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tfc-nusantara-epigraphy's Introduction

License: CC-BY Open Source Love


DHARMA project Task Force C, Nusantara epigraphic corpus. For more information, see the website description.

Repository Static page

You can consult the current state of the work on this repository at

Help and Guides


All DHARMA XML are validated against Epidoc schema in its latest version as well as against DHARMA ones. You can declare those schemas in the processing instructions of every XML files. To use it with Oxygen, you might need to change the default configuration. In the toolbar, go to the Options > Preferences, a window will open, select XML > XML Parser > RelaxNG. The check box for "Add default attributes values" must be unchecked. Click on Apply. You might need to restart Oxygen for it to be taken into account.

  • DHARMA validation schemas
    • a RelaxNG with embedded Schematron code is available here.
    • a Schematron with embedded Schematron Quick Fixes to complete the first schema is available here

Note that both schemas are needed to a complete validation of DHARMA encoding rules

If you use an online validation processing, the processing instructions should be as followed

<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>
<?xml-model href="" schematypens=""?>
<?xml-model href="" schematypens=""?>

However, if you need to do it locally, you can access all DHARMA RelexNG and Schematron in their latest version in the projection-documentation repository under schema/latest. In this case, you will need to update the @href and provide the path between you current file and the schema itself (either as a standalone file or either as a part of the project-documentation repository if you have cloned it)

Editors' Sigla

Siglum Author
S Barrett-Jones
Boe Boechari
Br Brandes
dC De Casparis
Da Damais
Sa Sarkar
St Stutterheim
vN van Naerssen
Wi Wibowo


  • Before working with this repository, make sure you always the latest version through a git pull

  • Create a XML file or edit an existing one.

  • Once, you are done use git to add, commit and push it on the repository.

  • Once you have done your git push, the XML files are validated against the Epidoc and Dharma RelaxNG with a CI service called Travis. This process is made possible with the existing .travis.yml file. Do not delete or modify this file on your own. You can access the resulting log here

  • On the git push, we are also using github Actions service to transforme automatically the XML into a HTML version. We are using Ant in a java environment to do this batch transformation. The steps are declare in the build.xml file, while the automated scenario is provided under .github/workflows/editorial.yml Do not delete or modify those files on your own.

    • Step 1: it will editorially edit all the XMLs in the repository.
    • Step 2: from those edited XMLs, it will create a HTML output and retrieve Zotero data as well.
    • Step 3: it will push those files in the repository under editedxml and htmloutput folders.
    • Step 4: to access those newly created files, make a git pull
    • Step 5: all the HTML are available as a static website thanks to GitHub pages service. Note that the README is the by default page if no XMLs are stored in the repository:

    Please note that this process can break easily and requires high quality data. The content log of the pipeline are available under Actions tab of the repository, if you need to find the reason behind an error.

DHARMA XML workflow

License & Attribution

All the edited XML files of this repository are available under the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License, meaning you are free to use it for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial! However, we ask you to mention the project name, funder as well as the members involved in the XML edition of the inscriptions. Feel free to contact the project for more infos at [email protected].

Contributing to this repository

Thanks for your interest in contributing! Currently only members of the project are allowed to contribute to this repository. Contact the researchers in charge of this corpus if you are interested in working with them.

tfc-nusantara-epigraphy's People


aditiagunawan avatar ajaniak avatar arlogriffiths avatar danbalogh avatar ekobastiawan avatar m-schoettel avatar michaelnmmeyer avatar tyassanti avatar wayanjarrah avatar




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tfc-nusantara-epigraphy's Issues

revise all files encoded so far

@m-schoettel : in the light of my comments on Paguhan.xml (see #7), please revised all your files encoded so far, and close this issue when you're done. (or respond to it if you want me to take a look at any specific file.)

Workflow fail

Dear Axelle and Arlo,

May I ask you why every time I push a work in tfc, there will be a confirming email of workflow failure like this:

Screenshot 2021-03-31 at 10 58 28

Anyhow it seems that the file itself is updated in github.


Update of the Template - checking the files

Dear @arlogriffiths, @m-schoettel, @ekobastiawan and @aditiagunawan

I have updated the encoding on this repository. I have been able to save everything from your original files. I have already added the <resp> and @xml:id for each of you, but please check it nonetheless, as well as the <title>. The <pubPlace> has also been added automatically for those working from EFEO Paris. @ekobastiawan I ignore where you work from exactly, so please fill it.

Please fill in the <revisionDesc>. I can write an XSLT to help you fill it in, if you feel confident in running them, or run it for you, if you give me the details of your work on the files.

@m-schoettel: the value of the <idno> are not correct, it is supposed to be the filename itself, but I still kept them to save your data. Record them in your metadata spreadsheet or store it in a comment <!-- -->if you don't have one yet.

@ekobastiawan: the validation of your file is still set on a local file. Be careful to use the version 9.1 of the Epidoc schema.
If you want to validate online, change your processing model lines in
<?xml-model href="" schematypens=""?><?xml-model href="" schematypens=""?>

Feel free to open issues for your questions or issues regarding this update.

Don't forget to git pull


Dear @m-schoettel and @arlogriffiths,

In your edition Marinci II, an attribute @source is missing on a <rdg> element. Can you see if it can be provided? If not let us know so that the EGC rules are updated to match any special case.

<app loc="1r1">
               <lem>paramb<unclear>ə</unclear><lb break="no"/>kəl·</lem>


validation problem in Landa.xml


this concerns the file DHARMA_INSIDENKLanda.xml.


Capture d’écran 2021-02-27 à 08 29 19

do you understand what is causing the file to invalidate? I don't really grasp the meaning of the ! message at the bottom of my screen.


The initial encoding of Gandhakuti.xml has been revised. However, I have not added the bibliography yet.

DHARMA_INSIDENKMarsmu - Zotero Short Title Validation Issue

Dear @arlogriffiths,

You have in your file the Zotero short title CohenStuart1875_01. It matches 3 entries in Zotero library: Heilige voetsporen op Java; Kawi oorkonden in facsimile, met inleiding en transcriptie and Sacred footprints in Java. Can you check it and see if the ambiguity can be resolved?


revise Palebuhan.xml

@ekobastiawan : I have just finished a first round of revising Palebuhan.xml.

Could you please look at the argr2ekba comments and take the necessary actions?

disambiguation character

In some files, we still have the "=" sign as disambiguation character, e.g. At=hǝr in manahimanuk.xml.

The new version of the TG (presently available as .docx file in the guides section of the repo project-documentation, soon to be released on HAL-SHS), we have had to decide to adopt ":" instead of "=".

Please check all your files, make any necessary changes of = to : and respond to this issue with "done" when you're done.

revise Batutulis.xml

  • change the file name to BatuTulis.xml (with camel case)
  • carefully study all my comments in the file, and remove them one by one after applying my instructions
  • let me know when the file is ready to for me to check it again

About <idno type="filename">

Dear @erc-dharma/nusantara-epigraphy,

In several files, <idno type="filename"> isn't correct. It should be the name of the file itself without the extension. Its purpose is to make sure the link between the display and the source file is always retrievable.
I will keep original content in comments while changing it for the right one.
Don't forget to git pull.


version conflit on Batutulis.xml

Dear @aditiagunawan,

There is a conflict version on the Batutulis.xml file. Can you check it and keep the right part please? It starts with the line <<<<<<< HEAD:provisional/aditiagunawan/Batutulis.xml and ends at >>>>>>> 1f1a1aa35461944634afd0ba248d6a64cb85f275:provisional/Java11Sundanese/Batutulis.xml and is located inside the edition


Let me know if you need help.

DHARMA_INSIDENKRamesvarapura - Two Zotero Short Titles validation issue

Dear @ekobastiawan,

In your encoding of the edition Ramesvarapura, there are two Zotero Short Title that don't exist in Zotero Library: bib:Pararatonand bib:Svacchandatantra. Can you check this please?
You seem to have use both to provide a reference using an empty <ptr/> element on its own. Let me know if you need help figuring out how to encode this or how to provide a reference for those two.


revise Paguhan.xml

my first round of revisions has just been pushed; add a comment to this issue once you have applied all needed modifications and finished encoding translation+bibliography.

display of bibliography WuruTunggal.xml

  1. I am unable to get the "Primary" bibliography to appear in display: can you identify the source of the problem?
  2. is it possible to modify the behavior of the structured bibliography so that text outside of <ptr> in <bibl> gets displayed? Example from this file:

<bibl>Brandes in <ptr target="bib:NBG34_1896"/><citedRange unit="page">53</citedRange><citedRange unit="item">3</citedRange></bibl>

  1. Manu will discuss with you our requests for modifying display of bibliographic data in the case of short titles for journals. I guess some modification of our working method will be necessary to get a display like "Brandes in NBG 34 (1896), 53 no. 3" for the above <bibl>.

how to cite Damais 1952 and 1955

In the sec. bibl. sections of your bibliographies, please try always to capture all the bibliographically relevant details, not only the pages. Thus, for publications of the nature of an inventory, or relying on inventiry numbers, such as Damais 1952 and 1955, I recommend the following format (from my work in progress on encoding Wurare)

<bibl><ptr target="bib:Damais1952_01"/><citedRange unit="page">72-73</citedRange><citedRange unit="item">A.174</citedRange></bibl> <bibl><ptr target="bib:Damais1955_01"/><citedRange unit="page">79</citedRange><citedRange unit="item">A.174</citedRange></bibl>

please revise your <bib>s on this point, and respond to this issue with "I'm done" when you're done.

DHARMA_INSIDENKWuruduKidul - missing lem in apparatus

Dear @arlogriffiths,

In your edition of Wurudu Kidul, it seems a <lem> is missing for the apparatus entry for

<app loc="1v16">
	<rdg source="bib:Stutterheim1935_01 bib:Sarkar1971-1972_01 bib:Boechari1985-1986_01">makudur·</rdg>
	<rdg source="bib:Stutterheim1925_04">matudur·</rdg>

Can you check it? let us know if this is a special case and a <lem>can't be provided so that we can update the Encoding Guide if necessary.


About Wurare

Dear @arlogriffiths,

In Wuare.xml, you are using <l n="3" enjamb="yes"> several times in the file, is it normal? When the <l>don't have @enjamb, you have been using <l n="c">.


Changes in the EG: line numebring

Dear @erc-dharma/nusantara-epigraphy,

Daniel has updated the line numbering schema in the EG, see p. 21 for more details. Considering you are working on copper-plates, you have the possibility to keep the numbering as you have already done it. But could you please check the following files to be sure it is still desirable and conformant to the EG?

If you need help figuring a new numbering pattern for any file, ask @arlogriffiths and me.


  • kebantenan_1
  • kebantenan_2


  • Canggu
  • Paguhan
  • Tirah

@ekobastiawan :

  • Gandhakuti
  • Mula-Malurung
  • Ramesvarapura
  • Terep_I
  • Terep_II
  • Kakuruyan
  • Kusambya
  • simaanglyang


folder structure

please move the contents of tfc-nusantara-epigraphy/provisional/aditiagunawan into the Sundanese folder, and then delete the aditiagunawan folder.

Validation issue on Canggu

Dear @m-schoettel,

Your first <p> tag element isn't closed. I think, it should be done at the end of the XML line 83 after

<lb n="1r3" break="no"/>śa, nāgakaraṇa, karkkaṭarāśī,

Can you check this please?


revision of Munduan.xml

@ekobastiawan : Ihave just finished a first round of revising Munduan.xml.

You can see the differences between your first version and my revision here:


  • Let me know if you have questions.
  • Could you please look at the argr2ekba comments and take the necessary actions?
  • Could you please add two more Weatherbee entries to Zotero, i.e. for the two items of which we now have pdfs in Sharedocs but for which we don't have Zotero entries yet?


revising Sanga.xml

  • @ekobastiawan : I have revised and pushed the revised file. Please carry out the next round of revisions, and apply the guidance given in this file also to all your previously encoded files. Let me know when another inscription is ready to be checked by me.
  • @danbalogh : there are two questions for you in the file. Could you answer through response to this github issue? Your general review of the file is also welcome (again, feedback can be furnished here).
  • @m-schoettel : several aspects of how this inscription must be encoded can be replicated by you for incomplete sets of Majapahit-period plates, so please take a close look at and keep following the development of this file, if you can. Your feedback on any aspect (encoding, editorial choices, translation choices...) is also welcome.



In Batur.xml, I have closed the second <foreign> tag for <lb n="Ar4" break="no"/><supplied reason="lost">ra rakryan apatiḥ riṁ</supplied> jaṅgala kaḍiri, mpu mada, <foreign xml:lang="san-Latn">raṇa-maddhyāryy-anukūla-karaṇa</foreign>, <foreign xml:lang="san-Latn">para-sainya-śiraḥ-kapāla-gan<unclear>v</unclear>otpāna <!--em. something here, either utpāda or utpanna, and garva/gardha (pride, arrogance?)-->ma
Can you check that I have closed it at the right place?


<g type="filler>

Dear @m-schoettel,

You have been using in Canggu.xml. Please note that you should encode it as
§ , see the E.G, p. 49.

Let me know if you need help transforming it.

revision of Sundanese inscriptions

Dear @aditiagunawan — please see my comments in Kawali_1a.xml, and revise all OS files on the same points.

Please also carefully recheck the bibliographies: I corrected a rather gross error (concerning the pages of TitiSurtiNastiti1996_01) in Kawali_1a.xml.

Close this when you're done.

DHARMA_INSIDENKPadangRoco - attribute @n on an lg element

Dear @ekobastiawan and @arlogriffiths,

In your edition Padang Roco, you have added a value ABCD4 in an attribute @n for <lg>such as <lg n="ABCD4" met="anuṣṭubh">. So far, we have planed to only have integer numbers as content for @n on <lg>.
Does it mean you need a broader offer of content for this attribute to encode this file?

I see in the previous lines you have encoded similar content on <lb/> element such as <lb n="ABCD4"/>. Note that the value ABCD4 appear twice in your file. Is it correct?

Can you check this please?


revise Kawali_1a

Dear @adgu: I have pushed the revised file. Please see my comments marked by argr2adgu. Let me know inscription per inscription when you have carried out all the necessary steps of revision following the notes taken during our session today, and following the argr2adgu comments.

I will then check your other xml files one by one.

DHARMA_INSIDENKBromoSemeru2 - Zotero Short Title issue

Dear @m-schoettel and @arlogriffiths,

In your edition Bromo Semeru 2, Bromo Semeru 4 & Bromo Semeru 6, the Zotero Short title SukartoAtmodjo1986_01matches 4 entries in the Zotero Library: Arti dan fungsi 'Pohon Hayat' dalam masyarakat Jawa Kuno, Menelusuri sejarah hari jadi Ngawi berdasarkan data prasasti kuno, Mengungkap masalah pembacaan Prasasti Pasrujambe and The phallic symbol on the stone inscription of Samirana. Can you check this and see if it can be resolved please?


DHARMA_INSIDENKNgadoman - Zotero Short Title Validation Issue

Dear @arlogriffiths and @m-schoettel,

In your edition Ngadoman, the zotero short title CohenStuart1872_01 matches 3 entries: Eerste vervolg catalogus der bibliotheek en catalogus der Maleische, Javaansche en Kawi handschriften van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen; Inscriptie op een' steen in 's Rijks Museum van Oudheden te Leiden and Inscriptie op een steen in 's Rijks Museum van Oudheden te Leiden (two of those being doublon ?).
Note that this edition also use CohenStuart1875_01, see #38.

Can you check this and update the Zotero Short Title accordingly please?


Change in the EG: new @loc reference system

Dear @erc-dharma/nusantara-epigraphy,

Among the changes made in March 2020 in the EG, the prefixes “p” and “m” are no longer necessary (and no longer permitted) in @loc; see EG p. 97 for more information.
I was able to identify the use of the previous system in several of your files. Could you checked them and update the encoding when necessary?

I don't dare to intervene myself since this change is related to line numbering. And I don't want to break the current links between the edition and the apparatus, making the update work more complicated for all of you. But let me know if you need help applying all the changes.


  • kebantenan_1
  • kebantenan_2

@arlogriffiths :

  • Marsmu

@ekobastiawan :

  • Gandhakuti
  • Maribong
  • Mula-Malurung
  • PakisWetan
  • Terep_I
  • Terep_II
  • Kakurugan

@m-schoettel :

  • Kabhagavanan
  • Paguhan
  • tuhanyaru

Version conflict on MpuManu.xml

Dear all,

MpuManu.xm has a version conflict. I am not sure whose in charge of this file, can someone handle it and clean the file to restore it to a stable state please?

revise Maribong.xml

Eko: I have gone through your file, made some silent changes but inserted quite a few comments marked like this <!-- Arlo: ... -->. Please go through them and carry out the needed changes, removing the comments after you have executed them.

Answer to this issue once you'are done.

Axelle and Dan: if you could take a look once Eko is done, that would be great.

Missing Bosch1918_01

Dear all,

The Zotero Short Title Bosch1918_01 is used in Canggu.xml and in Padingding.xml. But the data doesn't match any Zotero entry and I can't figure on my own which data is associated with it. Can you add the missing entry in Zotero or update the ZST in the files to match an existing Zotero entry?



Dear all,

I order to make the workflow work on the tfc-nusantara, I am reworking/resolving files causing the failure.

I have added fakes <p> for the section A and C, as well as encoded the <l> to complete the already encoded <lg> element for the part B of text for the file Hampran. Be careful when restarting the encoding; this structure might not match the content.

@arlogriffiths you are the only one in the <teiHeader>, but I am not sure if it is really one of yours.


DHARMA_INSIDENKGandhakuti - Lem missing issues

Dear @ekobastiawan and @arlogriffiths,

You seem to have several missing <lem> is the apparatus of your edition Gandhakuti. Can you check it and see if it can be resolved according EGD rules please?

<app loc="1r4">
                      <note><foreign>matəkəta</foreign>: emend <foreign>mitəkəta</foreign>? <foreign>mitəkət ta</foreign>? <foreign>mitəkəti</foreign>? <foreign>mitəkətana</foreign>?</note>
 <app loc="1r5">
                      <note><foreign>turuny anugrahanira</foreign>: are these words redundant?</note>
 <app loc="2r4">
                      <note>Boechari (1985-1986) adds another syllable <foreign>ma</foreign> at the end of line 5, but this must be a misprint</note>


About using <expan>

Dear @arlogriffiths and @m-schoettel,

You have been using <expan> in Canggu.xml and MpuMano.xml. Following the EG, it should only the <abbr>tag, see EG, p. 82. If you want the possibility to do it, EG needs to be changed.
So that when DHARMA schema is released your files will validate and that such an encoding can be transformed later on.


About bibliographical references

Dear @erc-dharma/nusantara-epigraphy,

It seems you haven't really started working on those, but for some of you more advanced in their work, please take the following remarks into account:

  • the prefix bib: have been forgotten several times for both @source and @target, also it is necessary for the second reference, e.g not bib:Bosch1928_01 Sarkar1971-1972_01 but bib:Bosch1928_01 bib:Sarkar1971-1972_01
  • some shortTitles are not well formed (2 authors without the +, missing ending number.... ). Be careful with this, any mistake will make impossible retrieving data from Zotero.
  • @unit="annex haven't been planed by the EG, could @unit="appendix" be enough ?
  • <citedRange> always take the attribute @unit.


DHARMA_INSIDENKPalepangan - Zotero Short Title Validation Issue

Dear @arlogriffiths,

There is an issue regarding the ZST used in your edition Palepangan. Krom1919_01 matches 2 entries in Zotero Library: Epigraphische bijdragen, I: Een koperplaat van 848 Çāka? II: De inscriptie van Pereng; III: De Singasari-inscriptie van 1273 and Epigraphische aanteekeningen, XIII: De koperplaten van Batoer. Can you check and see if it can be resolved?


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