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Comments (4)

spite avatar spite commented on July 26, 2024

I think there's a memory leak in the code, and with large numbers of frames it starts to be very noticeable. I've been able to keep memory consumption by running Chrome with --js-flags="--expose-gc"
and running gc() each frame to force a garbage collection.

from whammy.

jimmywarting avatar jimmywarting commented on July 26, 2024

dataURL's are ~3x larger in term of byte size
but javascript strings are not utf8, they are utf16 that means it can take up twice as much memory

I'm trying to reduce it by using blobs instead... (canvas#toBlob) should also be a bit faster to decode/encode then using base64 and converting string to buffer and using atob

/* global Blob, Response */
var vid = new Whammy.Video();
vid.add(canvas or data url)

window.Whammy = (() => {
  // in this case, frames has a very specific meaning, which will be
  // detailed once i finish writing the code

  function toWebM (frames) {
    var info = checkFrames(frames)

    // max duration by cluster in milliseconds
    var CLUSTER_MAX_DURATION = 30000

    var EBML = [
        id: 0x1a45dfa3, // EBML
        data: [
            data: 1,
            id: 0x4286 // EBMLVersion
            data: 1,
            id: 0x42f7 // EBMLReadVersion
            data: 4,
            id: 0x42f2 // EBMLMaxIDLength
            data: 8,
            id: 0x42f3 // EBMLMaxSizeLength
            data: 'webm',
            id: 0x4282 // DocType
            data: 2,
            id: 0x4287 // DocTypeVersion
            data: 2,
            id: 0x4285 // DocTypeReadVersion
        id: 0x18538067, // Segment
        data: [
            id: 0x1549a966, // Info
            data: [
                data: 1e6, // do things in millisecs (num of nanosecs for duration scale)
                id: 0x2ad7b1 // TimecodeScale
                data: 'whammy',
                id: 0x4d80 // MuxingApp
                data: 'whammy',
                id: 0x5741 // WritingApp
                data: doubleToString(info.duration),
                id: 0x4489 // Duration
            id: 0x1654ae6b, // Tracks
            data: [
                id: 0xae, // TrackEntry
                data: [
                    data: 1,
                    id: 0xd7 // TrackNumber
                    data: 1,
                    id: 0x73c5 // TrackUID
                    data: 0,
                    id: 0x9c // FlagLacing
                    data: 'und',
                    id: 0x22b59c // Language
                    data: 'V_VP8',
                    id: 0x86 // CodecID
                    data: 'VP8',
                    id: 0x258688 // CodecName
                    data: 1,
                    id: 0x83 // TrackType
                    id: 0xe0,  // Video
                    data: [
                        data: info.width,
                        id: 0xb0 // PixelWidth
                        data: info.height,
                        id: 0xba // PixelHeight
            id: 0x1c53bb6b, // Cues
            data: [
              // cue insertion point

          // cluster insertion point

    var segment = EBML[1]
    var cues =[2]

    // Generate clusters (max duration)
    var frameNumber = 0
    var clusterTimecode = 0

    while (frameNumber < frames.length) {
      var cuePoint = {
        id: 0xbb, // CuePoint
        data: [
            data: Math.round(clusterTimecode),
            id: 0xb3 // CueTime
            id: 0xb7, // CueTrackPositions
            data: [
                data: 1,
                id: 0xf7 // CueTrack
                data: 0, // to be filled in when we know it
                size: 8,
                id: 0xf1 // CueClusterPosition

      var clusterFrames = []
      var clusterDuration = 0
      do {
        clusterDuration += frames[frameNumber].duration
      } while (frameNumber < frames.length && clusterDuration < CLUSTER_MAX_DURATION)

      var clusterCounter = 0
      var cluster = {
        id: 0x1f43b675, // Cluster
        data: [
            data: Math.round(clusterTimecode),
            id: 0xe7 // Timecode
        ].concat( => {
          var block = makeSimpleBlock({
            discardable: 0,
            invisible: 0,
            keyframe: 1,
            lacing: 0,
            trackNum: 1,
            timecode: Math.round(clusterCounter)
          }) // webp.blob.slice(4)

          clusterCounter += webp.duration

          return {
            blob: new Blob([block, webp.blob]),
            id: 0xa3

      // Add cluster to segment
      clusterTimecode += clusterDuration

    // First pass to compute cluster positions
    var position = 0
    for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
      if (i >= 3) {[i - 3].data[1].data[1].data = position
      var data = generateEBML([[i]])
      position += data.size || data.byteLength || data.length
      if (i !== 2) { // not cues
        // Save results to avoid having to encode everything twice[i] = data

    return generateEBML(EBML)

  // sums the lengths of all the frames and gets the duration, woo

  function checkFrames (frames) {
    let {duration, width, height} = frames[0]
    let i = 0

    for (let frame of frames) {

      if (frame.width !== width) throw new TypeError(`Frame ${i + 1} has a different width`)
      if (frame.height !== height) throw new TypeError(`Frame ${i + 1} has a different height`)
      if (frame.duration < 0 || frame.duration > 0x7fff) throw new TypeError(`Frame ${i + 1} has a weird duration (must be between 0 and 32767)`)
      duration += frame.duration

    return {duration, width, height}

  function numToBuffer (num) {
    var parts = []

    while (num > 0) {
      parts.push(num & 0xff)
      num = num >> 8

    return new Uint8Array(parts.reverse())

  function numToFixedBuffer (num, size) {
    var parts = new Uint8Array(size)

    for (var i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      parts[i] = num & 0xff
      num = num >> 8

    return parts

  function strToBuffer (str) {
    var arr = new Uint8Array(str.length)
    var len = str.length

    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      arr[i] = str.charCodeAt(i)

    return arr

  // sorry this is ugly, and sort of hard to understand exactly why this was done
  // at all really, but the reason is that there's some code below that i dont really
  // feel like understanding, and this is easier than using my brain.

  function bitsToBuffer (bits) {
    var data = []
    var pad = (bits.length % 8) ? (new Array(1 + 8 - (bits.length % 8))).join('0') : ''
    bits = pad + bits
    for (var i = 0; i < bits.length; i += 8) {
      data.push(parseInt(bits.substr(i, 8), 2))
    return new Uint8Array(data)

  function generateEBML (jsons) {
    var ebml = []

    for (let json of jsons) {
      if (!('id' in json)) {
        // already encoded blob or byteArray

      var data = json.blob ||

      if (!json.blob) {
        if (typeof data === 'object') data = generateEBML(data)
        if (typeof data === 'number') data = 'size' in json ? numToFixedBuffer(data, json.size) : bitsToBuffer(data.toString(2))
        if (typeof data === 'string') data = new Blob([strToBuffer(data)])

      var len = data.size || data.byteLength || data.length
      var zeroes = Math.ceil(Math.ceil(Math.log(len) / Math.log(2)) / 8)
      var size_str = len.toString(2)
      var padded = '0'.repeat((zeroes * 7 + 7) - size_str.length) + size_str
      var size = '0'.repeat(zeroes) + '1' + padded

      // i actually dont quite understand what went on up there, so I'm not really
      // going to fix this, i'm probably just going to write some hacky thing which
      // converts that string into a buffer-esque thing


    return new Blob(ebml, {type: 'video/webm'})

  // woot, a function that's actually written for this project!
  // this parses some json markup and makes it into that binary magic
  // which can then get shoved into the matroska comtainer (peaceably)
  function makeSimpleBlock (data) {
    var flags = 0
    if (data.keyframe) flags |= 128
    if (data.invisible) flags |= 8
    if (data.lacing) flags |= (data.lacing << 1)
    if (data.discardable) flags |= 1
    if (data.trackNum > 127) {
      throw new TypeError('TrackNumber > 127 not supported')

    return new Uint8Array([
      data.trackNum | 0x80,
      data.timecode >> 8,
      data.timecode & 0xff,

  // here's something else taken verbatim from weppy, awesome rite?

  function parseWebP (riff) {
    var {width, height, blob} = riff.RIFF[0].WEBP[0]
    return {width, height, riff, blob}

  // i think i'm going off on a riff by pretending this is some known
  // idiom which i'm making a casual and brilliant pun about, but since
  // i can't find anything on google which conforms to this idiomatic
  // usage, I'm assuming this is just a consequence of some psychotic
  // break which makes me make up puns. well, enough riff-raff (aha a
  // rescue of sorts), this function was ripped wholesale from weppy

  async function parseRIFF (blob) {
    var offset = 0
    var chunks = {}

    let res = new Response(blob.slice(0, 64))
    let buffer = await res.arrayBuffer()
    let dw = new DataView(buffer)
    let _id = dw.getUint32(0)
    let ids = {
      1464156752: 'WEBP',
      1380533830: 'RIFF',
      0: 'LIST'

    while (offset < blob.size) {
      var id = ids[_id]
      chunks[id] = chunks[id] || []
      if (ids[_id] === 'RIFF' || id === 'LIST') {
        let len = dw.getUint32(4)
        offset += 8 + len
        chunks[id].push(await parseRIFF(blob.slice(8)))
      } else if (id === 'WEBP') {
        let width = dw.getUint8(18) // Maybe it is: dw.getUint16(18, true)
        let height = dw.getUint8(20) // Maybe it is: dw.getUint16(20, true)
        let chunk = blob.slice(offset + 12)

        chunks.WEBP.push({width, height, blob: chunk})
        offset = blob.size

    return chunks

  // here's a little utility function that acts as a utility for other functions
  // basically, the only purpose is for encoding "Duration", which is encoded as
  // a double (considerably more difficult to encode than an integer)
  function doubleToString (num) {
    return [] Uint8Array(new Float64Array([num]).buffer), 0).map(e => String.fromCharCode(e))

  class WhammyVideo {
    // a more abstract-ish API
    constructor (speed, quality) {
      this.frames = []
      this.duration = 1000 / speed
      this.quality = quality || 0.8

    * [add description]
    * @param {[type]} frame    [description]
    * @param {[type]} duration [description]
    add (frame, duration) {
      if (typeof duration !== 'undefined' && this.duration) {
        throw new TypeError("you can't pass a duration if the fps is set")

      if (typeof duration === 'undefined' && !this.duration) {
        throw new TypeError("if you don't have the fps set, you need to have durations here.")

      // CanvasRenderingContext2D
      if (frame.canvas) {
        frame = frame.canvas

      if (frame.toDataURL) {
        // frame = frame.toDataURL('image/webp', this.quality);
        // quickly store image data so we don't block cpu. encode in compile method.
        frame = frame.getContext('2d').getImageData(0, 0, frame.width, frame.height)
      } else if (typeof frame !== 'string') {
        throw new TypeError('frame must be a a HTMLCanvasElement, a CanvasRenderingContext2D or a DataURI formatted string')

      if (typeof frame === 'string' && !(/^data:image\/webp;base64,/ig).test(frame)) {
        throw new TypeError('Input must be formatted properly as a base64 encoded DataURI of type image/webp')

        image: frame,
        duration: duration || this.duration

    // deferred webp encoding. Draws image data to canvas, then encodes as dataUrl
    async encodeFrames () {
      if (this.frames[0].image instanceof window.ImageData) {
        var frames = this.frames
        var tmpCanvas = document.createElement('canvas')
        var tmpContext = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d')
        tmpCanvas.width = this.frames[0].image.width
        tmpCanvas.height = this.frames[0].image.height

        for (let frame of frames) {
          await new Promise(resolve => {
            tmpContext.putImageData(frame.image, 0, 0)
            tmpCanvas.toBlob(blob => {
              frame.imageBlob = blob
            }, 'image/webp', this.quality)

    async compile () {
      await this.encodeFrames()
      let frames = []

      for (let frame of this.frames) {
        let webp = parseWebP(await parseRIFF(frame.imageBlob))

        webp.duration = frame.duration

      return toWebM(frames)

  return {
    Video: WhammyVideo,
    toWebM: toWebM

from whammy.

mightyiam avatar mightyiam commented on July 26, 2024

And now this.

from whammy.

jessiejs avatar jessiejs commented on July 26, 2024

I'm also having this problems, any solutions?

from whammy.

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