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no-framework-tutorial's Introduction

Because this tutorial was so well-received, it inspired me to write a book. The book is a much more up to date version of this tutorial and covers a lot more. Click the link below to check it out (there is also a sample chapter available).

The tutorial is still available in it's original form below.

Create a PHP application without a framework


If you are new to the language, this tutorial is not for you. This tutorial is aimed at people who have grasped the basics of PHP and know a little bit about object-oriented programming.

You should have at least heard of SOLID. If you are not familiar with it, now would be a good time to familiarize yourself with the principles before you start with the tutorial.

I saw a lot of people coming into the Stack Overflow PHP chatroom and asking if framework X is any good. Most of the time the answer was that they should just use PHP and not a framework to build their application. But many are overwhelmed by this and don't know where to start.

So my goal with this is to provide an easy resource that people can be pointed to. In most cases a framework does not make sense and writing an application from scratch with the help of some third party packages is much, much easier than some people think.

This tutorial was written for PHP 7.0 or newer versions. If you are using an older version, please upgrade it before you start. I recommend that you use the current stable version.

So let's get started right away with the first part.


  1. Front Controller
  2. Composer
  3. Error Handler
  4. HTTP
  5. Router
  6. Dispatching to a Class
  7. Inversion of Control
  8. Dependency Injector
  9. Templating
  10. Dynamic Pages
  11. Page Menu
  12. Frontend

no-framework-tutorial's People


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no-framework-tutorial's Issues

Namespace problem in part 7

Argument 1 passed to Example\Controllers\Homepage::__construct() must be an instance of Example\Controllers\Response, instance of Http\HttpResponse given

I don't how to fix this.

Fixed by changing Homepage controller constructor to

public function __construct(\Http\HttpResponse $response)

Should I not have needed to do this?

Nevermind. I missed the USE statement in the example code.

Couldn't get Step 06 to work

Struggled with Part 6 for a while because it kept telling the class Example\Controllers\Homepage could not be found. Took me about two hours to figure out I needed to run composer update.

This is not immediately obvious and should be mentioned in the tutorial.

Twig Internationalization

Hi @PatrickLouys Thanks for this tutorial, I am able to create a simple web-app. But with the traffic comes from other non-english speaking user.Can you post a simple tutorial n how to integrate Twig with I8n. Thanks!

Will you continue on your tut?

Hi Patrick,

I enjoyed your tutorial very much and was looking forward to find out more. Seems like you stopped working on it, right? We have Autumn/Winter 2017 now and the last words were from "cold days 2016".
I know there are more important things in life but I'd like to know if sth will ever be continued.

Dependency injector page

This has been bugging me:

$injector = new \Auryn\Injector;

$injector->alias('Http\Response', 'Http\HttpResponse');
$injector->define('Http\HttpRequest', [
    ':get' => $_GET,
    ':post' => $_POST,
    ':cookies' => $_COOKIE,
    ':files' => $_FILES,
    ':server' => $_SERVER,

$injector->alias('Http\Request', 'Http\HttpRequest');

return $injector;





be switched? If not, can you explain why that order? Thanks.

How i can use database?

Hi Steve how i can using known about my question is that how i can view database record and which packages use for that please share me about that i fellow your tutorial every things work fine .now i m connect to database and fetch the record from database so where i use database class and how i can do that please please

hard to apply changes in code from part 05


I am followin this tutorial but have problem startin with part 05&06.

Aftre applying changes decribed in 05 part into ./src/Bootstrap.php I always get 404 message, so I am quite confused how exactly should ./src/Bootstrap.php look like.
Can you please make this chapter 05 and 06 more clear?

404 - Page not found

I'm working on the router and despite lot's of troubleshooting efforts I can't get the Dispatcher to find the route.

If I do a var_dump on $dispatcher I get the following which I think is ok:
object(FastRoute\Dispatcher\GroupCountBased)#12 (2) { ["staticRouteMap":protected]=> array(1) { ["GET"]=> array(1) { ["/"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(32) "NOFRAMEWORK\Controllers\Homepage" [1]=> string(4) "show" } } } ["variableRouteData":protected]=> array(0) { } } array(1) { [0]=> int(0) }

I believe it has to do with this line, I'm not sure it's being passed what it's expecting.
$routeInfo = $dispatcher->dispatch($request->getMethod(), $request->getPath());
$request->getMethod() returns GET
$request->getPath() returns /public/

Do those values seem correct?

I am obviously learning here, and appreciate any help.
Thank You

Chapter 10-dynamic-pages, can't get InvalidPageException

I am trying to go through 10-dynamic-pages but can't seem to get the InvalidPageException to work. properly. When going to the localhost:8000/public it seems to show me the page properly like so


but when going to a certain page that doesn't exist in my project like localhost:8000/pages/ it seems to not be showing the InvalidPageException


I have updated my code on github/lowheartrate/heartfx with my project if you need to look it over for anything wrong with the code but can't seem to figure out why its not showing the InvalidPageException myself ๐Ÿ˜ž

Class 'Auryn\Provider' not found

When I;m done with chapter '08-dependency-injector'. I got this error.
Class 'Auryn\Provider' not found

What can I do to resolve this problem? I followed exactly the tutorial here.


mocking the database layer

Thanks for the great information. It seems PHP has matured a bit! I've been following your tutorial and implemented the parts I felt I needed. I also mocked a database and I wanted to share that info. I'm open to criticism.

In bootstrap.php:
//$db = $injector->make('\Main\Database'); //uncomment to use RDBMS
$db = $injector->make('\Mock\Database');

In my controller:
use \Main\Database; //uncomment to use RDBMS
use \Mock\Database;

I then pass the $db object to my routes and $controllers. Done!

Here is the mock class as well:

namespace Mock;

class Database {

    private $dbname;
    private $dbhost;
    private $user;
    private $password;

    public function __construct() {


    public function query() {


    public function getUsers() {

        function mustachify($user) { return array('name' => $user); }
        $users = [mustachify('@funkytaco'),mustachify('@PatrickLouys'),mustachify('@Rican7')];
        return $users;


I'm not too sure I like the name Database for the class, but it works for now. Also, I'm thinking it should probably be a wrapper like your Renderer class.

Error Handler - woops vs whoops

So when following a tutorial I tend to write the code over instead of copy pasting. However I got a bit confused in the naming of the variables. I suggest to rename $woops to $whoops for the sake of consistency.


revisit the "routing" and "dynamic pages" chapters and then do a chapter on DB handling

Twig version 1.42-dev

Thank you for the tutorial Patrick,

Working through part: 11-page-menu of the tutorial Twig throws an exception (see below), I'm sure I did everything right; IMHO 'as a student of PHP' this is a result of changes long after you published this and an update to the content might be required. I'll let you be the judge of that.

LogicException: You must set a loader first.
at Line 819 in /var/www/vendor/twig/twig/src/Environment.php

My composer.json uses
"twig/twig": "~1.0"
which installed version "1.42-dev"

I found twigphp/Twig#2907 that helped me to get it working by:

Changing Dependencies.php for Twig
$injector->delegate('Twig_Environment', function () use ($injector) {
$injector->delegate('\Twig\Environment', function () use ($injector) {

and changing the constructor in TwigRenderer.php
public function __construct(Twig_Environment $renderer)
public function __construct(\Twig\Environment $renderer)

Thanks again for the great tutorial!

Login chapters


It'd be pretty good to have a "Login" chapter.

A simple login form (I'm thinking that introducing assets management is a thing too, but for another issue) that lets a user login. Also, a register form. And a logout link.

A database chapter and a session chapter need to be introduced before though.

The backend of the login would simply be a table and using password_hash/password_verify.

After that, the backend of the login could be switched to OAuth. This way, you show the "replace implementations", through an Authenticator interface.


Chapter 09 - Variable name mismatch

Hi there!
In chapter 09 last proposed change in Homepage controller is

Now you can go back to your Homepage controller and change the render line to $content = $this->renderer->render('Homepage', $data);

and next line we have reference to antoher variable


Should be:

$html =$this->renderer->render('Homepage', $data);`

Anyway great tutorial, vote for an ORM/DBAL to be explained as well.

Creating a Base Controller and extend it - but how to deal with lots of constructor parameters?


Thanks for the tutorial. It is very helpful.

I've been trying to add more feeature like config, validation, log, repositories etc. and want to inject them to controllers via interfaces.

I created an abstract base controller and concrete controllers by extending it. But constructor parameters are growing. If I extend the base class and want to add more dependencies, I would need get same parameters again and call parent::__constructor. Is it reasonable? Is there a better way?

Best Regards

Additional parts

"Education is the key here. You want to show your readers the whys of how a framework operates. Demonstrate areas of responsibility - accepting input, figuring out how to handle the request, validating input in the context of the request, handling the request, operating request-specific business logic, gathering of data as a result of the logic, then presenting the data to the user." - Charles

Templating question

If I switched to a different templating system it might have a completely different templating syntax language. So having the change instances of the word "mustache" to something else in a few places in the code would be the smaller part of the amount of work involved in switching templating systems.

Why do you have such a strong opinion on dependency injection vs service locators with only 1 reference link, which supports your view; but have no opinion on templating systems and offer fair billing to both sides by provide 2 good links?

You should be fair and give links to both sides of the argument for DI


Composer PHP Error

I was checking this part from the gitpage from patrick:โ€ฆ
But my composer won't run: "php": ">=5.5.0"
that part

Other dependency injectors

First of all, let me say I really like Auryn since you made me discover it.

But, I've been learning these past months about DI and containers and all that stuff, and I don't really think that other DI containers fall in the service locator antipattern, as pointed out here.

So, as far as I understand, getting the constructor arguments from the container is not a bad practice. The antipattern would be passing the container as a constructor argument, and using it inside the class.

Am I mistaken, or there is something I still don't understand?


Add notice

Add a notice to each chapter that this is not the code in it's final form.


How add route rest and redirect async data via ajax in the part of router ?


Hi there!
First, there is no new issue here, more like request for improving this guide!
Now, I respect all contributors here and I would like to extend/use this guide with illuminate/database. Since I need some help here with this, how to properly glue it to existing code?


Help me with part 10 (Dynamic Pages)

First of all, thank you very much for this tutorial, it's great!
I'm stuck at Part 10, I've added the router for the slug
['GET', '/{slug}', ['Example\Controllers\Page', 'show']]
and I've added the var_dump($params); on the Page.php file.
But when I try to access http://localhost:8000/test but every time I get the Not Found apache error.
What should I do?

Thank you!

Improve step 4 instructions

Step 4 should say "add the following code before the foreach loop that sends headers" (or similar) instead of
add the following code between the code snippets from above:

Could i translate to Turkish?

I saw someone asked for Chinese but because of i haven't seen licence file i want to ask again. Can i translate to Turkish language? And i really suggest putting licence file or information, so if someone want to use your tutorial, he can understand what he can do with it or don't.

Switching from Mustache Renderer to Twig Renderer

I have been stuck on this one for a while. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do this I am at the step where you would switch the renderer alias from Mustache_Engine to Twig. here is my code

 * Mustache Renderer
/*$injector->alias('Todo\Template\Renderer', 'Todo\Template\MustacheRenderer');
$injector->define('Mustache_Engine', [
    ':options' => [
        'loader' => new Mustache_Loader_FilesystemLoader(dirname(__DIR__) . '/templates', [
            'extension' => '.html',

 * Twig Environment
$injector->alias('Todo\Template\Renderer', 'Todo\Template\TwigRenderer');
$injector->delegate('Twig_Environment', function () use ($injector) {
    $loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem(dirname(__DIR__) . '/templates');
    return new Twig_Environment($loader);

But All I get is the following error

You must set a loader first.

artofphp book?

Noticed your domain is going nowhere and showing a blank page. Wondered how progress is going with your book? Sounds like a very interesting premise!

.htaccess File for Apache Users

You've missed out the need to use an .htaccess file for Apache users for the Front Controller pattern. The one which works for me is:

Options -MultiViews
RewriteEngine On

# Redirect Trailing Slashes...
RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ /$1 [L,R=301]

# Handle Front Controller...
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]

router example throws exception

Running current code for Router section results in following error:
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent

It is caused by echo statements in route resolvers and can be fixed if resolvers return content instead.

As it is, one cannot finish this section without an exception page. Is this behavior intentional?

Part 11 Object to string issue (menu)

Hi there,

On part 11 after creating the FrontendRenderer and the FrontendTwigRenderer, I ran the server and the error message of "Object of class Example\Template\FrontendTwigRenderer could not be converted to string" is showing. I also changed the references from Renderer to FrontendRenderer in the controllers and removed menu items from the Homepage controller. Do you know what may be happening? If you need any screenshots from my code, please let me know

Thank you for your help.

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