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mouseberry's Introduction

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Mouseberry is a hackable, Python-based rodent behavior controller designed around the Raspberry Pi and operating at a moderate-to-high level of abstraction.

It provides a full scheduler and threading for stochastic behavioral events, background (threaded) acquisition of measurements, background PiCam video streaming to a monitor, and automated data storage in the HDF5 format.

With mouseberry, Events are first defined based on a set of steps which occur when they are triggered. Then, TrialTypes are constructed as a collection of events. Finally, the Experiment is built as a collection of TrialTypes (each with some characteristic occurrence probability), background Measurements, and a background Video stream. The core routines of Mouseberry then procedurally construct and run trials based on dynamic scheduling and threading of events that are occurring in those trials. There is full logging and console output, and all relevant parameters of each event, even user-defined paremeters, are auto-magically stored in an .hdf5 file.

These successive layers of abstraction make it easier to write and edit complex behavioral tasks. Since the storage of Measurement and Event attributes (eg logged start time and any attributes created on-the-fly) is fully automated and baked into the hdf5 data storage routines, events can be added, subtracted and altered with pure abandon.

Finally, the package is fully compatible with running the Raspberry Pi in headless mode through SSH. Console outputs can be viewed on the controlling computer, and the video stream natively displays on an attached monitor. This conveniently allows one master computer to control many Raspberry Pi's, each running their own behavior task.


Mouseberry requires a Python3 installation.

Basic installation:

git clone
cd mouseberry
python3 install

Additional system dependencies:

  • A system installation of the UNIX binary sox is required to play tones.
    • MacOS: brew install sox
    • Linux: sudo apt-get install sox

Getting started

The basics

Let's start by importing the package. We will set up a simple experiment consisting of one trialtype with one tone event that occurs. This is the most basic setup for creating and running a behavior experiment.

import mouseberry as mb

tone = mb.Tone(name='tone_low', t_start=1, t_dur=5, freq=2000)
trial = mb.TrialType(name='trial_low', p=1, events=[tone])

exp = mb.Experiment(n_trials=10, iti=2)

Note that for mb.TrialType, p refers to the probability of a trialtype occurring. It's useful if an experiment consists of multiple trialtypes.

Next, we will set up a more complex experiment with two trialtypes. We will additionally initialize a measurement object which polls from a lickometer, and a video object which acquires from a PiCam and routes the feed to a monitor attached to the RPi.

licks = mb.Lickometer(name='lickometer', pin=5, sampling_rate=200)
vid = mb.Video(framerate=30)

tone_low = mb.Tone(name='tone_low', t_start=1, t_dur=5, freq=2000)
tone_high = mb.Tone(name='tone_high', t_start=1, t_dur=5, freq=10000)

trial_low = mb.TrialType(name='trial_low', p=0.5, events=[tone_low])
trial_high = mb.TrialType(name='trial_high', p=0.5, events=[tone_high])

exp = mb.Experiment(n_trials=10, iti=2), trial_high, licks, vid)

That's the extent of code needed to run this experiment, acquire a measurement in the background, stream a video, and save all relevant trial parameters to an .hdf5 file! By default, the console prints basic statistics about the current trialtype and event onsets/offsets.

What is going on in the background? takes as input any trials, measurements or videos associated with the experiment. The Experiment class then procedurally generates a valid experimental plan and runs it, dynamically scheduling and triggering events as needed. Meanwhile, all measurements, data storage and video streaming are organized in the background in an automated manner. This can remove much of the tedium needed to organize a behavioral experiment, and allows rapid modification of the task.

How is the data stored? Data is stored as an .hdf5 file in the data folder. The filename depends on both the input given at the start of the experiment (Mouse ID) and on the timestamp of when the experiment was started.

What data is included in the .hdf5 file? See the section entitled Stored HDF5 data format for more information. By default, basic information about the Experiment and about each Trial (eg which TrialType, start times and end times, etc.) are stored. Additionally, a unique feature of the package is that for any Events specified, all attributes, from user-defined ones to temporary trial-specific variables, are auto-magically converted to strings and intelligently stored in the .hdf5 file. This automatic storage can make it much easier to add and subtract Events, or create new custom Event classes, without having to deal with the low-level data storage routines.

Note that weak-internal-use attributes (e.g. starting with a single underscore, _) in any Event class instance are, by default, not included in the .hdf5 file.

Where are the logs? All logs are both printed to the console (STDOUT) and are stored in the log folder with a filename matching that in the data folder.

What are class instance names used for? Events, as well as other base classes, require a name. Names help provide an intelligible format for the dataset and groups in the hdf5 file.

Built-in event types

Other event types are built-in to mouseberry. Full docstrings are available via the help command.


Rewards can be delivered via two built-in Event classes:

  • mb.RewardSolenoid(name, pin, rate, volume, t_start):
    • Delivers liquid rewards through a solenoid connected to a single GPIO pin.
    • The rate of water flow, and the total volume desired, are both specified. A total opening time is then calculated.
  • mb.RewardSteppername, pin_motor_off, pin_step, pin_dir, pin_not_at_lim, rate, volume, t_start):
    • Delivers liquid reward through a stepper motor with four associated GPIO pins.
    • Reward direction is tuneable, and there is a limit input pin.

GPIO stimuli

A generic GPIO stimulus can be activated:

  • mb.GenericStim(name, pin, duration, t_start):
    • The GPIO pin is triggered for a set amount of time.


  • mb.Tone(name, t_start, t_dur, freq, db=-10) :
    • Plays a pure tone at a given frequency. Uses the sox command.


  • mb.Looming(name, t_start, pi_hostname, pi_username, pi_password, pi_port, file_looming):
    • Initializes an SSH connection through paramiko to a second networked Raspberry Pi, and sends a command to run a video at a particular location specified by file_looming. (Used to display videos for the animal.)

Built-in measurement types

Continuous polling from GPIO:

  • mb.Lickometer(name, pin, sampling_rate) :
    • Polls from a digital GPIO pin at the given sampling rate.

Notes on acquiring measurements

More than one measurement can be acquired at the same time. All measurements are fully thread-safe and are acquired in the background while events are being sequentially triggered. Sampling rates < 1000Hz are advisable.

Video streaming

Video streaming takes place by initializing the object mb.Video() and passing it as an argument to the method.

By default, videos are streamed to the display attached to the Raspberry Pi. However, it is also possible to save videos corresponding to each trial.

vid = mb.Video(record=True)

The corresponding videos are saved under the folder vids.

Advanced usage

Defining stochastic event start times

A common scenario is to have events which have stochastic onset times, perhaps with upper and lower bounds for these times. This is accomodated by the TimeDist class, which allows complete control over a distribution of times from which to draw from, using the scipy.stats library.

import mouseberry as mb
import scipy.stats

t_tone_high = mb.TimeDist(t_dist=scipy.stats.norm,
	t_args={'loc': 4, 'scale': 2}),
	t_min=2, t_max=10)
tone_high = mb.Tone(name='tone_high', t_start=t_tone, t_dur=1, freq=10000)
trial = mb.TrialType(name='trial', p=1, events=[tone_high])
exp = mb.Experiment(n_trials=10, iti=1)

Here, we have defined a normal distribution with mean (loc) of 4 and standard deviation (scale) of 2. See help(scipy.stats.norm) for detailed information on each distribution and the arguments that it takes.

Note that t_min and t_max define the minimum and maximum time that the draws from the distribution are permitted to take. For convenience, they are by default set to -math.inf and math.inf, respectively.

Defining stochastic ITIs

Instances of the TimeDist class can also be passed to Experiment to generate variable ITIs:

import mouseberry as mb
import scipy.stats

tone_high = mb.Tone(name='tone_high', t_start=t_tone, t_dur=1, freq=10000)
trial = mb.TrialType(name='trial', p=1, events=[tone_high])

iti_dist = mb.TimeDist(t_dist=scipy.stats.expon,
	t_args={'scale': 1/5},  # corresponds to lambda=5
exp = mb.Experiment(n_trials=10, iti=iti_dist)

Constructing more complex experiments

Complex experiments consisting of many Events per TrialType, each with stochastic onset times, can be easily created. Since each event is by default threaded, events can overlap in time with minimal issues:

import mouseberry as mb
import scipy.stats as sp_st

events = []
t_start = mb.TimeDist(t_dist=sp_st.norm,
	t_args={'loc': 5, 'scale': 3},
	t_min=0, t_max=10)

for ind_event in range(40):
    event = mb.Tone(name='tone'+str(ind_event),

trial = mb.TrialType('main_trial', p=1, events=events)
exp = mb.Experiment(n_trials=10, iti=2)

The script above procedurally generates an experiment where 40 tones from 0 to 20KHz stochastically occur with start times following a normal distribution around 5s.

Stored data format: HDF5

By default, mouseberry stores all data in a logical, hierarchical data structure which is dynamically adjusted based on the contents of the trial-types and events.

All data is stored in the /data folder, and can be opened by the h5py package in Python, or by any similar package in other langugages to read hdf5 files:

>> import h5py
>> f = h5py.File('test.hdf5', 'r')

The .hdf5 data format consists of groups, a named file-system-like hierarchy, and datasets, which store array data. Both are employed by mouseberry.

Experiment attributes

The experimental attributes are stored as .attrs, a dict of attributes, in the root group (/)

>> f.attrs.keys()  # prints all attribute keys available for the experiment
>> f.attrs['mouse_id']  # prints the mouse id
>> f.attrs['sysinfo']  # prints a full POSIX system information summary (machine, etc.)

Trial attributes

The first group of the .hdf5 hierarchy is trials. This contains groups for the events and measurements classes. It also contains datasets that hold general information about each trial:

>> f['trials'].keys()  # prints all keys within trials
>> f['trials/name'][:]  # names of each trialtype
>> f['trials/t_start'][:]  # start times of each trial, in seconds
>> f['trials/t_end'][:]  # end times of each trial, in seconds


Measurements are stored in trials/measurements. Each measurement has its own named group, and each group has both t and data datasets.

>> f['trials/measurements'].keys()  # prints the keys for all acquired measurements
>> f['trials/measurements/licks/t'][0]  # All measurement times (sec) in trial 0
>> f['trials/measurements/licks/data'][3]  # All measurement values in trial 3


Basic event data is stored in trials/events in an array-like datastructure ([trial, event]).

>> f['trials/events/name'][0, 1]  # Prints name of trial 0's event 1
>> f['trials/events/t_start'][3, 0]  # Prints start time (sec) of trial 3's event 0.
>> f['trials/events/t_end'][0, 0]  # Prints end time (sec) of trial 0's event 0.

More complete event data, including any class instance attributes present that trial, are stored in a group directory structure in the root directory:

>> f['trial0/tone_low'].attrs.keys()
	# Prints all attribute keys for the tone_low event in trial 0
>> f['trial0/tone_low'].attrs['freq']
	# Prints the frequency attribute for tone_low in trial 0
>> f['trial0/rew'].attrs['t_start']
	# Prints the logged start-time attribute for reward event in trial 0

Creating custom classes

Mouseberry is designed to be hackable. Custom classes can be easily defined as follows, and they will be automatically processed and stored correctly by the rest of the package.


Event subclasses must inherit from the Event base class in mouseberry.groups.core, and have the following methods defined, some which are optional and some which are required:

  • on_init: optional
    • Method can define a set of steps to occur right when the trial starts, to initialize conditions for the event before they occur
  • on_assign_tstart: required
    • Method must return a start time for the event this trial.
    • Method is called at the start of the trial, but after .on_init().
  • on_trigger : required
    • Method must define a set of steps to occur at the precise time when the event is triggered.
  • on_cleanup : optional
    • Method can define a set of steps to occur when the experiment ends, to clean up variables, etc.

A simple example:

from mouseberry.groups.core import Event
import random
import time

class MockEvent(Event):
	"""An event which prints both a string and a random number
	from 0 to 100, with a 2 second delay between each print.
	name : str
		Name of event
	t_start : float
		Start time of the event
	string_to_say : str
		String to print out

	def __init__(self, name, t_start, string_to_say):
		super().__init__(name=name)  # Super call for Event init
		self.t_start = t_start
		self.str = string_to_say
	def on_init(self):
		# pick random number from 1 to 100
		self.num = int(random.random()*100)
	def on_assign_tstart(self):
		return self.t_start
	def on_trigger(self):
		print(f'A string: {self.str}')
		print(f'A number: {self.num}')
	def on_cleanup(self):
		print('Cleaned up.')

Note that the dynamic attributes str and num will be automatically stored as .attrs in the hdf5 file without any extra work.


Custom measurement subclasses can also be defined from the Measurement base class in mouseberry.groups.core. The following methods must be defined:

  • on_start : required
    • Method must define a set of steps to occur in order to start a measurement
    • Method must include threading to run in background, and must include on-the-fly logging of measurements to the following attributes:
      • .data (storing actual measurement data)
      • .t (storing measurement times)
  • on_stop : required
    • Method must define a set of steps to occur in order to stop a measurement.
    • Method must include a way to stop the measurement thread.

Let's make a simple mock measurement:

from mouseberry.groups.core import Measurement
import time
import random
import threading

class MockMeasurement(Measurement):
	"""A mock measurement.
	name : str
		Name of the measurement
	rate : float
		Sampling rate (Hz)
	def __init__(self, name, rate):
		self.rate = rate
	def on_start(self): = []
		self.t = []
		self.thread = SimpleNamespace()
		self.thread.stop_signal = threading.Event()
		self.thread.measure = threading.Thread(target=self.measure_loop)
	def measure_loop(self):
		while not self.thread.stop_signal.is_set():<0.1))  # random binary data

			time.sleep(1 / self.rate)
	def on_stop(self):

mouseberry's People


micllynn avatar


Zhenggang Zhu avatar Federico Bolaños avatar  avatar


James Cloos avatar  avatar  avatar



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