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string.js's Introduction

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string.js, or simply S is a lightweight (< 5 kb minified and gzipped) JavaScript library for the browser or for Node.js that provides extra String methods. Originally, it modified the String prototype. But I quickly learned that in JavaScript, this is considered poor practice.


Personally, I prefer the cleanliness of the way code looks when it appears to be native methods. i.e. when you modify native JavaScript prototypes. However, if any app dependency required string.js, then the app's string prototype would be modified in every module. This could be troublesome. So I settled on creating a wrapper a la jQuery style. For those of you prototype hatin' fools, there is the method extendPrototype().

Here's a list of alternative frameworks:

Why wasn't I happy with any of them? They are all static methods that don't seem to support chaining in a clean way 'OR' they have an odd dependency. Sugar is the notable exception.


  1. If you want to use this library, you first need to install the [Node.js] (

  2. When you install node.js, will also be installed [npm] (

  3. Please run the following command.

npm install --save string

Experiment with String.js Now

Assuming you're on, just simply open up the Webkit inspector in either Chrome or Safari, or the web console in Firefox and you'll notice that string.js is included in this page so that you can start experimenting with it right away.



var S = require('string');

Originally, I was using $s but glancing over the code, it was easy to confuse $s for string.js with $ for jQuery. Feel free to use the most convenient variable for you.


Checkout this gem to easily use string.js on the asset pipeline:


<!-- HTML5 -->
<script src=""></script>

<!-- Note that in the mime type for Javascript is now officially 'application/javascript'. If you
set the type to application/javascript in IE browsers, your Javacript will fail. Just don't set a
type via the script tag and set the mime type from your server. Most browsers look at the server mime
type anyway -->

<!-- For HTML4/IE -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

A global variable window.S or simply S is created.

AMD Support

It now has AMD support. See require.js on how to use with AMD modules.


var doesIt = S('my cool string').left(2).endsWith('y'); //true

Access the wrapped string using s variable or toString()

var name = S('Your name is JP').right(2).s; //'JP'

is the same as…

var name = S('Your name is JP').right(2).toString(); //'JP'

Still like the clean look of calling these methods directly on native Strings? No problem. Call extendPrototype(). Make sure to not call this at the module level, at it'll effect the entire application lifecycle. You should really only use this at the method level. The one exception being if your application will not be a dependency of another application.

var name = 'Your name is JP'.right(2); //'JP'
S.restorePrototype(); //be a good citizen and clean up

Browser Compatibility

string.js has been designed to be compatible with Node.js and with IE6+, Firefox 3+, Safari 2+, Chrome 3+. Please click here to run the tests in your browser. Report any browser issues here:

Extending string.js

See: #57

Native JavaScript Methods

string.js imports all of the native JavaScript methods. This is for convenience. The only difference is that the imported methods return string.js objects instead of native JavaScript strings. The one exception to this is the method charAt(index). This is because charAt() only returns a string of length one. This is typically done for comparisons and a string.js object will have little to no value here.

All of the native methods support chaining with the string.js methods.


var S = require('string');

var phrase = S('JavaScript is the best scripting language ever!');
var sub = 'best scripting';
var pos = phrase.indexOf(sub);
console.log(phrase.substr(pos, sub.length).truncate(8)); //best...


See test file for more details.

I use the same nomenclature as Objective-C regarding methods. + means static or class method. - means non-static or instance method.

- constructor(nativeJsString)

This creates a new string.js object. The parameter can be anything. The toString() method will be called on any objects. Some native objects are used in some functions such as toCSV().


S('hello').s //"hello"
S(['a,b']).s //"a,b"
S({hi: 'jp'}).s //"[object Object]""

- between(left, right)

Extracts a string between left and right strings.


S('<a>foo</a>').between('<a>', '</a>').s // => 'foo'
S('<a>foo</a></a>').between('<a>', '</a>').s // => 'foo'
S('<a><a>foo</a></a>').between('<a>', '</a>').s // => '<a>foo'
S('<a>foo').between('<a>', '</a>').s // => ''
S('Some strings } are very {weird}, dont you think?').between('{', '}').s // => 'weird'
S('This is a test string').between('test').s // => ' string'
S('This is a test string').between('', 'test').s // => 'This is a '

- camelize()

Remove any underscores or dashes and convert a string into camel casing.


S('data_rate').camelize().s; //'dataRate'
S('background-color').camelize().s; //'backgroundColor'
S('-moz-something').camelize().s; //'MozSomething'
S('_car_speed_').camelize().s; //'CarSpeed'
S('yes_we_can').camelize().s; //'yesWeCan'

- capitalize()

Capitalizes the first character of a string.


S('jon').capitalize().s; //'Jon'
S('JP').capitalize().s; //'Jp'

- chompLeft(prefix)

Removes prefix from start of string.


S('foobar').chompLeft('foo').s; //'bar'
S('foobar').chompLeft('bar').s; //'foobar'

- chompRight(suffix)

Removes suffix from end of string.


S('foobar').chompRight('bar').s; //'foo'
S('foobar').chompRight('foo').s; //'foobar'

- collapseWhitespace()

Converts all adjacent whitespace characters to a single space.


var str = S('  String   \t libraries are   \n\n\t fun\n!  ').collapseWhitespace().s; //'String libraries are fun !'

- contains(ss)

Returns true if the string contains ss.

Alias: include()


S('JavaScript is one of the best languages!').contains('one'); //true

- count(substring)

Returns the count of the number of occurrences of the substring.


S('JP likes to program. JP does not play in the NBA.').count("JP")// 2
S('Does not exist.').count("Flying Spaghetti Monster") //0
S('Does not exist.').count("Bigfoot") //0
S('JavaScript is fun, therefore Node.js is fun').count("fun") //2
S('funfunfun').count("fun") //3

- dasherize()

Returns a converted camel cased string into a string delimited by dashes.


S('dataRate').dasherize().s; //'data-rate'
S('CarSpeed').dasherize().s; //'-car-speed'
S('yesWeCan').dasherize().s; //'yes-we-can'
S('backgroundColor').dasherize().s; //'background-color'

- decodeHTMLEntities()

Decodes HTML entities into their string representation.

S('Ken Thompson &amp; Dennis Ritchie').decodeHTMLEntities().s; //'Ken Thompson & Dennis Ritchie'
S('3 &lt; 4').decodeHTMLEntities().s; //'3 < 4'

- endsWith(ss)

Returns true if the string ends with ss.


S("hello jon").endsWith('jon'); //true

- escapeHTML()

Escapes the html.


S('<div>hi</div>').escapeHTML().s; //&lt;div&gt;hi&lt;/div&gt;

+ extendPrototype()

Modifies String.prototype to have all of the methods found in string.js.



- ensureLeft(prefix)

Ensures string starts with prefix.


S('subdir').ensureLeft('/').s; //'/subdir'
S('/subdir').ensureLeft('/').s; //'/subdir'

- ensureRight(suffix)

Ensures string ends with suffix.


S('dir').ensureRight('/').s; //'dir/'
S('dir/').ensureRight('/').s; //'dir/'

- humanize()

Transforms the input into a human friendly form.


S('the_humanize_string_method').humanize().s  //'The humanize string method'
S('ThehumanizeStringMethod').humanize().s //'Thehumanize string method'
S('the humanize string method').humanize().s  //'The humanize string method'
S('the humanize_id string method_id').humanize().s //'The humanize id string method'
S('the  humanize string method  ').humanize().s //'The humanize string method'
S('   capitalize dash-CamelCase_underscore trim  ').humanize().s //'Capitalize dash camel case underscore trim'

- include(ss)

Returns true if the string contains the ss.

Alias: contains()


S('JavaScript is one of the best languages!').include('one'); //true

- isAlpha()

Return true if the string contains only letters.


S("afaf").isAlpha(); //true
S('fdafaf3').isAlpha(); //false
S('dfdf--dfd').isAlpha(); //false

- isAlphaNumeric()

Return true if the string contains only letters and numbers


S("afaf35353afaf").isAlphaNumeric(); //true
S("FFFF99fff").isAlphaNumeric(); //true
S("99").isAlphaNumeric(); //true
S("afff").isAlphaNumeric(); //true
S("Infinity").isAlphaNumeric(); //true
S("-Infinity").isAlphaNumeric(); //false
S("-33").isAlphaNumeric(); //false
S("aaff..").isAlphaNumeric(); //false

- isEmpty()

Return true if the string is solely composed of whitespace or is null/undefined.


S(' ').isEmpty(); //true
S('\t\t\t    ').isEmpty(); //true
S('\n\n ').isEmpty(); //true
S('helo').isEmpty(); //false
S(null).isEmpty(); //true
S(undefined).isEmpty(); //true

- isLower()

Return true if the character or string is lowercase


S('a').isLower(); //true
S('z').isLower(); //true
S('B').isLower(); //false
S('hijp').isLower(); //true
S('hi jp').isLower(); //false
S('HelLO').isLower(); //false

- isNumeric()

Return true if the string only contains digits


S("3").isNumeric(); //true
S("34.22").isNumeric(); //false
S("-22.33").isNumeric(); //false
S("NaN").isNumeric(); //false
S("Infinity").isNumeric(); //false
S("-Infinity").isNumeric(); //false
S("JP").isNumeric(); //false
S("-5").isNumeric(); //false
S("000992424242").isNumeric(); //true

- isUpper()

Returns true if the character or string is uppercase


S('a').isUpper() //false
S('z').isUpper()  //false
S('B').isUpper() //true
S('HIJP').isUpper() //true
S('HI JP').isUpper() //false
S('HelLO').isUpper() //true

- latinise()

Removes accents from Latin characters.

S('crème brûlée').latinise().s // 'creme brulee'

- left(n)

Return the substring denoted by n positive left-most characters.


S('My name is JP').left(2).s; //'My'
S('Hi').left(0).s; //''
S('My name is JP').left(-2).s; //'JP', same as right(2)

- length

Property to return the length of the string object.


S('hi').length; //2

- lines()

Returns an array with the lines. Cross-platform compatible.


var stuff = "My name is JP\nJavaScript is my fav language\r\nWhat is your fav language?"
var lines = S(stuff).lines()

[ 'My name is JP',
  'JavaScript is my fav language',
  'What is your fav language?' ]

- pad(len, [char])

Pads the string in the center with specified character. char may be a string or a number, defaults is a space.


S('hello').pad(5).s //'hello'
S('hello').pad(10).s //'   hello  '
S('hey').pad(7).s //'  hey  '
S('hey').pad(5).s //' hey '
S('hey').pad(4).s //' hey'
S('hey').pad(7, '-').s//'--hey--'

- padLeft(len, [char])

Left pads the string.


S('hello').padLeft(5).s //'hello'
S('hello').padLeft(10).s //'     hello'
S('hello').padLeft(7).s //'  hello'
S('hello').padLeft(6).s //' hello'
S('hello').padLeft(10, '.').s //'.....hello'

- padRight(len, [char])

Right pads the string.


S('hello').padRight(5).s //'hello'
S('hello').padRight(10).s //'hello     '
S('hello').padRight(7).s //'hello  '
S('hello').padRight(6).s //'hello '
S('hello').padRight(10, '.').s //'hello.....'

- parseCSV()

Parses a CSV line into an array.


  • delimiter: The character that is separates or delimits fields. Default: ,
  • qualifier: The character that encloses fields. Default: "
  • escape: The character that represents the escape character. Default: \
  • lineDelimiter: The character that represents the end of a line. When a lineDelimiter is passed the result will be a multidimensional array. Default: undefined


S("'a','b','c'").parseCSV(',', "'") //['a', 'b', 'c'])
S('"a","b","c"').parseCSV() // ['a', 'b', 'c'])
S('a,b,c').parseCSV(',', null)  //['a', 'b', 'c'])
S("'a,','b','c'").parseCSV(',', "'") //['a,', 'b', 'c'])
S('"a","b",4,"c"').parseCSV(',', null) //['"a"', '"b"', '4', '"c"'])
S('"a","b","4","c"').parseCSV() //['a', 'b', '4', 'c'])
S('"a","b",       "4","c"').parseCSV() //['a', 'b', '4', 'c'])
S('"a","b",       4,"c"').parseCSV(",", null) //[ '"a"', '"b"', '       4', '"c"' ])
S('"a","b\\"","d","c"').parseCSV() //['a', 'b"', 'd', 'c'])
S('"a","b\\"","d","c"').parseCSV() //['a', 'b"', 'd', 'c'])
S('"a\na","b","c"\n"a", """b\nb", "a"').parseCSV(',', '"', '"', '\n')) // [ [ 'a\na', 'b', 'c' ], [ 'a', '"b\nb', 'a' ] ]

- repeat(n)

Returns a string repeated n times.

Alias: times()


S(' ').repeat(5).s; //'     '
S('*').repeat(3).s; //'***'

- replaceAll(ss, newstr)

Return the new string with all occurrences of ss replaced with newstr.


S(' does IT work? ').replaceAll(' ', '_').s; //'_does_IT_work?_'
S('Yes it does!').replaceAll(' ', '').s; //'Yesitdoes!'

+ restorePrototype()

Restore the original String prototype. Typically used in conjunction with extendPrototype().



- right(n)

Return the substring denoted by n positive right-most characters.


S('I AM CRAZY').right(2).s; //'ZY'
S('Does it work?  ').right(4).s; //'k?  '
S('Hi').right(0).s; //''
S('My name is JP').right(-2).s; //'My', same as left(2)

- s

Alias: toString()

The encapsulated native string representation of an S object.


S('my name is JP.').capitalize().s; //My name is JP.
var a = "Hello " + S('joe!'); //a = "Hello joe!"
S("Hello").toString() === S("Hello").s; //true

- setValue(value)

Sets the string to a value.

var myString = S('War');
myString.setValue('Peace').s; // 'Peace'

- slugify()

Converts the text into a valid url slug. Removes accents from Latin characters.

S('Global Thermonuclear Warfare').slugify().s // 'global-thermonuclear-warfare'
S('Crème brûlée').slugify().s // 'creme-brulee'

- splitLeft(sep, [maxSplit = -1, [limit]])

Returns an array of strings, split from the left at sep. Performs at most maxSplit splits, and slices the result into an array with at most limit elements.


S('We built this city').splitLeft(' '); // ['We', 'built', 'this', 'city'];
S('We built this city').splitLeft(' ', 1); // ['We', 'built this city'];
S('On Rock N Roll and other Stuff').splitLeft(' ', -1, 4); // ['On', 'Rock', 'N', 'Roll'];
S('On Rock N Roll and other Stuff').splitLeft(' ', 5, -2); // ['and', 'other Stuff'];

- splitRight(sep, [maxSplit = -1, [limit]])

Returns an array of strings, split from the left at sep. Performs at most maxSplit splits, and slices the result into an array with at most limit elements.


S('This is all very fun').splitRight(' '); // ['This', 'is', 'all', 'very', 'fun'];
S('and I could do it forever').splitRight(' ', 1); // ['and I could do it', 'forever'];
S('but nothing matters in the end.').splitRight(' ', -1, 2); // ['the', 'end.'];
S('but nothing matters in the end.').splitRight(' ', 4, -2); // ['but nothing', 'matters'];

- startsWith(prefix)

Return true if the string starts with prefix.


S('JP is a software engineer').startsWith('JP'); //true
S('wants to change the world').startsWith('politicians'); //false

- strip([string1],[string2],...)

Returns a new string with all occurrences of [string1],[string2],... removed.


S(' 1 2 3--__--4 5 6-7__8__9--0').strip(' ', '_', '-').s; //'1234567890'
S('can words also be stripped out?').strip('words', 'also', 'be').s; //'can    stripped out?'

- stripLeft([chars])

Returns a new string in which all chars have been stripped from the beginning of the string (default whitespace characters).


S('  hello ').stripLeft().s; //'hello '
S('abcz').stripLeft('a-z').s; //'bcz'
S('').stripLeft('w.').s; //''

- stripRight([chars])

Returns a new string in which all chars have been stripped from the end of the string (default whitespace characters).


S('  hello ').stripRight().s; //'  hello'
S('abcz').stripRight('a-z').s; //'abc'

- stripPunctuation()

Strip all of the punctuation.


S('My, st[ring] *full* of %punct)').stripPunctuation().s; //My string full of punct

- stripTags([tag1],[tag2],...)

Strip all of the HTML tags or tags specified by the parameters.


S('<p>just <b>some</b> text</p>').stripTags().s //'just some text'
S('<p>just <b>some</b> text</p>').stripTags('p').s //'just <b>some</b> text'

- template(values, [open], [close])

Takes a string and interpolates the values. Defaults to {{ and }} for Mustache compatible templates. However, you can change this default by modifying S.TMPL_OPEN and S.TMPL_CLOSE.


var str = "Hello {{name}}! How are you doing during the year of {{date-year}}?"
var values = {name: 'JP', 'date-year': 2013}
console.log(S(str).template(values).s) //'Hello JP! How are you doing during the year of 2013?'

str = "Hello #{name}! How are you doing during the year of #{date-year}?"
console.log(S(str).template(values, '#{', '}').s) //'Hello JP! How are you doing during the year of 2013?'

str = "Hello {name}! How are you doing during the year of {date-year}?"
console.log(S(str).template(values).s) //'Hello JP! How are you doing during the year of 2013?'

- times(n)

Returns a string repeated n times.

Alias: repeat()


S(' ').times(5).s //'     '
S('*').times(3).s //'***'

- titleCase()

Returns a string with the first letter of each word uppercased, including hyphenated words


S('Like ice in the sunshine').titleCase().s // 'Like Ice In The Sunshine'
S('data_rate').titleCase().s // 'Data_Rate'
S('background-color').titleCase().s // 'Background-Color'
S('-moz-something').titleCase().s // '-Moz-Something'
S('_car_speed_').titleCase().s // '_Car_Speed_'
S('yes_we_can').titleCase().s // 'Yes_We_Can

S('   capitalize dash-CamelCase_underscore trim  ').humanize().titleCase().s // 'Capitalize Dash Camel Case Underscore Trim'

- toBoolean() / toBool()

Converts a a logical truth string to boolean. That is: true, 1, 'true', 'on', or 'yes'.

JavaScript Note: You can easily convert truthy values to booleans by prefixing them with !!. e.g. !!'hi' === true or !!'' === false or !!{} === true.


S('true').toBoolean() //true
S('false').toBoolean() //false
S('hello').toBoolean() //false
S(true).toBoolean() //true
S('on').toBoolean() //true
S('yes').toBoolean() //true
S('TRUE').toBoolean() //true
S('TrUe').toBoolean() //true
S('YES').toBoolean() //true
S('ON').toBoolean() //true
S('').toBoolean() //false
S(undefined).toBoolean() //false
S('undefined').toBoolean() //false
S(null).toBoolean() //false
S(false).toBoolean() //false
S({}).toBoolean() //false
S(1).toBoolean() //true
S(-1).toBoolean() //false
S(0).toBoolean() //false

- toCSV(options)

Converts an array or object to a CSV line.

You can either optionally pass in two string arguments or pass in a configuration object.

String Arguments:

  • delimiter: The character that is separates or delimits fields. Default: ,
  • qualifier: The character that encloses fields. Default: "

Object Configuration:

  • delimiter: The character that is separates or delimits fields. Default: ,
  • qualifier: The character that encloses fields. Default: "
  • escape: The character that escapes any incline qualifier characters. Default: \, in JS this is \\
  • encloseNumbers: Enclose number objects with the qualifier character. Default: true
  • keys: If the input isn't an array, but an object, then if this is set to true, the keys will be output to the CSV line, otherwise it's the object's values. Default: false.


S(['a', 'b', 'c']).toCSV().s //'"a","b","c"'
S(['a', 'b', 'c']).toCSV(':').s //'"a":"b":"c"'
S(['a', 'b', 'c']).toCSV(':', null).s //'a:b:c')
S(['a', 'b', 'c']).toCSV('*', "'").s //"'a'*'b'*'c'"
S(['a"', 'b', 4, 'c']).toCSV({delimiter: ',', qualifier: '"', escape: '\\',  encloseNumbers: false}).s //'"a\\"","b",4,"c"'
S({firstName: 'JP', lastName: 'Richardson'}).toCSV({keys: true}).s //'"firstName","lastName"'
S({firstName: 'JP', lastName: 'Richardson'}).toCSV().s //'"JP","Richardson"'

- toFloat([precision])

Return the float value, wraps parseFloat.


S('5').toFloat() // 5
S('5.3').toFloat()  //5.3
S(5.3).toFloat()  //5.3
S('-10').toFloat()  //-10
S('55.3 adfafaf').toFloat() // 55.3
S('afff 44').toFloat()  //NaN
S(3.45522222333232).toFloat(2) // 3.46

- toInt() / toInteger()

Return the number value in integer form. Wrapper for parseInt(). Can also parse hex values.


S('5').toInt(); //5
S('5.3').toInt(); //5;
S(5.3).toInt(); //5;
S('-10').toInt(); //-10
S('55 adfafaf').toInt(); //55
S('afff 44').toInt(); //NaN
S('0xff').toInt() //255

- toString()

Alias: s

Return the string representation of an S object. Not really necessary to use. However, JS engines will look at an object and display its toString() result.


S('my name is JP.').capitalize().toString(); //My name is JP.
var a = "Hello " + S('joe!'); //a = "Hello joe!"
S("Hello").toString() === S("Hello").s; //true

- trim()

Return the string with leading and trailing whitespace removed. Reverts to native trim() if it exists.


S('hello ').trim().s; //'hello'
S(' hello ').trim().s; //'hello'
S('\nhello').trim().s; //'hello'
S('\nhello\r\n').trim().s; //'hello'
S('\thello\t').trim().s; //'hello'

- trimLeft()

Return the string with leading and whitespace removed


S('  How are you?').trimLeft().s; //'How are you?';

- trimRight()

Return the string with trailing whitespace removed.


S('How are you?   ').trimRight().s; //'How are you?';

- truncate(length, [chars])

Truncates the string, accounting for word placement and character count.


S('this is some long text').truncate(3).s //'...'
S('this is some long text').truncate(7).s //'this is...'
S('this is some long text').truncate(11).s //'this is...'
S('this is some long text').truncate(12).s //'this is some...'
S('this is some long text').truncate(11).s //'this is...'
S('this is some long text').truncate(14, ' read more').s //'this is some read more'

- underscore()

Returns converted camel cased string into a string delimited by underscores.


S('dataRate').underscore().s; //'data_rate'
S('CarSpeed').underscore().s; //'car_speed'
S('yesWeCan').underscore().s; //'yes_we_can'

- unescapeHTML()

Unescapes the html.


S('&lt;div&gt;hi&lt;/div&gt;').unescapeHTML().s; //<div>hi</div>

- wrapHTML()

wrapHTML helps to avoid concatenation of element with string. the string will be wrapped with HTML Element and their attributes.


S('Venkat').wrapHTML().s //<span>Venkat</span>
S('Venkat').wrapHTML('div').s //<div>Venkat</div>
S('Venkat').wrapHTML('div', {
    "class": "left bullet"
}).s //<div class="left bullet">Venkat</div>
S('Venkat').wrapHTML('div', {
    "id": "content",
    "class": "left bullet"
}).s // <div id="content" class="left bullet">Venkat</div>


Returns native JavaScript string containing the version of string.js.


S.VERSION; //1.0.0


decodeHtmlEntities() converts &nbsp; to 0xa0 (160) and not 0x10 (20). Most browsers consider 0xa0 to be whitespace characters, Internet Explorer does not despite it being part of the ECMA standard. Google Closure does a good job of normalizing this behavior. This may need to be fixed in string.js at some point in time.



Install the dev dependencies:

$ npm install string --development

Install mocha globally:

$ npm install -g mocha

Then navigate to the installed directory:

$ cd node_modules/string/

Run test package:

$ mocha test


Click here to run the tests in your web browser.


I have looked at the code by the creators in the libraries mentioned in Motivation. As noted in the source code, I've specifically used code from Google Closure (Google Inc), Underscore String Esa-Matti Suuronen, and php.js (, Substack and TJ Holowaychuk.


If you contribute to this library, just modify string.js, string.test.js, and update I'll update the website docs and generate the new string.min.js, changelog and version.


(You can add your name, or I'll add it if you forget)

Roadmap to v2.0

  • break up this module into smaller logically grouped modules. The Node.js version would probably always include most of the functions. #10
  • allow a more functional style similar to Underscore and Lodash. This may introduce a chain function though. #49
  • language specific plugins i.e. #46
  • move this repo over to


Licensed under MIT.

Copyright (C) 2012-2016 JP Richardson [email protected]

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string.js's People


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string.js's Issues


I misunderstood the purpose of and hastily changed my url on to use it. It should be removed.


I know you have .toBool() but I find that more often than not, I need an .isBool() check. Basically a function that performs this check:

return str === true || str === false;

very small check but pretty useful

Incomplete decodeHTMLEntities()

I wanted to do this:

> var S=require('string')
> S('http:&#47;&#47;').decodeHTMLEntities().s

'http://' is expected.

domain specific / break up into smaller modules

might be worth breaking this into a few smaller ones and adding them as deps for string.js.

for example is domain-specific, vs a mixed bag of utils. mixed bags are fine if you plan on using them all etc, but there's no reason we can't split these up so it's more useful as deps to other components

few good candidates:

Change behavior of slugify()

Behavior of slugify() should be changed from:

S('Fast JSON Parsing').slugify() //'fast-j-s-o-n-parsing'


S('Fast JSON Parsing').slugify() //'fast-json-parsing'

S or $s?

Not sure If I like:

S('my string').beginsWith('my');


$s('my string').beginsWith('my');


leftPad / rightPad?

It would be nice to have a leftPad & rightPad function for padding string with a specific character. e.g.

function leftPad(str, len, char){
    return new Array(Math.max(len - str.length + 1, 0)).join(char || ' ') + str;

replaceMultiple function

Does it makes sense to have replaceMultiple function?
ex: .replaceMultiple(["smth1","smth2","smth3"],["1","2","3"]) or .replaceMultiple(["smth1","smth2","smth3"]," ")

I can write it if someone feels it nessecary. I need it for one of my project ;)

Add support for <abbr> tag on truncate function

Just change the return for the truncate function to:

var leStr = (template+pruneStr).length > str.length ? new S(str) : new S(str.slice(0, template.length)+pruneStr);
return '<abbr title="'+pruneStr+'">' + leStr + '</abbr>';

string js contribution

Hey, I'm a fellow dev and recent node js convert. In my adventures in in js, I've found the need for some helper string functions. A while back I needed similar functions for .net dev and packaged them up into From the readme:

  • "".After("www.") is ""
  • "ate hot dogs".StartWith("hate") is "hate hot dogs"
  • "_feature".Surround("__") is "_feature*"
  • "aaabaa".StartWithout("a") is "baa"

Keep in mind that's .net so js version would use proper naming conventions for functions

Anyway I was planning on porting the functions I find useful to js and saw your project. It looks solid and I'm wondering how open you are to contributions. If you want to do it all yourself that's cool, I'll just build my own. If not, I'd be happy to pass along some of my favorites. Thanks!

  • Steve

Consider changing behavior of between

Currently between() will extract backwards if necessary. This may be rarely wants wanted.

Consider changing:

var startPos = s.indexOf(left)
var endPos = s.indexOf(right)


var startPos = s.indexOf(left)
var endPos = s.indexOf(right, startPos+left.length)

Feature suggestion: support for multiple charsets


I am using toCSV and parseCSV to read and write Microsoft Excel .csv files from the browser. I am using the browsers File API to write the final .csv file to disk.

One issue i am experiencing, is that Excel expects .csv files to be in Window-1252 encoding (probably due to my locale settings). The .csv strings generated are Unicode string (like all JavaScript strings). To write the .csv file in a MS readable format, i use something like:

    unicodeToWindows1252Mapping: {
            0x0000: 0x00, //#NULL
            0x0001: 0x01, //#START OF HEADING
            0x0002: 0x02, //#START OF TEXT
            0x0003: 0x03, //#END OF TEXT
            0x0004: 0x04, //#END OF TRANSMISSION
            0x0005: 0x05, //#ENQUIRY
            0x0006: 0x06, //#ACKNOWLEDGE
            0x0007: 0x07, //#BELL
            0x0008: 0x08, //#BACKSPACE
            0x0009: 0x09, //#HORIZONTAL TABULATION
            0x000A: 0x0A, //#LINE FEED
            0x000B: 0x0B, //#VERTICAL TABULATION
            0x000C: 0x0C, //#FORM FEED
            0x000D: 0x0D, //#CARRIAGE RETURN

etc. based on

And now a Blob can be created for the right charset:

        getWin1252Blob: function (string) {
            var stringLength =  string.length, i = stringLength, blobPart = new Uint8Array(stringLength + 1);
            while ((i--)) {
                blobPart[i] = unicodeToWindows1252Mapping[string.charCodeAt(i)];
            return blobPart;

These Blobs can be used to write a File to disk in the requested encoding. My question: is character set conversion (based on Blobs) a feature you see use for in the String.js library?

Access to static functions

Static functions are readily composable in functional contexts.

var camelized =[...], S.camelize);

I assume the rationale and use-cases are obvious so won't explain at length. string.js just needs to implement the same pattern as found in lodash, underscore:

2.   _(...).map

So to reiterate currently string.js only supports ^ 2 but 1 is desirable and there is no reason the styles cannot co-exist.

Infinite loop in S.prototype.left

In function S.prototype.left with input argument = 1 is a error which cause infinite loop.

There is a wrong conditions
if (N >= 2) {

it must be
if (N >= 0) {

restorePrototype() fails in FireFox 17.0.9

restorePrototype() fails in FireFox 17.0.9


+ restorePrototype()
    should restore the original String prototype ‣

    Should be true.

Add support for 'humanize'

In addition to being able to transform strings back and forth between camelCase and underscore, Rails strings have the concept of 'humanized' strings (, which can transform camelCase or underscored strings into space-delimited phrases with the first word capitalized. I'd argue string.js doesn't need to support the Rails feature of stripping the '_id' off the tail end of a Rails string to 'humanize' it since the '_id" suffix is a strong Rails, not JavaScript, convention, but the rest of the transform would be extremely useful.

UnescapeHTML regex is a bit loose


produces the following: "&__&amp;". However if you swap unescapeHTML for decodeHTMLEntities produces "&__&", which is what I would expect.

To fix the issue I changed the regex used in unescapeHTML to the following:

return new S(this.s.replace(/&([#a-zA-Z0-9]+);/g, function(entity, entityCode){

remove `lines()`

This is a crappy method. It effectively trims out whitespace at the beginning and endding of each line which is almost never what you want. This was done to lazily split by \n and then on windows trim off \r.

Fine substitue:

var data.split('\n')

The user can then figure out if they care about cross platform newlines.

Add a split function

Consider such example:


I expect as a result an array of string: ["foo","bar","zorg"].
You can see [Java Spec.]( for further details and a well known behavior if ok with that (typically to define the way to deal with "" patterns).

Another use case for such feature:

S("key = value").split("=")[0].s; // "key "
S("key = value").split("=")[1].s; // " value"
S("key = value").split("=")[0].trim().s; // "key"
S("key = value").split("=")[1].trim().s; // "value"

Some may want to name this feature tokenize and walk through result using an Iterator (Check Java StringTokenizer too if needed).

Cannot call method 'trim' of undefined


First of all, thank you for good string processing library! But unfortunately I'm experiencing "Cannot call method 'trim' of undefined" issue in one of my projects. Details are below.

Node.js version:


String,js version:

"string": "~1.6.0"


TypeError: Cannot call method 'trim' of undefined
  at S.trim (/home/user/projects/project/node_modules/string/lib/string.js:405:20)


this is always a bitch.

"true" and "false" => true and false

something like this:

return val === 'true' ? true : (val === 'false' ? false : val);

interfaced like so:


would be awesome to have this functionality. i can see how this could suck though if the value isn't "true" or "false" to begin with, but if it just returns the original value, that's probably good enough.

version bump: include 'lines'


The lines() function is not included in the latest tag 1.4.0, it is present in master though. Could you please release a new version?



Truncate does not work properly

S('yalamber  asdyalamber  asdyalamber  asdyalamber  asdyalamber  asdyalamber  asdyalamber  asdyalamber  asdyalamber  asdyalamber  asdyalamber  asdyalamber  asdyalamber  asdyalamber  asdyalamber  asdyalamber  asd').truncate(300).s

Above produces undefined. if truncate value is more than the string it returns undefined. is there any way we can return whole string?

slugify russian (non-english) words


In the browser console on, I tried the following:

S("ревущий фьорд").slugify().s

which returns "" (empty string)

I was hoping it would return the same as the World of Warcraft API slug, ie "ревущии-фьорд" ( )

Which seems to remove accents (etc) from chars and convers spaces to hyphens.

I can dream, cant I :)


stripPunctuation() method

There should be a method that strips out all punctuation. Extremely useful for converting strings to classes or IDs. I recommend a simple


in the implementation, maybe accept a param to exclude certain punctuations. StackOverflow discussion

S('My, st[ring] *full* of %punct)').stripPunctuation(',').s; // My, string full of punct

npm install error

~/myjs/node-v8$ npm install string
npm http GET
npm http 304
npm http GET
npm http 200
npm ERR! cb() never called!
npm ERR! not ok code 0

Add support for format or sprintf

A simple replace function for things like
"Hello {1} {2}".format("Peter", "Rottmann");

or with names
"Hello {firstname} {lastname}".format({ firstname: "Peter", lastname: "Rottmann" });

will be a nice features.

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