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rogue.js's Introduction


The "nearly invisible" server-rendering framework for React applications


Rogue streamlines the process of creating server-rendered React applications.

We call Rogue a nearly invisible library, because it doesn't require a special /pages directory (like Nextjs) or a separate routes.js file (like Afterjs); all you need, is the App.js component you'd usually have. This means that, staying true to React's values, you can organize your code however you like.

We're able to give you back control of your application, because we leverage React Router (for dynamic routing) and Apollo Graphql (for querying data), which together dispense with the need to split your server-rendered routes into distinct entry points. With these libraries, everything already happens on a per component basis, so we just handle the server-rendering setup for you.


There are three Rogue packages:

  • @roguejs/app, holds the core modules for the Rogue library. You can use this package to streamline your SSR experience independent of any build setup.
  • @roguejs/hocs, holds higher order components that come preconfigured with SSR support for Rogue. You can use this package to enhance your application without uncessary SSR boilerplate.
  • @roguejs/cli (BETA), holds the build and development system for the Rogue framework, built using Parcel.js. You can use this package to power a Rogue app with zero configuration.

The fastest way to get up and running with rogue is via @roguejs/cli. If you'd like to setup Rogue with another SSR built tool, you can also run rogue programmatically.

Getting Started

Note: roguejs/cli runs on Parcel which is still relatively young and has some issues. If these are blockers for you, for now, you can use Rogue programmatically with another SSR build tool such as razzle.

Running via @roguejs/cli

First, install the packages:

npm install @roguejs/cli @roguejs/app react react-dom react-router react-router-dom

Add the following scripts to your package.json:

"scripts": {
  "dev": "rogue dev",
  "build": "rogue build",
  "start": "rogue start"

Create an App.js entry point in your src directory:

export default () => <div>Welcome to Rogue.js!</div>

Finally, run npm run dev and go to http://localhost:3000.

Think you'll need a more advanced advanced configuration? You can always eject from our built-in client and server builds by creating your own client.js and server.js entry points, respectively. See running-programmatically for more information.

Server-rendering logic

Any logic you'd like to handle upon server rendering can be done inside a component's static getInitialProps method (we kept the same property name as Nextjs to pay homage to the grandaddy of React SSR frameworks).

It's important to note that Rogue only calls getInitialProps inside your App.js component (and not inside pages like Nextjs).

The reason for that is that Rogue assumes you're using Apollo Graphql and React Router 4. So that elimates the two primary use-cases for getInitialProps inside pages: querying data and handling redirects.

Nonetheless, getInitialProps is still useful for bootstrapping your application with server specific logic. You can use it to configure SSR support for external libraries (see @roguejs/hocs for examples), or, another common scenario, is refreshing an authenticated user. Here's how that might look like:

// note: this example uses our apollo and redux hocs
export default class App extends React.Component {
  static async getInitialProps({ req, res }) {
    const token = getToken(ctx.req)
    if (! { // refresh session
      try {
        const res = await ctx.apollo.query({ query: authUserQuery }){ user: }))
      } catch (err) { // invalid or expired token

If you return any value from getInitialProps, make sure that it is a plain Object, as it will be serialized when server rendering.

This data will then be passed to the component exported from your App.js file.

rogue ctx object

  • req: (server-only) A nodejs Request object
  • res: (server-only) A nodejs Response object
  • app: (server-only) An object, with properties to configure SSR
    • routable: A function accpets a Component and returns it wrapped in router environment
    • headTags: An array of head tags to include in html document,
    • bodyTags: An array of body tags to include in html document,
  • isServer: A boolean to indicate whether current environment is server
  • fullPath: The full resolved URL including query and hash.
  • path: A string that equals the path of the current route.
  • query: An object that contains key/value pairs of the search string.

Document Tags

There are two ways to manage document tags: application side or server side.

To manage document tags within your application, Rogue has automatic support for react-helmet. Check out their documentation for usage, but here's a basic example:

import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet'

export default () => (
      <title>My Rogue App!</title>
    <App />

To manage document tags for server-logic, you can use Rogue's object. Here's an example of how you might use Rogue's API to setup a CSS-in-JS library such as styled-components:

const app = rouge(App, process.env.BUNDLE_URL, {
  renderToString(app, ctx) {
    const markup = ReactDOM.renderToString(app)

    const sheet = new ServerStyleSheet()

    return markup

Advanced Usage

Running programmtically

In your server.js initialize your Rogue app by passing it your root App component and path to your client bundle:

import rogue from '@roguejs/app/server'
import { BUNDLE_SRC } from '@roguejs/cli'
import App from './App'

const app = rouge(App, BUNDLE_SRC)


In your client.js hydrate your Rogue app:

import hydrate from '@roguejs/app/client'
import App from './App'


And that's it! With just a few lines of code, you've setup a server-rendered React application.

rogue API

  • rogue(App: React.Component, bundleUrl: string, options: Object)

Accepts the following options:

  • renderToString(app, ctx): a custom metho for rendering app node to static markup.
  • headTags: array of head tags to include in html document.
  • bodyTags: array of body tags to include in html document.

Has the following methods:

  • use(fn): Function to add a middleware after the render middleware.
  • render(req, res): Function to run the rogue middleware stack against Node's req and res objects.
  • listen(port, callback): Function to start the app listening for requests. Alias to Nodejs server.listen.

Custom Server

You can use Rogue with your own custom server. Simply pass rogue.render to your app's middleware:

import rogue from '@roguejs/app/server'
import { BUNDLE_SRC } from '@roguejs/cli'
import express from 'express'
import App from './app/App'

const app = rouge(App, BUNDLE_SRC)

const server = express()


export default server





rogue.js's People


alidcast avatar davidjb avatar gaverdugo avatar isbasex avatar juanbrujo avatar kanuny avatar msrahman07 avatar rayandrew avatar stevefan1999-personal avatar thompsonemerson avatar


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rogue.js's Issues

bundling code is a pain!!

Spent all day yesterday trying to get to the bottom of bundling issues... first an unexpected token import then an undefined module 'react' error.

I was using the package via a linked module, so then I randomly tried downloading the actual package and it worked, jesus

So problem seems to be the Parcel treats linked modules differently than downloaded ones (parcel-bundler/parcel#1617)... geezzz, I guess that's why people don't like too much magic but still I think Parcel's going to be great

Anyway, I ended up going back to es5 code and using React.createElement rather than JSX and now, no bundling needed!

Wow, everythings so simple now

I hate fighting with bundling issues, such a waste of time

Opening this issue as a reminder of why I made this decision, and so I can send anyone that asks over here


TypeError: Cannot destructure property `bundleUrl` of 'undefined' or 'null'.

Hey, I've been checking out your project and I've been having some trouble integrating it into my React application which needs SSR. Essentially what happens is that I get the following error when I run npm run dev:

    constructor(App, { bundleUrl }) {
TypeError: Cannot destructure property `bundleUrl` of 'undefined' or 'null'.
    at new App (C:\Users\lukec\Documents\git\the-jade-podium\node_modules\@roguejs\app\dist\server.js:165:16)
    at Module../src/server.js (C:\Users\lukec\Documents\git\the-jade-podium\build\webpack:\src\server.js:9:1)
    at __webpack_require__ (C:\Users\lukec\Documents\git\the-jade-podium\build\webpack:\webpack\bootstrap:682:1)
    at fn (C:\Users\lukec\Documents\git\the-jade-podium\build\webpack:\webpack\bootstrap:59:1)
    at Module../src/index.js (C:\Users\lukec\Documents\git\the-jade-podium\build\webpack:\src\index.js:1:1)
    at __webpack_require__ (C:\Users\lukec\Documents\git\the-jade-podium\build\webpack:\webpack\bootstrap:682:1)
    at fn (C:\Users\lukec\Documents\git\the-jade-podium\build\webpack:\webpack\bootstrap:59:1)
    at Object.0 (C:\Users\lukec\Documents\git\the-jade-podium\build\server.js:1704:18)
    at __webpack_require__ (C:\Users\lukec\Documents\git\the-jade-podium\build\webpack:\webpack\bootstrap:682:1)
    at module.exports../build/assets.json.module.exports.client.js (C:\Users\lukec\Documents\git\the-jade-podium\build\webpack:\webpack\bootstrap:749:1)

I modified my code to be similar to what you have for the with-razzle example. Here is my package.json:

  "name": "the-jade-podium",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "private": true,
  "dependencies": {
    "@roguejs/app": "^0.6.8",
    "razzle": "^2.2.0",
    "react-bulma-components": "^1.5.0",
    "react-typography": "^0.16.13",
    "typeface-cabin-condensed": "0.0.54",
    "typeface-patua-one": "0.0.54",
    "typography": "^0.16.17",
    "typography-theme-funston": "^0.15.10",
    "babel-polyfill": "^6.26.0"
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "razzle start"


import { hydrate } from '@roguejs/app'
import App from './App'



import http from 'http'
import app from './server'

const server = http.createServer(app.render)

let currentApp = app

server.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000, error => {
  if (error) {

  console.log('๐Ÿš€ started')

if ( {
  console.log('โœ…  Server-side HMR Enabled!')'./server', () => {
    console.log('๐Ÿ”  HMR Reloading `./server`...')
    server.removeListener('request', currentApp)
    const newApp = require('./server').default
    server.on('request', newApp)
    currentApp = newApp


import Rogue from '@roguejs/app/server'
import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet'
import serveStatic from 'serve-static'
import App from './App'

const publicDir = process.env.RAZZLE_PUBLIC_DIR
const bundleUrl = require(process.env.RAZZLE_ASSETS_MANIFEST).client.js

const app = new Rogue({


export default app

and my App.js

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';
import 'react-bulma-components/dist/react-bulma-components.min.css';
import { Columns } from 'react-bulma-components';
import NavBar from './components/NavBar';
import Banner from './components/Banner';
import Typography from 'typography';
import funstonTheme from 'typography-theme-funston';
import logo from './assets/images/logo.png';

const typography = new Typography(funstonTheme);

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">

export default App;

Do you have any idea what I could be doing wrong?

cache busting

When you do a 'npm run build' it be great if the files had checksums for cache busting (like webpack does). Otherwise you will still need to something like grunt to do that.

Error in browser when calling render on initial load

I'm getting the following error when running the with-razzle example:

Warning: render(): Calling ReactDOM.render() to hydrate server-rendered markup will stop working in React v17. Replace the ReactDOM.render() call with ReactDOM.hydrate() if you want React to attach to the server HTML.

From what I can tell, the error seems to occur because window.__SSR_DATA__ is an empty object initially, which causes render to be called. As I understand it, hydrate should be called initially, followed by render going forward on the client.

Would it be reasonable to tweak this similar to the approach Next took?

ReferenceError: SERVER is not defined


0.1.9 build results in the following error

ReferenceError: SERVER is not defined
    at Object.<anonymous> (.../node_modules/rogue/scripts/dev.js:16:31)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:702:30)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:713:10)
    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:612:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:551:12)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:543:3)
    at Function.Module.runMain (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:744:10)
    at startup (internal/bootstrap/node.js:238:19)
    at bootstrapNodeJSCore (internal/bootstrap/node.js:572:3)

0.1.6 is OK



Access parsed route parameters in getInitialProps

It would be very useful to be able to access the parsed route params in getInitialProps to load a particular resource using the url params as identifiers.

For example, when navigating to /users/:name:

export default class App extends React.Component {
  static async getInitialProps({ params }) {
    const user = await fetchUserByName(
    return { user }
  // ...

I couldn't find a way to do this without parsing req.url manually.

bundle.js:sourcemap:5721 Warning: Text content did not match.


I'm giving rogue a trial with typescript.

I'm just using the example setup but exchanged the App.js with a App.tsx.

It's not hot-reloading and when i change the text in the divs i get the folowing error:

bundle.js:sourcemap:5721 Warning: Text content did not match. Server: "Welcome to Rogue.js test!" Client: "Welcome to Rogue.js!"...

What gives? Did i miss something?

bundlerUrl: bundle.js: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <

I am running rogue.js version 0.6.10 and still getting this issue for bundle.js. Mentioned in #20.

I am also new to SSR and I don't know if I figured out what is the right purpose for this bundle. Should it be compiled client side (client.js) script for usage when continuing with an app on the browser side after initial server render?

razzle example uses some client.js script so I don't know, because when I build the app via @roguejs/cli the bundle.js contains ES5 version of server.js code, but that may be the error and because of it I got confused.

Thanks for answer.
Keep up the great work. Rogue.js will be awesome.

Awesome work

Sorry, not an issue. Just want to sing your praise on the work you are doing here. Amazing stuff. ๐Ÿ‘

call `getInitialProps` on client side navigation

We shouldn't call it on client side mount side that will cause a props mismatch. But it should still be called on client navigation, i.e. for redirects to work.

In order to make this happen I'm thinking will need to wrap the router Link component (which I'd rather not do), unless there's a way to hook up to its events; gotta look into this

redux store provider initiated before page component

Right now we walk component tree and call getInitialProps per component

The problem for redux is that getInitialProps is called before App/Page components, so its doing nothing for ssr the store

Few ideas:

  • add a function like nuxtjs does for ssr logic that the store should handle (not ideal)
  • different methods to call before and post walking tree (not ideal)
  • I considered changing way hocs work such that they wrap one another (better but then store would only work for App.js and not Pages)

I guess it goes back to #42 - if pages don't need to query server data nor handle redirects what do pages need getInitialProps for?

how to pass props directly to each page component (and is it worth the hassle?)

Right now any data returned from getInitialProps will be passed to the App.js component. That component can then delegate the data to each page component.

Obviously, this isn't ideal as each getInitialProps should operate in a black box.

Some ideas for handling this correctly:

  • As we walk the component tree, we can recreate it and pass each component the correct data (honestly not even sure if this could work?)
  • We can do what loadable-components does and pass data from server to window object and the render component with appropriate data (this seems like the way to go)

However, I don't know to what extent this is worth the hassle. If you're using Apollo, you don't really need to fetch data from getInitialProps (right??). So it's only useful for plugin hocs (e.g. Apollo, Redux, etc) to server render their own data (which would be passed to App.js anyway) and to handle route middleware in the server (which doesn't return any data).

So going to leave it as it is for now but posting my thoughts here for reference

Npm name

Hey @mkay581 are you still using the rogue npm name? I couldn't find any repo for it but did see that you published a package under it.

If you're not using it, are you willing to give it away? I'm creating a SSR framework for React, with the tagline that it's "quick and invisible" so I'd love to use that name.

I didn't know how else to reach you, so if you see this let me know, thanks!

Consider making rogue app independent of build setup

There are two ways we can go with Rogue. The Nextjs route, where the build setup and ssr setup are together, or Afterjs route, where they are separate and you can use any build system (.e. Razzlejs)

The reason I'm considering the second option, is that I've run into a few problems with Parcel; and I'm supposed to be focused on building an app I'm working on, so would like to get back to that asap

If we make a Rogue app independent of build setup, then anyone can start using Rogue now using Razzle and not have to wait till the rogue-parcel-srr build setup is far enough along to push an app to production; and later it should be easy to exchange Razzle for a Rogue-Parcel setup fsor faster build times

I'll also note that, @DeMoorJasper, a core team member of Parcel, recently released Blazingly (, an experimental repo testing Parcel for SSR. I think I'd be awesome if we could work together towards a common solution. If he'd consider putting the framework specific bit aside, I could see Blazingly turning into a Razzlejs alternative that any application, such as Rogue, can run on top of.

You guys have showed interested in project so cc'ing you to get your thoughts
@alexparish @peter-mouland @ctrlplusb @nyl-auster

zero configuration?

I like the idea of zero configuration while being able to eject (like create-react-app)

Just not sure if for SSR it's more problems than it's worth.

E.g. if I contionally take over server.js, need a way for user to still start app manually for testing

Question: Server-side authentication

Hi there,

I was wondering if it would be possible to have a route protected by some server-side authentication.

Simplest example:

  • Auth page (public)
  • Secret page (loaded only if authenticated)

Most importantly, the data (including layout / content of the page) cannot be transmitted unless the client has successfully authenticated. I was hoping to use import and have the server only return the component if the user is authenticated but don't know how to hook into this tool (or if it is possible).

Thanks in advance!

Add a logo - any designers/illustrators out there?

I really like emotion's logo.

Not sure how hard this would be to pull off, but I'd be super cool to have a logo that shows the upper body of semi-invisible female with a rogue outfit that partially displays a react logo

I'm also open to any ideas

If anyone is interested in contributing this, let me know

credit & link to your work will be given in readme

disambiguate usage of getInitialProps

We need to decide on getInitialProps` usage:

  • Are server rendered props meant to be passed only to each respective page -- or can we keep passing them only to App.js component? #37 #6
  • Should getInitialProps be called during client navigation? #18
  • Does the behavior of getInitialProps align with expectations based on its name? If not, we should consider our own method #42

In order to get point 1 & 2 I'm thinking we would need to wrap Router component so that we can handle getInitialProps per page on the client...though that still leaves open behavior for Providers/Hocs that aren't nested in Routes

For now I'm considering changing name since it seems to be simplest path forward

npm run dev : Unknown script "undefined".

Hello here !
when running "npm run dev" i get the following message :
( mac OS Sierra 10.12.6, npm 6.1.0 )

> [email protected] dev /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/TEST/roguetest
> rogue

Unknown script "undefined".
Perhaps you need to update renso?

My package.json:

  "name": "roguetest",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "rogue",
    "build": "rogue build",
    "start": "rogue start"
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC",
  "dependencies": {
    "react": "^16.4.1",
    "react-dom": "^16.4.1",
    "react-router-dom": "^4.3.1",
    "rogue": "^0.1.1"

[QUESTION] Not with Apollo GraphQL

Can I still use this even I don't use Apollo GraphQL? Im using React Router 4 to manage my routes and I would like to explore doing SSR.


Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/TEST/roguetest/public' at Object.fs.statSync (fs.js:948:11)

[email protected] dev /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/TEST/roguetest
rogue dev


Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/TEST/roguetest/public'
at Object.fs.statSync (fs.js:948:11)
at /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/TEST/roguetest/node_modules/graceful-fs/polyfills.js:297:22
at getStats (/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/TEST/roguetest/node_modules/fs-extra/lib/copy-sync/copy-sync.js:42:14)
at startCopy (/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/TEST/roguetest/node_modules/fs-extra/lib/copy-sync/copy-sync.js:37:10)
at copySync (/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/TEST/roguetest/node_modules/fs-extra/lib/copy-sync/copy-sync.js:32:10)
at prepBuild (/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/TEST/roguetest/node_modules/rogue/src/bundler/index.js:55:3)
at bundler (/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/TEST/roguetest/node_modules/rogue/src/bundler/index.js:61:3)
at Object. (/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/TEST/roguetest/node_modules/rogue/scripts/dev.js:21:23)
at Module._compile (module.js:635:30)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:646:10)

Uncaught Error: Cannot find module 'core-js/modules/es6.typed.array-buffer'

bundle.js:39 Uncaught Error: Cannot find module 'core-js/modules/es6.typed.array-buffer'
at newRequire (VM152 bundle.js:39)
at localRequire (VM152 bundle.js:54)
at Object.parcelRequire.1 (VM152 bundle.js:109)
at newRequire (VM152 bundle.js:48)
at parcelRequire.1 (VM152 bundle.js:80)
at VM152 bundle.js:106

add more examples

nextjs /examples folder provides a great starting point if anyone wants to help with this

Though I'm thinking so many examples aren't needed since Rogue is much simpler (It's basically just React and React Router 4!).

I'll soon create a starter template and I think that will be much more useful than examples; but I'll still leave this issue here in case anyone encounters it and wants to contribute/discuss

Electron and Rogue

Can one of the examples be of importing this into an electron app. Please.

Odd behavior running with-razzle example

I'm running into very odd behavior using the with-razzle example. The Razzle app runs and reloads as expected prior to adding Rogue and I'm wondering if anyone else is seeing this behavior or not.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Create new Razzle app

    create-razzle-app with-razzle
    cd with-razzle

  • Start the app, make a change to Home.js, then verify the app is built and reloads as expected

  • Install Rogue using specific version to match with-razzle example

    yarn add @roguejs/[email protected]

  • Overwrite contents of local server.js, index.js, client.js, and App.js files with content from with-razzle example directory files

  • Start the app, make a change to App.js, then verify the app is built and reloads as expected

    โˆš success server compiled in 141ms
    โˆš success client compiled in 165ms
    ๐Ÿ”  HMR Reloading `./server`...
    [HMR] Updated modules:
    [HMR]  - ./src/App.js
    [HMR]  - ./src/server.js
    [HMR] Update applied.
    โˆš success client compiled in 564ms
  • Error displayed in the console:

    Warning: Text content did not match. Server: "Roguejs with Razzle" Client: "Roguejs with Razzle!"

  • Browser still shows old content, but view source and JS bundle show the updated content

  • Upgrade @rogue/app to 0.6.11

  • Start the app, make a change to App.js, then verify the app is built and reloads as expected

    โˆš success server compiled in 750ms
    โˆš success client compiled in 671ms
    ๐Ÿ”  HMR Reloading `./server`...
    [HMR] Updated modules:
    [HMR]  - ./src/App.js
    [HMR]  - ./src/server.js
    [HMR] Update applied.
    โˆš success client compiled in 933ms
  • Browser shows the change quickly, then reverts to the content as it was prior to the change. Also, the 'text content did not match' message is back in the console.

  • View page source and JS bundle both have content matching the source

    "dependencies": {
      "@roguejs/app": "0.6.11",
      "express": "4.16.3",
      "razzle": "2.2.0",
      "react": "16.4.1",
      "react-dom": "16.4.1",
      "react-router-dom": "4.3.1"

OS: Windows 10
Node: 8.11.3
Yarn: 1.5.1

should we walk tree two switch statements deep?

right now we're walking tree checking for two switch statements

The idea was that you'd have a layout and a page

However, with React Router 4, layouts are declared inside the same route as a page

E.g. rather than this

<Route path="login|register" component={AuthLayout} />

You do this:

<Route path="login" render:{() => <AuthLayout><Login /><AuthLayout>} />

So we can likely remove condition where we look for two switch statements, and just continue walking tree until we find non-servevable components 5 levels apart

babel plugin to extract server side only component methods

First need to resolve #42

getIntialProps is only called in server now to bootstrap App.js with server logic

This method can be extracted at compile from the client bundle using a babel plugin. This would prevent unnecessary server code from being included in client bundle without relying on tree-shaking

Custom css-in-js solutions

How would it be like to write custom plugins for rogue?
I'd like to support JSS to use Material-UI and it seems that only rogue-made hocs would work.
As I could see from their code, the hocs are simple and I could implement another one myself.
My question is: would that work? Because from what I could see from the docs it wouldn't.

Thanks for the awesome work!

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