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numpyro's Issues

Use upstream samplers

There are various sampler available upstream in the last version of JAX. Let's use these samplers instead.

Use jax master for CI

Lets host the jax/jaxlib wheels for CI so that we can track JAX master directly for development.

Make inference utilities available for prediction

Related issue - #41.

It will be nice to provide an easy interface for doing predictions (ideally a vectorized version of TracePredictive), so that users do not need to write code to do this by themselves. e.g. baseball. More detailed discussion on the design is needed, and hopefully, we'll have some more insights on this after attempting this in Pyro pyro-ppl/pyro#1725.

Implement JVP rules for cumsum/cumprod

Currently, cumsum/cumprod does not have jvp rule in jax yet. And these operators are necessary for simplex constraint. We should make custom primitives to support these operators.

Revise standard_gamma sampler

Based on recent examples of @neerajprad for translation_rule of custom primitive functions, it seems that we can make standard_gamma jittable. Let's update standard_gamma with

  • translation_rule
  • using lax.cond
  • using various utilities from lax instead of relying on numpy

Follow-up issues for HMC

From discussion in #70:

  • Uniform handling of packing / unpacking pytree values. I think we can just flatten everything in the kernel itself and unflatten the result received. Alternatively (if this is relatively cheap), we can also just let the adapter function take in z and do the flattening. The latter will be better for debuggability, and I'm not sure if there is a significant overhead under JIT.
  • The current hmc_kernel can have a separate get_kernel method that would return either an HMC or NUTS kernel depending on args. This can be called by the user or from inside mcmc.
  • Default kinetic energy function. This shouldn't be needed as an arg from the user, at least not while we are using euclidean KE.
  • Pyro style model/guide syntax and wrapper utilities so that users don't need to specify the PE computation explicitly.
  • Clamp probability values (also, provide the logit parametrization), which will really help stabilize HMC trajectories as pointed out by @fehiepsi.
  • Correct the behaviour of find_reasonable_step_size
  • Either drop z_grad, potential_grad from HMCState or modify the behaviour of lax.scan to only scan z by default. @fehiepsi
  • Add context manager to convert lax.cond to lax.while. @neerajprad unfortunately, using while_loop requires initial_state has the same format as the output; but we don't know the output format without evaluating one of true or false functions.
  • Investigate why test_unnormalized_normal keeps failing in @fehiepsi's system.

Support compatibility module in numpyro to support Pyro API

As discussed in pyro-ppl/pyro#1790, to support models written in Pyro, we can have a compatibility wrapper around distributions and inference algorithms.

I think we may have to think about some of the interface issues here, because the efficient way of doing things in Pyro (using classes, storing state) may not be ideal in Numpyro. Some of this can be abstracted within this compatibility module, but other things like user for loops may need to be re-written in jax to make them more efficient.

Some of the questions that we will need to think about (from pyro-ppl/pyro#1790), and my initial thoughts. I might expand this list as I work more on this, but feel free to add your thoughts:

  • There is no global param store, so to get something like pyro.get_param_store to work, we'll need to simply cache the optimizer state somewhere towards the end of svi training. A more faithful implementation will unfortunately need to copy arrays every time the optimizer state is updated, and that will be too expensive. It might be best to not provide a compatibility wrapper for this, at least to begin with.
  • the loop for ..: svi.step() will be suboptimal, and should ideally be replaced by lax.fori_loop when users are on the JAX backend. This could be an order of magnitude faster! - I think the solution here might be to absorb the for loop within SVI's API so that Numpyro and Pyro can handle it differently.
  • There is no pyro.module, because the stax NNs don't have any parameters that need to be registered. All parameters need to be cycled back and forth with the update function. I think it should be okay to skip pyro.module as well since we don't need to register any NN parameters.

API issues to clean up before release

This is to track minor API issues as we notice them, that will be nice to clean up. This is not super urgent - these are known things that can be cleaned up before release.

  • It will be nice to see other diagnostic information like acceptance rate, and step size, since that's the easiest thing to make note of if the model is misspecified. @neerajprad
  • Support initialization from Uniform(-2, 2) directly on unconstrained parameters like in Stan.
  • Renaming: Potential candidates for renaming (up for discussion)
    • heuristic_step_size: The name makes it appear as though it is a float arg and not a boolean arg. Don't have a better idea at the moment though.
    • num_warmup_steps --> num_warmup or warmup_steps
  • Certain functions need args, kwargs to be tuples, dicts so that the args / kwargs repacking does not result in jit recompilation. However, this style isn't very pythonic otherwise, and should be avoided when there is no need to JIT. So lets change initialize_model(rng, model, model_args, model_kwargs) to initialize_model(rng, model, *args, **kwargs).
  • If the model or potential_fn is not jittable, I think we'll end up throwing an exception given than sample_kernel has a jit decorator. I think the right approach would be to pass a jit_compile=True flag to hmc so that the user does not need to modify the source code in case their model is not jittable.
  • Use default args such as loc=0, scale=1 in distributions
  • Rename args in Pareto for consistence.

Wrap distributions in scipy.stats for use with JAX

To make the internals of the sampler and logpdf methods visible to the tracer and compatible with jax, we need to:

  • Write the operations in terms of jax.numpy operations.
  • We need to use jax's count based random number generator (via PRNGKey), and not the default used by scipy distributions which is numpy's globally mutable mtrand. Currently, the PRNGKey is being passed in through the random_state kwarg to the distribution's _rvs method.

Currently, only the normal distribution is wrapped. We can similarly wrap the following distributions (we may need to wrap over the samplers / rewrite the logic using jax operations):



Utilities for MCMC

This issue tracks tasks for MCMC. Here are necessary ingredients to be able to benchmark. Feel free to add yourselves to your interest.

  • Port dual_averaging
  • Port welford_covariance
  • Port verlocity_verlet @fehiepsi
  • Port find_reasonable_step_size @fehiepsi
  • Port WarmupAdapter @fehiepsi
  • Port build_tree @fehiepsi
  • Port sample

Checklist for first release

  • Add sphinx to generate documentation.
  • Add docstring to existing modules.
  • Update README - what is currently supported, some small examples, and future plans.
    • Add pypi version badge to readme
    • Add readthedocs badge to readme
  • Include examples in unit-test to ensure compatibility with release.
  • A couple of good notebooks with explanations (not for benchmarking).
    • local global trend. @fehiepsi
    • bayesian regression. @neerajprad
    • bayesian NNs. @martinjankowiak who has volunteered to contribute a Bayesian NN tutorial! Not a release blocker though, we can publish it whenever it is ready.
  • Clean up minor API issues - #144
  • Register docs on readthedocs (or publish on or somewhere public)

Already Done:

  • A few starter issues for external contributors.
  • More interesting examples:
    • SVI - maybe a VAE or SS-VAE example with MNIST.
    • HMC - baseball, hierarchical modeling, bayesian regression.
  • Better coverage for popular distributions - #1
  • Working HMC, NUTS - doesn't have to be a fully optimized implementation.
  • Benchmarking HMC, NUTS vis-a-vis Pyro, Stan, PyMC3

Support float64 array

Currently, we only develop and test for float32 array. When the functionalities are ready, we should test for float64 array too.

Avoid compiling 2 times in HMC

Currently, we do compiling 2 times: 1 at init, 1 at sample, so it would be better if we only compile 1 time.

One way is to modify tscan with additional parameters: skip to skip first warmup_steps; put warmup_state to a lax.cond to decide if it will be updated or not (depending on we are in warmup phase or sampling phase).

Support exporting to arviz InferenceData

There are a bunch of features available in arviz. We can utilize that great library without adding dependency by making a utility function which converting our fori_append results to a dictionary arviz_dict. Then in arviz, we just need to use arviz.from_dict to get density, trace_plot, and a bunch of new stats such as loo, waic,...

Add support for InverseTransform

This will allow us to create new transform classes out of existing ones. e.g. LogitTransform as SigmoidTransform().inv.

It will also be nice if the client code can just take in a list of transforms and call .inv on it without having any knowledge of whether the original or the inverted transform was passed in.


>>> t = SigmoidTransform()

>>> t.inv
 <bound method SigmoidTransform.inv of <numpyro.distributions.constraints.SigmoidTransform object at 0x7f92680ce710>>

>>> t.inv.inv
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-10-15abeba100ea> in <module>
----> 1 t.inv.inv

AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'inv'


>>> t = SigmoidTransform()

>>> t.inv

>>> t.inv.inv

Make tscan jittable

As it stands, unlike other primitives, our tscan implementation is not jittable. It is worth making it work well with jax.jit for benchmarking purposes.

NUTS doesn't converge on a stan model

@stefanwebb pointed out that Pyro's NUTS on the earnings latin square model gives extremely different results from Stan. cc. @jpchen

To debug this, I have tried running the model on Pyro's NUTS and Numpyro's NUTS and both return results which are very far off from Stan with high r_hat values indicating that the procedure hasn't converged. Creating this issue to track progress on investigating this bug / discrepancy.

Some notes:

  • It is possible that my translation of the model to Pyro/Numpyro is wrong.
  • I have tried changing the default tensor type to Double in Pyro and changing the scale parameters to dist.HalfCauchy(1.) (instead of dist.Uniform(0, 100) which is more faithful to the Stan implementation) to see if that helps convergence. While it does seem to help somewhat, we still get very different results. This seems to help quite a lot on Numpyro (still checking on Pyro).
  • Numpyro is much faster than Pyro (I think also faster than Stan), but seems to give incorrect results. Not surprising since the underlying issue, either in my code or in the inference algorithm, is likely the same for both the implementations.

Pyro code:

import csv
from collections import defaultdict

import torch

import pyro
import pyro.distributions as dist
from pyro.infer.mcmc import NUTS, MCMC

use_uniform = False

def scale():
    return dist.Uniform(0., 100.) if use_uniform else dist.HalfCauchy(1.)

def model(data):
    eth = data['eth']
    age = data['age']
    x = data['x']
    y = data['y']
    mu_a1 = pyro.sample('mu_a1', dist.Normal(0., 1.))
    mu_a2 = pyro.sample('mu_a2', dist.Normal(0., 1.))
    sigma_a1 = pyro.sample('sigma_a1', scale())
    sigma_a2 = pyro.sample('sigma_a2', scale())

    mu_b1 = pyro.sample('mu_b1', dist.Normal(0., 1.))
    mu_b2 = pyro.sample('mu_b2', dist.Normal(0., 1.))
    sigma_b1 = pyro.sample('sigma_b1', scale())
    sigma_b2 = pyro.sample('sigma_b2', scale())

    mu_c = pyro.sample('mu_c', dist.Normal(0., 1.))
    sigma_c = pyro.sample('sigma_c', scale())
    mu_d = pyro.sample('mu_d', dist.Normal(0., 1.))
    sigma_d = pyro.sample('sigma_d', scale())

    nage = pyro.plate("n_age", 3, dim=-1)
    neth = pyro.plate("neth", 4, dim=-2)

    with neth:
        a1 = pyro.sample('a1', dist.Normal(10 * mu_a1, sigma_a1))
        a2 = pyro.sample('a2', dist.Normal(mu_a2, sigma_a2))

    with nage:
        b1 = pyro.sample('b1', dist.Normal(10 * mu_b1, sigma_b1))
        b2 = pyro.sample('b2', dist.Normal(0.1 * mu_b2, sigma_b2))

    with neth, nage:
        c = pyro.sample('c', dist.Normal(10 * mu_c, sigma_c))
        d = pyro.sample('d', dist.Normal(0.1 * mu_d, sigma_d))

    y_hat = a1[eth].squeeze(-1) + a2[eth].squeeze(-1) * x + b1[age] + b2[age] * x + c[eth, age] + d[eth, age] * x
    simga_y = pyro.sample('sigma_y', scale())
    with pyro.plate('N', 1059):
        pyro.sample('obs', dist.Normal(y_hat, simga_y), obs=y)

data = defaultdict(list)
with open('earnings.csv', 'r') as f:
    csv_reader = csv.DictReader(f)
    for row in csv_reader:
        data['age'].append(int(row['age']) - 1)
        data['eth'].append(int(row['eth']) - 1)

data['x'] = torch.tensor(data['x'])
data['y'] = torch.tensor(data['y'])
data['age'] = torch.tensor(data['age'], dtype=torch.long)
data['eth'] = torch.tensor(data['eth'], dtype=torch.long)

nuts_kernel = NUTS(model, max_tree_depth=6, jit_compile=True, ignore_jit_warnings=True)
posterior_fully_pooled = MCMC(nuts_kernel,

print(posterior_fully_pooled.marginal(['a1', 'a2', 'b1', 'b2']).diagnostics())
marginals = posterior_fully_pooled.marginal(['a1', 'a2', 'b1', 'b2'])
for k, v in marginals.empirical.items():
    print(k, v.mean)

Numpyro code:

import csv
from collections import defaultdict

from jax.random import PRNGKey

import numpyro.distributions as dist
from numpyro.handlers import sample
import jax.numpy as np

from numpyro.hmc_util import initialize_model
from numpyro.mcmc import hmc
from numpyro.util import fori_collect

use_uniform = False

def scale():
    return dist.Uniform(0., 100.) if use_uniform else dist.HalfCauchy(1.)

def model(data):
    eth = data['eth']
    age = data['age']
    x = data['x']
    y = data['y']
    mu_a1 = sample('mu_a1', dist.Normal(0., 1.))
    mu_a2 = sample('mu_a2', dist.Normal(0., 1.))
    sigma_a1 = sample('sigma_a1', scale())
    sigma_a2 = sample('sigma_a2', scale())

    mu_b1 = sample('mu_b1', dist.Normal(0., 1.))
    mu_b2 = sample('mu_b2', dist.Normal(0., 1.))
    sigma_b1 = sample('sigma_b1', scale())
    sigma_b2 = sample('sigma_b2', scale())

    mu_c = sample('mu_c', dist.Normal(0., 1.))
    sigma_c = sample('sigma_c', scale())
    mu_d = sample('mu_d', dist.Normal(0., 1.))
    sigma_d = sample('sigma_d', scale())

    a1 = sample('a1', dist.Normal(10 * np.broadcast_to(mu_a1, (4,)), sigma_a1))
    a2 = sample('a2', dist.Normal(np.broadcast_to(mu_a2, (4,)), sigma_a2))

    b1 = sample('b1', dist.Normal(10 * np.broadcast_to(mu_b1, (3,)), sigma_b1))
    b2 = sample('b2', dist.Normal(0.1 * np.broadcast_to(mu_b2, (3,)), sigma_b2))

    c = sample('c', dist.Normal(10 * np.broadcast_to(mu_c, (4, 3)), sigma_c))
    d = sample('d', dist.Normal(0.1 * np.broadcast_to(mu_d, (4, 3)), sigma_d))

    y_hat = a1[eth] + a2[eth] * x + b1[age] + b2[age] * x + c[eth, age] + d[eth, age] * x
    simga_y = sample('sigma_y', scale())
    sample('obs', dist.Normal(y_hat, simga_y), obs=y)

data = defaultdict(list)
with open('earnings.csv', 'r') as f:
    csv_reader = csv.DictReader(f)
    for row in csv_reader:
        data['age'].append(int(row['age']) - 1)
        data['eth'].append(int(row['eth']) - 1)

data['x'] = np.array(data['x'])
data['y'] = np.array(data['y'])
data['age'] = np.array(data['age']).astype(np.int64)
data['eth'] = np.array(data['eth']).astype(np.int64)

init_params, potential_fn, transform_fn = initialize_model(PRNGKey(0), model, data)
init_kernel, sample_kernel = hmc(potential_fn, algo='NUTS')
hmc_state = init_kernel(init_params, 2000)
hmc_states = fori_collect(2000, sample_kernel, hmc_state,
                          transform=lambda hmc_state: transform_fn(hmc_state.z))

Stan results

               mean se_mean    sd    2.5%     25%     50%     75%   97.5% n_eff Rhat
a1[1]          5.60    1.57  8.55   -9.18   -1.05    5.24   11.48   22.41    30 1.14
a1[2]          5.44    1.58  8.57   -9.37   -1.17    5.14   11.46   22.07    29 1.14
a1[3]          5.00    1.59  8.60   -9.92   -1.64    4.65   11.04   21.43    29 1.14
a1[4]          5.48    1.57  8.55   -9.31   -1.16    5.14   11.46   22.14    30 1.14
a2[1]          0.07    0.03  0.20   -0.34   -0.06    0.07    0.19    0.42    34 1.06
a2[2]          0.07    0.03  0.20   -0.34   -0.05    0.07    0.19    0.42    33 1.06
a2[3]          0.08    0.03  0.20   -0.33   -0.04    0.08    0.20    0.44    33 1.07
a2[4]          0.07    0.03  0.20   -0.33   -0.05    0.07    0.20    0.43    33 1.06
b1[1]          3.97    1.52  8.68  -14.80   -1.11    3.81    9.56   20.60    33 1.14
b1[2]          2.36    1.52  8.66  -16.69   -2.77    2.25    8.05   18.87    33 1.14
b1[3]          1.78    1.52  8.69  -17.57   -3.48    1.64    7.32   18.27    33 1.13
b2[1]         -0.01    0.02  0.16   -0.29   -0.09   -0.02    0.06    0.38    60 1.03
b2[2]          0.02    0.02  0.16   -0.25   -0.06    0.01    0.09    0.40    59 1.03
b2[3]          0.02    0.02  0.16   -0.24   -0.06    0.02    0.10    0.42    59 1.03
c[1,1]        -2.43    2.17  7.72  -14.76   -7.90   -3.95    2.13   13.98    13 1.36
c[1,2]        -2.36    2.17  7.72  -14.89   -7.85   -3.87    2.21   14.05    13 1.36
c[1,3]        -2.46    2.17  7.72  -14.83   -7.98   -4.04    2.13   13.95    13 1.36
c[2,1]        -2.37    2.17  7.72  -14.80   -7.87   -3.89    2.23   14.05    13 1.36
c[2,2]        -2.51    2.17  7.73  -14.93   -8.04   -4.02    2.11   14.02    13 1.36
c[2,3]        -2.38    2.17  7.72  -14.79   -7.89   -3.87    2.24   13.83    13 1.36
c[3,1]        -2.41    2.17  7.72  -14.89   -7.89   -3.89    2.23   13.97    13 1.36
c[3,2]        -2.44    2.17  7.72  -14.80   -7.94   -3.92    2.19   14.01    13 1.36
c[3,3]        -2.43    2.17  7.72  -14.75   -7.92   -3.93    2.19   13.97    13 1.36
c[4,1]        -2.44    2.17  7.72  -14.85   -7.94   -3.97    2.17   13.99    13 1.36
c[4,2]        -2.38    2.17  7.72  -14.75   -7.86   -3.88    2.19   14.04    13 1.36
c[4,3]        -2.42    2.17  7.72  -14.80   -7.91   -3.93    2.19   13.95    13 1.36
d[1,1]        -0.02    0.02  0.11   -0.22   -0.10   -0.02    0.06    0.21    29 1.11
d[1,2]        -0.02    0.02  0.11   -0.22   -0.10   -0.02    0.06    0.21    29 1.11
d[1,3]        -0.02    0.02  0.11   -0.22   -0.10   -0.02    0.06    0.21    29 1.11
d[2,1]        -0.02    0.02  0.11   -0.22   -0.10   -0.02    0.06    0.21    29 1.11
d[2,2]        -0.02    0.02  0.11   -0.22   -0.10   -0.02    0.06    0.21    29 1.11
d[2,3]        -0.02    0.02  0.11   -0.22   -0.10   -0.02    0.06    0.21    29 1.11
d[3,1]        -0.02    0.02  0.11   -0.22   -0.10   -0.02    0.06    0.21    29 1.11
d[3,2]        -0.02    0.02  0.11   -0.22   -0.10   -0.02    0.06    0.21    29 1.11
d[3,3]        -0.02    0.02  0.11   -0.22   -0.10   -0.02    0.06    0.21    29 1.11
d[4,1]        -0.02    0.02  0.11   -0.22   -0.10   -0.02    0.06    0.21    29 1.11
d[4,2]        -0.02    0.02  0.11   -0.22   -0.10   -0.02    0.06    0.21    29 1.11
d[4,3]        -0.02    0.02  0.11   -0.22   -0.10   -0.02    0.06    0.21    29 1.11
mu_a1          0.54    0.16  0.85   -0.94   -0.12    0.50    1.13    2.17    30 1.14
mu_a2          0.07    0.03  0.20   -0.34   -0.05    0.07    0.20    0.43    33 1.06
mu_b1          0.25    0.13  0.85   -1.58   -0.27    0.24    0.79    1.87    42 1.11
mu_b2          0.04    0.09  0.98   -1.90   -0.61    0.03    0.68    2.06   125 1.03
mu_c          -0.24    0.22  0.77   -1.48   -0.80   -0.40    0.22    1.40    13 1.36
mu_d          -0.17    0.21  1.14   -2.22   -0.98   -0.22    0.63    2.09    29 1.11
sigma_a1       0.96    0.11  1.92    0.02    0.12    0.34    1.01    5.30   319 1.01
sigma_a2       0.01    0.00  0.03    0.00    0.00    0.01    0.02    0.08   328 1.01
sigma_b1       4.07    0.28  6.07    0.14    1.14    2.19    4.43   20.92   487 1.02
sigma_b2       0.12    0.03  0.30    0.00    0.02    0.04    0.09    0.87   138 1.05
sigma_c        0.16    0.01  0.13    0.02    0.06    0.13    0.22    0.48   232 1.02
sigma_d        0.00    0.00  0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.01   179 1.01
sigma_y        0.88    0.00  0.02    0.84    0.86    0.87    0.89    0.91   633 1.01


Thin out distribution wrappers and aggregate in

We can thin out our distribution wrappers, and let numpy do the dispatching, e.g. np.log or np.exp will be correctly dispatched by numpy even though they will incur a small dispatch cost. Like we can move all the lightly wrapped continuous distribution into

Separate out model and guide args in SVI

Many a time, the arguments to model and guides are different, and it is cumbersome to pass the same set of args to both and have some be unused. This suggests a further refactoring of the SVI class such that:

  • model_args and guide_args can be specified separately, and are jittable. These can potentially change during the course of training, e.g. data batches, or other dynamic arguments.
  • kwargs will contain common static arguments common to both and can simply be specified during the initial call to svi rather than piping it in through init and update functions. These can be functions pass to model or guides as well as static arrays.

Build wrappers for lax primitives to disable tracing in debug mode

Even with the disable_jit flag, it is inconvenient to debug our existing code since we have many utilities that use these lax primitives which need to be manually rewritten each time we want to debug something. Lets build light wrappers around these to make debugging easy.

We should also move this upstream to JAX if we find it useful.

Do not use private utility functions from JAX

For convenience, we are currently using many JAX functions that haven't been exposed publicly like _promote_args. Let us reimplement (and customize these functions as needed) in, so that we don't incur dependency on private functions that might be removed or whose API changed without notice.

Iterative NUTS consumes more memory than recursive in big models

#54 implements both recursive and iterative NUTS. It has been shown that iterative method outperforms recursive method in term of reducing overhead. However, currently iterative NUTS consumes a bit more memory than recursive NUTS as demonstrated in this gist.

Current benchmark (for tree depth = 10)

  • latent dim = 10

    • iterative: 791 µs, 233.23 MiB
    • recursive: 3.71 s, 232.61 MiB
  • latent dim = 100

    • iterative: 1.34 ms, 297.91 MiB
    • recursive: 3.76 s, 283.20 MiB
  • latent dim = 1000

    • iterative: 8.46 ms, 503.02 MiB!
    • recursive: 3.79 s, 380.55 MiB

Make MCMC diagnostics available in Numpyro

Right now we don't have any diagnostics to measure the quality of mixing. It will be nice to either implement diagnostics like we have done in Pyro, or perhaps just use the arviz library for this (preferable to offload this to arviz if possible).

[discussion] use transforms in potential_fn

I would like to suggest a way to use support information for default transforms and incorporate it in potential_fn:

  • initialize_model takes an additional argument named transforms, which is a dict map each latent variable to its user-defined transform. Otherwise, we use the default transform.
  • initialize model returns a z transform fn (in addition to init unconstrained param and potential_fn) for tranforming unconstrained variables to contrained variable. So users can use this transform fn in transform argument of tscan: tscan(..., transform=lambda latent: z_tranform_fn(latent.z))

Collections of tips while using jax

JAX is cool but docs/examples of its features are still lacking. Let's share tips while using jax here. :)


pytree is a dict/tuple/array or a combination of them. Many transformations of jax works with pytree arguments. For example, we can apply grad(f)(x) will return a dict of grad arrays if x is a dict of arrays. There are also many utilities available at jax.tree_util such as

  • tree_map: as in the below example of lax.scan,
  • tree_multimap: as in the implementation of velocity_verlet.


We can do the following

import jax.lax as lax
import jax.numpy as np
from jax.tree_util import tree_map

def f(trace, i):
    # create a new_trace given current trace
    next_trace = tree_map(lambda a: a + 1, trace)
    return next_trace

initial_trace = {"a": np.array([1., 2.])}
num_samples = 10
traces = lax.scan(f, initial_trace, np.arange(num_samples))

which returns

{'a': array([[ 2.,  3.],
        [ 3.,  4.],
        [ 4.,  5.],
        [ 5.,  6.],
        [ 6.,  7.],
        [ 7.,  8.],
        [ 8.,  9.],
        [ 9., 10.],
        [10., 11.],
        [11., 12.]], dtype=float32)}

Hope that we can jit the whole hmc loops using the above pattern.

Add logits support to discrete distributions

Since we use float32 values by default instead of float64 like scipy.stats does, having support for logits in multinomial, bernoulli and binomial distributions is important, and will make operations that manipulate probabilities more numerically stable.

Disable generic args checking for discrete distributions

Currently the logpmf method in rv_discrete does a lot of args checking and substituting NaN or -Inf values for pmf of out of support values. These operations are opaque to the JAX tracer and I think should simply be removed or done in a way that doesn't come in the way of operations like grad.

Defer implementation `logpdf`, `pdf` to `jax.scipy.stats`

Currently, numpyro's distribution is based on scipy's implementation. The approach is a bit different (though simpler) from jax.scipy.stats module. It would be nice if we only maintain the frozen wrapper for the purpose of pyro modelling and rely on the upstream implementation of logpdf.

Batching for custom transforms

Batching is currently not implemented for custom_transforms like xlogy and xlog1py so functions using these primitives will fail with vmap.

Convenient way to turn off distributions arg checks

With #53, we can turn off distributions args checking with a contextmanager called validation_disabled(). Disabling is required because the args checking doesn't work with JIT (which isn't itself an issue since we anyways shouldn't need to JIT these extra debugging related features).

The current context manager is a hack because it is a global flag, and we might call the distributions' logpdf method after the distribution is initialized which may result in the flag being applied incorrectly. Given scipy's inheritance pattern and use of frozen vs non-frozen instances, I couldn't see an easy way of storing this flag in the constructor (like we do in PyTorch), but it is worth addressing this as we clean up the interface.

Add support for plate context manager

We can start with a basic implementation that just does distributions broadcasting under the hood and stores the plate information at sample sites for any inference algorithms.

Remove dependency on scipy.stats for distributions

Due to issues faced in #51, #50 and #81, it seems that we would be better off not inheriting from scipy and having to work around their class hierarchy which was designed to support its own use cases. Instead, I think it will help if our design was closer to PyTorch, in terms of Pyro <--> Numpyro compatibility (#66), and more generally reuse of functionality like constraint checks and bijective transforms that are useful for HMC and SVI.

I think to begin with we can start by only supporting sample, log_prob methods and adding more as we go along. It should be relatively straightforward to do so for our existing implementations. In cases where we don't have a JAX sampler available, we could just use scipy's sampler internally (as suggested by @fehiepsi).

Enable jit compilation in minipyro

JIT is currently not working as expected in the minipyro example - currently the jitted function within step is being compiled each time step is called. If we pre-compile and cache the function, it is giving static results.

[discussion] use functional approach for SVI

Currently, SVI class just holds constant properties. It is much like a function IMO. So I create this thread to discuss about the possibility of splitting SVI's methods into functions: svi_init (to get initial svi_state/opt_state), svi_step (to update svi_state/opt_state). To avoid repeated arguments such as model, guide,... users can use functools.partial or we can keep the object SVI class as a wrapper.

I list here some advantages which I have in mind:

  • We can easily choose jit or non-jit in the main application.
  • We can jit the whole svi loops by using lax.fori_loop (as in this lax's example).
  • The SVI class will be cleaner.
  • We can define initial opt_state outside of svi loops and we can freely choose to use pyro.param or not. This will be helpful when params come from jax.experimental.stax.

Note that this is just for discussion, not a request to change. We'd better focus on adding more distributions and benchmarking. Some initial tests suggest that dispatch overhead is large but it scales pretty well.

Use scipy samplers directly for discrete distributions

Due to issues like jax-ml/jax#480, it makes sense to use discrete samplers directly from scipy and then transfer the results back to device using jax.device_put(). I checked that this is often an order of magnitude faster for the CPU, and should be safe since the samplers aren't reparametrized. Once we have have a JAX native multinomial distribution, we can change to that later.

standard_gamma not caching compiled function

I would have expected the second call to Beta.sample() to be much faster due to 2 reasons - no compilation cost for standard_gamma, and faster samples from the compiled kernel.

This seems to not be the case.

In [4]: %timeit Beta(1.1, 1.1).sample(PRNGKey(1), (1000,))
2.24 s ± 15.2 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

In [5]: %timeit Beta(1.1, 1.1).sample(PRNGKey(1), (1000,))
2.3 s ± 46.4 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

Make HMCState picklable

Currently, we use laxtuple to make HMCState. This way however make it not possible to pickle HMCState (unless we transform it to a dict/tuple/namedtuple).

Benchmark HMC/NUTS on various models against popular frameworks

(split from #29 to track down the progress)

Here is a list of various models to benchmark. @neerajprad Please add more if you find they are needed.

  • Logistic regression on covtype dataset. Comparing against performance of PyMC/Stan/Edward which is reported in Simple, Distributed, and Accelerated Probabilistic Programming. @fehiepsi
  • Semi-supervised HMM model. Comparing against Pyro and Stan @fehiepsi
  • Baseball. Comparing against Pyro and Stan
  • Bayesian regression. Comparing against Pyro.
  • A hierarchy model
  • Time series model: Local global trend model
  • Move change point detection model to examples. It is a great example to show grad can pass through np.where in JAX. It took a bit of effort to achieve the same behaviour in other frameworks. It is better to make a notebook when multi-chain is supported, where we can point out that there are some initializations which make chains failed.

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