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Original issue reported on by a.a.babichev on 16 May 2009 at 5:44

keyboard events handling

Add ability to handle keyboard events.  Keyboard events should be handled
by focused components.

Original issue reported on by a.a.babichev on 16 May 2009 at 5:21

unable to build libogl

Im unable to build libogl

g++ -I/usr/include/SOIL/ -Wall -fPIC -fno-stack-protector  -c ogl.cpp
ogl.cpp: In function ‘SaslGraphicsCallbacks* saslgl_init_graphics()’:
ogl.cpp:400: error: invalid conversion from ‘int (*)(SaslGraphicsCallbacks*, 
const char*, int*, int*)’ to ‘int (*)(SaslGraphicsCallbacks*, const char*, 
int, int*, int*)’
make: *** [ogl.o] Error 1
Can't build libogl!

Please advice how to proceed

GCC is 4.4.5

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 24 Feb 2013 at 12:54

separate layer for 2D panel

Most simulators has two kind of cockipts: 3D cockipt and 2D panel. 
avionics.lua should have ability define different panels for both modes in
handy way.

Original issue reported on by a.a.babichev on 16 May 2009 at 6:29

чтобы не забыть :)

исправить поведение курсора вне панели. 
этот баг уже есть очень давно. при 
наведении мышки на клик зону, а потом 
переключении на новый вид или убираение 
панели с экрана - на мышке по 
прежнему остается курсор. так-же эта клик 
зона мышкой нажимается.

вывести установку цвета и прозрачности 
панелей при их вызове
цвет не обязательно, а прозрачность 
желательно. нужно добавить некое 
свойство или параметр в компонент subpanel{}. 
для задания цвета и/или 
прозрачности панели.

доработать клик зоны. вероятно добавить 
параметр для компонента clickable, 
отпускающий его при выходе мышки за пределы
об этом уже много говорили. баг не 
критичный, но все же мешает

исправить движение плавающих панелей.
пользователю желательно иметь возможность 
двигать панели по экрану самому.

исправить курсор мышки, чтоб не 
воспринимал внешний свет
курсор мышки над кликзонами - самая обычная 
текстура. желательно сделать 
ее на подобии LIT текстур

кнопки джойстика вроде уже добавил? тогда 
просьба сделать небольшой код 
для примера их использования :)

Original issue reported on by FelisLeopard on 7 May 2009 at 10:06

add new properties to clickables

i have few reports from An24 users and got some ideas.

1. components clickable may have some property, that will not allow to "click" 
it again untill mouse button not released. offcourse i can combine functions 
onMouseClick and onMouseUp, but adding such property will allow to not waste 
more variables to save TRUE when clickable is pushed and make checks for it and 
set FALSE in other function.

2. clickable may register commands. it will allow to make it simple when adding 
somw button or switch to make command for it right there in component. even 
functions may be equal to onMouseClick for phase == 0 and onMouseUp for phase 
== 2.

Original issue reported on by FelisLeopard on 20 Jun 2010 at 9:29

Rendering API abstraction layer

Add rendering API abstraction layer to allow non-OpenGL rendering backends.

Original issue reported on by a.a.babichev on 16 May 2009 at 5:23

also we can add some new functions

function interpolate() became usefull in last project, so i think it would 
better to place it somewhere in init.lua or plugin codes. this will avoid 
nessesary of placing it in lot of scripts.

also it may have some check for input variables, that must be within range of 
interpolating table. 'course if its value is out of range - sim resets the 

Original issue reported on by FelisLeopard on 5 Apr 2010 at 12:20

Ability to keep components in subdirectories

Because of too many files in "Custom Avionics" directory allow users place
components in subdirectories.  e.g. for altimeter path can looks like this:
 "Custom Avionics/altimeter/altimeter.lua".  Images for such gauge must be
searched in gauge subdirectory first.

Original issue reported on by a.a.babichev on 8 May 2009 at 4:34

Missing FPS limiter

Slava must have FPS limiter because of performance issues on non hi-end

Original issue reported on by a.a.babichev on 13 May 2009 at 4:44

add message box function

Export message box function to Lua.

Original issue reported on by a.a.babichev on 16 May 2009 at 6:25

Mouse pointer doesn't moving while dragging

After mouse button pressed custom mouse pointer doesn't move together with
system pointer.

Original issue reported on by a.a.babichev on 13 May 2009 at 4:43

clickables don't work just after loading XPlane10

if SASL aircraft is default in sim, most clickables doesn't work just after sim 
reload an aircraft - everything works fine.

suspect some troubles with screen size or coordinates in XPlane10

Original issue reported on by FelisLeopard on 3 Mar 2012 at 7:23

Panels dragging broken

Panels dragging doesn't work anymore

Original issue reported on by a.a.babichev on 7 May 2009 at 3:28

Improved error handling

Message box with error message should displayed on errors.

Original issue reported on by a.a.babichev on 16 May 2009 at 6:26

commands API abstraction layer

Commands API must be part of libavionics library implemented by xap and SLAVA.

Original issue reported on by a.a.babichev on 16 May 2009 at 5:17

sasl/lin.xpl: undefined symbol: _ZNSt15_List_node_base9_M_unhookEv

After Launching SASL , fails to launch and i get:

ighRez/plugins/sasl/lin.xpl: undefined symbol: 

software: X-Plane 9.70 in Linux debian stable AMD64

ldd lin.xpl =>  (0xf77bc000) => /lib32/ (0xf76cf000) => /usr/lib32/ (0xf7682000)
    /lib/ (0xf77bd000) => /lib32/ (0xf753a000) => /lib32/ (0xf7531000) => /lib32/ (0xf7518000) => /lib32/ (0xf7514000)

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 8 May 2012 at 10:46

add variable, that will contain path to acf

to make some file save and read operations need some variable, that will 
contain path to acf. for 
now all files writes and reads from main x-plane folder.

Original issue reported on by FelisLeopard on 25 Feb 2010 at 6:49

.app package for Slava

Slava should build into a .app package on OS X with icons and all, will need an 
XCode project for 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 19 Jun 2009 at 4:17

SLAVA error 112

When instruments using "globalPropertyi" SLAVA crash
(may be only for custom DataRef)

"invalid property id 84
ERROR: avionics.cpp:112: Error updating properties"

if using "globalPropertyf" all normal.

size = { 256, 256 }




-- background image
defineProperty("background", loadImage("back.png"))

-- needle 1 image
defineProperty("needle1", loadImage("needle2.png"))
--local angle_fuel1=0

local old_data=0
local new_data=0
local time_now=get(actual_time)
local time_last=time_now

function update()
    time_now = get(actual_time) 
    passed = time_now - time_last




time_last = time_now


components = {
    -- background image
    texture { 
        position = { 0, 0, size[1], size[2] },
        image = get(background),

   -- needle        
     free_needle {
        image = get(needle1),
        angle =  function()
           return old_data*0.6-90
        position_x =118,
        position_y =18,

        width = 19,
        height = 220,


Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 11 Mar 2010 at 3:56

Components area clipping

Components shouldn't be able to draw outside their area

Original issue reported on by a.a.babichev on 19 May 2009 at 4:50

Invalid mouse cursor shape after view change

1. Move mouse over clickable area.  Cursor shape will change
2. Switch to external view.  Cursor shape will remain the same
3. Press mouse button.  Click will be passed to component highlighted on
previous view

Original issue reported on by a.a.babichev on 7 May 2009 at 2:05

focused property

Components must have "focused" property.  It true it will show that current
component has focus.  Components gain focus after mouse click.

Original issue reported on by a.a.babichev on 16 May 2009 at 5:20

start values for new variables

when create new variables via createProp("sim/custom/xap/var", "int"); - 
would be better to set some starting value for it. for example:
createProp("sim/custom/xap/var", "int", value);

Original issue reported on by FelisLeopard on 14 May 2009 at 8:08

Mouse cursor over clickables must fully change shape

Mouse cursor, when moving over any clickable moves slow for visual. It 
better to change mouse cursor shame, but not add a small picture near it.

Original issue reported on by FelisLeopard on 13 Jun 2009 at 11:51

plugin needs to be restarted after change situation or reset flight

found some interesting issue.
when plane crashes and you/ve got a settings "reset on hard crash" - plane 
resets to nearest airport, but all custom variables remain old values. same 
thing may appear when you load an aircraft and then select "load situation" - 
all variables in plugin remain theyr values.

i think in that cases plugin must be reseted with plane too. automatically.

Original issue reported on by FelisLeopard on 30 Mar 2010 at 2:06

add new property for subpanel

function subpanel has property "noClose", which is hiding close cross at top 
right corner.
think it also needs some property to hide "resize" rectangle at bottom right 
corner. it's needed to 
make an empty and transparent panels.

Original issue reported on by FelisLeopard on 30 Apr 2010 at 10:15

add version output

for better support of users sometimes developers needs to know which version of 
plugin they have 
(in case if there was patches since main release) to be sure, that users have 
latest version.
so when users post their issues and developer asks them to send log.txt - it 
would nice to have 
version and build number of plugin there.

Original issue reported on by FelisLeopard on 30 May 2010 at 9:15

Custom sounds in onfoucussed sim

One issue with sounds. when minimize sim window or just switch to other task - 
sim sounds are mutes, but custom continue to play.

need to add some mute function, that will mute all custom sounds, when sim is 
not in focus.

Original issue reported on by FelisLeopard on 11 Jan 2011 at 11:12

клик мышки воспринимается кликаблесом на 2Д панели заранее

если кликнуть в любом пустом месте и 
отпустить кнопку, затем навести на любую 
кнопку на 2Д панели, при этом курсор мышки 
не проходит над незанятой областью  
2Д панели - кнопка воспринимает мышку как 
уже нажатую и постоянно нажимается. 
прекращается нажатие лишь при фактическом 
нажатии мышки на кнопку. при этом 
постоянное нажатие воспринимает только 
первая кнопка, над которой проходит 
курсор мышки. следующие ее игнорируют и 
работают нормально при нажатии.

Original issue reported on by FelisLeopard on 1 Jun 2010 at 11:07

fonts rendering

Add fonts rendering fucntions

Original issue reported on by a.a.babichev on 16 May 2009 at 5:43

setClipArea() should use component's space

Currently setClipArea() operates on the screen-space but it should actually 
operate on the components local sreen space.

To make this work we either need to implement setClipArea() differently then 
with the current GL_SCISSORS or manually transform the coordinates with the 
components transform matrix.

However this is tricky with the current architecture, at least for me, who is 
new to C and OpenGL coding.

I would actually prever another implementation as GL_SCISSORS opens up a bunch 
of problems as GL_SCISSORS permanently changes the clipping area and has to be 
reset to the entire screen all the time manually.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 6 Nov 2013 at 8:04

Snapshots version numbers

Current version numbering system doesn't allow to distinguish developers
snapshot from release.

Original issue reported on by a.a.babichev on 9 May 2009 at 4:39

Mouse Whell for instruments

возможно ли сделать, чтобы при 
прокручивании колесика мышки, если курсор
над прибором, эмулировались щелчки по 
прибору (как в msfs) 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 16 Jun 2009 at 6:53

TeamSpeak support

Add TeamSpeak support to SLAVA for networked flying.  Flight sim should be
able to transfer current teamspeak server and channel name.  SLAVA should
tune TeamSpeak connection automatically.

Original issue reported on by a.a.babichev on 16 May 2009 at 5:12

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