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Comments (8)

HeyItsJono avatar HeyItsJono commented on June 23, 2024 1

@chrisant996 Setting color.unrecognized has completely resolved the issue, thank you so much for your time!

from clink.

chrisant996 avatar chrisant996 commented on June 23, 2024

@HeyItsJono three questions for you:

  1. What version of Clink were you using when you weren't getting this error? I e. what version did you upgrade from?

  2. Can you please share the output from clink set?

  3. Can you please press Alt-5 Ctrl-X Ctrl-Z and then copy/paste the full output from that? It should print output similar to clink info but with a lot more runtime details.

from clink.

HeyItsJono avatar HeyItsJono commented on June 23, 2024

Unfortunately I cannot recall what clink version I was on prior to upgrading :(

clink set

  clink set
autopull.enable                   True
autopull.interval                 3
autosuggest.async                 True
autosuggest.enable                True
autosuggest.hint                  True
autosuggest.original_case         True
autosuggest.strategy              match_prev_cmd history completion
clink.autoupdate                  check
clink.colorize_input              True
clink.default_bindings            bash
clink.logo                        full
clink.max_input_rows              0
clink.paste_crlf                  crlf
clink.promptfilter                True
clink.update_interval             5
cmd.altf4_exits                   True
cmd.auto_answer                   off
cmd.ctrld_exits                   True
cmd.get_errorlevel                True
color.arg                         bold
color.arginfo                     yellow
color.autoexpandtilde             bright cyan
color.cmd                         bold
color.cmdredir                    bold
color.cmdsep                      bold
color.comment_row                 bright white on cyan
color.description                 bright cyan
color.divider_line                sgr 30;48;5;25
color.divider_line_end            sgr 38;5;25
color.doskey                      magenta
color.escapetilde                 bright cyan on blue
color.executable                  cyan
color.filtered                    bold
color.flag                        default                    bright green
color.interact                    bold
color.luaprefix                   bright cyan on blue
color.message                     default
color.suggestion                  white
color.unexpected                  default
color.yarn.module                 bright green
color.yarn.script                 bright blue
cwdhistory.limit                  100
debug.log_terminal                False
directories.dupe_mode             add
divider_line.commands             make nmake msbuild
doskey.enhanced                   True
exec.aliases                      True
exec.commands                     True
exec.cwd                          True
exec.dirs                         True
exec.enable                       True
exec.files                        True
exec.path                         True
exec.space_prefix                 True
files.hidden                      True
files.system                      False
fuzzy_history.ignore_ext          True
fuzzy_history.ignore_path         True
fuzzy_history.max_items           5000
fuzzy_history.max_time            25
fzf.default_bindings              False
fzf.exe_location                  C:\Users\Jono\scoop\shims\fzf.exe
fzf.height                        40%
history.auto_expand               True
history.dont_add_to_history_cmds  exit history
history.dupe_mode                 erase_prev
history.expand_mode               not_quoted
history.ignore_space              True
history.max_lines                 10000                      True
history.shared                    False
history.show_preview              True
history.sticky_search             False
history.time_format               %F %T
history.time_stamp                off
lua.break_on_error                False
lua.break_on_traceback            False
lua.debug                         False
lua.reload_scripts                False
lua.show_match_type               True
lua.strict                        True
lua.traceback_on_error            False
lua.type_colors                   string=38;5;172 table=38;5;40 boolean=38;5;39 number=38;5;141 function=38;5;27 thread=38;5;203 types=38;5;244 nil=38;5;196
match.expand_abbrev               True
match.expand_envvars              False
match.fit_columns                 True
match.ignore_accent               True
match.ignore_case                 relaxed
match.max_fitted_matches          0
match.max_rows                    0
match.preview_rows                5
match.sort_dirs                   with
match.substring                   False
match.translate_slashes           system
match.wild                        True
prompt.async                      True
prompt.spacing                    normal
prompt.transient                  off
readline.hide_stderr              False
terminal.adjust_cursor_style      True
terminal.color_emoji              auto
terminal.differentiate_keys       False
terminal.east_asian_ambiguous     auto
terminal.emulation                auto
terminal.mouse_input              auto
terminal.raw_esc                  False
terminal.scrollbars               True
terminal.use_altgr_substitute     False
tilde.autoexpand                  True
tilde.escape                      ~~

The key-combo:

  binaries          C:\Users\Jono\AppData\Roaming\Cmder\vendor\clink
  architecture      x64
  session           6552
  profile           C:\Users\Jono\AppData\Roaming\Cmder\config
  log               C:\Users\Jono\AppData\Roaming\Cmder\config\clink.log
  settings          C:\Users\Jono\AppData\Roaming\Cmder\config\clink_settings
  history           C:\Users\Jono\AppData\Roaming\Cmder\config\clink_history
  scripts           C:\Users\Jono\AppData\Roaming\Cmder\vendor ; C:\Users\Jono\AppData\Roaming\Cmder\vendor\clink ; C:\Users\Jono\AppData\Roaming\Cmder\config ; C:\Users\Jono\AppData\Roaming\Cmder\config\clink-gizmos
  inputrc           C:\Users\Jono\AppData\Roaming\Cmder\config\.inputrc
  codepage          1252
  keyboard langid   3081
  keyboard layout   00000409
  terminal          Windows Terminal (auto mode found 'WindowsTerminal.exe')
  onbeginedit:                                                              last    avg     peak
        [string "if (clink.version_encoded or 0) < 10020030 th..."]:12      0 ms    0 ms    0 ms
        ...o\AppData\Roaming\Cmder\config\clink-gizmos\autopull.lua:120     0 ms    0 ms    0 ms
        ...AppData\Roaming\Cmder\config\clink-gizmos\cwdhistory.lua:438     0 ms    0 ms    0 ms
        ...s\Jono\AppData\Roaming\Cmder\config\clink-gizmos\fzf.lua:558     0 ms    0 ms    0 ms
        ...ata\Roaming\Cmder\config\clink-gizmos\history_labels.lua:30      0 ms    0 ms    0 ms
        ...AppData\Roaming\Cmder\config\clink-gizmos\cwdhistory.lua:448     2 ms    2 ms    2 ms\AppData\Roaming\Cmder\config\clink-gizmos\divider.lua:196
        [string "if (clink.version_encoded or 0) < 10020030 th..."]:19\AppData\Roaming\Cmder\config\clink-gizmos\divider.lua:215
  cd             :  {dir.lua}:0
  chdir          :  {dir.lua}:0
  cheat          :  C:\Users\Jono\AppData\Roaming\Cmder\config\cheat.lua:20
  choco          :  ...ta\Roaming\Cmder/vendor/clink-completions/chocolatey.lua:89
  chocolatey     :  ...ta\Roaming\Cmder/vendor/clink-completions/chocolatey.lua:89
  cinst          :  ...ta\Roaming\Cmder/vendor/clink-completions/chocolatey.lua:28
  clink          :  {self.lua}:0
  clink_x64.exe  :  {self.lua}:0
  clink_x86.exe  :  {self.lua}:0
  clist          :  ...ta\Roaming\Cmder/vendor/clink-completions/chocolatey.lua:20
  cmd            :  {cmd.lua}:0
  coho           :  ...\AppData\Roaming\Cmder/vendor/clink-completions/coho.lua:24
  cordova        :  ...pData\Roaming\Cmder/vendor/clink-completions/cordova.lua:52
  cordova-dev    :  ...pData\Roaming\Cmder/vendor/clink-completions/cordova.lua:52
  cuninst        :  ...ta\Roaming\Cmder/vendor/clink-completions/chocolatey.lua:49
  cup            :  ...ta\Roaming\Cmder/vendor/clink-completions/chocolatey.lua:59
  dotnet         :  ...ppData\Roaming\Cmder/vendor/clink-completions/dotnet.lua:189
  fzf            :  ...s\Jono\AppData\Roaming\Cmder\config\clink-gizmos\fzf.lua:784
  git            :  ...o\AppData\Roaming\Cmder/vendor/clink-completions/git.lua:11
  history        :  {self.lua}:0
  i              :  ...ers\Jono\AppData\Roaming\Cmder\config\clink-gizmos\i.lua:155
  kubectl        :  ...pData\Roaming\Cmder/vendor/clink-completions/kubectl.lua:68
  md             :  {dir.lua}:0
  mkdir          :  {dir.lua}:0
  msbuild        :  ...pData\Roaming\Cmder/vendor/clink-completions/msbuild.lua:245
  net            :  ...o\AppData\Roaming\Cmder/vendor/clink-completions/net.lua:78
  ng             :  ...a\Roaming\Cmder/vendor/clink-completions/angular-cli.lua:171
  npm            :  ...o\AppData\Roaming\Cmder/vendor/clink-completions/npm.lua:120
  nvm            :  ...o\AppData\Roaming\Cmder/vendor/clink-completions/nvm.lua:33
  pip            :  ...o\AppData\Roaming\Cmder/vendor/clink-completions/pip.lua:222
  pipenv         :  ...ppData\Roaming\Cmder/vendor/clink-completions/pipenv.lua:134
  pushd          :  {dir.lua}:0
  rd             :  {dir.lua}:0
  rmdir          :  {dir.lua}:0
  scoop          :  ...AppData\Roaming\Cmder/vendor/clink-completions/scoop.lua:304
  ssh            :  ...o\AppData\Roaming\Cmder/vendor/clink-completions/ssh.lua:97
  vagrant        :  ...pData\Roaming\Cmder/vendor/clink-completions/vagrant.lua:64
    merged with  :  ...pData\Roaming\Cmder/vendor/clink-completions/vagrant.lua:136
  yarn           :  ...\AppData\Roaming\Cmder/vendor/clink-completions/yarn.lua:134
prompt filters:
  filter:                                                                   last    avg     peak
        [string "if (clink.version_encoded or 0) < 10020030 th..."]:31    308 ms  308 ms  308 ms\AppData\Roaming\Cmder\config\clink-gizmos\divider.lua:192     0 ms    0 ms    0 ms
  rightfilter:                                                              last    avg     peak
        [string "if (clink.version_encoded or 0) < 10020030 th..."]:43    237 ms  237 ms  237 ms
classifiers:                                                          last    avg     peak\AppData\Roaming\Cmder\config\clink-gizmos\luaexec.lua:373     0 ms    0 ms    0 ms
  ...a\Roaming\Cmder\config\clink-gizmos\tilde_autoexpand.lua:142     0 ms    0 ms    0 ms
  fuzzy_history   :  ...Data\Roaming\Cmder\config\clink-gizmos\fuzzy_history.lua:102
  completions lookup directories:
  completions lookup statistics:
        commands searched:      0
        Lua scripts loaded:     0
        argmatchers loaded:     0

from clink.

chrisant996 avatar chrisant996 commented on June 23, 2024

I'm experiencing an odd new error after upgrading to the latest clink version.
Unfortunately I cannot recall what clink version I was on prior to upgrading :(

@HeyItsJono Roughly when was the last time you updated Clink? A year ago? 6 months? 2 months? 3 weeks?
Give me some kind of timeframe to look at; it doesn't have to be perfectly exact.

Also, have you tried downgrading to an older version of Clink?
Around what version of Clink does the error go away?

Did you update anything else recently?
Did you update any Lua scripts recently?

I'm using Cmder and Windows Terminal.

What version of Cmder?

from clink.

chrisant996 avatar chrisant996 commented on June 23, 2024

@HeyItsJono can you please share your file C:\Users\Jono\AppData\Roaming\Cmder\config\.inputrc?

Maybe something in it is relevant.

from clink.

chrisant996 avatar chrisant996 commented on June 23, 2024

@HeyItsJono you can also try extracting Clink from this zip file into the Cmder\vendor\clink directory.

This is identical to the released v1.6.9, except that it includes Lua debug info, which is normally stripped as a small optimization for speed and size. Having debug info present will include more info in the error message, such as an actual line number instead of 0 in {arguments.lua}:0.

(You can't find the arguments.lua and classifier.lua files because they're part of Clink itself and are pre-compiled into the Clink binaries.)

from clink.

HeyItsJono avatar HeyItsJono commented on June 23, 2024

Thanks for your patience! I've done a bit of trial and error and it seems like this starts happening with version 1.6.2. Downgrading to 1.6.1 fixes it. I haven't updated anything else manually; I haven't pulled the latest update for clink-completions and clink-gizmos in at least 6 months. Windows Terminal Preview does auto-update itself without me knowing though, so I'm on the latest version of that (Version: 1.20.10572.0). For Cmder I haven't updated in a while (and I really probably should), so I'm on Version I typically update clink via the commandline when prompted with clink update.

Here's my .inputrc as requested:

$if clink

set expand-tilde on
set visible-stats on

# Key bindings for fzf with Clink.
"\et":			"luafunc:fzf_file"				# Alt+T lists files recursively; choose one or multiple to insert them.
"\C-r":			"luafunc:fzf_history"			# Ctrl+R lists history entries; choose one to insert it.
"\M-c":			"luafunc:fzf_directory"			# Alt+C lists subdirectories; choose one to 'cd /d' to it.
"\M-b":			"luafunc:fzf_bindings"			# Alt+B lists key bindings; choose one to invoke it.
"\t":			"luafunc:fzf_complete_force"	# Tab uses fzf to filter match completions (and supports '**' for recursive).
"\e[27;5;32~":	"luafunc:fzf_complete"			# Ctrl+Space uses fzf to filter match completions, but only when preceded by '**' (recursive).


Using the debug 1.6.9 you posted, this is what happens when I type a letter:

Jono  ~
word classifier failed:
clink/lua/scripts/arguments.lua:2875: attempt to concatenate local 'cl' (a boolean value)
stack traceback:
        clink/lua/scripts/classifier.lua:78: in function <clink/lua/scripts/classifier.lua:71>
        [C]: in function 'xpcall'
        clink/lua/scripts/classifier.lua:93: in function <clink/lua/scripts/classifier.lua:70>
clink info                                                                                    Right=Accept Suggestion
word classifier failed:
clink/lua/scripts/arguments.lua:2875: attempt to concatenate local 'cl' (a boolean value)
stack traceback:
        clink/lua/scripts/classifier.lua:78: in function <clink/lua/scripts/classifier.lua:71>
        [C]: in function 'xpcall'
        clink/lua/scripts/classifier.lua:93: in function <clink/lua/scripts/classifier.lua:70>

word classifier failed:
clink/lua/scripts/arguments.lua:2875: attempt to concatenate local 'cl' (a boolean value)
stack traceback:
        clink/lua/scripts/classifier.lua:78: in function <clink/lua/scripts/classifier.lua:71>
        [C]: in function 'xpcall'
        clink/lua/scripts/classifier.lua:93: in function <clink/lua/scripts/classifier.lua:70>


from clink.

chrisant996 avatar chrisant996 commented on June 23, 2024

@HeyItsJono Thank you, line 2875 makes everything clear:

elseif unrecognized_color or executable_color then
local cl
local recognized = clink._recognize_command(line_state:getline(), command_word, info.quoted)
if recognized < 0 then
cl = unrecognized_color and "u" --unrecognized
elseif recognized > 0 then
cl = executable_color and "x" --executable
cl = "o" --other
word_classifier:classifyword(command_word_index,, false);

In your config color.executable is set, so line 2865 evaluates to true.
But in your config color.unrecognized is not set, so on line 2869 unrecognized_color is false.
So, cl ends up false (a boolean value) instead of "u" (a string value as expected).
So, on line 2875 the fails.

I'll publish a fix in the next few days.

But in the meantime, either set color.unrecognized or clear color.executable and the error will go away.

from clink.

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