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pixi-haxe's Introduction

Pixi.js 5 / Haxe 4 Build Status


-### Installation

haxelib install pixijs


Found any bug? Please create a new issue.



package basics;

import pixi.core.Application;
import pixi.core.textures.Texture;
import pixi.core.sprites.Sprite;
import js.Browser;

class Main extends Application {

	var _bunny:Sprite;
	var _graphic:Graphics;

	public function new() {
		var options:ApplicationOptions = {
			width: Browser.window.innerWidth,
			height: Browser.window.innerHeight,
			backgroundColor: 0x006666,
			transparent: true,
			antialias: false,

		_bunny = new Sprite(Texture.from("assets/basics/bunny.png"));
		_bunny.position.set(400, 300);

		_graphic = new Graphics();
		_graphic.beginFill(0xFF0000, 0.4);
		_graphic.drawRect(200, 150, 400, 300);


	function _animate(e:Float) {
		_bunny.rotation += 0.1;

	static function main() {
		new Main();

Licensing Information

MIT license

This content is released under the MIT License.

Pixi.js is licensed under the MIT License.

Contributor Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct is adapted from Contributor Covenant, version 1.4

pixi-haxe's People


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pixi-haxe's Issues

Full screen problem with IOS on landscape orientation.

I have a problem with Haxe and PixiJs while using the “full screen” (bar are still here, just use all the available web space) view on IOS (tested with safari), when I turn my IPhone to portraits, then back in landscape, the view is no longer centered, but “scrolled down”, which is a problem, as it should be full screen, and force the user, if html accept it to scroll up again.
The bug is visible also on your Bunny Mark demo:



Add compatibility for macros

I'm currently working on creating an automated custom Pixi build system using macros, but the macro gets stuck on anything imported from the js package. If we could change to using typedefs for the js package, and then provide dummy ones if we are in macro land, that should fix the errors.

Tilemap API


I want to create externs for pixi-tilemap (, would it be okay to make a PR to this repo? Seems like the best route instead of trying to create a specific repository just for the haxe externs.


No field for AccessibilityManager

Pixi JS documentation has a field for object.accessibility = true/false. No example of how to use this haxe externs AccessibilityManager, it doesn't seem to work as expected.

My setup, Create renderer, create AccessibilityManager, set objects interactive to true and add some mouse events.

I can see mouse events working but tabbing is not working.

How to create custom filters in Pixi Haxe?

Thanks for this great extern library, I'm using it for first time on a project and works so far very good.

I'm trying to make a custom filter based on but I have no idea how to make it work, is there an example of a Haxe based filter?

  • What values goes into uniforms object?
  • How to make the variables updatable?
import js.html.Float32Array;
import pixi.core.renderers.webgl.filters.Filter;
import temple.utils.types.FloatUtils;
using StringTools;

 * Source:
 * @author Mark Knol
class GlowFilter extends Filter
	public var uniforms = {}; // < what should this be?
	private var quality:Float;
	public var color:Float;
	public var outerStrength:Float;
	public var innerStrength:Float;

	public function new(distance:Int, outerStrength:Int, innerStrength:Int, color:Int, quality:Float) {
				.replace("%QUALITY_DIST%", '' + FloatUtils.roundToPrecision(1 / quality / distance, 7))
				.replace("%DIST%", '' + FloatUtils.roundToPrecision(distance, 7))
		, uniforms);

		this.uniforms.distance = distance;
		this.uniforms.glowColor = new Float32Array([0, 0, 0, 1]);

		quality = Math.pow(quality, 1/3);
		this.quality = quality;

		this.uniforms.distance.value *= quality; //<< what type is distance here?

		this.color = color;
		this.outerStrength = outerStrength;
		this.innerStrength = innerStrength;

class GlowFilterShader
	public static var FRAGMENT = 'varying vec2 vTextureCoord;
		varying vec4 vColor;

		uniform sampler2D uSampler;

		uniform float distance;
		uniform float outerStrength;
		uniform float innerStrength;
		uniform vec4 glowColor;
		uniform vec4 filterArea;
		vec2 px = vec2(1.0 / filterArea.x, 1.0 / filterArea.y);

		void main(void) {
			const float PI = 3.14159265358979323846264;
			vec4 ownColor = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);
			vec4 curColor;
			float totalAlpha = 0.0;
			float maxTotalAlpha = 0.0;
			float cosAngle;
			float sinAngle;
			for (float angle = 0.0; angle <= PI * 2.0; angle += %QUALITY_DIST%) {
			   cosAngle = cos(angle);
			   sinAngle = sin(angle);
			   for (float curDistance = 1.0; curDistance <= %DIST%; curDistance++) {
				   curColor = texture2D(uSampler, vec2(vTextureCoord.x + cosAngle * curDistance * px.x, vTextureCoord.y + sinAngle * curDistance * px.y));
				   totalAlpha += (distance - curDistance) * curColor.a;
				   maxTotalAlpha += (distance - curDistance);
			maxTotalAlpha = max(maxTotalAlpha, 0.0001);

			ownColor.a = max(ownColor.a, 0.0001);
			ownColor.rgb = ownColor.rgb / ownColor.a;
			float outerGlowAlpha = (totalAlpha / maxTotalAlpha)  * outerStrength * (1. - ownColor.a);
			float innerGlowAlpha = ((maxTotalAlpha - totalAlpha) / maxTotalAlpha) * innerStrength * ownColor.a;
			float resultAlpha = (ownColor.a + outerGlowAlpha);
			gl_FragColor = vec4(mix(mix(ownColor.rgb, glowColor.rgb, innerGlowAlpha / ownColor.a), glowColor.rgb, outerGlowAlpha / resultAlpha) * resultAlpha, resultAlpha);

	public static var VERTEX = 'attribute vec2 aVertexPosition;
		this.quality = quality;
		attribute vec2 aTextureCoord;

		uniform mat3 projectionMatrix;
		varying vec2 vTextureCoord;

		void main(void){
			gl_Position = vec4((projectionMatrix * vec3(aVertexPosition, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0);
			vTextureCoord = aTextureCoord;

Application.hx null getter

Hey, thanks for those awesome externs!

In the Application.hx why does the pixelRatio, skipFrame, width, height, transparent, antialias, forceFXAAA, autoResize, backgroundColor have their getter set to null?

EventEmitter & TextStyle in pixi v4 (reported in

In Pixi v3 it was impossible to extends EventEmitter because the resource was loaded at runtime

Unless I'm wrong, EventEmitter code is now include in the pixi.js v4 file.

I have tried to extends EventEmitter in v4 but have this error: Uncaught ReferenceError: EventEmitter is not defined

The haxe extern has no reference to a JS Object so I added :

extern class EventEmitter {

in the externs but it doesnt work either. Have you an idea about the issue ?

Last question about TextStyle:

// generate an error (in FlashDevelop)
var lTxt2:Text = new Text("pixiv4", { fontSize: 100, fontFamily: "MyOtherFont", fill: 0x000000, align: "left" } ); 

// works fine
var lStyle:TextStyleObject = { fontSize: 100, fontFamily: "MyOtherFont", fill: 0x000000, align: "left" };
var lTxt2:Text = new Text("pixiv4", lStyle );

Any other idea ?

Thank you for your help.

different methods Loader.once in Haxe and JS

Hi, method Loader.once('complete', load);
callback for the 'complete' event of the Loader class - load
in js callback load - may have 2 parameters
in haxe callback load - must have only 1 parameter (and this bug , becouse second parametr have all loaded resourse)

Dynamic overload for DisplayObjectContainer::addChild

A few of the methods in DisplayObjectContainer seem to have overloads for Dynamic types such as addChild.

Is there any reason for this or should they be changed to stricter types?
Looking at the history of the file they seem to only be there for backwards compatibility with older versions of haxe-pixi?

ignored params in

var style = {
fontSize:52,// ignored
var text = new Text("some"); = style;

Can't access PIXI.utils.TextureCache from Haxe

Hey, I didn't find a way to use it via Haxe. At the moment I'm using an untyped to access it:

untyped js('for (var name in PIXI.utils.TextureCache)
if (name.indexOf("explosion_") == 0)
out[out.length] = name;');

Overriding width / height

Hi, im wondering how it would be possible to override the width and height in parent classes to implement custom logic, eg:

class Something extends Graphics {
    public override set_width(value:Float):Float {
        // something custom
        return value;

The problem seems to be that width and height are just vars, rather than getters / setters. Ive managed to get around this by commenting out width in the extern and adding:

    public var width(get, set):Float;
    public function get_width():Float {

    public function set_height(value:Float):Float {
        return value;

But obviously this isnt correct as it means i have to edit the externs and also means i have to add the vars to "Text.hx", do you have any advice of how to do this, or are there any plans to make the externs use getters/setters so they can be overriden?



Great work you did on the v3. I'm currently moving my pixiV2 haxe projects to v3. Thanks for the hard work!

No just to know: should I move the the haxe wrappers for pixi-particles outside of pixi-haxe? Or do you intend to move them back here?

v2.x.x branch inconsistent

v2.x.x is inconsistent with our other repos that use v2.x. It may make sense to change it.

Semantically v2.x implies both minor and patch differences where v2.x.x implies a minor and patch version that match eachother :P

RETINA_PREFIX should be moved to PIXI.settings

Hi, got an issue where our game sets RETINA_PREFIX, this no longer exists in v4.2.1 of pixijs, a bunch of vars have been moved from PIXI to PIXI.settings

Though a comment on v4.2.3 release "Fixes PIXI.settings not being respected" seems to suggest this might have been broken anyway on v4.2.1 and/or v4.2.2.

v4.2.1 changes:
"Moved a bunch of constants to PIXI.settings:
PIXI.settings.GC_MODE (moved from PIXI.GC_MODES.DEFAULT)

new BaseTexture(source:String, ..) should be Element

The mapping of the BaseTexture constructor is wrong. source is declared a String but it should be js.html.Element so it can take an Image or a Canvas. Or define 2 overloads, if that's possible.

  * @param source {Image|Canvas} the source object of the texture.
 function new(source:String, ?scaleMode:Int, ?resolution:Float);


Hello, thank you so much for these externs.

Can you please, in a next commit, include the InteractionData::identifier property ? Again, thanks for the great work :)

I've been using this property in pixi v3 for multitouch gameplays, it's really nice it has been included in pixi v4.

OpenFL/Haxeflixel integration?

Hi, Im new to haxe, is it possible to use this together with openFL/haxeflixel. I come from a Flash background and this would be brilliant for cross-platform games

Interacting with EitherType

There are multiple instances of EitherType being used. What would be the ideal method of retrieving the value of a variable that is of EitherType? I am specifically looking at the hitArea of an Interactive Target:

var hitArea: EitherType< Rectangle,

As far as I can tell at the moment, it is impossible? When using haxe.ds.Either, you can at least use a switch with Left and Right, but that doesn't work in this case.

Thank you for your guidance and work on this project.

Pixel perfect collision?

How do we achieve pixel perfect collision? This seems to be a problem with pixijs, but the common workarounds using WebGLExtract seem to not have externs. I'm considering creating a separate canvas element and using it to get pixel data like this, is this recommended?

EDIT: To clarify my situation, I need to get alpha tolerant pixel testing on animations, and building hitArea polygons isn't really feasible in my setup unless they could be done at runtime.

EDIT 2: I've found this work around for now.
var pixel:Array<Float> = untyped __js__('({0}).extract.pixels({1}).slice({2}, {3})', app.renderer, renderTexture, startInd, startInd+4);

EDIT 3: This actually still won't work because you can't clear RenderTextures on canvas without renderer.clearRenderTexture which is seemingly webgl only.

Can pixi js realistically support pixel colour testing? I've take the feature for granted, but it seems the tech might not be there yet or something??


Better to put 4.4.1 in repo, it has some serious fixes.

Retina example doesn't seem to work

I was recently doing some tests with scaling etc and it feels like renderingOptions.resolution doesn't make any difference. At first I was trying to use twice as big image for same resolution but double pixelRatio. First results didn't makes any sense so I moved from device to chrome Dev tools. It wasn't any better after that so I went back to github example.

Here what I'm expecting:
[email protected] is 960x600
[email protected] is 1920x1200
so img 2 is 2 times bigger than img1

If I run it on 960x600 screen with pixelRatio = 1 I should be able to see whole image, just like that, right?

So.... Running on same resolution but with pixelRatio = 2 should load bigger image (twice as big) and I still should see exactly same thing, right? If the answer is YES, then I have some bad news:

So now my question is:
-Is there something wrong with my understanding of this or something is actually not working properly?

Best Regards,

Open AbstractFilter

I am trying to create a custom filter in Haxe.

1 / However, the current wrapper for the AbstractFilter class forces two args:

and uniforms:Dynamic.

If you could make these args optional it would allow for customisation. (ie: do some computation before setting them). in Javascript, it already works like this ( for instance)

2 / the current implementation misses several vars :

passes : Array
shaders : Array ?? (haven't used yet and did not find any code using it..)
uniforms : Dynamic
fragmentSrc : Array

( ref )


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