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tribe's Introduction

Tribe - Portfolio Project 4


Tribe is a social media app built with Django where users can sign up, create posts, view other people's posts, follow other users, message other users, like and comment on posts and delete their posts.

The aim of this project was to build a site that allows users to easily sign up and connect with their friends.

Developed by Adam Gilroy

Live link to website


I wanted to keep the design quite simple on this site so as to not distract the user. I used the main purple colour throughout the site to establish a brand with Tribe. The off-white colour I used for my background looks well with the purple on my nav menu.

Colour Scheme

  • #5122b4 used as the primary site colour.
  • #f5f5f5 used for the site background and button text.
  • #333333 used for the site text and footer background.
  • #bf87f7 used for footer links against the dark grey colour and for the background of images on the homepage/login/sign up/logout pages.
  • #d9534f used for the trash icon, notification icon and warning buttons.

I used to generate my colour palette.


I've used CSS :root variables to easily update the global colour scheme by changing only one value, instead of everywhere in the CSS file.

:root {
    --main-purple: #5122b4;
    --light-purple: #bf87f7;
    --accent-red: #d9534f;
    --dark-grey: #333333;
    --off-white: #f5f5f5;


  • Fredoka One was used for the site logo and header elements in the landing page, login, sign up, logout, password reset pages

  • Roboto was used for the site text

  • Font Awesome icons were used throughout the site, such as the social media icons in the footer.

User Stories

New Site Users

  • As a new site user, I would like to clearly see the site's purpose, so that I can decide whether or not to sign up. (MUST HAVE)
  • As a new site user, I would like to sign up for the site and create an account, so that I can create my profile and start using the site. (MUST HAVE)

Registered Users

  • As a registered user, I would like to log in to my account, so that I can access the site. (MUST HAVE)
  • As a registered user, I would like to log out of my account, so that I can end my session on my current device. (MUST HAVE)
  • As a registered user, I would like to reset my password if I forget it, so that I can regain access to my account. (MUST HAVE)
  • As a registered user, I would like to update my profile picture and cover photo, so that I can help other users identify me. (MUST HAVE)
  • As a registered user, I would like to edit my profile bio, so that I can further personalize my profile. (MUST HAVE)
  • As a registered user, I would like to follow other users, so that I can view their posts on my feed. (MUST HAVE)
  • As a registered user, I would like to unfollow other users, so that I can remove their posts from my feed. (MUST HAVE)
  • As a registered user, I would like to create new posts, so that I can share my thoughts with my followers. (MUST HAVE)
  • As a registered user, I would like to delete my posts, so that I can remove content that I no longer want published. (MUST HAVE)
  • As a registered user, I would like to view posts from people I follow, so that I can keep up to date with them. (MUST HAVE)
  • As a registered user, I would like to easily navigate the site, so that I can access what I need at the click of a button. (MUST HAVE)
  • As a registered user, I would like to like other people's posts, so that I can let them know I enjoyed their post. (SHOULD HAVE)
  • As a registered user, I would like to comment on other people's posts, so that I can further engage with the user and open a discussion. (SHOULD HAVE)
  • As a registered user, I would like to delete my comments on other people's posts, so that I can remove comments I no longer want published. (SHOULD HAVE)
  • As a registered user, I would like to click on a post to expand it and see the comments, so that I can further engage with posts. (SHOULD HAVE)
  • As a registered user, I would like to see what time and date a post was created, so that I can take in the post content in full context based on how new or old it is. (SHOULD HAVE)
  • As a registered user, I would like to search for users and posts, so that I can find content I want to see and people I want to follow. (SHOULD HAVE)
  • As a registered user, I would like to delete other people's comments on my posts, so that I can remove comments I don't want on my posts. (SHOULD HAVE)
  • As a registered user, I would like to be notified when someone follows me, interacts with my posts, or messages me, so that I can interact back with them and keep up to date with my content. (SHOULD HAVE)
  • As a registered user, I would like to like other people's comments on posts, so that I can let them know I enjoyed their comment. (SHOULD HAVE)
  • As a registered user, I would like to message other users, so that I can communicate with them privately. (COULD HAVE)
  • As a registered user, I would like to report or flag posts, so that I can notify the admins of content that might not be allowed on the site. (COULD HAVE)
  • As a registered user I want to be able to put the site into dark mode so that I can make the website easier to see at night. (WONT HAVE)
  • As a registered user I want to be able to make my profile private so that I can hide my content from people who don't follow me. (WONT HAVE)
  • As a registered user I want to be able to see suggestions of who my friends are following so that I can find profiles I might want to follow instead of manually searching every time. (WONT HAVE)
  • As a registered user I want to be able to video call my friends so that I can communicate with them more efficiently than instant messaging. (WONT HAVE)
  • As a registered user I want to be able to create group chats with my friends so that I can message multiple friends simultaneously. (WONT HAVE)
  • As a registered user I want to be able to reshare other people's posts so that I can share them with my followers. (WONT HAVE)

Site Admin

  • As a site administrator, I should be able to delete posts and comments from any user, so that I can moderate the site's content. (SHOULD HAVE)
  • As a site administrator, I should be able to access a page only for admins to see flagged user posts, so that I can see a list of posts that possibly need to be deleted. (COULD HAVE)
  • As a site administrator, I should be able to unflag a post if deemed not needed for deletion, so that I can remove it from the list of flagged posts. (COULD HAVE)
  • As a site administrator, I should be able to suspend user accounts who violate site guidelines, so that I can prevent users from constantly breaking the site rules. (WONT HAVE)


I've used Balsamiq to design my site wireframes.

Home Page Wireframes

Click to View Home Page wireframes







Sign Up Page Wireframes

Click to View Sign Up Page wireframes







Sign In Page Wireframes

Click to View Sign In Page wireframes







Following Feed Wireframes

Click to View Following Feed wireframes







All Posts Feed Wireframes

Click to View All Posts Feed wireframes







User Profile Wireframes

Click to View User Profile wireframes







Other Profile Wireframes

Click to View Other Profile wireframes







Inbox Wireframes

Click to View Inbox wireframes







Create Thread Wireframes

Click to View Create Thread wireframes







Message Thread Wireframes

Click to View Message Thread wireframes







Search Page Wireframes

Click to View Search Page wireframes







Notifications Wireframes

Click to View Notifications wireframes







Admin Panel Wireframes

Click to View Admin Panel wireframes







Sign Out Page Wireframes

Click to View Sign Out Page wireframes








Existing Features

  • Landing Page

    • This is the page a user lands on when arriving at the site for the first time or before they've logged in if they don't have an active session. It welcomes them to the site and gives them the option to either sign up for an account or log in to an existing account.


  • Sign Up Page

    • This is where the user can create an account for themselves by entering their e-mail address, desired username and password twice to confirm. If the user accidentally comes to this page instead of the login page they can get to the right page using the link in the card text.


  • Login Page

    • This is where users with existing accounts can log in with either their username or e-mail and password. They can choose to let their browser remember them if they plan on returning to the site on the same device to avoid having to log in again. There's a link to the sign up page too if the user accidentally navigated to this page instead of trying to create an account. If the user forgets their password they can click the link to reset it.


  • Reset Password

    • If a user forgets their password, they can reset it by entering the e-mail address they used to sign up. They will then receive an email with a link to set a new password.





  • Nav Menu

    • The nav menu contains everything the user will need to navigate the site. The site logo always appears on the site menu with the other items only showing for logged in users. The menu contains an admin panel that only shows up if the logged in user is an admin. From the nav menu, user's can go to their feed, their message inbox, their profile, view their notifications if they have any, search the site for posts and users using the search bar and log out.




  • Footer

    • The footer appears across the website and includes information about me as the developer with links to my Twitter, Linkedin and GitHub pages. This lets the user get to know me as the developer and connect on these platforms if they wish.


  • Following Feed

    • This is the user's main feed containing posts only from users they have followed. At the top of the feed there's an area for the user to create a post. There's buttons to switch between the user's following feed and the all posts feed containing every post from every site user. Posts are displayed in chronological order from newest to oldest. If the user isn't following anyone or the people they're following has no posts, a message will appear saying "It's very quiet here..." which will prompt the user to follow more users to start seeing posts in this feed.



  • Add Post Form

    • This is where the user will create their posts. It appears in both the following and all posts feed along with the user's own profile. There's a prompt in the form for the user to "Share with your tribe...".


  • Feed Switcher

    • This appears on both the following feed and the all posts feed. It allows the user to switch between both feeds with ease. The feed that the user is currently viewing will have a purple background to let the user know what feed they're on.


  • All Posts Feed

    • This feed shows every single post on the website from all users. It allows the user to find new users to follow and connect with.


  • Pagination

    • Both following and all posts feeds as well as profiles have pagination implemented so if more than 10 posts appear in the feed then buttons appear at the bottom to split the feed into individual pages with a maximum of 10 posts on a page. This is to increase the user experience and make the site content easier to digest. If the user is on the first page of pagination then only one button will appear saying "Older Posts" and if they're on the last page then a single button will appear and say "Newer Posts" if there's more than 2 pages of posts then anything in between with contain both buttons to change between pages.


  • Posts

    • The site wouldn't be much without user posts. Posts are found in the users feeds. From here, users can like posts, report/flag posts, see when the post was created or delete a post if they're the original author. The number of times a post has been liked is displayed next to the like button and when a user has liked a post it's filled with colour to let the user know they've already liked it. It returns to an outline if the user unlikes it.





  • Individual Posts Page

    • When a user clicks on a post in their feed, they're brought to the individual post page. Here they have the same options as in the feed in being able to like and flag/report a post. Under the post a user can see a list of comments on the post and a form to add their own comment to the post.



  • Delete Post

    • Posts can be deleted by the post author by clicking on the delete icon. When deleting a post, the user is brought to a confirmation page to avoid posts being deleted accidentally. There's a button to bring them back to the post if the user changes their mind about deleting their post.


  • Comments

    • Post comments are viewed under a post and similar to posts, can be liked. Comments can be deleted by the comment author or post author and edited by the comment author.
  • Edit Comment

    • Comments can be edited by the user that created it. Clicking the edit icon brings them to a page where they can see their comment and make changes before hitting a button to save it. There's also a button to bring them back to the post where the comment was made if they hit the edit button by mistake.


  • Delete Comment

    • Comments can be deleted by the comment author or the original posts author by clicking on the delete icon. Similar to when deleting a post, users are brought to a confirmation page to avoid comments being deleted accidentally. There's a button to bring them back to the post they commented on if the user changes their mind about deleting the comment.


  • Profile

    • The profile contains a card with the user's information including profile picture, background image, display name, username, bio, number of posts and number of followers. If the user is viewing their own profile then they'll have an icon to edit their profile. If they're viewing another user's profile then they'll have a button to follow or unfollow that user. The profile also includes a list of posts and a form to create a new post if the user is on their own profile.




  • Edit Profile

    • This is where the user can edit their profile details including their display name, bio, profile and background pictures. The user can also remove their profile picture or background image and revert back to the default from here. There's a button to bring them back to their profile if they decide not to make any edits.


  • Follower List

    • If the user has followers, you can click on the follower count on their profile to see a list of their followers. You can click on the profiles in the list to view them and follow them if you want.


  • Message Inbox

    • Users can access their message inbox from the nav menu. Here a list of users they have messaged/received messages from appears. There's a button to start a new conversation if they have no threads or want to start a new one.


  • Create Message Thread

    • If the user clicks on the "New Conversation" button in their inbox, they will be brought to a page to create a message thread with a user. When they type a username into the form and click Continue, a new thread is created if the users haven't messaged before and they're brought to their thread if one exists already. If the user enters a username that doesn't exist then an error message pops up letting them know that the user doesn't exist.



  • Message Thread

    • This is where users can message back and forward between each other. User messages appear on the left in purple and the person they're talking to's messages appear on the right in black. Each message contains the date and time is was sent.


  • Search

    • Users can search people and posts on the site. If their search matches then a list of both users and posts containing their search will appear. If the search has no results in either then both lists will let the user know there was no match. If there's a user but no post matching the query then the user list will contain matching queries and the post one will let them know there's no posts for their search and the same for the opposite. The page also contains a button to bring the user back to the feed.





  • Logout

    • When the user wants to finish their session and logout, they can do so from the nav menu. When a user clicks the logout button they're met with a page asking them to confirm they want to log out. They're redirected to the landing page if they click the confirmation button and a message pops up confirming that they've logged out.


  • Notifications

    • Whenever a user follows someone, likes a post or comment, comments on a post, or messages someone, the other user receives a notification. The notifications tab on the nav menu shows a red dot with the number of unread notifications and when a user clicks it a dropdown will appear with a list of their notifications. If a user clicks on the notification it will bring them to the user, post, or message thread to do with the notification. If they want to remove a notification without going to the associated page, they can click the red x to delete it.




  • Admin Panel

    • If the logged in user is an admin, an extra icon will appear on their nav menu to view an admin panel page. This page contains a list of all the posts that have been flagged by users. Admins can then decide if the post is to be deleted or unflagged. If there is no flagged posts then the page will let the admin know with a short message.




  • Error Pages

    • If a user ends up on a page that either doesn't exist or that they shouldn't be on (regular user using admin panel link or trying to delete other user's post through a link) then they'll be shown an error page with a button to bring them back to their feed.




Future Features

This is definitely a project I want to revisit in the future and add some extra features to. These features have been logged as Won't Have in my MoSCoW prioritization.

  • Reshare Posts
    • I'd like to be able to add a feature that allows users to reshare other posts with their followers.
  • Follow Suggestions
    • I'd like to create a section that suggests people for users to follow based on who they already follow and the posts that they interact with.
  • Group Messaging
    • I'd like to add a feature that allows users to create groups for messaging and message between multiple users at once.
  • Voice and Video Calling
    • I'd like to extend the messaging feature further by including voice and video calls between users.
  • Private Profiles
    • I'd like to add a feature that allows a user to set their profile to private to only be viewed by followers that the user must accept.
  • Dark Mode
    • I'd like to implement a feature that allows the user to change the site's colour scheme to one with a dark background with lighter text to allow the site to be viewed easily in darker settings.
  • User Suspension
    • I'd like to further increase the admin's ability to moderate the website by allowing them to suspend users if they post inappropriate content. This will disable the user from posting or interacting with other users for a set amount of time or permanently for severe incidents.

Tools & Technologies Used

  • HTML used for the main site content.
  • CSS used for the main site design and layout.
  • CSS :root variables used for reusable styles throughout the site.
  • Bootstrap used as the front-end CSS framework for modern responsiveness and pre-built components.
  • JavaScript used for user interaction on the site for automatically closing Django Messages and to handle the notification dropdown and notification delete functions.
  • Python used as the back-end programming language.
  • Git used for version control. (git add, git commit, git push)
  • GitHub used for secure online code storage.
  • Gitpod used as a cloud-based IDE for development.
  • Markdown Builder by Tim Nelson used to help generate the Markdown files.
  • Django used as the Python framework for the site.
  • PostgreSQL used as the relational database management.
  • ElephantSQL used as the Postgres database.
  • Heroku used for hosting the deployed back-end site.
  • Cloudinary used for online static file storage.
  • Canva used to create the images seen on the landing page, login, sign-up, logout and password reset pages. Also used to create the default user profile and background images.
  • Techsini used to create the mockup image used in my readme.
  • Gmail used to create an email address to send password reset emails from.
  • WebAIM Contrast Checker used to check contrast between colours on the site
  • Balsamiq used to design my site wireframes.
  • Code Spell Checker used to check for typos in my README and TESTING files.

Database Design

I created an entity relationship diagram using This helped me to visualize the relationships between my data structures and made the development process easier as I had everything mapped out in front of me for reference to avoid having to reference each file individually.

Entity Relationship Diagram



The following are the models created for Tribe

  • Allauth User Model

    • The User model was built using Django's Allauth library
    • When a user is created, they're automatically assigned a profile through the Profile model.
  • Profile

    PK id (unique) Type Notes
    FK user OneToOne FK to User model
    display_name CharField
    bio TextField
    profile_pic CloudinaryField
    bg_pic CloudinaryField
    followers ManyToMany M2M to User model
  • Post

    PK id (unique) Type Notes
    FK author ForeignKey FK to User model
    content TextField
    posted_on DateTimeField
    likes ManyToMany M2M to User model
    is_flagged BooleanField
  • Comment

    PK id (unique) Type Notes
    FK author ForeignKey FK to User model
    comment TextField
    posted_on DateTimeField
    likes ManyToMany M2M to User model
    FK post ForeignKey FK to Post model
  • MessageThread

    PK id (unique) Type Notes
    FK sender ForeignKey FK to User model
    FK recipient ForeignKey FK to User model
  • MessageModel

    PK id (unique) Type Notes
    FK thread ForeignKey FK to MessageThread model
    FK message_sender ForeignKey FK to User model
    FK message_receiver ForeignKey FK to User model
    message_content CharField
    sent_at DateTimeField
  • Notification

    PK id (unique) Type Notes
    notification_type IntegerField
    FK to_user ForeignKey FK to User model
    FK from_user ForeignKey FK to User model
    FK post ForeignKey FK to Post model
    FK comment ForeignKey FK to Comment model
    FK thread ForeignKey FK to MessageThread model
    date DateTimeField
    user_has_seen BooleanField

Agile Development Process

GitHub Projects

GitHub Projects served as an Agile tool for this project. It isn't a specialized tool, but with the right tags and project creation/issue assignments, it was made to work.

Through it, user stories were used to map out the development progress of the project using the basic Kanban board. It helped me to see the backlog of work I needed to complete and move tasks across as I worked on them before testing and signing off to finish them.


GitHub Issues

GitHub Issues served as an another Agile tool. There, I used my own User Story Template to manage user stories and created a Bug tag to track and monitor issues on the site to be worked on.

MoSCoW Prioritization

I've decomposed my Epics into stories prior to prioritizing and implementing them. Using this approach, I was able to apply the MoSCow prioritization and labels to my user stories within the Issues tab.

  • Must Have: guaranteed to be delivered (max 60% of stories)
  • Should Have: adds significant value, but not vital (the rest ~20% of stories)
  • Could Have: has small impact if left out (20% of stories)
  • Won't Have: not a priority for this iteration


For all testing, please refer to the file.


The live deployed application can be found deployed on Heroku.

ElephantSQL Database

This project uses ElephantSQL for the PostgreSQL Database.

To obtain your own Postgres Database, sign-up with your GitHub account, then follow these steps:

  • Click Create New Instance to start a new database.
  • Provide a name (this is commonly the name of the project: tribe).
  • Select the Tiny Turtle (Free) plan.
  • You can leave the Tags blank.
  • Select the Region and Data Center closest to you.
  • Once created, click on the new database name, where you can view the database URL and Password.

Cloudinary API

This project uses the Cloudinary API to store media assets online, due to the fact that Heroku doesn't persist this type of data.

To obtain your own Cloudinary API key, create an account and log in.

  • For Primary interest, you can choose Programmable Media for image and video API.
  • Optional: edit your assigned cloud name to something more memorable.
  • On your Cloudinary Dashboard, you can copy your API Environment Variable.
  • Be sure to remove the CLOUDINARY_URL= as part of the API value; this is the key.

Heroku Deployment

This project uses Heroku, a platform as a service (PaaS) that enables developers to build, run, and operate applications entirely in the cloud.

Deployment steps are as follows, after account setup:

  • Select New in the top-right corner of your Heroku Dashboard, and select Create new app from the dropdown menu.
  • Your app name must be unique, and then choose a region closest to you (EU or USA), and finally, select Create App.
  • From the new app Settings, click Reveal Config Vars, and set your environment variables.
Key Value
CLOUDINARY_URL insert your own Cloudinary API key here
DATABASE_URL insert your own ElephantSQL database URL here
DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC 1 (this is temporary, and can be removed for the final deployment)
SECRET_KEY this can be any random secret key

Heroku needs two additional files in order to deploy properly.

  • requirements.txt
  • Procfile

You can install this project's requirements (where applicable) using:

  • pip3 install -r requirements.txt

If you have your own packages that have been installed, then the requirements file needs updated using:

  • pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt

The Procfile can be created with the following command:

  • echo web: gunicorn app_name.wsgi > Procfile
  • replace app_name with the name of your primary Django app name; the folder where is located

For Heroku deployment, follow these steps to connect your own GitHub repository to the newly created app:


  • Select Automatic Deployment from the Heroku app.


  • In the Terminal/CLI, connect to Heroku using this command: heroku login -i
  • Set the remote for Heroku: heroku git:remote -a app_name (replace app_name with your app name)
  • After performing the standard Git add, commit, and push to GitHub, you can now type:
    • git push heroku main

The project should now be connected and deployed to Heroku!

Local Deployment

This project can be cloned or forked in order to make a local copy on your own system.

For either method, you will need to install any applicable packages found within the requirements.txt file.

  • pip3 install -r requirements.txt.

You will need to create a new file called at the root-level, and include the same environment variables listed above from the Heroku deployment steps.

Sample file:

import os

os.environ.setdefault("CLOUDINARY_URL", "insert your own Cloudinary API key here")
os.environ.setdefault("DATABASE_URL", "insert your own ElephantSQL database URL here")
os.environ.setdefault("SECRET_KEY", "this can be any random secret key")

# local environment only (do not include these in production/deployment!)
os.environ.setdefault("DEBUG", "True")

Once the project is cloned or forked, in order to run it locally, you'll need to follow these steps:

  • Start the Django app: python3 runserver
  • Stop the app once it's loaded: CTRL+C or โŒ˜+C (Mac)
  • Make any necessary migrations: python3 makemigrations
  • Migrate the data to the database: python3 migrate
  • Create a superuser: python3 createsuperuser
  • Load fixtures (if applicable): python3 loaddata file-name.json (repeat for each file)
  • Everything should be ready now, so run the Django app again: python3 runserver


You can clone the repository by following these steps:

  1. Go to the GitHub repository
  2. Locate the Code button above the list of files and click it
  3. Select if you prefer to clone using HTTPS, SSH, or GitHub CLI and click the copy button to copy the URL to your clipboard
  4. Open Git Bash or Terminal
  5. Change the current working directory to the one where you want the cloned directory
  6. In your IDE Terminal, type the following command to clone my repository:
    • git clone
  7. Press Enter to create your local clone.

Alternatively, if using Gitpod, you can click below to create your own workspace using this repository.

Open in Gitpod

Please note that in order to directly open the project in Gitpod, you need to have the browser extension installed. A tutorial on how to do that can be found here.


By forking the GitHub Repository, we make a copy of the original repository on our GitHub account to view and/or make changes without affecting the original owner's repository. You can fork this repository by using the following steps:

  1. Log in to GitHub and locate the GitHub Repository
  2. At the top of the Repository (not top of page) just above the "Settings" Button on the menu, locate the "Fork" Button.
  3. Once clicked, you should now have a copy of the original repository in your own GitHub account!



Source Location Notes
Markdown Builder by Tim Nelson README and TESTING tool to help generate the Markdown files
Dev Handbook user profile creation creating a user profile that extends Django's User model
YouTube notifications tutorial for setting up notifications to be sent on the site
YouTube messages tutorial for setting up messaging between users on the site
YouTube messages part 2 of tutorial for setting up messaging between users on the site
bbbootstrap profile card inspiration for the profile card design
Code Institute password reset email Boutique ado project section on emails
Code Institute pagination & inbox layout Django blog section on displaying content in rows
Stack Overflow automated tests how to create a user in tests that require user to be logged in
Django Docs post feed views, post/comment delete views, admin panel only letting logged in users access main site and admins access certain pages
Stack Overflow new post forms how to disable the resizable property of a textarea
GitHub Gist message form how to disable autocomplete in a form field


All media files on the website including default profile/background images and images used on landing page and signup/login forms were designed by me using Canva.


This project tested me to my limits at times and I could not have seen it to completion without the support of the following people.

  • I would like to thank my Code Institute mentor, Tim Nelson for his belief, support, and words of encouragement throughout the development of both this project and all my projects to date.
  • I would like to thank the Code Institute Slack community for the moral support that kept me going during periods of self doubt and imposter syndrome.
  • I would like to thank my parents, for their constant support and belief throughout this course and project.
  • I would like to thank my partner Cayanne, for believing in me, and encouraging me as I make this transition into software development.
  • I would like to thank everyone who tested Tribe during development, for their feedback and words of encouragement.

tribe's People


adamgilroy22 avatar

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