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EKG: Remote monitoring of running processes over HTTP Hackage version Build status

This library lets you remotely monitor a running process over HTTP. It provides a simple way to integrate a monitoring server into any application.

Getting started

Adding monitoring to your application is simple. Just launch the monitoring server as soon as your application starts

import System.Remote.Monitoring

main = do
     forkServer "localhost" 8000

and then visit http://localhost:8000/ in your web browser.

To make full use out of this module you must first enable GC statistics collection in the run-time system. To enable GC statistics collection, either run your program with


or compile it with


The runtime overhead of -T is very small so it's safe to always leave it enabled.


The monitoring server also lets you to retrieve the stats as JSON. Simply send the server an HTTP GET request with the Accept header set to "application/json":

curl -H "Accept: application/json" http://localhost:8000/

You can use the JSON API to e.g. write applications that monitor other applications.

Get involved!

Please report bugs via the GitHub issue tracker.

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ekg's People


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ekg's Issues

Build and release with GHC 8.6.x

Thank you for the neat library 👍

It would be great to have a release for GHC 8.6.x.

I am currently stuck on ekg via the Stackage LTS 12.x

Fails with misleading error on Windows

Running on windows with code copied directly from example and docs one gets the potentially confusing error "getAddrInfo: does not exist (error 10093)".

This is a common (and misleading) error for all Haskell networking code on Windows (see

The solution is to wrap the forkServer with:
withSocketsDo $ forkServer (BS8.pack "localhost") 8000

and also adding:
import Network.Socket (withSocketsDo)

This is best practice on all code, not only for Windows, since this adds Windows support without breaking anything on other platforms.

Proposed solution: adding withSocketsDo inside forkServer.
Change Line 224 in monitoring.hs to:
tid <- withSocketsDo $ forkIO $ startServer counters gauges labels host port

ekg doesn't complain when you don't give '+RTS -T'

If you start an application without enabling the statistics interface, the server doesn't really buy you much, nor does it inform you of the err.

It would be nice to throw up a warning, as I many times forget the -T, but unfortunately I don't know of an easy way to get at the +RTS options provided to your program. GHC apparently allows you to substitute your own main function at link-time, but I don't know if this can be done by a library. So it may require GHC hacking to provide some function in base that allows you to get at the +RTS flags.

Put "Required configuration" in the README

Could you please put a "Required configuration" section in the README? I spent a lot of time wondering why I wasn't collecting any statistics. I didn't look at the System.Remote.Monitoring Haddock page because the README reads as though contains complete instructions.

Replace bundled jquery/jquery-flot with js-jquery/js-flot

Context: in order to simplify downstream packaging (w.r.t licensing, duplicate copies, etc.), @ndmitchell wrote two Haskell libraries that should unify the shipping of JQuery for Haskell projects. Incidentally, ekg uses and ships the same JS libraries (jquery and jquery-flot) that are packaged, so it would be a good idea to remove the shipped files and instead depend on those two libraries.

Let me know if you agree with this plan, and I'll try to send a pull request.

Exception in handler sampling all metrics

I am using forkServer to monitor my app and getting the following error when querying the JSON of all metrics. "proxy.msgprocessed.41" is the name of one of the counters (message count for type 41).
I am a bit surprised, how can the handler of this request fail in this way? Does it somehow register metrics?

A web handler threw an exception. Details:
The name ""proxy.msgprocessed.41"" is already taken by a metric.
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  error, called at ./System/Metrics.hs:214:5 in ekg-core-

Javascript exception: Cannot read property 'gc' of undefined

Hi, when running the EKG server without GC metrics I'm getting the following exception:

monitor.js:337 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'gc' of undefined

Here's the stacktrace:

monitor.js:337 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'gc' of undefined
current_bytes_used @ monitor.js:337
onDataReceived @ monitor.js:159
onDataReceived @ monitor.js:118
e.resolveWith @ jquery-1.6.4.min.js:2
w @ jquery-1.6.4.min.js:4
d @ jquery-1.6.4.min.js:4

Here's a minimal reproduction:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import qualified System.Remote.Monitoring as EKG
import qualified System.Metrics as EKG

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad

main :: IO ()
main = do
  store <- EKG.newStore
  -- EKG.registerGcMetrics store -- Uncomment to prevent JS exception
  aCounter <- EKG.createCounter "myapp.home_requests" store
  _ <- EKG.forkServerWith store "localhost" 8000
  forever $ do
    putStrLn "Running..."
    threadDelay 10000000

Lightweight client library; monitoring of multiple apps

So, I really like ekg right now, but one thing I've been wondering about for the past few days is if it would be possible to start an EKG server, with arbitrary remote clients being able to connect back to it and display stats.

My main reasoning for this is that 1) it could significantly reduce the dependency chain needed in a project to use ekg (snap pulls in a lot of extra stuff.) It could be reduced significantly with a change like this. I always tend to be somewhat wary about such huge chains, although most of the time it works fine. There may be a lighter weight HTTP library that would work and alleviate this, but my other reasoning 2) is that eventually it would be nice if you could have an EKG server, with multiple remote clients connected, and the ability to get an overview of all the connected clients - think a Cloud Haskell application, all reporting GC statistics/other stuff to one central monitor server. Even withstanding cloud haskell, this could be very useful if you have multiple Haskell services doing different things as different processes, even on different machines - web server, caching layer, daemon, other monitoring apps, etc.

So for example, there could be the regular ekg package which supports starting servers for a specific application via System.Remote.Monitoring like right now, but the package could also provide, say a simple 'ekg-server' executable you can start. Client applications could then depend on a ekg-client library of some sort, with a similar interface like the one provided now, and specify a remote server to report statistics to.

Thinking about it, to avoid the dependency chain, the current code would need to be stratified a bit; for representing say, the core JSON types, and the communication protocol, apart from the networking components, and the server. So there would need to be packages like:

  • ekg-types or ekg-common, which defines the JSON types and protocols used for communication on all fronts.
  • ekg which depends on -common/-types, as well as snap, that looks pretty close to how it does now. It offers the server component that you can embed directly into an application right now, and also offers a 'master server' executable which can handle multiple clients.
  • ekg-client which depends on -types/-common, and offers simplistic network functionality that reports GC stats to a remote server.

I realize that having packages like this which must be worked on in lockstep is somewhat troublesome, but it does help in using pieces in isolation (and it seems to work pretty well for say, Yesod, which is a much huger project with many more intermittent packages.)

There are a lot of important other things to take into account for a 'full featured' system, such as aggregate views, and authentication of clients. But I think that just having a server that can handle multiple clients, and splitting off functionality into a client library is a good place to start and not insurmountable by any means. Ad-hoc and one-off applications can always use the simplistic module in the ekg package, but having multi-app monitoring could be incredibly useful once you begin having multiple components that operate as separate processes/on different systems.

Johan, are you opposed to these ideas? If not, I may try working on this a bit in the near future and reporting back here. I would like to see ekg become a great library for live performance monitoring (an area that is severely lacking in solutions,) and multi-system monitoring would be a great feature to have, but I do understand if the ideas above don't quite fit into your view of what abstractions you want to provide.

Add application-specific data providers

reddit user nicolast asked:

Would you consider support for application-specific data providers which can hook into this (and get some scaffolded UI as well), JMX-style? Or wouldn't this be the intention?
If it is, I might take a look at implementing something alike (even though I'm rather new at real-world Haskell).

Imprecise counters to avoid issues with contended `atomicModifyIORef`

[Since @tibbe wanted to be kept in the loop.] We're currently testing if these ideas are ready for our production system and then will integrate them back into upstream. So, here's a quick summary of what we're doing:

Problem: We use a lot of EKG counters to keep track of various code paths of our system. Each counter is incremented using atomicModifyIORef and our binaries usually run with 4 or more hardware threads. We noticed on microbenchmarks that these counters add a non-trivial overhead, most likely because of lots of cache-line contention an the busy-waiting loop used by atomicModifyIORef. We could use modifyIORef, but that would likely get less and less precise the more cores are involved.

Proposed Solution: The basic idea is to use one counter per capability and then sum them up when we reading the current value. This is still a bit imprecise, but probably much less so than the IORef approach. So, you represent a counter as a byte array and each capability writes to a different part of that byte array. These writes don't have to be atomic. For a slight improvement in performance we also make sure that two cores don't share the same cache line. The other parts of the cache line can be used for other counters. So the array looks as follows:

| capability 0      | capabality 1      | capability 2      |
| c1 | c2 | c3 | c4 | c1 | c2 | c3 | c4 | c1 | c2 | c3 | c4 |
   |<---- stride ----->|

The per-capability counters for counter c1 are at offset 0, 1 * stride + 0, 2 * stride + 0. The current value of the counter is the sum of all of these per-capability counters. Since we cannot read all values at the same time, we have a race condition, but that's why they're imprecise counters.

Due to this imprecision they should be displayed as imprecise counters in the UI as well.

No statistics after build

ekg works fine if I run my program using runhaskell, however, if I build my program with ghc --make or cabal build, there are no statistics. All values except ekg.server_timestamp_ms are 0.

Add Cabal flag to embed assets with TH

@tibbe I see in #22 (comment) that you don't want TH in this package:

Using TH brings a host of other issues (cross compilation not working, etc) and since people who ship software to other machines to run there eventually will need to figure out how to ship whole packages of files (i.e. executable plus various templates, data files, etc) anyway, I don't think it's worth it.

However, we're pretty fine with TH in dependencies and we've been using servant-swagger-ui that embeds its assets just fine.

So would you mind if we add a Cabal flag (disabled by default) that would enable TH-based embedding?

No handler accepted "/"

I'm trying to make ekg accessible out in the open on a server using

forkServer anIpAddress aPort

when visiting that ip address on that port I get No handler accepted "/". Is this expected? If so, how do I use ekg remotely?

Fail to restart monitoring server with the same Store

When I run System.Remote.Monitoring.forkServerWith function the first time - it works perfectly. But if I killed the server explicitly (using serverThreadId) and then try to start it again with the same Store, the server cannot be launched because of an exception:

The name ""ekg.server_timestamp_ms"" is already taken by a metric.
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  error, called at ./System/Metrics.hs:214:5 in ekg-core-

This is the first line in forkServerWith function:

Metrics.registerCounter "ekg.server_timestamp_ms" getTimeMs store

Unfortunately, there is no way to "unregister" this Counter before restarting of the server. So, what can I do?

Small error in documentation

This sentence in the documentation doesn't make sense

The client can control the Content-Type used in responses by setting the Accept header. At the moment three content types are available: "application/json" and "text/html".

It says there are three content types but lists two.

Maximum residency wrong?


Does it make sense that in the above the maximum residency is lower than the current one?


-with-rtsopts=-T results in severe slowdown

Just ran a few tests on a small Servant app and got these results:

# with -with-rtsopts=-T
Lifting the server siege...
Transactions:		        2131 hits
Availability:		      100.00 %
Elapsed time:		       19.58 secs
Data transferred:	        0.05 MB
Response time:		        0.45 secs
Transaction rate:	      108.84 trans/sec
Throughput:		        0.00 MB/sec
Concurrency:		       49.41
Successful transactions:        2131
Failed transactions:	           0
Longest transaction:	        0.60
Shortest transaction:	        0.02

# without -with-rtsopts=-T
Lifting the server siege...
Transactions:		        4699 hits
Availability:		      100.00 %
Elapsed time:		       19.73 secs
Data transferred:	        0.10 MB
Response time:		        0.21 secs
Transaction rate:	      238.17 trans/sec
Throughput:		        0.01 MB/sec
Concurrency:		       49.67
Successful transactions:        4699
Failed transactions:	           0
Longest transaction:	        0.31
Shortest transaction:	        0.03

Haven't looked into it too much closer, but the setup between the two is entirely identical except for the -with-rtsopts=-T arg.

I'll try to extract something out into a more concrete repro, but I was pretty surprised when I saw it as the README suggests that the option should be pretty innocuous.

setBind causing problems with Docker based systems.

It's taken me a while, but it appears this line:
Is causing ekg hosted within a Docker container to be inaccessible.

I'm still not entirely sure why this should be the case, but I reproduced it by creating a simple Snap service within my app and tried it both with and without setBind. Is it really necessary to bind to the numeric host of the hostname passed in, surely the default can be left as it is in this case?

How to remove the GC metrics?

Is there a way to remove the GC metrics from the Web application? They are meaningless in my case. I would like to display only my own metrics. I can create a new Store, but the GC metrics still present in the GUI interface, because of which my metrics are not displayed on the chart

Use of data-files setting in Cabal is not obvious.

The files stipulated in the data-files setting are "installed" in the Cabal sense, but this means they're outside the built executable that will include the ekg library. As a result this means those files have to be carried around with the binary and the "ekg_datadir" environment variable set appropriately.

From my perspective it would be easier if they were included using the file-embed library, but at the very least this needs mentioning in the README as it's totally opaque until you dig through the ekg code and .cabal file.

Don't rethrow ThreadKilled

Currently ThreadKilled seems to be rethrown along with all other exceptions:

forkServerWith store host port = do
    Metrics.registerCounter "ekg.server_timestamp_ms" getTimeMs store
    me <- myThreadId
    tid <- withSocketsDo $ forkFinally (startServer store host port) $ \ r ->
        case r of
            Left e  -> throwTo me e
            Right _ -> return ()
    return $! Server tid store

It means that when I try to kill EKG, it kills me in return, which is probably not the intended behavior.

ekg hangs when adding to Distribution

The program below is the smallest reproduction I could find of a problem I was having. I had a number of worker threads (20 here) all writing the time it took for them to process items to a Distribution. After a small while this causes the program to hang, consuming 100% CPU on all processors.

Small changes can remove this behavior: printing the second time, or sending just a fixed number to ekg. I'm not even sure it's related to ekg. Any ideas?

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Data.Time.Clock

import qualified System.Metrics              as EKG
import qualified System.Metrics.Distribution as EKG
import qualified System.Remote.Monitoring    as EKG

main :: IO ()
main = do
  stats <- startStatsServer 8887
  putStrLn "Starting up"
  replicateM_ 19 $ forkIO $ worker stats
  worker stats

startStatsServer :: Int -> IO EKG.Distribution
startStatsServer p = do
  store <- EKG.newStore
  documentsUpdated <- EKG.createDistribution "distribution" store
  void $ EKG.forkServerWith store "localhost" p
  return documentsUpdated

worker :: EKG.Distribution -> IO ()
worker stats = forever $ do
  t1 <- getCurrentTime
  putStrLn (show t1)
  threadDelay 5000
  t2 <- getCurrentTime
  -- putStrLn (show t2) -- Uncomment to remove the hanging.
  addDocument stats (t2 `diffUTCTime` t1)

addDocument :: EKG.Distribution -> NominalDiffTime -> IO ()
addDocument stats d =
  void $ EKG.add stats (1 / realToFrac d)

README should guide users wrt the ekg eco-system

There are various ekg packages on hackage, for servant, wai, prometheus. Sometimes multiple implementations that seem to overlap, for example for wai.

Some sort of overview of this eco-system should exist somewhere, preferably in the ekg package, and preferably in the README which is the first entry-point for new users.

Timestamps overlap sometimes

I'm not sure what causes this or how to reproduce, but occasionally I look at an EKG graph and all the timestamps are overlapping. There appear to be various degrees of overlap: sometimes it looks like just two numbers overlapping (can still make out the numbers), and sometimes it look like a dozen timestamps are overlapping (can't read it at all).


  • I'm using LTS Haskell 5.10 (ekg-
  • On a 15" retina macbook pro running OS X El Capitan
  • Using Google Chrome 49.0.2623.87 (64-bit)

Edit: I mostly notice this when leaving the browser and coming back later. The issue eventually self-corrects itself, too.

startServer: no way to avoid port collision?

startServer starts a new thread, and if that thread can't get the given port, it throws an exception back to the main process. This means that there seems to be no way to reliably pick the first available port since you can't really guess how long it will be before you get that async exception. In my case it winds up killing an unrelated process.

An easy solution would be to export startServer, then I could catch the bind failure exception synchronously and try another port.

Out of date dependencies

Would it be possible to get this to work with current text and aeson?

I've been using this in production, and currently can't build any of those systems with the dependencies updated and now can't build with them un-updated as well.

As the rest of my ecosystem has made the jump forward I'm finding myself unexpectedly in between a rock and a hard place of either working off a fork or ripping it out until the situation changes. =(

does not respect `host` argument to `forkServer`

When I tell it to listen on localhost like here, it still listens on all available interfaces:

tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      4222/hlogster 

(output of netstat -tnpl)

I do realize this is probably a bug in Snap, just thought you should know.

Aeson 2 support

Hi! my organisation is depending on this library and we would like to provide a patch to support Aeson 2. Would you be open to this? :)

Timer metric support.

Similar libraries like Ostrich and the Coda Hale metrics lib support the concept of timer metrics along with providing percentile, min, max and average data for those metrics. It would be really useful if ekg also supported those.

Add tags support

We use ekg to connect up to datadog, and the latter supports breaking out metrics by "tags" but ekg doesn't seem to offer a way to do this?

It would be nice to add tags support to ekg. I'm open to working on this if the maintainers are up for it, and willing to give a little guidance.

Fails to build on GHC8

ekg fails to build on GHC8, due to bad dependencies (snap-server seems to be one culprit).

This is a terrible shame.

What can we do about it?

Ekg fails silently

Currently, EKG's forkServer just uses forkIO underneath, but this might (and just did) lead to a situation when EKG process has some uncaught error, and just dies silently.

I propose to use SlaveThread.fork instead of forkIO. It would re-raise exception, so it would be up to EKG's user to catch&ignore it or not (and maybe re-start EKG).

Bad part of this solution would be that it might be that some people are OK if ekg failed silently, while they would certainly not expect any exception from it, so consequences might be quite bad for them (app-stop, for example).

That's why another option is to add catching of all exceptions in forkServer (via enclosed-exceptions.catchAny), and to restart ekg infinitely on error, and provide new piece of API, like forkServerThrowing, which would throw exceptions on error and not restart.

What do you think?

Bootstrap CSS source missing

Hi, as reported at the ekg source tarball lacks the source file for assets/bootstrap-1.4.0.min.css.

This has caused a temporary removal of ekg from the next Debian stable release; please consider adding the source so that we can add the package again.

GHC 7.10 compatibility

ekg built successfully with --allow-newer=base,time, so I expect that all that's needed is bumping those bounds in the .cabal file.

forkServerWith documentation is wrong

The documentation for forkServerWith reads:

Note that this function, unlike 'forkServer', doesn't register any
other predefined metrics. This allows other libraries to create and
provide a metric store for use with this library. If the metric
store isn't created by you and the creator doesn't register the
metrics registered by 'forkServer', you might want to register them

Unfortunately, the implementation registers the metrics anyhow. This means that (for example) running two servers is impossible.

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