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ar5iv's Issues

Improve article 2107.13738

Exact location of issue
Table 1

Column 1, row 1 of Table 1 shows text saying "\rowcolor[gray]0.8" - that text is a LaTeX command that should not be visible.

Problem details
The "\rowcolor[gray]0.8" LaTeX command appears in the visible text of a table. This LaTeX command should not be shown as text in the HTML page.


  • OS: Manjaro Linux
  • Browser: Firefox

Improve article 1608.05377

Exact location of issue

Problem details

Figure 1, a vector graphic embedded in the original PDF, has been converted incorrectly to an SVG image in the HTML5 version of the paper.

  • All the typeset math characters have been removed
  • The smooth curve shapes have been replaced by rectangles with rounded corners
  • Many colors changed.
  • Shading removed

Figure 1 as it appears in the original PDF:

Screen Shot 2022-01-31 at 1 03 42 PM

Figure 1 as rendered on

Screen Shot 2022-01-31 at 1 04 01 PM

Suggested resolution
Although vector images are generally preferable, in my opinion the image converter should be able to tell if it's encountering elements it can't handle and fall back to a raster conversion. Lightweight graphics are nice, but silently corrupting images is very bad.


  • OS: MacOS Catalina
  • Browser: Chrome


  • Device: iPhone 12
  • OS: iOS 15.2.1
  • Browser: Chrome

Additional context
This image was originally created in Keynote on MacOS. (I am the author.)

Improve article 2111.00171

Conversion is overall very good:

Several issues. roughly in order of importance:

1 - Citation style has been switched from name+year to numbered. I prefer numbered but this LaTeX doc was written to directly reference articles (\cite{ }) and indirectly reference articles (\citep{ }). example from PDF:
Maintaining compatibility with both \cite{ } and \citep{ } is probably important for many docs.

2 - Equation numbering messed up. Example:
No idea what happened here, since it seems correct everywhere else.

3 - hyperref package has not been fully included. All links, refs and labels seem to work, but no longer have the red colour applied to them (defined via color package). This seems weird since for example section headers are red in the ar5iv doc:
I think coloured links improve the readability of the doc, as in the PDF version:
Of course now I am just realizing I used the incorrect red for one of colour package defs . . .

4 - Custom symbol for tensor is floating away in ar5iv:
while it's in the correct place in PDF:
Probably my fault for wanting tensors to look different from vectors.

Improve article 1405.2330 (fancyvrb fidelity)

Exact location of issue

Reported on twitter

Still has issues with the fancyvrb package as code examples are not rendered properly,
e.g., (Fig. 1, 4, 5, 6).

Problem details

The HTML is not accurately recreating the fancyvrb listing structure.

(Optional) Expected behavior

Should roughly match the PDF

Desktop (please complete the following information)

  • Seen on Firefox, Ubuntu 21.10


broken listing

Improve article 2106.05763

conversion fails due to missing macros

for example
Warning:missing_file:jmlr Can't find binding for class jmlr (using OmniBus)
 at main.tex; line 4 col 0 - line 4 col 1
 Anticipate undefined macros or environments
perhaps adding style files from help

Improve article 2107.10314

Exact location of issue

Unsupported latex commands in header (title and author information):

Image display not working correctly:

Problem details

In the header there are 4 latex commands unsupported (marked red) in the author information section, and \capitalisewords in the title.

Figure 1 is not displayed correctly. The PDF image is not truncated as in the PDF version (using the Tex source files).

(Optional) Expected behavior
Either hide the unknown formatting commands since visually it would still look ok, or support the underlying document style.
Allow the auto-cropping of \includegraphics of PDFs? (Not sure how it works exactly. And whether this can be supported for HTML.)


  • OS: Windows 10
  • Browser: firefox, edge


  • Device: Mi 9
  • OS: Android 11
  • Browser: chrome



Improve article 1608.05377 (\rangle not rendering on mobile)

Exact location of issue

Problem details

The latex \rangle math symbol isn't rendering on mobile (at least for Chrome and Safari, iPhone 12, iOS 15.2.1). For example, it should appear where the red circles are:


This occurs in many places in the paper.

Expected behavior

This math is displayed correctly on desktop:

Screen Shot 2022-01-31 at 3 18 47 PM

Note that this problem doesn't appear on either the mobile or desktop versions of the arxiv-vanity rendering of this paper. Interestingly, arxiv-vanity has some errors of its own for this paper which do not afflict the ar5iv version. Note, however, that as arxiv-vanity only has v2 of the paper, rather than v1, it's possible (though I think unlikely) the discrepancies are due to differences in those versions.

Note also that "requesting desktop version" of the page does not fix this problem on mobile even though the webpage renders correctly on an actual desktop.

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: iPhone 12
  • OS: iOS 15.2.1
  • Browser: Safari and Chrome

article Exclusions

We have received requests to take down certain articles when authors are dissatisfied with the output fidelity, for a number of separate specific reasons.

I think the ar5iv web service should automate this. An article_exclusions.toml file could hold a list of IDs, turned into a HashSet when the rocket service is deployed, and checked against when articles are served. An article_excluded.tera.html template can then explain the specific page is missing on author request.

It has also been suggested to add a button where an author could request an article to be added to exclusions. The main question there is how to authenticate the person in question is indeed the author -- to avoid a malicious bot just requesting all articles be taken down. For now I won't work on a button, but will respect private communication that requests takedowns, as I have done during the first week of the launch.

Improve article 1505.00444

Exact location of issue
Equation 3 of

Problem details
The original LaTeX source code (generated by LyX) \left\Vert ... \right\Vert has been replaced by \left| ... \right| in the ar5iv version, which then displays only the "filler" ... between the | ... |.


Expected behavior
The original LaTeX source code (generated by LyX) \left\Vert ... \right\Vert should generate || ... ||, which is a double vertical line at the left and right of the bracketed expression

Desktop (please complete the following information)

  • OS = MacOS
  • Browser = Safari

Improve article 1810.13321

Exact location of issue

Throughout text of

Problem details

Citations in parentheses (\citep) are mal-formed: they contain double commas

Examples: see screenshots


  • OS: Linux Mint
  • Browser: Firefox

(Optional) Screenshots

  • image
  • image
  • image

(Optional) Additional context
This is a fantastic project, keep up the great work! 👍

Improve article 1906.03291 (neurips_2019.sty)

Exact location of issue

Sadly, this is in the abstract so it's tough to pinpoint it with an anchor.


The authors section, for instance with ID id1.1.id1

Problem details

Well, it seems the authors section has been parsed wrongly, see the image below:


Improve article 2101.04108

Exact location of issue (Sec 3.4)

Sorry for not linking the exact location. I can't find the anchored links on this and other subsections, and I think this may be another problem?

Problem details

  • The math is not rendered in Sec 3.4
  • The images are missing throughout the document. It may be because the subfigure package is not supported?

(Optional) Expected behavior
The images should render correctly as well as the equation.

Desktop (please complete the following information)

  • OS: Linux (Ubuntu 20.04)
  • Browser: Chrome

Not related to the issue but general:
Thank you for doing this.

  • Is there a contribution guideline? I am thinking of some way to set up the minimal code on local so that I can reproduce the issue with a specific paper and contribute fixes.
  • Minor: Report issue should open in a new tab as we often need to link and refer to the paper while creating the ticket.

Improve article 2102.07081

Exact location of issue

Bibliography of ar5iv:2102.07081, right before Appendix A.

Problem details

The bibliography is missing (instead there is a line that says \printbibliography).


  • OS: Windows
  • Browser: Firefox

Improve article 1811.01740 (listofitems.sty)

Exact location of issue

Problem details
Biblatex is not handled and thus the \bibliography command, which with biblatex just says which bibliography files to use, is interpreted as in ordinary latex, and dumps the contents of the bibliography on the spot, containing commands that do not exist without biblatex and thus are dumped verbatim.

(Optional) Expected behavior
If using BibLaTeX, the \bibliography command just says which file to use, and the \printbibliography command prints the bibliography.

Desktop (please complete the following information)
Ubuntu Chromium but that's irrelevant

Support for JAIR LaTeX template

Problem details

As we discussed in a twitter thread, a support for JAIR LaTeX code (i.e. jair.sty) is requested for proper rendering of JAIR papers posted on arXiv.

Some noticeable bugs:

  • "author, affiliation, email" section is not processed
  • cross-refs and footrefs are unsupported
  • URLs in the footnotes that are displayed on the right panel stretches outside of the screen on a default display (i.e. no zooming)
  • In addition, support for the latest version would be ideal

Expected behavior
Display of cross-refs without any ?; Full visibility of footnote URLs on the default display mode.


  • OS: Debian/Ubuntu
  • Browser: firefox, chrome, brave

support 00README: articles 2107.01510, 2110.07698

Exact location of issue
Everywhere. The wrong latex file is being shown.

Problem details
ArXiv handels supplementary materials by compiling them and concatenating them at the end of the main PDF (as determined by toplevelfile in the 00README.XXX file.

Currently, Ar5iv does not seem to care about a 00README.XXX file, and (at least for the following examples) compiles only the supplementary materials and presents it as the main paper.


Expected behavior

At a minimum, if there is a 00README.XXX file that has a toplevelfile declared, ar5iv should try compiling that and leave everything else ignored.

At best it should also compile all other LaTeX files and other text file that are not ignored, either by 00README.XXX or by having %auto-ignore as the first line, and finally present them at the end of the main file after the references.

Possibility of having shortcuts for some functionalities


Thank you for developing the website. I really like it.

I wonder whether we could also have shortcuts from some functionalities, especially when the toolbar is at the bottom below.
For example, having shortcuts for Feeling Lucky? and Report an Issue could fasten the process of testing and reporting issues.

Below is a JS snippet that I've written to add a shortcut for the Feeling Lucky? feature

// Shortcut `shift+r` for ``'s `Feeling lucky?` functionality 
document.onkeydown = function(ev) {
    ev = window.event||ev;
    if (ev.keyCode == 82 && ev.shiftKey) {
      window.location  = "/feeling_lucky"

Improve article 0907.1520

Exact location of issue vs

Problem details

The wrong article is loaded. has three versions: v1, v2, v3 with urls,, The root url should lead to the most current version, just like arxiv usually behaves when clicking the button to download a pdf.

Even manually appending v3 to does not help.

Desktop (please complete the following information)

  • OS: arch linux
  • Browser: chrome

Improve article 1705.09509 (mhchem.sty)

Exact location of issue

No whitespace - spaces, line-endings

Desktop (please complete the following information)

  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04
  • Browser firefox and brave

(Optional) Screenshots
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

I see this

The original abstract:

Improve article [arXiv:1606.00999]

Exact location of issue
Md frame around Fig 1, and several others.

Problem details

mdframed environment is not displayed.

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: Nokia 8]
  • OS: Android
  • Browser firefox

Improve article 1711.00080

The kets (\rangle) are not rendering properly.

They are missing throughout the paper, e.g., here:
Screen Shot 2022-02-01 at 9 46 27 AM

Expected behaviour is:
Screen Shot 2022-02-01 at 9 50 37 AM

Thank you!

This was tested on Safari on a Macbook Air.

Improve article 2110.15013 (printlen.sty)

Hi guys,

thank you for your very cool project!

The article does not render at all, presumably because of how the bibliography is handled:

We include it via

    \iffieldundef{doi}{}{\clearfield{url}} % removes URL field from bibliography if DOI is present

in the preamble and


in the text.


Improve article math/0003013

This was a first test of the "issue template", but this randomly chosen article should still get support.

Exact location of issue

Frontmatter, and consequences of raw interpretation in following sections of math/0003013.

Problem details

One of the smaller problems is the optional argument to title, which I recently patched in this latexml PR.

The bigger ones come from interpreting smfthm.sty raw, which may need dedicated binding support, or raw interpretation upgrades in latexml.

(Optional) Expected behavior
No errors, and full transport of the article content to HTML.

Improve article 1711.02437

Exact location of issue

Eqution 1 of math/1711.02437

Problem details

Latex equation is not rendered (with red warning: 'Math input error').

Desktop (please complete the following information)

  • OS: Ubuntu
  • Browser: chrome

Improve article arXiv:2109.04981 (tcolorbox.sty)

Exact location of issue
Please provide a link to the source article, ideally pointing to the exact piece of content containing the issue. Our documents have "id" attributes on each logical element.

Hi. 👋 Thanks for making this project — really nice idea and work! The render for basically all of arXiv:2109.04981 (Publishing statistical models: Getting the most out of particle physics experiments) is broken. (I'm one of the authors and have the full LaTeX source so if you need me to give specifics on any part let me know — unfortunately, one of my colleagues uploaded a broken version of the source files, but I can send you it if needed (not sure if this is part of the problem).)

Problem details

The render fails throughout the document. It starts with printing some information from the source files

friendly \setminted[json]fontsize=, numbersep=5pt, frame=lines, framesep=2mm, gobble=0 \setminted[python]fontsize=, numbersep=5pt, frame=lines, framesep=2mm, gobble=0, linenos

and then continues to fail to typset the document properly for the remainder. c.f. for an example.

(Optional) Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you think the preferred outcome should be.

For the document to render fully without errors.

Desktop (please complete the following information)

  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04
  • Browser: Google Chrome 97.0.4692.99

(Optional) Screenshots
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


Use latest article versions

Exact location of issue

Problem details
ar5iv worked perfectly on this document, amazing work team! The only issue is that the arXiv original was updated to a second revision. Both title and content on ar5iv are out of date. Would be great if was showing second version and not the first one. Can this be done?

Note: this is related to #10 however I would expect, maybe naively, to see the most recent version of an article.


Improve article 1510.08473 (dirtytalk.sty)

Exact location of issue

Problem details

latex constructs missing support


DRAFT \SetWatermarkLightness0.92 \SetWatermarkScale5 

Desktop (please complete the following information)

  • OS: Ubuntu 21.10
  • Browser: Firefox 98.0a1 (2022-01-31) (64-bit)

(Optional) Screenshots
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Screenshot from 2022-02-01 11-05-55

Improve article 1907.07998

Exact location of issue
Figures 2 and 6 of

Problem details

  • The transform_inner and transform_outer directives with absolute dimensions don't really work together with the flex setup for a main figure. Something to address either in generation or in the final CSS.

Expected behavior

The figures should look properly aligned and sized in the article frame.

Explicit "v1" in URLs

Jess Riedel was sadly taken for a ride by ar5iv not making it clear we only have "v1" of each article.

Rather than drop the version, we should have it always appended, and even send a clear warning when redirecting from "v2", "v3", ... "vN" down to "v1" on the lines of:

"Hey there! ar5iv only has access to the v1 source of all articles. This may be different than what you expect to find."

Improve article 2112.00728 (osa-article.cls)

I see three hiccups in this article, which uses an OSA template, since the paper was submitted to an OSA journal.

  • In the author list, the superscript for the footnotes to the author contact information shows the tag \authormark in red.
  • In the abstract and many other places, the name Schrödinger is garbled into Schrödinger. The Latex source file used utf8 encoding and so contained the ö character and not "o or "{o}.
  • In the bibliography, produced with bibtex, lots of the citations show a tag \JournalTitle in red

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