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jquery-stickem's Introduction

Make items sticky as you scroll, to a point. (See Demo)


<div class="container">
	<div class="row stickem-container">
		<div class="content">
			Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
		<div class="aside stickem">
		  I'm gonna be sticky!
.stickem-container {
  position: relative;

.stickit {
	margin-left: 660px;
	position: fixed;
	top: 0;

.stickit-end {
	bottom: 40px;
	position: absolute;
	right: 0;


item: '.stickem'
Items that you want to stick on scroll.

container: '.stickem-container'
Container that you want the sticky item to be contained in.

stickClass: 'stickit'
Class added to the sticky item once it should start being sticky.

endStickClass: 'stickit-end'
Class added to the sticky item once it has reached the end of the container

offset: 0
Do you already have a fixed horizontal header on the page? Offset stick 'em by that many pixels.

start: 0
If your sticky item isn't at the top of the container, tell it where it should start being sticky.

onStick: null
You can create a callback function that fires when an item gets "stuck". The item gets passed back.

onUnstick: null
You can create a callback function that fires when an item gets "un-stuck". The item gets passed back.


If you have a bunch of stuff that happens after your page has loaded (e.g. AJAX requests) that changes the height of your containers and page, and you need to "destroy" stick 'em, do it like this:

var sticky = $('.container').stickem();

Then you can re-instantiate again if you need to.

jquery-stickem's People


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jquery-stickem's Issues

In Chrome with newest version af jQuery - can't fire Stickem


Using the newest version of Chrome + jQuery - i can't seem to fire Stickem, unless i resize the window manually.

The way i've setup is like what is instructed on your page.

$(document).ready(function() {

--> which calls this class

var medialist = {
init : function() {
container: '.container',
offset: 72

On the other hand - when i've resized the window manually it seems to be working just fine. So it might be some binding releated issue or so?

Thanks fior the great plugin - it's seriously without doubt the best sticky plugin out there.

  • Simon from Denmark

IE7 support?

First, love the stickem. Thank you.

Yes.... I need to support IE7 and for me the stickem isn't working.... so either I did something along the way to cause it to break, or you aren't supporting IE7

This is the work around I created and I am wondering if there are any issues with addressing IE7 in this manner.... OR if you have a better suggestion! At the moment I don't have code to post but I'll try to put up a working example at some point.

.ie7 .stickit{position:fixed !important; margin:0 !important; background:red; top:0 }

Background:red is just what I used to show when .stickit is applied and to help me figure out where it was on the page. IE7 doesn't seem to like the margin setting.

Thanks so much,

Make it work with infinite scroll

Which function should i use to make it work with infinite scroll...
On first page they are working very much properly
but when infinite scroll fetches a new set of post (thru ajax)
it doesn't works
which javascript should i callback when the content is loaded through ajax

Browser window height / element height issue

If the browser height is smaller than the element height when the plugin is initialized, but then is resized to be larger in height than the element, the element never becomes sticky.

It seems this is caused by the if clause surrounding the binding of the resize and scroll events:

if(_self.items.length > 0) {
    _self.$win.on('scroll.stickem', $.proxy(_self.handleScroll, _self));

    _self.$win.on('resize.stickem', $.proxy(_self.handleResize, _self));

The length of items will be zero when the bindEvents method is called if the window height is smaller than the element height. Since the resize handler is never added, the plugin will not know when the window height is no longer smaller than the element height.

How to make jQuery-Stickem with body {overflow: hidden} ?

Hey !

First, thank you, for this great tool, it is really enjoyable. I am coding a website where i am trying to use it in a div is scrollable, while the body element is not and has to stay like that. I noticed that in that condition the plug in does not work while it's perfectly working if the body is set on overflow: auto or scroll. Is there any way that could make it works in those conditions too ?

Thank you !

Way to add the js files.

Hi !
Thanks for your wonderful script !
I have a question regarding the way too implement the js files.

In the page where i have add stickem, before in the code, i have this line, regarding another script :
(even if i write only that, nothing else, even the mode_relocate script)

$(window).on("load resize scroll",function(e){

If this is line is here, your plug in doesnt work. If i just write the following line, its ok.

$(window).on("load resize scroll",function(e){


Do you have any idea ?

Flicker on safari iOS

As per the title. Element flickers when it goes past the top. This is a common problem for many other scripts too.

where to change start: 0


how can I change when the items should start to be sticky?

in your code, is here:

Stickem.prototype = {
		defaults: {
			item: '.stickem',
			container: '.stickem-container',
			stickClass: 'stickit',
			endStickClass: 'stickit-end',
			offset: 0,
			start: 0,
			onStick: null,
			onUnstick: null

but I need to set a different start for different items.


Bug with YouTube iframes in Chrome for Mac.

When the stickem element has the css attribute "overflow-y: auto", then tags within an iframe break the stickyness of the stickem element. Only the element is sticky.

The bug is reproduced on jsfiddle:

The bug appears in Chrome for Mac OS X, and I've tested with these versions:
Version 23.0.1271.101
Version 26.0.1366.0 canary

Would this be a bug in Chrome for OS X or jquery-Stickem?

Left and Right .stickem's

Hey I am new to this jQuery/Javascript world so forgive me if this is a simple fix.

How do I flip the side in which content under .stickem is stuck.

So for example I have one .stickem-container that has the content scrolling on the left and .stickem content stays on the right. The next section of content is flipped. So .stickem-container content is scrolling on the right side while .stickem content is stuck on the left.

Google font messing with the sticky positioning at the bottom of the container

Hi there, I seached high and low for stickem and it's exactly what I'm after! However, when I add a google font to the page and start scrolling to the bottom of my container it triggers stickit-end about 100px before it should, depending on the amount of content. Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem and has a solution?

If you resize the browser window then this fixes the issue.

Not working with viewportUnits

First: awesome work man.

Second: i'm using it on a sticky sidebar, if height is defined in pixels or not defined at all, works like charm. If viewport units are used, the plugin doesn't init. I've looked at your code, (although my js skills aren't that great) and can't spot anything wrong since elemHeight: $this.height() should get the value even if defined in vh. No error is thrown to the console either.

Any thoughts?

Edit: retested and works if height < 90vh, which is kinda of weird and this is an aprox value

See for yourself:

trigger repositioning


thank you for this nice plugin!

my question is: is there a way to trigger the handleScroll event?
I have an dynamic website which has variations in height. p.e:
stickem-container is on bottom. on the right there are two radio-boxes "yes" and "no".
if "yes" is selected another div with content below these radio-elements is visible. the sticken-container is scrolling to the bottom and stops correctly. unfortunately if i click on "no" again (the div container disappears) the sticken-container flows into the footer div.
if i could shoot an event, so the sticker-container could reposition?

thank you

Container variable height

In case the 'container' height can vary, there is a little fix required in handleScroll function.

            for(var i = 0, len = _self.items.length; i < len; i++) {
                var item = _self.items[i];

                if(item.$container.height()!=item.containerInnerHeight) {
                    item.scrollFinish = item.containerStart - _self.config.start + (item.$container.height() - item.elemHeight);

This is useful if you change the page content using AJAX for example.

Sticky element overlapping scrollbar

We have a case where we need to use off-canvas for a mobile menu system, so to keep the page from jumping back to the top when the off-canvas menu triggers, we wrap the page in an inner-container. The inner-container div has the y-scrollbar.

We can get sticky to grab to the top of this container with no issue, but when the sticky catches the top of the container, as intended, it sizes the bar so it's overlapping the top of the scrollbar. We've tried everything we can think to fix this, but nothing seems to work.

Any suggestions?

where to add the files and jquery line


2 questions:

1- I added the folder directly into my server root, is it ok? Or I should add the files into a specific folder?
2- I added the jquery code lines $('.container').stickem(); in the <body> of the page, just before than <div> I like to enable the stickem. Is it ok?


Dynamic Content

Hello, I'm working on a page with dynamic items, the user has the option to remove/filter some items, I'm calling destroy and initialize after postback but if the page is scrolled for example in the middle, the stickem would still work but the sticky item is a bit messed up. How do I initialize it again even if the page scrollTop is not zero? Thanks

item.$container.offset(...) is undefined

I get the following error when trying to implement this script.

Do you know what might cause this error?

Timestamp: 13/11/18 3:19:43 PM
Error: TypeError: item.$container.offset(...) is undefined
Source File: [path removed]/jquery.stickem.js
Line: 91

jumping to end on start scrolling

it not happens all the time .
in my page i have 10 stickem items .
it happens in FF and chrome
when scrolling the items drops to bottom of container at once
and not following the scroll
(sorry for my terrible english )

Callback Question

Currently trying to get the onStick callback to work, but this doesn't seem to work:

onStick: function(){ alert("STUCK"); }

What am I doing wrong?

Source Missing License Header

I noticed that the JavaScript file doesn't have a license header. This seems to be a common practice amongst JavaScript libraries.
Would it be possible to add the information to the file so users can easily adhere to the project's license?
Something like:
Licensed under the MIT License

Bug when logged in to Wordpress

Thanks for your plugin. I can't get to the bottom of a bug. I have your plugin working correctly in a custom Wordpress theme but when I'm logged in the 'stickit' class is added before the window scrolls to the container. I thought about using the offset value because of the fixed menu that is added by Wordpress but the class is added when the container scrolls passed the middle of the browser window - a dimension much larger than the fixed menu. When I try to inspect the element the problem fixes itself.

Any ideas on how to get to the bottom of this? Unfortunately I can't paste any public links. Thanks!

Offset doesn't seem to have any effect

I am passing offset: 100 into the stickem function but it doesn't seem to have any effect on when the stickit class is added. I am trying to satisfy the use case of having a fixed nav at the top of the page. Anybody else run into this?

Window Height when sticky

If you get a piece of content to stick and then resize the window smaller than that content, it looks like it gets caught being sticky forever.

Missing license

Hi Trevor. I'd love to use this plugin but I can't use unlicensed code. Could you add something like the MIT license? Thanks!

Help with unstick and delete please! (URGENT)

I have a client that needs me to fix this plugin so that when the page's height changes(images load long after the plugin loads and makes the page longer), the container stays stuck. This is what I have now, but it didn't work:

<script> $(document).ready(function() { $('.article-container').stickem( onUnstuck: function(){ $(this).destroy(); $('.article-container').stickem(); } ); }); </script>

Can anyone provide some assistance on this? I'll even send you $10 through paypal after I get paid for this job.


Possibility to change offset based on media query

Hi there,

First of all, great stuff. One of the cleanest solutions I have seen for this ๐Ÿ‘

I was wondering, would it be possible to change the offset based on the media query? We change the height of our fixed header based on screen size, would be great if we could adapt the offset in Stickem at those points as well.


Images Issue

When I place images within the content div, the stickem div does not work. Sometimes the stickem div does not stick to the top, other times it jumps to the bottom and a few times it disappears completely when I scroll past the image.

Any recommendations are greatly appreciated.

I am using the latest build on GitHub, and did not adjust any of the code.

See attached screenshot.


Allow for sticking at the bottom too.

Would be nice to have the option to stick at the top, top+bottom, and bottom.

This way, for example, if top+bottom is set, the element would always be on the screen, sticking to the top or bottom of the window whenever needed.

top would be the current behaviour, and bottom would be what the current behaviour would look like if you turned the monitor upside down.

part of content area is display none

I have 2 sections in the content, the second on is display none onload. A button will trigger the second section to change to display block (just hide and show jquery function). The aside sticky wont stick when the second section is in display block (show) state. I think its height calculation issue. How can I solve this one?

Thank you

handleResize calls methods in wrong order

I don't think this repo is still active (unfortunately... this is a really good plugin), but maybe this could help someone stucked like me :

`handleResize: function() {
var _self = this;



Since getItems needs to know the updated window height to decide between make the elements sticky or not, I think that setWindowHeight should be called before.
So both calls should be reversed, like in the init method, to avoid having sticky elements when the window is to small.

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