {\x0a    throw new Error('close() requires a callback argument')\x0a  }\x0a\x0a  this.status = 'closing'\x0a  this._close(function (err) {\x0a    if (err) {\x0a      self.status = oldStatus\x0a      return callback(err)\x0a    ...


[5]: close [1E5F7675] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\levelup\lib\levelup.js:140] [bytecode=3F535291 offset=69](this=0x3f911571 <LevelUP map = 1212CFAD>,callback=0x2870438d <undefined>) {
  // stack-allocated locals
  var promise = 0x336aacf5 <Promise map = 04504FF5>
  // heap-allocated locals
  var callback = 0x336aad89 <JSFunction callback (sfi = 054EA6E1)>
  var self = 0x3f911571 <LevelUP map = 1212CFAD>
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [07] : 0x336aadbd <JSFunction (sfi = 3F53515D)>
  [06] : 0x3f90b5f9 <DB map = 1212CE4D>
  [05] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [04] : 0x336aadbd <JSFunction (sfi = 3F53515D)>
  [03] : 0x3f90b5f9 <DB map = 1212CE4D>
  [02] : 0x3cf50221 <JSFunction AbstractLevelDOWN.close (sfi = 05295035)>
  [01] : 0x052b1575 <FunctionContext[21]>
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (callback) {\x0a  var self = this\x0a  var promise\x0a\x0a  if (!callback) {\x0a    callback = promisify()\x0a    promise = callback.promise\x0a  }\x0a\x0a  if (this.isOpen()) {\x0a    this.db.close(function () {\x0a      self.emit('closed')\x0a      callback.apply(null, arguments)\x0a    })\x0a    this.emit('closing')\x0a    this.db = new Def...


[6]: arguments adaptor frame: 0->1 {

[7]: /* anonymous */ [336AA9F9] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\flash-store\bundles\flash-store.umd.js:636] [bytecode=3F534FAD offset=68](this=0x3f910e09 <FlashStore map = 1212C951>,_d=0x336aaa8d <Object map = 0455E781>) {
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [05] : 0x3f911571 <LevelUP map = 1212CFAD>
  [04] : 0x3f911571 <LevelUP map = 1212CFAD>
  [03] : 0x1e5f7675 <JSFunction LevelUP.close (sfi = 2E8B98CD)>
  [02] : 1
  [01] : 0x336aac91 <JSArray[2]>
  [00] : 0
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (_d) {\x0a                    switch (_d.label) {\x0a                        case 0:\x0a                            log.verbose('FlashStore', 'close()');\x0a                            return [4 /*yield*/, this.levelDb.close()];\x0a                        case 1:\x0a                            _d.sent();\x0a            ...


[8]: step [336AAA6D] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\flash-store\bundles\flash-store.umd.js:23] [bytecode=2AEC2751 offset=748](this=0x106844a1 <JSGlobal Object>,op=0x336aabf9 <JSArray[2]>) {
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [09] : 0x336aaa8d <Object map = 0455E781>
  [08] : 0x3f910e09 <FlashStore map = 1212C951>
  [07] : 0x336aaa8d <Object map = 0455E781>
  [06] : 0x3f910e09 <FlashStore map = 1212C951>
  [05] : 0x336aa9f9 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F534DD5)>
  [04] : 0x1768588d <JSFunction call (sfi = 0D98BFAD)>
  [03] : 0x336aaa19 <FunctionContext[11]>
  [02] : 0x336aaa19 <FunctionContext[11]>
  [01] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [00] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function step(op) {\x0a        if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");\x0a        while (_) try {\x0a            if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) &&, 0) : && !(t =, op[1])).done) return t;\x0a            if (y = 0, t) op...


[9]: next [336AAB3D] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\flash-store\bundles\flash-store.umd.js:~4] [pc=3F7468B3](this=0x336aab01 <Object map = 08205E0D>,v=0x2870438d <undefined>) {
// optimized frame
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (v) { return step([n, v]); }
[10]: arguments adaptor frame: 0->1 {

[11]: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) [3E4E7601] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\flash-store\bundles\flash-store.umd.js:~65] [pc=3F73D60E](this=0x2870438d <undefined>,thisArg=0x3f910e09 <FlashStore map = 1212C951>,_arguments=0x2870438d <undefined>,P=0x2870438d <undefined>,generator=0x336aa8a1 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F534CA9)>) {
// optimized frame
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\x0a        return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\x0a            function fulfilled(value) { try {\x0a                step(;\x0a            }\x0a            catch (e) {\x0a                reject(e);\x0a            } }\x0a            function ...

[12]: close [1E5F9651] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\flash-store\bundles\flash-store.umd.js:631] [bytecode=3F534D19 offset=20](this=0x3f910e09 <FlashStore map = 1212C951>) {
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [09] : 0x336aa8a1 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F534CA9)>
  [08] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [07] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [06] : 0x3f910e09 <FlashStore map = 1212C951>
  [05] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [04] : 0x336aa8a1 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F534CA9)>
  [03] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [02] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [01] : 0x3f910e09 <FlashStore map = 1212C951>
  [00] : 0x3e4e7601 <JSFunction __awaiter (sfi = 1E5F7A2D)>
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function () {\x0a            return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {\x0a                return __generator(this, function (_d) {\x0a                    switch (_d.label) {\x0a                        case 0:\x0a                            log.verbose('FlashStore', 'close()');\x0a                            return ...


[13]: /* anonymous */ [336AA011] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\donut\cache-manager.js:334] [bytecode=3F5347D1 offset=251](this=0x3f910765 <CacheManager map = 1212D215>) {
  // stack-allocated locals
  var .generator_object = 0x336aa245 <JSGenerator>
  // heap-allocated locals
  var this = 0x3f910765 <CacheManager map = 1212D215>
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [08] : 0x3f910e09 <FlashStore map = 1212C951>
  [07] : 0x3f910e09 <FlashStore map = 1212C951>
  [06] : 0x1e5f9651 <JSFunction FlashStore.close (sfi = 1E5F8BDD)>
  [05] : 0
  [04] : 0x336aa86d <JSArray[5]>
  [03] : 0x1768babd <JSFunction Promise (sfi = 0D98F32D)>
  [02] : 0x1768bb81 <JSFunction all (sfi = 0D98F3D5)>
  [01] : 0x2e8dbe15 <BlockContext[5]>
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function () {\x0a            config_1.log.verbose(PRE, 'releaseCache()');\x0a            if (this.cacheContactRawPayload\x0a                && this.cacheRoomMemberRawPayload\x0a                && this.cacheRoomRawPayload\x0a                && this.cacheFriendshipRawPayload\x0a                && this.cacheRoomInvitationRawPayl...


[14]: next [17690275](this=0x336aa245 <JSGenerator>) {
// optimized frame
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
<No Source>
[15]: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) [052C89E1] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\donut\cache-manager.js:~2] [pc=05A9D8F7](this=0x2870438d <undefined>,thisArg=0x3f910765 <CacheManager map = 1212D215>,_arguments=0x2870438d <undefined>,P=0x2870438d <undefined>,generator=0x336aa011 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F53449D)>) {
// optimized frame
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\x0a    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\x0a    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\x0a        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) {...

[16]: releaseCache [2E8D5A25] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\donut\cache-manager.js:321] [bytecode=3F53450D offset=22](this=0x3f910765 <CacheManager map = 1212D215>) {
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [09] : 0x336aa011 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F53449D)>
  [08] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [07] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [06] : 0x3f910765 <CacheManager map = 1212D215>
  [05] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [04] : 0x336aa011 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F53449D)>
  [03] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [02] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [01] : 0x3f910765 <CacheManager map = 1212D215>
  [00] : 0x052c89e1 <JSFunction __awaiter (sfi = 22229BF1)>
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function releaseCache() {\x0a        return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\x0a            config_1.log.verbose(PRE, 'releaseCache()');\x0a            if (this.cacheContactRawPayload\x0a                && this.cacheRoomMemberRawPayload\x0a                && this.cacheRoomRawPayload\x0a                && this.cacheFriendshi...


[17]: /* anonymous */ [336A9871] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\donut\cache-manager.js:53] [bytecode=3F534299 offset=155](this=0x052ceeb5 <JSFunction CacheManager (sfi = 22229DE1)>) {
  // stack-allocated locals
  var .generator_object = 0x336a9a81 <JSGenerator>
  // heap-allocated locals
  var this = 0x052ceeb5 <JSFunction CacheManager (sfi = 22229DE1)>
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [06] : 0x3f910765 <CacheManager map = 1212D215>
  [05] : 0x3f534165 <String[9]: release()>
  [04] : 0x3f5d6e11 <String[12]: CacheManager>
  [03] : 0x3f910765 <CacheManager map = 1212D215>
  [02] : 0x2e8d5a25 <JSFunction releaseCache (sfi = 2222A905)>
  [01] : 0x2e8dbe15 <BlockContext[5]>
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function () {\x0a            config_1.log.verbose(PRE, `release()`);\x0a            if (!this._instance) {\x0a                config_1.log.verbose(PRE, `release() CacheManager not exist, no need to release it.`);\x0a                return;\x0a            }\x0a            yield this._instance.releaseCache();\x0a            this._...


[18]: next [17690275](this=0x336a9a81 <JSGenerator>) {
// optimized frame
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
<No Source>
[19]: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) [052C89E1] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\donut\cache-manager.js:~2] [pc=05A9D8F7](this=0x2870438d <undefined>,thisArg=0x052ceeb5 <JSFunction CacheManager (sfi = 22229DE1)>,_arguments=0x2870438d <undefined>,P=0x2870438d <undefined>,generator=0x336a9871 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F534071)>) {
// optimized frame
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\x0a    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\x0a    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\x0a        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) {...

[20]: release [2E8D5A4D] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\donut\cache-manager.js:47] [bytecode=3F5340DD offset=22](this=0x052ceeb5 <JSFunction CacheManager (sfi = 22229DE1)>) {
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [09] : 0x336a9871 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F534071)>
  [08] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [07] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [06] : 0x052ceeb5 <JSFunction CacheManager (sfi = 22229DE1)>
  [05] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [04] : 0x336a9871 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F534071)>
  [03] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [02] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [01] : 0x052ceeb5 <JSFunction CacheManager (sfi = 22229DE1)>
  [00] : 0x052c89e1 <JSFunction __awaiter (sfi = 22229BF1)>
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function release() {\x0a        return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\x0a            config_1.log.verbose(PRE, `release()`);\x0a            if (!this._instance) {\x0a                config_1.log.verbose(PRE, `release() CacheManager not exist, no need to release it.`);\x0a                return;\x0a            }\x0a     ...


[21]: /* anonymous */ [336A90E1] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\donut\bridge.js:113] [bytecode=3F533E9D offset=136](this=0x3f9102e1 <EventEmitter map = 1212D8F5>) {
  // stack-allocated locals
  var .generator_object = 0x336a92f1 <JSGenerator>
  // heap-allocated locals
  var this = 0x3f9102e1 <EventEmitter map = 1212D8F5>
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [06] : 0x052ceeb5 <JSFunction CacheManager (sfi = 22229DE1)>
  [05] : 0x3f532235 <String[6]: stop()>
  [04] : 0x3cf69625 <String[6]: Bridge>
  [03] : 0x052ceeb5 <JSFunction CacheManager (sfi = 22229DE1)>
  [02] : 0x2e8d5a4d <JSFunction release (sfi = 22229E95)>
  [01] : 0x11505ead <FunctionContext[19]>
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function () {\x0a            config_1.log.verbose(PRE, 'stop()');\x0a            if (!this.donut) {\x0a                throw new Error(`no donut`);\x0a            }\x0a            // await this.donut.DestroyWeChat()\x0a            yield cache_manager_1.CacheManager.release();\x0a        }

[22]: next [17690275](this=0x336a92f1 <JSGenerator>) {
// optimized frame
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
<No Source>
[23]: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) [3E4D5061] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\donut\bridge.js:~2] [pc=05AFE457](this=0x2870438d <undefined>,thisArg=0x3f9102e1 <EventEmitter map = 1212D8F5>,_arguments=0x2870438d <undefined>,P=0x2870438d <undefined>,generator=0x336a90e1 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F533CD9)>) {
// optimized frame
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\x0a    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\x0a    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\x0a        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) {...

[24]: stop [3F92E9A5] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\donut\bridge.js:107] [bytecode=3F533D45 offset=20](this=0x3f9102e1 <EventEmitter map = 1212D8F5>) {
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [09] : 0x336a90e1 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F533CD9)>
  [08] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [07] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [06] : 0x3f9102e1 <EventEmitter map = 1212D8F5>
  [05] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [04] : 0x336a90e1 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F533CD9)>
  [03] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [02] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [01] : 0x3f9102e1 <EventEmitter map = 1212D8F5>
  [00] : 0x3e4d5061 <JSFunction __awaiter (sfi = 3F5D78CD)>
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function stop() {\x0a        return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\x0a            config_1.log.verbose(PRE, 'stop()');\x0a            if (!this.donut) {\x0a                throw new Error(`no donut`);\x0a            }\x0a            // await this.donut.DestroyWeChat()\x0a            yield cache_manager_1.CacheManager...


[25]: /* anonymous */ [336A8781] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\puppet-donut.js:131] [bytecode=3F533965 offset=203](this=0x3f9436fd <EventEmitter map = 1212D9D1>) {
  // stack-allocated locals
  var .generator_object = 0x2870438d <undefined>
  // heap-allocated locals
  var this = 0x3f9436fd <EventEmitter map = 1212D9D1>
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [10] : 0x3f9102e1 <EventEmitter map = 1212D8F5>
  [09] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [08] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [07] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [06] : 0x3f5336ed <String[12]: stopBridge()>
  [05] : 0x3f9102e1 <EventEmitter map = 1212D8F5>
  [04] : 0x3f92e9a5 <JSFunction stop (sfi = 3F5D7A35)>
  [03] : 0x336a8975 <FunctionContext[5]>
  [02] : 0x336a8765 <FunctionContext[5]>
  [01] : 0x336a8a19 <JSGenerator>
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function () {\x0a            config_1.log.verbose(PRE, 'stopBridge()');\x0a            if (this.state.on()) {\x0a                const e = new Error('stopBridge() found targetState != off, no stop anymore');\x0a                config_1.log.warn(PRE, e.message);\x0a                throw e;\x0a            }\x0a            bridge.r...


[26]: next [17690275](this=0x336a8a19 <JSGenerator>) {
// optimized frame
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
<No Source>
[27]: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) [3E4D4FB1] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\puppet-donut.js:~2] [pc=3F7497D7](this=0x2870438d <undefined>,thisArg=0x3f9436fd <EventEmitter map = 1212D9D1>,_arguments=0x2870438d <undefined>,P=0x2870438d <undefined>,generator=0x336a8781 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F5335ED)>) {
// optimized frame
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {\x0a    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }\x0a    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {\x0a        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) {...

[28]: stopBridge [3F93BAB5] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\puppet-donut.js:122] [bytecode=3F53365D offset=31](this=0x3f9436fd <EventEmitter map = 1212D9D1>,bridge=0x3f9102e1 <EventEmitter map = 1212D8F5>) {
  // heap-allocated locals
  var bridge = 0x3f9102e1 <EventEmitter map = 1212D8F5>
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [10] : 0x336a8781 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F5335ED)>
  [09] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [08] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [07] : 0x3f9436fd <EventEmitter map = 1212D9D1>
  [06] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [05] : 0x336a8781 <JSFunction (sfi = 3F5335ED)>
  [04] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [03] : 0x2870438d <undefined>
  [02] : 0x3f9436fd <EventEmitter map = 1212D9D1>
  [01] : 0x3e4d4fb1 <JSFunction __awaiter (sfi = 3F919AD5)>
  [00] : 0x11514c19 <FunctionContext[26]>
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function stopBridge(bridge) {\x0a        return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {\x0a            config_1.log.verbose(PRE, 'stopBridge()');\x0a            if (this.state.on()) {\x0a                const e = new Error('stopBridge() found targetState != off, no stop anymore');\x0a                config_1.log.warn(PRE, e.m...


[29]: /* anonymous */ [336A76ED] [C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testPuppetWindows\wechaty\node_modules\@juzibot\wechaty-puppet-donut\dist\src\puppet-donut.js:71] [bytecode=3F5330F5 offset=288](this=0x3f9436fd <EventEmitter map = 1212D9D1>) {
  // stack-allocated locals
  var .generator_object = 0x336a7915 <JSGenerator>
  // heap-allocated local...
npm ERR! errno 3221225477
npm ERR! wechaty@0.37.5 io-client: `ts-node bin/io-client`
npm ERR! Exit status 3221225477
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the wechaty@0.37.5 io-client script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_logs\2020-04-16T02_52_43_358Z-debug.log
/c/Program Files (x86)/nodejs/npm: line 34:  1337 Segmentation fault      "$NODE_EXE" "$NPM_CLI_JS" "$@"

from donut-tester.

huan avatar huan commented on September 24, 2024

Cloud you please upgrade to [email protected] to see if it behaves better?

We have upgraded the leveldown from 4.0.1 to 5.6.0


from donut-tester.

huan avatar huan commented on September 24, 2024

And also give [email protected] a try because we also upgrade the RocksDB from 3.1.0 to 4.1.0 too.


from donut-tester.

su-chang avatar su-chang commented on September 24, 2024

OK, I will do it in local env with reset() to test.

from donut-tester.

huan avatar huan commented on September 24, 2024

[email protected] has been published as the first version that using the SQLite3.

Please have a try with it and let me know if it is as stable as we expected.

See: huan/flash-store#75

from donut-tester.

su-chang avatar su-chang commented on September 24, 2024

Good news:
[email protected] work nice

Bad news:
[email protected] could not installed successfully in Windows, but work nice in wechaty-puppet-padplus

from donut-tester.

huan avatar huan commented on September 24, 2024

Great to know [email protected] are good now! The new version of LevelDB saved it.

So for the [email protected] with RocksDB, I want to confirm that do you mean it can work without the segfault and it is good too except the Windows platform?

from donut-tester.

su-chang avatar su-chang commented on September 24, 2024

I could not install [email protected] successfully in Windows platform, so I'm not sure about it.

I have test [email protected] in Mac platform for wechaty-puppet-padplus, and it work nice.

from donut-tester.

su-chang avatar su-chang commented on September 24, 2024

This bug has already been fixed in [email protected].

Update flash-store to v0.12.7.

from donut-tester.

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