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Comments (2)

hicliff avatar hicliff commented on September 23, 2024

使用funasr里的镜像搭建环境,跑通了,可能跟我的环境有关。我的系统是CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810,我看镜像里的系统是Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS

from funasr.

bigchou avatar bigchou commented on September 23, 2024

My system environment is:
system: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
funasr.version == '1.0.16'
pytorch version = 2.2.1

I also encountered this problem, but setting nj to 0 in allowed me to run CMVN successfully.

However, I then encountered other errors in stage 4:

[2024-03-17 01:39:37,527] [WARNING]
[2024-03-17 01:39:37,527] [WARNING] *****************************************
[2024-03-17 01:39:37,527] [WARNING] Setting OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable for each process to be 1 in default, to avoid your system being overloaded, please further tune the variable for optimal performance in your application as needed.
[2024-03-17 01:39:37,527] [WARNING] *****************************************
If you want to use the speaker diarization, please pip install hdbscan
If you want to use the speaker diarization, please pip install hdbscan
{'model': 'Paraformer', 'model_conf': {'ctc_weight': 0.3, 'lsm_weight': 0.1, 'length_normalized_loss': False, 'predictor_weight': 1.0, 'sampling_ratio': 0.4, 'use_1st_decoder_loss': True}, 'encoder': 'ConformerEncoder', 'encoder_conf': {'output_size': 256, 'attention_heads': 4, 'linear_units': 2048, 'num_blocks': 12, 'dropout_rate': 0.1, 'positional_dropout_rate': 0.1, 'attention_dropout_rate': 0.0, 'input_layer': 'conv2d', 'normalize_before': True, 'pos_enc_layer_type': 'rel_pos', 'selfattention_layer_type': 'rel_selfattn', 'activation_type': 'swish', 'macaron_style': True, 'use_cnn_module': True, 'cnn_module_kernel': 15}, 'decoder': 'ParaformerSANDecoder', 'decoder_conf': {'attention_heads': 4, 'linear_units': 2048, 'num_blocks': 6, 'dropout_rate': 0.1, 'positional_dropout_rate': 0.1, 'self_attention_dropout_rate': 0.0, 'src_attention_dropout_rate': 0.0}, 'predictor': 'CifPredictor', 'predictor_conf': {'idim': 256, 'threshold': 1.0, 'l_order': 1, 'r_order': 1, 'tail_threshold': 0.45}, 'frontend': 'WavFrontend', 'frontend_conf': {'fs': 16000, 'window': 'hamming', 'n_mels': 80, 'frame_length': 25, 'frame_shift': 10, 'lfr_m': 1, 'lfr_n': 1, 'cmvn_file': '../DATA/data/train/am.mvn'}, 'specaug': 'SpecAug', 'specaug_conf': {'apply_time_warp': True, 'time_warp_window': 5, 'time_warp_mode': 'bicubic', 'apply_freq_mask': True, 'freq_mask_width_range': [0, 30], 'num_freq_mask': 2, 'apply_time_mask': True, 'time_mask_width_range': [0, 40], 'num_time_mask': 2}, 'train_conf': {'accum_grad': 1, 'grad_clip': 5, 'max_epoch': 150, 'keep_nbest_models': 10, 'avg_nbest_model': 5, 'log_interval': 50}, 'optim': 'adam', 'optim_conf': {'lr': 0.0005}, 'scheduler': 'warmuplr', 'scheduler_conf': {'warmup_steps': 30000}, 'dataset': 'AudioDataset', 'dataset_conf': {'index_ds': 'IndexDSJsonl', 'batch_sampler': 'RankFullLocalShuffleBatchSampler', 'batch_type': 'example', 'batch_size': 32, 'max_token_length': 2048, 'buffer_size': 1024, 'shuffle': True, 'num_workers': 4, 'preprocessor_speech': 'SpeechPreprocessSpeedPerturb', 'preprocessor_speech_conf': {'speed_perturb': [0.9, 1.0, 1.1]}}, 'tokenizer': 'CharTokenizer', 'tokenizer_conf': {'unk_symbol': '', 'token_list': '../DATA/data/zh_token_list/char/tokens.txt'}, 'ctc_conf': {'dropout_rate': 0.0, 'ctc_type': 'builtin', 'reduce': True, 'ignore_nan_grad': True}, 'normalize': None, 'train_data_set_list': '../DATA/data/train/audio_datasets.jsonl', 'valid_data_set_list': '../DATA/data/dev/audio_datasets.jsonl', 'output_dir': '/alghome/timmy.wan/whisper/lab/VariousLargeWhisper/FunASR/examples/aishell/paraformer/exp/baseline_paraformer_conformer_12e_6d_2048_256_zh_char_exp1'}
{'model': 'Paraformer', 'model_conf': {'ctc_weight': 0.3, 'lsm_weight': 0.1, 'length_normalized_loss': False, 'predictor_weight': 1.0, 'sampling_ratio': 0.4, 'use_1st_decoder_loss': True}, 'encoder': 'ConformerEncoder', 'encoder_conf': {'output_size': 256, 'attention_heads': 4, 'linear_units': 2048, 'num_blocks': 12, 'dropout_rate': 0.1, 'positional_dropout_rate': 0.1, 'attention_dropout_rate': 0.0, 'input_layer': 'conv2d', 'normalize_before': True, 'pos_enc_layer_type': 'rel_pos', 'selfattention_layer_type': 'rel_selfattn', 'activation_type': 'swish', 'macaron_style': True, 'use_cnn_module': True, 'cnn_module_kernel': 15}, 'decoder': 'ParaformerSANDecoder', 'decoder_conf': {'attention_heads': 4, 'linear_units': 2048, 'num_blocks': 6, 'dropout_rate': 0.1, 'positional_dropout_rate': 0.1, 'self_attention_dropout_rate': 0.0, 'src_attention_dropout_rate': 0.0}, 'predictor': 'CifPredictor', 'predictor_conf': {'idim': 256, 'threshold': 1.0, 'l_order': 1, 'r_order': 1, 'tail_threshold': 0.45}, 'frontend': 'WavFrontend', 'frontend_conf': {'fs': 16000, 'window': 'hamming', 'n_mels': 80, 'frame_length': 25, 'frame_shift': 10, 'lfr_m': 1, 'lfr_n': 1, 'cmvn_file': '../DATA/data/train/am.mvn'}, 'specaug': 'SpecAug', 'specaug_conf': {'apply_time_warp': True, 'time_warp_window': 5, 'time_warp_mode': 'bicubic', 'apply_freq_mask': True, 'freq_mask_width_range': [0, 30], 'num_freq_mask': 2, 'apply_time_mask': True, 'time_mask_width_range': [0, 40], 'num_time_mask': 2}, 'train_conf': {'accum_grad': 1, 'grad_clip': 5, 'max_epoch': 150, 'keep_nbest_models': 10, 'avg_nbest_model': 5, 'log_interval': 50}, 'optim': 'adam', 'optim_conf': {'lr': 0.0005}, 'scheduler': 'warmuplr', 'scheduler_conf': {'warmup_steps': 30000}, 'dataset': 'AudioDataset', 'dataset_conf': {'index_ds': 'IndexDSJsonl', 'batch_sampler': 'RankFullLocalShuffleBatchSampler', 'batch_type': 'example', 'batch_size': 32, 'max_token_length': 2048, 'buffer_size': 1024, 'shuffle': True, 'num_workers': 4, 'preprocessor_speech': 'SpeechPreprocessSpeedPerturb', 'preprocessor_speech_conf': {'speed_perturb': [0.9, 1.0, 1.1]}}, 'tokenizer': 'CharTokenizer', 'tokenizer_conf': {'unk_symbol': '', 'token_list': '../DATA/data/zh_token_list/char/tokens.txt'}, 'ctc_conf': {'dropout_rate': 0.0, 'ctc_type': 'builtin', 'reduce': True, 'ignore_nan_grad': True}, 'normalize': None, 'train_data_set_list': '../DATA/data/train/audio_datasets.jsonl', 'valid_data_set_list': '../DATA/data/dev/audio_datasets.jsonl', 'output_dir': '/alghome/timmy.wan/whisper/lab/VariousLargeWhisper/FunASR/examples/aishell/paraformer/exp/baseline_paraformer_conformer_12e_6d_2048_256_zh_char_exp1'}


----------- ** dataset_classes ** --------------
| register name | class name | class location |
| AudioDataset | AudioDataset | funasr/datasets/audio_datasets/ |
| AudioDatasetHotword | AudioDatasetHotword | funasr/datasets/audio_datasets/ |
| AudioLLMARDataset | AudioLLMARDataset | funasr/datasets/llm_datasets/ |
| AudioLLMDataset | AudioLLMDataset | funasr/datasets/llm_datasets/ |
| AudioLLMNARDataset | AudioLLMNARDataset | funasr/datasets/llm_datasets/ |
| AudioLLMQwenAudioDataset | AudioLLMQwenAudioDataset | funasr/datasets/llm_datasets_qwenaudio/ |
| AudioLLMVicunaDataset | AudioLLMVicunaDataset | funasr/datasets/llm_datasets_vicuna/ |
----------- ** index_ds_classes ** --------------
| register name | class name | class location |
| IndexDSJsonl | IndexDSJsonlRankFull | funasr/datasets/audio_datasets/ |
| IndexDSJsonlRankFull | IndexDSJsonlRankFull | funasr/datasets/audio_datasets/ |
| IndexDSJsonlRankSplit | IndexDSJsonlRankSplit | funasr/datasets/audio_datasets/ |
----------- ** preprocessor_classes ** --------------
| register name | class name | class location |
| SpeechPreprocessSpeedPerturb | SpeechPreprocessSpeedPerturb | funasr/datasets/audio_datasets/ |
| TextPreprocessRemovePunctuation | TextPreprocessRemovePunctuation | funasr/datasets/llm_datasets/ |
| TextPreprocessSegDict | TextPreprocessSegDict | funasr/datasets/audio_datasets/ |
----------- ** batch_sampler_classes ** --------------
| register name | class name | class location |
| BatchSampler | RankFullLocalShuffleBatchSampler | funasr/datasets/llm_datasets/ |
| CustomDistributedBatchSampler | CustomDistributedBatchSampler | funasr/datasets/llm_datasets_vicuna/ |
| CustomDistributedBatchSampler_fn | CustomDistributedBatchSampler_fn | funasr/datasets/llm_datasets_vicuna/ |
| DistributedSamplerWarp | DistributedSamplerWarp | funasr/datasets/llm_datasets_vicuna/ |
| DynamicBatchLocalShuffleSampler | BatchSampler | funasr/datasets/llm_datasets/ |
| RankFullGlobalShuffleBatchSampler | RankFullGlobalShuffleBatchSampler | funasr/datasets/llm_datasets_vicuna/ |
| RankFullLocalShuffleBatchSampler | RankFullLocalShuffleBatchSampler | funasr/datasets/llm_datasets/ |
| RankFullLocalShuffleDynamicBatchSampler | RankFullLocalShuffleDynamicBatchSampler | funasr/datasets/llm_datasets/ |
----------- ** frontend_classes ** --------------
| register name | class name | class location |
| DefaultFrontend | DefaultFrontend | funasr/frontends/ |
| WavFrontend | WavFrontend | funasr/frontends/ |
| WavFrontendOnline | WavFrontendOnline | funasr/frontends/ |
| WhisperFrontend | WhisperFrontend | funasr/frontends/ |
----------- ** joint_network_classes ** --------------
| register name | class name | class location |
| joint_network | JointNetwork | funasr/models/transducer/ |
----------- ** model_classes ** --------------
| register name | class name | class location |
| BAT | BAT | funasr/models/bat/ |
| BiCifParaformer | BiCifParaformer | funasr/models/bicif_paraformer/ |
| Branchformer | Branchformer | funasr/models/branchformer/ |
| CAMPPlus | CAMPPlus | funasr/models/campplus/ |
| CTTransformer | CTTransformer | funasr/models/ct_transformer/ |
| CTTransformerStreaming | CTTransformerStreaming | funasr/models/ct_transformer_streaming/ |
| Conformer | Conformer | funasr/models/conformer/ |
| ContextualParaformer | ContextualParaformer | funasr/models/contextual_paraformer/ |
| EBranchformer | EBranchformer | funasr/models/e_branchformer/ |
| Emotion2vec | Emotion2vec | funasr/models/emotion2vec/ |
| FsmnVADStreaming | FsmnVADStreaming | funasr/models/fsmn_vad_streaming/ |
| LCBNet | LCBNet | funasr/models/lcbnet/ |
| LLMASR | LLMASR | funasr/models/llm_asr/ |
| LLMASRNAR | LLMASRNAR | funasr/models/llm_asr_nar/ |
| LLMASRNARPrompt | LLMASRNARPrompt | funasr/models/llm_asr_nar/ |
| MonotonicAligner | MonotonicAligner | funasr/models/monotonic_aligner/ |
| OpenAIWhisperLIDModel | OpenAIWhisperLIDModel | funasr/models/whisper_lid/ |
| OpenAIWhisperModel | OpenAIWhisperModel | funasr/models/whisper_lid/ |
| Paraformer | Paraformer | funasr/models/paraformer/ |
| ParaformerStreaming | ParaformerStreaming | funasr/models/paraformer_streaming/ |
| Qwen-Audio | QwenAudioWarp | funasr/models/qwen_audio/ |
| Qwen-Audio-Chat | QwenAudioChatWarp | funasr/models/qwen_audio/ |
| Qwen/Qwen-Audio | QwenAudioWarp | funasr/models/qwen_audio/ |
| Qwen/Qwen-Audio-Chat | QwenAudioChatWarp | funasr/models/qwen_audio/ |
| Qwen/QwenAudio | QwenAudioWarp | funasr/models/qwen_audio/ |
| Qwen/QwenAudioChat | QwenAudioChatWarp | funasr/models/qwen_audio/ |
| QwenAudio | QwenAudioWarp | funasr/models/qwen_audio/ |
| QwenAudioChat | QwenAudioChatWarp | funasr/models/qwen_audio/ |
| QwenAudioChatWarp | QwenAudioChatWarp | funasr/models/qwen_audio/ |
| QwenAudioWarp | QwenAudioWarp | funasr/models/qwen_audio/ |
| SANM | SANM | funasr/models/sanm/ |
| SCAMA | SCAMA | funasr/models/scama/ |
| SeacoParaformer | SeacoParaformer | funasr/models/seaco_paraformer/ |
| Transducer | Transducer | funasr/models/transducer/ |
| Transformer | Transformer | funasr/models/transformer/ |
| UniASR | UniASR | funasr/models/uniasr/ |
| Whisper-base | WhisperWarp | funasr/models/whisper/ |
| Whisper-base.en | WhisperWarp | funasr/models/whisper/ |
| Whisper-large-v1 | WhisperWarp | funasr/models/whisper/ |
| Whisper-large-v2 | WhisperWarp | funasr/models/whisper/ |
| Whisper-large-v3 | WhisperWarp | funasr/models/whisper/ |
| Whisper-medium | WhisperWarp | funasr/models/whisper/ |
| Whisper-medium.en | WhisperWarp | funasr/models/whisper/ |
| Whisper-small | WhisperWarp | funasr/models/whisper/ |
| Whisper-small.en | WhisperWarp | funasr/models/whisper/ |
| Whisper-tiny | WhisperWarp | funasr/models/whisper/ |
| Whisper-tiny.en | WhisperWarp | funasr/models/whisper/ |
| WhisperWarp | WhisperWarp | funasr/models/whisper/ |
----------- ** predictor_classes ** --------------
| register name | class name | class location |
| CifPredictor | CifPredictor | funasr/models/paraformer/ |
| CifPredictorV2 | CifPredictorV2 | funasr/models/paraformer/ |
| CifPredictorV2Export | CifPredictorV2Export | funasr/models/paraformer/ |
| CifPredictorV3 | CifPredictorV3 | funasr/models/bicif_paraformer/ |
| CifPredictorV3Export | CifPredictorV3Export | funasr/models/bicif_paraformer/ |
----------- ** encoder_classes ** --------------
| register name | class name | class location |
| BranchformerEncoder | BranchformerEncoder | funasr/models/branchformer/ |
| ChunkConformerEncoder | ConformerChunkEncoder | funasr/models/conformer/ |
| ConformerEncoder | ConformerEncoder | funasr/models/conformer/ |
| ConvBiasPredictor | ConvPredictor | funasr/models/lcbnet/ |
| DFSMN | DFSMN | funasr/models/fsmn_vad_streaming/ |
| EBranchformerEncoder | EBranchformerEncoder | funasr/models/e_branchformer/ |
| FSMN | FSMN | funasr/models/fsmn_vad_streaming/ |
| FSMNExport | FSMNExport | funasr/models/fsmn_vad_streaming/ |
| FusionSANEncoder | SelfSrcAttention | funasr/models/lcbnet/ |
| OpenAIWhisperEncoderWarp | OpenAIWhisperEncoderWarp | funasr/models/whisper_lid/ |
| QwenAudioEncoder | QwenAudioEncoder | funasr/models/qwen_audio/ |
| RWKVEncoder | RWKVEncoder | funasr/models/rwkv_bat/ |
| SANMEncoder | SANMEncoder | funasr/models/sanm/ |
| SANMEncoderChunkOpt | SANMEncoderChunkOpt | funasr/models/scama/ |
| SANMEncoderChunkOptExport | SANMEncoderExport | funasr/models/sanm/ |
| SANMEncoderExport | SANMEncoderExport | funasr/models/sanm/ |
| SANMVadEncoder | SANMVadEncoder | funasr/models/ct_transformer_streaming/ |
| SANMVadEncoderExport | SANMVadEncoderExport | funasr/models/ct_transformer_streaming/ |
| TransformerEncoder | TransformerEncoder | funasr/models/transformer/ |
| TransformerTextEncoder | TransformerTextEncoder | funasr/models/lcbnet/ |
----------- ** decoder_classes ** --------------
| register name | class name | class location |
| ContextualParaformerDecoder | ContextualParaformerDecoder | funasr/models/contextual_paraformer/ |
| ContextualParaformerDecoderExport | ContextualParaformerDecoderExport | funasr/models/contextual_paraformer/ |
| DynamicConvolution2DTransformerDecoder | DynamicConvolution2DTransformerDecoder | funasr/models/sa_asr/ |
| DynamicConvolutionTransformerDecoder | DynamicConvolutionTransformerDecoder | funasr/models/sa_asr/ |
| FsmnDecoder | FsmnDecoder | funasr/models/sanm/ |
| FsmnDecoderSCAMAOpt | FsmnDecoderSCAMAOpt | funasr/models/scama/ |
| LightweightConvolution2DTransformerDecoder | LightweightConvolution2DTransformerDecoder | funasr/models/sa_asr/ |
| LightweightConvolutionTransformerDecoder | LightweightConvolutionTransformerDecoder | funasr/models/sa_asr/ |
| OpenAIWhisperDecoderWarp | OpenAIWhisperDecoderWarp | funasr/models/whisper_lid/ |
| ParaformerDecoderSAN | ParaformerDecoderSAN | funasr/models/sa_asr/ |
| ParaformerDecoderSANExport | ParaformerDecoderSANExport | funasr/models/paraformer/ |
| ParaformerSANDecoder | ParaformerSANDecoder | funasr/models/paraformer/ |
| ParaformerSANMDecoder | ParaformerSANMDecoder | funasr/models/paraformer/ |
| ParaformerSANMDecoderExport | ParaformerSANMDecoderExport | funasr/models/paraformer/ |
| ParaformerSANMDecoderOnlineExport | ParaformerSANMDecoderOnlineExport | funasr/models/paraformer/ |
| TransformerDecoder | TransformerDecoder | funasr/models/sa_asr/ |
| rnn_decoder | RNNDecoder | funasr/models/transducer/ |
| rnnt_decoder | RNNTDecoder | funasr/models/transducer/ |
----------- ** adaptor_classes ** --------------
| register name | class name | class location |
| Linear | Linear | funasr/models/llm_asr_nar/ |
| QFormer | EncoderProjectorQFormer | funasr/models/llm_asr/ |
----------- ** normalize_classes ** --------------
| register name | class name | class location |
| GlobalMVN | GlobalMVN | funasr/models/normalize/ |
| UtteranceMVN | UtteranceMVN | funasr/models/normalize/ |
----------- ** specaug_classes ** --------------
| register name | class name | class location |
| SpecAug | SpecAug | funasr/models/specaug/ |
| SpecAugLFR | SpecAugLFR | funasr/models/specaug/ |
----------- ** lid_predictor_classes ** --------------
| register name | class name | class location |
| LidPredictor | LidPredictor | funasr/models/whisper_lid/ |
----------- ** tokenizer_classes ** --------------
| register name | class name | class location |
| CharTokenizer | CharTokenizer | funasr/tokenizer/ |
| HuggingfaceTokenizer | HuggingfaceTokenizer | funasr/tokenizer/ |
| SentencepiecesTokenizer | SentencepiecesTokenizer | funasr/tokenizer/ |
| WhisperTokenizer | WhisperTokenizer | funasr/tokenizer/ |

[2024-03-17 01:39:43,764][root][WARNING] - Using legacy_rel_pos and it will be deprecated in the future.
[2024-03-17 01:39:43,776][root][INFO] - config.yaml is saved to: /alghome/timmy.wan/whisper/lab/VariousLargeWhisper/FunASR/examples/aishell/paraformer/exp/baseline_paraformer_conformer_12e_6d_2048_256_zh_char_exp1/config.yaml
[2024-03-17 01:39:43,780][root][WARNING] - Using legacy_rel_pos and it will be deprecated in the future.
[2024-03-17 01:39:43,800][root][WARNING] - Using legacy_rel_selfattn and it will be deprecated in the future.
[2024-03-17 01:39:43,816][root][WARNING] - Using legacy_rel_selfattn and it will be deprecated in the future.
No initialize method
No initialize method
[2024-03-17 01:39:44,941][root][INFO] - total_num of samplers across ranks: 120098
[2024-03-17 01:39:44,944][root][INFO] - total_num of samplers across ranks: 120098
[2024-03-17 01:39:44,996][root][INFO] - total_num of samplers across ranks: 14326
No checkpoint found at '/alghome/timmy.wan/whisper/lab/VariousLargeWhisper/FunASR/examples/aishell/paraformer/exp/baseline_paraformer_conformer_12e_6d_2048_256_zh_char_exp1/', does not resume status!
[2024-03-17 01:39:45,000][root][INFO] - total_num of samplers across ranks: 14326
No checkpoint found at '/alghome/timmy.wan/whisper/lab/VariousLargeWhisper/FunASR/examples/aishell/paraformer/exp/baseline_paraformer_conformer_12e_6d_2048_256_zh_char_exp1/', does not resume status!

rank: 0, Training Epoch: 1: 0%|�[34m �[0m| 0/1877 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
rank: 1, Training Epoch: 1: 0%|�[34m �[0m| 0/1877 [00:00<?, ?it/s]ERROR: Unexpected segmentation fault encountered in worker.

from funasr.

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