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live-installer's Issues

Force UEFI Installation bug

This bug report affects both OEM installs and normal installs.

How to reproduce:

  1. Boot a UEFI-enabled (WITH SECURE BOOT ENABLED) computer with a live usb
  2. At the screen that asks if you want to perform "Erase disk and install" or "..." or "Something else" and you choose something else
  3. Remove all partitions from target disk (/dev/sda)
  4. Add a new partition that doesn't completely fill the disk (Filesystem = ext4 and Mountpoint = /)
  5. Add a new partition to fill the rest of disk (Filesystem = swaparea)
  6. Click Install Now
  7. Notice that the dialog box advances to the "Where are you?" screen
  8. Notice the modal dialog "Force UEFI installation?" that cannot be closed via X button, Continue button nor Go Back button.


Installer assumes multi boot systems are single drive systems.

I am attempting to install Mint 19 onto a laptop system that already has two installed operating systems. /dev/sda has windows and /dev/sdb has gentoo. I also have home on /dev/sdc and /home/data on /dev/sdd.
What I seek to do here is to obliterate /dev/sdb and use the entire drive for mint. I also want the entire drive to be encrypted (not encrypting during the install is absolutely NOT an option).
If I select "whole drive" the installer does not give me any indication as to WHICH whole drive it is going to select and selecting /dev/sda would be a MAJOR catastrophic event.
If i select "something else" then I can select /dev/sdb but the option to encrypt the target is grayed out and this again, is absolutely NOT an option.
This installer should offer the option to select exactly WHICH drive is going to be obliterated when "whole drive" is selected but it does not do so. Therefore I can not trust this installer to not blow away my windows drive.
What the installer needs is a "Whole drive, along side" option where the user gets to select exactly which drive gets blown away.
I will never trust (and neither should anyone else) any Linux system that "knows better than ME" what I want or "how things should be done". If the installer does not give me prior knowledge of what it is about to do AND offer me a means of correcting it in the event that it selects something stupid then.... said installer can not be trusted one iota.

Please fix kthxbai :)

After install, programs give errors like "can't set the locale"

I have recently installed LMDE2 Cinnamon 64-bit using the Jan. 2017 beta installer. I selected an English (US) locale and the default 105-key keyboard. I don't remember doing anything out of the ordinary in the installer. This machine is dual-boot with an older Linux distro, no Windows.

Now environment variable LC_ALL is unset, which causes error messages in several programs, such as:

  • The nemo-compare extension fails
  • The "man" program says can't set the locale; make sure $LC_* and $LANG are correct


  • Per 2nd comment below, the problem isn't that LC_ALL is unset, but that LANG is set to "en_US" instead of "en_US.UTF-8".
  • Another program that fails due to this issue is "pip".
  • Linux Mint Main Edition (18.1 Serena XFCE) also has this problem.

LANG is set to en_US

My shell is zsh. If, at a shell prompt, I start Bash, similar error messages happen in Bash.

Please let me know if you need more info about this. Thanks.

Drive Names and Partition Labels

I feel that it would be useful if partition labels can be included in the partitioning and grub part of the installer, similar to gparted.
lmde installer - no partition lables
lmde installer - gparted

In the grub part of the installer, drive names and partition labels would be quite useful. It might be useful to also have separate drop down menus for installing the bootloader to a drive or partition.
lmde installer - no drive names or partition labels

Grammatical error in Live Installer.

In the window where the installer asks whether or not to install 3rd party drivers, it says

This software is subject to license terms included with its documentation. Some is proprietary.

It should be "Some are proprietary." because it refer to multiple softwares, and thus it's not singular.

This is not such a big deal, but it was bugging me ever since I saw it. It'll be nice if someone could fix it.


Note: I tried to fix it and make a pull request, but could not find the file.


Better error-reporting?

I'm trying to install LMDE on a USB stick with a VFAT partition and some other customizations. I'm encountering various difficulties that I'm working around as I go along. I'm filing this issue to suggest that the live-installer should report errors better when it fails. I've managed to make the python script error out in a number of different ways now, but the GUI just hangs. It's not a massive problem for me (I'm just running it from a terminal emulator, so I can see the errors -- the one below was caused by some problem with stick getting mounted read-only, I think), but I just wanted to suggest that the GUI should really report an error and return, rather than just sitting there spinning and doing nothing.


 --> Copying files
  File "/usr/lib/live-installer/", line 179, in init_install
    os.lchown(targetpath, st.st_uid, st.st_gid)
 --> Writing hostname
  File "/usr/lib/live-installer/", line 317, in finish_install
    hostnamefh = open("/target/etc/hostname", "w")

Installation without formating already formatted BTRFS partition.

I try to install LMDE4 to already formatted Btrfs partition with compression=lzo property. Usually, in Linux Mint (Ubuntu), I format partition before installation and set compression to Btrfs filesystem. But here I can not do this. Installer warning me that I must indicate a filesystem to formate the root (/) partition with before proceeding. Installation continues only if I set format partition.

Please, make possible to install LMDE without formating already formatted BTRFS partition.

installer wrote bootloader to the wrong disk

Reported by two separate users on LM17 and LM17.1, one using installer DVD, the other installing from a USB key. Full details of our reports here:

To summarize, on a multi-disk system, user chose to install Mint on /dev/sdc, but the installer ran grub-install /dev/sda (despite having correctly installed Mint OS files on /dev/sdc). As a result, attempting to boot /dev/sdc will fail (because no bootloader was installed on this disk), and attempting to boot /dev/sda will ACTUALLY boot the fresh Mint install on /dev/sdc (because the bootloader on /dev/sda actually boots the OS from /dev/sdc)! This makes the user think that the Mint installer erased /dev/sda and put a fresh Mint install on /dev/sda (which is NOT the case). This could lead to catastrophic data loss.

Both of the reported cases involved LUKS + LVM installs; not sure if that is an important factor.

Enhancement: Make the partition graphics be buttons to select their list items

Currently, the installer shows a graphical partition map when asking the user what partition to install LMDE onto. (Whoever wrote that graphics code did a very good job, by the way!)

Suggestion: If the user clicks on one of the partition graphics, select the corresponding list entry in the view below.

The list view can contain a lot of whitespace, and it may be less error-prone for the user to find a partition on the graphical map instead of in the list.

Can't Install GRUB to Root partition

Just a suggestion.

Somewhere during the install process there should be an option to install GRUB to LMDE's root partition.

Thanks and keep up the good work.


Allow installation to more than one drive in the GUI

With the increasing demand for installing LMDE to more than one drive (a common use case: / on SSD and /home on HDD), it's becoming clear that this should be allowed to do in the GUI, without involving messing with the manual mounting via the command line.

Threads for reference:

Region setting wrong after installation

After installation the region in LMDE 3 is wrongly set according to the language, not according to the actual region given during installation. For a German person living in China mintlocale shows German language (correct) and German region (wrong). In LM 19 it works correcty.

Translation problem

Is in this line, in translation:
"ERROR: the use of @subvolumes is limited to btrfs"
@subvolumes - Is this translatable or it should stay untranslated?

[PXE installer]how do I fire a custom script or add a package?

Hi All,

I\m trying to do automated installs of mint using PXE and I'm struggling with installing packages or firing post install scripts using ubiquity. I tried to do this the way it's normally done in Ubuntu, but it doesn't really work. Is there any mint-specific way to do this ?

If this is a wrong place to ask this question, could you point me to the proper channel for this pls ? Thnks

LMDE 2 Error message

I am trying to Dual boot LMDE2 from USB that I made in Windows 10 Pro 64 bit. I installed btrfs-tools from live session to be able to install the / partition with BTRFS. I get following error message during install [Errno 21] Is a directory: '/target/usr/share/bug/systemd' I've tried it with two USB flash drives and with rufus and cywgin and get same error message. Re-downloaded the ISO and still get same problem.

Enhancement: If MBR found instead of EFI system partition, notify user

I recently installed LMDE2 Cinnamon 64-bit, using the Jan. 2017 beta installer, and the installer required an EFI system partition (ESP).

Until then, the hard drive had used an MBR. The MBR partition table already had 3 primary partitions + an extended partition (that is, the primary partition table was full), and I didn't want to put any of the primary partitions into an extended partition, so to add an EFI system partition I decided to convert the hard drive to GPT.

Suggestion: If there isn't an EFI system partition on the selected boot drive, then check for whether that drive already has an MBR. If so, then explicitly suggest that the drive maybe should be converted from MBR to GPT so an EFI system partition can be added more easily, & say that conversion to GPT is an advanced operation that's outside the scope of the installer.

This would be for users who (a) have an MBR hard drive, and (b) can't just add an ESP right away because the MBR partition table is already full, and (c) are surprised that LMDE can't be installed in this situation (since generally in this case, the hard drive already contains an OS that could be installed without an ESP).

The installer starts with an IP-based language instead of English

I booted the final release of the 32-bit LMDE4 ISO in a VirtualBox session. When I started the installer, it was displayed in the German language. I tried forcing the locale to English by prefixing LANG, LC_ALL and LANGUAGE to the live-installer command from the terminal but the installer still started in German.

So I clicked "weiter" (Next) and once I chose English US in the installer's language list, it switched the display language to English. Then I closed the installer, to see if it would remember my language of choice, but after I restarted the installer it was again in German.

So I closed the installer, disabled the network and restarted the installer. This time it was in English. This means it detects the country and it automatically starts in the local language. But this is not great because you might as well travel anywhere around the world, or maybe the IP is not correctly associated with the real country, and you don't know that country's language.

The installer should start in English. But if it tries to be smart about detecting the country, it could present a language switcher on the first screen of the installer, so you never have to guess which button says what for exit/back/next in any language.

Also, after I filled my user data and I started the installation process, I noticed a German text displayed on the bottom of the installer (the status area), although it went away quickly because that operation was fast. So I'm not sure what kind of effects the installer has on the final installation, but the locale is not properly handled for the installer's startup and then the installation process - to say the least.

Is there an installation log that I could inspect, to see if what was handled in German during the installation?

Use common names in list of countries

We don't do politics.

When available use common names for countries.
Never name countries "countries" but "locations".

Here's an example:

  • common_name: Taiwan
  • official_name: Taiwan, Province of China

The official name (as provided by Debian's iso-codes package) is a political statement. It suggests Taiwan is part of China, so that's not good. The common name is neutral, which is good, but if we put it in a table column which header says "country" we make a political statement and suggest that Taiwan is not part of China, so that's not good either.

We need to show Taiwan and not make any political statements.

Whether it actually is part of China or not is neither true of false, it's both true and false depending on who you ask. If you ask us though, our answer should be simple, politics have nothing to do with us. We can and we should just refer to Taiwan as Taiwan, and make sure we don't make bold claims about topics that don't relate to us.

In LMDE 4 Taiwan shows as "Taiwan, Province of China", this needs to be fixed.

Installer does not process copy errors correctly, proceeds to the next phase and hangs

During the installation to a USB flash drive, the installer says "Setting hostname" and does nothing after that.
Here's the output from the terminal:

gksu live-installer
glibtop: Non-standard uts for running kernel:
release 3.11-2-486=3.11.0 gives version code 199424

No translation found, switching back to English
Color: #ff0001
Image: /usr/share/live-installer/timezone/timezone_-6.0.png
Color: #ff2a2a
Image: /usr/share/live-installer/timezone/timezone_-5.0.png
Failed to mount /dev/sdb3
Template path: /usr/share/live-installer/slideshow/template.html
Content path does not exist: /usr/share/live-installer/slideshow/office.html
--> Installation started
EXECUTING: 'mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1'
--> Mounting partitions
------ Mounting /lib/live/mount/medium/live/filesystem.squashfs on /source/
EXECUTING: 'mount -o loop -t squashfs /lib/live/mount/medium/live/filesystem.squashfs /source/'
------ Mounting partition /dev/sdb1 on /target/
EXECUTING: 'mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 /target'
------ Mounting /dev/sdb3 on /target/home
EXECUTING: 'mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb3 /target/home'
--> Indexing files
--> Copying files
File "/usr/lib/live-installer/", line 188, in init_install
self.do_copy_file(sourcepath, targetpath)
--> Writing hostname
File "/usr/lib/live-installer/", line 341, in finish_install
hostnamefh = open("/target/etc/hostname", "w")

Originally reported in this thread.

LVM Not detected

I created on the disk some LV, to prepare the installation of LMDE4
But when i am on "manual partition" the tool don't detect Logical volumes. it detects the PV as unknown partition and i can't install LMDE4 on my own Logical Volumes created before !

Hope to improve the manual partition function of installer

I experienced Linux Mint is easy to use and easy to use, but it has a drawback, that is, its installer supports manual LVM partition function. Due to the lack of this function, I have to use the command line partition function of livecd to partition directly and then use the installer to perform secondary operation on it, which makes my custom LVM partition proud of the normal installation system. However, I hope to improve this function so that You have to be able to complete manual LVM partition management through the installer! Like Debian!

GPT support

The situation with GPT in LMDE installer is unclear. On the one hand, it's certain that the installer cannot create GPT partition table. On the other hand, if you already have GPT on the disk (or created it with GParted), you can freely install LMDE to any partition.
My experiments and a few reports from the users show that the system will boot fine after that; however, there's also this article where the author describes how his LMDE refused to boot after installing to GPT. So I guess the results may vary.

I propose the following: add the ability to create GPT partition table to the installer, then make sure the system always boots fine with GPT (i.e. squash the bugs if there are any), and then remove "No GPT support" from the release notes. :)

For reference:
a forum thread about experimenting with GPT
a blog comment with step-by-step tutorial on installing LMDE to GPT

Installer should inform that you can select which disk to erase in the next step

I have a small enhancement proposal for the installer wizard regarding the "Installation type" step.

The text below the "Erase disk and Install Linux Mint" should inform the user that the target disk can be chosen in the next step.

Both Windows 7 and 10 installers gives similar information to user:

Screenshots of Windows installer:

Windows 7:
Windows 10:

I raise this issue after a discussion on an internet forum. A guy wrote that he had done all of the partitioning manually, because he wanted to be sure a certain target disk was used and didn't know/had not understood, that the "Erase disk and Install Linux Mint" option would offer him to select which disk to erase and create a standard layout on, when proceeding to the next step.

Problem with (current version of?) the *non-Debian* installer: 'reinstall' option is unclear

I cannot find the issue tracker for the program that installs the non-Debian - i..e, the main - version of Mint, so I am filing this report here.

I am working from a perhaps old copy of the Mint 19.3 installer, so possibly - hopefully - what I say is no longer relevant.

I've just run the aforementioned installer on a computer that has Mint 19, i.e. 19.0, installed. The installer detects the old installation and offers me various options. The first option is:

Erase Linux Mint 19 Tara (19) and reinstall

Now, for one thing, the repetition of '19' is unhelpful. More importantly: this option does not make clear what it will do. Will it reinstall the old version of Mint? I presume not; I presume in will install the new version, i.e. 19.3. Yet, surely, that needs to be made clear.

LMDE 4 beta: No encryption of entire system in manual partitioning mode

Dear Clem, LMDE 4 beta runs very well. No problems so far. I love it. Excellent job and thank you very much for your great work.

Nice to see, you added LVM and encryption of the entire system to the automated installation. It is, however, missing in the manual partitioning mode. Many users like me have other systems on the hard drive, so wiping the complete disk for an automated installation is not an option. The ability to encrypt the entire system including root directory (not only /home) is essential nowadays. Would it be possible to add this valuable feature to the manual partitioning mode also? LMDE 3 offered Calamares, which was capable of doing so (without LVM, though). Now in LMDE 4 without Calamares the situation is worse than before.

Best regards

lmde(2) *bit cinnamon+mate : mixed language content displayed during manual partitioning

installing new lmde(2) (qemu/kvm-vm) with english/us gui and german keyboard (timezone) selected
When performing manual partitioning the window show's mixed english/german content (some buttons are labeled german).

Affects 32bit and 64bit + cinnamon and mate (screenshot) -versions.

expected: language should be according the selected gui-localisation.

screenshot_lmde-2-mate-32bit-language-mixed-up_2017-07-15_01 53 59

Keyboard layout switching

If on the first screen you select the Greek language then the keyboard is switch into greek mode. The usual alt-Shift cομβο το switch language is not working. You can type only Greek characters, and there is no way to type in Latin. So computer name, user name and password is on Greek.
Not sure if this affects other languages.

If you setup the keyboard manually outside the installer then when the system start again you have again only the Greek keyboard layout making the system unusable.

The expected behaviour:
When the user selects the Greek language the keyboard must be set to allow changing keyboard layouts with Alt-Shift, with the latin keyboard active. After setup the login manager must be on latin keyboard with the ability to switch to Greek.

Ubiquity installer crashing with Bus error (core dumped)

I am trying to install Linux Mint 19 on my Asus X550LD which currently has Bionic Beaver Installed on it.

However every time I boot into the live session and double click on the install option the Ubiquity application starts and then crashes within seconds. Here is what gets logged in /var/log/installer/debug

Ubiquity 18.04.1+linuxmint5
/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/ PyGIWarning: Gtk was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded.
from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GObject, GLib, Atk
debconf (developer): <-- VERSION 2
debconf (developer): --> 0 2.0
debconf (developer): <-- CAPB
debconf (developer): --> 0 multiselect escape
debconf (developer): <-- GET ubiquity/custom_title_text
debconf (developer): --> 0
debconf (developer): <-- GET oem-config/enable
debconf (developer): --> 10 oem-config/enable doesn't exist
debconf (developer): <-- GET ubiquity/automation_failure_command
debconf (developer): --> 0
debconf (developer): <-- GET ubiquity/failure_command
debconf (developer): --> 0
debconf (developer): <-- GET ubiquity/success_command
debconf (developer): --> 0
debconf (developer): <-- GET ubiquity/show_shutdown_button
debconf (developer): --> 0 false
debconf (developer): <-- GET ubiquity/hide_slideshow
debconf (developer): --> 0 false
debconf (developer): <-- GET debian-installer/locale
debconf (developer): --> 0
/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/gtk_components/ PyGIWarning: NM was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('NM', '1.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded.
from gi.repository import NM, NMA
/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/gtk_components/ PyGIWarning: NMA was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('NMA', '1.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded.
from gi.repository import NM, NMA
/usr/lib/ubiquity/plugins/ PyGIWarning: TimezoneMap was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('TimezoneMap', '1.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded.
from gi.repository import TimezoneMap
Failed to play sound: Sound disabled
debconf (developer): <-- VERSION 2
debconf (developer): --> 0 2.0
debconf (developer): <-- CAPB
debconf (developer): --> 0 multiselect escape
debconf (developer): <-- FSET localechooser/languagelist seen false
debconf (developer): --> 0 false
Aug 21 20:00:51 ubiquity: Starting up '['log-output', '-t', 'ubiquity', '--pass-stdout', '/usr/lib/ubiquity/localechooser/localechooser']' for ubi-language.Page
Aug 21 20:00:51 ubiquity: Watching for question patterns localechooser/languagelist
debconf (developer): <-- CAPB escape
debconf (developer): --> 0 multiselect escape
Aug 21 20:00:51 debconf (filter): <-- CAPB backup
debconf (developer): <-- CAPB backup escape
debconf (developer): --> 0 multiselect escape
Aug 21 20:00:51 debconf (filter): <-- REGISTER debian-installer/language debconf/language
debconf (developer): <-- REGISTER debian-installer/language debconf/language
debconf (developer): --> 0
Aug 21 20:00:51 debconf (filter): <-- SUBST localechooser/languagelist CODES C, sq, am, ar, ast, bn, eu, be, bs, bg, my, ca, zh_CN, zh_TW, hr, cs, da, nl, dz, en, eo, et, fi, fr, gl, ka, de, el, gu, he, hi, hu, is, id, ga, it, ja, kn, kk, km, ko, ku, lo, lv, lt, mk, ml, mr, ne, se_NO, nb_NO, nn_NO, fa, pl, pt, pt_BR, pa, ro, ru, sr, si, sk, sl, es, sv, tl, tg, ta, te, th, bo, tr, uk, ug, vi, cy
debconf (developer): <-- SUBST localechooser/languagelist CODES C,\ sq,\ am,\ ar,\ ast,\ bn,\ eu,\ be,\ bs,\ bg,\ my,\ ca,\ zh_CN,\ zh_TW,\ hr,\ cs,\ da,\ nl,\ dz,\ en,\ eo,\ et,\ fi,\ fr,\ gl,\ ka,\ de,\ el,\ gu,\ he,\ hi,\ hu,\ is,\ id,\ ga,\ it,\ ja,\ kn,\ kk,\ km,\ ko,\ ku,\ lo,\ lv,\ lt,\ mk,\ ml,\ mr,\ ne,\ se_NO,\ nb_NO,\ nn_NO,\ fa,\ pl,\ pt,\ pt_BR,\ pa,\ ro,\ ru,\ sr,\ si,\ sk,\ sl,\ es,\ sv,\ tl,\ tg,\ ta,\ te,\ th,\ bo,\ tr,\ uk,\ ug,\ vi,\ cy
debconf (developer): --> 0
Aug 21 20:00:51 debconf (filter): <-- SUBST localechooser/languagelist NAMES_EN C, Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Asturian, Bangla, Basque, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Burmese, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Dzongkha, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Finnish, French, Galician, Georgian, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Kazakh, Khmer, Korean, Kurdish, Lao, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Northern Sami, Norwegian Bokmaal, Norwegian Nynorsk, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Punjabi (Gurmukhi), Romanian, Russian, Serbian (Cyrillic), Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Tibetan, Turkish, Ukrainian, Uyghur, Vietnamese, Welsh
debconf (developer): <-- SUBST localechooser/languagelist NAMES_EN C,\ Albanian,\ Amharic,\ Arabic,\ Asturian,\ Bangla,\ Basque,\ Belarusian,\ Bosnian,\ Bulgarian,\ Burmese,\ Catalan,\ Chinese\ (Simplified),\ Chinese\ (Traditional),\ Croatian,\ Czech,\ Danish,\ Dutch,\ Dzongkha,\ English,\ Esperanto,\ Estonian,\ Finnish,\ French,\ Galician,\ Georgian,\ German,\ Greek,\ Gujarati,\ Hebrew,\ Hindi,\ Hungarian,\ Icelandic,\ Indonesian,\ Irish,\ Italian,\ Japanese,\ Kannada,\ Kazakh,\ Khmer,\ Korean,\ Kurdish,\ Lao,\ Latvian,\ Lithuanian,\ Macedonian,\ Malayalam,\ Marathi,\ Nepali,\ Northern\ Sami,\ Norwegian\ Bokmaal,\ Norwegian\ Nynorsk,\ Persian,\ Polish,\ Portuguese,\ Portuguese\ (Brazil),\ Punjabi\ (Gurmukhi),\ Romanian,\ Russian,\ Serbian\ (Cyrillic),\ Sinhala,\ Slovak,\ Slovenian,\ Spanish,\ Swedish,\ Tagalog,\ Tajik,\ Tamil,\ Telugu,\ Thai,\ Tibetan,\ Turkish,\ Ukrainian,\ Uyghur,\ Vietnamese,\ Welsh
debconf (developer): --> 0
Aug 21 20:00:51 debconf (filter): <-- SUBST localechooser/languagelist NAMES_BOTH C${!TAB}-${!TAB}No localization, Albanian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Shqip, Amharic${!TAB}-${!TAB}አማርኛ, Arabic${!TAB}-${!TAB}عربي, Asturian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Asturianu, Bangla${!TAB}-${!TAB}বাংলা, Basque${!TAB}-${!TAB}Euskara, Belarusian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Беларуская, Bosnian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Bosanski, Bulgarian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Български, Burmese${!TAB}-${!TAB} မြန်မာစာ, Catalan${!TAB}-${!TAB}Català, Chinese (Simplified)${!TAB}-${!TAB}中文(简体), Chinese (Traditional)${!TAB}-${!TAB}中文(繁體), Croatian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Hrvatski, Czech${!TAB}-${!TAB}Čeština, Danish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Dansk, Dutch${!TAB}-${!TAB}Nederlands, Dzongkha${!TAB}-${!TAB}རྫོང་ཁ།, English${!TAB}-${!TAB}English, Esperanto${!TAB}-${!TAB}Esperanto, Estonian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Eesti, Finnish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Suomi, French${!TAB}-${!TAB}Français, Galician${!TAB}-${!TAB}Galego, Georgian${!TAB}-${!TAB}ქართული, German${!TAB}-${!TAB}Deutsch, Greek${!TAB}-${!TAB}Ελληνικά, Gujarati${!TAB}-${!TAB}ગુજરાતી, Hebrew${!TAB}-${!TAB}עברית, Hindi${!TAB}-${!TAB}हिन्दी , Hungarian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Magyar, Icelandic${!TAB}-${!TAB}Íslenska, Indonesian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Bahasa Indonesia, Irish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Gaeilge, Italian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Italiano, Japanese${!TAB}-${!TAB}日本語, Kannada${!TAB}-${!TAB}ಕನ್ನಡ, Kazakh${!TAB}-${!TAB}Қазақ, Khmer${!TAB}-${!TAB}ខ្មែរ, Korean${!TAB}-${!TAB}한국어, Kurdish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Kurdî, Lao${!TAB}-${!TAB}ລາວ, Latvian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Latviski, Lithuanian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Lietuviškai, Macedonian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Македонски, Malayalam${!TAB}-${!TAB}മലയാളം, Marathi${!TAB}-${!TAB}मराठी, Nepali${!TAB}-${!TAB}नेपाली , Northern Sami${!TAB}-${!TAB}Sámegillii, Norwegian Bokmaal${!TAB}-${!TAB}Norsk bokmål, Norwegian Nynorsk${!TAB}-${!TAB}Norsk nynorsk, Persian${!TAB}-${!TAB}فارسی, Polish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Polski, Portuguese${!TAB}-${!TAB}Português, Portuguese (Brazil)${!TAB}-${!TAB}Português do Brasil, Punjabi (Gurmukhi)${!TAB}-${!TAB}ਪੰਜਾਬੀ, Romanian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Română, Russian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Русский, Serbian (Cyrillic)${!TAB}-${!TAB}Српски, Sinhala${!TAB}-${!TAB}සිංහල, Slovak${!TAB}-${!TAB}Slovenčina, Slovenian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Slovenščina, Spanish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Español, Swedish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Svenska, Tagalog${!TAB}-${!TAB}Tagalog, Tajik${!TAB}-${!TAB}Тоҷикӣ, Tamil${!TAB}-${!TAB}தமிழ், Telugu${!TAB}-${!TAB}తెలుగు, Thai${!TAB}-${!TAB}ภาษาไทย, Tibetan${!TAB}-${!TAB}བོད་ཡིག, Turkish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Türkçe, Ukrainian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Українська, Uyghur${!TAB}-${!TAB}ئۇيغۇرچە, Vietnamese${!TAB}-${!TAB}Tiếng Việt, Welsh${!TAB}-${!TAB}Cymraeg
debconf (developer): <-- SUBST localechooser/languagelist NAMES_BOTH C${!TAB}-${!TAB}No\ localization,\ Albanian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Shqip,\ Amharic${!TAB}-${!TAB}አማርኛ,\ Arabic${!TAB}-${!TAB}عربي,\ Asturian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Asturianu,\ Bangla${!TAB}-${!TAB}বাংলা,\ Basque${!TAB}-${!TAB}Euskara,\ Belarusian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Беларуская,\ Bosnian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Bosanski,\ Bulgarian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Български,\ Burmese${!TAB}-${!TAB}\ မြန်မာစာ,\ Catalan${!TAB}-${!TAB}Català,\ Chinese\ (Simplified)${!TAB}-${!TAB}中文(简体),\ Chinese\ (Traditional)${!TAB}-${!TAB}中文(繁體),\ Croatian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Hrvatski,\ Czech${!TAB}-${!TAB}Čeština,\ Danish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Dansk,\ Dutch${!TAB}-${!TAB}Nederlands,\ Dzongkha${!TAB}-${!TAB}རྫོང་ཁ།,\ English${!TAB}-${!TAB}English,\ Esperanto${!TAB}-${!TAB}Esperanto,\ Estonian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Eesti,\ Finnish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Suomi,\ French${!TAB}-${!TAB}Français,\ Galician${!TAB}-${!TAB}Galego,\ Georgian${!TAB}-${!TAB}ქართული,\ German${!TAB}-${!TAB}Deutsch,\ Greek${!TAB}-${!TAB}Ελληνικά,\ Gujarati${!TAB}-${!TAB}ગુજરાતી,\ Hebrew${!TAB}-${!TAB}עברית,\ Hindi${!TAB}-${!TAB}हिन्दी\ ,\ Hungarian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Magyar,\ Icelandic${!TAB}-${!TAB}Íslenska,\ Indonesian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Bahasa\ Indonesia,\ Irish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Gaeilge,\ Italian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Italiano,\ Japanese${!TAB}-${!TAB}日本語,\ Kannada${!TAB}-${!TAB}ಕನ್ನಡ,\ Kazakh${!TAB}-${!TAB}Қазақ,\ Khmer${!TAB}-${!TAB}ខ្មែរ,\ Korean${!TAB}-${!TAB}한국어,\ Kurdish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Kurdî,\ Lao${!TAB}-${!TAB}ລາວ,\ Latvian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Latviski,\ Lithuanian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Lietuviškai,\ Macedonian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Македонски,\ Malayalam${!TAB}-${!TAB}മലയാളം,\ Marathi${!TAB}-${!TAB}मराठी,\ Nepali${!TAB}-${!TAB}नेपाली\ ,\ Northern\ Sami${!TAB}-${!TAB}Sámegillii,\ Norwegian\ Bokmaal${!TAB}-${!TAB}Norsk\ bokmål,\ Norwegian\ Nynorsk${!TAB}-${!TAB}Norsk\ nynorsk,\ Persian${!TAB}-${!TAB}فارسی,\ Polish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Polski,\ Portuguese${!TAB}-${!TAB}Português,\ Portuguese\ (Brazil)${!TAB}-${!TAB}Português\ do\ Brasil,\ Punjabi\ (Gurmukhi)${!TAB}-${!TAB}ਪੰਜਾਬੀ,\ Romanian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Română,\ Russian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Русский,\ Serbian\ (Cyrillic)${!TAB}-${!TAB}Српски,\ Sinhala${!TAB}-${!TAB}සිංහල,\ Slovak${!TAB}-${!TAB}Slovenčina,\ Slovenian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Slovenščina,\ Spanish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Español,\ Swedish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Svenska,\ Tagalog${!TAB}-${!TAB}Tagalog,\ Tajik${!TAB}-${!TAB}Тоҷикӣ,\ Tamil${!TAB}-${!TAB}தமிழ்,\ Telugu${!TAB}-${!TAB}తెలుగు,\ Thai${!TAB}-${!TAB}ภาษาไทย,\ Tibetan${!TAB}-${!TAB}བོད་ཡིག,\ Turkish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Türkçe,\ Ukrainian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Українська,\ Uyghur${!TAB}-${!TAB}ئۇيغۇرچە,\ Vietnamese${!TAB}-${!TAB}Tiếng\ Việt,\ Welsh${!TAB}-${!TAB}Cymraeg
debconf (developer): --> 0
Aug 21 20:00:51 debconf (filter): <-- GET debian-installer/language
debconf (developer): <-- GET debian-installer/language
debconf (developer): --> 1
Aug 21 20:00:51 debconf (filter): <-- GET debian-installer/country
debconf (developer): <-- GET debian-installer/country
debconf (developer): --> 1
Aug 21 20:00:51 debconf (filter): <-- GET debian-installer/locale
debconf (developer): <-- GET debian-installer/locale
debconf (developer): --> 1
Aug 21 20:00:51 debconf (filter): <-- FGET debian-installer/locale seen
debconf (developer): <-- FGET debian-installer/locale seen
debconf (developer): --> 0 false
Aug 21 20:00:51 debconf (filter): <-- FSET debian-installer/locale seen false
debconf (developer): <-- FSET debian-installer/locale seen false
debconf (developer): --> 0 false
Aug 21 20:00:51 debconf (filter): <-- FGET localechooser/languagelist seen
debconf (developer): <-- FGET localechooser/languagelist seen
debconf (developer): --> 0 false
Aug 21 20:00:51 debconf (filter): <-- SETTITLE localechooser/title/language
debconf (developer): <-- SETTITLE localechooser/title/language
debconf (developer): --> 0
Aug 21 20:00:51 debconf (filter): <-- SET debconf/language en
debconf (developer): <-- SET debconf/language en
debconf (developer): --> 0 value set
Aug 21 20:00:51 debconf (filter): <-- GET localechooser/languagelist
debconf (developer): <-- GET localechooser/languagelist
debconf (developer): --> 1 en
Aug 21 20:00:51 debconf (filter): <-- GET debian-installer/language
debconf (developer): <-- GET debian-installer/language
debconf (developer): --> 1
Aug 21 20:00:51 debconf (filter): <-- CAPB backup align
debconf (developer): <-- CAPB backup align escape
debconf (developer): --> 0 multiselect escape
Aug 21 20:00:51 debconf (filter): <-- INPUT critical localechooser/languagelist
Aug 21 20:00:51 debconf (filter): widget found for localechooser/languagelist
debconf (developer): <-- GET localechooser/languagelist
debconf (developer): --> 1 en
debconf (developer): <-- GET localechooser/languagelist
debconf (developer): --> 1 en
debconf (developer): <-- METAGET localechooser/languagelist choices-c
debconf (developer): --> 1 C, sq, am, ar, ast, bn, eu, be, bs, bg, my, ca, zh_CN, zh_TW, hr, cs, da, nl, dz, en, eo, et, fi, fr, gl, ka, de, el, gu, he, hi, hu, is, id, ga, it, ja, kn, kk, km, ko, ku, lo, lv, lt, mk, ml, mr, ne, se_NO, nb_NO, nn_NO, fa, pl, pt, pt_BR, pa, ro, ru, sr, si, sk, sl, es, sv, tl, tg, ta, te, th, bo, tr, uk, ug, vi, cy
debconf (developer): <-- GET ubiquity/only-show-installable-languages
debconf (developer): --> 1 false
Ubiquity 18.04.1+linuxmint5
/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/ PyGIWarning: Gtk was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded.
from gi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GObject, GLib, Atk
debconf (developer): <-- VERSION 2
debconf (developer): --> 0 2.0
debconf (developer): <-- CAPB
debconf (developer): --> 0 multiselect escape
debconf (developer): <-- GET ubiquity/custom_title_text
debconf (developer): --> 0
debconf (developer): <-- GET oem-config/enable
debconf (developer): --> 10 oem-config/enable doesn't exist
debconf (developer): <-- GET ubiquity/automation_failure_command
debconf (developer): --> 0
debconf (developer): <-- GET ubiquity/failure_command
debconf (developer): --> 0
debconf (developer): <-- GET ubiquity/success_command
debconf (developer): --> 0
debconf (developer): <-- GET ubiquity/show_shutdown_button
debconf (developer): --> 0 false
debconf (developer): <-- GET ubiquity/hide_slideshow
debconf (developer): --> 0 false
debconf (developer): <-- GET debian-installer/locale
debconf (developer): --> 0
/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/gtk_components/ PyGIWarning: NM was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('NM', '1.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded.
from gi.repository import NM, NMA
/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/gtk_components/ PyGIWarning: NMA was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('NMA', '1.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded.
from gi.repository import NM, NMA
/usr/lib/ubiquity/plugins/ PyGIWarning: TimezoneMap was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('TimezoneMap', '1.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded.
from gi.repository import TimezoneMap
Failed to play sound: Sound disabled
debconf (developer): <-- VERSION 2
debconf (developer): --> 0 2.0
debconf (developer): <-- CAPB
debconf (developer): --> 0 multiselect escape
debconf (developer): <-- FSET localechooser/languagelist seen false
debconf (developer): --> 0 false
Aug 21 20:10:11 ubiquity: Starting up '['log-output', '-t', 'ubiquity', '--pass-stdout', '/usr/lib/ubiquity/localechooser/localechooser']' for ubi-language.Page
Aug 21 20:10:11 ubiquity: Watching for question patterns localechooser/languagelist
debconf (developer): <-- CAPB escape
debconf (developer): --> 0 multiselect escape
Aug 21 20:10:11 debconf (filter): <-- CAPB backup
debconf (developer): <-- CAPB backup escape
debconf (developer): --> 0 multiselect escape
Aug 21 20:10:11 debconf (filter): <-- REGISTER debian-installer/language debconf/language
debconf (developer): <-- REGISTER debian-installer/language debconf/language
debconf (developer): --> 0
Aug 21 20:10:12 debconf (filter): <-- SUBST localechooser/languagelist CODES C, sq, am, ar, ast, bn, eu, be, bs, bg, my, ca, zh_CN, zh_TW, hr, cs, da, nl, dz, en, eo, et, fi, fr, gl, ka, de, el, gu, he, hi, hu, is, id, ga, it, ja, kn, kk, km, ko, ku, lo, lv, lt, mk, ml, mr, ne, se_NO, nb_NO, nn_NO, fa, pl, pt, pt_BR, pa, ro, ru, sr, si, sk, sl, es, sv, tl, tg, ta, te, th, bo, tr, uk, ug, vi, cy
debconf (developer): <-- SUBST localechooser/languagelist CODES C,\ sq,\ am,\ ar,\ ast,\ bn,\ eu,\ be,\ bs,\ bg,\ my,\ ca,\ zh_CN,\ zh_TW,\ hr,\ cs,\ da,\ nl,\ dz,\ en,\ eo,\ et,\ fi,\ fr,\ gl,\ ka,\ de,\ el,\ gu,\ he,\ hi,\ hu,\ is,\ id,\ ga,\ it,\ ja,\ kn,\ kk,\ km,\ ko,\ ku,\ lo,\ lv,\ lt,\ mk,\ ml,\ mr,\ ne,\ se_NO,\ nb_NO,\ nn_NO,\ fa,\ pl,\ pt,\ pt_BR,\ pa,\ ro,\ ru,\ sr,\ si,\ sk,\ sl,\ es,\ sv,\ tl,\ tg,\ ta,\ te,\ th,\ bo,\ tr,\ uk,\ ug,\ vi,\ cy
debconf (developer): --> 0
Aug 21 20:10:12 debconf (filter): <-- SUBST localechooser/languagelist NAMES_EN C, Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Asturian, Bangla, Basque, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Burmese, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Dzongkha, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Finnish, French, Galician, Georgian, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Kazakh, Khmer, Korean, Kurdish, Lao, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Northern Sami, Norwegian Bokmaal, Norwegian Nynorsk, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Punjabi (Gurmukhi), Romanian, Russian, Serbian (Cyrillic), Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Tibetan, Turkish, Ukrainian, Uyghur, Vietnamese, Welsh
debconf (developer): <-- SUBST localechooser/languagelist NAMES_EN C,\ Albanian,\ Amharic,\ Arabic,\ Asturian,\ Bangla,\ Basque,\ Belarusian,\ Bosnian,\ Bulgarian,\ Burmese,\ Catalan,\ Chinese\ (Simplified),\ Chinese\ (Traditional),\ Croatian,\ Czech,\ Danish,\ Dutch,\ Dzongkha,\ English,\ Esperanto,\ Estonian,\ Finnish,\ French,\ Galician,\ Georgian,\ German,\ Greek,\ Gujarati,\ Hebrew,\ Hindi,\ Hungarian,\ Icelandic,\ Indonesian,\ Irish,\ Italian,\ Japanese,\ Kannada,\ Kazakh,\ Khmer,\ Korean,\ Kurdish,\ Lao,\ Latvian,\ Lithuanian,\ Macedonian,\ Malayalam,\ Marathi,\ Nepali,\ Northern\ Sami,\ Norwegian\ Bokmaal,\ Norwegian\ Nynorsk,\ Persian,\ Polish,\ Portuguese,\ Portuguese\ (Brazil),\ Punjabi\ (Gurmukhi),\ Romanian,\ Russian,\ Serbian\ (Cyrillic),\ Sinhala,\ Slovak,\ Slovenian,\ Spanish,\ Swedish,\ Tagalog,\ Tajik,\ Tamil,\ Telugu,\ Thai,\ Tibetan,\ Turkish,\ Ukrainian,\ Uyghur,\ Vietnamese,\ Welsh
debconf (developer): --> 0
Aug 21 20:10:12 debconf (filter): <-- SUBST localechooser/languagelist NAMES_BOTH C${!TAB}-${!TAB}No localization, Albanian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Shqip, Amharic${!TAB}-${!TAB}አማርኛ, Arabic${!TAB}-${!TAB}عربي, Asturian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Asturianu, Bangla${!TAB}-${!TAB}বাংলা, Basque${!TAB}-${!TAB}Euskara, Belarusian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Беларуская, Bosnian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Bosanski, Bulgarian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Български, Burmese${!TAB}-${!TAB} မြန်မာစာ, Catalan${!TAB}-${!TAB}Català, Chinese (Simplified)${!TAB}-${!TAB}中文(简体), Chinese (Traditional)${!TAB}-${!TAB}中文(繁體), Croatian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Hrvatski, Czech${!TAB}-${!TAB}Čeština, Danish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Dansk, Dutch${!TAB}-${!TAB}Nederlands, Dzongkha${!TAB}-${!TAB}རྫོང་ཁ།, English${!TAB}-${!TAB}English, Esperanto${!TAB}-${!TAB}Esperanto, Estonian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Eesti, Finnish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Suomi, French${!TAB}-${!TAB}Français, Galician${!TAB}-${!TAB}Galego, Georgian${!TAB}-${!TAB}ქართული, German${!TAB}-${!TAB}Deutsch, Greek${!TAB}-${!TAB}Ελληνικά, Gujarati${!TAB}-${!TAB}ગુજરાતી, Hebrew${!TAB}-${!TAB}עברית, Hindi${!TAB}-${!TAB}हिन्दी , Hungarian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Magyar, Icelandic${!TAB}-${!TAB}Íslenska, Indonesian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Bahasa Indonesia, Irish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Gaeilge, Italian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Italiano, Japanese${!TAB}-${!TAB}日本語, Kannada${!TAB}-${!TAB}ಕನ್ನಡ, Kazakh${!TAB}-${!TAB}Қазақ, Khmer${!TAB}-${!TAB}ខ្មែរ, Korean${!TAB}-${!TAB}한국어, Kurdish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Kurdî, Lao${!TAB}-${!TAB}ລາວ, Latvian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Latviski, Lithuanian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Lietuviškai, Macedonian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Македонски, Malayalam${!TAB}-${!TAB}മലയാളം, Marathi${!TAB}-${!TAB}मराठी, Nepali${!TAB}-${!TAB}नेपाली , Northern Sami${!TAB}-${!TAB}Sámegillii, Norwegian Bokmaal${!TAB}-${!TAB}Norsk bokmål, Norwegian Nynorsk${!TAB}-${!TAB}Norsk nynorsk, Persian${!TAB}-${!TAB}فارسی, Polish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Polski, Portuguese${!TAB}-${!TAB}Português, Portuguese (Brazil)${!TAB}-${!TAB}Português do Brasil, Punjabi (Gurmukhi)${!TAB}-${!TAB}ਪੰਜਾਬੀ, Romanian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Română, Russian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Русский, Serbian (Cyrillic)${!TAB}-${!TAB}Српски, Sinhala${!TAB}-${!TAB}සිංහල, Slovak${!TAB}-${!TAB}Slovenčina, Slovenian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Slovenščina, Spanish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Español, Swedish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Svenska, Tagalog${!TAB}-${!TAB}Tagalog, Tajik${!TAB}-${!TAB}Тоҷикӣ, Tamil${!TAB}-${!TAB}தமிழ், Telugu${!TAB}-${!TAB}తెలుగు, Thai${!TAB}-${!TAB}ภาษาไทย, Tibetan${!TAB}-${!TAB}བོད་ཡིག, Turkish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Türkçe, Ukrainian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Українська, Uyghur${!TAB}-${!TAB}ئۇيغۇرچە, Vietnamese${!TAB}-${!TAB}Tiếng Việt, Welsh${!TAB}-${!TAB}Cymraeg
debconf (developer): <-- SUBST localechooser/languagelist NAMES_BOTH C${!TAB}-${!TAB}No\ localization,\ Albanian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Shqip,\ Amharic${!TAB}-${!TAB}አማርኛ,\ Arabic${!TAB}-${!TAB}عربي,\ Asturian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Asturianu,\ Bangla${!TAB}-${!TAB}বাংলা,\ Basque${!TAB}-${!TAB}Euskara,\ Belarusian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Беларуская,\ Bosnian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Bosanski,\ Bulgarian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Български,\ Burmese${!TAB}-${!TAB}\ မြန်မာစာ,\ Catalan${!TAB}-${!TAB}Català,\ Chinese\ (Simplified)${!TAB}-${!TAB}中文(简体),\ Chinese\ (Traditional)${!TAB}-${!TAB}中文(繁體),\ Croatian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Hrvatski,\ Czech${!TAB}-${!TAB}Čeština,\ Danish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Dansk,\ Dutch${!TAB}-${!TAB}Nederlands,\ Dzongkha${!TAB}-${!TAB}རྫོང་ཁ།,\ English${!TAB}-${!TAB}English,\ Esperanto${!TAB}-${!TAB}Esperanto,\ Estonian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Eesti,\ Finnish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Suomi,\ French${!TAB}-${!TAB}Français,\ Galician${!TAB}-${!TAB}Galego,\ Georgian${!TAB}-${!TAB}ქართული,\ German${!TAB}-${!TAB}Deutsch,\ Greek${!TAB}-${!TAB}Ελληνικά,\ Gujarati${!TAB}-${!TAB}ગુજરાતી,\ Hebrew${!TAB}-${!TAB}עברית,\ Hindi${!TAB}-${!TAB}हिन्दी\ ,\ Hungarian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Magyar,\ Icelandic${!TAB}-${!TAB}Íslenska,\ Indonesian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Bahasa\ Indonesia,\ Irish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Gaeilge,\ Italian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Italiano,\ Japanese${!TAB}-${!TAB}日本語,\ Kannada${!TAB}-${!TAB}ಕನ್ನಡ,\ Kazakh${!TAB}-${!TAB}Қазақ,\ Khmer${!TAB}-${!TAB}ខ្មែរ,\ Korean${!TAB}-${!TAB}한국어,\ Kurdish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Kurdî,\ Lao${!TAB}-${!TAB}ລາວ,\ Latvian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Latviski,\ Lithuanian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Lietuviškai,\ Macedonian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Македонски,\ Malayalam${!TAB}-${!TAB}മലയാളം,\ Marathi${!TAB}-${!TAB}मराठी,\ Nepali${!TAB}-${!TAB}नेपाली\ ,\ Northern\ Sami${!TAB}-${!TAB}Sámegillii,\ Norwegian\ Bokmaal${!TAB}-${!TAB}Norsk\ bokmål,\ Norwegian\ Nynorsk${!TAB}-${!TAB}Norsk\ nynorsk,\ Persian${!TAB}-${!TAB}فارسی,\ Polish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Polski,\ Portuguese${!TAB}-${!TAB}Português,\ Portuguese\ (Brazil)${!TAB}-${!TAB}Português\ do\ Brasil,\ Punjabi\ (Gurmukhi)${!TAB}-${!TAB}ਪੰਜਾਬੀ,\ Romanian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Română,\ Russian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Русский,\ Serbian\ (Cyrillic)${!TAB}-${!TAB}Српски,\ Sinhala${!TAB}-${!TAB}සිංහල,\ Slovak${!TAB}-${!TAB}Slovenčina,\ Slovenian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Slovenščina,\ Spanish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Español,\ Swedish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Svenska,\ Tagalog${!TAB}-${!TAB}Tagalog,\ Tajik${!TAB}-${!TAB}Тоҷикӣ,\ Tamil${!TAB}-${!TAB}தமிழ்,\ Telugu${!TAB}-${!TAB}తెలుగు,\ Thai${!TAB}-${!TAB}ภาษาไทย,\ Tibetan${!TAB}-${!TAB}བོད་ཡིག,\ Turkish${!TAB}-${!TAB}Türkçe,\ Ukrainian${!TAB}-${!TAB}Українська,\ Uyghur${!TAB}-${!TAB}ئۇيغۇرچە,\ Vietnamese${!TAB}-${!TAB}Tiếng\ Việt,\ Welsh${!TAB}-${!TAB}Cymraeg
debconf (developer): --> 0
Aug 21 20:10:12 debconf (filter): <-- GET debian-installer/language
debconf (developer): <-- GET debian-installer/language
debconf (developer): --> 1
Aug 21 20:10:12 debconf (filter): <-- GET debian-installer/country
debconf (developer): <-- GET debian-installer/country
debconf (developer): --> 1
Aug 21 20:10:12 debconf (filter): <-- GET debian-installer/locale
debconf (developer): <-- GET debian-installer/locale
debconf (developer): --> 1
Aug 21 20:10:12 debconf (filter): <-- FGET debian-installer/locale seen
debconf (developer): <-- FGET debian-installer/locale seen
debconf (developer): --> 0 false
Aug 21 20:10:12 debconf (filter): <-- FSET debian-installer/locale seen false
debconf (developer): <-- FSET debian-installer/locale seen false
debconf (developer): --> 0 false
Aug 21 20:10:12 debconf (filter): <-- FGET localechooser/languagelist seen
debconf (developer): <-- FGET localechooser/languagelist seen
debconf (developer): --> 0 false
Aug 21 20:10:12 debconf (filter): <-- SETTITLE localechooser/title/language
debconf (developer): <-- SETTITLE localechooser/title/language
debconf (developer): --> 0
Aug 21 20:10:12 debconf (filter): <-- SET debconf/language en
debconf (developer): <-- SET debconf/language en
debconf (developer): --> 0 value set
Aug 21 20:10:12 debconf (filter): <-- GET localechooser/languagelist
debconf (developer): <-- GET localechooser/languagelist
debconf (developer): --> 1 en
Aug 21 20:10:12 debconf (filter): <-- GET debian-installer/language
debconf (developer): <-- GET debian-installer/language
debconf (developer): --> 1
Aug 21 20:10:12 debconf (filter): <-- CAPB backup align
debconf (developer): <-- CAPB backup align escape
debconf (developer): --> 0 multiselect escape
Aug 21 20:10:12 debconf (filter): <-- INPUT critical localechooser/languagelist
Aug 21 20:10:12 debconf (filter): widget found for localechooser/languagelist
debconf (developer): <-- GET localechooser/languagelist
debconf (developer): --> 1 en
debconf (developer): <-- GET localechooser/languagelist
debconf (developer): --> 1 en
debconf (developer): <-- METAGET localechooser/languagelist choices-c
debconf (developer): --> 1 C, sq, am, ar, ast, bn, eu, be, bs, bg, my, ca, zh_CN, zh_TW, hr, cs, da, nl, dz, en, eo, et, fi, fr, gl, ka, de, el, gu, he, hi, hu, is, id, ga, it, ja, kn, kk, km, ko, ku, lo, lv, lt, mk, ml, mr, ne, se_NO, nb_NO, nn_NO, fa, pl, pt, pt_BR, pa, ro, ru, sr, si, sk, sl, es, sv, tl, tg, ta, te, th, bo, tr, uk, ug, vi, cy
debconf (developer): <-- GET ubiquity/only-show-installable-languages
debconf (developer): --> 1 false

Redirecting output to ‘wget-log’.

Installer selects inappropriate date format (Olivia)

I live in Nairobi, Kenya. The installer finds my city automatically. However once the install is complete the date format is Oromo. I've performed 2 Olivia installations with this outcome. This did not happen with Maya or Nadia.

Correcting the issue later is also quite counter-intuitive. You must go to System Settings > Regional Settings > Get More Languages > Regional Formats to change the date format.

Edit: changed data to date.

Select the default timezone according to the location based on the detected IP address

Currently the installer iterates the timezone list and chooses the first entry that corresponds to the selected country code. When the country is wide enough and spans across several timezones, the selection may be wrong. For example, for a user in Europe/Moscow the installer would select the Asia/Anadyr timezone, because it's the first entry with "RU" country code in the list.
This should be corrected. The default timezone should be selected according to the location based on the detected IP address.

Building a package from this repositroy

I'm working on a customized Debian disc, and I found this repo and I think I can use it as the installer. But I don't know how can I make this to a deb package.

Replace firefox with chromium-browser for PC with less than 2Gb RAM.

Yesterday I've installed Linux Mint Mate 19 to old laptop with 1Gb RAM. Desktop environment is pretty fast, but after launching firefox it completely hanged. Just one tab with youtube in a few seconds drop the system to deep swaping.
Then I've installed chromium-browser and have played youtube video more than two hours. And swap stayed almost clear.
I think that Linux Mint installer have to install a chromium-browser instead of firefox when the system has a lack of memory.
I'm a firefox fan, but here is no another solution except this one.

Bad translation for advanced partitioning (German)

Installing LMDE2 via the latest ISO image 'lmde-2-201503-cinnamon-64bit.iso' I stumbled upon an irritating translation error.

The German info suggests to mount target file system at '/Ziel' (German for target) while '/target' is still anticipated by the installation process.

Can't get the installer to boot on my machine

I have no idea where to even start diagnozing this

Downloaded the installer for the Cinnamon flavor , burned to disc, booted, and after loading for a while the installer I'm left with a blank screen

Let me know what info I can provide to help diagnose this

Partition Guide (PDF / HTML page) This idea pretty much explains it. I believe, this is essential especially for dual-boot users. I follow forums quite regularly and you can see new users struggling to understand partition on Linux.

I would love to see this implemented soon. 😄 Thanks.

My personal story -
When I switched from Windows, I had to go through various pages / sites to get a hold on the concepts. fdisk, /devsda, ext4, swap, etc. All these were completely new concepts and fortunately landed up on the this tutorial and suggested to many newcomers in forums.

LMDE 4: System frozen when installing GRUB


During LDME 4 installation, my system froze when installing grub-efi-amd64:

(Sorry for the quality of the image)


I already had this type of probem with my hardware (Acer Spin 1), so I'm using rEFInd as bootloader and to solve this problem, I added a "--no-bootloader" option to the installer to disable the installlation of the EFI bootloader.

I made this patch:

I hope this can be useful for you.

No secure boot in LMDE 4 beta

Debian 10 (finally!) introduced support for secure boot. In LM 19 (and before) secure boot was already supported, presumably by using Ubuntu's Shim. So I imagine, it should be possible now to do the same in LMDE 4 by using Debian's Shim. Imho it is an important feature.

Installer doesn't find grub-mkconfig sometimes

Reported in this comment.

The installer shows "WARNING: The grub bootloader was not configured properly! You need to configure it manually." message. The log file (/var/log/live-installer-grub-output.log) contains only this line:

/bin/sh: 1: grub-mkconfig: not found

So it means the installer doesn't find grub-mkconfig for some reason although it should do so.

Cannot install LMDE or Debian from ISO stored on NTFS volume

I cannot install LMDE (v3, v4) or Debian (v10.3) from an ISO file stored on a NTFS volume - the installer fails before it reaches the live desktop with the error message "Unable to find a medium containing a live file system". Installation works fine when the ISO file is stored on a FAT32 volume. I believe that the problem is caused by the inability of the initial ramdisk image used by LMDE and Debian to understand NTFS volumes.
For many people NTFS is the de facto file system for data volumes because it is well supported by both Linux and Windows; Windows support for ext volumes is very poor. NTFS is also more space-efficient, robust and secure than FAT32.
This problem does not affect any edition of Linux Mint which I have tested (v18.0 to 19.3 inclusive, Cinnamon desktop).

Installer leaves some system directories with rwxrwxr-x permissions

Installer leaves some system directories with rwxrwxr-x permissions.

OS: LMDE2 Cinnamon 64-bit, 2015-03 installation disc


  1. Install system using Expert Mode
  2. Execute
    ls -al | grep /target
    ls -al | grep /target/etc
    ls -al | grep /target/lib

/etc, /lib, /etc/live, /etc/skel, /lib/live have rwxrwxr-x permissions.

Expected result:
/etc, /lib, /etc/live, /etc/skel, /lib/live should have rwxr-xr-x permissions.


Offer to select the repo mirror during the installation

Since users should update their LMDE after installation anyway, and not all of them are aware of mint-choose-debian-mirror (this information is well hidden in the forums), I think it would be convenient to perform mirror selection during the installation of LMDE.

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