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Comments (13)

HaoboGu avatar HaoboGu commented on June 26, 2024

The following is the trace log, it seems the bond info has been saved correctly, but the board is disconnected everytime after saving system attributes:

└─ rmk_nrf52840::____embassy_main_task::{async_fn#0} @ src\
INFO  softdevice RAM: 31496 bytes
└─ nrf_softdevice::softdevice::{impl#0}::enable @ C:\Users\haobo\.cargo\git\checkouts\nrf-softdevice-03ef4aef10e777e4\1a017b4\nrf-softdevice\src\
WARN  You're giving more RAM to the softdevice than needed. You can change your app's RAM start address to 20007b08
└─ nrf_softdevice::softdevice::{impl#0}::enable @ C:\Users\haobo\.cargo\git\checkouts\nrf-softdevice-03ef4aef10e777e4\1a017b4\nrf-softdevice\src\
INFO  Loaded bond info: SystemAttribute { length: 13, data: [2, 0, 2, 0, 26, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 38, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 2, 215, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255] }, loaded length: Ok(())
└─ rmk::initialize_ble_keyboard_with_config_and_run::{async_fn#0} @ E:\Projects\Rust\rmk\rmk\src\
INFO  BLE Advertising
└─ rmk::initialize_ble_keyboard_with_config_and_run::{async_fn#0} @ E:\Projects\Rust\rmk\rmk\src\
TRACE ble evt 16
└─ nrf_softdevice::ble::on_evt @ C:\Users\haobo\.cargo\git\checkouts\nrf-softdevice-03ef4aef10e777e4\1a017b4\nrf-softdevice\src\
DEBUG conn_params conn_sup_timeout=200 max_conn_interval=12 min_conn_interval=12 slave_latency=0
└─ nrf_softdevice::ble::gap::on_evt @ C:\Users\haobo\.cargo\git\checkouts\nrf-softdevice-03ef4aef10e777e4\1a017b4\nrf-softdevice\src\
DEBUG connected role=Peripheral peer_addr=Public:[ab, e2, d4, 7d, b2, 7c]
└─ nrf_softdevice::ble::peripheral::advertise_inner::{async_fn#0}::{closure#1} @ C:\Users\haobo\.cargo\git\checkouts\nrf-softdevice-03ef4aef10e777e4\1a017b4\nrf-softdevice\src\
TRACE conn 0: connected
└─ nrf_softdevice::ble::connection::{impl#9}::new::{closure#0} @ C:\Users\haobo\.cargo\git\checkouts\nrf-softdevice-03ef4aef10e777e4\1a017b4\nrf-softdevice\src\
INFO  Starting GATT server
└─ rmk::initialize_ble_keyboard_with_config_and_run::{async_fn#0} @ E:\Projects\Rust\rmk\rmk\src\
TRACE ble evt 36
└─ nrf_softdevice::ble::on_evt @ C:\Users\haobo\.cargo\git\checkouts\nrf-softdevice-03ef4aef10e777e4\1a017b4\nrf-softdevice\src\
DEBUG on_data_length_update conn_handle=3 max_rx_octets=251 max_rx_time_us=2120 max_tx_octets=251 max_tx_time_us=2120
└─ nrf_softdevice::ble::gap::on_evt @ C:\Users\haobo\.cargo\git\checkouts\nrf-softdevice-03ef4aef10e777e4\1a017b4\nrf-softdevice\src\
TRACE ble evt 35
└─ nrf_softdevice::ble::on_evt @ C:\Users\haobo\.cargo\git\checkouts\nrf-softdevice-03ef4aef10e777e4\1a017b4\nrf-softdevice\src\
TRACE on_data_length_update_request conn_handle=3 max_rx_octets=251 max_rx_time_us=17040 max_tx_octets=251 max_tx_time_us=17040
└─ nrf_softdevice::ble::gap::on_evt @ C:\Users\haobo\.cargo\git\checkouts\nrf-softdevice-03ef4aef10e777e4\1a017b4\nrf-softdevice\src\
TRACE ble evt 36
└─ nrf_softdevice::ble::on_evt @ C:\Users\haobo\.cargo\git\checkouts\nrf-softdevice-03ef4aef10e777e4\1a017b4\nrf-softdevice\src\
DEBUG on_data_length_update conn_handle=3 max_rx_octets=251 max_rx_time_us=2120 max_tx_octets=251 max_tx_time_us=2120
└─ nrf_softdevice::ble::gap::on_evt @ C:\Users\haobo\.cargo\git\checkouts\nrf-softdevice-03ef4aef10e777e4\1a017b4\nrf-softdevice\src\
TRACE ble evt 20
└─ nrf_softdevice::ble::on_evt @ C:\Users\haobo\.cargo\git\checkouts\nrf-softdevice-03ef4aef10e777e4\1a017b4\nrf-softdevice\src\
TRACE ble evt sec info request: enc_info=1, id_info=0, sign_info=0, master_id: { ediv: 9d18, rand: [124, 40, 24, 8, 84, 105, 188, 75] }, peer_addr: { addr: [171, 226, 212, 125, 178, 124], addr_id_peer: 0, addr_type: 0 }
└─ nrf_softdevice::ble::gap::on_evt @ C:\Users\haobo\.cargo\git\checkouts\nrf-softdevice-03ef4aef10e777e4\1a017b4\nrf-softdevice\src\
INFO  Getting bond for: id: MasterId { ediv: 40216, rand: [124, 40, 24, 8, 84, 105, 188, 75] }
└─ rmk::ble::bonder::{impl#4}::get_key @ E:\Projects\Rust\rmk\rmk\src\ble\
TRACE ble evt 17
└─ nrf_softdevice::ble::on_evt @ C:\Users\haobo\.cargo\git\checkouts\nrf-softdevice-03ef4aef10e777e4\1a017b4\nrf-softdevice\src\
TRACE on_disconnected conn_handle=3
└─ nrf_softdevice::ble::gap::on_evt @ C:\Users\haobo\.cargo\git\checkouts\nrf-softdevice-03ef4aef10e777e4\1a017b4\nrf-softdevice\src\
INFO  Saving system attributes for: Public:[ab, e2, d4, 7d, b2, 7c]
└─ rmk::ble::bonder::{impl#4}::save_sys_attrs @ E:\Projects\Rust\rmk\rmk\src\ble\
TRACE conn 0: disconnected
└─ nrf_softdevice::ble::connection::{impl#6}::on_disconnected @ C:\Users\haobo\.cargo\git\checkouts\nrf-softdevice-03ef4aef10e777e4\1a017b4\nrf-softdevice\src\

I also tried to use Nrf-Connected mobile app to test the program, the app always shows the following log:

Scanner On

Device Scanned

Device Appearance switched from Generic to HID

Failed to Connect: Peer removed pairing information

from nrf-softdevice.

alexmoon avatar alexmoon commented on June 26, 2024

That means that your central device is trying to connect using keys that don't match the keys you're providing as part of the pairing procedure. You need to forget the device on the central and then re-pair to generate new keys. You then need to save those keys after receiving the on_bonded callback. save_sys_attrs just stores some state information such as which characteristics the central has requested notifications so that the connection state can be restored on reconnect. It will only be called when the connection is disconnected.

from nrf-softdevice.

HaoboGu avatar HaoboGu commented on June 26, 2024

@alexmoon Thanks for the reply! I just made my device reconnect to host by saving keys in on_bonded. Reconnection is good, but there is another problem: after reconnection, when I try to send HID report to host, gatt_server::notify_value returns NotifyValueError(Raw(BleGattsSysAttrMissing)).

This error only occurs after reconnection. If I delete the device from host, connect the device as a new device, all the functions work well, no NotifyValueError. Do you have any idea of solving it?

from nrf-softdevice.

alexmoon avatar alexmoon commented on June 26, 2024

In your on_connected handler you need to call gatt_server::set_sys_attrs() with the data you saved for that peer in your save_sys_attrs() impl.

from nrf-softdevice.

HaoboGu avatar HaoboGu commented on June 26, 2024

@alexmoon I cannot find any on_connected handler in the library. Do you mean server_callback of gatt_server::run here?

        match peripheral::advertise_pairable(sd, adv, &config, bonder).await {
            Ok(conn) => {
                // Run the GATT server on the connection. This returns when the connection gets disconnected.
                let ble_fut = gatt_server::run(&conn, &ble_server, server_callback);
            Err(e) => {
                error!("Advertise error: {}", e)

from nrf-softdevice.

alexmoon avatar alexmoon commented on June 26, 2024

Sorry, on_connected is from my firmware. Basically you just need to call set_sys_attrs as soon as you're connected (i.e. in the Ok branch of your match expression, before you call gatt_server::run). Note that if your peer is using private resolvable addresses, you will need to use the saved identity key to resolve the address in order to identify the correct saved sys_attrs to use.

from nrf-softdevice.

HaoboGu avatar HaoboGu commented on June 26, 2024

Thanks a lot! I've got my project work.

Pairing-bonding and storing keys are quite common in BLE apps. NRF has one already:

Is it possible to have a built-in peer manager in nrf-softdevice?

from nrf-softdevice.

alexmoon avatar alexmoon commented on June 26, 2024

That's outside the scope of nrf-softdevice, which is just trying to provide a safe wrapper around the softdevice library. However, it would be quite useful as a third party crate.

from nrf-softdevice.

igiona avatar igiona commented on June 26, 2024

@HaoboGu have you had to go through address resolution as well?
The Peer manager in the SDK is quite a complex module, does it really boils down to only a handful of write/fetch from the flash?

Would you be ok with sharing your solution?

from nrf-softdevice.

HaoboGu avatar HaoboGu commented on June 26, 2024

The Peer manager in the SDK is quite a complex module, does it really boils down to only a handful of write/fetch from the flash?

NRF's peer manager is quite more complex, I just have a simplest version of it. You can checkout here:

from nrf-softdevice.

igiona avatar igiona commented on June 26, 2024

The Peer manager in the SDK is quite a complex module, does it really boils down to only a handful of write/fetch from the flash?

NRF's peer manager is quite more complex, I just have a simplest version of it. You can checkout here:

Nice work, impressively simple, thanks for sharing!

I wonder what feature does the SDK Peer manager provide that your approach doesn't?
To me it seems to cover all the needs for bonding multiple devices (for a BLE peripheral)...

from nrf-softdevice.

HaoboGu avatar HaoboGu commented on June 26, 2024

I wonder what feature does the SDK Peer manager provide that your approach doesn't?

AFAIK, random device addresses is not supported currently.

from nrf-softdevice.

HaoboGu avatar HaoboGu commented on June 26, 2024

I just found I didn't really solve the problem. I called load_sys_attrs after connected:

match peripheral::advertise_pairable(sd, adv, &config, bonder).await {
    Ok(conn) => {
        info!("Connected to BLE");
        let ble_fut = gatt_server::run(&conn, &ble_server, server_callback);
    Err(e) => {
        error!("Advertise error: {}", e)

where my load_sys_attrs is:

fn load_sys_attrs(&self, conn: &Connection) {
    let addr = conn.peer_address();
    info!("Loading system attributes for {}", addr);

    let bond_info = self.bond_info.borrow();

    let sys_attr = bond_info
        .filter(|(_, b)| b.sys_attr.length != 0 && b.removed == false)
        .find(|(_, b)| b.peer.peer_id.is_match(addr))
        .map(|(_, b)| &[0..b.sys_attr.length]);

    info!("call set_sys_attrs in load_sys_attrs: {}, {}", sys_attr, sys_attr.unwrap().len());
    if let Err(err) = set_sys_attrs(conn, sys_attr) {
        warn!("SecurityHandler failed to set sys attrs: {:?}", err);

The first connection and reconnection are both good, but once I tried to send HID report, the gatt_server::notify_value(self.conn, self.handle, report) returns a Raw(InvalidState) error. Here is the full log of the first and second connection:

first(all good):

INFO  start!
└─ rmk_nrf52840::____embassy_main_task::{async_fn#0} @ src\
INFO  Enabling ext hfosc...
└─ rmk_nrf52840::____embassy_main_task::{async_fn#0} @ src\
INFO  softdevice RAM: 29456 bytes
└─ nrf_softdevice::softdevice::{impl#0}::enable @ C:\Users\haobo\.cargo\git\checkouts\nrf-softdevice-03ef4aef10e777e4\cdee83c\nrf-softdevice\src\
WARN  You're giving more RAM to the softdevice than needed. You can change your app's RAM start address to 20007310
└─ nrf_softdevice::softdevice::{impl#0}::enable @ C:\Users\haobo\.cargo\git\checkouts\nrf-softdevice-03ef4aef10e777e4\cdee83c\nrf-softdevice\src\
INFO  Loaded saved bond info: 1
└─ rmk::ble::nrf::initialize_nrf_ble_keyboard_with_config_and_run::{async_fn#0} @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\ble\
INFO  USB suspended, BLE Advertising
└─ rmk::ble::nrf::initialize_nrf_ble_keyboard_with_config_and_run::{async_fn#0} @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\ble\
INFO  Connected to BLE
└─ rmk::ble::nrf::initialize_nrf_ble_keyboard_with_config_and_run::{async_fn#0} @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\ble\
INFO  Loading system attributes for Public:[ab, e2, d4, 7d, b2, 7c]
└─ rmk::ble::nrf::bonder::{impl#4}::load_sys_attrs @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\ble\nrf\
INFO  call set_sys_attrs in load_sys_attrs: Some([13, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 26, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 38, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 45, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 49, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 53, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 57, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 78, 188]), 44
└─ rmk::ble::nrf::bonder::{impl#4}::load_sys_attrs @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\ble\nrf\
INFO  Starting GATT server 200 ms later
└─ rmk::ble::nrf::run_ble_keyboard::{async_fn#0} @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\ble\
INFO  on_security_update, new security mode: JustWorks
└─ rmk::ble::nrf::bonder::{impl#4}::on_security_update @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\ble\nrf\
DEBUG On bonded: storing bond for MasterId { ediv: 25868, rand: [130, 88, 153, 22, 65, 23, 20, 21] }
└─ rmk::ble::nrf::bonder::{impl#4}::on_bonded @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\ble\nrf\
INFO  ON BOND: get sys attr: [13, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 26, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 38, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 45, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 49, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 53, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 57, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 78, 188, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], size:44
└─ rmk::ble::nrf::bonder::{impl#4}::on_bonded @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\ble\nrf\
DEBUG Sent bond info to flash channel
└─ rmk::ble::nrf::bonder::{impl#4}::on_bonded @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\ble\nrf\
INFO  Saving bond info: BondInfo(BondInfo { slot_num: 0, peer: Peer { master_id: MasterId { ediv: 25868, rand: [130, 88, 153, 22, 65, 23, 20, 21] }, key: EncryptionInfo { ltk: [2, 53, 199, 84, 1, 229, 28, 117, 196, 197, 66, 170, 76, 165, 44, 252], flags: 64 }, peer_id: IdentityKey { irk: IdentityResolutionKey { irk: [13, 235, 235, 74, 4, 237, 34, 11, 38, 15, 13, 77, 96, 179, 252, 154] }, addr: Public:[ab, e2, d4, 7d, b2, 7c] } }, sys_attr: SystemAttribute { length: 44, data: [13, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 26, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 38, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 45, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 49, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 53, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 57, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 78, 188, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] }, removed: false })
└─ rmk::storage::{impl#2}::run::{async_fn#0} @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\
INFO  HID input keyboard cccd: [1, 0]
└─ rmk::ble::nrf::hid_service::{impl#0}::on_write @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\ble\nrf\
INFO  HID input media keys: [1, 0]
└─ rmk::ble::nrf::hid_service::{impl#0}::on_write @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\ble\nrf\
INFO  HID input via keys: [1, 0]
└─ rmk::ble::nrf::hid_service::{impl#0}::on_write @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\ble\nrf\
INFO  HID output keyboard: [0]
└─ rmk::ble::nrf::hid_service::{impl#0}::on_write @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\ble\nrf\
DEBUG Sending keyboard report: [0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0]
└─ rmk::keyboard::{impl#0}::send_keyboard_report::{async_fn#0} @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\
DEBUG Sending keyboard report: [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0]
└─ rmk::keyboard::{impl#0}::send_keyboard_report::{async_fn#0} @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\

second(reconnection, notify value error):

INFO  start!
└─ rmk_nrf52840::____embassy_main_task::{async_fn#0} @ src\
INFO  Enabling ext hfosc...
└─ rmk_nrf52840::____embassy_main_task::{async_fn#0} @ src\
INFO  softdevice RAM: 29456 bytes
└─ nrf_softdevice::softdevice::{impl#0}::enable @ C:\Users\haobo\.cargo\git\checkouts\nrf-softdevice-03ef4aef10e777e4\cdee83c\nrf-softdevice\src\
WARN  You're giving more RAM to the softdevice than needed. You can change your app's RAM start address to 20007310
└─ nrf_softdevice::softdevice::{impl#0}::enable @ C:\Users\haobo\.cargo\git\checkouts\nrf-softdevice-03ef4aef10e777e4\cdee83c\nrf-softdevice\src\
INFO  Loaded saved bond info: 1
└─ rmk::ble::nrf::initialize_nrf_ble_keyboard_with_config_and_run::{async_fn#0} @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\ble\
INFO  USB suspended, BLE Advertising
└─ rmk::ble::nrf::initialize_nrf_ble_keyboard_with_config_and_run::{async_fn#0} @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\ble\
INFO  Connected to BLE
└─ rmk::ble::nrf::initialize_nrf_ble_keyboard_with_config_and_run::{async_fn#0} @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\ble\
INFO  Loading system attributes for Public:[ab, e2, d4, 7d, b2, 7c]
└─ rmk::ble::nrf::bonder::{impl#4}::load_sys_attrs @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\ble\nrf\
INFO  call set_sys_attrs in load_sys_attrs: Some([13, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 26, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 38, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 45, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 49, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 53, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 57, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 78, 188]), 44
└─ rmk::ble::nrf::bonder::{impl#4}::load_sys_attrs @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\ble\nrf\
INFO  Starting GATT server 200 ms later
└─ rmk::ble::nrf::run_ble_keyboard::{async_fn#0} @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\ble\
DEBUG Getting bond for MasterId { ediv: 25868, rand: [130, 88, 153, 22, 65, 23, 20, 21] }
└─ rmk::ble::nrf::bonder::{impl#4}::get_key @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\ble\nrf\
INFO  on_security_update, new security mode: JustWorks
└─ rmk::ble::nrf::bonder::{impl#4}::on_security_update @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\ble\nrf\
DEBUG Sending keyboard report: [0x4, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0]
└─ rmk::keyboard::{impl#0}::send_keyboard_report::{async_fn#0} @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\
ERROR Send ble report error: Raw(InvalidState)
└─ rmk::ble::nrf::server::{impl#1}::write::{async_fn#0}::{closure#0} @ E:\rmk\rmk\src\ble\nrf\

And same as before, if I remove bonder.load_sys_attrs(&conn);, then I get Raw(BleGattsSysAttrMissing) error.

@alexmoon Do you have any ideas? I'll much appreciate if you can help!

from nrf-softdevice.

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