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Comments (4)

bartcant avatar bartcant commented on September 17, 2024

I am getting the following error

python python_bot/
File "python_bot/", line 24
async def bot_ready(event):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

from daml-covid19.

bartcant avatar bartcant commented on September 17, 2024

Previous item has been resolved by upgrading to Python 3.8

from daml-covid19.

bartcant avatar bartcant commented on September 17, 2024

Now I am seeing continuous activity on the output log which I killed after a few seconds

[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:17,036 | root | [on_updated]
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:17,037 | root | 00f9a7ae145cc94323ee7265d0f13dbe7888b25c00813422a385ab37c5dc469f61
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:17,037 | root | None
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:17,037 | root | [on_message]
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:17,037 | root | 003f39e2e1c8174d70cd09ec7fa050034441d65f50b84d1fb615df75665e45caf6
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:17,038 | root | {'covid19testdata': {'testdate':, 10, 1), 'healthclinic': 'Novant', 'citizen': 'Alice', 'statehealth': 'NCHealth', 'testtype': 'Covid', 'testnumber': 121, 'testresult': 'Negative', 'locationstate': 'NC'}, 'healthclinic': 'Novant', 'citizen': 'Alice', 'operator': 'Operator', 'statehealth': 'NCHealth'}
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:17,038 | root | {'testdate':, 10, 1), 'healthclinic': 'Novant', 'citizen': 'Alice', 'statehealth': 'NCHealth', 'testtype': 'Covid', 'testnumber': 121, 'testresult': 'Negative', 'locationstate': 'NC'}
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:17,040 | dazl | cmd submit: party Operator, workflow_id '9715686', command_id '6174c20', 1 command: '[<exercise "Up...f75665e45caf6>]'
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:17,557 | dazl | Processing transaction: 00000000000001060000000000000000, 9715686772734a71a30b4f66cfbee2ad, 6174c20c62074e59938c2077b2f9c120
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:17,557 | root | [on_updated]
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:17,557 | root | 003f39e2e1c8174d70cd09ec7fa050034441d65f50b84d1fb615df75665e45caf6
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:17,557 | root | None
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:17,557 | root | [on_message]
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:17,557 | root | 00fa8331f72f0f93795b4d9e8728d87f0909014e428bca7479e930bc5167ce2b9f
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:17,557 | root | {'covid19testdata': {'testdate':, 10, 1), 'healthclinic': 'Novant', 'citizen': 'Alice', 'statehealth': 'NCHealth', 'testtype': 'Covid', 'testnumber': 121, 'testresult': 'Negative', 'locationstate': 'NC'}, 'healthclinic': 'Novant', 'citizen': 'Alice', 'operator': 'Operator', 'statehealth': 'NCHealth'}
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:17,557 | root | {'testdate':, 10, 1), 'healthclinic': 'Novant', 'citizen': 'Alice', 'statehealth': 'NCHealth', 'testtype': 'Covid', 'testnumber': 121, 'testresult': 'Negative', 'locationstate': 'NC'}
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:17,557 | dazl | cmd submit: party Operator, workflow_id '910a907', command_id 'a7d805a', 1 command: '[<exercise "Up...0bc5167ce2b9f>]'
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:18,056 | dazl | Processing transaction: 00000000000001070000000000000000, 910a907ea1ea464b9b89f254fc1923c1, a7d805a20bce4ab89b21822154d31da0
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:18,056 | root | [on_updated]
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:18,056 | root | 00fa8331f72f0f93795b4d9e8728d87f0909014e428bca7479e930bc5167ce2b9f
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:18,056 | root | None
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:18,056 | root | [on_message]
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:18,056 | root | 00e9e04a6d675a3f24a8b46276b55840dc3ad63a3c4d918537cc53662a0e9ce50c
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:18,056 | root | {'covid19testdata': {'testdate':, 10, 1), 'healthclinic': 'Novant', 'citizen': 'Alice', 'statehealth': 'NCHealth', 'testtype': 'Covid', 'testnumber': 121, 'testresult': 'Negative', 'locationstate': 'NC'}, 'healthclinic': 'Novant', 'citizen': 'Alice', 'operator': 'Operator', 'statehealth': 'NCHealth'}
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:18,056 | root | {'testdate':, 10, 1), 'healthclinic': 'Novant', 'citizen': 'Alice', 'statehealth': 'NCHealth', 'testtype': 'Covid', 'testnumber': 121, 'testresult': 'Negative', 'locationstate': 'NC'}
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:18,071 | dazl | cmd submit: party Operator, workflow_id '18aa5a9', command_id 'c886250', 1 command: '[<exercise "Up...3662a0e9ce50c>]'
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:18,577 | dazl | Processing transaction: 00000000000001080000000000000000, 18aa5a96c28b4edcb6d368935d455f08, c88625030c6d4b49a28a0f5e3845d891
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:18,579 | root | [on_updated]
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:18,580 | root | 00e9e04a6d675a3f24a8b46276b55840dc3ad63a3c4d918537cc53662a0e9ce50c
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:18,580 | root | None
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:18,580 | root | [on_message]
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:18,580 | root | 0031a0bc77ec56ebecb53cc28f21cc708911f758e0d6734d2a84a3acb191b6fa40
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:18,581 | root | {'covid19testdata': {'testdate':, 10, 1), 'healthclinic': 'Novant', 'citizen': 'Alice', 'statehealth': 'NCHealth', 'testtype': 'Covid', 'testnumber': 121, 'testresult': 'Negative', 'locationstate': 'NC'}, 'healthclinic': 'Novant', 'citizen': 'Alice', 'operator': 'Operator', 'statehealth': 'NCHealth'}
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:18,581 | root | {'testdate':, 10, 1), 'healthclinic': 'Novant', 'citizen': 'Alice', 'statehealth': 'NCHealth', 'testtype': 'Covid', 'testnumber': 121, 'testresult': 'Negative', 'locationstate': 'NC'}
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:18,583 | dazl | cmd submit: party Operator, workflow_id '5548b6d', command_id 'e0eb8d8', 1 command: '[<exercise "Up...3acb191b6fa40>]'
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:19,107 | dazl | Processing transaction: 00000000000001090000000000000000, 5548b6d90f514b55952f9534c9970805, e0eb8d80d71e453a88287a586092bf6a
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:19,107 | root | [on_updated]
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:19,108 | root | 0031a0bc77ec56ebecb53cc28f21cc708911f758e0d6734d2a84a3acb191b6fa40
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:19,108 | root | None
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:19,108 | root | [on_message]
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:19,109 | root | 0008ab5156911acc5d8a0e1e4d98d6d8484c3e42daf4b207587790ac9abe2fe6da
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:19,109 | root | {'covid19testdata': {'testdate':, 10, 1), 'healthclinic': 'Novant', 'citizen': 'Alice', 'statehealth': 'NCHealth', 'testtype': 'Covid', 'testnumber': 121, 'testresult': 'Negative', 'locationstate': 'NC'}, 'healthclinic': 'Novant', 'citizen': 'Alice', 'operator': 'Operator', 'statehealth': 'NCHealth'}
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:19,109 | root | {'testdate':, 10, 1), 'healthclinic': 'Novant', 'citizen': 'Alice', 'statehealth': 'NCHealth', 'testtype': 'Covid', 'testnumber': 121, 'testresult': 'Negative', 'locationstate': 'NC'}
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:19,112 | dazl | cmd submit: party Operator, workflow_id 'e043fd8', command_id '22662fc', 1 command: '[<exercise "Up...0ac9abe2fe6da>]'
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:19,628 | dazl | Processing transaction: 000000000000010a0000000000000000, e043fd84adfc4833b817d22bc4d6525c, 22662fc519f64f0b94c1e472eba63d8d
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:19,628 | root | [on_updated]
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:19,628 | root | 0008ab5156911acc5d8a0e1e4d98d6d8484c3e42daf4b207587790ac9abe2fe6da
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:19,628 | root | None
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:19,628 | root | [on_message]
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:19,628 | root | 008bc346d1afcaae3854a61d45dbca2e87063fbb1ea10690f7f8cbc4059afe42ba
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:19,628 | root | {'covid19testdata': {'testdate':, 10, 1), 'healthclinic': 'Novant', 'citizen': 'Alice', 'statehealth': 'NCHealth', 'testtype': 'Covid', 'testnumber': 121, 'testresult': 'Negative', 'locationstate': 'NC'}, 'healthclinic': 'Novant', 'citizen': 'Alice', 'operator': 'Operator', 'statehealth': 'NCHealth'}
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:19,628 | root | {'testdate':, 10, 1), 'healthclinic': 'Novant', 'citizen': 'Alice', 'statehealth': 'NCHealth', 'testtype': 'Covid', 'testnumber': 121, 'testresult': 'Negative', 'locationstate': 'NC'}
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:19,628 | dazl | cmd submit: party Operator, workflow_id 'a2b820a', command_id 'c2b2d4c', 1 command: '[<exercise "Up...bc4059afe42ba>]'
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:20,160 | dazl | Processing transaction: 000000000000010b0000000000000000, a2b820a4008f4299806c2803c29ac730, c2b2d4c7e0d642b18907fdf924b79a6d
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:20,160 | root | [on_updated]
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:20,160 | root | 008bc346d1afcaae3854a61d45dbca2e87063fbb1ea10690f7f8cbc4059afe42ba
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:20,160 | root | None
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:20,160 | root | [on_message]
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:20,160 | root | 0022c6868c22254e3199f626e509103186c479909a263b22aaa74edb86ce334847
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:20,160 | root | {'covid19testdata': {'testdate':, 10, 1), 'healthclinic': 'Novant', 'citizen': 'Alice', 'statehealth': 'NCHealth', 'testtype': 'Covid', 'testnumber': 121, 'testresult': 'Negative', 'locationstate': 'NC'}, 'healthclinic': 'Novant', 'citizen': 'Alice', 'operator': 'Operator', 'statehealth': 'NCHealth'}
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:20,160 | root | {'testdate':, 10, 1), 'healthclinic': 'Novant', 'citizen': 'Alice', 'statehealth': 'NCHealth', 'testtype': 'Covid', 'testnumber': 121, 'testresult': 'Negative', 'locationstate': 'NC'}
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:20,160 | dazl | cmd submit: party Operator, workflow_id '73c983b', command_id 'a58a555', 1 command: '[<exercise "Up...edb86ce334847>]'
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:20,695 | dazl | Processing transaction: 000000000000010c0000000000000000, 73c983b29e32449d85357d3360cdc0ba, a58a555b40c74beda0a59723c531d6df
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:20,695 | root | [on_updated]
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:20,695 | root | 0022c6868c22254e3199f626e509103186c479909a263b22aaa74edb86ce334847
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:20,695 | root | None
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:20,695 | root | [on_message]
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:20,695 | root | 00c9ee1517de14e0acbdd391082811eab02207f84746f2f962d44a7b0a7546d5cf
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:20,695 | root | {'covid19testdata': {'testdate':, 10, 1), 'healthclinic': 'Novant', 'citizen': 'Alice', 'statehealth': 'NCHealth', 'testtype': 'Covid', 'testnumber': 121, 'testresult': 'Negative', 'locationstate': 'NC'}, 'healthclinic': 'Novant', 'citizen': 'Alice', 'operator': 'Operator', 'statehealth': 'NCHealth'}
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:20,695 | root | {'testdate':, 10, 1), 'healthclinic': 'Novant', 'citizen': 'Alice', 'statehealth': 'NCHealth', 'testtype': 'Covid', 'testnumber': 121, 'testresult': 'Negative', 'locationstate': 'NC'}
[ INFO] 2020-09-29 11:38:20,695 | dazl | cmd submit: party Operator, workflow_id 'e2c1064', command_id '53911fa', 1 command: '[<exercise "Up...a7b0a7546d5cf>]'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "python_bot/", line 52, in
File "python_bot/", line 49, in main
File "C:\Users\bartc\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\site-packages\dazl\client\", line 315, in run_forever
File "C:\Users\bartc\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\asyncio\", line 603, in run_until_complete
File "C:\Users\bartc\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\asyncio\", line 316, in run_forever
File "C:\Users\bartc\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\asyncio\", line 570, in run_forever
File "C:\Users\bartc\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\asyncio\", line 1823, in _run_once
event_list =
File "C:\Users\bartc\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\asyncio\", line 434, in select
File "C:\Users\bartc\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\asyncio\", line 783, in _poll
status = _overlapped.GetQueuedCompletionStatus(self._iocp, ms)

from daml-covid19.

bartcant avatar bartcant commented on September 17, 2024

Issue is working fine now

from daml-covid19.

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