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1) composar
       apt-get install curl
       apt-get install git
       apt-get install php7.0 php7.0-json php7.0-mbstring php7.0-intl php7.0-fpm php-memcached
       curl -sS | php
       mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

       useradd -s /bin/bash -d /home/user user
       mkdir -p /home/user
       chown -R user:user /home/user
       su - user
       composer  create-project cnsyao/cnsphp -s dev

2) git
   git clone

3) download


server {
    listen 80;
    root /data/webs/;
    index index.htm index.html index.php ;

    error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;
    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;

    charset utf-8;
    add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGN";
    add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block";
    add_header X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff";
    index index.html index.php; 
    location = /favicon.ico {
        access_log off;
        log_not_found off;

    location = /robots.txt {
        access_log off;
        log_not_found off;

    location ~ \.php$ {
        include    fastcgi_params;
        fastcgi_index index.php;
        add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
        add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' 'true';
        add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' 'GET, POST, OPTIONS';
        add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' 'DNT,QCTKA,X-CustomHeader,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type';
        fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME  $document_root/$fastcgi_script_name;

;prefix = /data/webs/
;chroot = $prefix
;chdir = /
user = www-data
group = www-data
listen.owner = www-data = www-data
listen =
pm = dynamic
pm.max_children = 10
pm.start_servers = 2
pm.min_spare_servers = 1
pm.max_spare_servers = 3
php_value[upload_max_filesize]= 100m
php_value[post_max_size] = 100m
php_value[max_execution_time] = 1800
php_flag[display_errors] = on
php_value[date.timezone] = asia/shanghai
;php_value[session.save_handler] = memcached
;php_value[session.save_path] = tcp://

# CnsPHP
  a simple php web framework based on smarty ^_^

# Structure
├── Application 
│   ├── (配置文件)
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── Controller (主要业务编程区)
│   │   ├── AppController.php (Application用户Controller的基类)
│   │   ├── Common
│   │   │     └── CommonController.php
│   │   └─ Admin
│   │   │    ├── IndexController.php
│   │   │    ├── UserController.php
│   │   │    ├── ...
│   │   │    └── WxpayController.php
│   │   └─ User
│   │       ├── IndexController.php
│   │       ├── UserController.php
│   │       ├── ...
│   │       └── WxpayController.php
│   │
│   ├── Model
│   │    ├── AppModel.php
│   │    └── Front
│   │         └── IndexModel.php
│   ├── View
│   │     ├── cache
│   │     ├── compile
│   │     │    ├── 117e3ee986632ea32414f51c36f33c9b36cd144e_0.file.index.html.php
│   │     │    └── f9aa2f04ca5ef71405378acc0b07b8b087648838_0.file.index.html.php
│   │     ├── config
│   │     └── html
│   │         └── job
│   │             ├── p
│   │             │   └── center.html
│   │             └── u
│   │                 ├── login.html
│   │                 └── register.html
│   └── Common
│     ├── CnsAntiXSS.php
│     ├── CnsMail.php
│     ├── CnsSMS.php
│     ├── CnsToken.php
│     ├── token.php
│     ├── third
│     │   ├── alimail
│     │   │   ├── AliMail.php
│     │   │   └── aliyun
│     │   │       ├── aliyun-php-sdk-alidns
│     │   │       ...
│     │   │       ├── aliyun-php-sdk-green
│     │   │       └──
│     │   ├── alipay
│     │   │   ├── config.php
│     │   │   ...
│     │   │   └── return_url.php
│     │   ├── sms
│     │   │   ├── smsapi.class.php
│     │   │   └── SMSCN.php
│     │   └── wxpay
│     │       ├── cert
│     │       ├── index.php
│     │        ..
│     │       └── logs
│     │           └── 2017-09-17.log
│     └── vendor
│         ├── firebase
│         │   └── php-jwt
│         ├── ircmaxell
│         │   └── password-compat
│         ├── paragonie
│         │   └── random_compat
│         └── voku
│            └─anti-xs
├── CnsPHP (基本不用修改)
│   ├── Common
│   │   ├── CheckCode.php
│   │   ├── CnsMemcached.php
│   │   ├── cookie.txt
│   │   ├── FileCache.php
│   │   ├── File.php
│   │   ├── Ftp.php
│   │   ├── Img.php
│   │   ├── ImgUploadEffect.php
│   │   ├── Net.php
│   │   ├── QRCode.php
│   │   ├── Spider.php
│   │   ├── String.php
│   │   ├── Str.php
│   │   └── SVG.php
│   ├── Controller
│   │   ├── Auth.php
│   │   ├── Controller.php
│   │   └── Route.php
│   ├── Model
│   │   └── Model.php
│   ├── Route.php
│   └── View
│       ├── Autoloader.php
│       ├── debug.tpl
│       ├── plugins
│       ├── SmartyBC.class.php
│       ├── Smarty.class.php
│       └── sysplugins
│           ├── smarty_cacheresource_custom.php
│           ├ ....
│           ├── smarty_undefined_variable.php
│           └── smarty_variable.php
├── Docs
│   └──API.docx
└── public
    ├── css
    ├── images
    ├── index.php
    ├── js
    │   └── jquery.form.js
    └── uploads 

# Example	
      public function Info($args,$post,$get) {
      public function GetInfo($args,$post,$get) {
      public function GetInfo($args,$post,$get) {
# Controller and Smarty TPL 
namespace Application\Controller\Admin;

use Application\Controller\AppController;
use Application\Model\AppModel;

use CnsPHP\Common\FileCache;
use CnsPHP\Common\Str;
use CnsPHP\Common\Net;
use CnsPHP\Common\File;
use CnsPHP\Common\CnsMemcached;
use CnsPHP\Common\QRCode;

use CnsPHP\Controller\Auth as Auth;
use Application\Common\CnsSMS as CnsSMS;
use CnsPHP\Common\CheckCode;
use Application\Common\CnsToken;
use Application\Common\CnsMail;

class Users extends AppModel{}

class UController extends AppController
     public static function Authcode($args,$post,$get){

     public static function Register($args, $post, $get){

     public static function Registered($args,$post,$get){
         if (!CheckCode::Verify('register', $post['checkcode'])){
            return Net::redirect('/u/register','验证码错误',3);

         $eastr = md5(Str::random(60));
             'gid' => 'P',
             'passwd' => Auth::passwd($post['passwd']),
             'email' => $post['email'],
             'eastr' => $eastr,

         if (Users::$affectedRows == 1) {
	     return Net::redirect('/',"注册成功",3);

             //API返回  {"code": "1", "msg": "注册成功", "data":{}, "token": ""}
             return Str::msg(1, '注册成功'); 
         } else
             return Net::redirect(-1,"注册失败",3);
	     //API返回   {"code": "1", "msg": "注册失败...", "data":{}, "token": ""}
             //return Str::msg(-1, '注册失败: ' . Users::$error_msg);

     public static function Login($args,$post,$get){

     public static function Unreg($args,$post,$get){

     public static function Logined($args,$post,$get){
         if (!CheckCode::Verify('login', $post['checkcode']))
             return Str::msg(-1, '验证码错误');

         $arr = Users::getOne("", ['username'=>$post['username'],'email' => $post['username']], "select uid,gid,username,email,passwd,mobile,eastr,eastatus from users where (email=:username or username=:username)");

         //如果邮箱存在 且已经激活
         if($arr['eastatus'] == 'Y'){
             if (auth::passwd_verify($post['passwd'], $arr['passwd'])) {
                 //generate token
                 $token = CnsToken::token($arr['uid'], ["_tk_uid" => $arr['uid'], "_tk_gid" => $arr['gid'], '_tk_ip' => Net::clientip()], 30);

                 Users::update(['lastlogin' => date('U')], ['uid' => $arr['uid']]);
                 return Net::redirect('/', '登陆成功',3);
             } else {
                 return Net::redirect(-1, '邮箱或密码错误');
         } else {
                 return Net::redirect(-1, '帐号还未激活');
                     $url = Net::host() . "/user/valid-email/valid/" . $arr['eastr'];
                     $str = <<<_EOF_ 
尊敬的用户 您好: 
    欢迎您注册,点击链接接来验证您的 Email:.... 安全起见,该链接将于发送后 30分钟失效。 
                     //$send = CnsMail::Send($post['email'], ' 邮箱激活', $str);

                     //if ($send)
                     //    Str::msg(-3, '您的邮箱尚未激活,请去邮箱' . $post['email'] . '激活');
                     //    Str::msg(-4, '您的邮箱尚未激活,但发送激活连接失败,请联系在线客服');

     public static function Center($args,$post,$get){
1)Application/Controller/Admin/UserController .php
namespace Application\Controller\Admin;

use Application\Controller\AppController;
use Application\Model\AppModel;

use CnsPHP\Common\Str;
use CnsPHP\Common\Net;
use CnsPHP\Common\FileCache;

class Users extends AppModel{}
        class UserController  extends AppController {

             function Info($args=[]) {
                   $arr = Users::getOne();
                   $arr = Users::getOne();
                   $arr = Users::getOne(['name'=>'aaa','age'=>20]);
                   $arr = Users::getOne([],"select * from user order by id desc");
                   $arr = Users::getALl(['name'=>'%a%','age'=>20],"select * from user where name like :name and age>:age");
                   $result =Users::insert(['name'=>'beccbaa0','age'=>30,'gender'=>'M','time'=>time()]);
                   $result =Users::insert(['name'=>'beccbaa0','age'=>30,'gender'=>'M','time'=>time()],"insert into user set name=:name,age=:age,gender=:gender,time=:time");
                   if($result !== false)
                       echo Users::lastInsertId;
                   $result =Users::delete(['name'=>'beccbaa0']);
                   $result =Users::delete(['name'=>'beccbaa0','age'=>20],"delete from user where name=:name or age<:age");
                   if($result !== false)
                       echo Users::affectedRows;
                   $result =Users::update(['age'=>55,'gender'=>'F'],['name'=>'baaaaa']);
                   $result =Users::update(['age'=>45,'gender'=>'F','name'=>'bccbaa'],[],"update user set age=:age, gender=:gender where name=:name");
                   if($result !== false)
                       echo Users::affectedRows;

                //self::show(); //default is  tpl/html/admin/user/info.html
     2) tpl/admin/user/info.html
       <!DOCTYPE html>
           <meta charset="UTF-8">

             Content of the document......

cnscn's Projects

cnsphp icon cnsphp

a simple php web framework based on smarty

cscore icon cscore

An advanced audio library, written in C#. Provides tons of features. From playing/recording audio to decoding/encoding audio streams/files to processing audio data in realtime (e.g. applying custom effects during playback, create visualizations,...). The possibilities are nearly unlimited.

oauth-2-php-example icon oauth-2-php-example

This is a simple example of how to implement OAuth 2. You can simply install the files in a folder on your server, navigate to the folder, and follow the steps to authenticate using OAuth 2. At the end, you will want to store the access token that in generated inside the config.php file that you use for your application, or store it in a database. You will "Authorize", login, "Grant Access", and "Click here", and finally get to a page that shows your access token, which never expires.

payment icon payment


php-ffmpeg icon php-ffmpeg

An object oriented PHP driver for FFMpeg binary

php-oauth-api icon php-oauth-api

This class serves two main purposes: 1) Implement the OAuth protocol to retrieve a token from a server to authorize the access to an API on behalf of the current user. 2) Perform calls to a Web services API using a token previously obtained using this class or a token provided some other way by the Web services provider. Usage Regardless of your purposes, you always need to start calling the class Initialize function after initializing setup variables. After you are done with the class, always call the Finalize function at the end. This class supports either OAuth protocol versions 1.0, 1.0a and 2.0. It abstracts the differences between these protocol versions, so the class usage is the same independently of the OAuth version of the server. The class also provides built-in support to several popular OAuth servers, so you do not have to manually configure all the details to access those servers. Just set the server variable to configure the class to access one of the built-in supported servers. If you need to access one type of server that is not yet directly supported by the class, you need to configure it explicitly setting the variables: oauth_version, url_parameters, authorization_header, request_token_url, dialog_url, offline_dialog_url, append_state_to_redirect_uri and access_token_url. Before proceeding to the actual OAuth authorization process, you need to have registered your application with the OAuth server. The registration provides you values to set the variables client_id and client_secret. Some servers also provide an additional value to set the api_key variable. You also need to set the variables redirect_uri and scope before calling the Process function to make the class perform the necessary interactions with the OAuth server. The OAuth protocol involves multiple steps that include redirection to the OAuth server. There it asks permission to the current user to grant your application access to APIs on his/her behalf. When there is a redirection, the class will set the exit variable to 1. Then your script should exit immediately without outputting anything. When the OAuth access token is successfully obtained, the following variables are set by the class with the obtained values: access_token, access_token_secret, access_token_expiry, access_token_type. You may want to store these values to use them later when calling the server APIs. If there was a problem during OAuth authorization process, check the variable authorization_error to determine the reason. Once you get the access token, you can call the server APIs using the CallAPI function. Check the access_token_error variable to determine if there was an error when trying to to call the API. If for some reason the user has revoked the access to your application, you need to ask the user to authorize your application again. First you may need to call the function ResetAccessToken to reset the value of the access token that may be cached in session variables.

recorderjs icon recorderjs

A plugin for recording/exporting the output of Web Audio API nodes

safehtml icon safehtml

Strip dangerous HTML content, fork of work by Roman Ivanov icon

Realtime application framework (Node.JS server)

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