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kcsd-python's Issues


kCSD/kcsd/ FutureWarning: arrays to stack must be passed as a "sequence" type such as list or tuple. Support for non-sequence iterables such as generators is deprecated as of NumPy 1.16 and will raise an error in the future.
  unique_elec_pos = np.vstack({tuple(row) for row in elec_pos})

numpy: 1.16.2
python: 3.7.2

Pickles for forward model

See branch

def load_precomputed(dist_table_filename):

This branch contains forward models pre-computed and saved as pickles on the fly in the home folder, for future use. This would work in python3, and not in python2, where I save the interpolated function as a pickle and resurrect it on each subsequent call. This would fail at when changing parameters of MoI kcsd method, as it has not been implemented in include the exception of sigma_tissue, sigma_saline and number of moi iterations.

If this enhancement is warranted is an open question. I notice an improvement of 6-8 seconds in 30 second simulation runs when using crossvalidation. Perhaps with L-curve we can do better. Systematic quantification of this improvement is necessary before merger of this enhancement (if it is).

A possible fix for python2 is to store the numpy arrays instead and then perform the interpolation on the fly. I noticed that this is not as efficient. So perhaps, skip this optimization for python2.

Suspicious use of `super()`

I think

super(KCSD1D, self).__init__(ele_pos, pots, **kwargs)

should be:

    super(sKCSD, self).__init__(ele_pos, pots, **kwargs)

Right now it is skipping call to KCSD1D.__init__() which I doubt to be the intended behaviour.
Although it is mostly harmless due to the current implementation of KCSD1D class, it may result in surprising errors in case the implementation changes.

post merger issues related to sKCSD

Start from master now (tagged as version 1.2), create a branch that fixes all these issues and PR back, please. please comment below if you find any of these suggested changes redundant for the sake of documentation.

  1. Rename
  2. Is this ( a duplicate of
  3. file belongs elsewhere?
  4. from .sKCSD import sKCSD, sKCSDcell
    is sKCSDCell used somewhere other than within the class itself - what is the difference between the sKCSD and sKCSDCell classes?
  5. obj = Data("Data/gang_7x7_200") would fail, please use kcsd.sample_data_path instead.
  6. please change this function name
    def plot(ax_i, what, **kwargs):
  7. Need atleast 1 line of docstring in these functions and
  8. sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
    why do this?


utility_functions import kcsd imports kcsd
kcsd imports utility_functions

This creates an error when importing uninstalled code, and is a bad practice as far as I am aware.


Fix the text - new section for tutorial, skcsd paper citation is wrong.


As pointed by Asia, the figures do not have the units

Binder fails to launch

Could not solve for environment specs
The following packages are incompatible
├─ libgcc-ng ==11.2.0 h1234567_1 is requested and can be installed;
└─ libsqlite is not installable because it requires
└─ libgcc-ng >=12 , which conflicts with any installable versions previously reported.
time: 47.690
Removing intermediate container 0a2f091d0a1f
The command '/bin/sh -c TIMEFORMAT='time: %3R' bash -c 'time ${MAMBA_EXE} env update -p ${NB_PYTHON_PREFIX} --file "binder/environment.yml" && time ${MAMBA_EXE} clean --all -f -y && ${MAMBA_EXE} list -p ${NB_PYTHON_PREFIX} '' returned a non-zero code: 1

Do not use matrix inversion

Matrix inversion is considered numerically harmful, but KCSD.values() uses it.

I have cooked a ground truth CSD which demonstrates the issue (code below).




The pictures has been generated with the following code:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from kcsd import KCSD2D, utility_functions, csd_profile
from scipy import integrate, linalg
import as cm

def make_plot(xx, yy, zz, title, cmap=cm.bwr):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7))
    ax = plt.subplot(111)
    t_max = np.max(np.abs(zz))
    levels = np.linspace(-1 * t_max, t_max, 32)
    im = ax.contourf(xx, yy, zz, levels=levels, cmap=cmap)
    ax.set_xlabel('X (mm)')
    ax.set_ylabel('Y (mm)')
    ticks = np.linspace(-1 * t_max, t_max, 3, endpoint=True)
    plt.colorbar(im, orientation='horizontal', format='%.2g', ticks=ticks)
    return ax

def integrate_2d(csd_at, true_csd, ele_pos, h, csd_lims):
    csd_x, csd_y = csd_at
    xlin = csd_lims[0]
    ylin = csd_lims[1]
    Ny = ylin.shape[0]
    m = np.sqrt((ele_pos[0] - csd_x)**2 + (ele_pos[1] - csd_y)**2)
    m[m < 0.0000001] = 0.0000001
    y = np.arcsinh(2 * h / m) * true_csd
    integral_1D = np.zeros(Ny)
    for i in range(Ny):
        integral_1D[i] = integrate.simps(y[:, i], ylin)

    integral = integrate.simps(integral_1D, xlin)
    return integral

def forward_method(ele_pos, csd_at, true_csd):
    pots = np.zeros(ele_pos.shape[0])
    xlin = csd_at[0, :, 0]
    ylin = csd_at[1, 0, :]
    h = 50. # distance between the electrode plane and the CSD plane
    conductivity = 1.0 # S/m
    for ii in range(ele_pos.shape[0]):
        pots[ii] = integrate_2d(csd_at, true_csd,
        [ele_pos[ii][0], ele_pos[ii][1]], h,
        [xlin, ylin])
    return pots / (2 * np.pi * conductivity)

xmin = 0.0
xmax = 1.0
ymin = 0.0
ymax = 1.0
n_src_init = 1000
R_init = 1.
ext_x = 0.0
ext_y = 0.0
h = 50. # distance between the electrode plane and the CSD plane
conductivity = 1.0 # S/m

def do_kcsd(ele_pos, pots):
    pots = pots.reshape((len(ele_pos), 1)) # first time point
    return KCSD2D(ele_pos, pots, h=h, sigma=conductivity,
                  xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax,
                  ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax,

csd_at = np.mgrid[0.:1.:100j,
csd_x, csd_y = csd_at
csd_pos = np.vstack((csd_x.flatten(), csd_y.flatten())).T

est_to_ele = slice(35, 65, 3)
ele_x, ele_y = csd_at[:, est_to_ele, est_to_ele]
ele_pos = np.vstack((ele_x.flatten(), ele_y.flatten())).T

k = do_kcsd(ele_pos, np.zeros(ele_pos.shape[0]))
kernel = k.k_pot
ck = k.k_interp_cross
true_csd = k.process_estimate(,, linalg.svd(, kernel))[2][0].reshape((-1, 1)))))[:, :, 0]

pots = forward_method(ele_pos, csd_at, true_csd)
true_pots = pots.reshape(ele_x.shape)

k = do_kcsd(ele_pos, pots)
est_csd = k.values('CSD')
kcsd_pot = k.values('POT')

make_plot(csd_x, csd_y, true_csd, 'True CSD')
make_plot(ele_x, ele_y, true_pots, 'True POT', cmap=cm.PRGn)

make_plot(csd_x, csd_y, est_csd[:,:,0], 'kCSD CSD')
make_plot(ele_x, ele_y, kcsd_pot[est_to_ele, est_to_ele, 0], 'kCSD POT', cmap=cm.PRGn)

make_plot(csd_x, csd_y, true_csd - est_csd[:,:,0], 'True - kCSD CSD')
make_plot(ele_x, ele_y, true_pots - kcsd_pot[est_to_ele, est_to_ele, 0], 'True - kCSD POT', cmap=cm.PRGn)


Tutorials on binders don't seem to be working at the moment. verify and tag.


from kcsd import generate as utils

This is old API, need to be updated with an equivalent one to the one in the advanced tutorial

val = config.ValidateKCSD(dim=int(dim_select.value[0]))

Processes being used without being assigned

When calling , for example python kCSD-python/figures/kcsd_properties/, why are there multiple processes being called open. Where is this coming from?

try htop when running this file. Why are there multiple nodes opening up? This should not happen.

Fix figures

  • figures/kCSD_properties/ - throws error: NameError: name 'noise_lvl' is not defined. I think function make_plot_perf (line 23 from should be rewritten and take 'noise_lvl' as an argument to solve the issue;
    line 121: polish name is used

  • figures/kCSD_properties/ - it throws error: NameError: name 'df' is not defined. Uncomment lines 103 and 106 and change name from 'data_fig4_and_fig13_lc_noise25.0.npz' to 'data_fig4_and_fig13_LC_noise25.0.npz' in line 106;
    line 108: polish name is used

FutureWarning for line 189 in utility_functions

check_for_duplicated_electrodes function from kcsd/ gives a FutureWarning:
arrays to stack must be passed as a "sequence" type such as list or tuple. Support for non-sequence iterables such as generators is deprecated as of NumPy 1.16 and will raise an error in the future.
unique_elec_pos = np.vstack({tuple(row) for row in elec_pos})

minor l-curve comments

  1. estimate='CSD'is a parameter of L_curve, it is not used anywhere.
  2. L_curve does not return anything despite the statement in the docstrings.
  3. decimal=3 in prints, skcsd uses source widths of the order of tens of microns.
  4. Rs is converted to an array, lambdas isn't, it would be quite useful, if it was.

charmap codec cant decode

As reported by a Christoph H via email

When running pip install . in windows (untested in other OS) this error shows up.

File '', line 12, in readme
'charmap codec can't decode byte 0x81 in position 154 ...'

This is already at the level

Suggested fix, to add a line at the very beginning of

# -- coding: utf-8 --

Publish to PyPI?

Any chance that the 2.0 release could be published to PyPI? I have a package foo that depends on kcsd, but I cannot upload foo to PyPI, because PyPI will not accept git URL dependencies. Of course I could fork and publish myself, but I maybe a project author would prefer to? Thanks -Graham

Code coverage

we need to improve the code coverage of the tests.

sKCSD related

Pertains to ipynb_tests branch

  1. Whats the difference between kCSD-python/data/ball_and_stick_8 and kCSD/tutorials/Data/ball_and_stick_8 ? All data now moved to kCSD-python/data/* so use this accordingly. [Same for gang_7x7_200] - urgent.

  2. Why kCSD-python/kcsd/ and kCSD-python/kcsd/ - I am merging these into one single file.

  3. kcsd/ . See if this can me moved / added into the kcsd/validation/ part of the code. Please avoid plotting functions here. @m-kowalska perhaps you can look into this?

  4. All figures now moved to kCSD-python/figures/sKCSD_paper, tutorials folder reserved for ipython notebooks. If you'd like to write a tutorial that'd be great. Like wise all the figures for the current paper would in this folder. - Also would be useful to generate these said figures and include them here as png - low priority. Add a short readme pointing to the doi of the skcsd paper

  5. kCSD-python/figures/sKCSD/ - is a poor choice for a file name.

  6. pep8 convention is missing. Please fix.

  7. In the class definition of inherits KCSD1D but the documentation reads differently. Which is it? There also seems to be some functions from the original class re-written here - is there some reason for this (for example def forward_model).

  8. Remove all sys.path.append for importing kcsd. It is now a package. Use, import kcsd or from kcsd import KCSD1D etc.

More later.
@asiaszmek @danek8317

y axis label alignment

ax.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=((0,0)))

I think that the magnitudes should be shown as here, as an inset plot - as most of this is otherwise an empty, which does not contain much information. Figure B, previously is now Figure A, inset instead. Open to criticism.

Can you look into the alignment of the y axis labels, plus the titles compatible with 3.5 python version f'string' doesn't work in 3.5.


Missing download sources

You will need to run first or download files from here:

You will need to run first or download files from here:

You will need to run first or download files from here:

Figure L curves


  1. Remove splines on top and right for all the figures
  2. Remove box around the legend - it legend should be below the figures, without a bounding box.
  3. Follow the and use gridspec as in - consistency in font size and font styles across all figures in the paper.
  4. Recommend rearranging so that Topleft is potentials, bottom left is truecsd/ kCSD, top right is L curve bottom right is CV.
  5. Increase the gap between the rows of the figure
  6. Align the y-axis labels
  7. Increase the resolution to 300 dpi


  1. Use figure properties and gridspec as above
  2. Remove splines top and right for both subplots. Top subplot has a shared x-axis with the bottom - consider something like where only the last row has the necessary x-axis units and labels.
  3. Legend must be below the figures, without a bounding box.
  4. Align the y axis labels.


  1. Why does the cbar here have both positive and negative values when the countour has only positive values? Move the cbar below, like in the error map figures.
  2. For this subplot 1 and 2 - combine these into one figure - use gridspect and figure properties for the font size and font styles.


  1. Move cbar below the figure.
  2. The red-ellipse is not as apparent.

`gdx`, `gdy`, `gdz` are not exactly "space increments in estimation space"

According to:


Lines 473 to 474 in 2ce755a

nx = (self.xmax - self.xmin)/self.gdx
self.estm_x = np.mgrid[self.xmin:self.xmax:np.complex(0, nx)]


Lines 637 to 640 in 2ce755a

nx = (self.xmax - self.xmin)/self.gdx
ny = (self.ymax - self.ymin)/self.gdy
self.estm_pos = np.mgrid[self.xmin:self.xmax:np.complex(0, nx),
self.ymin:self.ymax:np.complex(0, ny)]


Lines 929 to 935 in 2ce755a

nx = (self.xmax - self.xmin)/self.gdx
ny = (self.ymax - self.ymin)/self.gdy
nz = (self.zmax - self.zmin)/self.gdz
self.estm_pos = np.mgrid[self.xmin:self.xmax:np.complex(0, nx),
self.ymin:self.ymax:np.complex(0, ny),
self.zmin:self.zmax:np.complex(0, nz)]

the actual increments are (xmax - xmin) / (nx - 1) and so.

subplots in figures/npx/ are for different time points

In make_column_plot function:
1st, 2nd and 4th subplots show all of the currents
3rd - potentials, show potentials in moment defined by the variable time_pt_interest - that is 3000, in the middle of 6000 long signal.

ax1 = plt.subplot(241, aspect='equal')
plot_all_currents(ax1, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, all_x, all_y, all_z, all_val, letter='A')

ax2 = plt.subplot(242, aspect='equal')
plot_csd_slice(ax2, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, all_x, all_y, all_z, all_val, letter='B')

ax3 = plt.subplot(243, aspect='equal')
plot_dense_potentials(ax3, h, pop_names, time_pts, time_pt_interest,
letter='C', filt=False)

ax4 = plt.subplot(244, aspect='equal')
xx, yy = np.mgrid[xmin:xmax:np.complex(0, true_csd.shape[0]),
ymin:ymax:np.complex(0, true_csd.shape[1])]
plot_csd_smooth(ax4, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, true_csd[:, :],
xx, yy, letter='D')

Later, in the same function:

plot_csd_smooth(ax_list1[i], xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, kcsd[:, :, 750], x, y,
letter=letter_list1[i], ele_pos=ele_pos)

The kcsd is plotted in time point of 750.

Issues with ValidateKCSD

  1. Inconsistent documentation of the class 'nr_basis' for instance. 'mask', 'kcsd_xlims', is not mentioned. 'ele_xlims' is in the documentation but not in the kwargs pops / also only self.ele_lims seems to be used.
  2. Why are the remaining parameters passed in the make_reconstruction function as opposed to the original function - what is the justification this separation?
  3. Whats with the csd_seed being passed in make_reconstruction and also in the class init for ValidateKCSD1D, 2D, 3D etc? Please consider writing them as separate functions if you want to update them. Like def update_csd_seed(): , def update_ele_lims()., csd_profile is another. It is confusing to pass these values twice.
  4. consider changing the name of function 'recon' - its similar to make_reconstruction - and both call the KCSD classes in the end.

This class needs more code review.

`builtsin` import renders package unsuitable for Python 2

I think the following imports are unnecessary:

from builtins import int, range

from builtins import super

from builtins import range

According to, the builtins module:

can be useful in modules that provide objects with the same name as a built-in value, but in which the built-in of that name is also needed

which seems not to be the case.

extensive testing / code review

Hello all,

Please install the latest version and raise issues regarding any code quality/bugs and anything you find about this package.

see where the documentation could be better etc.

Any comments on the tutorials would also help. Perhaps get some naive users to try?

I'll leave this for Marta to coordinate.

Reliability and error maps.

All through use 300 dpi resolution


  1. Please upload the scripts to generate these figures
  2. Use gridspec and move the cbar to occupy the whole two rows.
  3. Use figure_properties and for using consistent font size and font styles.
  4. The 'x labels' 'depth' can be omitted for the first row
  5. The subplot labels 'A', 'B' etc must be figure labels and not inside the title itself.

Side question - are these same as the error calculation plots in the tutorial? If so we should use consistent cmap.

1 )The numbers here on the contours are not visible at all - either remove them or use a different color - like blue.
2) The cbar needs units
3) Can you try transparency instead of overlay of two different contours?


  1. Use figure properties for the font size and font consistency
  2. D you can reduce the cbar range so that the darks are more visible. You can use colorbar's extend parameter (


Can we get the documentation to be autogenerated like in numpy?

see numpy-docs package that we include.

numba jit speed increase

If we add numba as a requirement instead of skmonaco, we can then then deploy with just-in-time compiler
Adding this line above all functions in and before forward_method() and int_pot1d() / 2d() / 3d() in


already improves the performance drastically, I am able to knock off ~7 secs from a 30 sec tests.

Code vectorization


Lines 219 to 220 in 2ce755a

for i in range(self.n_ele):
estimation[:, t] += estimation_table[:, i]*beta[i] # C*(x) Eq 18

is IMHO mathematically equivalent with:

estimation[:, t] =, beta)

which should be faster.

However, the obtained results may differ due to numerical issues.

input potential vector with a size of (9,1) produces an estimated CSD vector of size (100,1)

I am trying to use the KCSD package on some toy data. I used the code below and for a LFP vector size of (9,1), an estimated CSD size of (100,1) was given as an output. Why is that? Should nt they be of the same size?

from kcsd import KCSD1D
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

elec_pos = np.array([[-0.5], [0], [1], [1.5], [3.5], [4.1], [5.0], [7.0], [8.0]])

pots = np.array([[-0.1], [0.3], [-0.4], [0.2], [0.8], [0.5], [0.2], [0.5], [0.6]])

def do_kcsd(elec_pos, pots):
h = 1.
sigma = 1.0
pots = pots.reshape((len(elec_pos), 1)) # first time point
k = KCSD1D(elec_pos, pots,h=h, sigma=sigma,
xmin=0.0, xmax=1.0, src_type='gauss', R_init=1.)
return k

k = do_kcsd(elec_pos, pots)
est_csd = k.values('CSD')
est_pot = k.values('POT')

Misleading (outdated) docstrings

I think the docstrings should be inspected and updated.

For example docstring for KCSD.create_lookup() suggests it has a parameter dist_table_density (it has not; it is provided as attribute):


Lines 131 to 141 in 2ce755a

def create_lookup(self):
"""Creates a table for easy potential estimation from CSD.
Updates and Returns the potentials due to a
given basis source like a lookup
table whose shape=(dist_table_density,)
dist_table_density : int
number of distance points at which potentials are computed.
Default 100

It also claims dist_table_density defaults to 100 while in the constructor it defaults to 20:
self.dist_table_density = kwargs.pop('dist_table_density', 20)

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