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http-errors's Issues

Arbitrary properties on new createError[code || name]([msg]))?

Would be useful if we could pass arbitrary properties to errors using constructors. e.g.:

new createError[code || name]([msg],[properties]))

this would match the createError function signature. For example, right now we can do:

  createError(402, 'Your balance is too low.', {
    detail: {
      currentBalance: 100,
      price: 150,

but not

  new createError.PaymentRequired('Your balance is too low.', {
    detail: {
      currentBalance: 100,
      price: 150,

How to send the message in different structure ?

instead of :
if (!foundUser) return next(createError.NotFound("User not found"));

i want to send an object like this :

	if (!foundUser) return next(createError.NotFound(
			field : "email",
			message: "User not found"

// the same as :  res.status(404).json({field:"email", message:"User not found"})

.expose: precedence of the options object

I think ignoring .expose in the options object is somewhat counter intuitive. What's your position on this?
We could do something like

err = err || new Error(msg || statuses[status]);
err.expose = status < 500;
for (var key in props) err[key] = props[key];
err.status = err.statusCode = status;

@jonathanong, @dead-horse

[Feature Request] Support "errors" inside properties


is it possible to add an "errors" support to properties.
For example something like this:

const errors = { name: ["required"] }
new BadRequest('validation error', { errors })

Because now I must extend a BadRequest error like that:

createError.ValidationError = class ValidationError extends createError.BadRequest {
  constructor(message, errors) {
    this.errors = errors

and IMHO it should be out of the box supported.
What do you think?

Feature Request: Ability to attach custom properties to named errors


new createError.[code || name]([msg], [properties]))

Create a new error object with the given message msg.
The error object inherits from createError.HttpError.

var err1 = new createError.NotFound()
var err2 = new createError.NotImplemented('Route not implemented', { expose: true })
  • code - the status code as a number
  • name - the name of the error as a "bumpy case", i.e. NotFound or InternalServerError.
  • msg - (optional) the message of the error
  • properties - (optional) custom properties to attach to the object

params overloading

Is there any point in doing create(404, 'message') when you can use create[404]('message') ?

Also, you can do create(404, 'message') as well as create('message', 404), which will be pain to support if we decide to change that.

I'm now thinking about literally shadowing global Error object with this one:

var Error = require('http-error')
throw new Error('this would work as usual')
throw new Error[404]('this would work as http error')

... and things like treating numbers as status codes might break the idea.

Add "expose" to "new createError.[code || name]([msg]))" syntax

Hi all,

Please consider add support for expose property in new createError.[code || name]([msg])) like syntax.

We use new[msg])) a lot because of its readability. It also mitigates the need to remember all those status codes. Being able to do something like below will be of great help.

var err = new createError.NotFound("Show this error to client.", {expose: true, ...});

Guard Error.captureStackTrace()

I'm trying to use this library in react-native. RN uses the V8 JS engine during development, but JSC for releases.

V8 supports Error.captureStackTrace(), but JSC doesn't.

Hence, unguarded use of Error.captureStackTrace() in the library causes a TypeError exception for release builds:

TypeError: Error.captureStackTrace is not a function. (In 'Error.captureStackTrace(o)', 'Error.captureStackTrace' is undefined)

Would it be possible to guard calls to captureStackTrace() in the library?

Here's an example: auth0/react-native-auth0#33

Inconsistent error property enumerability

You would expect these usages to log identically:

import createError from 'http-errors'

  JSON.stringify(createError('Message 1.')),
  JSON.stringify(createError(new Error('Message 2.')))

They actually output this:

{"message":"Message 1."} {"expose":false,"statusCode":500,"status":500}

For context, I am attempting to do snapshot testing of errors that have been created various ways and am having many surprises.

Interface changes

Based on #103

Users likely expect to be able to pass custom properties to errors when creating them via the shortcut methods such as createError.NotFound().

Proposed change would look something like:

const createError = require('http-errors')

createError.NotFound({message: "Aw shucks", data: { foo: "bar" } }) // does not work today

You need to use the createError({...}) form to pass custom properties to an error.

createError(404, {message: "Aw shucks", data: { foo: "bar" } })

There's a few caveats with the current implementation, namely you can't set status via properties.

createError({ status: 404, message: "Aw shucks", data: { foo: "bar" } })
// status is ignored, will create a 500 server error with provided message and data fields

There is also a very high arity for createError, which should be locked down into a stable interface.


for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
    var arg = arguments[i]
    var type = typeof arg
    if (type === 'object' && arg instanceof Error) {
      err = arg
      status = err.status || err.statusCode || status
    } else if (type === 'number' && i === 0) {
      status = arg
    } else if (type === 'string') {
      msg = arg
    } else if (type === 'object') {
      props = arg
    } else {
      throw new TypeError('argument #' + (i + 1) + ' unsupported type ' + type)

Any of these changes would be semver major. There aren't plans for a major release of http-errors yet, but these are things Im thinking about.

why did I put these both in one issue?

These are both topics related to the interfaces exposed by the library for accepting arguments, which can use some rethinking.

JSON stringified error does not contain message

In my app I use res.status(err.status).send(err) to send error. send uses JSON.stringify for objects. Stringified error does not contain message.


var createError = require('http-errors');

var error  = createError(404, 'message', { description: 'description' });
var error2 = createError(404, { message: 'message', description: 'description' });

console.log(JSON.stringify(error));  // {"description":"description"}
console.log(JSON.stringify(error2)); // {"description":"description"}

How to use error constructors directly

I noticed the docs don't mention using the named error constructors directly (i.e. new NotFound()). Is there a reason why? also since they are factories it seems that throw NotFound would be the call but ESLint balks at the capitalization. Is the future going to using these as legit constructors or heading towards a camelCase factory var?

The docs do not mention using the named constructor directly though the code exports them.

properties could change err.status

the test case will failed in koa:

describe('when props include status', function(){
    it('should be ignored', function(done){
      var ctx = context();

      try {
        ctx.throw(400, 'msg', {
          prop: true,
          status: -1
      } catch (err) {
        assert('msg' == err.message);
        assert(400 == err.status);
        assert(true === err.expose);
        assert(true === err.prop);

Is it intentional?

err.headers standardization


not sure how we can standardize this... last thing i want is for other people to use a different property name. also want all the text casing to be the same so people don't do:

err.headers = {
  'content-type': 'text',
  'Content-Type': 'application/json',

maybe set .headers = {} by default?

Remove legacy dependencies?

I was looking at how my projects are pulling in packages like inherits and setprototypeof and http-errors came up a lot.

I see that there's some discussion of breaking changes in issues like #104 and requests for better class interop in #98. Would there be appetite for also removing inherits and setprototypeof along with those for a new major version?

how to set response headers?

I want to set error response headers when an error occurred. Like Content-Type = application/json. When I passed the {'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8'} as err.headers nothing changed.

let err = new Error("{message: 'error'}");
err.status = 405;
err.headers = {"content-type": 'application/json; charset=utf-8'};
err.expose = true;
throw err;

Thanks in advance.

Allow HttpError extension by ES6 classes

To allow better interoperability with ES6 classes (which are forced to call the super() constructor) it is better to add the following condition to the HttpError constructor:

if (this.constructor === HttpError) {
    throw new TypeError('cannot construct abstract class')

This way the class can be extended with a concrete class like this:

class MyHttpError extends HttpError {
    constructor() {

A variant using ES6 classes as base class is shown here but the same works with old school constructor functions as well.

Support for Error.cause

Node 16.9 / V8 9.3 added a cause property to Error.

Can this support be added into this package? Even if it's not running a version that supports the extra Error constructor options, it would be good to attach it to HttpError.cause anyway.

support new createError.BadRequest(obj)

some times we need to create an error, based on origin internal error.

so, I'd like to create error like this

catch (err) {
    if (err instanceof mongoose.Error.CastError) {
      throw new createError.BadRequest(err);
    } else ...;

httpError(N, error) is misleading if error is already an HTTP error

I would expect

httpError(500, httpError(402)).statusCode

to be 500, but it's 402.

(The use case here is that I have a try/catch statement that turns all exceptions into HTTP 500s by default, and it's not working correctly when the original exception is already an httpError.)

Always returning status code 500

validateId = (req, res, next) => {
    if (!mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid( {
      return next(createError(404));



  "message": "Not Found",
  "name": "NotFoundError"

but with status code 500.

Consider un-deprecating non-error status codes

Currently throwing errors with non-error status codes works, but causes a deprecation notice to log:

screen shot 2018-06-07 at 12 27 48 am

There are instances where it is perfectly valid to throw an error yet respond with a 200 status. GraphQL servers are required to respond with a 200 status when errors were encountered within resolvers (see graphql/express-graphql#118 (comment)).

You can see this use case in action here:

Question: Support "errors" inside properties

Hi! I read issue #69 where it has been shared that it should be possible to do the following:

const errors = { name: ["required"] }
createError(400, 'validation error', { errors })

Am I correct to assume that this should give the following back?:

  error: "Bad Request",
  message: "validation error",
  errors: { name: ["required"] },
  statusCode: 400

Because if that should be the case, I am currently only getting

  error: "Bad Request",
  message: "validation error",
  statusCode: 400

I am wondering if I am misunderstanding this functionality or implementing it wrong.

instanceof HttpError not working when receiving error from other package

I'm not sure if this is specific to http-errors or to TypeScript, but this is the issue I'm having: it seems that instanceof doesn't work when I'm receiving a HttpError from another package.

To reproduce:

  • create a package with npm init
  • npm install typescript http-errors --save
  • npm install @types/http-errors --save-dev
  • add index.ts:
import * as httpErrors from "http-errors";

export function getError() {
    return new httpErrors.Unauthorized("Whatever");

To have exactly the same as I did, run ./node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc --init and change target from es5 to es6.

Now run npm link in the directory and create a new project somewhere else and npm link <first-package-name> to add a symlink in the node_modules directory.

In the new project, add some code like this:

import * as httpErrors from "http-errors";
import { getError } from "<first-package-name>";

const err1 = new httpErrors.Unauthorized("Foo");
console.log(err1 instanceof httpErrors.HttpError); // will output true

const err2 = getError();
console.log(err2 instanceof httpErrors.HttpError); // will output false!

Again, I'm not sure if this is TypeScript in general, or the way the code in http-errors is contructed. I'm no JS/TS expert, so I'm interested in your opinion/advice.

For your convenience, I've created a repo that you can just pull and then run node index.js.

The second argument "Error" overwrites the first argument "status"

I am sorry if I had written rude things because I am poor at English.

When I specified Error as the second argument, there was a key like status or statusCode, so the status code of the first argument was overwritten.

Error is like this.

{ MessageRejected: Email address is not verified.....
    message: 'Rejected',
    code: 'ClientError',
    statusCode: 400}

And, I written the following code.

try {
} catch (e) {
    throw createError(500, e, { errors: [{ msg: 'sending mail was failed' }] })

In the case of the above error, the first argument is ignored and the return value of status is forced to 400.
And I return the status of the Error to the client, as the status code of the response.

This is caused by the following code.

  for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
    var arg = arguments[i]
    if (arg instanceof Error) {
      err = arg
      status = err.status || err.statusCode || status


I think it's strange that status was changed by the first argument , but it will changed again.

Support non-standard response codes

It's not unsual for APIs, especially private ones, to use non-standard response codes in the 400 range for specific errors. As is, the module does not allow this - it will convert any non-standard code to a 500. As an example here's what I'm doing in my app:

  var err = http_errors(471, 'Invalid API Key.')
  err.status = 471;

Ideally, in my opinion, there would be a way to pass an array of additional codes when requiring the library, which would allow us to easily have a JSON file containing our extended error codes while allowing the library to validate the code against the list of available/valid codes.

extremely slow

Holy crap. Just requiring this module add an entire 5 seconds of start up time on my machine!!! I have not yet dug into it.

Consider eval

Okay, I know how this sounds. Everybody knows eval is evil, but hear me out.

Currently errors created by this module have their set to either Error or one of ServerError and ClientError (see my other ticket on consolidating the different factories).

It would be nice if they instead had the name that is used to export them, e.g. ImATeapot.

There is no way to set the name of a function after the fact, so this would require creating the constructors dynamically -- kinda like this.

The benefit would be that it would be easier to distinguish the various error functions exported by this module, especially in the console (where they currently just appear as [Function: ClientError] etc, rather than [Function: NotFound] and such).

Constructor api parity

The createError([status], [error], [properties]) api allows the user to specify properties,
e.g.: throw createError(404, "test", { expose: false }).

However, the constructor api new createError[code || name]([msg])) does not.

Is there a reason for this? I would like to be able to e.g.:
throw new createError.NotFound("test", { expose: false })

In my use case I would like to use the expose flag to determine if the error message should be exposed to the end-client. In some cases (e.g., auth) the 4xx client errors messages are sensitive so I'd like to return an ambiguous message in the case that the http error doesn't have the expose flag set.

Usability in browsers (wrap `captureStackTrace`)

Is it possible to check for the existence of Error.captureStackTrace() before using it?
I was trying to use http-errors on the browser side via Browserify, and it blew up with:

TypeError: Error.captureStackTrace is not a function

(on Firefox).
Any way to check for its existence before using, since it's non-standard to some environments?

Consider replacing error factories with real constructors

Currently the "constructors" are actually just factory functions and we have a total of three such factories in the code that do pretty much the same thing (ClientError, ServerError and the exported function).

The only reason ServerError and ClientError have any inheritance at all is that the __proto__ property of the new error is manipulated directly. This is incompatible with some possible environments (the double underscores are there for a reason).

It would be nice if the two constructors were actual constructors (i.e. return this, not a retrofitted error). For an example of how this would work see [email protected].

The obvious drawback is that Object.prototype.toString returns [object Object] instead of [object Error] and util.isError returns false (though instanceof checks pass as one would expect). The benefit is that this approach can be made to work in environments that don't support overriding __proto__.

Cannot subclass errors

I was surprised I couldn't subclass errors. I would have expected my ValidationError class would support an instanceof check against itself.

const { BadRequest } = require('http-errors')
const assert = require('assert')

class ValidationError extends BadRequest {}

const err = new ValidationError()
// "BadRequestError"

// err should be an instance of ValidationError
assert(err instanceof ValidationError)

Include typescript typings in the package

Question: would it be possible to include the typescript typings, which are currently available via @types/http-errors, directly into the package?

And by that, also provide for commonjs default export support?

Inconsistent error type

I'm trying to figure out how to identify the errors created with this library.

According to the README, "All errors inherit from JavaScript Error and the exported createError.HttpError." so my intention is to do something like

createError('...') instanceof createError.HttpError; // true

which works great unless an actual error is passed as an argument:

createError(new Error('...')) instanceof createError.HttpError; // false

In this case, createError() returns the original error instead (after adding some properties).

Because JS doesn't support multiple inheritance, I guess the remaining option is to rely on duck typing. For example:

const isHttpError = value => value instanceof Error && 'status' in value && 'expose' in value;

isHttpError(createError(new Error('...'))); // true

I wonder if this is the recommended approach and, if so, I'd suggest to update the documentation accordingly.

A low-level question

When I use next (createError (500)) to create an httpError, and the error is returned to the client, will the remaining code on the server be stopped? Or will it return to the next place and continue to execute downward?

populateConstructorExports calls toIdentifier with unknown

After updating NPM packages, this exception started happening on each request.

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split')
  at toIdentifier (D:\home\site\wwwroot\node_modules\send\node_modules\toidentifier\index.js:24:6)
  at forEachCode (D:\home\site\wwwroot\node_modules\send\node_modules\http-errors\index.js:245:16)
  at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
  at populateConstructorExports (D:\home\site\wwwroot\node_modules\send\node_modules\http-errors\index.js:243:9)
  at Object.<anonymous> (D:\home\site\wwwroot\node_modules\send\node_modules\http-errors\index.js:30:1)
  at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1101:14)
  at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1153:10)
  at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:981:32)
  at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:822:12)
  at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1005:19)

Cannot install package due to flatmap-stream dependency

What I've done

I did an npm i http-errors@latest

Expected behavior

http-errors get installed, life goes on

What happened

The following error turned up

npm ERR! code E404
npm ERR! 404 Not Found: flatmap-stream@

Suggested Solution

Some dependency of the package has flatmap-stream as a dependency. Please update the dependencies

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