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Hierarchical Poisson point process models for grid cells

Bayesian inference of grid-cell firing patterns using hierarchical Poisson point process models, based on arXiv 2303.17217 preprint:

Papastathopoulos, I., Auld, G., Lindgren, F., Gerlei, K. and Nolan, N, (2023). ‘Bayesian inference of grid cell firing patterns using Poisson point process models with latent oscillatory Gaussian random fields’.

Brief code instructions

  • load_data.R
  • spde.osc.temporal contains the main code for processing data into a pipeline for computing integration weights and fiting Poisson point process models with latent Gaussian effects (M0, M1 and M2). Models M0 and M1 may be fit fast on a standard computer. Model M2 demands memory.
  • predictions_M0.M1.M2.R contains code used in plotting summaries of the posterior of intensity functions.


Loading data

Packages and helper functions, and setting of options for optimization in INLA software.


We load the raw data (session id M14_2018-05-16_11-29-05, gridness score 0.913)


The firing events are stored in data frame Y and the positional data in data frame X.

## Firing events and trajectory 
mycoords     <- SpatialPoints(Y[,c("position_x", "position_y")])
Pl           <- Polygon(cbind(X$position_x, X$position_y)); ID   <- "[0,1]x[0,1]"
Pls          <- Polygons(list(Pl), ID=ID); SPls <- SpatialPolygons(list(Pls))
trajectory   <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(SPls, data.frame(value=1, row.names=ID))
points(mycoords, col=2, pch=16, cex=0.5)

Spatial and circular meshes

Next we create a spatial and and a circular mesh. The parameter k in the code below controls the resolution of the spatial mesh. Smaller values for k yield finer spatial meshes. The spatial mesh is constructed in such a way that the resolution is finer for regions where we observe more spikes and coarser otherwise. Also, since oscillating Gaussian random fields exhibit strong resonance effects, it is important to triangulate the domain outside the arena where the animal runs. The properties of the mesh in the region that is exterior to the arena can be taken to coarser. For the circular mesh, we choose a regular grid of of 29 vertices on the circle (the 30th is folded in the 1st due to cyclicity in the construction below, see mesh.hd$n).

k           <- 5
mesh        <- inla.mesh.2d(loc=mycoords, max.edge=c(k, 25*k), offset=c(0.03, 120), cutoff=k/2)
p           <- mesh$n
p.theta     <- 30
theta.nodes <- seq(0, 2*pi, len=p.theta)
mesh.hd     <- inla.mesh.1d(theta.nodes, boundary="cyclic", degree=1)

We plot the spatial and circular meshes obtained from the code above.

plot(mesh, asp=1)
x1 <- cos(mesh.hd$loc); y1 <- sin(mesh.hd$loc)
plot(x1, y1, pch=16, asp=1, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", main="circular mesh")
abline(h=0);  abline(v=0)
text(-.05,1, paste("1")); text(1,-.05, paste("1"))

Illustrated next are the meshes used for the constructions of the latent spatial and latent head-directional processes

Boxing line segments

To facilitate a stable numerical integration for the integral in the Poisson point process likelihood, all line segments from the trajectory need to be further split so that each segment falls precisely

  • in one and only one triangle of the spatial mesh and;
  • in one and only one arc out of the possible 29 arcs of the circular mesh.

The code below uses the wrapper function split.segments.wrapper.function. First, this function uses split.arcs to split the path segments so that each new segment is boxed by an arc on the circular mesh. Then, the function inlabru::split_lines is used to split again the segments obtained from of split.arcs so that every line segment is also boxed by a triangle.        <- split.segments.wrapper.function(X=X, mesh=mesh, mesh.hd=mesh.hd)
Ypos           <-$Ypos
filter.index   <-$filter.index
line.segments  <-$line.segments

This output is stored in Ypos and the plots below illustrate the effect of line splitting. The new line segments are plotted over a subregion of the spatial domain on the left panel below. Each newly derived line segment is given by the start and end of an arrow whilst the raw segments by contiguous blue dots. Similarly for the head direction on the right panel below, each newly derived line segment is given by contiguous black circles whilst the raw segments by blue dots. If an line segment was initially boxed by a triangle and by an arc segment, then this line segment remains unchanged. When there is a split, however, the values of the covariate (location, head direction and time) are imputed with linear interpolation.

plot(mesh, xlim=c(46, 54), ylim=c(46,54), asp=1, main="")
arrows("rbind", Ypos$sp)[,1],"rbind", Ypos$sp)[,2],"rbind", Ypos$ep)[,1],"rbind", Ypos$ep)[,2], col=2, lwd=1, length=0.05)
points(X$position_x, X$position_y, col="blue", pch=16, cex=0.5)
plot(Ypos$time[1:50,], Ypos$hd[1:50], type="b", cex=1, xlab="time", ylab="head direction")
points(X$synced_time, X$hd, col="blue", cex=0.5, pch=16)
abline(h = seq(0, 2*pi, len=30), lty=2, lwd=.5)

Lastly, we save the covariate in objects coords.trap, and

coords.trap  <- rbind("rbind",Ypos$sp)[filter.index,], tail("rbind",Ypos$ep),1))      <- c("c", (Ypos %>% mutate(HD=lapply(HDi, function(x) attr(x, "data"))))$HD), tail(Ypos$hd.lead, 1))       <- c("c", (Ypos %>% mutate(T=lapply(Ti, function(x) attr(x, "data"))))$T), tail(Ypos$time.lead, 1))

Temporal mesh

Additionally to the spatial and circular meshes, a temporal mesh is also required when the effect of time on the variation of spikes is included in models. The temporal mesh is constructed by thinning the grid of times that are obtained from the newly derived line segments. Below we choose the fixed value 300 for thinning so that, if the consecutive times at the starting positions of the line segment (obtained via splitting) are denoted by t[1],t[2], .., then the temporal mesh is taken as t[1],t[300],t[600] ... With this construction, each line segment is also boxed by contiguous time points in the temporal mesh.

points(coords.trap[seq(1, length(, by = 300), 1], coords.trap[seq(1, length(, by = 300), 2], pch=4, col=2, cex=.8, asp=1)
plot(mesh1d$loc[1:50], rep(0,50), pch=16, cex=0.6, xlab="time", ylab="", axes=FALSE); axis(1)

The temporal mesh is shown by red crosses on the path in the spatial domain in the left panel of the Figure below and by black dots on the time axis in the right panel.

Matrices of basis function evaluations

Matrix of basis function evaluations for positional data

Aosc   <- inla.mesh.projector(mesh, loc=coords.trap)$proj$A
Ahd    <- inla.mesh.projector(mesh.hd,$proj$A
A      <- inla.row.kron(Ahd, Aosc)
Atilde <- inla.mesh.projector(mesh1d,$proj$A

Matrix of basis function evaluations for observed firing events

Aosc.obs  <- inla.spde.make.A(mesh=mesh, loc=as.matrix(data$Y %>% dplyr:: select(position_x, position_y)))
Ahd.obs   <- inla.spde.make.A(mesh=mesh.hd, data$Y$hd)
Aobs      <- inla.row.kron(Ahd.obs, Aosc.obs)
Atildeobs <- inla.spde.make.A(mesh=mesh1d, data$Y$firing_times)

Illustration of Aosc, A and Atilde matrices

image(Aosc, lwd=2, asp=1)
image(A, lwd=2, asp=1)
image(Atilde, lwd=2, asp=1)

Data preprocessing associated with integration weights

First, for each line segment of the path, we need to know how much distance was traveled and how much time it took for the animal to traverse the segment.

dGamma <- c("c", Ypos$Li))
dT  <- diff(

Second, to compute the integration weights, we need to store all basis function evaluations (i.e., spatial, spatial-directional and temporal basis functions) at starting points of each line segment of the path.

## spatial
Aosctmp      <- as(Aosc, "dgTMatrix")
Aosc.indices <- cbind(cbind(Aosctmp@i+1, Aosctmp@j+1), Aosctmp@x) # (i,j, A[i,j]) for which A[i,j] is non-zero (Omega x Theta)
Aosc.indices <- Aosc.indices[order(Aosc.indices[,1]),] %>% #
## spatial-directional
Atmp         <- as(A, "dgTMatrix")
A.indices    <- cbind(cbind(Atmp@i+1, Atmp@j+1), Atmp@x) # (i,j, A[i,j]) for which A[i,j] is non-zero (Omega x Theta)
A.indices    <- A.indices[order(A.indices[,1]),] %>% #
## temporal
Attmp        <- as(Atilde, "dgTMatrix")
At.indices   <- cbind(cbind(Attmp@i+1, Attmp@j+1), Attmp@x) # (i,j, A[i,j]) for which Atilde[i,j] is non-zero (Time)
At.indices   <- At.indices[order(At.indices[,1]),] %>%
names(Aosc.indices) <- c("tk", "i", "psi.o") #ot: omega 
names(A.indices)    <- c("tk", "i", "psi.ot") #ot: omega x theta
names(At.indices)   <- c("tk", "l", "psi.t")

A.indices and At.indices: first column is renamed to tk which stands for the index of the line/time/arc segment. For example, for the spatio-directional basis functions, each tk appears 6 times, i.e., length(A.indices[,1])/6 = N, where N is the number of line/time/arc segments. In A.indices the second column is renamed to i which stands for the index of the spatio-directional basis function. In At.indices the second row is renamed to l which stands for the index of the temporal basis function

We check dim(A)[1] = dim(Atilde)[1]= is TRUE, both matrices are basis function evaluations at the starting coordinates and head directions (A) and the starting times (Atilde) of the line segments, that is, each row stores basis function evaluations for a line. For example, for the matrix of spatio-directional basis functions, for each starting point of a line segment, there are 6 spatio-temporal basis functions that give a non-zero contribution, that is 3 knots of a triangle * 2 knots of an arc whilst for the matrix of temporal basis function, there are 2 temporal basis functions that give non-zero contributions, that is, 2 time interval knots.

Below we use helper functions df.prism.M0.wrapper and df.prism.M0.M1.wrapper to compute quantities that are necessary for the integration weights. For example, the helper function df.prism.M1.M2.wrapper used to get df.prism.M1_M2 first groups At.indices and A.indices by line segment and then nests them so each row of the nested data frame contains all basis function evaluation data each line segment. Once data are nested, information on the index of the basis functions and its associated value is stored in new column variables named as data.x for the temporal basis functions, and as data.y for the spatio.directional basis functions. Information on the times, head directions, and coordinates is also appended to the nested data frame, that is, for every line segment (indexed by variable tk). Information on lags and leads is also included because these are required to compute the integration weights based on the trapezoidal rule (details will be added in an Appendix of the statistical version of the paper). For the computation of the weights, the lengths of the line segments (dGamma) together with their lags and leads are also appended. Finally, in the last column a variable named val. Fix a line segment, say the first one tk=1. Then, for example, the first elements of the column variables data.x and data.y (these are lists due to the nest operation) are:

> data.y[[1]]
# A tibble: 6 x 2
      i psi.ot
  <dbl>  <dbl>
1  7660 0.0475
2  7726 0.405 
3  8037 0.246 
4  8932 0.0205
5  8998 0.175 
6  9309 0.106

> data.x[[1]]
      l psi.t
  <dbl> <dbl>
1     1     1
2     2     0

The code creates the Cartesian product {1,2} X {7660, 7726, 8037, 8932, 8998, 9309}, that is, the set of all ordered pairs (a,b) where a is in {1,2} and b in {7660, 7726, 8037, 8932, 8998, 9309} with expand.grid, and calculates, for each pair, the product of the basis functions \psi_{T} * \psi_{Omega x Theta}. Lastly, the function returns a data frame that has the index of the temporal basis function l, the index of the spatio-directional basis function i, and the product of the basis functions val. This data framed is stored in a column variable named val. The final commands discard data.x and data.y which are no longer used and unnests the data frame to bring it back in standard form

df.prism.M0    <- df.prism.M0.wrapper(Aosc.indices = Aosc.indices, dGamma=dGamma,,,
                                      coords.trap=coords.trap) %>% unnest(cols=c(val.M0))
df.prism.M1_M2 <- df.prism.M1.M2.wrapper(At.indices= At.indices, A.indices=A.indices, dGamma=dGamma,,, coords.trap=coords.trap)
df.prism.M1    <- df.prism.M1_M2 %>% dplyr::select(-val.M2) %>% unnest(cols=c(val.M1))
df.prism.M2    <- df.prism.M1_M2 %>% dplyr::select(-val.M1) %>% unnest(cols=c(val.M2))

Integration weights for model M0

df.W.M0 <- rbind(df.prism.M0 %>% mutate(group=tk, dGamma.lag=0) %>%
              dplyr::select(group, time, direction, coords, dGamma, dGamma.lag, i, val.M0),
              df.prism.M0 %>% 
              filter(tk!=1) %>%
              mutate(time=time.lag, direction=direction.lag, coords=coords.lag,
                     dGamma=0) %>%
              dplyr::select(group, time, direction, coords, dGamma, dGamma.lag, i, val.M0)) %>%
    arrange(group) %>%
    mutate(dGamma.trap = dGamma + dGamma.lag) 

tol <- 0
df.dGamma.sum.k.kplus1.M0 <- df.W.M0 %>% group_by(group, i) %>%
    summarize(val = sum(max(dGamma.trap*val.M0, tol))/2,
              time = unique(time),
              coords=unique(coords))  %>%
    ungroup %>% group_by(i) %>%
    summarize(val = sum(val))
W.M0 <- sparseVector(i=df.dGamma.sum.k.kplus1.M0$i,
W.M0.vector <- sparseVector(i=df.dGamma.sum.k.kplus1.M0$i,
W.ipoints.M0 <- as(W.M0, "sparseMatrix")
W.ipoints.M0 <- data.frame(coords.x1 = mesh$loc[W.ipoints.M0@i+1,1],
                           coords.x2 = mesh$loc[W.ipoints.M0@i+1,2],

Integration weights for model M1

df.W.M1 <- rbind(df.prism.M1 %>% mutate(group=tk, dGamma.lag=0) %>%
              dplyr::select(group, time, direction, coords, dGamma, dGamma.lag, i, val.M1),
              df.prism.M1 %>% 
              filter(tk!=1) %>%
              mutate(time=time.lag, direction=direction.lag, coords=coords.lag,
                     dGamma=0) %>%
              dplyr::select(group, time, direction, coords, dGamma, dGamma.lag, i, val.M1)) %>%
    arrange(group) %>%
    mutate(dGamma.trap = dGamma + dGamma.lag) 
tol <- 0
df.dGamma.sum.k.kplus1.M1 <- df.W.M1 %>% group_by(group, i) %>%
    summarize(val = sum(max(dGamma.trap*val.M1, tol))/2,
              time = unique(time),
              coords=unique(coords))  %>%
    ungroup %>% group_by(i) %>%
    summarize(val = sum(val))    
W.M1 <- sparseVector(i=df.dGamma.sum.k.kplus1.M1$i,
                     length=mesh$n * mesh.hd$n)

W.M1.vector <- sparseVector(i=df.dGamma.sum.k.kplus1.M1$i,
                            length=mesh$n * mesh.hd$n)
df.indices <- data.frame(dir = sort(rep(1:mesh.hd$n, mesh$n)), space = rep(1:mesh$n, mesh.hd$n), cross = 1:(mesh$n*mesh.hd$n))
mapindex2space.direction_index <- function(index){    
    t((Vectorize(f, vectorize.args="index.single"))(index))

mapindex2space.direction_basis <- function(index){    
        o <- as.numeric(df.indices[which(df.indices$cross==index.single),c("dir","space")])
        return(c(mesh.hd$loc[o[1]], mesh$loc[o[2],-3]))
    t((Vectorize(f, vectorize.args="index.single"))(index))

W.ipoints.M1 <- as(W.M1, "sparseMatrix")
W.ipoints.M1 <- data.frame(hd=mapindex2space.direction_basis(W.ipoints.M1@i+1)[,1],
                           coords.x1 =mapindex2space.direction_basis(W.ipoints.M1@i+1)[,2],
                        coords.x2 =mapindex2space.direction_basis(W.ipoints.M1@i+1)[,3],

Integration weights for model M2

df.W.M2 <- rbind(df.prism.M2 %>% mutate(group=tk, dGamma.lag=0) %>%
                 dplyr::select(group, time, direction, coords, dGamma, dGamma.lag, l, i, val.M2),
                 df.prism.M2 %>% 
                 filter(tk!=1) %>%
                 mutate(time=time.lag, direction=direction.lag, coords=coords.lag,
                        dGamma=0) %>%
                 dplyr::select(group, time, direction, coords, dGamma, dGamma.lag, l, i, val.M2)) %>%
  arrange(group) %>%
  mutate(dGamma.trap = dGamma + dGamma.lag) 
tol <- 0
df.dGamma.sum.k.kplus1.M2 <- df.W.M2 %>% group_by(group, l, i) %>%
  summarize(val = sum(max(dGamma.trap*val.M2, tol)),
            time = unique(time),
W <- sparseMatrix(i=df.dGamma.sum.k.kplus1.M2$l,
W         <- W %>% cbind(Matrix(0, nrow=nrow(W), ncol=ncol(A)-ncol(W)))
W.ipoints.M2 <- as(W, "dgTMatrix")
W.ipoints.M2 <- data.frame(firing_times=mesh1d$loc[W.ipoints.M2@i+1], hd=mapindex2space.direction_basis(W.ipoints.M2@j+1)[,1],
                           coords.x1 =mapindex2space.direction_basis(W.ipoints.M2@j+1)[,2],
                           coords.x2 =mapindex2space.direction_basis(W.ipoints.M2@j+1)[,3],
                           weight=W.ipoints.M2@x) %>% arrange(firing_times)

Fitting models

The following B matrices are intended to be used with inla.spde2.generic and see spde2_implementation.pdf. there are two possibilities for defining models: one with inla.spde2.generic and the other with inla.rgeneric.define. The function inla.spde2.generic provides support for Matern models (this includes oscillating models too) whilst inla.rgeneric.define allows user to build the model from scratch. The latter permits priors of hyperparameters to be defined by the user.

B.phi0.matern = matrix(c(0,1,0), nrow=1)
B.phi1.matern = matrix(c(0,0,1), nrow=1)
B.phi0.oscillating = matrix(c(0,1,0,0), nrow=1)
B.phi1.oscillating = matrix(c(0,0,1,0), nrow=1)
B.phi2.oscillating = matrix(c(0,0,0,1), nrow=1)

The following commands implement the finite element method and are used to obtain the M matrices (defined in spde2_implementation.pdf). These are used both in inla.spde2.generic and inla.rgeneric.define

fem.mesh    <- inla.mesh.fem(mesh, order = 2)
fem.mesh.hd <- inla.mesh.fem(mesh.hd, order = 2)
fem.mesh.temporal <- inla.mesh.fem(mesh1d, order = 2)
## M matrices for spatial oscillating model
M0 = fem.mesh$c0
M1 = fem.mesh$g1
M2 = fem.mesh$g2
## M matrices for temporal model
M0.temporal = fem.mesh.temporal$c0
M1.temporal = fem.mesh.temporal$g1
M2.temporal = fem.mesh.temporal$g2
## M matrices for circular/directional model
M0.hd = fem.mesh.hd$c0
M1.hd = fem.mesh.hd$g1
M2.hd = fem.mesh.hd$g2

Specifying the prior distribution of hyperparameters

Below we assign a prior distribution to each hyperparameter of models M0, M1 and M2. The priors are defined in the R/rgeneric_models.R but the specification of the hyperparameters is given externally below.

## ------------------------------------------------------
## specification of prior distribution of hyperparameters
## ------------------------------------------------------
sigma.range.spatial.oscillating <- .4
mu.range.spatial.oscillating    <- 20
sigma.spatial.oscillating       <- 1/2
a.par.phi.prior.spatial.oscillating <- 2
b.par.phi.prior.spatial.oscillating <- 20
## directional model
rho.directional   <- 1/(2*pi)
sigma.directional <- 1
rho.temporal      <- 1/100
sigma.temporal    <- 1/3
l = -0.98
u = 1
## initial values for optimization     <- list(theta1=2.6,theta2=0.5, theta3=-1.4)
initial.direction <- list(theta4=log(pi), theta5=0)

and we all custom-made built models and use them in inla.rgeneric.define to define our models.

## define models
## oscillating.rgeneric is used for M0
## space.direction.rgeneric is used for M1 and M2
## temporal.rgeneric is used for M1 and M2
space.rgeneric     <- inla.rgeneric.define(oscillating.model,
                                           M = list(M0=M0, M1=M1, M2=M2),
                                           theta.functions = list(theta.2.phi   = theta.2.phi,
                                                                  theta.2.sigma = theta.2.sigma,
                                                                  theta.2.rho   = theta.2.rho,
                                                                  l=l, u=u),
                                           hyperpar = list(
                                             mu.range.spatial.oscillating        = mu.range.spatial.oscillating,
                                             sigma.range.spatial.oscillating     = sigma.range.spatial.oscillating,
                                             sigma.spatial.oscillating           = sigma.spatial.oscillating,
                                             a.par.phi.prior.spatial.oscillating = a.par.phi.prior.spatial.oscillating,
                                             b.par.phi.prior.spatial.oscillating = b.par.phi.prior.spatial.oscillating),
                                           prior.functions = list(prior.phi_osc = prior.phi_osc),
space.direction.rgeneric <- inla.rgeneric.define(space.direction.model,
                                                        M0.direction=M0.hd, M1.direction=M1.hd, M2.direction=M2.hd),
                                                 theta.functions = list(theta.2.rho   = theta.2.rho,
                                                                        theta.2.sigma = theta.2.sigma,
                                                                        theta.2.phi   = theta.2.phi,           
                                                                        theta.2.rho.direction = theta.2.rho.direction,
                                                                        theta.2.sigma.direction = theta.2.sigma.direction,
                                                                        l=l, u=u),
                                                 hyperpar = list(
                                                   mu.range.spatial.oscillating        = mu.range.spatial.oscillating,
                                                   sigma.range.spatial.oscillating     = sigma.range.spatial.oscillating,
                                                   sigma.spatial.oscillating           = sigma.spatial.oscillating,
                                                   a.par.phi.prior.spatial.oscillating = a.par.phi.prior.spatial.oscillating,
                                                   b.par.phi.prior.spatial.oscillating = b.par.phi.prior.spatial.oscillating,
                                                   rho.directional                     = rho.directional,
                                                   sigma.directional                   = sigma.directional),
                                                 prior.functions = list(prior.phi_osc = prior.phi_osc),
                                                 initial.direction = initial.direction)
time.rgeneric            <- inla.rgeneric.define(temporal.model,
                                                 M=list(M0.temporal=M0.temporal, M1.temporal=M1.temporal, M2.temporal=M2.temporal),
                                                 hyperpar = list(
                                                   rho.temporal   = rho.temporal,
                                                   sigma.temporal = sigma.temporal

Format of firing event data for inlabru

Below Y.spdf is the Y data frame except that coords are encoded as SpatialPoints. Similarly, Ypos.sldf is the Ypos data frame except that the segments between coords and coords.lead are encoded as SpatialLines. For inlabru we will only use Y.spdf as we manually compute the integration points.

Y.spdf    <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = SpatialPoints(cbind(Y$position_x, Y$position_y)),
                                    data   =>%dplyr::select(-c(position_x, position_y))))
Ypos.sldf <- SpatialLinesDataFrame(sl   = SpatialLines(lapply(as.list(1:nrow(Ypos)),
                                                              function(k) Lines(list(Line(cbind(c(Ypos$coords[k,1],
                                                                                                  Ypos$coords.lead[k,2])))), ID=k))),
                                   data = Ypos %>% dplyr::select(-c(coords, coords.lead)))

data <- list(Ypos=Ypos, Y=Y, Yspdf=Y.spdf, Ypos.sldf = Ypos.sldf)

Next, we define a rectangular area using SpatialPolygons (object SPls.Omega) which is needed for constraining the the spatial field to integrate to zero (see next section). This rectangle corresponds to the arena within which the animal explores space and is defined by the coordinate wise minima and maxima of the visited positions.

Pl.Omega       <- Polygon(expand.grid(c(min(X$position_x),max(X$position_x)), c(min(X$position_y),max(X$position_y)))[c(1,2,4,3),])
ID.Omega       <- "Omega"
Pls.Omega      <- Polygons(list(Pl.Omega), ID=ID.Omega)
SPls.Omega     <- SpatialPolygons(list(Pls.Omega))
weights.domain <- ipoints(domain=mesh, samplers=SPls.Omega)
locs           <- weights.domain@coords
rownames(locs) <- NULL

Fitting M0

To ensure identifiability between the intercept and the oscillating field, we impose integral-to-zero constraints for the spatial field, that is, we enforce the spatial oscillating field in the arena integrates to 0. This is implemented via the following matrix of contraints.

A.spatial.field_constr <- inla.spde.make.A(mesh=mesh, loc=locs,
                                           block=rep(1, nrow(weights.domain@coords)))

With this in place, we can fit M0 as follows <- firing_times ~
    spde2(cbind(coords.x1, coords.x2), model=space.rgeneric, mapper=bru_mapper(mesh,indexed=TRUE),
          extraconstr=list(A=as.matrix(A.spatial.field_constr,nrow=1), e=0)) + Intercept <- lgcp(,
                  data = Y.spdf,
                  ips     = W.ipoints.M0,
                  domain  = list(firing_times = mesh1d),
                  options = list( num.threads=8,verbose = TRUE, bru_max_iter=1) )

Fitting M1

Run on a computer with at least 32GB of shared memory. computationally demanding. Specification of code below assumes computer has 8 cores. Switch num.threads accordingly.

For this model, we impose similar constraints for the spatial field as in M0 but for each direction knot in the circular mesh. To do so, we construct the matrix of constraints as follows

A.spatial.field_constr_along.directions     <- as.matrix(kronecker(Diagonal(mesh.hd$n),
                                                                   as.matrix(inla.spde.make.A(mesh=mesh, loc=locs,
                                                                                    block=rep(1, nrow(weights.domain@coords))), nrow=1)))

With this in place, we can fit model M1 as follows: <- firing_times ~
    spde2(list(spatial=cbind(coords.x1, coords.x2), direction=hd), model=space.direction.rgeneric,
          mapper=bru_mapper_multi(list(spatial=bru_mapper(mesh,indexed=TRUE), direction=bru_mapper(mesh.hd, indexed=TRUE))),
          extraconstr=list(A=as.matrix(A.spatial.field_constr_along.directions,nrow=19), e=rep(0,19))) +
    Intercept <- lgcp(, data = Y.spdf,
                            ips     = W.ipoints.M1,
                            domain  = list(firing_times = mesh1d),
                            options = list( num.threads=8, verbose = TRUE, bru_max_iter=1) )

Fitting M2

Run on a computer with at least 64GB of shared memory. computationally demanding. Switch num.threads accordingly <- firing_times ~
    spde2(list(spatial=cbind(coords.x1, coords.x2), direction=hd), model=space.direction.rgeneric,
          mapper=bru_mapper_multi(list(spatial=bru_mapper(mesh,indexed=TRUE), direction=bru_mapper(mesh.hd, indexed=TRUE)))) +
    time(firing_times, model=time.rgeneric, mapper=bru_mapper(mesh1d, indexed=TRUE)) + Intercept <- lgcp(, data =,
                                 domain = list(firing_times = mesh1d),
                                     verbose = TRUE, bru_max_iter=1))

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