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Comments (27)

GustavoSilvera avatar GustavoSilvera commented on June 9, 2024

Hi, so judging by the logs it looks like the installation was successful and Carla+DReyeVR was running successfully.

Can you further describe what the problem is with the intermittent pedals? We had an issue with this in an earlier version of the software but have recently updated main with fixes to the logitech+keyboard input conflicts, but I'm not sure if these are similar to the errors you are having.

To update to the latest version of DReyeVR main do:

cd DReyeVR/
git pull origin main

# check DReyeVR is the latest version:
git log | head

make install CARLA=../carla/

For example, when you have both the pedals and keyboard connected, do the keyboard inputs (WASD) work while the logitech pedals don't? Or vice versa? Or does the logitech wheel input simply disconnect and reconnect after some time?

from dreyevr.

ajdroid avatar ajdroid commented on June 9, 2024

For the issue of the vehicle moving left & right instead of straight, it'd be useful if you could provide a screen recording of what is happening for clarity.

from dreyevr.

Shroculus avatar Shroculus commented on June 9, 2024

Hi, so judging by the logs it looks like the installation was successful and Carla+DReyeVR was running successfully.

Can you further describe what the problem is with the intermittent pedals? We had an issue with this in an earlier version of the software but have recently updated main with fixes to the logitech+keyboard input conflicts, but I'm not sure if these are similar to the errors you are having.

To update to the latest version of DReyeVR main do:

cd DReyeVR/
git pull origin main

# check DReyeVR is the latest version:
git log | head

make install CARLA=../carla/

For example, when you have both the pedals and keyboard connected, do the keyboard inputs (WASD) work while the logitech pedals don't? Or vice versa? Or does the logitech wheel input simply disconnect and reconnect after some time?

@GustavoSilvera Yes, at times when the keyboard works, pedal dont and vice versa. the problem is intermittent.

from dreyevr.

Shroculus avatar Shroculus commented on June 9, 2024

For the issue of the vehicle moving left & right instead of straight, it'd be useful if you could provide a screen recording of what is happening for clarity.

Attaching the screens recording of the play mode. I am holding the steering wheel at a fixed position and when I press down the gas pedal the car moves in circle instead of straight and when I try to steer the vehicle it goes left and right. Also, if you observe in the video the steering wheel in the virtual environment doesn't move when I steer it.

from dreyevr.

GustavoSilvera avatar GustavoSilvera commented on June 9, 2024

Okay thanks for the recordings, we'll be looking at them and further diagnosing the problem. In the meantime, would you mind providing the output of

git log | head

in your bash terminal? This will help us see what version of DReyeVR you are on.

from dreyevr.

Shroculus avatar Shroculus commented on June 9, 2024

Okay thanks for the recordings, we'll be looking at them and further diagnosing the problem. In the meantime, would you mind providing the output of

git log | head

in your bash terminal? This will help us see what version of DReyeVR you are on.

Below is the output:


from dreyevr.

GustavoSilvera avatar GustavoSilvera commented on June 9, 2024

Interesting, ok thanks. So you are on the latest version of DReyeVR (and you did run make install CARLA=../carla on this latest version?) and the wheel setup still isn't working.

When you unplug the Logitech device, does the keyboard work normally?

What I believe may be happening is that (since our development has been on the Logitech G923) your G920 hardware might have different button/axis mappings for the hardware. This is somewhat difficult to diagnose because the documentation on the LogitechPlugin project is scarce, therefore we created a Logitech input logger that I'd like you to run alongside DReyeVR:

in DReyeVR/EgoInputs.cpp please uncomment line 429 which should look like this:

    // LogLogitechPluginStruct(WheelState);

Then, build and run DReyeVR to isolate the correct input mappings. We've found that manipulating a small number of buttons/axes per run (and reading the corresponding logs) got us closer to mapping our hardware, so if you could do that and provide the logs that would be great.

from dreyevr.

Shroculus avatar Shroculus commented on June 9, 2024

Interesting, ok thanks. So you are on the latest version of DReyeVR (and you did run make install CARLA=../carla on this latest version?) and the wheel setup still isn't working.

When you unplug the Logitech device, does the keyboard work normally?

What I believe may be happening is that (since our development has been on the Logitech G923) your G920 hardware might have different button/axis mappings for the hardware. This is somewhat difficult to diagnose because the documentation on the LogitechPlugin project is scarce, therefore we created a Logitech input logger that I'd like you to run alongside DReyeVR:

in DReyeVR/EgoInputs.cpp please uncomment line 429 which should look like this:

    // LogLogitechPluginStruct(WheelState);

Then, build and run DReyeVR to isolate the correct input mappings. We've found that manipulating a small number of buttons/axes per run (and reading the corresponding logs) got us closer to mapping our hardware, so if you could do that and provide the logs that would be great.

So you are on the latest version of DReyeVR (and you did run make install CARLA=../carla on this latest version?) and the wheel setup still isn't working. - Yes, I did and checked again it still continues with the same behavior as before.

When you unplug the Logitech device, does the keyboard work normally? - Yes, the keyboard works normally even when the logitech is unplugged.

Okay, I will try the suggested and keep you updated.

from dreyevr.

Shroculus avatar Shroculus commented on June 9, 2024

Here is the log after uncommenting the line, building it and then launching it again as suggested.


from dreyevr.

GustavoSilvera avatar GustavoSilvera commented on June 9, 2024

Hmm... This doesn't have the logitech logs that we expect. There should be things like "Logging joystick at t=xyz" updating on every tick when you move the logitech wheel and pedals. We will be investigating this issue more tomorrow with our own setup.

For now, see if you can get UE_LOG values for the WheelState values to show in the LogitechWheelUpdate such as:

UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Logitech Wheel rotation: %.3f"), WheelState->lX);

from dreyevr.

GustavoSilvera avatar GustavoSilvera commented on June 9, 2024

Hi again, upon further examination we found that the logitech debug prints should be working as expected, but for ease of use we added a new flag in the config file (Config/DReyeVRConfig.ini) in the new [Hardware] section for easily enabling/disabling these debug messages at runtime. We also added some other changes that will be merged with main soon.

For now, can you switch DReyeVR to the dev branch and install over Carla this way:

cd DReyeVR/
git checkout dev
git pull origin dev
make install CARLA=../carla/

Then in the Carla directory, locate the config file at Unreal/CarlaUE4/Config/DReyeVRConfig.ini and ensure the new flag at the bottom (LogUpdates) is present and set to True.

With this version, you should see new logs such as your logitech device name and button/axis trigger events in the updated logfile.

from dreyevr.

Shroculus avatar Shroculus commented on June 9, 2024

Hi again, upon further examination we found that the logitech debug prints should be working as expected, but for ease of use we added a new flag in the config file (Config/DReyeVRConfig.ini) in the new [Hardware] section for easily enabling/disabling these debug messages at runtime. We also added some other changes that will be merged with main soon.

For now, can you switch DReyeVR to the dev branch and install over Carla this way:

cd DReyeVR/
git checkout dev
git pull origin dev
make install CARLA=../carla/

Then in the Carla directory, locate the config file at Unreal/CarlaUE4/Config/DReyeVRConfig.ini and ensure the new flag at the bottom (LogUpdates) is present and set to True.

With this version, you should see new logs such as your logitech device name and button/axis trigger events in the updated logfile.

Hi @GustavoSilvera! Thank you for your response. I apologize for the delay in getting back to you with the update. I did what you asked by switching the DReyeVR to the dev and below is the reference for the same.


After the execution of the above commands I checked the Carla directory and located the config file at Unreal/CarlaUE4/Config/DReyeVRConfig.ini but could not see any updated flag related to LogUpdates. Attached is the config file.


from dreyevr.

ajdroid avatar ajdroid commented on June 9, 2024

Hi, from the command execution log that you posted, it looks like the git pull failed, so you ended up re-installing the same old version. Please git stash your local changes before pulling and installing the new version

from dreyevr.

Shroculus avatar Shroculus commented on June 9, 2024

Hi, from the command execution log that you posted, it looks like the git pull failed, so you ended up re-installing the same old version. Please git stash your local changes before pulling and installing the new version

Thank you, now I can see the new flag LogUpdates which was set to false, but I have changed it to true. Do I need to now run the make PythonAPI and make launch again?

from dreyevr.

ajdroid avatar ajdroid commented on June 9, 2024

Yes, please run make launch again and try to drive in the simulator

from dreyevr.

Shroculus avatar Shroculus commented on June 9, 2024

I ran the make launch and command failed without launching the editor.
(NOTE: I am currently running this without the Logitech device hence set both SRanipal and Logitech Plugin to false before the make launch) Below is the log and the file location screenshot for your reference.



from dreyevr.

ajdroid avatar ajdroid commented on June 9, 2024

I'm not sure why this linker error is happening. Two checks:

  1. Make sure you're running the x64 terminal in administrator mode
  2. Make sure CARLA_ROOT is set correctly
  3. make clean and then make launch again

from dreyevr.

GustavoSilvera avatar GustavoSilvera commented on June 9, 2024

Hi @Shroculus do you have any updates on the status of this bug?

from dreyevr.

Shroculus avatar Shroculus commented on June 9, 2024

Hi @GustavoSilvera : Apologies for not getting back to you with an update. Unfortunately even after following the previous steps the vehicle moves in the same way as before.

However, when I checked the log files, I saw that the steering input from Logitech steering wheel fluctuated from -32767 to +32767 and nothing in between which I think might be the reason for crisscross movement of the vehicle. I am not sure if you can be of much help in this matter but do let me know if you know of the reason for the above said behavior of the steering wheel.

Thank you very much.

from dreyevr.

GustavoSilvera avatar GustavoSilvera commented on June 9, 2024

Interesting. The logitech wheel should smoothly transition from -32767 to +32767 so the fact that yours seems to be binary indicates to me there is something faulty with the hardware. The behaviour you demonstrated is explained by this but I'm not sure how to address the hardware problems.

If the hardware is fully functional (there are other programs on Windows you can use to check this) then my only thought is that the mapping for the steering wheel is not correct for your model. In this case, you should change the input to WheelRotation in AEgoVehicle::LogitechWheelUpdate() to a value that is correctly mapped with the steering wheel.

from dreyevr.

Shroculus avatar Shroculus commented on June 9, 2024

I have actually installed DReyeVR on 2 systems. System1 with exact same Logitech device and configurations works perfectly fine and the system2 does not. So I know the hardware is not faulty and the input doesn't necessarily require any changes since it worked completely fine with the system1.

I have even checked the setting of both the systems they are the same and yet the problem persists.

from dreyevr.

GustavoSilvera avatar GustavoSilvera commented on June 9, 2024

Wow ok, this is interesting. Would you mind detailing the specific differences between the two systems? At least one of them is working correctly but I would like to figure out why system 2 is failing.

from dreyevr.

Shroculus avatar Shroculus commented on June 9, 2024


  1. Both the systems are completely new with exact same configurations.
  2. Windows 10 Enterprise - version 21H2
  3. Logitech G Hub installed (equipment detected and works fine in both the systems)
  4. Same versions of CMake, Git, Make, 7Zip and Python (3.8.10)
  5. Visual studio 2019 community version with Windows 10 SDK, x64 Visual c++ toolset and .NET framework 4.6.2
  6. Unreal engine version 4.26
  7. Exact system path variables as shown below


  1. Logitech wheel plugin installed
  2. SteamVR version 1.21.12 installed


  1. System 1 has VIVE wireless chip and the software installation but system 2 does not.

from dreyevr.

GustavoSilvera avatar GustavoSilvera commented on June 9, 2024

Hmm. Yeah everything seems in order so I'm not sure what might be causing this. The VIVE wireless chip certainly shouldn't have anything to do with this kind of issue. Have you tried cleanly removing and reinstalling Carla + DReyeVR on system 2 yet?

from dreyevr.

Shroculus avatar Shroculus commented on June 9, 2024

I have completely uninstalled and reinstalled Carla + DReyeVR thrice on system 2, yet no luck.

from dreyevr.

GustavoSilvera avatar GustavoSilvera commented on June 9, 2024

Hi @Shroculus, could you check out the upgrading-DReyeVR section of the documentation to pull from main to get all the latest bugfixes. This issue should be fixed with those changes.

from dreyevr.

GustavoSilvera avatar GustavoSilvera commented on June 9, 2024

Due to lack of activity, I'll close this here. If it is still an issue feel free to reopen.

from dreyevr.

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