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Comments (13)

TCIII avatar TCIII commented on June 13, 2024

Are you using a RPi 3B+ or a RPi 4B?
I assume that you are using these DC installation instructions for Bullseye on your RPi:

from donkeycar.

valueerrorx avatar valueerrorx commented on June 13, 2024

RPi 4B .. and yes.. these are the instructions i follow..

from donkeycar.

TCIII avatar TCIII commented on June 13, 2024

I believe that you may have installed the 32bit version of Bullseye instead of the 64bit version?

from donkeycar.

valueerrorx avatar valueerrorx commented on June 13, 2024

it is aarch64

this is what i've tried:


pip install tensorflow-2.9.0-cp39-none-linux_aarch64.whl 
Looking in indexes:,
ERROR: tensorflow-2.9.0-cp39-none-linux_aarch64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.

python --version
Python 3.9.2

uname -m


pip install --upgrade pip
Looking in indexes:,
Requirement already satisfied: pip in /home/pi/env/lib/python3.9/site-packages (23.3.1)

okay.. this package is for 2.9.0 and the raspi runs 2.9.2.. but it's a .dot release.. shouldn break right?

from donkeycar.

DocGarbanzo avatar DocGarbanzo commented on June 13, 2024

I've just tried this on my RPi with bullseye and it works without problems. What does uname -a give you? I see:

(env5) pi@donkeypi:~/projects/donkeycar $ uname -a
Linux donkeypi 6.1.21-v8+ #1642 SMP PREEMPT Mon Apr  3 17:24:16 BST 2023 aarch64 GNU/Linux

from donkeycar.

valueerrorx avatar valueerrorx commented on June 13, 2024

Linux piracer 6.1.21-v8+ #1642 SMP PREEMPT Mon Apr 3 17:24:16 BST 2023 aarch64 GNU/Linux

exactly the same... hmmm... i don't get it .. how can this be. wth did i miss

from donkeycar.

DocGarbanzo avatar DocGarbanzo commented on June 13, 2024

Did you run the usual sudo apt-get update/upgrade? Maybe if you comment out tensorflow from and try installing everything else to see if you get some funny versions. Here is the list of packages that gets installed on my RPi when I run the same command:

(env5) pi@donkeypi:~ $ pip list
Package                          Version      Editable project location
-------------------------------- ------------ ---------------------------
absl-py                          2.0.0
Adafruit-Blinka                  8.25.0
adafruit-circuitpython-busdevice 5.2.6
adafruit-circuitpython-framebuf  1.6.4
adafruit-circuitpython-register  1.9.17
adafruit-circuitpython-requests  2.0.2
adafruit-circuitpython-rplidar   1.2.13
adafruit-circuitpython-ssd1306   2.12.15
adafruit-circuitpython-typing    1.9.5
Adafruit-GPIO                    1.0.3
Adafruit-PCA9685                 1.0.1
Adafruit-PlatformDetect          3.54.0
Adafruit-PureIO                  1.1.11
arandr                           0.1.10
astroid                          2.5.1
asttokens                        2.0.4
astunparse                       1.6.3
automationhat                    0.2.0
beautifulsoup4                   4.9.3
blinker                          1.4
blinkt                           0.1.2
buttonshim                       0.0.2
cachetools                       5.3.2
Cap1xxx                          0.1.3
certifi                          2020.6.20
chardet                          4.0.0
click                            7.1.2
colorama                         0.4.4
colorzero                        1.1
cryptography                     3.3.2
cupshelpers                      1.0
dbus-python                      1.2.16
distlib                          0.3.6
distro                           1.5.0
docopt                           0.6.2
docutils                         0.16
donkeycar                        5.0.dev3     /home/pi/projects/donkeycar
drumhat                          0.1.0
envirophat                       1.0.0
ExplorerHAT                      0.4.2
filelock                         3.8.0
Flask                            1.1.2
flatbuffers                      1.12
fourletterphat                   0.1.0
gast                             0.4.0
google-auth                      2.23.4
google-auth-oauthlib             0.4.6
google-pasta                     0.2.0
gpiozero                         1.6.2
grpcio                           1.59.3
h5py                             3.10.0
html5lib                         1.1
idna                             2.10
importlib-metadata               6.8.0
isort                            5.6.4
itsdangerous                     1.1.0
jedi                             0.18.0
Jinja2                           2.11.3
keras                            2.9.0
Keras-Preprocessing              1.1.2
lazy-object-proxy                0.0.0
libclang                         16.0.6
logilab-common                   1.8.1
lxml                             4.6.3
Markdown                         3.5.1
MarkupSafe                       1.1.1
mccabe                           0.6.1
microdotphat                     0.2.1
mote                             0.0.4
motephat                         0.0.3
mypy                             0.812
mypy-extensions                  0.4.3
numpy                            1.26.2
oauthlib                         3.1.0
opt-einsum                       3.3.0
packaging                        23.2
paho-mqtt                        1.6.1
pandas                           2.1.3
pantilthat                       0.0.7
parso                            0.8.1
pexpect                          4.8.0
pgzero                           1.2
phatbeat                         0.1.1
pianohat                         0.1.0
picamera2                        0.3.12
pidng                            4.0.9
piexif                           1.1.3
piglow                           1.2.5
pigpio                           1.78
Pillow                           8.1.2
pip                              23.2.1
platformdirs                     2.5.4
prettytable                      3.9.0
progress                         1.6
protobuf                         3.19.6
psutil                           5.8.0
pyasn1                           0.5.1
pyasn1-modules                   0.3.0
pycairo                          1.16.2
pycups                           2.0.1
pyfiglet                         1.0.2
pyftdi                           0.55.0
pygame                           1.9.6
Pygments                         2.7.1
PyGObject                        3.38.0
pyinotify                        0.9.6
PyJWT                            1.7.1
pylint                           2.7.2
pynmea2                          1.19.0
PyOpenGL                         3.1.5
pyOpenSSL                        20.0.1
PyQt5                            5.15.2
PyQt5-sip                        12.8.1
pyserial                         3.5b0
pysmbc                           1.0.23
python-apt                       2.2.1
python-dateutil                  2.8.2
python-prctl                     1.7
pytz                             2023.3.post1
pyusb                            1.2.1
PyYAML                           6.0.1
rainbowhat                       0.1.0
reportlab                        3.5.59
requests                         2.25.1
requests-oauthlib                1.0.0
responses                        0.12.1
roman                            2.0.0
RPi.GPIO                         0.7.0
rsa                              4.9
RTIMULib                         7.2.1
scrollphat                       0.0.7
scrollphathd                     1.2.1
Send2Trash                       1.6.0b1
sense-hat                        2.6.0
setuptools                       68.2.2
simple-pid                       2.0.0
simplejpeg                       1.6.4
simplejson                       3.17.2
six                              1.16.0
skywriter                        0.0.7
sn3218                           1.2.7
soupsieve                        2.2.1
spidev                           3.5
ssh-import-id                    5.10
tensorboard                      2.9.1
tensorboard-data-server          0.6.1
tensorboard-plugin-wit           1.8.1
tensorflow                       2.9.0
tensorflow-estimator             2.9.0
tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem     0.34.0
termcolor                        2.3.0
thonny                           4.0.1
toml                             0.10.1
tornado                          6.3.3
touchphat                        0.0.1
twython                          3.8.2
typed-ast                        1.4.2
typing_extensions                4.8.0
tzdata                           2023.3
unicornhathd                     0.0.4
urllib3                          1.26.5
utm                              0.7.0
v4l2-python3                     0.3.2
virtualenv                       20.17.0
wcwidth                          0.2.10
webencodings                     0.5.1
Werkzeug                         1.0.1
wheel                            0.41.2
wrapt                            1.12.1
zipp                             3.17.0

from donkeycar.

valueerrorx avatar valueerrorx commented on June 13, 2024

yes i did upgrade everything. i did it three times already from scratch and strictly followed the documentation. it makes no sense to me.. that's why i gave up and tried the robocar image.

everything works on this image.

(except that i have this "waveshare piracer" and they provide their own completely outdated repository for donkey car and with the new version the throttle is not applied to the back motors of the car.

but i think i need to open a new issue here for that problem

from donkeycar.

Ry7en avatar Ry7en commented on June 13, 2024

I've just tried installing donkeycar for the first time (on a pi4 running bullseye 64bit), and have run into this issue as well.

The list of packages in case it helps:

(env) pi@pi:/ $ pip list
Package Version

arandr 0.1.10
astroid 2.5.1
asttokens 2.0.4
automationhat 0.2.0
beautifulsoup4 4.9.3
blinker 1.4
blinkt 0.1.2
buttonshim 0.0.2
Cap1xxx 0.1.3
certifi 2020.6.20
chardet 4.0.0
click 7.1.2
colorama 0.4.4
colorzero 1.1
cryptography 3.3.2
cupshelpers 1.0
dbus-python 1.2.16
distlib 0.3.7
distro 1.5.0
docutils 0.16
drumhat 0.1.0
envirophat 1.0.0
ExplorerHAT 0.4.2
filelock 3.13.1
Flask 1.1.2
fourletterphat 0.1.0
gpiozero 1.6.2
html5lib 1.1
idna 2.10
isort 5.6.4
itsdangerous 1.1.0
jedi 0.18.0
Jinja2 2.11.3
lazy-object-proxy 0.0.0
logilab-common 1.8.1
lxml 4.6.3
MarkupSafe 1.1.1
mccabe 0.6.1
microdotphat 0.2.1
mote 0.0.4
motephat 0.0.3
mypy 0.812
mypy-extensions 0.4.3
numpy 1.19.5
oauthlib 3.1.0
pantilthat 0.0.7
parso 0.8.1
pexpect 4.8.0
pgzero 1.2
phatbeat 0.1.1
pianohat 0.1.0
picamera 1.13
picamera2 0.3.12
pidng 4.0.9
piexif 1.1.3
piglow 1.2.5
pigpio 1.78
Pillow 8.1.2
pip 23.3.1
platformdirs 4.0.0
psutil 5.8.0
pycairo 1.16.2
pycups 2.0.1
pygame 1.9.6
Pygments 2.7.1
PyGObject 3.38.0
pyinotify 0.9.6
PyJWT 1.7.1
pylint 2.7.2
PyOpenGL 3.1.5
pyOpenSSL 20.0.1
PyQt5 5.15.2
PyQt5-sip 12.8.1
pyserial 3.5b0
pysmbc 1.0.23
python-apt 2.2.1
python-prctl 1.7
rainbowhat 0.1.0
reportlab 3.5.59
requests 2.25.1
requests-oauthlib 1.0.0
responses 0.12.1
roman 2.0.0
RPi.GPIO 0.7.0
RTIMULib 7.2.1
scrollphat 0.0.7
scrollphathd 1.2.1
Send2Trash 1.6.0b1
sense-hat 2.6.0
setuptools 68.2.2
simplejpeg 1.6.4
simplejson 3.17.2
six 1.16.0
skywriter 0.0.7
sn3218 1.2.7
soupsieve 2.2.1
spidev 3.5
ssh-import-id 5.10
thonny 4.0.1
toml 0.10.1
touchphat 0.0.1
twython 3.8.2
typed-ast 1.4.2
unicornhathd 0.0.4
urllib3 1.26.5
v4l2-python3 0.3.2
virtualenv 20.24.7
webencodings 0.5.1
Werkzeug 1.0.1
wheel 0.41.3
wrapt 1.12.1

from donkeycar.

kevin23916 avatar kevin23916 commented on June 13, 2024

I encountered the same problem, and I found a solution. I checked the information and found that RPI 4B+ is the version of Raspberry Pi Bookworm. It only supports versions of TensorFlow 2.14, 2.13, and 2.12. Later, after changing the version, it can be installed and used correctly. RPI 4B+ supports versions

from donkeycar.

valueerrorx avatar valueerrorx commented on June 13, 2024

i explicitly used bullseye.. the problem is that in the python repos where pip is searching for tensorflow tf isnnissing completely. i've searched them manually..

so you installed bookworm and changed the tensorflow version in donkeycar to a supported higher version? i'm unsure if i can follow your explanation

from donkeycar.

valueerrorx avatar valueerrorx commented on June 13, 2024

my current workaround is flashing this image.. everything works out of the box. no need to install anything.

from donkeycar.

sctse999 avatar sctse999 commented on June 13, 2024

my current workaround is flashing this image.. everything works out of the box. no need to install anything.

I will keep on maintaining this image so pls feel free to report any issue using this image

from donkeycar.

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