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Comments (34)

pyromanci avatar pyromanci commented on July 16, 2024 2

why should they zip it?

Also It's GitHub that is classifying the files that way. It's the site's limitations not them. Welcome to repo system. This is not Thingiverse so it has no ability to view models.

from ender-3.

bergstar avatar bergstar commented on July 16, 2024 2

@techmach this is not how github works. It is not a download page. Please take a moment to learn and understand git. What is "cumbersome" for you, is actually the correct way of doing things.

from ender-3.

pyromanci avatar pyromanci commented on July 16, 2024 2

@techmach are very much correct. Correct is relative to point of view. In this case Point of View is from the design intent and implementation of a repository system such a GIT.

Which is to track and manage individual file changes. With the ability for other to fork off the files, create branches, and submit user changes/improvements to the master branch or use it as a base for their own work (like what they did with the marlin code).

So your demand for zip files (which again, you can generate on demand right of the main page of the repository if you look) in incorrect.

Give your account creation date being the same day this repo opened. I'm guess (just like @bergstar ) this is your first time ever using a repository system and like @bergstar highly recommend you read up on what they are and how they operate.

Here are a few links to get you started:

How every your point about the missing file is valid. Which hopefully they will fix soon along side the solid work and PCB files.

from ender-3.

techmach avatar techmach commented on July 16, 2024 1

from ender-3.

pyromanci avatar pyromanci commented on July 16, 2024 1

Because this is a git system. If you just have a zip file with all the step files. You change 1 file you have to rezip and re upload all the files instead of just the signal file. Which is one of the main points to a repository system such as git, cvs, svn, mercurial, ect. Beyond that of tracking changes to files and file differences between revisions.

Again you can just run a git clone or click the download zip button on the main page if you don't want to manually download each file. .

from ender-3.

techmach avatar techmach commented on July 16, 2024 1

It's not an efficient use of a filing system and it still doesn't alleviate missing files.

from ender-3.

techmach avatar techmach commented on July 16, 2024 1

They have viewers for STL files but that's it. Everything else they seem to know how to handle. It's real simple; GitHub only handles text files. I get it. It's not rocket science but here's the rub; Creality made a big deal out of going open source and in reality the ONLY thing they should have posted here was the Marlin files because that's the ONLY type of file this system seems to understand how to handle.

It's your prerogative to claim I'm wrong and that may be from your POV but not being able to handle a very simple file type like a STEP or IGES file and recognizing it as a simple TEXT file is lame. Billion dollar companies may use this site but Billion dollar companies make toys too. For the rest of that inhabit the custom metalworking business like myself we expect a different level of expertise which is not here. Microsoft just gave up too soon. I bet the Empire knows how to handle STEP files.

from ender-3.

techmach avatar techmach commented on July 16, 2024 1

STEP files like DXF or IGES don't require viewers and they were never meant to be handled like simple ASCII text files. These file types are generated via translators from 2D and 3D CAD/CAM systems. STEP files are not meant to be edited by hand as are Arduino or Marlin files. At issue here is that Github handles them as if a user was using snippets of code for programming devices. The clue is the file extension which is everything in this case. The STEP extension has to mean that your system understands that this file is not a man editable file and doesn't need to be read unless the user wants to. The end result should be that I can simply right click and save the link as a STEP file with the name and the extension intact as I would to with a *.sldprt file that is also hosted here.

Do you understand this concept?

from ender-3.

techmach avatar techmach commented on July 16, 2024 1

The STEP files are here in this repository Francis, not on the main page. I 'm done. Y'all want it your way and that's fine, you can have it your way but the problem still remains, unsolved until someone like yourself wants to make the correction. I've spent way more time on this than it deserves.

from ender-3.

techmach avatar techmach commented on July 16, 2024 1

STEP files are ASCII text but they are not edited by the user like an Arduino file or Marlin file. They are translated by a CAD translator. The SW files are corrupt and useless to anyone, even a SW user. Your example of a model with 1000 holes is a non sequitur since the user will not go into the STEP file and change a value and save the file. That change will come from a Translator after the model is changed so your premise is very weak. Try again dude. Your arguments aren't making it.

The Contributing part is fine for Marlin code but contributing to a production solid model isn't going to work either because let's say that I import the SW files when they get fixed at some point and say that I use Pro E or NX to make changes which is highly unlikely since their face editing tools are minimal to none so those users are left to basically assembling the model in an assembly mode but they can't actually change the BREP's. There are no translators to translate those native files back to SW so the next file type that I might use is a STEP, IGES, Parasolid or ACIS file. How is the STEP file going to be generated? By a translator, not by hand and not at the text level.

I don't know what y'all do for a living but designing or machining isn't it. Unless your CAD system is capable of hybrid modeling and face editing like ZW or IronCAD editing at the face level is not a strong suite of most proprietary CAD systems like Pro/E, NX or SW, those systems don't like to work with imported geometry. The majority of users that are interested in a solid model like the Ender 3 aren't CAD professionals with current software that they paid for and up to date, those folks are using free stuff like F360, Freecad, Sketchup or Openscad.

The SW models that Creality provided came from a 2016 version of SW which is now 3 years behind. SW translators are notorious for how bad they are with STEP translations so keeping the translators up to date is paramount in the manufacturing world. Why would you want to access STEP files at the character level and seriously mess things up?

from ender-3.

techmach avatar techmach commented on July 16, 2024 1

I'm putting up. I already have the model so save your effort for something more productive. I didn't post the files here, that's Creality's decision but they are here nevertheless. I don't consider a discussion as harassment but y'all are welcome to live in the "opensource ecosystem" for as long as you want. Schematic's relate to wiring, electrical and electronic representation while Blueprints are related to mechanical drawings. You should learn the difference shoreline.

<<<"You also seem to be under the impression that github is unable to handle
non-ascii files.. or something like that? It is really unclear. This is
100% not true and i have absolutely no idea where you got this concept
from.... are you confusing versioning and diffing?">>> I never said they can't handle non ASCII files, you just said that. The SW files are fine they are just corrupt because Creality didn't understand the simple concept of Pack and Go. Github is unable to handle the STEP files properly unless you Zip the whole archive and time will prove that. Perhaps Creality will see the light and translate their model files to something more corporate to avoid all this nonsense.

Case closed.

from ender-3.

pyromanci avatar pyromanci commented on July 16, 2024

neither does just a zip file.

from ender-3.

techmach avatar techmach commented on July 16, 2024

Correct is always relative to a certain POV.

from ender-3.

techmach avatar techmach commented on July 16, 2024

I've been a member under several different long forgotten usernames in the past so I know how it works. STEP files aren't Arduino snippets nor are they TEXT files. This system is handling them like TEXT files; they are not. Why should I have to download a Zip of the entire upload just to get the files I need in a folder?

from ender-3.

techmach avatar techmach commented on July 16, 2024

BTW, STEP files aren't user modified or edited at the character level so it's not efficient to handle them like Arduino script. STEP files are generated by translators in the CAD systems themselves.

from ender-3.

pyromanci avatar pyromanci commented on July 16, 2024

This site see's the step files contain only ANSI characters. So of course it's gonna register it as a text file. Complaints about it here will not do you any good. you need to go to the bottom of the page and click that Contact Github link and complain to them. As they are the only ones who can do anything about it.

However again. you replace any file. Code, image, text file, solidworks file, step file. When you replace the and commit it to the repository the older version will still be present for us to retrieve. So hand editing doesn't matter. the revision that the file changed will still be present.

Still don't understand what is so hard to just download the entire thing and delete the extra. Which i'm pretty sure is common practice for any site or download system. Thingiverse when you download a thing, you get a bunch of extra stuff with it. HP or Dell, you download drivers, which are normally a bunch of different drivers all bundled together for the same product family. Download and SDK, you get tons of unwanted platform and examples.

Bundling everything together for something like this IS A GOOD THING.

from ender-3.

techmach avatar techmach commented on July 16, 2024

Have you been on Thingiverse lately? You can download individual files zips, STEP's native CAD formats or STL/OBJ files independently and it seems to understand what the individual files are and how to handle them unlike NotepadHub. I can't believe Microsoft is buying this site.

from ender-3.

pyromanci avatar pyromanci commented on July 16, 2024

Maybe cause Billion dollar companies use this system as well.

Of course thingiverse knows how to handle those files with viewers and custom Mime types. It's a site specific designed for 3d files. Where this system as a generic file repository.

But i will stop here. I don't think i have the brain cells left to continue this round about and how wrong you are.

from ender-3.

francisalbar avatar francisalbar commented on July 16, 2024

Git repositories are not limited to text files - they work with any files including binaries, images, etc. What you are viewing right now is the Github web interface which attempts to detect mime-types and utilizes an HTML based previewer.

The web interface is not the only way to access these files. If you prefer more granularity or prefer to view these files with your own preferred viewers, please use a different interface such as a GUI Git client like SmartGit, Tortoise, or Github Desktop.

TLDR Learn to Git.

from ender-3.

francisalbar avatar francisalbar commented on July 16, 2024

The Git Version Control Platform handles non text files perfectly fine. The Github WEB INTERFACE is incorrectly treating STEP files as text, and as such, the Github WEB INTERFACE is causing your issue.

If you would like the Github WEB INTERFACE to handle it appropriately, log a defect to Github and NOT this repository. Or better yet, submit a pull request that fixes the issue. You know, the way open source works. Creality has nothing to do with how the files are handled by the interface.

Your other option is to utilize a different interface to handle binary files directly as I've mentioned before. You won't have to worry about an HTML interface or your browser misrepresenting the files.

from ender-3.

techmach avatar techmach commented on July 16, 2024

Francis, This isn't my problem, it's Github's. If y'all want to fix it that your decision. As ubiquitous as STEP files and other 3D tranlation files are Github should want to make the required changes without me having to initiate a request for correction. The Chinese are quick learners, they will figure this out.

from ender-3.

francisalbar avatar francisalbar commented on July 16, 2024

Let me put it this way - you're posting a complaint to a television network because your old CRT TV can't display their HD broadcast correctly. Your options are to complain to the manufacturer of the TV, or get a different, FREE High Definition 4K TV. You're posting in the wrong place.

Please find the appropriate repository in and post your issue there.

from ender-3.

 avatar commented on July 16, 2024
STEP-File is the most widely used[citation needed] data exchange form of STEP. ISO 10303 can represent
3D objects in Computer-aided design (CAD) and related information.
Due to its ASCII structure, a STEP-file is easy to read, with typically one instance per line. 

Source: Wikipedia

from ender-3.

techmach avatar techmach commented on July 16, 2024

Good job, Google is a great thing isn't it? Here is some history to add to the discussion. I was part of the STEP process back before 1994 along with thousands of my close personal friends in the metalworking business.

from ender-3.

francisalbar avatar francisalbar commented on July 16, 2024

@techmach as I've mentioned before, Creality3D, @sexycyborg, nor any of the authors for this repository are capable of fulfilling your request. Git is a platform. GitHub is just one of many hosting solutions for Git repositories. GitHub also happens to provide a closed source web interface to repositories they host, however, most users do not use this web interface to access the files. If you want them to update their web interface, please email your request [email protected]

And again, you can just as easily access this repository via other interfaces such as command line or any of the multitude of gui git tools. This will solve your issue. And since you are so fond of documentation, I highly recommend going over

from ender-3.

StevenFAwesome avatar StevenFAwesome commented on July 16, 2024

@techmach Holy crap, STEP files are native ascii, which means they would be a text file. .stp files are not the preferred format, and are used to exchange between different cad suites. You saw they have solidworks, when they make a change to the design, only the affected parts get changed, and then only the affected .stp files would be created. Having to zip all the unaffected files would waste a lot of space.

Also the fact that github tracks all the "Text" changes of the step file actually helps those who want to contribute instead of just download. Imagine a model that has 1000 holes, and the radius of only one was changed.

from ender-3.

slipstreamliner avatar slipstreamliner commented on July 16, 2024

from ender-3.

slipstreamliner avatar slipstreamliner commented on July 16, 2024

from ender-3.

techmach avatar techmach commented on July 16, 2024

I'm not having a fit. This is a discussion. Y'all are missing the point. I've got the bloody model. Like shoreline said it's aluminum extrusions. It took all of 2 hours to put it together in CAD and I did it while I was talking on the phone with an associate. The issue is file handling and it's real simple; I'll lay it out for everyone. STEP files are not to be handled like they are ASCII text files. They don't work like Marlin script files because they aren't generated like Marlin files.

File structure is important especially to Open Source. I've been playing with these little Stepper motor incarnations for a while now and with CNC's for a lot longer. Let's say that someone wants to design a new upgrade for their 3D printer. They download just the affected STEP files they want, import them into their CAD system of choice and voila, they assemble just enough of what they need to prove out the design, create the model, slice it and print it; they have exact data to model from as opposed to getting out a pair of Calipers and scabbing dimensions off of an actual printer. Isn't that what Open Source allows the owner to do? In order for Open Source to work you have to have accurate data and the files need to be handled properly. Just imagine if someone when into a STEP file thinking it worked like a Marlin file changed a bunch of coordinates and the uploaded it for review. What a time waster. Now you have a translation file that has no original model to reference.

Don't worry though, the corporate world is coming as soon as the Empire buys this place. If Linkedin is any indication of what is to come be prepared. At least the Empire understands how file extensions work and what they mean.

from ender-3.

techmach avatar techmach commented on July 16, 2024

BTW, STEP files are corporate files just like SW *.sldprt and *.sldasm files. Marlin files are not.

from ender-3.

slipstreamliner avatar slipstreamliner commented on July 16, 2024

from ender-3.

slipstreamliner avatar slipstreamliner commented on July 16, 2024

from ender-3.

francisalbar avatar francisalbar commented on July 16, 2024

The partial file changes are what is relevant to Git, you know, the source control system these files are currently being shared in. Whether it is auto generated or written by hand, source control tracks changes as they happen, when they happen - which, to most users, is important historical reference.

As any of these files are provided "as is", your $180 investment in a 3D printer hardly qualifies the harassment you are engaging on. You either put up, or shut up.

from ender-3.

slipstreamliner avatar slipstreamliner commented on July 16, 2024

Can you please close this or do you want me to put the model there for you, @techmach ?

from ender-3.

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