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Comments (2)

nugosu avatar nugosu commented on July 19, 2024

your worker runtime is not set. As of 2.0.1-beta.26 a worker runtime setting is required.
Please run func settings add FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME <option> or add FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME to your local.settings.json
Available options: dotnet, node, python

        @   %%%%%%    @
      @@   %%%%%%      @@
   @@@    %%%%%%%%%%%    @@@
 @@      %%%%%%%%%%        @@
   @@         %%%%       @@
     @@      %%%       @@
       @@    %%      @@

Azure Functions Core Tools (2.3.148 Commit hash: f9b3db04f9833b431f1b001efb3e5783a169ebfc)
Function Runtime Version: 2.0.12210.0
[12/17/2018 10:42:48 PM] Building host: startup suppressed:False, configuration suppressed: False
[12/17/2018 10:42:48 PM] Reading host configuration file 'C:\GIT\myAzureFunction\EML\Eml.Domain\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.1\host.json'
[12/17/2018 10:42:48 PM] Host configuration file read:
[12/17/2018 10:42:48 PM] {
[12/17/2018 10:42:48 PM] "version": "2.0"
[12/17/2018 10:42:48 PM] }
[12/17/2018 10:42:49 PM] Initializing Host.
[12/17/2018 10:42:49 PM] Host initialization: ConsecutiveErrors=0, StartupCount=1
[12/17/2018 10:42:49 PM] Starting JobHost
[12/17/2018 10:42:49 PM] Starting Host (HostId=grapc-663247381, InstanceId=277173dc-2b9b-4039-8dd0-374549204662, Version=2.0.12210.0, ProcessId=9440, AppDomainId=1, InDebugMode=False, InDiagnosticMode=False, FunctionsExtensionVersion=)
[12/17/2018 10:42:49 PM] Loading functions metadata
[12/17/2018 10:42:49 PM] 4 functions loaded
[12/17/2018 10:42:49 PM] Loading proxies metadata
[12/17/2018 10:42:49 PM] Initializing Azure Function proxies
[12/17/2018 10:42:54 PM] 6 proxies loaded
[12/17/2018 10:42:55 PM] Generating 10 job function(s)
[12/17/2018 10:42:55 PM] Found the following functions:
[12/17/2018 10:42:55 PM] Host.Functions.ProgramsProxy
[12/17/2018 10:42:55 PM] Host.Functions.ClientsProxy
[12/17/2018 10:42:55 PM] Host.Functions.UserPermissionsProxy
[12/17/2018 10:42:55 PM] Host.Functions.OpenApiProviderProxy
[12/17/2018 10:42:55 PM] Host.Functions.OpenApiProviderProxyRedirect
[12/17/2018 10:42:55 PM] Host.Functions.OpenApiYamlProxy
[12/17/2018 10:42:55 PM] Eml.Domain.Functions.Clients.Run
[12/17/2018 10:42:55 PM] Eml.Domain.Functions.OpenApiProvider.Run
[12/17/2018 10:42:55 PM] Eml.Domain.Functions.Programs.Run
[12/17/2018 10:42:55 PM] Eml.Domain.Functions.UserPermissions.Run
[12/17/2018 10:42:55 PM]
[12/17/2018 10:42:55 PM] Host initialized (6454ms)
[12/17/2018 10:42:55 PM] Host started (6477ms)
[12/17/2018 10:42:55 PM] Job host started
Hosting environment: Production
Content root path: C:\GIT\myAzureFunction\EML\Eml.Domain\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.1
Now listening on:
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.

Http Functions:

    ProgramsProxy: [GET] http://localhost:7071/client/programs/{eaid}

    ClientsProxy: [POST] http://localhost:7071/client/add

    UserPermissionsProxy: [GET] http://localhost:7071/user/permissions

    OpenApiProviderProxy: [GET] http://localhost:7071/openapi/{name}

    OpenApiProviderProxyRedirect: [GET] http://localhost:7071/openapi

    OpenApiYamlProxy: [GET] http://localhost:7071/openapi.yaml

    Clients: [POST] http://localhost:7071/api/Clients

    OpenApiProvider: [GET] http://localhost:7071/api/OpenApiProvider

    Programs: [GET] http://localhost:7071/api/Programs

    UserPermissions: [GET] http://localhost:7071/api/UserPermissions

[12/17/2018 10:43:00 PM] Host lock lease acquired by instance ID '000000000000000000000000C1CF4CAE'.
[12/17/2018 10:44:22 PM] Executing HTTP request: {
[12/17/2018 10:44:22 PM] "requestId": "7f908cd6-43d5-4cd9-bcfc-375bf32bd769",
[12/17/2018 10:44:22 PM] "method": "POST",
[12/17/2018 10:44:22 PM] "uri": "/client/add"
[12/17/2018 10:44:22 PM] }
[12/17/2018 10:44:22 PM] Executing 'Functions.ClientsProxy' (Reason='This function was programmatically called via the host APIs.', Id=19c21dac-68fa-4907-a378-affbfa53e82a)
[12/17/2018 10:44:22 PM] Executing request via Azure Function Proxies
[12/17/2018 10:44:22 PM] Executing 'Clients' (Reason='This function was programmatically called via the host APIs.', Id=09ee5869-cc7a-4e1b-a47c-927ede0d8b64)
[12/17/2018 10:44:22 PM] HTTP trigger function Clients processed a request.
info: default[0]
logger added
[12/17/2018 10:44:26 PM] Executed 'Clients' (Failed, Id=09ee5869-cc7a-4e1b-a47c-927ede0d8b64)
[12/17/2018 10:44:26 PM] System.Private.CoreLib: Exception while executing function: Clients. Newtonsoft.Json: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: s. Path '', line 0, position 0.
[12/17/2018 10:44:27 PM] Executed 'Functions.ClientsProxy' (Succeeded, Id=19c21dac-68fa-4907-a378-affbfa53e82a)
[12/17/2018 10:44:27 PM] Executed HTTP request: {
[12/17/2018 10:44:27 PM] "requestId": "7f908cd6-43d5-4cd9-bcfc-375bf32bd769",
[12/17/2018 10:44:27 PM] "method": "POST",
[12/17/2018 10:44:27 PM] "uri": "/client/add",
[12/17/2018 10:44:27 PM] "identities": [
[12/17/2018 10:44:27 PM] {
[12/17/2018 10:44:27 PM] "type": "WebJobsAuthLevel",
[12/17/2018 10:44:27 PM] "level": "Admin"
[12/17/2018 10:44:27 PM] }
[12/17/2018 10:44:27 PM] ],
[12/17/2018 10:44:27 PM] "status": 500,
[12/17/2018 10:44:27 PM] "duration": 5290
[12/17/2018 10:44:27 PM] }
[12/17/2018 10:44:37 PM] Executing HTTP request: {
[12/17/2018 10:44:37 PM] "requestId": "51092862-3fd3-424a-a639-8331efa23006",
[12/17/2018 10:44:37 PM] "method": "POST",
[12/17/2018 10:44:37 PM] "uri": "/client/add"
[12/17/2018 10:44:37 PM] }
[12/17/2018 10:44:37 PM] Executing 'Functions.ClientsProxy' (Reason='This function was programmatically called via the host APIs.', Id=b4b8497b-f2ca-4345-83f2-b0abcc90ac9b)
[12/17/2018 10:44:37 PM] Executing request via Azure Function Proxies
[12/17/2018 10:44:37 PM] Executing 'Clients' (Reason='This function was programmatically called via the host APIs.', Id=4161d9a9-daf8-4a45-a758-53bbe79566aa)
[12/17/2018 10:44:37 PM] HTTP trigger function Clients processed a request.
[12/17/2018 10:44:48 PM] Executed 'Clients' (Succeeded, Id=4161d9a9-daf8-4a45-a758-53bbe79566aa)
[12/17/2018 10:44:49 PM] Executed 'Functions.ClientsProxy' (Succeeded, Id=b4b8497b-f2ca-4345-83f2-b0abcc90ac9b)
[12/17/2018 10:44:49 PM] Executed HTTP request: {
[12/17/2018 10:44:49 PM] "requestId": "51092862-3fd3-424a-a639-8331efa23006",
[12/17/2018 10:44:49 PM] "method": "POST",
[12/17/2018 10:44:49 PM] "uri": "/client/add",
[12/17/2018 10:44:49 PM] "identities": [
[12/17/2018 10:44:49 PM] {
[12/17/2018 10:44:49 PM] "type": "WebJobsAuthLevel",
[12/17/2018 10:44:49 PM] "level": "Admin"
[12/17/2018 10:44:49 PM] }
[12/17/2018 10:44:49 PM] ],
[12/17/2018 10:44:49 PM] "status": 200,
[12/17/2018 10:44:49 PM] "duration": 11122
[12/17/2018 10:44:49 PM] }
[12/17/2018 10:44:59 PM] Executing HTTP request: {
[12/17/2018 10:44:59 PM] "requestId": "81859ed5-bd90-402b-962e-13f5836ff696",
[12/17/2018 10:44:59 PM] "method": "POST",
[12/17/2018 10:44:59 PM] "uri": "/client/add"
[12/17/2018 10:44:59 PM] }
[12/17/2018 10:44:59 PM] Executing 'Functions.ClientsProxy' (Reason='This function was programmatically called via the host APIs.', Id=5cb1847a-0f3a-4e46-abe9-9009254ddd8a)
[12/17/2018 10:44:59 PM] Executing request via Azure Function Proxies
[12/17/2018 10:44:59 PM] Executing 'Clients' (Reason='This function was programmatically called via the host APIs.', Id=55dfabd6-4516-43f6-9afe-3d921b791dfc)
[12/17/2018 10:45:00 PM] HTTP trigger function Clients processed a request.
[12/17/2018 10:45:00 PM] Executed 'Clients' (Failed, Id=55dfabd6-4516-43f6-9afe-3d921b791dfc)
[12/17/2018 10:45:00 PM] System.Private.CoreLib: Exception while executing function: Clients. Newtonsoft.Json: Input string '----------------------------965666305535063659756461' is not a valid number. Path '', line 1, position 52.
[12/17/2018 10:45:01 PM] Executed 'Functions.ClientsProxy' (Succeeded, Id=5cb1847a-0f3a-4e46-abe9-9009254ddd8a)
[12/17/2018 10:45:01 PM] Executed HTTP request: {
[12/17/2018 10:45:01 PM] "requestId": "81859ed5-bd90-402b-962e-13f5836ff696",
[12/17/2018 10:45:01 PM] "method": "POST",
[12/17/2018 10:45:01 PM] "uri": "/client/add",
[12/17/2018 10:45:01 PM] "identities": [
[12/17/2018 10:45:01 PM] {
[12/17/2018 10:45:01 PM] "type": "WebJobsAuthLevel",
[12/17/2018 10:45:01 PM] "level": "Admin"
[12/17/2018 10:45:01 PM] }
[12/17/2018 10:45:01 PM] ],
[12/17/2018 10:45:01 PM] "status": 500,
[12/17/2018 10:45:01 PM] "duration": 1251
[12/17/2018 10:45:01 PM] }
[12/17/2018 10:45:21 PM] Executing HTTP request: {
[12/17/2018 10:45:21 PM] "requestId": "ab8bc8c1-65dc-4928-a574-c009b2c7648a",
[12/17/2018 10:45:21 PM] "method": "POST",
[12/17/2018 10:45:21 PM] "uri": "/client/add"
[12/17/2018 10:45:21 PM] }
[12/17/2018 10:45:21 PM] Executing 'Functions.ClientsProxy' (Reason='This function was programmatically called via the host APIs.', Id=bc558423-d077-44d7-9c5b-a71c497f713e)
[12/17/2018 10:45:21 PM] Executing request via Azure Function Proxies
[12/17/2018 10:45:21 PM] Executing 'Clients' (Reason='This function was programmatically called via the host APIs.', Id=5fab8bf6-12ef-4ac7-86cf-898a1b988292)
[12/17/2018 10:45:21 PM] HTTP trigger function Clients processed a request.
[12/17/2018 10:45:30 PM] Executed 'Clients' (Succeeded, Id=5fab8bf6-12ef-4ac7-86cf-898a1b988292)
[12/17/2018 10:45:30 PM] Executed 'Functions.ClientsProxy' (Succeeded, Id=bc558423-d077-44d7-9c5b-a71c497f713e)
[12/17/2018 10:45:30 PM] Executed HTTP request: {
[12/17/2018 10:45:30 PM] "requestId": "ab8bc8c1-65dc-4928-a574-c009b2c7648a",
[12/17/2018 10:45:30 PM] "method": "POST",
[12/17/2018 10:45:30 PM] "uri": "/client/add",
[12/17/2018 10:45:30 PM] "identities": [
[12/17/2018 10:45:30 PM] {
[12/17/2018 10:45:30 PM] "type": "WebJobsAuthLevel",
[12/17/2018 10:45:30 PM] "level": "Admin"
[12/17/2018 10:45:30 PM] }
[12/17/2018 10:45:30 PM] ],
[12/17/2018 10:45:30 PM] "status": 200,
[12/17/2018 10:45:30 PM] "duration": 9048
[12/17/2018 10:45:30 PM] }
[12/17/2018 10:45:38 PM] Executing HTTP request: {
[12/17/2018 10:45:38 PM] "requestId": "0dff9c1f-7063-4d8f-a0ca-04586b81c505",
[12/17/2018 10:45:38 PM] "method": "POST",
[12/17/2018 10:45:38 PM] "uri": "/client/add"
[12/17/2018 10:45:38 PM] }
[12/17/2018 10:45:38 PM] Executing 'Functions.ClientsProxy' (Reason='This function was programmatically called via the host APIs.', Id=dbee726f-89e5-4e9f-b7d8-3c43f4bc218f)
[12/17/2018 10:45:38 PM] Executing request via Azure Function Proxies
[12/17/2018 10:45:38 PM] Executing 'Clients' (Reason='This function was programmatically called via the host APIs.', Id=f70ca547-014b-42e9-9eba-80d6aea91ab2)
[12/17/2018 10:45:38 PM] HTTP trigger function Clients processed a request.
[12/17/2018 10:45:38 PM] Executed 'Clients' (Failed, Id=f70ca547-014b-42e9-9eba-80d6aea91ab2)
[12/17/2018 10:45:38 PM] System.Private.CoreLib: Exception while executing function: Clients. Newtonsoft.Json: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: s. Path '', line 0, position 0.
[12/17/2018 10:45:39 PM] Executed 'Functions.ClientsProxy' (Succeeded, Id=dbee726f-89e5-4e9f-b7d8-3c43f4bc218f)
[12/17/2018 10:45:39 PM] Executed HTTP request: {
[12/17/2018 10:45:39 PM] "requestId": "0dff9c1f-7063-4d8f-a0ca-04586b81c505",
[12/17/2018 10:45:39 PM] "method": "POST",
[12/17/2018 10:45:39 PM] "uri": "/client/add",
[12/17/2018 10:45:39 PM] "identities": [
[12/17/2018 10:45:39 PM] {
[12/17/2018 10:45:39 PM] "type": "WebJobsAuthLevel",
[12/17/2018 10:45:39 PM] "level": "Admin"
[12/17/2018 10:45:39 PM] }
[12/17/2018 10:45:39 PM] ],
[12/17/2018 10:45:39 PM] "status": 500,
[12/17/2018 10:45:39 PM] "duration": 1443
[12/17/2018 10:45:39 PM] }

from functionmonkey.

nugosu avatar nugosu commented on July 19, 2024

send json

from functionmonkey.

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