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gauge.js's Issues

Demo page doesn't work on Opera 12 (Linux)

Opening demo page in current version of Opera throws following error:

Uncaught exception: DOMException: SYNTAX_ERR

Error thrown at line 311, column 6 in <anonymous function: Gauge.prototype.render>() in
    grd.addColorStop(1, this.options.colorStop);
called from line 217, column 4 in update() in
Uncaught exception: DOMException: SYNTAX_ERR

Error thrown at line 311, column 6 in <anonymous function: Gauge.prototype.render>() in
    grd.addColorStop(1, this.options.colorStop);
called from line 130, column 8 in <anonymous function: ValueUpdater.prototype.update>() in
called from line 422, column 8 in <anonymous function: run>() in
    if (elem.update())
called from line 31, column 10 in <anonymous function>() in
    return callback(currTime + timeToCall);
Uncaught exception: DOMException: SYNTAX_ERR

Error thrown at line 311, column 6 in <anonymous function: Gauge.prototype.render>() in
    grd.addColorStop(1, this.options.colorStop);
called from line 130, column 8 in <anonymous function: ValueUpdater.prototype.update>() in
called from line 422, column 8 in <anonymous function: run>() in
    if (elem.update())
called from line 31, column 10 in <anonymous function>() in
    return callback(currTime + timeToCall);


browser: Opera/9.80 (X11; Linux x86_64; U; pl) Presto/2.10.289 Version/12.00 (Core 2.10.289)
os: Ubuntu x64 12.04

Update when user votes

Hi the gauge is brilliant.

I am trying to use this gauge to update dynamically when a number I have in the database changes.
The number I have in the database is the vote count. I want it so when the user adds a vote which is recorded, the gauge animates.

Can you give me an idea of how to go about this?


Compatability with IE 8

I tested your homepage and the index html locally and am not able to get it to work on IE 8. Can you point out why that could be? Thanks!


Very neat project, congrats.

what about a percentage rather than the actual gauge value ?

bars across the meter/gauge

Great Gauge really but i need some tweak with help of you.

I need some lines to display across the meter to make it look like speedo meter so please help me out how to display these lines.

secondly in Demo u are passing a parameter lines: 12 in options. but it seems like it is not worth for any where. so what it works please explain me.

Script bug with httpRequest

Hello, i'm having trouble with ajax call httprequest. I put the response value on the gaugeObject.set. And there, all is ok, but when the value changing the gauge disapear. Do you know why?

I've same problem with responseText and xmlResponse, can somenone tel me how to make it possible please ?

there is my code :

Thx for help !

stop from running

Is there a way to stop this? I looked at the internals and it didn't seem to have any "stop" function. I'm running this in a meteor environment and trying to display it on multiple pages, but that seems to be causing complications with the old gauge object.

White Outline on Donuts

On the background arc on the donut, there is a white border that is apparent.


by multiplying @lineWidth by 0.8 on the following line, the issue is fixed.

@ctx.lineWidth = @lineWidth * 0.8

Fixed Example:

EDIT: As you may have noticed- I changed the ends to be butt- perhaps add an option to choose either round or butt for the donut?

Adding a Marker to the Gauge

Hi Bernii -
Great work! We have a use-case that use the gauge to show the current value in comparison to a target value.. The target could be smaller or larger than the current value. If there is an option to add a marker to the gauge like in the following mock-up screen, it will help a lot..



Adjusting minimum and initial value

Great code, thank you. How can I change the minimum value from 0 to 1,000? I was able to adjust the maximum value easily with:
gauge.maxValue = 3000; // set max gauge value

But when I tried
gauge.minValue = 1000; // set min gauge value
gauge.displayedValue = 1000; //initialize gauge value
the pointer went in crazy circles.

Here is a Fiddle:

Start and End colors

Shouldn't the start and end colors go from the start of the line to the end of it?
Currently goes from the inner to the outter side of the progress bar. I think it would make more sense if was from start to finish.

gauge.min.js doesn't correlate with

Just as a note, I tried using the 'gauge.min.js' that is on the scripts homepage. I've been scratching my head wondering why the colours weren't working. When I compiled the coffeescript version and used that instead, it worked perfect

Annimation ?

Hello, i use this gauge to count my visitor on my website, and i want to make the same animation like on your demo site : when value is going up, the gauge do an annimation . I've tried to use setInterval, myfunction, 5000) for example and the gauge is completly refresh but don not make any annimation. Can someone explain me how do make it possible, cause i'm on it since several weeks... thx

Print PDF support

Dear Bernii,

I am using js gauge on many places in my application. Now i have to print a page top PDF. To accomplish that i have purchased the Winnovative Pdf Converter. It supports css, javascript etc. Everything prints fine in the page except the js gauge. It's totally not visible. Is there any chance this support will come in the near feature?


iPhone and iOS

Hi there,

Just wondering whether this works on the iphone or the iOS ?

Would be awesome if you were able to change the colors based on the value selected - so it means you could have

0-25% - red
25%-50% - green
50%-75% - purple


[enhancement] Add missing bower.json.

Hey, maintainer(s) of bernii/gauge.js!

We at VersionEye are working hard to keep up the quality of the bower's registry.

We just finished our initial analysis of the quality of the registry:

7530 - registered packages, 224 of them doesnt exists anymore;

We analysed 7306 existing packages and 1070 of them don't have bower.json on the master branch ( that's where a Bower client pulls a data ).

Sadly, your library bernii/gauge.js is one of them.

Can you spare 15 minutes to help us to make Bower better?

Just add a new file bower.json and change attributes.

  "name": "bernii/gauge.js",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "main": "path/to/main.css",
  "description": "please add it",
  "license": "Eclipse",
  "ignore": [
  "dependencies": {
    "<dependency_name>": "<semantic_version>",
    "<dependency_name>": "<Local_folder>",
    "<dependency_name>": "<package>"
  "devDependencies": {
    "<test-framework-name>": "<version>"

Read more about bower.json on the official spefication and nodejs semver library has great examples of proper versioning.

NB! Please validate your bower.json with jsonlint before commiting your updates.

Thank you!

twitter: @versioneye
email: [email protected]
VersionEye - no more legacy software!

Two pointers appearing in dial on andriod mobiles

in Android Phones,there appears two pointers,one is at 0 level and another one at the value given.when no animation is given ,(i.e., animation speed -1),there appears only one pointer..
when this site is directly opened in android phones this two pointer issue is not there.

HighDPI support broken on Firefox 22+


commit 3e0a8d6 added high DPI support to gauge.js but it appears firefox 22 has deprecated mozBackingStorePixelRatio on the canvas 2d context and the code now does strange things on normal DPI devices.

When I send a query to the window for the device pixel ratio on my desktop I get [09:53:36.998] 1.0909091234207153 on firefox 23.0.1 and I get 1 on Chrome 29.0.1547.57.

I'm not sure what the right fix is for this issue, but I'm reporting it hoping that someone with more knowledge can solve it. Until that time, I'm just going to use the highDpiSupport = false flag in options.


Background color in donut.

Hello and congratulations on the excellent work. I do not seem to be able to have the background color(strokeColor) to work on the donut even when using your example with the sliders. Is this a browser issue or am I doing something wrong? (Google Chrome 22).

Malformed bower.json

The JSON in the bower.json file is malformed as there is one extra comma in the main property.

"main": [
    "dist/", <----- This comma

This fails the installation of the component with bower.

can you please make it bower.js compatible?

I think because you've never tagged a release, it causes bower.js to fail when trying to load your package. It would be awesome if you could maintain a bower.js compatible package file.


Gauge range color does not change

Its really nice plugin, I like Very much.

The problem is when I chance start and end color of the Gauge here, It wont change the start and end color. If I set start color as #CF170A(red) and end color as #2CCF13(green), it wont change. It works only on default color.

Thank you

jquery plugin code does not work with jQuery 1.9.0

Tried to use the posted jquery plugin,

I tried:

// [set node to div element]
        lines: 12, // The number of lines to draw
        angle: 0, // The length of each line
        lineWidth: 0.42, // The line thickness
        pointer: {
          length: 0.76, // The radius of the inner circle
          strokeWidth: 0.086, // The rotation offset
          color: '#000000' // Fill color
        limitMax: 'false',   // If true, the pointer will not go past the end of the gauge
        colorStart: '#C6BCCF',   // Colors
        colorStop: '#7D4EDA',    // just experiment with them
        strokeColor: '#D2D0E0',   // to see which ones work best for you
        generateGradient: true,
        animationSpeed: 30,
        minValue: 1,
        maxValue: 10,
        currVal: val

and got:

Object # has no method 'getContext'

anyone else have this or similar issue?

Gauge isn't correctly rendered when first value is 0

I found out that when the Gauge is initialized with a 0 value it is rendered like this:

Not initialized

But if I initialize it with another value and the set it to 0, it shows like this:


Is there any way to initialize it to show like this without having to set it first to a non-zero value?

Facing Issue In Mobile App In Gauge


I am using your gauge in my mobile application. Will you please let me know Is it compatible with mobile. I am facing a issue in the pointer movement. When the pointer move for zero to specified position, It left the shadow of pointer, I have test the code web browser. It working fine in web browser.

Decimal min value


I was trying to set the minValue to a decimale point ( 0.2 ), it doesn't seem to like it .
Am I missing something ?

Thanks !

Configure as a quarter circle

Will it be possible to configure as quarter instead of the half circle or circle?

Any hints on where to possible change this in the code?

Lines ?

What does the 'lines' option do/affect ? I've changed this value from one extreme to the other and don't see any effect on my gauge.

Help for a noob :)

Hello i've trouble to display the gauge can someone tel me what are going wrong on my code please? ( have replace here "< " with "( " to display the code)


<script src="" type="text/javascript" language="javascript" script>

var opts = {
  lines: 12, // The number of lines to draw
  angle: 0.15, // The length of each line
  lineWidth: 0.44, // The line thickness
  pointer: {
    length: 0.9, // The radius of the inner circle
    strokeWidth: 0.035, // The rotation offset
    color: '#000000' // Fill color
  colorStart: '#6FADCF',   // Colors
  colorStop: '#8FC0DA',    // just experiment with them
  strokeColor: '#E0E0E0',   // to see which ones work best for you
  generateGradient: true
var target = document.getElementById('foo'); // your canvas element
var gauge = new Gauge(target).setOptions(opts); // create sexy gauge!
gauge.maxValue = 3000; // set max gauge value
gauge.animationSpeed = 32; // set animation speed (32 is default value)
gauge.set(1250); // set actual value

(canvas id="foo") (/canvas)


Gauge Color Animation

Good Morning!

I've been tinkering with this Gauge and it's a really nice implementation!

One question I had is whether or not it is possible to make it so that the color of the animating arc changes from color to color when it's within ranges instead of animating the RGB values.

So 0-33% = green; 34-66% = yellow; 67-100% = red

Is this possible?

Thanks in advance!

Script doe not seem to support Negative Values

To use this for things like temperature it would need to support negative values. It would be a great update if you could set the start of the gauge somewhere beyond the bottom. This way you could use temperature and have 0°C in the middle of the gauge and negative to the left and positive temps to the right.

TypeError: this.gauge is undefined line 216

There seem to be a mistake on line 216
this.gauge.options.angle = .5;

this.gauge is not defined.

Did you mean ? :
this.options.angle = .5;

It happens when the angle value is > .5

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