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Comments (22)

amym avatar amym commented on June 26, 2024 3

Hi. I got v7 working by following these instructions

V 7. Run the setup.exe and it will install normaly on "C:\Program Files\SteamVR Leap Motion driver". Now go to this location and copy all Files "config_tool.exe","leap.vrsettings", and the Folder/Dir "leap". After that move to your Steam Installations Folder, SteamApps->common->OpenVR or SteamVR depens on the Date and Time when it got installed. Now open the Folder "drivers", and paste the copyd Files. Then open the "leap.vrsettings" and copy all text and paste it into the File "steam.vrsettings", or rename the "leap.vrsettings" and replace the old "steam.vrsettings" File.You can find it inside the Folder "config" which should be in the Steam Installations Folder. After that start your Steam, open SteamVR and you should have 2 Green Controllers, when not try to hold your both hands right infront of the Leap Motion Sensor so it should detect them.

from driver_leap.

Ibsn87 avatar Ibsn87 commented on June 26, 2024 1

wow, finally come back to this after being busy the past few days. @amym has nailed it! Followed that instruction and I now have 2 green controllers. Fantastic, cannot wait to try it out now! Thanks !!

from driver_leap.

cbuchner1 avatar cbuchner1 commented on June 26, 2024

Care to elaborate on any specifics about who is not yet covered by Alpha #6?

Von meinem iPhone gesendet

Am 06.06.2016 um 01:41 schrieb VRKommando [email protected]:

I still have the problem with the last 2 releases where the driver isn't installed properly
Since update 3 I have been using the edited method where you put in the actual directory of the steam folder

Release #6 still doesn't fully cover everyone

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from driver_leap.

vaibhavaggarwal007 avatar vaibhavaggarwal007 commented on June 26, 2024


I would just like to add that the driver is also not working properly on my PC since the update #3.

from driver_leap.

VRKommando avatar VRKommando commented on June 26, 2024

Yes, well you see my SteamDir is located at E:\Steam, and I have tried every release, with no luck, so I decided to run each after uninstalling and installing the next release, I ran the register_driver.cmd manually with command prompt, to read what its telling me without it flashing for a split second.

So after doing so, I get to read the following message:

`The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.
0 file(s) copied.

C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamVR Leap Motion driver>`

The Driver, Backup & Steam Config file events all failed to detect the steam folder

So I decided to try editing the register_driver.cmd file and adding my steam directory manually
It worked perfectly and I was able to get it working on release #3

Everything was great after doing so, and all other releases 1-2 & 4-6 did not work for me
So there is still a detection problem, maybe make release #7 have you manually input the steam directory? to fix that?

from driver_leap.

amym avatar amym commented on June 26, 2024

Hi. I Couldn't get the latest release to work. Installed it via exe and also tried putting it in the steam dir. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Thanks.

from driver_leap.

jimmyleet avatar jimmyleet commented on June 26, 2024

Amazing work thanks for letting me enjoy some vive games :) I still haven't had any luck since release #3 tho installation wise working.
Tried the latest one #6 and installed no issues just not detected on steam VR anymore :)
Keep up the amazing work tho

from driver_leap.

cbuchner1 avatar cbuchner1 commented on June 26, 2024

I will try some installations on virgin PCs that just received Steam and SteamVR installed on various locations...

Von meinem iPhone gesendet

Am 06.06.2016 um 04:20 schrieb Amy [email protected]:

Hi. I Couldn't get the latest release to work. Installed it via exe and also tried putting it in the steam dir. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Thanks.

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from driver_leap.

cbuchner1 avatar cbuchner1 commented on June 26, 2024

Is anyone else getting this dialog pop up on installation? This is on a Windows 10 PC with Steam in the default location.

"there is a problem with this windows installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor."

Turns out config_tool.exe requires MSVCP140.dll which is the Visual C++ Runtime found here

Meh, even after installing these, the config tool won't finish successfully yet. It appears this failure mode is triggered when SteamVR has not yet created its steamvr.vrsettings file. I will have to update config_tool.exe to just assume an empty configuration file instead.

But even after placing a file containing {} as steamvr.vrsettings, the installer appears to not do its job fully. The driver path is not added successfully, i.e.vrpathreg only shows

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win32>vrpathreg.exe
Runtime path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\
Config path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config
Log path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\logs


from driver_leap.

jimmyleet avatar jimmyleet commented on June 26, 2024

I got no errors apart from having to manually remove older version, it installed with no issues just steamVR isn't detecting controllers.

from driver_leap.

cbuchner1 avatar cbuchner1 commented on June 26, 2024

I get it, the "leap" subdirectory has to exist because it provides the base name for the driver. With the current setup, Steam will be looking for a file called driver_SteamVR Leap Motion driver.dll which of course is not found (error 103).

Alpha #7 should be the one to finally fix this mess.

from driver_leap.

thomasvt1 avatar thomasvt1 commented on June 26, 2024

I got it working, its actually very simple.

  1. Go to your "vrpathreg" for me its located at;
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win32
  2. Shift-rightlick and click "open command window here"
  3. Execute vrpathreg by dragging the file into the cmd. or just retype the name in cmd
  4. Then you'll see all external drivers listed;
  5. If you dont see C:\Program Files\SteamVR Leap Motion driver
    listed you can add it with the following command:
    vrpathreg.exe adddriver "C:\Program Files\SteamVR Leap Motion driver"
  6. Repeat the vrpathreg command to see if it's listed now.

from driver_leap.

cbuchner1 avatar cbuchner1 commented on June 26, 2024

When I follow your suggestion I get this error in the steamvr logs

Mon Jun 06 2016 13:47:17.739 - Unable to load driver Win32 from C:\Program
Files\SteamVR Leap Motion driver\bin\Win32\bin\win32\driver_Win32.dll.

Mon Jun 06 2016 13:47:17.739 - Unable to load driver Win32 because of error
103. Skipping.

Mon Jun 06 2016 13:47:17.739 - Unable to load driver Win64 from C:\Program
Files\SteamVR Leap Motion driver\bin\Win64\bin\win32\driver_Win64.dll.

Mon Jun 06 2016 13:47:17.739 - Unable to load driver Win64 because of error
103. Skipping.

I will have to reinstate the "leap" subdirectory and append it to the path
given to adddriver. Then things should be working.


2016-06-06 13:27 GMT+02:00 Thomas [email protected]:

I got it working, its actually very simple.

Go to your "vrpathreg" for me its located at;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win32

Shift-rightlick and click "open command window here"

Execute "vrpathreg" by dragging the file into the cmd. or just retype
the name in cmd

Then you'll see all external drivers listed;
[image: image]

If you dont see C:\Program Files\SteamVR Leap Motion driver
listed you can add it with the following command:
vrpathreg adddriver "C:\Program Files\SteamVR Leap Motion

Repeat the vrpathreg command to see if it's listed now.

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from driver_leap.

RonSijm avatar RonSijm commented on June 26, 2024

I installed Alpha Release #6 on a "virgin pc", no previous versions, and it did not work.

I then followed the instructions of thomasvt1, and the driver was indeed not listed.
I then manually installed the driver like thomasvt1, but that did not help.

I'm not exactly sure if I'm supposed to see anything anywhere, like extra vr controllers listed in my SteamVR, but I don't. I've tested it by opening 'fantastic contraption' and trying it out, but that did not work.

Note: I did not have any external drivers, and I see on thomasvt1 his screenshot that he has 4. Do I need more?

I can provide log files if you need to know anything... but I'm not sure where / which... I'm using windows 10 x64.

from driver_leap.

thomasvt1 avatar thomasvt1 commented on June 26, 2024

I updated to Alpha #6 and it doesn't work anymore - reinstalled Alpha #5 and it works again.

from driver_leap.

Tyrminaotr avatar Tyrminaotr commented on June 26, 2024

don't work for me either. win 10 x64 with riftcat

i still have to use realise 3
06.06.2016 20:40 "RonSijm" [email protected] napisał(a):

I installed Alpha Release #6 on a "virgin pc", no previous versions, and
it did not work.

I then followed the instructions of thomasvt1, and the driver was indeed
not listed.
I then manually installed the driver like thomasvt1, but that did not help.

I'm not exactly sure if I'm supposed to see anything anywhere, like extra
vr controllers listed in my SteamVR, but I don't. I've tested it by opening
'fantastic contraption' and trying it out, but that did not work.

Note: I did not have any external drivers, and I see on thomasvt1 his
screenshot that he has 4. Do I need more?

I can provide log files if you need to know anything... but I'm not sure
where / which... I'm using windows 10 x64.

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from driver_leap.

VRKommando avatar VRKommando commented on June 26, 2024

#7 still does not work

The only way I can get it to work is by using Release #3
and editing the CFG file and adding my steam directory manually

like so:
`@echo off
SET mypath=%~dp0

REM detect Steam install directory
for /f "tokens=2*" %%A in ('reg query hku /e /c /v /f SteamPath /t REG_SZ /s 2^>^NUL') DO (
set SteamPath=%%B
goto :start

REM register driver
"E:\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win32\vrpathreg.exe" adddriver "%mypath:~0,-1%\leap"

REM backup steamvr.vrsettings in steam config dir
copy "E:\Steam\config\steamvr.vrsettings" "%SteamPath%\config\steamvr.vrsettings.leap_backup"

REM copy steamvr.vrsettings to steam config dir
copy "%mypath:~0,-1%\steamvr.vrsettings" "E:\Steam\config"

from driver_leap.

cbuchner1 avatar cbuchner1 commented on June 26, 2024

I've tried the alpha #7 on my work PC once more and the only step it failed to execute properly was the vrpathreg. Joining the JSON config worked as intended.

Von meinem iPhone gesendet

Am 07.06.2016 um 21:59 schrieb Amy [email protected]:

Hi. I got v7 working by following these instructions

V 7. Run the setup.exe and it will install normaly on "C:\Program Files\SteamVR Leap Motion driver". Now go to this location and copy all Files "config_tool.exe","leap.vrsettings", and the Folder/Dir "leap". After that move to your Steam Installations Folder, SteamApps->common->OpenVR or SteamVR depens on the Date and Time when it got installed. Now open the Folder "drivers", and paste the copyd Files. Then open the "leap.vrsettings" and copy all text and paste it into the File "steam.vrsettings", or rename the "leap.vrsettings" and replace the old "steam.vrsettings" File.You can find it inside the Folder "config" which should be in the Steam Installations Folder. After that start your Steam, open SteamVR and you should have 2 Green Controllers, when not try to hold your both hands right infront of the Leap Motion Sensor so it should detect them.

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from driver_leap.

VRKommando avatar VRKommando commented on June 26, 2024

#8 does not work as well, I am still using the v3 edited txt method

from driver_leap.

cbuchner1 avatar cbuchner1 commented on June 26, 2024

Works on 2 out of 3 PCs I've been testing on ;-)

A friend's PC is still giving me trouble. Nonstandard steam library location.

Von meinem iPhone gesendet

Am 11.06.2016 um 19:58 schrieb VRKommando [email protected]:

#8 does not work as well, I am still using the v3 edited txt method

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from driver_leap.

VRKommando avatar VRKommando commented on June 26, 2024

Cant you make it where you can choose to browse the location manually in the installation window, or having the steam leap driver installed directly in the steam folder

from driver_leap.

ddutchie avatar ddutchie commented on June 26, 2024

This is glorious!!. I managed to get a htc dk1 with no wireless dongles so controllers are currently a little usless. Thanks to this I was able to get room scale setup completed with nothing but my trusty leapmotion taped to the front of the vive. Epic. Thanks.

from driver_leap.

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