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Comments (2)

alexmanner avatar alexmanner commented on May 28, 2024

I get the same error using Chrome, and using yarn to install and build.

from flowise.

alexmanner avatar alexmanner commented on May 28, 2024

I have exported the chat workflow to a *.json. Within the *.json there is no indication that azure should be used, here is the *.json of the chat:

"nodes": [
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"id": "openAIEmbeddings_0",
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"description": "OpenAI API to generate embeddings for a given text",
"inputParams": [
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"type": "credential",
"credentialNames": [
"id": "openAIEmbeddings_0-input-credential-credential"
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"options": [
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"name": "text-embedding-3-large"
"label": "text-embedding-3-small",
"name": "text-embedding-3-small"
"label": "text-embedding-ada-002",
"name": "text-embedding-ada-002"
"default": "text-embedding-ada-002",
"optional": true,
"id": "openAIEmbeddings_0-input-modelName-options"
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"id": "openAIEmbeddings_0-input-stripNewLines-boolean"
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"type": "number",
"optional": true,
"additionalParams": true,
"id": "openAIEmbeddings_0-input-batchSize-number"
"label": "Timeout",
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"timeout": "",
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"baseClasses": [
"category": "Vector Stores",
"description": "In-memory vectorstore that stores embeddings and does an exact, linear search for the most similar embeddings.",
"inputParams": [
"label": "Top K",
"name": "topK",
"description": "Number of top results to fetch. Default to 4",
"placeholder": "4",
"type": "number",
"optional": true,
"id": "memoryVectorStore_0-input-topK-number"
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"id": "memoryVectorStore_0-input-embeddings-Embeddings"
"inputs": {
"document": [
"embeddings": "{{}}",
"topK": ""
"outputAnchors": [
"name": "output",
"label": "Output",
"type": "options",
"options": [
"id": "memoryVectorStore_0-output-retriever-Memory|VectorStoreRetriever|BaseRetriever",
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"type": "Memory | VectorStoreRetriever | BaseRetriever"
"id": "memoryVectorStore_0-output-vectorStore-Memory|VectorStore",
"name": "vectorStore",
"label": "Memory Vector Store",
"type": "Memory | VectorStore"
"default": "retriever"
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"output": "retriever"
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"selected": false,
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"id": "conversationalRetrievalQAChain_0",
"position": {
"x": 1298.624,
"y": 424.13599999999997
"type": "customNode",
"data": {
"id": "conversationalRetrievalQAChain_0",
"label": "Conversational Retrieval QA Chain",
"version": 2,
"name": "conversationalRetrievalQAChain",
"type": "ConversationalRetrievalQAChain",
"baseClasses": [
"category": "Chains",
"description": "Document QA - built on RetrievalQAChain to provide a chat history component",
"inputParams": [
"label": "Return Source Documents",
"name": "returnSourceDocuments",
"type": "boolean",
"optional": true,
"id": "conversationalRetrievalQAChain_0-input-returnSourceDocuments-boolean"
"label": "Rephrase Prompt",
"name": "rephrasePrompt",
"type": "string",
"description": "Using previous chat history, rephrase question into a standalone question",
"warning": "Prompt must include input variables: {chat_history} and {question}",
"rows": 4,
"additionalParams": true,
"optional": true,
"default": "Given the following conversation and a follow up question, rephrase the follow up question to be a standalone question.\n\nChat History:\n{chat_history}\nFollow Up Input: {question}\nStandalone Question:",
"id": "conversationalRetrievalQAChain_0-input-rephrasePrompt-string"
"label": "Response Prompt",
"name": "responsePrompt",
"type": "string",
"description": "Taking the rephrased question, search for answer from the provided context",
"warning": "Prompt must include input variable: {context}",
"rows": 4,
"additionalParams": true,
"optional": true,
"default": "I want you to act as a document that I am having a conversation with. Your name is "AI Assistant". Using the provided context, answer the user's question to the best of your ability using the resources provided.\nIf there is nothing in the context relevant to the question at hand, just say "Hmm, I'm not sure" and stop after that. Refuse to answer any question not about the info. Never break character.\n------------\n{context}\n------------\nREMEMBER: If there is no relevant information within the context, just say "Hmm, I'm not sure". Don't try to make up an answer. Never break character.",
"id": "conversationalRetrievalQAChain_0-input-responsePrompt-string"
"inputAnchors": [
"label": "Chat Model",
"name": "model",
"type": "BaseChatModel",
"id": "conversationalRetrievalQAChain_0-input-model-BaseChatModel"
"label": "Vector Store Retriever",
"name": "vectorStoreRetriever",
"type": "BaseRetriever",
"id": "conversationalRetrievalQAChain_0-input-vectorStoreRetriever-BaseRetriever"
"label": "Memory",
"name": "memory",
"type": "BaseMemory",
"optional": true,
"description": "If left empty, a default BufferMemory will be used",
"id": "conversationalRetrievalQAChain_0-input-memory-BaseMemory"
"inputs": {
"model": "{{}}",
"vectorStoreRetriever": "{{}}",
"memory": "",
"returnSourceDocuments": true,
"rephrasePrompt": "Given the following conversation and a follow up question, rephrase the follow up question to be a standalone question.\n\nChat History:\n{chat_history}\nFollow Up Input: {question}\nStandalone Question:",
"responsePrompt": "I want you to act as a document that I am having a conversation with. Your name is "AI Assistant". Using the provided context, answer the user's question to the best of your ability using the resources provided.\nIf there is nothing in the context relevant to the question at hand, just say "Hmm, I'm not sure" and stop after that. Refuse to answer any question not about the info. Never break character.\n------------\n{context}\n------------\nREMEMBER: If there is no relevant information within the context, just say "Hmm, I'm not sure". Don't try to make up an answer. Never break character."
"outputAnchors": [
"id": "conversationalRetrievalQAChain_0-output-conversationalRetrievalQAChain-ConversationalRetrievalQAChain|BaseChain|Runnable",
"name": "conversationalRetrievalQAChain",
"label": "ConversationalRetrievalQAChain",
"type": "ConversationalRetrievalQAChain | BaseChain | Runnable"
"outputs": {},
"selected": false
"selected": false,
"positionAbsolute": {
"x": 1298.624,
"y": 424.13599999999997
"dragging": false
"width": 300,
"height": 572,
"id": "chatOpenAI_0",
"position": {
"x": 931.4240000000002,
"y": -71.7999999999999
"type": "customNode",
"data": {
"id": "chatOpenAI_0",
"label": "ChatOpenAI",
"version": 3,
"name": "chatOpenAI",
"type": "ChatOpenAI",
"baseClasses": [
"category": "Chat Models",
"description": "Wrapper around OpenAI large language models that use the Chat endpoint",
"inputParams": [
"label": "Connect Credential",
"name": "credential",
"type": "credential",
"credentialNames": [
"id": "chatOpenAI_0-input-credential-credential"
"label": "Model Name",
"name": "modelName",
"type": "options",
"options": [
"label": "gpt-4",
"name": "gpt-4"
"label": "gpt-4-turbo-preview",
"name": "gpt-4-turbo-preview"
"label": "gpt-4-0125-preview",
"name": "gpt-4-0125-preview"
"label": "gpt-4-1106-preview",
"name": "gpt-4-1106-preview"
"label": "gpt-4-vision-preview",
"name": "gpt-4-vision-preview"
"label": "gpt-4-0613",
"name": "gpt-4-0613"
"label": "gpt-4-32k",
"name": "gpt-4-32k"
"label": "gpt-4-32k-0613",
"name": "gpt-4-32k-0613"
"label": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"name": "gpt-3.5-turbo"
"label": "gpt-3.5-turbo-1106",
"name": "gpt-3.5-turbo-1106"
"label": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
"name": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613"
"label": "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k",
"name": "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k"
"label": "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613",
"name": "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613"
"default": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"optional": true,
"id": "chatOpenAI_0-input-modelName-options"
"label": "Temperature",
"name": "temperature",
"type": "number",
"step": 0.1,
"default": 0.9,
"optional": true,
"id": "chatOpenAI_0-input-temperature-number"
"label": "Max Tokens",
"name": "maxTokens",
"type": "number",
"step": 1,
"optional": true,
"additionalParams": true,
"id": "chatOpenAI_0-input-maxTokens-number"
"label": "Top Probability",
"name": "topP",
"type": "number",
"step": 0.1,
"optional": true,
"additionalParams": true,
"id": "chatOpenAI_0-input-topP-number"
"label": "Frequency Penalty",
"name": "frequencyPenalty",
"type": "number",
"step": 0.1,
"optional": true,
"additionalParams": true,
"id": "chatOpenAI_0-input-frequencyPenalty-number"
"label": "Presence Penalty",
"name": "presencePenalty",
"type": "number",
"step": 0.1,
"optional": true,
"additionalParams": true,
"id": "chatOpenAI_0-input-presencePenalty-number"
"label": "Timeout",
"name": "timeout",
"type": "number",
"step": 1,
"optional": true,
"additionalParams": true,
"id": "chatOpenAI_0-input-timeout-number"
"label": "BasePath",
"name": "basepath",
"type": "string",
"optional": true,
"additionalParams": true,
"id": "chatOpenAI_0-input-basepath-string"
"label": "BaseOptions",
"name": "baseOptions",
"type": "json",
"optional": true,
"additionalParams": true,
"id": "chatOpenAI_0-input-baseOptions-json"
"inputAnchors": [
"label": "Cache",
"name": "cache",
"type": "BaseCache",
"optional": true,
"id": "chatOpenAI_0-input-cache-BaseCache"
"inputs": {
"cache": "",
"modelName": "gpt-4-turbo-preview",
"temperature": 0.9,
"maxTokens": "",
"topP": "",
"frequencyPenalty": "",
"presencePenalty": "",
"timeout": "",
"basepath": "",
"baseOptions": ""
"outputAnchors": [
"id": "chatOpenAI_0-output-chatOpenAI-ChatOpenAI|BaseChatModel|BaseLanguageModel|Runnable",
"name": "chatOpenAI",
"label": "ChatOpenAI",
"type": "ChatOpenAI | BaseChatModel | BaseLanguageModel | Runnable"
"outputs": {},
"selected": false
"selected": false,
"positionAbsolute": {
"x": 931.4240000000002,
"y": -71.7999999999999
"dragging": false
"edges": [
"source": "markdownTextSplitter_0",
"sourceHandle": "markdownTextSplitter_0-output-markdownTextSplitter-MarkdownTextSplitter|RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter|TextSplitter|BaseDocumentTransformer|Runnable",
"target": "pdfFile_0",
"targetHandle": "pdfFile_0-input-textSplitter-TextSplitter",
"type": "buttonedge",
"id": "markdownTextSplitter_0-markdownTextSplitter_0-output-markdownTextSplitter-MarkdownTextSplitter|RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter|TextSplitter|BaseDocumentTransformer|Runnable-pdfFile_0-pdfFile_0-input-textSplitter-TextSplitter"
"source": "pdfFile_0",
"sourceHandle": "pdfFile_0-output-pdfFile-Document",
"target": "memoryVectorStore_0",
"targetHandle": "memoryVectorStore_0-input-document-Document",
"type": "buttonedge",
"id": "pdfFile_0-pdfFile_0-output-pdfFile-Document-memoryVectorStore_0-memoryVectorStore_0-input-document-Document"
"source": "openAIEmbeddings_0",
"sourceHandle": "openAIEmbeddings_0-output-openAIEmbeddings-OpenAIEmbeddings|Embeddings",
"target": "memoryVectorStore_0",
"targetHandle": "memoryVectorStore_0-input-embeddings-Embeddings",
"type": "buttonedge",
"id": "openAIEmbeddings_0-openAIEmbeddings_0-output-openAIEmbeddings-OpenAIEmbeddings|Embeddings-memoryVectorStore_0-memoryVectorStore_0-input-embeddings-Embeddings"
"source": "memoryVectorStore_0",
"sourceHandle": "memoryVectorStore_0-output-retriever-Memory|VectorStoreRetriever|BaseRetriever",
"target": "conversationalRetrievalQAChain_0",
"targetHandle": "conversationalRetrievalQAChain_0-input-vectorStoreRetriever-BaseRetriever",
"type": "buttonedge",
"id": "memoryVectorStore_0-memoryVectorStore_0-output-retriever-Memory|VectorStoreRetriever|BaseRetriever-conversationalRetrievalQAChain_0-conversationalRetrievalQAChain_0-input-vectorStoreRetriever-BaseRetriever"
"source": "chatOpenAI_0",
"sourceHandle": "chatOpenAI_0-output-chatOpenAI-ChatOpenAI|BaseChatModel|BaseLanguageModel|Runnable",
"target": "conversationalRetrievalQAChain_0",
"targetHandle": "conversationalRetrievalQAChain_0-input-model-BaseChatModel",
"type": "buttonedge",
"id": "chatOpenAI_0-chatOpenAI_0-output-chatOpenAI-ChatOpenAI|BaseChatModel|BaseLanguageModel|Runnable-conversationalRetrievalQAChain_0-conversationalRetrievalQAChain_0-input-model-BaseChatModel"

from flowise.

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