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Content of <title> tag is no more news title about news HOT 2 CLOSED

georgringer avatar georgringer commented on July 22, 2024
Content of tag is no more news title<p>from news.</p></section> </section> </article> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7917632214101949" data-ad-slot="6627871389" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> <article> <h2 class="h2">Comments (2)</h2> <section class="issue-comment"> <section id="102016329" class="issue-head"> <img class="issue-avatar" src="" alt="DavidBruchmann avatar" /> <a class="issue-username" href="/DavidBruchmann">DavidBruchmann</a> <span class="issue-time"> commented on July 22, 2024 </span> </section> <section class="markdown markdown-js p-5"><p dir="auto">Actually I don't know how $GLOBALS['TSFE']->page['altPageTitle'] is filled when the corresponding field is empty.<br> But it's common to use $GLOBALS['TSFE']->page['altPageTitle'] if existing and else $GLOBALS['TSFE']->page['title'], i.e. for Menus.<br> So if Georg Ringer is just changing to $GLOBALS['TSFE']->page['altPageTitle'] I assume that it's already filled by the core with data of the field page['title'] if page['altPageTitle'] is empty.<br> If it wouldn't be like described in many / most cases $GLOBALS['TSFE']->page['altPageTitle'] would be empty then.</p><p>from news.</p></section> </section> <section class="issue-comment"> <section id="214979945" class="issue-head"> <img class="issue-avatar" src="" alt="georgringer avatar" /> <a class="issue-username" href="/georgringer">georgringer</a> <span class="issue-time"> commented on July 22, 2024 </span> </section> <section class="markdown markdown-js p-5"><p dir="auto">this has been fixed in the meantime a while ago</p><p>from news.</p></section> </section> </article> <section> <h2 class="h2">Related Issues (20)</h2> <div class="issue"> <ul> <li> <a href="/georgringer/news/issues/2061">Error on upgrade wizard</a> <span class="text-red-600 text-xs font-normal py-0.5 px-1 border border-red-600 rounded-md">HOT 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