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chemcpa's Introduction

Predicting Cellular Responses to Novel Drug Perturbations at a Single-Cell Resolution

Code accompanying the NeurIPS 2022 paper (PDF).

architecture of CCPA

Our talk on chemCPA at the M2D2 reading club is available here. A previous version of this work was a spotlight paper at ICLR MLDD 2022. Code for this previous version can be found under the v1.0 git tag.

Codebase overview

For the final models, we provide weight checkpoints as well as the hyperparameter configuration. The raw datasets can be downloaded from a FAIR server. We also provide our processed datasets for reproducibility: sci-Plex shared gene set & extended gene set, LINCS. Embeddings can be downloaded here.

To setup the environment, install conda and run:

conda env create -f environment.yml
python install -e .
  • chemCPA/: contains the code for the model, the data, and the training loop.
  • embeddings: There is one folder for each molecular embedding model we benchmarked. Each contains an environment.yml with dependencies. We generated the embeddings using the provided notebooks and saved them to disk, to load them during the main training loop.
  • experiments: Each folder contains a with the experiment description, a .yaml file with the seml configuration, and a notebook to analyze the results.
  • notebooks: Example analysis notebooks.
  • preprocessing: Notebooks for processing the data. For each dataset there is one notebook that loads the raw data.
  • tests: A few very basic tests.

All experiments where run through seml. The entry function is ExperimentWrapper.__init__ in chemCPA/ For convenience, we provide a script to run experiments manually for debugging purposes at chemCPA/ The script expects a manual_run.yaml file containing the experiment configuration.

All notebooks also exist as Python scripts (converted through jupytext) to make them easier to review.

Some of the notebooks use a drugbank_all.csv file, which can be downloaded from here (registration needed).


You can cite our work as:

  title={Predicting Cellular Responses to Novel Drug Perturbations at a Single-Cell Resolution},
  author={Hetzel, Leon and Böhm, Simon and Kilbertus, Niki and Günnemann, Stephan and Lotfollahi, Mohammad and Theis, Fabian J},
  booktitle={NeurIPS 2022},

chemcpa's People


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chemcpa's Issues

Combination Datasets

Get the combination dataset from Alex for checking drug interaction (synergetic, etc.) and curate the data

Architecture surgery for transfer experiements

We need to add the code to support architecture surgery. This covers scenarios when we have a pretrained model on X genes but only a subset of X in the new dataset on which we want to transfer. More specifically, this refers to a scenario where we only use say 500 from the 974 lincs genes during the transfer task.

Add ChemicalRepresentation

Add a class that takes in a list of canonical SMILES and returns a fixed-sized embedding of the molecules (torch.Embedding).


# each model will inherit from this interface
class ChemicalRepresentation:
  def dim(cls):
    return: int # the number of latent dimensions for this model
  def __init__(self, dataset: str):
    # loads the model into memory
  def encode(self, molecules: list[str]):
    # encodes the given list of SMILES strings into a torch Embedding
    returns emb: torch.Embedding where emb.shape[0] == len(molecules)
  def decode(self, emb: torch.Embedding):
    returns list[str]: list of SMILES

# maps the string to the class
  "GROVER": GroverRepresentation

# for the given list of SMILES strings, returns a dataframe with two columns:
# column 1: SMILES: the smiles string
# column 2: Embedding: numpy array
# Casting back to a torch tensor has to be done at the Dataloading-level eg in the get_item method.
def get_chemical_representation_df(molecules: list[str], embedding_model: str, dataset: str, cache_dir="datasets/embedding"):
  if cache_dir is not None and (Path(cache_dir) / f"{embedding_model}_{dataset}_df.parquet")).exists():
    # load the dataframe files and return it
   model = EMBEDDING_MODELS[embedding_model](dataset)
   embedding = model.encode(molecules)
   df = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict({"SMILE": molecules, "embedding": list(embedding)}).
   if cache_dir is not None:
   return df

Upload LINCS

That is the data directory: home/icb/leon.hetzel/git/CPA_graphs/datasets/

Check LINCS splits

Reminder for @MxMstrmn to check how the LINCS train / test split was calculated (column split1 in lincs_full_smiles.h5ad) and whether it should be adjusted.

How to best evaluate results?

Current Stage

  • Grid searches run thorugh via seml
  • An example for a hparams search: ConfigFile
  • A finished run can be accessed from the database via seml.get_results('cpa_graphs_15', to_data_frame=True)
  • The train history is loaded into a pd.Dataframe

What should the steps be to evaluate performance of the model?

  • How to best visualise the
    • Disentanglement metrics (pertubration, covariate)?
    • Prediciton accuracy metrics like r2 (all genes, DE genes, top-x DE genes)?
    • log2change i.e. (real - control) vs. (predicted - control)

Ideally we can standardise the evaluation → Figure design
For this it would be great to get some scripts & examples!

Delete unused code

There is some unused code (eg much of,, ...) that should be deleted using a number of small commits (so we can revert them if the code turns out to still be needed).

Meta Class for Predictor

A class that wraps the specific predictor (CPA, scVI, cVAE, ...) and exposes train and predict functions.


EXP: Better Sweeps on LINCS (`lincs_rdkit_hparam`)

I'm not happy with the results of the large sweep that we ran on LINCS. Mainly:

  • We should fix the latent space dimension to 64 (or 32?). This also restricts the number of parameters for the Vanilla model.
  • We should increase the contribution of the adversarial loss to the AE loss & make the model calculating the disentanglement loss nonlinear. There is no good reason that I can see for using a linear disentanglement loss, it just makes the scores look artificially good.

I'd do it like this:

  1. Run a large sweep (~30 different HPs) for a single embedding (I'd lean towards RDKIT maybe, or Seq2Seq. We could also do GROVER).
  2. Use the top performing hyper parameters to train a few models (with different seeds) for each of the other embeddings.
  3. Use the results to compare the embeddings in terms of LINCS r2_score (this plot goes into the paper).
  4. Use the best performing models for each embedding as the checkpoint for later finetuning on Trapnell.

I think it's important to get this right before we design too many other experiments.
If it turns out that the transfer learning doesn't help for improving Trapnell scores, then there's no use in implementing #62 for example.
We can then still runs the other experiments like #67 and hope to see improvements there.
If that doesn't work either, we can check whether the model is at least useful for predicting the effects of drugs that it hasn't seen.
That's just for covering our bases in the worst case, I think with some tweaking the Transfer learning will work.

Remove One-Hot-Encoding

After loading a dataset the current code generates a OHE for the drugs. This takes way too long on LINCS, since there are 17K drugs and since the OHE generation runs in a single CPU thread.

This should be sped up, either by removing the OHE encoding and working with indices instead, or by somehow speeding up the OHE generation.

Figure out canoncialization

I'm having problems with getting canonicalization to work.


Results in:


As this is a loop, we can never get to a canoncial representation. Similar things happen if I use rdkit.Chem.MolToSmiles(rdkit.Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles), canonical=True).

What's the correct way to canonicalize a molecule? @MxMstrmn @M0hammadL

This leads to all kinds of indexing errors when trying to encode molecules via the GROVER embedding. I can make it work without canonicalizing, but it seems like this should be a solveable problem.

Add ChemicalVAE (following Aspuru Guzik)

Currently we have a very simple Seq2Seq model, which nevertheless seems to be performing well. This model can be strongly improved, through making it more similar to the VAE presented in

I'm not sure if we should invest the time into add yet another embedding. However, this can probably be done within a day by using a pre-existing implementation.


  • Teacher forcing
  • Teacher annealing
  • (optional) Molecular property predictor

The implementation in moses should work for us. We need to be careful with the KL-divergence, as in their experiments they mostly care about generative (ie sampling performance). It may be useful for our case to use smaller βs (KL divergence contributes less to the overall loss), which will reduce sampling performance but increase reconstruction performance (and hopefully lead to a more meaningful latent space).

Add all zero embedding

As a sanity check baseline we should add an embedding that's just a zero table and isn't updated during training.

EXP: OOD drug prediction (w/o pretraining)

Test whether we can accurately predict the gene expressions for drugs that haven't been observed during training.
This has nothing to do with pretraining, but answers the question: Do our molecular embeddings allow us to accurately predict gene responses for unseen drugs?

Check differentially expressed genes

When training on LINCS (on our new random_split), after the epochs have finished, we run a full evaluate. This runs into an error:

2021-12-28 14:25:33 (INFO): Running the full evaluation (Epoch:300)
Number of different r2 computations: 120Number of different r2 computations: 34158
2021-12-28 14:33:35 (ERROR): Failed after 4:54:16!Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/icb/simon.boehm/miniconda3/envs/chemical_CPA/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sacred/", line 312, in run_commandline    return
  File "/home/icb/simon.boehm/miniconda3/envs/chemical_CPA/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sacred/", line 276, in run    run()
  File "/home/icb/simon.boehm/miniconda3/envs/chemical_CPA/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sacred/", line 238, in __call__    self.result = self.main_function(*args)
  File "/home/icb/simon.boehm/miniconda3/envs/chemical_CPA/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sacred/config/", line 42, in captured_function
    result = wrapped(*args, **kwargs)  File "/tmp/de393a80-c152-4a11-8880-4b02eb8b1780/compert/", line 321, in train
    return experiment.train()  File "/home/icb/simon.boehm/miniconda3/envs/chemical_CPA/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sacred/config/", line 42, in captured_function    result = wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/tmp/de393a80-c152-4a11-8880-4b02eb8b1780/compert/", line 256, in train    evaluation_stats = evaluate(
  File "/tmp/de393a80-c152-4a11-8880-4b02eb8b1780/compert/", line 322, in evaluate    "ood": evaluate_r2(
  File "/tmp/de393a80-c152-4a11-8880-4b02eb8b1780/compert/", line 241, in evaluate_r2    np.array(dataset.de_genes[cell_drug_dose_comb])
KeyError: 'A375_DMSO_0.1'

I briefly looked at it, and A375_DMSO_0.1 actually doesn't exist, neither does A375_control_0.1 or any variation. Don't quite know what the underlying cause is, but we should fix it.

It's not a super big issue, but it causes all seml runs to fail without having any results recorded inside the MongoDB.

Remove Trapnell subsampling

According to Mo, the subsampling in the Trapnell preprocessing (removing 50% of the rows) is mainly done for Performance reasons. Our code should be fast enough, so we can remove it and get more data.

Prepare config for LINCS sweep

The published repo does not contain sweeps for the LINCS dataset.
We should agree on hparams for both Compert and DrugEmb classes.

Adjust adversarial parameters

  • Check the maximal possible accuracy score on LINCS
  • Adjust adversarial parameters st the accuracy score is worse in the hyperparameter sweeps.

Evaluation: Add `evaluate_r2_sc` on per-cell level

If we check the perturbation disentanglement to make sure we're not accidentally training an autoencoder, then we can run a regular test-set reconstruction loss.

Otherwise we will not be able to discern models that perform well averaged-across-cells (eg by predicting the mean) from models that perform well on each individual cell.

Speeding up evaluation on LINCS

evaluate still takes ~2h on LINCS (1h for evaluate, 1h for evaluate logfold). This makes it impossible to run the evaluation frequently, instead we can only run the evaluation at the end of a full training run. There is no good reason why this should take 2h, it can probably be done in a few minutes.

How to deal with this:

  • Profile a LINCS training run to see where all this time is being spent.
  • Optimize these functions.

Problems: It's hard to guess how much effort this will be, could be 4h, could be 3 days. For now we can already do some runs with just a single evaluation at the end, though this issue will have to be fixed to enable HParam tuning and creating proper loss plots.

EXP: "meaningfulness" of CCPAs low-dimensional embeddings

So far just a collection of ideas for a section in our paper, where we try to show that the low-dimensional embeddings (after the drug embedder transformation) are useful for later downstream tasks.


  • low-dimensional Embeddings cluster meaningfully (#80)
  • Good embeddings (GROVER, seq2seq) correlate with low disentanglement loss #66
  • (rough idea) Good embeddings allow the training of accurate molecular property predictors (toxicity, molecular size, ...) which are useful later for optimization.

EXP: Experiment with very large models on LINCS

The Vanilla Model with ~6M parameters is outperforming most of our other model, however these other models have maximum ~2M parameters.

It might be worth scheduling some runs with very large models, to see how they perform.

LINCS Trapnell gene overlap

I started writing the code that does the transfer learning (loads the model pretrained on LINCS for finetuning on Trapnell) and ran into a stumbling block: LINCS has 978 genes, one of which isn't part of Trapnell. Further the ordering of the genes betw. lincs_full_smiles.h5ad and trapnell_cpa.h5ad is completely different.


  • Generate a new trapnell_cpa_lincs_genes.h5ad which contains just the genes that are also part of LINCS, with the exact same ordering
  • Generate a new LINCS_full_smiles_trapnell_genes.h5ad which contains just the genes that are also part of Trapnell, again with the same ordering.

I think generating & storing the datasets is less error prone than trying to fix this in the code.

Can you do this @MxMstrmn? We can also talk about it tmrw.

Setup finetuning workflow

  • Lincs vs Trapnell have different number of genes: ~970 genes in LINCS, 5000 genes in Trapnell. How do we deal with this? We could add another layer to the encoder & decoder for finetuning. We could also also have an output dimension of 5000 already on LINCS and just set all non-occurring genes to 0.
  • Dealing with the Adversarial classifier: If we decide to classify clusters while finetuning on LINCS (#22), then it might make sense to train a new adversarial classifier on Trapnell which uses the vanilla CPA BCE loss over all 188 drugs.

Adjust RDKit embeddings

The RDKit embedding (fingerprint) as saved on the server has some Inf and NaN values, which triggers immediate early stopping.


  • Clamp and normalize the existing embeddings
  • Switch to a different mechanic embedding (eg ECFP)

EXP: OOD single cell drug prediction `finetuning_OOD_prediction`


Test how much pretraining on LINCS helps with improving OOD drug prediction on Trapnell.

Why is this interesting?

Would allow accurate predictions of single-cell response to unseen drugs, without spending more money on the datasets.

Implementation (precise)

  1. Pick 1-3 drugs that exist in both LINCS and Trapnell. They should be drugs that have a large effect on the transcriptome like Quisinostat (epigenetic), Flavopiridol (cell cycle regulation), and BMS-754807 (tyrosine kinase signaling).
  2. Pretrain 2 models:
    1. One model that is trained on all the LINCS data.
    2. One model that is trained on the LINCS data, with the 30 drugs to be tested left out.
  3. Finetune the pretrained models on Trapnell (3 splits, each has 10 drugs left out)
  4. Train a model on Trapnell (3 splits, each has 10 drugs left out) without pre-training on LINCS
  5. Calculate the R2_score for the drugs that were left out.

Ideal outcome

The pretrained models perform better than the non-pretrained model.
The model that has seen the hold-out drugs on LINCS performs better than the pre-trained model that hasn't seen the drugs before.

EXP: Clustering of low-dim drug embeddings (after drug embedder transformation) `drug_emb_ld_clustering`


Observing how the transformed drug embeddings cluster, and comparing the clustering to Vanilla, to the clustering of Trapnell gene expressions (supp figure in Sciplex paper), to the clustering of untransformed drug embeddings, to the clustering of pretrained-then-finetuned models.

Which precise plots we'll include in the paper is unclear.
Overall the goal is to give credence to the claim that the chemical embeddings are meaningful and contribute to lowering the CCPA loss.


  • @siboehm Writes code that can load a CPA model given just the config hash
  • @MxMstrmn Has a look at Oksana's thesis. She made a lot of embedding UMAP plots and some of them may be worth repeating for our setting.
  • @MxMstrmn Performs the clustering, including tuning hyperparameters for UMAP.

Currently we're only planning to perform this experiment for Trapnell, as we don't have information about the drug pathways for LINCS.

Adapt Adversarial predictor for large number of classes

Currently the CPA Adv predictor outputs a probability distribution over all possible drugs, given the basal state. This works well for datasets like Trapnell (188 drugs) but for LINCS (>17K drugs) it is not feasible because there aren't enough samples of each drug.

Therefore this needs to be adapted:

  1. Cluster all LINCS drugs, for example based on their GROVER embedding into a small number (<1000) of classes. Save the cluster assignment to a df, which will be loaded at runtime.
  2. Predictor now predicts the cluster assignment, not the drug. Adjust the class weights in the loss function to adjust for cluster size imbalances. (Also adjust Vanilla CPA Adversarial loss to adjust for imbalances during finetuning).

Different approaches are possible during finetuning:

  1. Train a new predictor, using the standard BCE loss over all drugs. Advantage: definitely removes all information
  2. Keep old predictor, using BCE loss over cluster assignments. Advantage: No need to train new predictor.

The final CPA model is used to predict counterfactuals. For this to work all information about the drug has to have been removed from the latent basal state. This may not fully be the case when we predict just the cluster assignment. Example: If there are potent and less potent drugs in each cluster, then a notion of potency may remain in the latent basal state even though the cluster cannot be predicted anymore. If we use strategy 1) during finetuning we'll definitely ensure "latent basal state drug ambivalence" for the final model. An alternative approach may be to have the Adv Predictor predict the drug embedding directly (using a smaller, <1000 dim drug embedding) and using a cosine distance to the "true" drug embedding as the adversarial loss. This is how BERT models predict words. For now the cluster strategy seems more promising.

Hparam sweep for finetuning parameters (`sciplex_hparam`)

As it stands there's no parameter finetuning in #85 or #84.

  1. Parameters to be tuned (all models):
  • autoencoder_lr, autoencoder_wd
  • batch_size
  • All adversary parameters. Since we create a new Adv anyway, we can even tweak the width and depth.

We should do this separately for the finetuned and from-scratch training.

  1. Parameters to be tuned (each embedding):
  • dosers_lr & dosers_wd
  • Potentially autoencoder_lr (autencoder + drug embedder is updated using the same optimizer).

I think (1) is important, as a good lr may make a difference for finetuning and as the classification task for the adversaries is pretty different on Trapnell. (2) is probably much less important, we could use it as a source of variation during the individual runs.

  • Write a yaml for (1). Split doesn't really matter. Hparam options can be copied from lincs_rdkit_hparam. Rdkit embedding.
  • Start runs
  • Add some more runs for smaller adversarial penalties (eg 0.001 - 1.0) @MxMstrmn
  • Copy best parameters (finetuned not finetuned separaetly) into #85, #84

Add dropout

Add MC Dropout for minimal uncertainty in CPA and GNNs

Add more Embeddings

  • 2x pretrain GNN from Dgl LifeSci @MxMstrmn
  • GROVER_base
  • rdkit generic feature vector @MxMstrmn
  • HierVAE / JTVAE. Make sure the encoding issues aren't just due to canonicalization (maybe RDKIT 2019 vs 2021)? @siboehm
  • Simple Seq2Seq LSTM-based NLP VAE @siboehm
  • (optional) Nvidia MegaMolBART


  • make sure the Index of the dataframe is the SMILES as stored in embeddings/lincs_trapnell.smiles
  • make sure to add a branch in the embedding function: compert/ get_chemical_representation.
  • make sure the embedding has been moved into the correct location, at /storage/groups/ml01/projects/2021_chemicalCPA_leon.hetzel/embeddings/

Creating chemCPA environemnt

I am having issues setting up the chemCPA environment. I cloned the repo onto my machine and executed the command: 'conda env create -f environment.yml.' I get the following error:

Solving environment: failed


  • moses

So I removed moses and RDKit from the .yml file. I then run 'conda env create -f environment.yml.' again, with the intention to install MOSES / Rdkit manually after it is done running via these instructions found on the MOSES github repo:

'The simplest way to install MOSES (models and metrics) is to install RDKit: conda install -yq -c rdkit rdkit and then install MOSES (molsets) from pip (pip install molsets). If you want to use LatentGAN, you should also install additional dependencies using bash

If you are using Ubuntu, you should also install sudo apt-get install libxrender1 libxext6 for RDKit.'

However, it gets stuck on 'Solving Environment.' Please let me know how I should proceed!

BUG: Transfer of covariate embedding is broken

We need to invest more effort to get the covariates embeddings to properly transfer from LINCS ⇒ SciPlex. Picture to illustrate:


The solution is to save the string name of the covariate with the embedding into the state_dict, st we can keep the same mapping. The way we currently have it implemented we just pull a basically random embedding from the top of the table, so this is not super useful.

Needs to support:

  • Extension of covariates (with a warning): Adding more rows for covariates that haven't been seen before. Maybe init to the mean of the others?
  • Contraction of covariates: Returning the same covariates (same ordering)

Add class imbalance to BCE loss.

Class imbalance should be incorporated into the BCE loss. Example on Trapnell:

> adata.obs["condition"].value_counts()[:10]
control         6464
GSK-LSD1        1868
BRD4770         1868
Baricitinib     1862
Entacapone      1853
RG108           1852
WP1066          1851
Curcumin        1850
Capecitabine    1849
Mesna           1847
Name: condition, dtype: int64
> adata.obs["condition"].value_counts()[-10:]
Rigosertib      984
Luminespib      980
Tozasertib      975
Mocetinostat    949
Alvespimycin    930
AT9283          910
Patupilone      757
Flavopiridol    693
Epothilone      583
YM155           394
Name: condition, dtype: int64

This is not super important, as the dataset is not actually very imbalanced. But it will make the adversarial loss more meaningful.

EXP: Usefullness of LINCS pretraining for gene set expansion (`finetuning_num_genes`)

Basic idea: We want to test how much pretraining on a smaller set of genes helps for increasing performance after finetuning on a larger amount of genes.

This is relevant biologically, since commonly a different set of genes is selected for single cell experiments.

Experiment steps:

  1. Pretrain on LINCS (900 genes), finetune on Trapnell (same 900 genes)
  2. Pretrain on LINCS (900 genes), finetune on Trapnell (2000 genes)
  3. Train from Scratch on Trapnell (900 genes)
  4. Train from Scratch on Trapnell (2000 genes)
  5. Compare performances between CCPA with pretraining and CCPA without pretraining for each of the two settings.

Implementation steps:

  1. @MxMstrmn Generates new Trapnell datasets that have ~2000 genes
  2. @siboehm Writes the transfer code (just adding another layer to decoder & encoder that adjusts the dimensions)

Get things ready for publication

  • (Upload the MongoDB dump to AWS? (Leon sends the files to Simon, Simon uploads them))
  • Upload the weights of the final models to AWS? (Leon sends the files to Simon, Simon uploads them)
  • Make the README nicer
  • @MxMstrmn Add one of Leon's excalidraw plots to the README (just paste the image in docs/, to replace the chemical_CPA.png).
  • @siboehm Add the correct citation to the
  • @MxMstrmn Upload the final Plotting notebooks. (I've deleted the chemCPA/ file, if it's still needed we should add it back)
  • @siboehm Add back the script that runs the model w/o seml
  • @MxMstrmn Delete all issues & PRs
  • @siboehm Make a clean squash commit
  • Delete the remaining garbage code

Feel free to edit / comment @MxMstrmn

EXP: Make drug embedder bigger

Looking at the results in chemical_CPA/simon/plot_sweep_results.ipynb

We observer that GROVER performs weaker than expected.
Hypothesis: We assume that this might be related to the size of the GROVER embedding which has 3400 dimensions
Potential experiments: Increase size of drug embedders to cope with the large input dimension.

Molecular Featurizer 'Pretrain' fails

Running the DrugEmb class with the molecular featurizer set to Pretrain fails at computing the graphs from the SMILES strings.

At graph_from_smiles it fails:

This is the Traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/icb/leon.hetzel/miniconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sacred/", line 312, in run_commandline
  File "/home/icb/leon.hetzel/miniconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sacred/", line 276, in run
  File "/home/icb/leon.hetzel/miniconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sacred/", line 238, in __call__
    self.result = self.main_function(*args)
  File "/home/icb/leon.hetzel/miniconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sacred/config/", line 42, in captured_function
    result = wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/tmp/26918/compert/", line 266, in train
    experiment = ExperimentWrapper()
  File "/tmp/26918/compert/", line 69, in __init__
  File "/tmp/26918/compert/", line 152, in init_all
  File "/home/icb/leon.hetzel/miniconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sacred/config/", line 42, in captured_function
    result = wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/tmp/26918/compert/", line 84, in init_dataset
    self.datasets, self.dataset = load_dataset_splits(
  File "/tmp/26918/compert/", line 281, in load_dataset_splits
    dataset = Dataset(
  File "/tmp/26918/compert/", line 137, in __init__
    graph_tuple = graph_from_smiles(
  File "/tmp/26918/compert/", line 162, in graph_from_smiles
    graph = smiles2graph(smiles)
  File "/tmp/26918/compert/", line 148, in <lambda>
    smiles2graph = lambda smiles: smiles_to_bigraph(
  File "/home/icb/leon.hetzel/miniconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dgllife/utils/", line 369, in smiles_to_bigraph
    return mol_to_bigraph(mol, add_self_loop, node_featurizer, edge_featurizer,
  File "/home/icb/leon.hetzel/miniconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dgllife/utils/", line 269, in mol_to_bigraph
    return mol_to_graph(mol, partial(construct_bigraph_from_mol, add_self_loop=add_self_loop),
  File "/home/icb/leon.hetzel/miniconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dgllife/utils/", line 85, in mol_to_graph
  File "/home/icb/leon.hetzel/miniconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dgllife/utils/", line 1289, in __call__
ValueError: 0 is not in list

multi tasking

which tasks to choose for multi task learning :

  • ATC classification from LINCs
  • cell-growth and Synergy score for AZ data
  • cell-growth score prediction for comb
  • molecular property prediction for each molecule

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